Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI...

04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record ID: ES202 Fault Name: Ubierna Segment Name: Cervera de Pisuerga-La Piedra Location X: -3.995 Location Y: 42.671 Name of Compiler(s): García-Mayordomo, J. and Martín-Banda, R. Filiation: IGME; UCM Email: [email protected] Last Update: 05/05/2015 Average Strike(º): 290 ± 5 LD Based on the Neotectonic Map of Spain (IGME and ENRESA, 1998). According to Tavani et al (2011) Ubierna and Ventaniella faults form part of the same shear zone, about 15 km wide, and called it the Ubierna Fault System. Dip (º): 85 80-90 LD Subvertical. Tavani et al (2011). Gracia et al (1990) consider this fault as an extension of the León Fault. Rake (º): 180 to 135 LD Tavani et a. (2011). Slightly transpressive. Sense of Movement: D to DR LD Tavani et al (2011). Slightly transpressive. Length (km): 60.0 60-80 LD Based on the Neotectonic Map of Spain (IGME and ENRESA, 1998). Tavani et al (2011) shows a much larger trace (about 80 km), extending to the SE. Min Depth (km): 0 LD Outcrops at the surface. IGME and ENRESA (1998), Gracia et al. (1990), Tavani et al (2011). Max Depth (km): 16.0 LD Tavani et al. (2011) based on seismicity depth distribution. Width (km): 16.1 AR Area (km²): 963.67 AR Age of the youngest deposits affected by the fault: Pliocene Pliocene- Quaternary LD Gracia et al (1990), IGME and ENRESA (1998). Erosive and edaphic features developed on the surface S2, likely Quaternary in age, may be indicating post-Pliocene movements of the fault. The fault could also affect "raña" deposits. Vertical Slip Rate (m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown Horizontal Slip Rate (m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown Net Slip Rate (m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown MaxImum Slip Per Event (m): Unknown Number of Seismic Events: Unknown Identification Geometry and Kinematics Variability Source Comment Quaternary Activity Variability Source Comment It offsets and folds the erosion surface named S2, Pliocene or younger in age. Geomorphic anomalies, possible relations to river-captures processes. Gracia et al. (1990), IGME and ENRESA (1998), Tavani et al (2011) Geological Set: Basque-Cantabrian Basin and Duero Basin (Palencia a Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping Comment Quaternary activity evidence *Strength: Slip Rate *Accuracy: Paleoearthquakes Orden Visual: 2 Página 1 de 80

Transcript of Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI...

Page 1: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES202 Fault Name: Ubierna

Segment Name: Cervera de Pisuerga-La Piedra

Location X: -3.995

Location Y: 42.671

Name of Compiler(s): García-Mayordomo, J. and Martín-Banda, R.

Filiation: IGME; UCM

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 05/05/2015

Average Strike(º): 290 ± 5 LD Based on the Neotectonic Map of Spain (IGME and ENRESA, 1998). According to Tavani et al (2011) Ubierna and Ventaniella faults form part of the same shear zone, about 15 km wide, and called it the Ubierna Fault System.

Dip (º): 85 80-90 LD Subvertical. Tavani et al (2011). Gracia et al (1990) consider this fault as an extension of the León Fault.

Rake (º): 180 to 135 LD Tavani et a. (2011). Slightly transpressive.

Sense of Movement: D to DR LD Tavani et al (2011). Slightly transpressive.

Length (km): 60.0 60-80 LD Based on the Neotectonic Map of Spain (IGME and ENRESA, 1998). Tavani et al (2011) shows a much larger trace (about 80 km), extending to the SE.

Min Depth (km): 0 LD Outcrops at the surface. IGME and ENRESA (1998), Gracia et al. (1990), Tavani et al (2011).

Max Depth (km): 16.0 LD Tavani et al. (2011) based on seismicity depth distribution.

Width (km): 16.1 AR

Area (km²): 963.67 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Pliocene Pliocene-Quaternary

LD Gracia et al (1990), IGME and ENRESA (1998). Erosive and edaphic features developed on the surface S2, likely Quaternary in age, may be indicating post-Pliocene movements of the fault. The fault could also affect "raña" deposits.

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


It offsets and folds the erosion surface named S2, Pliocene or younger in age. Geomorphic anomalies, possible relations to river-captures processes.

Gracia et al. (1990), IGME and ENRESA (1998), Tavani et al (2011)

Geological Set: Basque-Cantabrian Basin and Duero Basin (Palencia a

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 2

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Page 2: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Evidence of AseismicCreep:


Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

7.14 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Gracia Prieto, F.J., Nozal Martín, F., Pineda Velasco, A. and Wouters de Vries, P.F. (1990) Superficies de erosión neógenas y neotectónica en el borde NE de la Cuenca del Duero. Geogaceta, 7: 38-40.

IGME and ENRESA (1998): Neotectonic Map of Spain, scale 1:1.000.000, and Memory of the Neotectonic and Seismotectonic Map of Spain, scale 1:1.000.000. Vol.1.

Tavani, S., Quintà, A., and Granado, P. (2011): Cenozoic right-lateral wrench tectonics in the Western Pyrenees (Spain): The Ubierna Fault System. Tectonophysics, 509, 238–253.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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Page 3: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES200 Fault Name: Albalate

Segment Name: Albalate

Location X: -2.8547509718

Location Y: 40.2927398082

Name of Compiler(s): Giner-Robles, J.L. and Pérez-López, R.

Filiation: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid e IGME

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 26/09/2014

Average Strike(º): 307 +2/-2 EJ

Dip (º): 85 +5/-5 EJ

Rake (º): -26 +2/-2 LD Carreño et al. (2008)

Sense of Movement: SN LD Carreño et al. (2008)

Length (km): 28.0 +/- 3 OD Rodríguez-Aranda et al (1995)

Min Depth (km): 8 +/- 3 LD Carreño et al. (2008)

Max Depth (km): 20.0 +/-10 EJ

Width (km): 12.0 AR

Area (km²): 337.28 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Quaternary LD There is scarce Quaternary outcrops along the fault trace (Rodríguez-Aranda et al., 1995).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.01 0.010-0.005 EJ

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Fluvial network and drainage pattern presumably affected by fault activity. Deformed Quaternary sediments occur north and south off the fault trace.

Rodríguez-Aranda et al. (1995)

Geological Set: Iberian Massif - Tagus Basin (Guadalajara)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping and Geophysical method


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 3

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Page 4: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.82 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Estimation following Wells and Coppersmith (1994) relations results in Mw 6.0.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

191465 1374416-53344 AR Considering the Maximum Earthquake Model (Wesnousky, 1986): slip rate represents the rate at which maximum earthquakes are released by the fault. RI = Mo f(Mw±d) / Mo f(SR±d). The occurrence of smaller, damaging earthquakes may be much shorter.

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED_INFORMATION\ES200.rar

Carreño et al. (2008). The 7 June 2007 mbLg 4.2 Escopete Earthquake: An Event with Significant Ground Motion. Seismological Research Letters 79: 820-829.

Rodríguez-Aranda, J.P., Calvo, J.P., Ordóñez, S. (1991). Transición de abanicos aluviales a evaporitas en el Mioceno del borde oriental de la Cuenca de Madrid (Sector de Barajas de Melo-Illana). Revista. Sociedad Geologica de España, 4: 33–50.

Rodríguez-Aranda, J.P., Muñoz-Martín, A., Giner, J.L., Cañaveras, J.C., 1995. Estructuras tectónicas en el basamento de la cuenca de Madrid y su reflejo en la cobertera sedimentaria. Geogaceta, 18: 19–22.

Rodríguez Aranda, J.P. (1995). Sedimentología de los sistemas de llanura lutítica-lago salino del Mioceno en la zona oriental de la Cuenca de Madrid (Tarancón-Auñón). Tesis Doctoral.Univ. Complutense de Madrid: 474 pp.

Rodríguez-Aranda, J.P., Calvo, J.P., Sanz-Montero, M.E. (2002). Lower Miocene gypsum palaeokarst in the Madrid Basin (central Spain): dissolution diagenesis, morphological relics and karst end-products. Sedimentology, 49: 1385–1400.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





Database of Seismicity Associated to QAFI Debated-Faults DatabaseRefer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID_Event Event name Date Location XY Int./Mag. Source Association Comment


Escopete earthquake

7 june 2007 40º.41N, 2º.98W

IV/4.2 IGN focal mechanism Carreño et al. (2008). The 7 June 2007 mbLg 4.2 Escopete Earthquake: An Event with Significant Ground Motion. Seismological Research Letters 79: 820-829


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Page 5: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES215 Fault Name: Becerreá

Segment Name:

Location X: -7.0406

Location Y: 43.0397

Name of Compiler(s): Martín-González, F.

Filiation: ESCET. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 06/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 206 LD Martín-González et al. (2012)

Dip (º): 70 LD Martín-González et al. (2012)

Rake (º): 175 LD Martín-González et al. (2012)

Sense of Movement: S LD Martín-González et al. (2012)

Length (km): 31.0 LD Martín-González et al. (2012)

Min Depth (km): 0 LD Martín-González et al. (2012)

Max Depth (km): 20.0 EJ

Width (km): 21.3 AR

Area (km²): 659.79 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Pleistocene LD Martín-González et al. (2012)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Drainage affections in El Caurel, likely association to 1995 and 1997 seismic sequences in Lugo (Galicia)

Martín-González (2009), Martín-González et al. (2012), Martínez-Díaz et al. (2006)

Geological Set: Iberian Massif - Asturoccidental-Leonesa Zone (Lugo-A

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 10

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.87 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Estimation following Wells and Coppersmith (1994) relations results in Mw 6.83.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED_INFORMATION\ES214-ES215.rar

Martín-González, F., 2005. Tectónica Alpina, Neotectónica y Sismotectónica en la terminación occidental de los relieves cantábricos (Noroeste del Macizo Ibérico): Marco tectónico de las crisis sísmicas de Lugo. Tesis Doctoral, Univ. Complutense, 313 p.

Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Capote R., Tsige M., Villamor P., Martín-González F., Insua-Arévalo, J .M., 2006. Seismic triggering in a stable continental area: The Lugo1995-1997 seismic sequences (NW Spain). Journal of Geodynamics 41, 440-449.

Martín-González, F., 2009. Cenozoic tectonic activity in a Variscan basement: Evidence from geomorphological markers and structural mapping (NW Iberian Massif). Geomorphology 107, 210-225. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.12.008

Martín-González F., Insua-Arévalo, J .M, Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Giner, J., 2010. Estudio preliminar de fallas simogénicas in el NO de la Penísula Ibérica. En: Contribucion de la Geología al análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica (J.M. Insua y F. Martín-González, eds)57-60. Siguenza (Guadalagara-España)

Martín-González, F., Antón, L., Insua, J.M., De Vicente, G., Martínez- Díaz, J.J., Muñoz-Martín, A., Heredia, N., Olaiz, A. (2012). Seismicity and potentially active faults in the Northwest and Central-West Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Iberian Geology 38, 53–69. DOI: 10.5209/ rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39205.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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Page 7: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES812 Fault Name: Canelles anticline

Segment Name:

Location X: 0.58767316

Location Y: 41.97726215

Name of Compiler(s): Ortuño, M.

Filiation: Universitat de Barcelona

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 09/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 135 10 LD Philip et al. (1992); Goula et al. (1999), approximate values (non-numerical).

Dip (º): 85 5 LD Philip et al. (1992); Goula et al. (1999)

Rake (º): 90 LD Goula et al. (1999) refer to the microtectonic analysis of striated pebbles, which gives compression with maximum stress horiented SW-NE, perpendicular to the structure

Sense of Movement: R LD

Length (km): 6.0 EJ

Min Depth (km): 0.5 EJ

Max Depth (km): 12.0 EJ

Width (km): 11.5 AR

Area (km²): 69.26 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Quaternary LD Quaternary terrace of the Ribagoraçana river overthrusted by triassic materials (gypsum-Keuper facies). Philip et al. (1992); Goula et al. (1999)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : The reverse slip observed is greater than 10 m according to Goula et

al. (1999).

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:

EJ Halogenetic origin must be considered as alternative or complementary of the neotectonic origin since the site is located in the northern flank of the Canelles diapir (Lacan and Ortuño, 2012)


Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Gypsum of Keuper facies are thrusting a Quaternary terrace Philip et al. (1992); Goula et al. (1999)

Geological Set: Central Pyrenees (Lleida)-Upper Thrust Sheets Domain

Identification Method: Study of a stratigraphic-structural outcrop


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 21

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Page 8: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.19 ± 0.37 ER Magnitud from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Goula, X., Olivera, C., Fleta, J., Grellet, B., Lindo, R., Rivera, L., Cisternas, A., Carbon, D. (1999): Present and recent stress regime in the eastern part of the Pyrenees. Tectonophysics 308, 487-502. doi: 10.1016/S0040-1951(99)00120-1.

Lacan, P. and Ortuño, M. (2012). Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review. Journal of the Iberian Geology, 38 (1) 9-30.

Philip, H., Bousquet, J.C., Escuer, J., Fleta, J., Goula, X., Grellet, B. (1992): Présence de failles inverses d’âge quaternaire dans l’Est des Pyrénées: implications sismotectoniques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 314, 1239-1245.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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Page 9: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES813 Fault Name: Balaguer anticline

Segment Name:

Location X: 0.92083802

Location Y: 41.78705787

Name of Compiler(s): Ortuño, M.

Filiation: Universitat de Barcelona

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 09/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 275 10 LD Goula et al. (1999)

Dip (º): 80 5 LD Goula et al. (1999)

Rake (º): 90 LD Goula et al. (1999) refer to the microtectonic analysis which gives compression with subhorizontal maximum stress horiented 174º

Sense of Movement: R LD Goula et al. (1999)

Length (km): 14.3 EJ

Min Depth (km): 0.5 EJ

Max Depth (km): 12.0 EJ

Width (km): 11.7 AR

Area (km²): 166.99 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:


LD Plio-Quaternary alluvial fan (terrace) affected by a reverse fault according to Philip et al. (1992), Grellet et al. (1994) and Goula et al. (1999).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : The reverse slip observed is greater than 1 m according to Goula et

al. (1999)

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:

EJ Halogenetic origin must be considered as alternative or complementary of the neotectonic origin since the site is located in the northern flank of the Balaguer diapir (Lacan and Ortuño, 2012)


Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Alluvial terraces affected by deformation (imprecise nature) Philip et al. (1992), Grellet et al. (1994), Goula et al. (1999)

Geological Set: Central Pyrenees (Lleida)-Ebro Foreland basin, next to

Identification Method: Study of a stratigraphic-structural outcrop


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 22

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Page 10: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.55 ± 0.37 ER Magnitud from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Goula, X., Olivera, C., Fleta, J., Grellet, B., Lindo, R., Rivera, L., Cisternas, A., Carbon, D. (1999): Present and recent stress regime in the eastern part of the Pyrenees. Tectonophysics 308, 487-502. doi: 10.1016/S0040-1951(99)00120-1.

Grellet, B., Phillip, H., Bousquet, J.C., Fleta, J., Escuer, J., Goula, X., Granier, Th. (1994): Inversion de regime tectonique dans les Pyrenees Orientales depuis le Pliocene. Actes du Colloque GEOPROSPECTIVE. Paris, UNESCO, 289-298.

Lacan, P. and Ortuño, M. (2012). Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review. Journal of the Iberian Geology, 38 (1) 9-30.

Philip, H., Bousquet, J.C., Escuer, J., Fleta, J., Goula, X., Grellet, B. (1992): Présence de failles inverses d’âge quaternaire dans l’Est des Pyrénées: implications sismotectoniques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 314, 1239-1245.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES814 Fault Name: Callús anticline

Segment Name:

Location X: 1.83119159

Location Y: 41.77953545

Name of Compiler(s): Ortuño, M.

Filiation: Universitat de Barcelona

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 09/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 230 10 LD Several faults are reported, most of them dip to the N but some dip to the S (Goula et al., 1999).

Dip (º): 85 5 LD Goula et al., (1999)

Rake (º): Unknown

Sense of Movement: R EJ

Length (km): 6.0 EJ

Min Depth (km): 0 EJ

Max Depth (km): 12.0 EJ

Width (km): 12.0 AR

Area (km²): 72.28 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Quaternary LD Quaternary terrace of the Cardener affected by a reverse fault according to Goula et al. (1999).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : The reverse slip observed is greater than 1 m according to Goula et

al. (1999).

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

Number of SeismicEvents:

Evidence of AseismicCreep:

EJ Halogenetic origin must be considered as alternative or complementary of the neotectonic origin since the site is located in the Callús gypsum anticline (Lacan and Ortuño, 2012).


Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Alluvial terraces affected by deformation (imprecise nature) Goula et al. (1999)

Geological Set: Ebro Foreland Basin (Barcelona)

Identification Method: Study of a stratigraphic-structural outcrop


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 23

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.19 ± 0.37 ER Magnitud from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES815 Fault Name: Aralar

Segment Name:

Location X: -2.03816772

Location Y: 42.99446875

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 090 +/- 20 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 30 EJ

Rake (º): Unknown

Sense of Movement: Unknown LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 30.0 +/-5 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 0.5 EJ

Max Depth (km): 12.0 EJ

Width (km): 23.0 AR

Area (km²): 690.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene LD It shows associated seismicity (Ruiz et al., 2006, Lacan et Ortuño, 2012).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The Aralar Fault is limited by a E–W Pyrenean band of seismicity and does not show any geomorphological expression.

Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Geological Set: South Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Asociated microseismicity


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 24

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.85 ± 0.37 ER Magnitud from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset and the lengths of two strands.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Ruiz, M., Gallart, J., Díaz, J., Olivera, C., Pedreira, D., López, C., González-Cortina, J., Pulgar, J. (2006): Seismic activity at the western Pyrenean edge. Tectonophysics 412, 217-235. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.034.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES816 Fault Name: Leiza

Segment Name:

Location X: -1.98746446

Location Y: 43.07354472

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 090 +/-15 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 70 +/-20 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Rake (º): -90 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Sense of Movement: N LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 30.0 +/-5 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Width (km): 37.2 AR

Area (km²): 1117.39 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene LD It shows associated seismicity (Ruiz et al., 2006, Lacan et Ortuño, 2012).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:


Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The Leiza Fault is limited by a E–W Pyrenean band of seismicity and does not show any geomorphological expression.

Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Geological Set: South Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Asociated microseismicity


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 25

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.85 ± 0.37 ER Magnitud from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Ruiz, M., Gallart, J., Díaz, J., Olivera, C., Pedreira, D., López, C., González-Cortina, J., Pulgar, J. (2006): Seismic activity at the western Pyrenean edge. Tectonophysics 412, 217-235. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.034. Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





Database of Seismicity Associated to QAFI Debated-Faults DatabaseRefer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID_Event Event name Date Location XY Int./Mag. Source Association Comment


Microseismicity 1989

1989 4.6 (M) Associated microseismicity and possibly the 1989 events (M=4.6) according to Souriau et al. (2001); Dubos (2003); Dubos et al. (2004), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)


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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES817 Fault Name: Pamplona

Segment Name:

Location X: -1.78159475

Location Y: 42.88373251

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 040 +/-10 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 90 +/-20 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Rake (º): -35 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Sense of Movement: SN LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 35.0 20 to 50 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Width (km): 35.0 AR

Area (km²): 1225.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene LD It shows associated seismicity (Ruiz et al., 2006, Lacan et Ortuño, 2012).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The Pamplona Fault is limited by a E–W Pyrenean band of seismicity and does not show any geomorphological expression.

Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Geological Set: South Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Asociated microseismicity


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 26

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.88 6.32 to 7.43 ER Magnitude from lengt (20-50 km) using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Ruiz, M., Gallart, J., Díaz, J., Olivera, C., Pedreira, D., López, C., González-Cortina, J., Pulgar, J. (2006): Seismic activity at the western Pyrenean edge. Tectonophysics 412, 217-235. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.034.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





Database of Seismicity Associated to QAFI Debated-Faults DatabaseRefer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID_Event Event name Date Location XY Int./Mag. Source Association Comment


Microseismicity 2004

2004 4.1 (M) Associated microseismicity and possibly the 2004 (M=4.1) events according to Ruiz et al. (2006) and Lacan et Ortuño (2012)


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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES818 Fault Name: Roncesvalles

Segment Name:

Location X: -1.67624556

Location Y: 42.95700114

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 090 +/-10 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 90 +/-20 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Rake (º): Unknown

Sense of Movement: D or S LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 20.0 +/-5 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Width (km): 35.0 AR

Area (km²): 700.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene LD It shows associated seismicity (Ruiz et al., 2006, Lacan et Ortuño, 2012).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The Roncesvalles Fault is limited by a E–W Pyrenean band of seismicity and does not show any geomorphological expression.

Ruiz et al. (2006), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Geological Set: South Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Asociated microseismicity


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 27

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.69 ± 0.37 ER Magnitud from lengt using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Ruiz, M., Gallart, J., Díaz, J., Olivera, C., Pedreira, D., López, C., González-Cortina, J., Pulgar, J. (2006): Seismic activity at the western Pyrenean edge. Tectonophysics 412, 217-235. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.034.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





Database of Seismicity Associated to QAFI Debated-Faults DatabaseRefer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID_Event Event name Date Location XY Int./Mag. Source Association Comment


Microseismicity 1918

1918 IV<I<VII Associated microseismicity and possibly the 1918 (IV<I<VII) according to Ruiz et al. (2006) and Lacan et Ortuño (2012)


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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: FR002 Fault Name: Adour

Segment Name:

Location X: 0.27712113

Location Y: 42.98930864

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 325 +/-10 LD Souriau et al. (2001); Dubos (2003); Dubos et al. (2004), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 90 EJ

Rake (º): Unknown

Sense of Movement: Unknown

Length (km): 38.5 EJ

Min Depth (km): 0 EJ

Max Depth (km): 12.0 EJ

Width (km): 12.0 AR

Area (km²): 462.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene LD It shows associated seismicity (Souriau et al., 2001; Dubos, 2003; Dubos et al., 2004, Lacan et Ortuño, 2012).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The Adour Fault is limited by a E–W Pyrenean band of seismicity (or Bigorre Fault, structure 7 on Table 1 and Fig. 3), which does not show any geomorphological expression.

Souriau et al. (2001); Dubos (2003); Dubos et al. (2004), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Geological Set: Northern Pyrenees

Identification Method: Associated Microseismicity


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 29

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.96 ± 0.37 ER Magnitud from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Dubos, N. (2003): Contribution à l’évaluation du risque sismique dans les Pyrénées centrales. PhD. Thesis, Université Toulouse III: 205 p.

Dubos, N., Sylvander, M., Souriau, A., Ponsolles, C., Chevrot, S., Fels, J., Benahmed, S. (2004): Analysis of the 2002 May earthquake sequence in the central Pyrenees, consequences for the evaluation of the seismic risk at Lourdes, France. Geophys. J. Int. 156, 527 540. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02091.x.

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Lacan, P., Nivière, B., Rousset, D., Sénéchal, P. (2012): Late Pleistocene folding above the Mail Arrouy Thrust, North-Western Pyrenees (France). Tectonophysics 541-543, 57-68. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.03.022.

Nivière, B., Lacan, P., Regard, V., Delmas, M., Calvet, M. (submitted): Cosmogenic dating of an alluvial terrace in the foothills of the western Pyrenees. Implication on the late glacial chronology, Submitted to Geomorphology.

Souriau, A., Sylvander, M., Rigo, A., Fels, J., Douchain, J., Ponsolles, C. (2001): Sismotectonique des Pyrénées; principales contraintes sismologiques. B. Soc. Géol. France 172, 25-39. doi: 10.2113/172.1.25.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: FR003 Fault Name: Merens

Segment Name:

Location X: 1.5680317

Location Y: 42.63836717

Name of Compiler(s): Ortuño, M.

Filiation: Universitat de Barcelona

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 09/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 085 ± 5 EJ

Dip (º): 80 ± 5 EJ Inferred from the intersection with topography

Rake (º): -90 EJ

Sense of Movement: N EJ

Length (km): 3.3 ± 10 EJ This is a minimum length and has been mapped using ortho-photographs and the trace of the alpine structure included in the 1:50000 geological map of Andorra

Min Depth (km): 0 EJ

Max Depth (km): Unknown

Width (km): Unknown

Area (km²): Unknown

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

18 ky ± 2 ky EJ Age of the last glacial maximum during which the valley slopes and the rocky glacier were generated. It should be considered a maximum age.

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:

EJ Part of the offset could be active faulting related to glacial elastic rebound of the uppermost crust


Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Glacial valley-side and rocky glaciar displaced Turu and Planas (2005) describe the activity of the fault but do not present a detailed map of the surface trace, which has been inferred for this data-base using 1:25000 orto-photographs.

Geological Set: Pyrenees (Andorra)

Identification Method: Geomorphologic field mapping and air-photo interpretation


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 30

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

5.94 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Lacan, P. and Ortuño, M. (2012). Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review. Journal of the Iberian Geology, 38 (1) 9-30.

Mapa Geològic d'Andorra 1:50000 (2002).

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Turu, V., Planas, X. (2005): Inestabilidad de vertientes en los valles del Valira. Datos y dataciones para el establecimiento de una cronología, posibles causas. Andorra y Alt Urgell (Pirineos orientales). VI Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables. Valencia, Abstracts.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: FR004 Fault Name: Bedous

Segment Name:

Location X: -0.77558798

Location Y: 42.99330233

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P. and Ortuño, M.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 110 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 70 ± 20 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Rake (º): -90 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Sense of Movement: N LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 20.0 ± 5 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Width (km): 37.2 AR

Area (km²): 744.92 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Unknown LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Geomorphic markers displaced, disturbance on the longitudinal profile of the river.

Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012): available geomorphological evidence are insufficient to demonstrate and quantify the Quaternary activity of this fault.

Geological Set: North Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 31

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.69 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Comité de pilotage Néopal (2008) Visite de terrain: rapport de mission sur le terrain dans les Pyrenees Centrales du Comite de Pilotage de la base NEOPAL le jeudi 23 octobre 2008. Available on-line at

Lacan, P. (2008): Activité Sismotectonique Plio-Quaternaire de l’Ouest des Pyrénées. PhD. Thesis. Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour: 284 p.

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: FR006 Fault Name: Laruns

Segment Name:

Location X: -0.52512389

Location Y: 43.00098151

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 110 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 70 ± 20 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Rake (º): -90 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Sense of Movement: N LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 25.0 ± 5 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Width (km): 37.2 AR

Area (km²): 931.16 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Unknown LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Geomorphic markers displaced, disturbance on the longitudinal profile of the river

Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012): available geomorphological evidence are insufficient to demonstrate and quantify the Quaternary activity of this fault.

Geological Set: North Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 33

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.78 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Lacan, P. (2008): Activité Sismotectonique Plio-Quaternaire de l’Ouest des Pyrénées. PhD. Thesis. Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour: 284 p.

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: FR007 Fault Name: Lourdes

Segment Name:

Location X: -0.59426918

Location Y: 43.12084115

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P., García-Mayordomo, J. and Martín-Banda, R.

Filiation: UNAM-México, IGME and UCM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 14/04/2015

Average Strike(º): 090 ± 10 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Dip (º): 60 ± 30 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Rake (º): 90 ± 20 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Sense of Movement: R LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Length (km): 60.0 ± 10 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Min Depth (km): 10 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Width (km): 34.6 AR

Area (km²): 2078.46 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

4221 to 2918 BC

LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.200 0.2 to 0.25 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 EJ HSR=0, assumed pure dip-slip faulting.

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.231 to 0.289 AR From VRS, dip and rake

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Geological and geomorphic evidence, paleoseismological work from Alasset and Megraoui (2005). Comité de pilotage Néopal (2008) field observations points out to landslide deformation effects rather than to an active tectonics origin.

Based on Comité de pilotage Néopal (2008) field-observations this fault has been filed in the "debated faults" database, until new evidence demonstrates the tectonic origin of the deformations showed by Alasset and Megraoui (2005).

Geological Set: North Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Geophysical/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 34

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

7.14 ± 0.37 ER Mw from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 7.10 (6.5-7.1) according to Alasset and Megraoui (2005).

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

15000 LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005).

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :

4221 to 2918 BC

LD Alasset and Megraoui (2005)

Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Alasset, P., Meghraoui, M. (2005): Active faulting in the western Pyrenees (France): Paleoseismic evidence for late Holocene ruptures. Tectonophysics 409, 39-54. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2005.08.019.

Comité de pilotage Néopal (2008) Visite de terrain: rapport de mission sur le terrain dans les Pyrenees Centrales du Comite de Pilotage de la base NEOPAL le jeudi 23 octobre 2008. Available on-line at

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: FR009 Fault Name: Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Segment Name:

Location X: 0.04756862

Location Y: 43.02228857

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 110 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 70 ± 20 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Rake (º): -90 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Sense of Movement: N LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 20.0 ± 5 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Width (km): 37.2 AR

Area (km²): 744.92 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Unknown LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Geomorphic markers displaced, disturbance on the longitudinal profile of the river.

Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012): available geomorphological evidence are insufficient to demonstrate and quantify the Quaternary activity of this fault.

Geological Set: North Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 36

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.69 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Lacan, P. (2008): Activité Sismotectonique Plio-Quaternaire de l’Ouest des Pyrénées. PhD. Thesis. Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour: 284 p.

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: FR010 Fault Name: Pierrefitte

Segment Name:

Location X: -0.32340071

Location Y: 43.01445834

Name of Compiler(s): Lacan, P.

Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-UNAM

Email: [email protected].

Last Update: 10/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 110 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Dip (º): 70 ± 20 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Rake (º): -90 ± 10 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Sense of Movement: N LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Length (km): 20.0 to 31 LD Compiler's measurement, based on Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Max Depth (km): 40.0 LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Width (km): 37.2 AR

Area (km²): 744.92 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Unknown LD Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Geomorphic markers displaced, disturbance on the longitudinal profile of the river.

Lacan (2008), Lacan et Ortuño (2012): available geomorphological evidence are insufficient to demonstrate and quantify the Quaternary activity of this fault.

Geological Set: North Western Pyrenees

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 37

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.69 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Lacan, P. (2008): Activité Sismotectonique Plio-Quaternaire de l’Ouest des Pyrénées. PhD. Thesis. Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour: 284 p.

Lacan, P., Ortuño, M. (2012), Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review, Journal of Iberian Geology 38(1), 9-30. DOI: 10.5209/rev_JIGE.2012.v38.n1.39203

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Sylvander, M., Souriau, A., Rigo, A., Tocheport, A., Toutain, J., Ponsolles, C., Benahmed, S. (2008): The November 2006, ML=5.0 earthquake near Lourdes (France): new evidence for NS extension across the Pyrenees. Geophys. J. Int. 175, 649-664. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03911.x.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES400 Fault Name: Alfambra

Segment Name:

Location X: -1.0182

Location Y: 40.44004

Name of Compiler(s): González, Álvaro

Filiation: Universidad de Zaragoza

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 16/12/2010

Average Strike(º): 214 OD Compiler's measurement, based on the cartographies by Moissenet (1980, 1983); Peña et al. (1981) and Godoy et al. (1983).

Dip (º): 60 45-90 EJ Typical dip of normal faults.

Rake (º): -90 EJ No evidence of strike-slip displacement suggests purely dip-slip, normal displacement.

Sense of Movement: N LD Moissenet (1980, 1983); Peña et al. (1981); Gutiérrez (1998); Gutiérrez et al. (2008).

Length (km): 10.5 OD Compiler's measurement of end-to-end distance, based on the cartographies by Moissenet (1980, 1983); Peña et al. (1981) and Godoy et al. (1983).

Min Depth (km): 0 0 LD The fault crops out at the surface (e.g. Moissenet, 1980, 1983; Peña et al., 1981; Gutiérrez et al., 2008).

Max Depth (km): 15.0 EJ Asssumed same value as other active faults in the area.

Width (km): 17.3 Unknown.

Area (km²): 181.87 Unknown.

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Early Pliocene Pliocene-Quaternary

LD Gutiérrez (1998); Gutiérrez et al. (2008).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.050 LD Minimum vertical slip rate (Gutiérrez, 1998; Gutiérrez et al., 2008), from a vertical offset of 200 m between Early Pliocene limestones and a correlative planation surface.

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

EJ No evidences for horizontal slip during the Quaternary have been reported.

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.06 0.050-0.07 EJ Compiler's calculation, taking into account the minimum vertical slip rate of 0.05 m/ky and the assumed range of fault dips.

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Fault scarp. The fault offsets Early Pliocene limestones in the downthrown block from a correlative planation surface in the footwall.

Reviewed by Gutiérrez et al. (2008). Previous works by Moissenet (1980, 1983); Peña et al. (1981); Godoy et al. (1983); Gutiérrez (1998) and Arlegui et al. (2005).

Geological Set: Iberian Range (Teruel)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 90

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.42 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Estimation from the preinstrumental earthquakes dataset by Stirling et al. (2002, table 2) results 6.5 to 6.9.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

17559 52520-3494 ER Considering the Maximum Earthquake Model (Wesnousky, 1986): slip rate represents the rate at which maximum earthquakes are released by the fault. RI = Mo f(Mw±d) / Mo f(SR±d). The occurrence of smaller, damaging earthquakes may be much shorter.

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Arlegui, L.E.; Simón, J.L.; Lisle, R.J. & Orife, T. (2005) Late Pliocene–Pleistocene stress field in the Teruel and Jiloca grabens (eastern Spain): contribution of a new method of stress inversion. Journal of Structural Geology, 27: 693-705.

Godoy, A.; Olivé, A. & Moissenet, É. (1983) Cartografía. In: Mapa geológico de España, E: 1:50000, Teruel (567). Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid.

Gutiérrez, F. (1998): Fenómenos de subsidencia por disolución de formaciones evaporíticas en las fosas neógenas de Teruel y Calatayud. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). 569 p.

Gutiérrez, F.; Gutiérrez, M.; Gracia, F.J.; McCalpin, J.P.; Lucha, P. & Guerrero, J. (2008): Plio-Quaternary extensional seismotectonics and drainage network development in the central sector of the Iberian Chain (NE Spain). Geomorphology, 102: 21-42.

Moissenet, É. (1980): Relief et déformations récentes: trois transversales dans les fossés internes des chaînes ibériques orientales. Revue Géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest, 51: 315–344.

Moissenet, É. (1983): Aspectos de la neotectónica en la Fosa de Teruel. In: Geología de España, vol. II. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid. p. 423–446.

Peña, J.L.; Sánchez, M. & Simón, J.L. (1981): Algunos aspectos de la tectónica cuaternaria en el margen oriental de la fosa de Alfambra-Teruel. Teruel, 66: 31-48.

Stirling, M.; Rhoades, D. & Berryman, K. (2002): Comparison of earthquake scaling relations derived from data of the instrumental and preinstrumental era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92: 812-830.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





Database of Seismicity Associated to QAFI Debated-Faults DatabaseRefer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID_Event Event name Date Location XY Int./Mag. Source Association Comment


Cuevas Labradas earthquake

April 14th, 1976

-1.0683, 40.4183

Magnitude 3.3 Instituto Geográfico


Spatial correlation The epicentre is located on the hanging wall of the fault.


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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES634 Fault Name: Jumilla (Sector Valencia) (1/2)

Segment Name: Caudete - Xátiva

Location X: -0.94844244

Location Y: 38.73080473

Name of Compiler(s): García-Mayordomo, J. and Martín-Banda, R.

Filiation: IGME

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 13/10/2011

Average Strike(º): 060 LD García-Mayordomo (2005), fig. 3.18.

Dip (º): 90 LD García-Mayordomo (2005) To apply right hand rule criteria dip is considered towards S

Rake (º): Unknown

Sense of Movement: SR EJ García-Mayordomo (2005)

Length (km): 40.0 10 to 40 LD 40 km is the total lenght of the segment. Note that 10 km is the lenght of single faults included in the shear zone of the segment. García-Mayordomo (2005) Table 3.12

Min Depth (km): 0 LD García-Mayordomo (2005)

Max Depth (km): 15.0 LD Table 4.21 in García-Mayordomo (2005)

Width (km): 15.0

Area (km²): 600.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Middle-Upper Pleistocene

EJ By comparison with Jumilla (Sector Valencia) 2/2 Xátiva-Tavernes segment

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.050 <0.05 EJ By comparison with Jumilla (Sector Valencia) 2/2 Xátiva-Tavernes segment

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.05 EJ By comparison with Jumilla (Sector Valencia) 2/2 Xátiva-Tavernes segment

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Assumed as the fault is part of a major active structure By comparison with Jumilla (Sector Valencia) 2/2 Xátiva-Tavernes segment

Geological Set: Betic Range (Valencia)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 124

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.40 ± 0.37 LD Considering SRL=10 km and Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Note that 10 km is not the lenght of the whole segment but the maximum of single faults included in the fault zone. From W&C'94 results 6.24.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

10000 >>10000 years EJ García-Mayordomo (2005)

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Garcia-Mayordomo, J. (2005). Caracterización y Análisis de laPeligrosidad Sísmica en el Sureste de España. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Comlputense de Madrid, 373 pp.

Wells, D.L. y Coppersmith, K.J. (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture lenght, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4), 974-1002.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





Database of Seismicity Associated to QAFI Debated-Faults DatabaseRefer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID_Event Event name Date Location XY Int./Mag. Source Association Comment


Enguera 1748 Io (MSK) = I X IGN Spatial nearness García-Mayordomo (2005) Fig.3.19738


Caudete 1991 Io (MSK) = VI ; m=4.0

IGN Spatial neareness García-Mayordomo (2005) p.156739

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES732 Fault Name: Lietor (1/2)

Segment Name: Lietor NW

Location X: -1.881

Location Y: 38.535

Name of Compiler(s): Pérez-López, R. and Rodríguez-Pascua, MA

Filiation: IGME

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 18/10/2010

Average Strike(º): 126 5 OD

Dip (º): 85 10 OD

Rake (º): -140 20 OD

Sense of Movement: DN OD

Length (km): 21.1 2 OD

Min Depth (km): 1 EJ

Max Depth (km): 15.0 5 EJ

Width (km): 14.1 EJ

Area (km²): 296.04 EJ

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

250 ky 50 ky EJ still working

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.1 0.05 EJ we are still working

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

Number of SeismicEvents:

Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

topographic lineament Rodríguez-Pascua, (1999). And Rodríguez-Pascua et al., 2003.

Geological Set: Betic Range (Albacete)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 129

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.70 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

100000 50000 EJ

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Rodriguez-Pascua MA.(1999). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 600 pp.

Rodríguez-Pascua MA. (2001). Paleosismicidad y sismotectónica de las cuencas lacustres neógenas del Prebético de Albacete. Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses, 123. Albacete, 285 pp.

Rodríguez-Pascua MA, De Vicente G, Calvo JP and Pérez-López, R.(2003) Similarities between recent seismic activity and paleoseismites during the Late Miocene in the external Betic Chain (Spain). Journal of Structural Geology 25(4): 749-753.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES733 Fault Name: Lietor (2/2)

Segment Name: Lietor SE

Location X: -1.65874

Location Y: 38.41681

Name of Compiler(s): Pérez-López, R. and Rodríguez-Pascua, MA

Filiation: IGME- Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 18/10/2010

Average Strike(º): 092 5 OD

Dip (º): 85 10 OD cartographic value

Rake (º): -140 20 OD theoretical value from cartography

Sense of Movement: DN OD

Length (km): 18.5 5 OD

Min Depth (km): 1 EJ

Max Depth (km): 15.0 EJ

Width (km): 14.1 EJ

Area (km²): 259.99 EJ

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

250 ky 100 ky EJ

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.1 0.05-0.1 EJ

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

Number of SeismicEvents:

Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

topographic lineament Rodríguez-Pascua, (1999)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Albacete)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 130

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.65 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

100000 EJ

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Rodriguez-Pascua MA.(1999). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 600 pp.

Rodríguez-Pascua MA. (2001). Paleosismicidad y sismotectónica de las cuencas lacustres neógenas del Prebético de Albacete. Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses, 123. Albacete, 285 pp.

Rodríguez-Pascua MA, De Vicente G, Calvo JP and Pérez-López, R.(2003) Similarities between recent seismic activity and paleoseismites during the Late Miocene in the external Betic Chain (Spain). Journal of Structural Geology 25(4): 749-753.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES765 Fault Name: Rambla del Puerto

Segment Name:

Location X: -2.28974361

Location Y: 38.06974615

Name of Compiler(s): Martín-Banda, R. and García-Mayordomo, J.

Filiation: IGME

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 23/08/2013

Average Strike(º): 036 ± 5 LD Compiler's measurement, based on the Record number 41 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b), following the right-hand rule.

Dip (º): 85 ± 5 LD Record number 41 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Rake (º): -90 LD Record number 41 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Sense of Movement: N LD Record number 41 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Length (km): 3.0 ± 0.2 EJ Observed on the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a).

Min Depth (km): 0 EJ It outcrops at the surface (ITGE, 1993a).

Max Depth (km): 5.0 EJ 5 km is the estimated maximum depth of the main detachment level or thickness of the Mesozoic sedimentary cover (García-Mayordomo, 2005).

Width (km): 5.0 AR

Area (km²): 15.06 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene EJ Deduced from the local geology.

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.013 AR Record number 41 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 EJ HSR=0, assumed pure dip-slip faulting.

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.013 ± 0.001 AR Using Dip, Rake and VSR

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


1) Fault scarps affecting colluvial deposits Record number 41 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Geological Set: Betics (Murcia)

Identification Method: Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 174

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Evidence of AseismicCreep:


Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

5.90 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

136775 35385-531827 AR Considering the Maximum Earthquake Model (Wesnousky, 1986): slip rate represents the rate at which maximum earthquakes are released by the fault. RI = Mo f(Mw±d) / Mo f(SR±d). The occurrence of smaller, damaging earthquakes may be much shorter.

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Garcia-Mayordomo, J. (2005). Caracterización y Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica en el Sureste de España. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 373 pp.

ITGE (1993a): Mapa Neotectónico, Sismotectónico y de Actividad de Fallas de la Región de Murcia (Escalas 1:200.000 y 1:100.000).

ITGE (1993b): Fichero de Fallas del Mapa Neotectónico, Sismotectónico y de Actividad de Fallas de la Región de Murcia (Escalas 1:200.000 y 1:100.000).

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary faults, and seismic hazard in California. Journal of Geophysical Research. 91(B12), 12587-12631.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES766 Fault Name: Sur de Revolcadores

Segment Name:

Location X: -2.28918165

Location Y: 38.06711107

Name of Compiler(s): Martín-Banda, R. and García-Mayordomo, J.

Filiation: IGME

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 22/08/2013

Average Strike(º): 160 ±40 LD Based on the Record number 42 from ITGE (1993a,b). The trace of the fault shows two distinct trends: NNW-SSE and E-W. Due to this notorious change of trend plus the fact that the total length is only 5 km, the fault has been nominated as a debated fault.

Dip (º): 90 LD Record number 42 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Rake (º): -90 LD Record number 42 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Sense of Movement: N LD Record number 42 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Length (km): 5.2 ± 0.50 EJ Observed on the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a).

Min Depth (km): 0 EJ It outcrops at the surface (ITGE, 1993a).

Max Depth (km): 5.0 EJ 5 km is the estimated maximum depth of the main detachment level or thickness of the Mesozoic sedimentary cover (García-Mayordomo, 2005).

Width (km): 5.0 AR

Area (km²): 26.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene EJ Deduced from the local geology.

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.019 ± 0.005 AR Record number 42 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 EJ HSR=0, assumed pure dip-slip faulting.

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.019 ± 0.005 AR Using VSR, Dip and Rake

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


1) Fault scarps affecting the apex of alluvial fans Record number 42 from the Neotectonic, Seismotectonic and Activity of Faults Map of the Región de Murcia (ITGE, 1993a,b).

Geological Set: Betics (Murcia)

Identification Method: Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 175

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Evidence of AseismicCreep:


Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.13 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

118702 26182-578205 AR Considering the Maximum Earthquake Model (Wesnousky, 1986): slip rate represents the rate at which maximum earthquakes are released by the fault. RI = Mo f(Mw±d) / Mo f(SR±d). The occurrence of smaller, damaging earthquakes may be much shorter.

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Garcia-Mayordomo, J. (2005). Caracterización y Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica en el Sureste de España. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 373 pp.

ITGE (1993a): Mapa Neotectónico, Sismotectónico y de Actividad de Fallas de la Región de Murcia (Escalas 1:200.000 y 1:100.000).

ITGE (1993b): Fichero de Fallas del Mapa Neotectónico, Sismotectónico y de Actividad de Fallas de la Región de Murcia (Escalas 1:200.000 y 1:100.000).

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary faults, and seismic hazard in California. Journal of Geophysical Research. 91(B12), 12587-12631.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES703 Fault Name: Bedmar

Segment Name:

Location X: -3.41

Location Y: 37.828

Name of Compiler(s): García Tortosa, F.J., Peláez, J.A., Alfaro, P. and Sanz de Galdeano, C.

Filiation: Universidad de Jaén, Universidad de Alicante, IACT

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 23/09/2010

Average Strike(º): 140 5 LD Calculated from the tips (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Dip (º): 65 10 LD Average dip as observed at surface (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Rake (º): -90 LD (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Sense of Movement: N LD (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Length (km): 3.5 LD Lenght of the fault trace as observed in the field (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Min Depth (km): 0 LD Outcrops at the surface (García-Tortosa et al., 2008).

Max Depth (km): Unstated

Width (km): Unknown

Area (km²): Unknown

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Upper Pleistocene

EJ This faults affects slope deposits which can be upper Pleistocene (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

A straight mountain front. García-Tortosa et al. (2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Jaén)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy: Not rated


Orden Visual: 206

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

5.97 ± 0.37 ER Mw from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 5.6 (± 0.5) from the equation Mw=Mw(l) of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for normal faults.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED_INFORMATION\ES703-ES704.rar

García-Tortosa F.J., Sanz de Galdeano C., Sánchez-Gómez M. y Alfaro P. (2008). Tectónica reciente en el frente de Cabalgamiento Bético. Las deformaciones de Jimena y Bedmar (Jaén). Geogaceta 44, 59-62.

Jiménez-Espinosa, R. y Jiménez-Millán, J. (2003). Calcrete development in mediterranean colluvial carbonate systems from SE Spain. Journal of Arid Environments, 53, 479–489.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References



*Reliability: D

*Reliability: D

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES704 Fault Name: Sierra de la Golondrina

Segment Name:

Location X: -3.367

Location Y: 37.81

Name of Compiler(s): García Tortosa, F.J., Peláez, J.A., Alfaro, P. and Sanz de Galdeano, C.

Filiation: Universidad de Jaén, Universidad de Alicante, IACT

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 23/09/2010

Average Strike(º): 140 5 LD Calculated from the tips (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Dip (º): 70 10 LD Average dip as observed at surface (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Rake (º): -90 LD (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Sense of Movement: N LD (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Length (km): 1.0 0.5 LD Lenght of the fault trace as observed in the field (García-Tortosa et al., 2008)

Min Depth (km): 0 LD Outcrops at the surface (García-Tortosa et al., 2008).

Max Depth (km): Unstated

Width (km): Unknown

Area (km²): Unknown

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Holocene 5 ka LD Jiménez and Jiménez (2003) and García-Tortosa et al. (2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

A straight mountain front and it affects colluvial deposits García-Tortosa et al. (2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Jaén)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy: Not rated


Orden Visual: 207

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

5.45 ± 0.37 ER Mw from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 4.9 (± 0.3) from the equation Mw=Mw(l) of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for normal faults.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED_INFORMATION\ES703-ES704.rar

García-Tortosa F.J., Sanz de Galdeano C., Sánchez-Gómez M. y Alfaro P. (2008). Tectónica reciente en el frente de Cabalgamiento Bético. Las deformaciones de Jimena y Bedmar (Jaén). Geogaceta 44, 59-62.

Jiménez-Espinosa, R. y Jiménez-Millán, J. (2003). Calcrete development in mediterranean colluvial carbonate systems from SE Spain. Journal of Arid Environments, 53, 479–489.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References



*Reliability: B

*Reliability: Not rated

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES738 Fault Name: Suroeste del Negratín

Segment Name:

Location X: -3.00114614

Location Y: 37.56380234

Name of Compiler(s): García Tortosa, F.J., Peláez, J.A., Alfaro, P., Sanz de Galdeano, C. and Galindo, J.

Filiation: Universidades de Jaén, Alicante, Granada e IACT.

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 07/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 226 LD Calculated from the tips of the trace (Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez, 2007)

Dip (º): 60 LD Average dip as observed at surface (Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez, 2007)

Rake (º): -90 LD Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez (2007)

Sense of Movement: N LD Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez (2007)

Length (km): 2.7 LD It is likely that the fault extends towards the west and that it is the same structure that appears in Baños de Alicún sector (Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez, 2007).

Min Depth (km): 5 LD Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez (2007)

Max Depth (km): 10.0 >5 LD Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez (2007)

Width (km): 5.8 AR

Area (km²): 15.59 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Lower Pleistocene

LD Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez (2007)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.150 LD Average value from deformed Quaternary markers (Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez, 2007)

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 EJ HSR=0, assumed pure dip-slip faulting.

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.173 AR From dip and rake of the fault

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


It affects Pleistocene sediments Sanz de Galdeano and Peláez (2007)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Granada)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy: C


Orden Visual: 210

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

5.86 ± 0.37 ER Mw from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 5.40 (± 0.4) from the equation Mw=Mw(l) of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for normal faults.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

8544 Unstated AR Considering the Maximum Earthquake Model (Wesnousky, 1986): slip rate represents the rate at which maximum earthquakes are released by the fault. RI = Mo f(Mw±d) / Mo f(SR±d). The occurrence of smaller, damaging earthquakes may be much shorter.

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C., y López Casado, C. (2007). Determinación preliminar del potencial sísmico de la Cuenca de Guadix-Baza (Granada). 3er Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica. Girona (España).

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C., y López Casado, C. (2007). Peligrosidad sísmica en la Cuenca de Guadix-Baza a partir de datos de fallas activa, en La Cuenca de Guadix-Baza. Estructura, Tectónica activa, sismicidad, Geomorfología y dataciones existentes (C. Sanz de Galdeano & J.A. Peláez, eds.). Granada. 301-310.

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A., y López Casado, C. (2007). Fallas activas y potencial sísmico de la cuenca de Guadix-Baza, en La cuenca de Guadix-Baza. Estructura, tectónica activa, sismicidad, geomorfología y dataciones existentes (Sanz de Galdeano, C., y Peláez, J.A., eds.), Granada, 283-299.

Sanz de Galdeano, C., J.A. Peláez, C. López Casado, P. Alfaro, F.J. García Tortosa, J. Galindo Zaldívar y A.C. López Garrido (2010). Tectónica activa en las cuencas de Granada y Guadix‐Baza (Cordillera Bética, sur de España). En: Contribución de la Geología al Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica (J.M. Insua y F. Martín‐González, eds.), pp. 2‐5. Sigüenza (Guadalajara, España).

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, DL and Coppersmith, KJ (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bull. Sesimol. Soc. Am., 974-1002.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References



*Reliability: B

*Reliability: C

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES740 Fault Name: Hijate

Segment Name:

Location X: -2.60013743

Location Y: 37.401804

Name of Compiler(s): García Tortosa, F.J., Peláez, J.A., Alfaro, P., Sanz de Galdeano, C. and Galindo, J.

Filiation: Universidades de Jaén, Alicante, Granada e IACT.

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 07/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 134 OD Calculated from the tips of the trace

Dip (º): 60 OD Average dip as observed at surface.

Rake (º): -90 OD

Sense of Movement: N OD

Length (km): 6.2 OD

Min Depth (km): 5 OD

Max Depth (km): 12.0 EJ

Width (km): 8.1 AR

Area (km²): 50.11 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:



Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.040 OD Considering Upper Miocene-Pliocene markers.

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.04 EJ

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Geological Set: Betic Range (Granada)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 212

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.20 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. From the equation Mw=Mw(l) of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for normal faults results 5.90.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C., y López Casado, C. (2007). Determinación preliminar del potencial sísmico de la Cuenca de Guadix-Baza (Granada). 3er Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica. Girona (España).

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C., y López Casado, C. (2007). Peligrosidad sísmica en la Cuenca de Guadix-Baza a partir de datos de fallas activa, en La Cuenca de Guadix-Baza. Estructura, Tectónica activa, sismicidad, Geomorfología y dataciones existentes (C. Sanz de Galdeano & J.A. Peláez, eds.). Granada. 301-310.

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A., y López Casado, C. (2007). Fallas activas y potencial sísmico de la cuenca de Guadix-Baza, en La cuenca de Guadix-Baza. Estructura, tectónica activa, sismicidad, geomorfología y dataciones existentes (Sanz de Galdeano, C., y Peláez, J.A., eds.), Granada, 283-299.

Sanz de Galdeano, C., J.A. Peláez, C. López Casado, P. Alfaro, F.J. García Tortosa, J. Galindo Zaldívar y A.C. López Garrido (2010). Tectónica activa en las cuencas de Granada y Guadix‐Baza (Cordillera Bética, sur de España). En: Contribución de la Geología al Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica (J.M. Insua y F. Martín‐González, eds.), pp. 2‐5. Sigüenza (Guadalajara, España).

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES637 Fault Name: Borde NO de Sierra Arana

Segment Name:

Location X: -3.5275

Location Y: 37.3619

Name of Compiler(s): Sanz de Galdeano, C. and Peláez, J.A.

Filiation: I.A.C.T. and Universidad de Jaén

Email: [email protected]; japelaez@uj

Last Update: 07/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 202 OD Calculated from its tips.

Dip (º): 60 -10 + 20 OD

Rake (º): -90 OD

Sense of Movement: N OD

Length (km): 6.7 OD Lenght of the fault trace as observed in the field

Min Depth (km): 0 OD

Max Depth (km): 10.0 >10 OD Estimated depth is deeper than 10 km based on geologic features.

Width (km): 11.5 AR

Area (km²): 77.36 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:



Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.120 OD From the displacement observed in the last 5 Ma.

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.12 OD

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The general scarp, locally well conserved

Geological Set: Betic Range (Granada)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 214

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.23 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. From the equation Mw=Mw(l) of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for normal faults results 5.9.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A. and López Casado, C. (2003). Seismic potential of the main active faults in the Granada Basin (southern Spain). Pure and Applied Geophysics 160, 1537-1556

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. y López Casado, C. (2001). Potencialidad sísmica de las fallas de la Cuenca de Granada en La Cuenca de Granada. Estructura, tectónica activa, sismicidad, geomorfología y dataciones existentes (Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A. y López, A.C., eds.), 158-174 (ISBN: 84-699-5561-6)

Peláez J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. y López Casado, C. (2001). Base de datos de fallas de la Cuenca de Granada y evaluación de su potencialidad sísmica. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Sísmica. 16-19 Octubre, Madrid, 2001. 22-30

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. and López Casado, C. (2003). Use of active fault data versus seismicity data in the evaluation of seismic hazard in the Granada basin (Southern Spain). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 93, 1670-1678

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A., López Casado, C., Alfaro, P., García Tortosa, F.J., Galindo Zaldívar, J., y López Garrido, A.C. (2010). Estudios de tectónica activa en las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza (Cordillera Bética, Sur de España). En: Contribución de la Geología al Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica (Insua, J.M., y Martín González, F., eds.), pp. 141-144. Sigüenza (Guadalajara, España).

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES678 Fault Name: Lanjarón

Segment Name:

Location X: -3.4951

Location Y: 36.9189

Name of Compiler(s): Sanz de Galdeano, C. and Peláez, J.A.

Filiation: I.A.C.T. and Universidad de Jaén

Email: [email protected]; japelaez@uj

Last Update: 07/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 088 OD Calculated from its tips.

Dip (º): 90 - 30 OD

Rake (º): Unknown

Sense of Movement: ND OD At Present the normal component is predominant versus dextral strike slip. The magnitude of the latter is unknown.

Length (km): 6.6 OD Lenght of the fault trace as observed in the field

Min Depth (km): 0 OD

Max Depth (km): 10.0 >10 OD Estimated depth is deeper than 10 km based on geologic features.

Width (km): 10.0 AR

Area (km²): 66.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Upper Miocene


Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.300 OD From the displacement observed in the last 10 Ma.

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.3 EJ

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The general line of the fault with the scarp visible in some places. Most of the surface of the fault is situated among metamorphic rocks. In some places the springs situated along the fault permited the formation of travertines.

Geological Set: Betic Range (Granada)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 240

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.23 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. From the equation Mw=Mw(l) of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for strike slip faults results 6.1. As a normal fault maximum magnitude would be 5.9 (0.5 sigma).

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A. and López Casado, C. (2003). Seismic potential of the main active faults in the Granada Basin (southern Spain). Pure and Applied Geophysics 160, 1537-1556

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. y López Casado, C. (2001). Potencialidad sísmica de las fallas de la Cuenca de Granada en La Cuenca de Granada. Estructura, tectónica activa, sismicidad, geomorfología y dataciones existentes (Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A. y López, A.C., eds.), 158-174 (ISBN: 84-699-5561-6)

Peláez J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. y López Casado, C. (2001). Base de datos de fallas de la Cuenca de Granada y evaluación de su potencialidad sísmica. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Sísmica. 16-19 Octubre, Madrid, 2001. 22-30

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. and López Casado, C. (2003). Use of active fault data versus seismicity data in the evaluation of seismic hazard in the Granada basin (Southern Spain). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 93, 1670-1678

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A., López Casado, C., Alfaro, P., García Tortosa, F.J., Galindo Zaldívar, J., y López Garrido, A.C. (2010). Estudios de tectónica activa en las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza (Cordillera Bética, Sur de España). En: Contribución de la Geología al Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica (Insua, J.M., y Martín González, F., eds.), pp. 141-144. Sigüenza (Guadalajara, España).

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES679 Fault Name: Vélez de Benaudalla

Segment Name:

Location X: -3.4801012

Location Y: 36.87703533

Name of Compiler(s): Sanz de Galdeano, C. and Peláez, J.A.

Filiation: I.A.C.T. and Universidad de Jaén

Email: [email protected]; japelaez@uj

Last Update: 07/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 218 OD Calculated from its tips.

Dip (º): 30 + - 10 OD In the area visible. Probably is greater in other points

Rake (º): Unknown

Sense of Movement: ND OD

Length (km): 6.3 OD Lenght of the fault trace as observed in the field

Min Depth (km): 0 OD

Max Depth (km): 3.0 >3 OD Estimated depth is deeper than 3 km based on geologic features.

Width (km): 6.0 AR

Area (km²): 84.60 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Pleistocene? OD Unknown

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.150 OD From the displacement observed in the last 10 Ma.

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.15 OD

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

The line of the fault and the scarp in some points Practically is completely situated among metamorphic rocks. The springs related formed an important travertinic outcrop

Geological Set: Betic Range (Granada)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 241

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.21 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. From the equation Mw=Mw(l) of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for normal faults results 5.9.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

0 Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A. and López Casado, C. (2003). Seismic potential of the main active faults in the Granada Basin (southern Spain). Pure and Applied Geophysics 160, 1537-1556

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. y López Casado, C. (2001). Potencialidad sísmica de las fallas de la Cuenca de Granada en La Cuenca de Granada. Estructura, tectónica activa, sismicidad, geomorfología y dataciones existentes (Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A. y López, A.C., eds.), 158-174 (ISBN: 84-699-5561-6)

Peláez J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. y López Casado, C. (2001). Base de datos de fallas de la Cuenca de Granada y evaluación de su potencialidad sísmica. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Sísmica. 16-19 Octubre, Madrid, 2001. 22-30

Peláez, J.A., Sanz de Galdeano, C. and López Casado, C. (2003). Use of active fault data versus seismicity data in the evaluation of seismic hazard in the Granada basin (Southern Spain). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 93, 1670-1678

Sanz de Galdeano, C., Peláez, J.A., López Casado, C., Alfaro, P., García Tortosa, F.J., Galindo Zaldívar, J., y López Garrido, A.C. (2010). Estudios de tectónica activa en las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza (Cordillera Bética, Sur de España). En: Contribución de la Geología al Análisis de la Peligrosidad Sísmica (Insua, J.M., y Martín González, F., eds.), pp. 141-144. Sigüenza (Guadalajara, España).

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES719 Fault Name: El Carrascal

Segment Name: El Carrascal

Location X: -4.52001385

Location Y: 36.61714791

Name of Compiler(s): Insua-Arévalo, J.M.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 08/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 004 ± 4 LD Fault trace gently curve (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Dip (º): 90 - 10 LD Subvertical. No fault plane outcropping (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Rake (º): -90 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Sense of Movement: N LD Probably normal. No fault plane outcropping (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Length (km): 5.0 + 2 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Min Depth (km): 0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Max Depth (km): 8.0 + 2 / - 1 EJ Estimated in relation with the length

Width (km): 8.0 AR

Area (km²): 40.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

4700 ka -1700 LD No sedimentary deposit affected, but Pliocene erosive marine terrace faulted (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.010 +0.01 LD Considering since 4700 ka (cycle TB 3.4 of the Haq eustatic curve, in Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 LD No horizontal movement considered (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.01 AR From VSR, dip and rake (pure normal)

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

0.22 ER Wells & Coppersmith (1994). Following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Displacement (MD)

Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Topographic lineament, and displacement of Pliocene marine terraces

(Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Málaga)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 244

Página 61 de 80

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.11 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 5.89 (± 0.28) using Wells & Coppersmith (1994), following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Magnitude.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

6300 ± 3300 AR Wesnousky, (1986). Considering the Slip Rate and the Maximum Displacement (MD) or Average Displacement (AD) relating to the SRL by Wells & Coppersmith (1994) empirical relationships

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Insua, J.M. (2008) Neotectónica y Tectónica Activa de la Cuenca de Málaga (Cordillera Bética Occidental). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 265 pp.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, D. L. y K.J. Coppersmith (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1994). The Gutenberg-Richter or the characteristic earthquake model, which is it? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84: 1940-1959.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES720 Fault Name: Sierra de las Nieves

Segment Name: Sierra de las Nieves

Location X: -4.86506456

Location Y: 36.73017915

Name of Compiler(s): Insua-Arévalo, J.M.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 08/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 018 ± 2 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Dip (º): 90 - 10 LD Subvertical. No fault plane outcropping (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Rake (º): -90 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Sense of Movement: N LD Probably normal. No fault plane identified (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Length (km): 11.0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Min Depth (km): 0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Max Depth (km): 11.0 + 2 / - 1 EJ Estimated in relation with the structure of the crust defined by Insua Arévalo (2008)

Width (km): 11.0 AR

Area (km²): 121.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

4700 ka -1700 LD Inferred by the variation of topographic altitude of Pliocene marine deposit (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.032 +0.02 LD Minimum value considering since 4700 ka (cycle TB 3.4 of the Haq eustatic curve, in Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 LD No horizontal movement considered (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.032 AR From VSR, dip and rake (pure normal)

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

0.48 ER Wells & Coppersmith (1994). Following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Displacement (MD)

Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Topographic lineament, and displacement of Pliocene marine terraces

(Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Málaga)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 245

Página 63 de 80

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.44 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 6.29 (± 0.28) using Wells & Coppersmith (1994), following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Magnitude.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

12000 ± 3000 AR Wesnousky, (1986). Considering the Slip Rate and the Maximum Displacement (MD) or Average Displacement (AD) relating to the SRL by Wells & Coppersmith (1994) empirical relationships

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Insua, J.M. (2008) Neotectónica y Tectónica Activa de la Cuenca de Málaga (Cordillera Bética Occidental). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 265 pp.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, D. L. y K.J. Coppersmith (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1994). The Gutenberg-Richter or the characteristic earthquake model, which is it? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84: 1940-1959.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES721 Fault Name: La Robla

Segment Name: La Robla

Location X: -4.82778362

Location Y: 36.72484574

Name of Compiler(s): Insua-Arévalo, J.M.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 08/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 028 ± 6 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Dip (º): 90 - 10 LD Subvertical. No fault plane outcropping (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Rake (º): -90 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Sense of Movement: N LD Probably normal. No fault plane identified (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Length (km): 12.0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Min Depth (km): 0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Max Depth (km): 11.0 + 2 / - 1 EJ Estimated in relation with the structure of the crust defined by Insua Arévalo (2008)

Width (km): 11.0 AR

Area (km²): 132.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

4700 ka -1700 LD Inferred by the variation of topographic altitude of Pliocene marine deposit (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.021 +0.015 LD Minimum value considering since 4700 ka (cycle TB 3.4 of the Haq eustatic curve, in Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 LD No horizontal movement considered (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.021 AR From VSR, dip and rake (pure normal)

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

0.53 ER Wells & Coppersmith (1994). Following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Displacement (MD)

Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Topographic lineament, and displacement of Pliocene marine terraces

(Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Málaga)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 246

Página 65 de 80

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.48 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 6.33 (± 0.28) using Wells & Coppersmith (1994), following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Magnitude.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

20000 ± 5000 AR Wesnousky, (1986). Considering the Slip Rate and the Maximum Displacement (MD) or Average Displacement (AD) relating to the SRL by Wells & Coppersmith (1994) empirical relationships

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Insua, J.M. (2008) Neotectónica y Tectónica Activa de la Cuenca de Málaga (Cordillera Bética Occidental). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 265 pp.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, D. L. y K.J. Coppersmith (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1994). The Gutenberg-Richter or the characteristic earthquake model, which is it? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84: 1940-1959.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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Page 67: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES722 Fault Name: Campanillas

Segment Name: Campanillas

Location X: -4.48816642

Location Y: 36.79765482

Name of Compiler(s): Insua-Arévalo, J.M.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 08/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 216 ± 1 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Dip (º): 90 - 10 LD Subvertical. No fault plane outcropping (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Rake (º): -90 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Sense of Movement: N LD Probably normal. No fault plane identified (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Length (km): 8.0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Min Depth (km): 0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Max Depth (km): 11.0 + 2 / - 1 EJ Estimated in relation with the structure of the crust defined by Insua Arévalo (2008)

Width (km): 11.0 AR

Area (km²): 88.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

4700 ka -1700 LD Inferred by the variation of topographic altitude of Pliocene marine deposit (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.019 +0.011 LD Minimum value considering since 4700 ka (cycle TB 3.4 of the Haq eustatic curve, in Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 LD No horizontal movement considered (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.019 AR From VSR, dip and rake (pure normal)

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

0.35 ER Wells & Coppersmith (1994). Following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Displacement (MD)

Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Topographic lineament, and displacement of Pliocene marine terraces

(Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Málaga)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 247

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.31 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 6.13 (± 0.28) using Wells & Coppersmith (1994), following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Magnitude.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

20000 ± 8000 AR Wesnousky, (1986). Considering the Slip Rate and the Maximum Displacement (MD) or Average Displacement (AD) relating to the SRL by Wells & Coppersmith (1994) empirical relationships

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Insua, J.M. (2008) Neotectónica y Tectónica Activa de la Cuenca de Málaga (Cordillera Bética Occidental). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 265 pp.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, D. L. y K.J. Coppersmith (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1994). The Gutenberg-Richter or the characteristic earthquake model, which is it? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84: 1940-1959.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES724 Fault Name: Mijas

Segment Name: Mijas

Location X: -4.707069

Location Y: 36.62218252

Name of Compiler(s): Insua-Arévalo, J.M.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 08/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 080 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Dip (º): 60 - 5 LD Blind thrust (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Rake (º): 90 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Sense of Movement: R LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Length (km): 19.0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Min Depth (km): 2.5 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Max Depth (km): 13.0 ± 0.5 LD Insua Arévalo (2008)

Width (km): 12.1 AR

Area (km²): 230.36 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

4700 ka -1700 LD Pliocene marine terraces tilted in the northern flank of Sierra de Mijas (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.070 LD Minimum value considering the evolution of the geometry of the associated anticline of the Sierra de Mijas since 4700 ka (in Insua Arévalo, 2008).

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.04 AR Considering a the dip of the fault plane

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.0806226 AR From VSR, dip and rake (pure normal)

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):

1.08 ER Wells & Coppersmith (1994). Following the empirical relationship between Magnitude and Maximum Displacement (MD)

Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Pliocene marine terraces tilted (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Málaga)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 249

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.66 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Mw is 6.46 (± 0.25) using Wells & Coppersmith (1994), following the empirical relationship between Surface Rupture Length (SRL) and Maximum Magnitude.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

10000 ± 3000 AR Wesnousky, (1986). Considering the Slip Rate and the Maximum Displacement (MD) or Average Displacement (AD) relating to the SRL by Wells & Coppersmith (1994) empirical relationships

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Insua, J.M. (2008) Neotectónica y Tectónica Activa de la Cuenca de Málaga (Cordillera Bética Occidental). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 265 pp.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, D. L. y K.J. Coppersmith (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1994). The Gutenberg-Richter or the characteristic earthquake model, which is it? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84: 1940-1959.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES726 Fault Name: Montes de Malaga (1/2)

Segment Name: Upper Flat

Location X: -4.6910727

Location Y: 36.85017929

Name of Compiler(s): Insua-Arévalo, J.M.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 08/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 085 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Dip (º): 5 + 5 LD Blind thrust (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Rake (º): 90 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Sense of Movement: R LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Length (km): 21.0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Min Depth (km): 0.5 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Max Depth (km): 2.5 ± 0.5 LD Insua Arévalo (2008)

Width (km): 22.9 AR

Area (km²): 481.90 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Quaternary s.l. EJ Pliocene (4700 ky) marine sediments in the Guadalhorce valley (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Pliocene marine deposits folded. Drainage pattern affected. Insua Arévalo (2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Málaga)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 251

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.71 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Insua, J.M. (2008) Neotectónica y Tectónica Activa de la Cuenca de Málaga (Cordillera Bética Occidental). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 265 pp.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, D. L. y K.J. Coppersmith (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1994). The Gutenberg-Richter or the characteristic earthquake model, which is it? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84: 1940-1959.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES727 Fault Name: Montes de Malaga (2/2)

Segment Name: Ramp

Location X: -4.66107209

Location Y: 36.72418126

Name of Compiler(s): Insua-Arévalo, J.M.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 08/10/2014

Average Strike(º): 085 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Dip (º): 40 - 5 LD Blind thrust (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Rake (º): 90 LD Insua Arévalo (2008)

Sense of Movement: R LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Length (km): 22.0 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Min Depth (km): 2.5 LD (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Max Depth (km): 13.0 ± 0.5 LD Insua Arévalo (2008)

Width (km): 16.3 AR

Area (km²): 359.37 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Quaternary s.l. EJ Pliocene (4700 ky) marine sediments in the Guadalhorce valley (Insua Arévalo, 2008)

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Geomorphic evidence are from the upper flat segment: Pliocene marine deposits folded and drainage pattern affected.

Insua Arévalo (2008)

Geological Set: Betic Range (Málaga)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 252

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.73 ± 0.37 ER Mw from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. The Mw is 6.74 (± 0.25) using Wells & Coppersmith (1994), following the empirical relationship between Rupture Area (RA) and Maximum Magnitude.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Insua, J.M. (2008) Neotectónica y Tectónica Activa de la Cuenca de Málaga (Cordillera Bética Occidental). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 265 pp.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Wells, D. L. y K.J. Coppersmith (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture area, and surface displacement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4): 974-1002.

Wesnousky, S.G. (1994). The Gutenberg-Richter or the characteristic earthquake model, which is it? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84: 1940-1959.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES742 Fault Name: Cabo de Gracia

Segment Name:

Location X: -5.739

Location Y: 36.135

Name of Compiler(s): García-Mayordomo, J.

Filiation: IGME

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 29/04/2015

Average Strike(º): 239 ± 5 LD Silva et al. (2006), Grützner et al. (2012)

Dip (º): 90 EJ Based on fig. 7 from Silva et al. (2006).

Rake (º): -90 EJ According to Grützner et al. (2010) multiple reactivations have taken place, the most recent as a normal fault.

Sense of Movement: N EJ According to Grützner et al. (2010) multiple reactivations have taken place, the most recent as a normal fault.

Length (km): 8.9 LD Silva et al. (2006). The Principal Displacement Zone of the fault, of about 400 to 650 m wide, has a complex braided pattern.

Min Depth (km): 0 LD Outcrops at the surface. Silva et al. (2006), Grützner et al. (2012)

Max Depth (km): 10.0 LD Silva et al. (2006)

Width (km): 10.0 AR

Area (km²): 89.00 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Late Pleistocene

LD Differential displacement of the last interglacial marine, MIS 5c and 5e, as describedby Zazo et al.(1999) in Silva et al (2006).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Liquefaction features related as possible coseismic activity along the Cabo de Gracia Fault, differential displacement of the last interglacial marine terraceson both sides of the fault at the coast.

Quaternary activity is only evidenced at the coast (Silva et al., 2006), while for the offshore extension of the fault is inactive during the Pliocene, and for the continental part trenching indicates very minor activity (Grützner et al., 2012)

Geological Set: Betic Cordillera (Cádiz)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 253

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.35 ± 0.37 ER Mw from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information:

Silva, P.G., Goy, J.L., Zazo, C., Bardaji, T., Lario, J., Somoza, L., Luque, L. and González-Hernández, F.M. (2006). Neotectonic fault mapping at the Gibraltar Strait Tunnel area, Bolonia Bay (South Spain). Engineering Geology, 84: 31-47.


Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: ES805 Fault Name: Torre del Loro

Segment Name:

Location X: -6.66116473

Location Y: 37.06192163

Name of Compiler(s): Martín Banda, R. and García Mayordomo, J.

Filiation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid and IGME

Email: [email protected]; Julian.

Last Update: 07/08/2014

Average Strike(º): 110 ± 5 LD Compiler's measurement, based on trace of the Rodríguez-Ramírez et al. (2014). To apply right hand rule criteria dip is considered towards S (Zazo et al., 1999).

Dip (º): 60 ± 20 EJ Typical dip of normal faults.

Rake (º): -90 LD Zazo et al., 1999; Rodríguez-Ramírez et al. (2014)

Sense of Movement: N LD Zazo et al., 1999; Rodríguez-Ramírez et al. (2014)

Length (km): 15.0 LD Compiler's measurement, based on trace of the Rodríguez-Ramírez et al. (2014).

Min Depth (km): 0.008 ± 0.001 LD According to Zazo et al. (1999)

Max Depth (km): 4.0 ± 0.5 EJ This fault can be related to the Pliocene-Quaternary listric faults rooted in the Allochthonous Complex of the Guadalquivir, like other faults of the Gulf of Cadiz (Vazquez et al.,2010).The base of the

Width (km): 4.6 AR

Area (km²): 69.14 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

30700 14C yr BP

± 800 14C yr BP LD Its activity stopped before the Holocene (Zazo et al., 1999).

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.103 0.174 to 0.031 LD VSR 0.174 during late Pleistocene (estimated vertical offset 20 m) and VSR 0.031 from early Pleistocene (estimated vertical offset 80 m) (Zazo et al., 1999).

Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0 EJ HSR=0, assumed pure dip-slip faulting.

Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :

0.118 0.201 to 0.036 AR From VSR, Dip and Rake

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


1) It controls the eolian sedimentation in the area during the Late Pleistocene and the coastline directions during the Middle-Late Pleistocene 2) It controls the fluviatile network of a tributary of the paleo-Guadalquivir during Early-Middle Pleistocene.

Zazo et al. (1999). However, Zazo et al. (2005) interprets this fault as a gravitational fault, and so, presumably, it has a non tectonic origin.

Geological Set: Guadalquivir Basin (Huelva)

Identification Method: Geological/Geomorphological field mapping


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 257

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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

6.57 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

32524 382628 - 5320 AR Considering the Maximum Earthquake Model (Wesnousky, 1986): slip rate represents the rate at which maximum earthquakes are released by the fault. RI = Mo f(Mw±d) / Mo f(SR±d). The occurrence of smaller, damaging earthquakes may be much shorter.

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED INFORMATION\

Medialdea, T. (2007): Estructura y evolución tectónica del Golfo de Cádiz. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España. Serie: Tesis Doctorales Nº8. 328 pp.

Rodríguez-Ramírez, A., Flores-Hurtado, E., Contreras, C., Villarías-Robles, J.J.R., Jiménez-Moreno, G., Pérez-Asensio, J.N., López-Sáez, J.A., Celestino-Pérez, S., Cerrillo-Cuenca, E., and León A. (2014): The role of neo-tectonics in the sedimentary infilling and geomorphological evolution of the Guadalquivir estuary (Gulf of Cadiz, SW Spain) during Holocene. Geomorphology, 219, 126-140.

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Vázquez, J.T.,Fernández-Puga, M.C., Medialdea, T., Díaz del Río, V., Fernández-Salas, L.M., Llave, E., Lobo, F.J., Lopes, F.C., Maldonado, A., Somoza, L. and Palomino, D. (2010): Fracturación normal durante el Cuaternario Superior en la Plataforma Continental Septentrional del Golfo de Cádiz (SO de Iberia). Resúmenes de la 1ª Reunión Ibérica sobre Tectónica Activa y Paleosismología, Sigüenza, España (2010).

Wesnousky, S.G. (1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary faults, and seismic hazard in California. Journal of Geophysical Research. 91(B12), 12587-12631.

Zazo, C., Dabrio, C.J., Borja, J., Goy, J.L., Lézine, A.M., Lario, J., Polo, M.D., Hoyos, M., Boersma, J.R., 1999. Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian facies along the Huelva coast (southern Spain): Climatic and neotectonic implications. Geol. Mijnb. 77, 209–224.

Zazo, C., Mercier, N., Silva, P.G., Dabrio, C.J., Goy, J.L., Roquero, E., Soler, V., Borja, F., Lario, J., Polo, D., Luque, L., 2005. Landscape evolution and geodynamic controls in the Gulf of Cadiz (Huelva coast, SW Spain) during the Late Quaternary. Geomorphology 68, 269–290.

Seismic PotentialSource Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

ID: AT001 Fault Name: Gorringe Bank

Segment Name:

Location X: -12.107

Location Y: 36.511

Name of Compiler(s): Álvarez-Gómez, J.A. and García-Mayordomo, J.

Filiation: UCM; IGME

Email: [email protected]

Last Update: 16/04/2015

Average Strike(º): 054 ± 5 LD Lima et al. (2010)

Dip (º): 55 + 15 / - 20 LD Lima et al. (2010)

Rake (º): 90 ± 20 LD Lima et al. (2010)

Sense of Movement: R LD Lima et al. (2010)

Length (km): 124.0 ± 5 LD Lima et al. (2010)

Min Depth (km): 0 + 0.5 LD Lima et al. (2010)

Max Depth (km): 50.0 ± 10 LD Lima et al. (2010)

Width (km): 61.0 AR

Area (km²): 8179.19 AR

Age of the youngestdeposits affected bythe fault:

Quaternary s.l. Middle Miocene EJ Activity seems to have diminished dramatically since Late Miocene times (Zitellini et al., 2004, 2009; Jiménez-Munt et al. 2010). However, seismicity clustered in Gorringe Bank strongly suggests the present activity of the fault.

Vertical Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Horizontal Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) :


Net Slip Rate(m/ka or mm/yr) : Unknown

MaxImum Slip Per Event (m):


Number of SeismicEvents:


Evidence of AseismicCreep:



Geometry and KinematicsVariability Source Comment

Quaternary Activity

Variability Source


Seismic Potential

Prominent morphologic submarine topography with spatially associated seismicity

Zitellini et al. (2004, 2009)

Geological Set: Atlantic Ocean (Offshore Southwest Iberia)

Identification Method: Geophysical methods


Quaternary activity evidence


Slip Rate *Accuracy:


Orden Visual: 281

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Page 80: Geometry and Kinematics - · 04/09/2015 QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015) Refer to the Access file for a complete description

04/09/2015QAFI Debated-Faults Database (4/09/2015)

Refer to the Access file for a complete description of the record

Maximun Magnitude(Mw):

7.44 ± 0.37 ER Magnitude from length using Stirling et al. (2002) equation derived from the instrumental dataset. Estimation following Scholz (2002) relations results in Mw 8.10.

RecurrenceInterval (years) :

Not enough data for an estimation

Date of Last MaximumEarthquake (years) :


Extended Information: EXTENDED_INFORMATION\AT001-AT003.rar

Jiménez‐Munt, I., Fernàndez, M., Vergés, J., Afonso, J. C., Garcia‐Castellanos, D., & Fullea, J. (2010). Lithospheric structure of the Gorringe Bank: Insights into its origin and tectonic evolution. Tectonics, 29(5).

Lima, J. M. Miranda , M. A. Baptista, J. Catalao, M. Gonzalez, L. Otero, M. Olabarrieta, J. A. Alvarez-Gomez, and E. Carreño (2010): Impact of a 1755-like tsunami in Huelva, Spain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 10: 1-10

Stirling, M., Rhoades, D. and Berryman K. (2002): Comparison of Earthquake Scaling Relations Derived from Data of the Instrumental and Preinstrumental Era. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92 (2): 812–830.

Zitellini, N., Rovere, M., Terrinha, P., Chierici, F., Matias, L., & Team, B. (2004). Neogene through Quaternary tectonic reactivation of SW Iberian passive margin.Pure and Applied Geophysics, 161(3), 565-587.

Zitellini, N., Gràcia, E., Matias, L., Terrinha, P., Abreu, M. A., DeAlteriis, G., … & Diez, S. (2009). The quest for the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary west of the Strait of Gibraltar. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 280(1), 13-50.

Source Comment

Associated Seismicity

Extended Data and References





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