George sharp nwedc2010

6P+CS+Q+A= THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS FOR COMUMMNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Presented: August 26, 2010 By: George Sharp Education and Training Coordinator

Transcript of George sharp nwedc2010

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Presented:August 26, 2010

By: George Sharp

Education and Training Coordinator

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6P+CS+Q+A=S Formula is based on 40+ years experience and observations of people and organizations just like you working every day to make a difference in their community.

How best to learn from this presentation: Put yourself and community into the formula and think about how it relates to your past and present experiences.

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1st P=PassionEyes-Voice-Heart


Share the Passion

Homework: List of top 101 most passionate people in your community.Put them on YouTube sharing what they are passionate about for your community and the future and invite others to catch your community’s Spirit. Link to a Facebook Fan page and Twitter account for your community.

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2nd P=Personality

Who else should be on the list?Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, ?

The Key-Understand your personality, personality of those you are working with and what their style and needs are individually and as a group/community.

Homework: What is your personality-360 analysis.

ExtrovertIntrovertTaskPeopleControlEgoQuestionerEconomical ExcellenceDifficult

EasyBullyPower Silly/JokesterFun SuckerRisk Taker/Risk AdversePessimist/OptimistC.A.V.E (Group)N.O.P.E (Group)B.A.N.A.N.A (Group)

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3rd P=PlanBegin with the end in mind with everything you do.

Stephen Covey

Visualize it.

Dream about it.

Write it out and document it.

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PlansAs leaders in your community you have to pay attention to many plans:

•Workforce Development(Young, Experienced, In-between, Vet)•Business Retention and Expansion(Existing)•Business Recruitment/Attraction(Future)•Clusters/Regional Approach to Global Market Place•Land use & Infrastructure for growth (Inventory, Special Zoning)•Capital (public and private sector)•Sustainability-Green-Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED)•Marketing & Communication-General and Crisis•Life Style-Quality of Place (where families want to live)•Leadership (Succession plan)

All lead to a Comprehensive Community and Economic Development Strategy and Pro-Business Environment

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Government and Non-Government agencies and citizens need to be involved in the plans development, which leads to positive attitudes and a healthy business climate that are in harmony with community values

If they help write it, they will help underwrite it

Pizza, Pop and Planning

Wine, Cheese and Please….participate

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PlansIDP-Individual Development Plan

Act as if you are the business:SWOT

Brand You=Reputation- Have a plan for it.Sign it-own it

What will your Obit say? What is your Legacy?

Take A.I.M. on the life you desire.

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Marketing/Communication plan• __We have a clear understanding of our target audience(s) and their unique

needs;• __We tailor our communications messages towards each of our target

audience(s);• __All marketing activities are coordinated and integrated into an overall

strategic plan and with others in the community;• __We focus on measurable objectives and results (outcomes) and NOT

process and politics;• __Our brand is more than a “visual identifier”; it has value and a clearly

defined “brand promise”;• __We are up to date on social media and know how to apply these

technologies to our environment;• __Partnerships are a key element of our marketing or program / service

delivery strategies;• __We know our “competition” and even more importantly, how we are

different;• __We are adapting our strategies to respond to the current environment;

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Plans6 Questions:

What do we do really well?

What could we do better?

What should we stop doing?

What should we start doing?

Who else should we be working with?

What resources do we need to be successful?

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Don’t put your plan on the shelf!

Who is responsible, What is the budget and When it is to be accomplished.Homework: Review all plans. Coordination.

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4th P=Partnership

Key Elements:

•Mutual Respect•Mutually beneficial•In writing-MOU, Agreement, Contract•Clear: roles, responsibilities, reasons, results•Evaluation and renewal of partnership

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Homework recommendation:

Make a list of all the organizations and all the projects taking place, meet quarterly for update, brainstorm and agree who is doing what and where you can leverage resources.

Try to avoid duplicating services so you can serve the entire community’s needs.

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5th P=Politics•Organizational•Local•County•State•Federal

Homework: Meet and understand elected officials and staff interest in community and economic development. Share your projects and strategic plan with them.

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6th P=Perseverance

•Community and Economic Development is a Long Term Process•Lessons learned-adjust•Many 5-30 year overnight successes

•Homework: List out successful projects and the time line it took to achieve success. Share with others.

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CS=Common Sense•Golden Rule-Relationships•Confidential-means confidential•Sleep on it•Parking Lots-2•Trust•Integrity•Commitment•Customer Service•Communication-Communication-Communication…•Listening•Understanding•Feedback

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Common Sense•Google Alerts-News sent to you••2 Drink Maximum•Take Care of the Money•Never put in E-mail, Text, Social Media, what you don’t want on the front page of the paper, on the evening news or a question at an interview

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Common Sense•Coopertition (this is not a misspelling) •Don’t fight the ink or airwaves•No Cookie Cutter approach•Off the record-no such thing•Mentor-Grow Leaders•Professionalism•They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care•Turn in your grant and award applications 5-7 days in advance and follow up with phone call to confirm received and everything in order

Homework: Ask yourself when making decisions, does this make common sense to me and ask others if it makes common sense to them. Does it pass the laugh (WTHWTT) test.

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Q=Quality•Littlest detail•Grandest idea•Materials•Final product

Homework: Define what quality means to you, your organization and your community.

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A=A _ _ _ _ _ _ _


What is on the inside

Homework: Look into the mirror everyday-and say: I have a choice today in how I will respond and interact. The choices I make will brand who I am and affect my success.

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•What does it look like?•Who defines it?•How will you know you reached it?

•Homework: Define what success means to you, your organization and the community.

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6P+CS +Q+A=S Pledge

•I ________________here by take the Community and Economic Development Formula for Success Pledge:•I will know my passion•I will consider personalities•I will have a plan •I will form partnerships •I will follow politics •I will persevere •I will use common sense•I will commit to quality•I will check my attitude daily

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Last but not least:

I will Have Fun


Celebrate My Success!

Questions and AnswersGeorge Sharp

360 - 725 - 4174

[email protected]