Geometric Matching under Noise: Combinatorial Bounds and...

457 Geometric Matching under Noise: Combinatorial Bounds and Algorithms PIOTR INDYE;* RAJEEV MOTWANI~ SURESH VENK.4TASUBRAMANI.4NS Department of Computer Science Stanford University Stanford, C-4 9430.5 Abstract In geometric pattern matching, we are given two sets of points P and Q in d dimensions, and the problem is to determine the rigid transformation that brings P closest to Q. under some distance measure. More generally, each point can be modelled as a ball of small radius, and we mav wish to find a transformation approximating the closest d&axe between P and Q. This problem has many applications in domains such as computer vision and computational chemistry chemistry In this paper we present improved algorithms for this In this paper we present improved algorithms for this problem, by allowing the running time of our algorithms to problem, by allowing the running time of our algorithms to depend not only on n, (the number of points in the sets), but depend not only on n, (the number of points in the sets), but also on A, the diameter of the point set. The deoendence on also on A, the diameter of the point set. The deoendence on A also allAws us to effectively *process point se& that occur in practice, where diameters tend to be small ([EVW91]). Our algorithms are also simple to implement, in contrast to much of the earlier work. To obtain the above-mentioned results, we introduce a novel discretization technique to reduce geometric pattern matching to combinatorial pattern matching. In addition, we address various generalizations of the classical problem first posed by Erd8s: “Given a set, of n points in the plane, how many pairs of points can be exactly a unit distance apart?“. The combinatorial bounds we prove enable us to obtain improved results for geometric pattern matching and may have other applications. 1 Introduction Geometric point set matching in two and three dimen- sions is a well-studied family of problems with appli- cation to areas such as computer vision [MNL98], pat- tern recognition [CGH+93, HKK92] and computational ‘Supported by a Stanford Graduate Fellowship and NSF Award CCR-935i849, with matching funds from IBM, Mit- subishi, Schlumberger Foundation, Shell Foundation. and Xeros Corporation. ‘Supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. an IBM Faculty Partnership Award, an AR0 MURI Grant DAAHO4-96 I-0007, and NSF Young Investigator Award CCR-935iS49. with matching funds from IBM, Mitsubishi, Schlumberger Foundation. Shell Foundation. andxerox Corporation. :Supported in part by a grant from Pfizer Central Research. chemistry [FHK+96, FKL+97, NFWN94]. Given some choice of a space G of transformations and a distance measure d(P, Q) for two point sets P and Q in d- dimensional Euclidean space, we can formulate the ba- sic problem as follows: Determine the transformation T E G that brings P closest to Q, i.e that minimises d(T(P): Q). More formally. Problem 1 .l (PATTERN MATCHING (PM)) Given e > 0, and point sets P and Q, where jPl = k and IQI = n with k < n: jind a transformation T E G for which d(T(P), Q) 5 E. A generalized version of this where we require only that a portion of P is near some portion of Q, is: Problem 1.2. (LARGEST COMMON POINT-SET (LCP)) Given E > 0, K > 0, and point sets P and Q of site k and n, find a transformation T E &Yand a set P’ C P of size lP’/ 2 K such that Id(T(P’),Q)( _< 6. In this paper, we will restrict ourselves to point sets in @ and !R3, and will restrict G to be the space of isometries. Note that any isometry can be represented as a composition of a rotation and a translation (and possibly a reflection, which can be ignored without loss of generality). We define the following three distance measures1 . Exact dE: dE(P,Q) = 0 if P C Q, otherwise it is 1. Hausdorff dH: dH (P, Q) = ma+p m&EQ d(p, Q), where d(p, q) is the Euclidean distance. Bottleneck dlv: dw(P, Q) = min, rna+cp d(p, r(p)), where r ranges over all permutations of { 1, . . . , k}. ‘Technically. none of these three measures satisfy the property of being a metric.

Transcript of Geometric Matching under Noise: Combinatorial Bounds and...

Page 1: Geometric Matching under Noise: Combinatorial Bounds and Algorithmsbrd/Teaching/Bio/asmb/Papers/... · 2004-09-10 · Goodrich et al ([GM094]) obtain simple algorithms that yield


Geometric Matching under Noise: Combinatorial Bounds and Algorithms


Department of Computer Science Stanford University Stanford, C-4 9430.5

Abstract In geometric pattern matching, we are given two sets of points P and Q in d dimensions, and the problem is to determine the rigid transformation that brings P closest to Q. under some distance measure. More generally, each point can be modelled as a ball of small radius, and we mav wish to find a transformation approximating the closest d&axe between P and Q. This problem has many applications in domains such as computer vision and computational chemistry chemistry

In this paper we present improved algorithms for this In this paper we present improved algorithms for this problem, by allowing the running time of our algorithms to problem, by allowing the running time of our algorithms to depend not only on n, (the number of points in the sets), but depend not only on n, (the number of points in the sets), but also on A, the diameter of the point set. The deoendence on also on A, the diameter of the point set. The deoendence on A also allAws us to effectively *process point se& that occur in practice, where diameters tend to be small ([EVW91]). Our algorithms are also simple to implement, in contrast to much of the earlier work.

To obtain the above-mentioned results, we introduce a novel discretization technique to reduce geometric pattern matching to combinatorial pattern matching. In addition, we address various generalizations of the classical problem first posed by Erd8s: “Given a set, of n points in the plane, how many pairs of points can be exactly a unit distance apart?“. The combinatorial bounds we prove enable us to obtain improved results for geometric pattern matching and may have other applications.

1 Introduction

Geometric point set matching in two and three dimen- sions is a well-studied family of problems with appli- cation to areas such as computer vision [MNL98], pat- tern recognition [CGH+93, HKK92] and computational

‘Supported by a Stanford Graduate Fellowship and NSF Award CCR-935i849, with matching funds from IBM, Mit- subishi, Schlumberger Foundation, Shell Foundation. and Xeros Corporation.

‘Supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. an IBM Faculty Partnership Award, an AR0 MURI Grant DAAHO4-96 I-0007, and NSF Young Investigator Award CCR-935iS49. with matching funds from IBM, Mitsubishi, Schlumberger Foundation. Shell Foundation. andxerox Corporation.

:Supported in part by a grant from Pfizer Central Research.

chemistry [FHK+96, FKL+97, NFWN94]. Given some choice of a space G of transformations and a distance measure d(P, Q) for two point sets P and Q in d- dimensional Euclidean space, we can formulate the ba- sic problem as follows: Determine the transformation T E G that brings P closest to Q, i.e that minimises d(T(P): Q). More formally.

Problem 1 .l (PATTERN MATCHING (PM)) Given e > 0, and point sets P and Q, where jPl = k and

IQI = n with k < n: jind a transformation T E G for

which d(T(P), Q) 5 E.

A generalized version of this where we require only that a portion of P is near some portion of Q, is:

Problem 1.2. (LARGEST COMMON POINT-SET (LCP)) Given E > 0, K > 0, and point sets P and Q of site k and n, find a transformation T E &Y and a set P’ C P of size lP’/ 2 K such that Id(T(P’),Q)( _< 6.

In this paper, we will restrict ourselves to point sets in @ and !R3, and will restrict G to be the space of isometries. Note that any isometry can be represented as a composition of a rotation and a translation (and possibly a reflection, which can be ignored without loss of generality). We define the following three distance measures1 .

Exact dE: dE(P,Q) = 0 if P C Q, otherwise it is 1.

Hausdorff dH: dH (P, Q) = ma+p m&EQ d(p, Q), where d(p, q) is the Euclidean distance.

Bottleneck dlv: dw(P, Q) = min, rna+cp d(p, r(p)), where r ranges over all permutations of { 1, . . . , k}.

‘Technically. none of these three measures satisfy the property of being a metric.

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In this paper, we study PM and LCP in two and three dimensions under the Hausdorff and bottleneck measures. We also study PM and LCP under km” versions of the two measures: where maxpEp in the definition is replaced by &,eP. These measures will be referred to as C-Hausdorff and C-bottleneck measures.

A comprehensive study of these problems was initiated by Alt, Mehlhorn, Wagener, and Welzl [AMWW88]. In this seminal work, they proposed a suite of algorithms for PM and LCP under the exact and bottleneck measures. More recent work [dRL95, Box96, IR96, ATTSi] led to improved bounds for PM and LCP under the exact measure. The problem of es- timating the minimum Hausdorff distance between two point sets in two and three dimensions has been studied extensively [CGH+93, HKK92, Ruc92]. Computing the minimum Hausdorff distance under translations where the underlying metric is LN: rather than L? has also been studied [CDEK95]

Unfortunately, many of the above algorithms are impractical. As noted in the survey by .41t and Guibas [AG96] ( 1 a so in the paper by Goodrich et al [GM094]), these algorithms are likely to be “diffi- cult to implement and numerically unstable due to the necessary computation of intersections of complex al- gebraic surfaces”. Worse still, they have unacceptably high running times: for example, even in @, LCP un- der the bottleneck measure requires d(n7) time’ [EI96], although under additional restrictions on noise regions the running times can be improved to b(n?) [AKM+92]. Under the Hausdorff measure, the corresponding bound is O(k3n”) [CGH+93]; in %a, the bounds are signifi- cantly worse.

Significant improvements came from considering the natural relaxation: algorithms that. approximate the minimum value of c@“(P), Q). Heffernan and Schirra [HS94] define an approximation framework in the following manner:

Problem 1.3. (&APPROXIMATE PATTERN MATCHING) Given e, ,3 > 0 and point sets P, Q in the plane.

If c* 5 6, then return a transfomLation T such that W(P), Q) L (I+ Pk;

If 6 > (1-t p)e, then return NONE.

Otherwise, when E= E (E, (1 + &I, return any transformation T.

The ,&apprxx+mate largest common point-set problem can be defined similarly.

- --_ ‘We use 0(!(n)) to denote O(f(n)log”(‘) n) and Z(f(n)) to

denote O(f(n)/log a(11 n).

Heffernan and Schirra [HS94] present an ~(n”~“poly(c, l/a))-time algorithm for point set congruence (PM where k = n) under the bottleneck measure. Efrat [Efr95] presents an O(n(logn + l/p))- time algorithm for poi:nt set congruence under the Hausdorff measure in the plane under translations. Goodrich et al ([GM094]) obtain simple algorithms that yield constant-factor approximations for PM under the Hausdorff measure in two and three dimensions under different transformation groups.

Recently and independently of our work, Cardoze and Schulman [SC981 presented a set of randomized al- gorithms for approximate PM and LCP under the Haus- dorff measure in d dimensions under rigid transforma- tions. For PM[, the running time (omitting factors in E, fl) is O(nd log R + log O(r) A) for PM in d dimensions. For LCP the running times are multiplied by a factor of (r log n, where P is the number of mismatches; it is assumed that r is bounded by a constant fraction of the input size.

2 Our Results

In Tables 1 and 2, we present our approximation algorithms for the problems described above. For clarity, we omit terms that are polynomial in l/c and l/p. Our algorithms are enumerative, in that they can also enumerate all transformations (and sets P’) satisfying the approsimation criteria. It should be noted that all the algorithms are deterministic.

All of our results are presented in terms of A, the ratio of the maximum distance to the minimum distance between points of Q; (which is equivalent to the diameter, since we can assume that points are minimally separated). In most applications, A tends to be small ([EVW94]); P fi a s eci c example is the case of small drug molecules, where atom locations correspond to points in three dimensions. In Figure 1, we plot the diameter as a function of R for over 127,000 small drug molecules taken from the National Cancer Institute database [Ins]. In the log-log plot, the diameters of the molecules are bounded by lines of slope less than one, implying that we can model the data as point sets of sub-linear diameter. One may also observe that for sets of points chosen uniformly at random from the unit square, with high probability A = O(n) .

The presence of terms involving A renders our algorithms formally incomparable to previous work. However, for a wide range of values of A, we improve the existing bounds. For example, the algorithm by Goodech et al yields a 4-approximation for PM in time O(kn”), which we improve for all instances where A = 6(/k).

A common theme runs through all of the above re-

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2D dtt dll.i * LCP O(Akn) O(A,4-‘.‘n) PM O(min(k(n4A)li3, n(A + n.))) O(lc3/z(n’A)1/3)

Table 1:

3D dH dM LCP O(A31tn) O(A3k’%) PM O(min(ltmax(n’,“‘dA, n2.5)1 nA(A’ + n), n”(n + A))) O(X,1.5max(n?-.25~A, n’.‘))

Table 2:

Logrul. plot 0, dUrmt.r (“7 r, “, so. ol mmw*

saw . the latter problem was previously known. f-v.8 _-.- wQ.58 . . . . . .

3 Combinatorial Bounds

The study of combinatorial distance bounds was ini- tiated by Paul Erdijs [Erd46] in 1946, when he posed the question “Given a set of n points in the plane, how many pairs of points can be a unit distance apart?“. Erdijs found an upper bound of O(n3f’) and a lower bound of Q(r~l+~/ l”glogn). Szemeredi and Trot- ter [ST831 reduced the upper bound to O(n”j3). Later results [CEG+SO, SzC9’i] reduced the constants and sim- plified the proof considerably. The lower bound remains unimproved and is conjectured to be tight.

Figure 1: Diameter of NC1 molecules versus number of -4 noisy version of the above problem was posed and

atoms (log-scale). solved by Erdos et al. in 1991:

sults. In each case, we first prove an upper bound on the multiplicity of a distance interval (in two dimensions) or a noisy triangle (in three dimensions). These results generalize and extend bounds first proved by Erdos, Makai, Path and Spencer [EMPSSl] and may have other applications. With these bounds, and a simple space partitioning technique, we can obtain alignment-based algorithms for PM and LCP. Secondly, we use a novel discretization technique that enables us to reduce the geometric matching problem to a combinatorial pat- tern matching problem. This approach, coupled with the combinatorial bounds, yields alternate algorithms for the same problems. The results above reflect this tradeoff.

The combinatorial bounds are presented in Sec- tion 3, with the resulting algorithms in Section 4. In Section 5, we present the discretization technique and the reduction to combinatorial subset matching. Sec- tion 6 discusses other algorithms that allow us tradeoffs, depending on the values of A, X-,and n. In Section 6 we also estend our LCP results to “sum’‘-measure prob- lems, including a near-linear time approximation algo- rithm for the we’ighted k-mismatches problem posed by Muthukrishnan [Mut95]; no sub-quadratic algorithm for

THEOREM 3.1. ([EMPSSl]) Given t > O! and a set of n points in the plane with minimum distance at least 1, the number of pairs (i, j) such that d(pi,pj) lies in the range [t, t + l] is at most ln’/4], provided n is suficiently large.

They also show that this bound is tight for sufficiently large t. However, this requires t = Q(n?).

Related problems were considered by Valtr [Va196] who investigated bounds on the number of approximate incidences between families of well-separated lines and points; assuming that the point sets are dense, i.e., their diameter is O(G), he showed that several key results developed for the exact incidence model have counterparts in the approximate setting.

In the sequel we use B(p, r) to denote a 2 or 3- dimensional ball of radius r centered at p. We also use R(p, ~1, r$ to denote a 2 or 3-dimensional annulus B(p, rs) - B(p, r-1). For a point p, let N:(p) = P fl R(p, t, t + e). We denote a set of points as J-separated if the minimum inter-point distance in this set is 6.

3.1 Noisy Distances in Two Dimensions We extend and generalize the bound given by [EMPSSI], obtaining the following result:

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THEOREM 3.2. Given 6 > ‘1,1 > 1: and a set of n that for each i, I.Vi - LJiliNjI 2 of, for some constant l-separated points in the plane, the number of pairs Q. Therefore, (i, j) such that d(pi, pj) lies in the range [t, t + e] is o(qn’t)1/3).

1 Uf=l Ni I = 2 I-jVi - Uizi-nj;. 1 2 Qfk.

The following facts are well-known. However, in the i=l

absence of a reference, we supply proofs in appendix A. B ut clearly ] Uf=, -Vi] _< R. This yields

FACT 3.1. For any n: there exists a set ofn l-separated points in the plane such that the number of distance

(3.2) kf < n/a.

pairs in the interval [t , t + l] is Q(n&). Using Equations (3.1) and (3.2), and substituting the value of 1. we obtain

FACT 3.2. Given e, 1 > 1 and two points p and q in the plane such that d(p, q) = d and 1 < d < 21, the number

e3nt log n > acf’,

of l-separated points whose distance from p and q lies f in the interval [l,l + e] is 0($1/d) when d < 1, and O(E’ Jm.) when 1 < d _< 21. which yields the desired bound.

Our main lemma bounds the number of distance intervals induced by a single point.

LEMMA 3.1. Let P be a l-separated set of points in the plane. Given e > 1 and t, there exists a point p E P such that N:(p) = O(e(nf)lj3 Iogn).

Proof. Let f be a parameter such that for all points p E P, N:(p) 2 f. We show that f = O(e(nt)‘/310gn). Take any point p E P. As INJ(p)I 2 f, there must be a segment S, of R(p, t, t + E) subtending an angle 7r/3 such that IS, n PI = u 2 f/6. Let ql, qa, . . . , qU be the members of S,: ordered in clockwise fashion around p. Notice that the distance between any pair qi and qj is at most t. Partition this sequence into subsequences Si , S, , . . . . Sk of size 1. Let qi, qC., . . . , q: be the subsequence formed by taking the first member of each Si, for 1 < i 5 k, and let .Vi = Ar: (q:). Note that

(3.1) lk 2 f

By Fact 3.2, two points at distance 1 < t can have at most 0(&/l) common neighbors in the distance range [t, t + e]. We can approximate arc lengths of a circle by a straight line with only a constant factor error, which implies that for some c and for 1 5 j < i < k, I.lVj II Ni ( s ~Pt/‘(l(i - i)). NOW,

Theorem 3.2 now follows by induction, as at each step, we can use Lemma 3.1 to upper bound the number of distance pairs added. The details are omitted in this abstract.

3.2 Noisy Triangles in Three Dimensions In this section, we prove analogous results for noisy triangles in three dimensions. For any measure d E { dH ! d,w , dE} we define approximate congruence Z: as follows. Let A = (pl,pz, pa) and A’ = (pi ,p$, p$) be two triangles. Then A Z:’ A’ if and only if d(A!A’) 5 E. Hereafter, we assume that for all pi and pj, where 1 5 i < j 5 3, the noise regions B(pi: e) and B(pj, e) are disjoint. It is then easy to see that Z$+ and Z:M are equivalent, so we omit the superscript d from Zf. For a point set p, IPI = n, we define H;(A), the multiplicity of A, as the following;

H;,(A) = HA’= (p~,pz,ps)IA’% A:pi E P,i= 1,2,3}1

Let Hi(A) = maxIpIzn H$(A). In the sequel, we drop n from HA if its value is clear from the context.

Our main theorem in this section is:

THEOREM 3.3. For any triangle A with largest side length 1, H’(A) = O(min(e’~5n’.‘5&, n3)).

Proof: (WHAT DO !VE SAY HERE) Cl A corresponding lower bound is: FACT 3.3. For any 2 > 1 such that 1 = O(n’), there exists a point set P and a triangle A with the largest side length 1 such that H&(A) = Q(n”&).

where Hi is the ith harmonic number. Note that i 5 n. 4 Alignment-based Schemes The total contribution of Uj<iNj to Xi is bounded by W

cat F n. ?f we now choose 1 = 2cr3t log n/ f, for some e present alignment-based schemes for PM and LCP

that utilize the combinatorial bounds of the previous constant c, the contribution is at most f/2, ensuring section.

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Let pl, pz, ql, qz be any points. Then for any c > 0, LEMMA 4.2. Algorithm 2D Alignment can be imple- we define mented to run in time

Tc(Pl, P2, Ql> 42) = -iTl&d{T(Pl)> T(Ps)I, {a: 42)) 5 f)

s~(Pl,P?:q1,42) = {(T(Pl),T(P2))IT E T,(Pl,P?,ql,q2)}

Both TE and S, are infinite subsets of the transfor- mation space. The following proposition (in the spirit of [HS94]) shows that this space can be approximated by a small set of transformations.

0 I; ( min(en’/3A’/3 logn: 77’)

D3 -min ((6)‘,logn))

for any E > 1 and 0 5 1, where ~3 is the diameter of P. For c < 1 the running time is as for E = 1; similarly for .o> 1.

PROPOSITIOX 4.1. For any S = Sc(pl:pz,q1,q2) and y > 0: there exists s’ C S of cardinality 0( l/y3) such that for any (~1, s?) E S, there exists (ST i sz) E S’ with dH({S1,‘S?}, (3;: 35)) 5 yc. Such u set s’ is denoted by


Proof. Consider the complexity of each step of the algorithm:

Step 1: Can be performed in time O(n log n) using the standard algorithm [PS85]

Let d = dH, and let y = p/4. The algorithm is as follows: Algorithm 2D Alignment:

Step 2: Let r = d(pl\ ~2). We need to find -4 = U,,EQ((ql,qdlq:! E QnR(qlTr--2e,4c)}. If A i n” then we employ the following bucketing scheme. Let G denote a planar grid consisting of rectangular cells of width 4~ and height ,/?. For each i = O? . , . , fi we define Gi to be the grid G rotated by an angle ik ,J;. Notice, that for any point q the

ring R(q, r --2~, 4~) can be covered by O(fi) grid cells from Go, . . , G, (this can be proved similarly to Fact 3.2).





Compute a diameter pair pl,ps of P.

Find the set -4 of all pairs ( ql, 42) of points in Q such that UPI - ~41 - 2~ S Ih - ell I 11~1 - ~211 -t 2~.

Construct 7 = U(gI,q2)~~{TO(~l, PS,S~,S~)~(S~,S~) E s;.,htP2rw3r))).

Search for T’ E 7 such that dH(T’(P):Q) 5 (1 + 37)E.

LEMMA 4.1. Algorithm 2D Alignment is a ,&- approximation algorithm for PM.

Proof. Assume that there exists a transformation T such that dx(T(P),Q) < 6. Let pi ,pz be the diameter points found by the algorithm. Let si =. T(pl) and S? = T(ps) and let ql, qz E Q be points such that d(si, qi) 5 E for i = 1,2. By the definition of s’ = ST,,(pl, ~2, ql, q?) we know that there exists (s; , s;) E s’ such that dH({s;, s;}, {ql, 42)) 5 yc. Let T’ be the transformation which maps (pi, ps) to (ql , qz). Consider any point p E P. We need to estimate d(T(p), T”(p)). We represent T’ as R o I o T, where I is a translation which moves ~1 to si, and R is a rotation centered at s; which moves I(ss) to sz. Then

~T(P),T’(P)) 5 W(p), (1 IT)) +

d((IoWp), (RoIoT)(P))

I d(sl, I(a)) + d(I(a), s;)

I d(sl,s;) + (W(sz), a) + d(e, &)I

5 376 < pc.

Therefore d(T’(p), Q) I W(p), &I + W’(p), T’(P)) 2 c+/~E = (1 +&, thus T’ gives the desired approximate mapping. It % straightforward to check that our algorithm finds such T’.

During the preprocessing for all Go,. . . , GJ; and all q E Q we store q at the grid cell of all Gi containing q (using hashing). Then, in order to compute Qn R(q, T--2~, 4~) we retrieve the contents of the O(fi) buckets covering R(q, r - 2c, 4~). The total complexity of this step can be bounded by the total number of the points.retrieved (which is O(min(en”/3A’/3 logn, 6’)) by Theorem 3.2) plus the total number of buckets accessed (which is O(nfi)) plus the cost of the preprocessing (which is again O(n6)).

If A > n?, then we can compute -4 by com- puting all n2 pairwise distances in time O(n’). Therefore, Step 2 can be implemented to run in O(min(72’: en 4/3A1/3 log n + na)) time, which is O(min(n’ , ens/3Ai/3 log n)).

Steps 3/4: In these steps, we perform at most O(min(cn4/3A1/3 logn, n’)/P3) computations of dH (T( P): Q). Each computation requires k com- parisons of dH(T(p),Q) to (1 + 37)~. It is easy to perform this comparison in O(logn) using a Voronoi diagram. One can however achieve con- stant time per query as follows. Impose a uniform grid of side ye. For each q E Q we store it in all grid cells intersecting B(q, (1 + 37)~). This takes O(n/r”) time which is subsumed by the complex- ity of searching 7. In order to verify if dw(p, Q) 5

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(1 + @)E, it is sufficient if the grid containing p con- tains any 4.

We can prove similar bounds for the case of PM/LCP in three dimensions, using our results from Section 3.2. We present the result here: deferring the details to an extended version of the paper.

THEOREM 4.1. &approximate PM in three dimen- sions can be solved, for all 6 > 1, ,8 < 1: in time

O(I; max(nS.25a, n2.5) 0

5 3 /P6).

5 Concentric Pattern Matching

The subset matching problem is an important problem in combinatorial pattern matching and is defined as follows:

Subset Matching: Let S be a finite alphabet. Given a text string 1[0, . _ . , R - I] and a pattern string p[O, . . . , m - l] such that for all i and j, t[i],p[j] C S, return a binary array o[O, . . . , R - l] such that o[i] = 1 if andonlyifp[j]~t[i+jmodn]forallj~{O,...,m-I}.

Recent work of Cole and Hariharan [CH9i] showed that this problem can be solved in (randomized) O(nlog3m) time. Cole, Hariharan, and Indyk [CHI99] have shown that the above algorithm can be derandom- ized to run in O(n log3 m) time.

We present Algorithm 2D Concentric Pattern Matching which solves the approximate noisy pattern matching problem in almost-quadratic time by reducing it to multiple instances of the subset matching problem.

The basic idea of the algorithm is as follows. From earlier remarks we can assume that the rigid transforma- tion to be computed can be expressed as a composition of a translation and a rotation.

1. Choose an arbitrary point p in P and translate it to all points in B(q,c), for all q E Q. Using the same technique as in Section 4, we can replace this infinite space of translations by a discrete set.

2. For each such alignment, subdivide the plane into concentric rings around p, of increasing radius. Each ring will yield one instance of a subset match- ing problem.

3. Further subdivide each ring concentrically and ra- dially into cells of fixed size. Since the point set is l-separated, this implies that each cell contains at most one point, for appropriate choice of constants.

4. For any ring, all the cells at a fixed distance from the center have the same identifier. Construct a tek string made up of identifiers of cells that contain points of Q, where each position in the

string corresponds to the set of all such cells that lie along the same radial line. Similarly construct a pattern string using points of P.

Each match of text and pattern corresponds to a rotational shift of the corresponding ring. It is now easy to see that there exists a rotation matching P approximately into Q if t,here exists a single rotational shift that corresponds to a pattern match for each ring.

Figure 2: The grid decomposition

We now present the algorithm in more detail. (1) Choose an arbitrary point (say p) from P. For

each q E Q align p to a set of O(1/p2) points spaced uniformly inside the disk of radius c centered at q; this is done similarly as in Algorithm 2d Alignment. For each such translation T, move the points P according to T; for simplicity we still refer to T(P) as P.

(2) In the next step, split the plane into 1 = O(log A) concentric rings Ri, . . . , RI centered at p (see Figure 2); note that RI is a full disk. The inner radius of the i-th ring (for i 2 2) is equal to ~2~-l, the outer radius (for i 1 1) is pi = ~2~. For each ring R;, let 1i be the (infinite) set of rotations which brings PnRi within Hausdorff distance E of Q n (a-1 U Ri U &+I). Clearly, P is within Hausdorff distance E of Q under rotation iff II n . . . n 1l # 0; this follows from the fact that a disk of radius e intersects at most two rings. Therefore it is sufficient to compute the sets Ii,. . . ,I/ and find their intersection.

Each Ii can be represented as a finite union of in- tervals. In order to solve the approximate matching problem, we approximate the 1i as follows: the end- points of the intervals in each 1i restricted to multiples of

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, = y/2’, for y > 0 specified later. Denote the approx- kate intervals bv ji. Include an interval [jai, (j + l)ai] in ji if 1i n [jai, ij + l)oi] # 0; we call such an interval important. Notice that rotation of P n Ri by angle oi changes the position of each point in P n Ri by at most 2’(ri = y. Therefore, we can ensure that all important intervals are contained in Ii by including all intervals [jai, (j + l)ai] such that rotating Pi = P n Ri by both angles joi and (j + l)oi results in a set which is within Hausdorff distance e+y from Qi = Qn(Ri-iURiURi+i). This admits some false matches, but as we explain be- low, the error they induce is bounded.

(3) To find all such intervals, check for each angle joi if Pi( C Sil where the set Pi is obtained by rotating Pi by joi and Si = U,JEQ~ B(q’, (ST). Partition each Ri into 2r/oi sectors, the sectors being partitioned further by 2i /y uniformly placed concentric circles (Figure 2). We denote the set of grid cells obtained from the ring Ri by Gi; the union of all Gi’s (i.e., the whole partition) is denoted by G. For any point I, let G(x) be the cell of G to which 2: belongs (ties are broken arbitrarily); the function G can be extended to sets of points in a natural way. Each grid cell has diameter cy, for c > 0 with value near fi.

(4) XOW, for each angle joi: check if G( Pi) C G(Si) for the set Pi’ obtained by rotating Pi by an angle joi. This condition clearly implies that Pi C Si; although it also introduces false matches, the error can be bounded as claimed. Notice however, that rotation of Pi by oi results in “shifting” the set G(Pi) by one position in Gi. Therefore, it is sufficient to check (for all shifts) if the shifted set G(Pi) belongs to G(Si). This can be done using the subset matching algorithm as follows. Define a signature of a grid cell to be its distance to the origin point p; note that all grids from one sector of a ring Ri have different signatures, while the signatures of cells from different sectors can be equal. Define the pattern p to be a sequence of sets p[O],p[l], . . . such that each set p[j] contains signatures of grid cells from G(Pi) belonging to the jth sector of Ri (the first sector is chosen arbitrarily). The text t is constructed analogously to G(Si) . It is easy to check that the subset matching algorithm finds the desired shift.

By the above discussion it follows that whenever there is an angle b such that rotating P by b results in a set P’ within distance E to Q, the intersection Ii . . . & will be non-empty. On the other hand, we know that for any q’ E Q the distance from q’ to any point in G( B(q’, e + y)) is at most e + (1 + c)y. Therefore, a false match rotation occurs only if it brings P with distance E + (1 + c)y to Q; for sufficient y, this distance can be made less than&.

This scheme c0nstruct.s 1 = log A instances of the


subset matching problem. Each instance is drawn from an alphabet of size 0( A/#). The pattern (and text) lengths are 0(2’/y) = O(A/ep). From this, and the above algorithm, we obtain the following theorem:

THEOREM 5.1. 2D Concentric Pattern Matching is a &approximation algorithm for the PM problem, for suitable y = e(p) . It can be implemented in O(n($ +

+) log3 n . log A) time, for any p 5 1. For /3 > 1 the running time is as for p = 1.

6 Other Results

In this section we briefly describe the other results presented in Tables 1 and 2. Consider first the two- dimensional case. The bounds for pattern matching under the Hausdorff measure follow from the previous section. The algorithm for pattern matching under the bottleneck measure is obtained via alignment; the k’.s factor is the time needed for match verification of a transformation T obtained from alignment [EI96].

In order to solve LCP we employ a scheme similar to the Hough .transform [Ba181]. First, we discretize the rotation space, obtaining O(A) different angles. Then, for each angle we enumerate all pairs p E P and q E Q. Each such pair “votes” for a translation moving p to q. .4t the end we count the number of votes for each (rotation,translation) pair and output all pairs with more than I< votes. For the bottleneck measure, we again employ the bipartite matching algorithm.

In three dimensions, the bounds are obtained in a similar way. The only difference is that we have additional freedom in designing algorithms for PIM under the Hausdorff measure. Let pl,p~ E P. We can either align pr to all q E Q, enumerate one of the angular coordinates, and apply two-dimensional subset matching; or align pl , ps to all pairs ql! q? E Q and apply l-dimensional subset matching; or align all matching triangles. The corresponding bounds follow.

Sum Measures.We briefly describe how to extend our PM and LCP results to the E-Hausdorff measure; again, the C-bottleneck measure can be computed using the bipartite matching algorithm. Consider any trans- formation T. Suppose that for any E we know the num- ber f(e) of points from T(P) which are within distance E of Q. .4ssume for simplicity that all distances from p E P to Q are distinct. Define f-l(i) to be the “in- verse” off, i.e., the function which when given a number i E (0,. . .: n} returns the smallest e such that f(c) = i. Then it is easy to see that t.he C-Hausdorff distance between T(P) and Q is equal to cft, f-‘(i). Sim- ilarly, we can compute an approximation of that dis- tance if we know an approximation of f, i.e., a function j such that f(e) E {f(e)!..., f((1 + ,B)c) ), for some

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p > 0. Such an approximation can be obtained by solv- ing a logarithmic number of instances of approximate LCP between T(P) and & under Hausdorff measure for < = 1, (1-t y), (1 + y)“, . . :A and y = O(r). Thus, we can obtain an approximation of the S-Hausdorff for a fixed transformation T. However, our Hough-transform- based algorithm computes the LCP for the whole (prop- erly discretized) space of transformations. Therefore we can choose the one which minimizes the distance value, obtaining an approximate solution for PM under C-Hausdorff measure. .4n algorithm for LCP under the same measure can be similarly obtained.

The technique of using the values of “max- measures” to approximate the values of sum measures turns out to be useful in a different context. Consider the following weighted k-mismatches problem posed by Muthukrishnan [Mut95]): given a text t = 1[1.. .n] and a pattern p = p[l _ . . rn] over an alphabet C), a real parameter A, and a weight function f : G x C + 8, determine all positions i in the text where CT=, f(t[i+ j- l],p[j]) < A. This problem has many applica- tions in computational biology [Mut95]. Muthukrish- nan asked if the problem can be solved in o(nm) time even for the case where X is the set of natural numbers and f(a, 7) = 1~ - rl. Using our techniques, we can soive the approrimate version of this problem (formu- l_ated like the approximate point matching problems) in O(n) time. Observe that when in the definition of the problem we replace C by “max”, the resulting prob- lem can be solved in O(n) time using the subset match- ing algorithm as described earlier. In fact, within the same time bounds we can solve the counting version of the “max” problem, where the goal is to determine for each position i the approximate number of j’s such that It[i + j - l] -&]I _< A; this can be done by resorting to the counting version of the subset matching algorithm due to Indyk [IndSi]. We can thus obtain an approx- imate solution for the weighted k-mismatches problem in near-linear time.


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Consider the top four-intekection points A? B, C, and D (see Figure 3). We wish to estimate the number of points lying in the region ABCD. It is easy to see that this can be bounded by c2 max(d(.4, C), (B, D)). If we set the origin at p, and let q lie at (d’, 0), the coordinates of -4, B, C, D are as follows:

A : (d’/2 - (21’ + 1)/2d’, ,/” - (d//2 - (21’ + 1)/2d’)‘),

B: (d//2, &II + 1)” - (d’/2)?),

C : (d’/2 + (2l’ + 1)/2d’, @” - (d’/2 - (21’ + 1)/2d’)‘),

D: (d’/2, dw),

which yields max(d(.4, C), d(B, D))=max((W + 1)/d’, ,/(E’ + 1)’ - (d//2)’ - Jlt” - (d//P)‘). It is easy to verify that for d 5 1, this gives a bound of 0(1/d); for 1 < d 5 21, the bound is O(Ji).

-._._ _. . . 3==”

A,%::’ =. :--.C _ . ;

.:. . .:,. I. . . . : Is..

” .\ :.

P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.


Figure 3: The four points of intersection of the two annuli