



Transcript of Geology

HIGHEREDUCATION COMMISSIONCURRICULUMOFGEOLOGYFor4 years BS & 2 years MS (Revised 2009)HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSIONISLAMABADCURRICULUM DIVISION, HECDr. Syed Sohail H. Naqvi Executive DirectorProf. Dr. ltaf li !. Shahi"h #e$%er (cad)#iss !hayyur &ati$a Director ('urri)#r. #. (ahir li Shah De)uty Director ('urri)#r. Shafiullah *ha+ De)uty Director ('urri)'o$)osed %y #r. ,ulfiqar li- HE' .sla$a%ad2CONTENTS/. .+troductio+0000000000000 12. #i+utes of the $eeti+2 34. Eli2i%ility for d$issio+ 000000000 /05. Sche$e of Studies for 56years 7Si+ !eolo2y 0000000000000.. /08. Details of 'ourses for 56years 7S 0000. /81. Eli2i%ility for d$issio+ i+ 26years #S )ro2ra$$e000000000000 389. Sche$e of Studies for #S i+ !eolo2y 0000000000000 383. Reco$$e+datio+s000000000.. 339. ++exures : - 7- '- D ; E00000.. 903PREFACE'urriculu$ of a su%6IVE-(&-eer&-( Geo2o(yRoc" #echa+ics ?Soil #echa+ics ?Seis$otect+oics ?E+2i+eeri+2 !eolo2y ?Gro'>6VPe)ro2e'" Geos$&e-$esPetroleu$ !eolo2y ?Seque+ce Strati2ra)hy ?Petroleu$ E+2i+eeri+2?Reservoir !eolo2y ?Ir2a+ic !eoche$istry ?Petroleu$ !eolo2y of Pa"ista+ ?Gro'>6VIA>>2&e% Geo>,ys&$sSeis$ic Strati2ra)hy ?Earthqua"e Seis$olo2y ?!eo$a2+etis$ a+d Paleo$a2+etis$?Radio$etric #ethods ?Electrical $ethods a+d 7ore6Hole !eo)hysics?!eo)hysical Data Processi+2 ?!ravity a+d #a2+etic #ethods ?Gro'>6VIIGeo$,e"&s)ry(her$ody+a$ics?!eoche$ical Ex)loratio+ ?Sta%le .soto)e !eoche$istry ?Radio .soto)e !eoche$istry ?Go= (e$)erature !eoche$istry?Hi2h (e$)erature !eoche$istry ?Gro'>6VIIISe%&"e-)o2o(y'lastic Sedi$e+tolo2y?'ar%o+ate Sedi$e+tolo2y ?Sedi$e+tary Petrolo2y ?7asi+ +alysis ?Juater+ary !eolo2y ?'lay #i+eralo2y ?Gro'>6I@Hy%ro(eo2o(yHydrolo2y?!rou+d=ater .+vesti2atio+s ?!rou+d=ater E+2i+eeri+2 ?14Hydroche$istry a+d 2rou+d =ater )ollutio+?Gro'>6@I-%'s)r&a2 M&-era2o(y.+dustrial #i+eralo2y6.?.+dustrial #i+eralo2y6.. ?.+stru$e+tal (ech+iques ?Gro'>6@IMar&-e Geo2o(y#ari+e !eolo2y?Icea+o2ra)hy ?#ari+e !eoche$istry ?!eolo2y of ra%ia+ Sea ?Plate (ecto+ics ?Gro'>6@IIE-.&ro-"e-)a2 Geos$&e-$esE+viro+$e+tal !eolo2y?Soil a+d Later Resources ?E+viro+$e+tal HaEards ?Hydrolo2ical Syste$s a+d E+viro+$e+t?E+viro+$e+tal .$)act ssess$e+t a+d #a+a2e$e+t?Gro'>6@IIS)r'$)'re, Te$)o-&$s a-% Neo)e$)o-&$sStructural !eolo2y?#eta$or)hic Structures ?))lied Structural (ech+iques ?(ecto+ics of Pa"ista+ ?Neotecto+ics ?16DETAILS OF COURSES FOR 46YEAR BS Geo2 ?*9A Ge-era2 Geo2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8 O#1e$)&.es(his course is desi2+ed to acquire the "+o=led2e a%out the %asic co+ce)ts of!eolo2y. (his =ill hel) the stude+ts to 2et "+o=led2e a%out various ty)es ofroc"s a+d $i+erals a+d the )rocesses of their for$atio+.Co'rse Co-)e-)s.+troductio+a+dsco)eof2eolo2yitsi$)orta+cea+drelatio+shi)=ithotherscie+ces.Earthasa$e$%erofthesolarsyste$>itsori2i+-a2e-co$)ositio+a+di+ter+alstructure..+troductio+to roc"s a+d $i+erals. .+troductio+to )latetecto+ics- $ou+tai+%uildi+2)rocesses earthqua"ea+dvolca+oes.Pri$arysedi$e+tary- i2+eous a+d$eta$or)hicstructures. .+troductio+of folds-faults-$odesoffossiliEatio+.Studyof$or)holo2y- ra+2ea+d%roadclassificatio+of$a)&$a2 M&-era2o(y & Pe)ro(ra>,y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8O#1e$)&.es(hiscourse isdesi2+ed to acquirethe"+o=led2e a%outthestructuresa+do)tical a+d textural features of various $i+erals. (his =ill hel) the stude+ts toide+tify the $i+erals usi+2 )olariEi+2 $icrosco)e a+d also classifyi+2 the roc"so+ the %asis of their $i+eral co$)ositio+.Co'rse Co-)e-)s.+troductio+to $i+eralo2y a+d crystallo2ra)hy>ele$e+tsofsy$$etry-crystal+otatio+-study of+or$alclassesofcrystallo2ra)hic syste$s. .+troductio+ to)olariEi+2 $icrosco)e.I)tical)ro)ertiesof+o+6o)aque$i+eralsi+)la+e)olariEed li2hta+du+dercrossed+icol.Descri)tio+ofo)tical)ro)ertiesofco$$o+ roc"for$i+2$i+erals.#i +er al o2y a+d co$$o+t ext ur e ofi 2+eous sedi $e+t ar ya+d$et a$or )hi cr oc" co$$o+$i+erals. Studyofcrystal$odels.Studyofroc"sa+d$i+eralsi+thi+sectio+-texturea+dco$)ositio+-volu$e esti$ates a+d other ele$e+tary )etro2ra)hic tech+iques.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. Pri+ci)les of #i+eralo2y %y Lillia$. H.7.- /990- Ixford A+iversity Press.2. #i+eralo2y %y Per"i+s- D.- 2002- Pre+tice Hall.4. I)tical #i+eralo2y %y *err- P.&.- /989- #c!ra= Hill.5. 5.#i+erals a+d Roc"s %y *lei+- '.- /939- @oh+ Liley ; So+s.8. .2+eousa+d#eta$or)hicPetrolo2y%y7est-#.!.-/932-L.H.&ree$a+ ; 'o.1. #i+erals i+ (hi+ Sectio+s %y Per"i+s- D.- 2000- Pre+tice Hall.9. Petro2ra)hyof.2+eousa+d#eta$or)hicRoc"s%yPhil)otts-.R.-/939- Pre+tice Hall.3. tlasofRoc"6&or$i+2#i+eralsi+(hi+Sectio+%y#ac*e+Eie-L.S.!uilford- '.P.- /930- @oh+ Liley ; So+s.9. .+troductio+ to I)tical #i+eralo2y %y Nesse- L.D.- 2004- IxfordA+iversity Press./0. +tlasof#i+erals i+(hi+Sectio+%[email protected]'D6R#-Ixford A+iversity Press.19//. #i+eral 'haracterisatio+ a+d Processi+2 %y #oha)atra- 7.*.- #isra- C.-Reddy P.S.R.- 2008 6 llied Pu%lishers Pvt. Gtd- .+diaGeo2 4*?A S)ra)&(ra>,y 7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8O#1e$)&.es(his course is desi2+ed to acquire the "+o=led2e a%out the variousstrati2ra)hic successio+s for$ed duri+2 differe+t 2eolo2ic ti$e. (his =ill hel)the stude+t to u+dersta+d the strati2ra)hic set u) of various re2io+s- es)eciallyPa"ista+.Co'rse Co-)e-)sPri+ci)lesofstrati2ra)hy>la=sofsu)er)ositio+a+dfau+alsuccessio+.!eolo2icalti$escale=ith divisio+s.'lassificatio+a+d+o$e+clatureofstrati2ra)hicu+itsHlithostra2ra)hicu+its-%iostrati2ra)hicu+itsa+dchro+ostrat2ra)hicu+its.!eol o2i cal t i $e scal e =i t h di vi si o+s.Strati2ra)hic 'ode of Pa"ista+. Pri+ci)le of strati2ra)hic correlatio+. Iutli+e ofstrati2ra)hyofPa"ista+.Pri+ci)lesof%io6strati2ra)hya+d%io6strati2ra)hicEo+es.7io6strati2ra)hictech+iquesa+d)rocedures.7io6strati2ra)hyofPa"ista+.LabH Pre)aratio+ of strati2ra)hic colu$+s a+d their correlatio+.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%/. Pri+ci)les of Strati2ra)hy %y Leller- @.#.- /912- Har)er 7rothers.2. Strati2ra)hy ofPa"ista+%yShah-S.#... (Ed)-/999-Rec. Col ./2- !eolo2ical Survey of Pa"ista+.4. Pri+ci)lesofSedi$e+tolo2y a+d Strati2ra)hy %y 7o22s- S.- 200/-Pre+tice Hall.5. Strati2ra)hic'odeof Pa"ista+- !eolo2ical Surveyof Pa"ista+- /912-#e$oirs of !SP- C..C- Part6..8. (he !eolo2y of Strati2ra)hic Seque+ces %y #iall- .D.- /999- S)ri+2er1. ))lied Strati2ra)hy %y E# *outsou"os.- 2008. S)ri+2er.9. Strati2ra)hy a+d historical 2eolo2y of Pa"ista+ %y *aE$i- .Ha+d%%asi- ...- 2003- !ra)hic Pu%lishers- *arachi- Pa"ista+Geo2 4*4A Geo2o(&$a2 F&e2%Bor0 C I 7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8O#1e$)&.es(his course is desi2+ed to ide+tify various ty)es of roc"s- structuralfeaturesa+d la+dfor$s i+ the field. (his =illhel) the stude+ts to u+dersta+d variousty)es of criteria to reco2+iEe roc"s a+d other 2eolo2ical features i+ the field. Co'rse Co-)e-)sDuri+2thefirstt=oyearsstude+ts=ill)erfor$atleastfour=ee"soffield=or"..t=illleadto%eco$efa$iliar=ith$a,&$ Pe)ro2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs87asiccharacteristicsof$eta$or)hicreactio+sa+droleoffluids.'o+ce)tofiso62radesa+diso6reactio+2rades.Cerylo=2radea+docea+floor$eta$or)his$.'o+tact a+d re2io+al $eta$or)his$.#eta$or)hicfaciesseries.P6( 2radie+ts-#i+eralo2ical charactersisticsofi+dividualfacies.Pro2ressivea+dretro2ressive$eta$or)his$of)elites-%asicroc"sa+dcar%o+ates.Hi2h2rade $eta$or)his$-a+atexisa+d$i2$atites.(ecto+icsofre2io+al$eta$or)hic %elts.Paired$eta$or)hic%elts.#eta$or)hic structure of co+ti+e+tal crust. #etaso$atic )rocesses.Lab.III:'o+structio+a+di+ter)retatio+of'&a+d*&dia2ra$s.Petro2ra)hicstudyofvariousroc"s suites.#i+erala+d$i+eral)haseequili%ria a+d P6( co+ditio+s.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. Petrolo2yH.2+eous-Sedi$e+tary a+d#eta$or)hic%yEhlers-E.!.; 7latt- H.L.H.- /932- L. H. &ree$a+ ; 'o.2. .2+eousa+d#eta$or)hicPetrolo2y%yHy+d$a+-D.L.-/992-#c!ra= Hill.4. .2+eousa+d#eta$or)hicPetrolo2y%y7est#.!.-/932-L.H.&ree$a+ ; 'o.5. #eta$or)hic )etrolo2y %y (ur+er- &[email protected] /93/- #c!ra= Hill.8. #eta$or)his$a+dPlate(ecto+icsRe2i$es%yEr+st-L.!./998- Do=de+- Hutchis+so+ ; Ross- .+c.1. Petrolo2y of the #eta$or)hic Roc"s %y #aso+- R.- /93/- !eor2e lle+; A+=i+?(ho$as #ur%y.9. .+troductio+to.2+eousa+d#eta$or)hicPetrolo2y%[email protected] 200/- Pre+tice Hall.4 Se%&"e-)ary Pe)ro2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8'lassificatio+ofsedi$e+taryroc"s.&a%rica+dfra$e=or"2eo$etry ofsedi$e+taryroc"s.'lassificatio+-texture-co$)ositio+a+ddia2e+esisofcar%o+ates- are+aceous-ar2illaceous a+d rudaceousroc"sa+dothersedi$e+taryroc"s.Prove+a+ce ofsedi$e+taryroc"s.Study of heavy$i+erals.Lab. IVH Study of texture- $i+eral co$)ositio+ a+d dia2e+esis of various ty)esofsedi$e+taryroc"si+ha+ds)eci$e+sa+dthi+sectio+s. Heavy$i+eral37se)aratio+ a+d a+alysis.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. Pri+ci)lesofSedi$e+tolo2ya+d Strati2ra)hy%y7o22s- S.- 200/-Pre+tice2. Hall.4. Sedi$e+tary !eolo2y %y Prothero- D.- Sch=a%- &.- /991- L.H. &ree$a+5. ; 'o.8. Seque+ce Strati2ra)hy %y E$ery- D. ; #yers- *[email protected] /991- 7lac"=ell.1. Sedi$e+tary Petrolo2y-+ .+troductio+ %y. (uc"er- #.E.- /93/-7lac"=ell.9. Sedi$e+tary Roc"s %y Petti,y 7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8Re$otese+si+2 a+d lithostrati2ra)hyHesta%lish$e+t of)hotostrati2ra)hicalsuccessio+ a+d facies a+alysis. Evolutio+ary co+ce)ts i+ 7iostrati2ra)hyHdiachro+eity- evolutio+ a+d %iochro+olo2y. (ecto+ic strati2ra)hyH i+ter)retatio+of co$)lex defor$ed terrai+s. Pri+ci)les a+d )ractices i+ eve+t strati2ra)hy-cyclostrati2ra)hy- seis$ic a+d seque+ce strati2ra)hy Strati2ra)hic a))licatio+sof .soto)e 2eoche$istry. !lo%al sta+dard strati2ra)hyH chro+ostrati2ra)hy..+ter)retatio+ of Strati2ra)hic recordH facies a+alysis- sea level cha+2es-)aleoe+viro+$e+t a+d )aleocli$ates.Lab. : S)ecified ssi2+$e+ts?)roa2eo-)o2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8!e+eraltech+iquesofcollectio+a+d)re)aratio+ofsa$)l es.#or)holo2ical- taxo+o$ic-strati2ra)hicala+d)aleoecolo2icalstudiesof&ora$i+ifera-Istracoda-'hiti+oEoa-Ir2a+ic=alled$icro)ala+"to+-Polle+a+dS)ores a+d #iscella+eous 2rou). Study of Na+o fossils.Lab.IIHSa$)li+2a+dla%oratorytech+iques.#icrosco)icexa$i+atio+a+dide+tificatio+of$icrofossilsfro$Pa"ista+. Pre)aratio+of thi+sectio+soflar2er fora$i+ifera a+d their ide+tificatio+.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. s)ectsof#icro)aleo+tolo2y%y7a++er-&.(.;@ord-.R.-/932-lle+a+d A+=i+.2. Ele$e+ts of #icro)aleo+tolo2y %y 7i2+ot- !.- /938- !raha$ ; (rot$a+.4. Strati2ra)hyof&ossils&ora$i+ifera%y@e+"i+s-D.!.;#[email protected] /93/- Ellis Hor=ood.5. .+troductio+ to #icrofossils %y @o+es- [email protected] /930- Haf+er Pu%. 'o.8. .+troductio+to#ari+ePaleo+tolo2y%yHaqa+d7oers$a-/930-Elsevier.1. Pla+"to+Strati2ra)hy%y7olli-H.#.;Sau+ders-/931-'a$%rid2ePress.? Pa2eo-)o2o(y 7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8Ir2a+icevolutio+a+dfossilrecordthrou2ha2es.Detailclassificatio+-evolutio+a+d2eo2ra)hicaldistri%utio+of i$)orta+ti+verte%rates.Phylali"e(7rachio)oda-#ollus"a-'+ideria-rtho)oda(trilo%ite)a+dEchi+oder$etaetc.).Lab. IIIH Descri)tio+ a+d ide+tificatio+ of i+verte%rate fossils u) to s)ecies level.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. .+verte%rate a+d Evaluatio+ %y 'lar"so+- E.N.*.- /931- lle+ ; A+=i+.2. .+verte%rate&ossils%y#oore-R.'.- Galic"er- '.!. a+d &ischer- .!.-/982- #c!ra=6Hill.4. Pri+ci)lesofPaleo+tolo2y%yRau)-D.#.;Sta+ely-S.#.-/938-L.H. &ree$a+ ; 'o.5. Palaeo+tolo2y %y (uc"er- C.'.(. ; Noeld- E.L.- /938- Per2a$o+ Press.3:8. Paleo%iolo2y of .+verte%rate%y (asch- P.- /930- @oh+ Liley ; So+s.1. (ri)(hrou2h(i$eHPri+ci)lesofHistorical!eolo2y%y'oo)[email protected] /990- #erril. 'olu$%us. 4 Ver)e#ra)e Pa2eo-)o2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8Certe%ratelifethrou2ha2es.Studyof$ar&ses ),e 5o22oB&-( $o'rsesA/. Ire De)osits2. #i+eral Ex)loratio+3. 'oal !eolo2y5. #i+i+2 !eolo2y 6. #etalo2e+y a+d Plate (ecto+ics1. &u+da$e+tal !e$olo2y9. Descri)tive !e$olo2y3. #i+eral De)osits of Pa"ista+9. #i+eral Eco+o$ics9 Ore De>os&)s7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8#a2$aticde)ositsH(heultra$afic6$afic'r6Ni6P!Ede)ositsthe$afic6ultra$afic&e6Ni6'usul)hidede)osits-thequartE$o+Eo+ite62ra+odiorite'u6#osul)hidede)osits-thea+orthosite62a%%ro&e6(ide)osits.Por )hyr yt y)e de)os i t s . Ires associated=ithcar%o+atites.Hydrother$alvei+de) a+d $a+2a+eseco+ce+tratio+ofsedi$e+taryaffiliatio+.Stratifor$ a+d strata%ou+dsul)hidesde)osits.Iresfor$ed%y$eta$or)hica+d $etaso$atic )rocesses. (ecto+icsetti+2a+d $i+eraliEatio+.Lab. I: .de+tificatio+ of ores i+ ha+d s)eci$e+s. Ire $icrosco)y. 'ase studiesof ore de)osits of Pa"ista+.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. IreDe)osits!eolo2y%yEd=ards-R.;t"i+so+-*.-/931-'ha)$a+a+d Hall. 2. + .+troductio+ to Ire !eolo2y %y Eva+s- .#.- /930- 7lac"=ell. 4. #i+eralDe)ositsa+d!lo%al(ecto+icSetti+2s%y#itchell-.H.@.;!arso+- #.S.- /93/- cade$ic Press. 5. #i+eralDe)ositsi+Relatio+toPlate(ecto+ics%ySa="i+s-&[email protected]/935-S)ri+2er6Cerla2. 8. Ire Petrolo2y %y Sta+to+- R.G.- /992- #c!ra= Hill. #etallo2e+ya+dPlate(ecto+ics %y Stro+2- D.&. (ed.)- /991- !eol. ssoc. 'a+ada.412 M&-era2 ED>2ora)&o-7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8!eoche$icalex)loratio+H)ri+ci)lesof2eoche$icaldis)ersio+-choiceof$ediaforsa$)li+2-field$ethodsa+dsa$)li+2theory-a+alytical$ethodsa+dqualityco+trol-a+ddatai+ter)retatio+-2eoche$icala+d$etallo2e+ic)rovi+ces.Roc"-soil-=atera+dstrea$sedi$e+ts2eoche$icalsurveyfor$i+eralex)loratio+. !eo)hysical ex)loratio+H )ri+ci)al 2eo)hysical tech+iques- i+cludi+2 $a2+etic-electro$a2+etic-electrical-radio$etric-2ravitya+dseis$ic $ethodsasa))lied to $i+eral ex)loratio+. Lab. IIH 'asestudiesa+dexerciseso+2eoche$i cal a+d2eo)hysi caldat ai +t er )r et at i o+.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. Eco+o$icEvaluatio+i+Ex)loratio+- %y&riedrich-L.L.- /931- S)ri+2er6Cerla2.2. Statistics a+d Data +alysis i+ !eolo2y- %y Davis- @.'.- /931- @oh+ Lilley ;So+s.4. !eol2ical Pro%le$ Solvi+2 =ith Gotus /24 for Ex)loratio+ a+d #i+i+25. !eolo2y- %y !eor2e- S. *och- [email protected] /990- Per2a$o+ Press.8. !eoche$istry i+ #i+eral Ex)loratio+ %y Rose- .L.- Ha="es- H.E. ; Le%%[email protected] /934- Lhitsta%le Githo Gtd.1. !eoche$ical Ex)loratio+ %y@oyce- .S.- /935- ustralia+ #i+eral&ou+datio+.9. #i+eral Pros)ecti+2#a+ual %y'[email protected]. ;#orer- @.- /939- NorthIxford cade$ic.3. Ex)loratio+ a+d #i+i+2 !eolo2y %y Peters- L.'.- /993- @oh+ Liley ; So+s.9. (ech+iques i+ #i+eral Ex)loratio+ %y Reed$a+- @.H.- /999- ))liedScie+ce Pu%lishers./0. Ex)loratio+ #ethodsH 'ourse Notes %y 'laveri+o- @.- Da=+ey- R. ;Ste)he+so+- P.- /995- ustralia+ .+ter+atio+al ssista+ce 7ureau.//. Evaluatio+ of#i+eral Reserves%y@our+al-.!.- 2005-IxfordA+iversityPress.92 .+troductio+ to #i+eral Ex)loratio+- 2+d editio+-%y #oo+- '[email protected] Lhateley- #.*.!. a+d Eva+s- .#. (Editors). 2001- 7lac"=ell Pu%lishi+2- Ixford ? Coa2 Geo2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8Defi+itio+-co$)ositio+-classificatio+a+dori2i+ofcoal.Githoty)esa+dcoal$acerals.'he$ical a+d)etro2ra)hicala+alysis.))licatio+ofcoal)etro2ra)hy.De)ositio+al e+viro+$e+tsofcoala+dcoal%eari+2strata-coalificatio+)rocess-ty)esofcoal%asi+sa+dtheirtecto+icsetti+2-co+ce)tsofcyclicde)ositio+i+coal%asi+-ori2i+ofs)litsa+d)arti+2si+coalsea$s.'o$)ariso+%et=ee+$oder+a+da+cie+tcoalfor$i+2e+viro+$e+ts-structural)ro%le$sreleva+ttoex)loratio+;$i+i+2.'oalutiliEatio+a+dresourceevaluatio+.#ethodsofcoal ex)loratio+H2eolo2ical-2eo)hysical42a+ddrilli+2.'oal%eari+2seque+cesofPa"ista+.'oal$i+i+2a+ditse+viro+$e+tal issues. Lab.IIIHPetro2ra)hyofcoala+dassociatedroc"s. Pre)aratio+ofcoal)ellets-)etro2ra)hic$ethodsofcoal a+alysis.S)ecifiedassi2+$e+ts?)rodyei+2 a+d irradiatio+> heat treat$e+t )ri+ci)les a+d )ractice- ty)es offur+aces> diffusio+ a+d other ty)es of e+ha+ce$e+tH rece+t adva+ces i+e+ha+ce$e+t a+d value additio+.Detail study of all 2e$sto+efa$iliesH Dia$o+d- 'oru+du$- 7eryl- (o)aE-(our$ali+e- S)i+al- JuartE a+d other 2e$s s)ecies. Study of sy+thetics a+dtreated 2e$sto+es.Iutli+e of $ethods used for 2e$ cutti+2- styles of 2e$ cutti+2 a+d )olishi+2-u+its of$easure$e+t.Pri+ci)les-)hiloso)hy a+d eco+o$ics of evaluatio+.'olor 2radi+2of 2e$sto+es.Iri2i+of 2e$sto+es- =orld2e$sde)ositsa+d462e$s de)osits of Pa"ista+. 7rief i+troductio+ to $i+i+2 $ethods a+d)rsosecci+2 tech+iques. 7rief .+troductio+ to adva+ce qua+tative a+dqualitative a+alytical tech+iques a+d equi)$e+ts. Lab VII: .de+tificatio+ of +atural- sy+thetic a+d artificial 2e$sto+es.Boo0s re$o""e-%e%A/. Decorative Sto+esH (he co$)lete source %oo" %y Price- #.(.- 2009- (ha$es a+d Hudso+.2. !e$ .de+tificatio+ #ade Easy %y #atli+s- .G.- /939- !e$sto+e Press.4. !e$$olo2y 4rd ed. 7y Read- P.!.- 2008- Elsevier. 5. !e$s 1th ed. %y IDDo+o2hue- #.- 2001- 7utter=orth Hei+e$a++.8. !e$s a+d Precious sto+es %y Gy$a+- *.- 2008-&ireside 7oo".1. !e$sH (heir source- Descri)tio+ a+d .de+tificatio+ 5th ed. %y Le%ster- re- /934- 7utter=orth Hei+e$a++.9. !e$sto+es- Her%e+t- !.&.- /999- 'ha)$a+ a+d Hall.3. !e$sto+es of the Lorld %y Schu$a++- L.- /999- Sterli+2 Pu%lishi+2 'o.9. Ha+d%oo" of !e$ #aterials 8th ed. %y *raus- E.H.- /959- #c!ra=6Hill. /0. .de+tificatio+ of !e$sto+es %y IDDo+o2hue- #.- 2004- 7utter=orth Hei+e$a++.//. Phili)s !uide to !e$s %y Ildersha=- '.- 2001- Icto)us Pu%lishi+2. /2. S)ea"i+2 of Heali+2 (hrou2h !e$s %y Saha- N.N.- /998- Sterli+2 Pu%lishers./4. Sy+thetic- li$itatio+ a+d (reated !e$sto+es %y IDDo+o2hue-#- /999- 7utter=orth Hei+e$a++./5. (he S)ectrosco)e a+d !e$$olo2y %y +darso+- 7.- /993- !e$sto+e Press.;M&-era2 %e>os&)s o5 Pa0&s)a-7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8.+troductio+toorefor$i+2)rocesses a+de+viro+$e+tsof $i+eraliEatio+.Plate tecto+ics a+d $i+eraliEatio+. #etallo2e+ic )rovi+ces of Pa"ista+. #etallic$i+eral (co))er- co))er62old6silver- P!E- iro+- chro$ite- %auxite- lead6Ei+c-a+ti$o+y- $a+2a+ese) de)osits of Pa"ista+. &uel$i+erals (coal- radioactive$i+erals). .+troductio+ to )etroleu$ a+d 2as de)osits of Pa"ista+. !e$sto+esof Pa"ista+. #i+eral s)eci$e+s a+d decorative sto+es of Pa"ista+. Di$e+sio+sto+es of Pa"ista+. 'era$ic $i+erals (clay $i+erals- silica sa+d- *?Nafelds)ars- +e)heli+e sye+ite). 'e$e+t ra=$aterials (li$esto+e- 2y)su$-laterite etc.). #iscella+eous i+dustrial $i+erals (roc" )hos)hate- %arite-as%estos- $a2+esite- $ica- ochre- soa)sto+e- dolo$ite etc.)Lab VIII:Cisits to various $i+eral de)ositsBoo0s Re$o""e-%e%A47/. .*aE$i- . H.- ; @a+- #. J.- /999. !eolo2y a+d (ecto+ics of Pa"ista+. !ra)hic Pu%lishers- *arachi- Pa"ista+.2. *aE$i- . H.- a+d S+ee- G. L.- /939. E$eralds of Pa"ista+H 2eolo2y- 2e$olo2y a+d 2e+esis. Ca+ Nostra+d Rei+hold- Ne= Nor"- AS.4. *aE$i- . H.- a+d @a+- #. J.- /999. !eolo2y ; (ecto+ics of Pa"ista+. !ra)hic Pu%lishers- *arachi- Pa"ista+.5. *aE$i- . H.- a+d ID Do+ou2hue- #.- /990. Elite Pu%lishers Gtd.- S...(.E.- *arachi8. h$ad ,.- /919. Directory of #i+eral De)osits of Pa"ista+. Records of the!eolo2ical Survey of Pa"ista+- Juetta- Pa"ista+.1. 7e+der- &.*. a+d RaEa- H..- /998. !eolo2y of Pa"ista+. 7or+trae2er- 7erli+.9. *aE$i- . H.- ; Siddiqi- R. .- Si2+ifica+ce of the 'oal Resources of Pa"ista+. !eolo2ical Survey of Pa"ista+ ; A. S. !eolo2ical Survey.+M&-era2 E$o-o"&$s 7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8&i+a+cial evaluatio+of orereserves?oreresources. #i+eral )ros)ecti+2a+dex)loratio+cost. 'alculatio+?verificatio+of ore2radea+dto++a2e. 'a)italcost- $i+e develo)$e+t cost a+d o)erative cost. 7asis of reve+ue calculatio+.(axatio+ syste$. Ris" a+alysis a+d $a+a2e$e+t. Develo)$e+t decisio+s%ased o+ eco+o$ic evaluatio+- fi+a+cial require$e+ts- cash flo=- i+ter+al rateof retur+ (.RR)- )ay%ac" )eriod. #i+eral)olicy. #i+i+2 rules a+d re2ulatio+s.Pror&ses ),e 5o22oB&-( $o'rsesA/. Roc" #echa+ics2. Soil #echa+ics4. Seis$otect+oics5. E+2i+eeri+2 !eolo2y9 Ro$0 Me$,a-&$s7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8&a%ric a+d $echa+ical +ature of roc"s. Deter$i+atio+ of roc" quality for e+2i+eeri+2)ur)oses. Stress strai+ %ehaviors of differe+t roc"s. Roc" $ass stre+2th. (heories offailure. (y)es of fracture. Roc" defor$atio+ i+co$)ressio+. &actors co+trolli+2$echa+ical %ehaviors of roc"s. Excavatio+ $ethods i+ roc"s.Distri%utio+ of stressesarou+d u+der2rou+d excavatio+s.Aseof)hotoelasticityi+roc"$echa+ics.#easure$e+tofstressesi+situ.Lave )ro)a2atio+ i+ roc"s.Dy+a$ic #odels.Lab. IA S)ecified assi2+$e+ts?)ro&itch-..(ed.)Develo)$e+tsi+!eo)hysicalEx)loratio+#ethods.))lied Scie+ce.68= E2e$)r&$a2 ED>2ora)&o- Me),o%s7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8&u+da$e+tals of curre+t flo= i+ the earth. Electrode arra+2e$e+ts a+d field)rocedures. .+stru$e+ts. Processi+2 a+d i+ter)retatio+ of resistivity data. &ield)rocedure- data acquisitio+ a+d i+ter)retatio+ of self6)ote+tial- .+duced)olariEatio+ a+d electro$a2+etic $ethods. Study of 'ase histories. Lab.VHS)ecifiedassi2+$e+tso+dataacquisitio+?)rocessi+2a+di+ter)retatio+.7oo"s reco$$e+dedH/. .+troductio+ to !eo)hysicalPros)ecti+2 %y Do%ri+- #.7. a+d Savit- '.H.- /933- #c!ra= Hill- Ne= Nor".2. ))lied!eo)hysics%y(elford- L.#.- !eldart- '.P.- Sheriff- R.E. ;*eys- D..- latest Ed.- 'a$%rid2e A+iversity Press- Go+do+.4. &ield!eo)hysics%y#ilso+- @. /939- I)e+A+iversityPress- #ilto+*ey+es.5. .+ter)retatio+ (heory i+ a))lied !eo)hysics %y !ra+t- &.S. ; Lest- !.&.-latest Ed.- #c!ra=6Hill- Ne= Nor".8. *earey- P.- 7roo"s- #.- ; Hill- ..- 2002. + .+troductio+ to !eo)hysicalEx)loratio+- 4rd Ed.- 7lac"=ell Scie+tific Pu%licatio+s- Go+do+.,ys&$s7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8.+troductio+. 7asic theory of !eo)hysical $ethods. Petro)hysics a+d&or$atio+evaluatio+. Differe+t ty)esof lo22i+2tech+iques- .+stru$e+tatio+a+d their field a))licatio+. Go2 a+alysis a+d .+ter)retatio+. ))licatio+ of%orehole 2eo)hysics for litholo2ical- e+viro+$e+tal- =ater resources-2eotech+ical- $i+eral a+d hydrocar%o+ studies. 'ase histories.Lab.VIHS)ecifiedassi2+$e+tso+dataacquisitio+?)rocessi+2a+di+ter)retatio+.7oo"s reco$$e+dedH/. + .+troductio+ to !eo)hysical Ex)loratio+ %y *earey- P.- 7roo"s- #.- ;Hill- ..- 2002- 4rd Ed.- 7lac"=ell Scie+tific Pu%licatio+s- Go+do+.2. !eo)hysicsi+#i+eral Ex)loratio+H &u+da$e+talsa+d'aseHistories!eolo2y %y Go=e- '.- (ho$as- #.D.- ; #orris- L..- (Eds) /999-ssociatio+ of 'a+ada- Short 'ourse Notes Colu$e /5- Sud%ury. 4. + .+troductio+ to ))lied a+d E+viro+$e+tal !eo)hysics %y Rey+olds-@.#. /999- Liley- Ne= Nor".5. Shar$a- P.C.- /999-E+viro+$e+tal a+d E+2i+eeri+2 !eo)hysics-'a$%rid2e A+iversity Press.8. ))lied !eo)hysics- 2+d Ed. %y (elford- L.#. !eldart- G.P. a+d Sherriff-R.E.- /990- 'a$%rid2e A+iversity Press- 'a$%rid2e.1. !eotech+ical a+dE+viro+$e+tal !eo)hysics-Col. .6... %yLard- S.H.(ed)- /990-Society of Ex)loratio+ !eo)hysicists- (ulsa- I"la.9. Drilli+2 Practices #a+ual %y #oo+e- P.G.- /931- Pe+ Lell.69: Geo>,ys&$a2 Da)a Pro$ess&-(7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8Pro2ra$$i+2fu+da$e+tals. +alysisof2eo)hysical dataHa+alo2ue to di2ital>Sa$)li+2theore$>varia+ce-re2ressio+a+dclustera+alysis>Poly+o$ial-(re+dsurface-leastsquare$ethods.(i$eseriesa+ds)ectral a+alysis.!e+eratio+ofdi2italfilters.Gi+eara+drecurre+tfiltersa+dfilter)erfor$a+ce.Lavesha)i+2filters.Pro2ra$$i+2to)rocessi+2a+di+ter)retdata.Lab. VIIHS)ecified assi2+$e+ts?)rocausesa+dres)o+se.Cail a+d Haq 'urvesHtecto+icvs. eustatic co+trols. (he%asi+fillde)ositio+alstyle- de)ositio+alsyste$a+dfacies$odels.!eother$al 2radi e+ts.'o+ti+e+tal-coastal-+earshorea+d dee) sea de)ositio+al syste$s.Sedi$e+tary %asi+s of Pa"ista+.La#IVHStrati2ra)hiccolu$+sa+dtheircorrelatio+.(exturaldatai+ter)retatio+. Paleocurre+tdatai+ter)retatio+.7asi+$a))i+2$ethods.'lastic)etrofaciesa+alysis..+ter)retatio+ofde)ositio+al%asi+sa+dsourcearea.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. 7asi+a+alysisHPri+ci)les a+d))licatio+s%ylle+- P.. a+d [email protected]. /990 7lac"=ellScie+tific Pu%licatio+s&orela+d7asi+s %ylle+- P..a+d Ho$e=ood. P ; Liliu$- !.D.- /931- 7lac"=ell Scie+tific Pu%licatio+s.2. Sedi$e+tary 7asi+ Evolutio+- &acies a+d Sedi$e+t 7ud2et %y Ei+sle-79!.- /992.4. Sedi$e+taryE+viro+$e+ta+d&acies %y Readi+2- H.!.- /931-7lac"=ell Scie+tific Pu%licatio+s.5. !eolo2y a+d (ecto+ics of Pa"ista+ %y *aE$i- .H. a+d @a+- J.- /999-!ra)hic Pu%lishers.8. !eolo2yofPa"ista+%y7e+dera+dRaEa- (ed.) /998- !e%ruder7or+trae2er.1. Sedi$e+tary Petrolo2y %y (uc"er- #.E.- /99/- 7lac"=ell Pu%licatio+s.9. Pri+ci)lesofsedi$e+tary7asi++alysis%y+dre= D. #ial- /990-S)ri+2er6Cerla2- Ne= Nor" .+c.3. Strati2ra)hy a+d historical 2eolo2y of Pa"ista+ %y *aE$i- .H a+d %%asi-...-2003- !ra)hic Pu%lishers- *arachi- Pa"ista+= 3'a)er-ary Geo2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8(heJua+ter+ary)eriodHcharacter- duratio+-develo)$e+ta+dcli$aticcha+2es.#or)holo2icalevide+ce.Ga+dfor$s.Pleistoce+e2laciatio+-a+dsealevelcha+2es.Githolo2icalevide+ceofe+viro+$e+ts.(y)esofsedi$e+ts..soto)esi+dee)6seasedi$e+ts.7iolo2icalevide+ce>)la+tfossilsa+da+i$alre$ai+s.Dati+2 $ethods>Juarter+arystrati2ra)hya+dcorrelatio+.N+eotecto+ics. Juater+ary de)osits of Pa"ista+.Lab.VHSa$)li+2 tech+iques. ssi2+$e+ts o+ s)ecified to)ics.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. Pri+ci)lesof!eo$or)holo2y %y (hor+%ury- L.D.- /99/-Liley Easter+Gtd.2. !eolo2ya+d(ecto+icsofPa"ista+%y*aE$i-.H. a+d @a+- J.- /999-!ra)hic Pu%lishers.4. !eolo2yofPa"ista+%y7e+dera+dRaEa-(ed.)/998- !e%ruder7or+trae2er.< C2ay M&-era2o(y.+troductio+-structurea+d classificatio+ofclay $i+erals..+troductio+toa+alytical$ethods.Iri2i+a+ddia2e+esisHclay $i+eralsduri+2dia2e+esisa+dlo=2rade$eta$or)his$.Pa l e o t h e r $o $e t e r y. !eolo2icalsi2+ifica+ceHde)ositio+ale+viro+$e+ts>clay$i+eralsa+dsedi$e+tatio+.Si2+ifica+ceofclay$i+eralsi+soils- drilli+2fluida+dreservoirs. .+dustriala))licatio+s.Lab. VIHSa$)le )re)aratio+ for a+alysis. .de+tificatio+ of clay $i+erals.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. 'lay $i+erals %y !ri$ R.E.- /931- #c!ra= Hill- Ne= Nor".2.$i+erals%y7ro=+!.- latest Ed.- #i+. Soc. Go+do+.4. 'rystalStructureof' 7ri+dley a+d 7ro=+- /930- #i+ Soc. Go+do+.5.'lay#i+erals%y #oore ; Re+olds- /939.GROUP6I@A HYDROGEOLOGYO#1e$)&.esdva+celevel courseshave%ee+desi2+edi+this2rou)of s)ecialiEatio+.(hesecourses=ill e+a%lethestude+tstofullyu+dersta+d(/) the2rou+d=ater $odeli+2 tech+iques a+d $a+a2e$e+t-(2) the tech+iques for 2rou+d=ater ex)loratio+- (4) the 2rou+d =ater e+2i+eeri+2 a+d (5) the 2rou+d =aterche$istry a+d co+ta$i+atio+.fter co$)leti+2 these courses the stude+ts =ill%ea%letocarryout their i+de)e+de+t researchrelatedto2rou+d=ater$odeli+2- aquifer ide+tificatio+ a+d co+ta$i+atio+ of 2rou+d =ater.T,&s (ro'> $o">r&ses ),e 5o22oB&-( $o'rsesA/. Hydrolo2y2. !rou+d=ater .+vesti2atio+s4. !rou+d=ater E+2i+eeri+25. Hydroche$istry a+d 2rou+d=ater )ollutio+ 9 Hy%ro2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8(heroleof2rou+d=ateri+thehydrolo2icalcycle.!rou+d=ateroccurre+cei+differe+taquiferty)esa+dcli$ates.#ethodsofesti$ati+2rechar2ea+ddischar2e.Physicala+d$athe$aticaldescri)tio+of2rou+d=ater)ro%le$s.&lo=+ets-tu%e=ells-drai+sa+dditches.'o+sideratio+ofti$e6varia+tflo=a+dsteady6stateflo=.&ielda+dla%oratory $easure$e+tsofhydraulic)ro)erties ofdiffere+t 2eolo2ical $aterials. !rou+d=ater $odeli+2 tech+iquesa+dresource$a+a2e$e+t.Soil=ater%ala+cea+d=ater%ud2et esti$ate ofaquifers.Lab.IH #easure$e+tofhydro2eolo2ic)ro)ertiesof=ater6%eari+2for$atio+s.Practical a))licatio+s of $athe$atical 2rou+d =ater $odel.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. !rou+d=atera+dLells%yDriscoll-&.!.-/939.@oh+so+&ilteratio+Syste$ .+c. St. Paul.2. !rou+d=ater Hydrolo2y %y (odd- D.*.- /930- @oh+ Liley a+d So+s.4. !rou+d=ater%y&reeEe-R..;'[email protected]/999-.Si$oa+dSchuster 'o$)a+y.5. Pri+ci)lesofHydrolo2y%yLard-R.'.;Ro%i+so+-#.-/990-#c!ra=6 Hill 7oo" 'o$)a+y.8. Physicala+d'he$icalHydro2eolo2y%yDo$e+icoa+dSch=artE-/991- @oh+ Lilley a+d So+s.1. ))lied Hydro2eolo2y %y &etter- L- /933- #erril.9. .+troduci+2 !rou+ds Later %y Price- #.- /998- lle+ a+d A+=i+.8;3. Hydro2eolo2y - Pri+ci)les a+d Practice %y !eofluids- S.J.G.- 2008- 7lac"=ell Sy+er2y9. .+troductio+ to Hydro2eolo2y %y !eofluids- H.- 2004- 7lac"=ell Sy+er2y2 Gro'-%Ba)er 7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8!rou+d=aterex)loratio+tech+iques-2eolo2icala+dhydro2eolo2ical$a)s-aerial)hoto2ra)hsa+dsatellite i$a2eries. Aseofvarious2eo)hysical$ethodsi+2rou+d=aterex)loratio+.(hea))licatio+ofsurface2eo)hysicalsurveyi+2to2rou+d=ater)ro%le$si+cludi+2ide+tificatio+ofaquifer2eo$etry-aquifer)ro)ertiesa+d=aterquality.Pri+ci)lesa+da))licatio+i+hydro2eolo2y of =ell lo22i+2 tech+iques.Lab. IIH&ield survey a+d i+ter)retatio+ of availa%le data.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. &ield Hydro2eolo2y %y 7raissi+2to+- R.- /993- @oh+ Liley a+d So+s.2. !rou+d=aterResourceEvaluatio+%yLalto+-L.'.-latestEd.-#c!ra=6 Hill *o2a"usho- Gtd. 4. !rou+d=atera+d Lells%yDriscall-&.!.-/939-@oh+so+&ilteratio+Syste$ .+c. St. Paul.? Gro'-%Ba)er E-(&-eer&-(7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8!rou+d=ater)ro%le$si+siteselectio+a+dco+structio+ofda$sa+dotherhu2estructures.!eotech+icallo22i+2a+d2routi+2tech+iques.!rou+d=aterta%lea+ditsflo=i+toexcavatio+s.(he)ri+ci)lesa+da))licatio+sofde=ateri+2. (he effect of 2rou+d=ater o+ soil a+d roc" stre+2th. Dee) aquiferstesti+2a+d2rou+d=aterflo=a+alysisi+tou+der2rou+d=or"i+2s.Hydro2eolo2yof$i+i+2areas.(hea+alysisof2rou+dsu%side+cerelatedto2rou+d=ater o%structio+.Lab. IIIH 'ase studies related to da$ site selectio+.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A9 E+2i+eeri+2 Hydrolo2y %y Lilso+- E.#.- /99/- #ac#illa+ Educatio+ Gtd.2 &ield Hydro2eolo2y %y 7rassi+2to+ R. /933- @oh+ Liley a+d So+s.? !rou+d=ater%y&reeEe-R..-;'[email protected]/999-Si$o+a+d Sechuster 'o$)a+y.4 Hy%ro$,e"&s)rya-% Gro'-%Ba)er >o22')&o- 7?Cre%&) ,o'rs8Ga=sofche$istryrelated to=atera+ditsreactio+ =iththeaquifer$atrix.Pri+ci)lesa+d)rocessesco+trolli+2co$)ositio+of+atural=ater.Lat er6Jual i t y St a+dards (EP)- #ethodsof=ater sa$)li+2a+d a+alysis.Pro)ertiesa+dco+stitue+tsof=ater. Prese+tatio+- evaluatio+ a+di+ter)retatio+ of =ater a+alysis data (Pi)er a+d (rili+ear dia2ra$- Stiff Patter+).81Sources-+aturea+deffectsof2rou+d=aterco+ta$i+atio+.#asstra+s)ortof solutesa+dche$ical)rocessesoccurri+2i+aquifers. Se)tic ta+"s a+d'ess)ools- Ga+dfills- 'he$ical S)ills a+d lea"i+2 u+der2rou+d (a+"s-!rou+d=aterco+ta$i+atio+s )reve+tio+a+dre$edies.#o+itori+2 =ells-Latertreat$e+ta+dtech+iquesforthere$ovalof)hysical%iolo2icala+dche$icalco+ta$i+a+ts.Sali+ei+trusio+si+coastal a+d estuari+e sedi$e+ts.Lab. IVH !rou+d=ater sa$)li+2 for che$ical a+alysis. !ra)hic )rese+tatio+ ofche$icala+alysisdata.Pre)aratio+ofsu%surfacehydroche$ical$a) of the source a+d exte+t of co+ta$i+atio+.Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%A/. Do$esticLater(reat$e+t%[email protected]!rass-(.E.Petty $o">r&ses ),e 5o22oB&-( $o'rsesA/. .+dustrial #i+eralo2y6.2. .+dustrial #i+eralo2y6..4. .+stru$e+tal (ech+iques9 I-%'s)r&a2 M&-era2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8Physicala+dche$ical)ro)ertiesof$i+erals.Relatio+shi)%et=ee+thestructure-che$istrya+d)ro)ertiesofcar%o+ates-sul)hates-silica$i+erals-felds)ars-clay$i+erals-+e)heli+e-ser)e+ti+ite-a$)hi%oles-$icas-olivi+esa+d)hos)hates.#echa+is$sof$i+eral+ucleatio+a+dcrystal2ro=th..$)orta+ce of "i+etis$ i+ $i+eral for$atio+..+ter)retatio+of$i+erala+alysisRecalculatio+ofa$i+erala+alysisi+ter$soffixed+u$%erofa+io+s-a+d=herea))ro)riatecatio+s.Plotti+2a)hase82dia2ra$fro$ex)erie+taldata..+ter)retatio+of)hasedia2ra$si+cludi+2theSiI26SiI2-l2I46SiI26l2I46*2I6SiI2-'aI6#2I6SiI2-l2I46'aI.Dra=i+2ofisother$al sectio+sthrou2hter+ary)hasedia2ra$a+dtheirreleva+ce. Plotti+2 data o+ tria+2ular dia2ra$s. #easure$e+t of $i+eral tri)le $o">r&ses ),e 5o22oB&-( $o'rsesA/. #ari+e !eolo2y2. Icea+o2ra)hy4. #ari+e !eoche$istry5. !eolo2y of ra%ia+ Sea8. Plate (ecto+ics9 Mar&-e Geo2o(y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8Develo)$e+t of $ari+e 2eolo2y- co+tri%utio+ of dee) sea drilli+2 )ro,y7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8'he$ical a+d )hysical+ature of sea=ater. (e$)erature- Sali+ity a+d de+sityof sea =ater.Icea+ic heat %ud2et. #ixi+2 )rocesses i+ the ocea+s. Gi2ht a+dsou+d i+ the ocea+. !ases i+ sea=ater. Icea+ic circulatio+H surface circulatio+a+d ther$ohali+e circulatio+- ENSI a+d .+dia+ #o+soo+. 'oastal a+docea+u)=elli+2- A)=elli+2 Eo+es a+d ocea+ sedi$e+tary record. Icea+ =aves a+d(ides. Sealevel cha+2es- coastal ocea+o2ra)hyH Shoreli+esa+dEstuaries-'o+ti+e+tal shelf a+dits=ater. Sourcesof #ari+eE+er2yH Laves- (ides-'urre+t a+d I(E'. Icea+o2ra)hic tools a+d (ech+olo2y. (he Ga= of the sea.Lab. II:Solar Radiatio+ a+d Heat 7ala+ce- Sea=ater (e$)erature a+dSali+ity- Later $asses a+d (e$)erature :Sali+ity Dia2ra$s- Surface curre+ts-(ides- Laves- Shallo= =ater =aves a+d coastal )rocesses. Boo0s re$o""e-%e%A/. 'oastal E+viro+$e+ts %y 'arter- R.L.!- /933-cade$ic Press. Go+do+.2.=or"%oo" i+ Icea+o2ra)hy- Dudley- L.' a+d #i+ Gee- /932-l)ha Editio+s-divisio+ of 7ur2ess Pu%lishi+2 'o. #i++esota. 4. (he Sea %y E$ilia+i. '. /93/- @oh+ Liley. Ne= Nor". 5. Sea =aterH .ts 'o$)ositio+- Pro)erties a+d 7ehavior %y !erry-7.- /939-. Per2a$o+ Press )lcIxford a+d I)e+ A+iversityLalto+ Hall- #ilto+- E+2la+d. 878. Icea+o2ra)hy- a+ i+troductio+ to the )la+et Icea+us %y Pi+et- Paul R. /992- Lest )u%lishi+2 co$)a+y- Ne= Nor".1. Ga%oratory Exercises i+ Icea+o2ra)hy %y Po)"i+- 7.L- !rosli+e- D.S a+d Ha$$o+d- D.E.- /939- 2+d Editio+. L.H. &ree$a+ a+d 'o$)a+y. Ne= Nor"?Mar&-e Geo$,e"&s)ry7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8(he 2eoche$ical 'ycle a+d the 'o$)ositio+ of ocea+ =ater. (he tra+s)ort of$aterial toocea+- Nutrie+ts- Ir2a+iccar%o+a+dcar%o+cyclei+sea=ater.(race ele$e+ts i+ the ocea+- Reside+ce ti$e a+d Reactivity of ele$e+ts. (heco$)ositio+ of ocea+ic sus)e+ded $atter. (he 2eoche$istry of #ari+esedi$e+ts- Sedi$e+t i+terstitial =aters a+d di2e+esis. Ir2a+ic $atter)roductio+- accu$ulatio+a+d)reservatio+. #ari+ecar%o+ates- .soto)esi+$ari+e !eoche$istry. 'he$icalcharacteristics of Hydrother$alve+t fluids-!eoche$istry of &erro$a+2a+ese de)osits i+ the ocea+. !eoche$icalProxies a+d 2lo%ale+viro+$e+talhistory. Pollutio+ i+ the sea.!eoche$ical$odels.Lab. III: ExercisesDeter$i+atio+ ofSali+ity- Reside+ce ti$e a+d Reactivityof #a /99/- !eol. Soc. S)ec. Pu%l> 83- 7lac"=ell- Ixford. /0. Ir2a+ic $atterH Productivity- accu$ulatio+ a+d )reservatio+ i+ rece+t a+d a+cie+t sedi$e+ts %y Lhela+- @." a+d &arri+2to+- @.L. (eds)- /992-'olu$%ia A+iversity Press. Ne= Nor". 884Geo2o(y o5 ),e Ara#&a- Sea7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8!eolo2ical evolutio+ of ra%ia+ Sea. !eolo2y of the coastal re2io+s of ra%ia+sea. Physio2ra)hic a+d structural features of ra%ia+ sea. !eo6dy+a$ics a+dsedi$e+tatio+ of #a"ra+ a+d .+dusco+ti+e+tal $ar2i+s. !eolo2y of the .+dusdelta a+d.+dus&a+syste$s.!eolo2y of DSDP a+dIDP6Lell sites fro$ra%ia+ sea. Seis$ic strati2ra)hy of the +orther+ ra%ia+ sea. #i+eralo2y a+d2eoche$istry of ra%ia+ sea sedi$e+ts. Sea level cha+2es- Ixy2e+ #i+i$u$,o+evariatio+sa+ditsi+flue+ceo+ra%ia+seasedi$e+ts. Sedi$e+taryrecordof cli$aticvariatio+sa+dHi$alaya+oro2e+y. Iffshorehydrocar%o+a+d#i+eral resource )ros)ects. Lab. IV: Selected Exercises %ased o+ +atio+al a+d .+ter+atio+al !eolo2icalresearch 'ruises data of ra%ia+ sea Boo0s re$o""e-%e%A/. #ari+e !eolo2y a+d Icea+o2ra)hy of ra%ia+ Sea a+d 'oastal Pa"ista+ %y Haq- 7.A. a+d #illi$a+- @.D. (eds) /935- Ca+ Nostra+dRei+hold- Ne= Nor". 2. .+itial Re)orts of the Dee) Sea Drilli+2 Pro et al.- (eds) /998- Lashi+2to+- D.'> A.S. !over+$e+t Pri+ti+2 Iffice.4. (re+ch a+d &ore6arc !eolo2yH Sedi$e+tatio+ a+d (ecto+ics o+ $oder+ a+d +cie+t active Plate $ar2i+ %y Ge22et- @.*. (ed) /932- 7lac"=ell Scie+tific. Ixford.5. (he Icea+ 7asi+s a+d #ar2i+s- 1. (he .+dia+ Icea+ %y Nair- .E.#. a+d Stehli- &.! (eds)Ple+u$- Ne= Nor". 8. (he (ecto+ic a+d 'li$atic Evolutio+ of the ra%ia+ Sea Re2io+ %y P.D.'lift- D.*roo+- '.!aedic"e a+d @. 'rai2> 2008- !eoloo2ical S)ecial Pu%licatio+ No./98. 1. Seis$ic &acies a+d Sedi$e+tary Processes of Su%$ari+e &a+s a+d (ur%idite Syste$s %y Lei$er- P a+d Gi+"- #.H (eds) /99/- S)ri+2er- Ne= Nor".= P2a)e Te$)o-&$s7? Cre%&) ,o'rs8'o+ti+e+taldrift.Sea6floorS)readi+2.Historical Pers)ective. .+ter+al structureofEarth.!eolo2icalevide+cesfor'o+ti+e+tal Drift.'o+ti+e+talreco+structio+.#ari+e$a2+etica+o$aliesa+dsea6floors)readi+2.Platetecto+icstheory.Platesa+d)late%ou+daries.Relativea+da%solute)late$otio+s.Icea+rid2es.'o+ti+e+talrifts..+traocea++icisla+dsa+disla+darcs.HotS)ota+d#a+tle Plu$es.Su%ductio+Eo+es.(ra+sfor$a+dtra+scurre+t faults. #echa+is$ of )late tecto+ics. Drivi+2 $echa+is$s for )late$ove$e+tLab. VH'ase histories related to )late tecto+ics89Boo0s re$o""e-%e%A/. (ecto+ics %y #oores- E. #. ; (=iss- R. @.- /998- &ree$a+ a+d 'o.2. !lo%al (ecto+ics%y *eary- P. ; Ci+e- &.@. /991-7lac"=ell Scie+ce4. Plate (ecto+icsH Ho= it Lor"s %y 'ox- . ; Hort- R. 7. /931-. 7lac"=ellScie+ceGROUP6@IIAENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCESO#1e$)&.esdva+celevel courseshave%ee+desi2+edi+this2rou)of s)ecialiEatio+.(hese courses =ille+a%le the stude+ts to fully u+dersta+d (/) the 2eolo2icalhaEardsa+dtheir $a+a2e$e+t- (2) 2lo%al =ar$i+2- (4) thesoil a+d=aterche$istry- (5) the a+thro)o2e+ic a+d 2eo2e+ic sources of co+ta$i+atio+- (8)thee+viro+$e+tal i$)act assess$e+t a+d$a+a2e$e+t. fter co$)leti+2these courses the stude+ts =ill %e a%le to carry out their i+de)e+de+t researchrelated to the de2radatio+ of ecosyste$throu2h +atural a+d i+dustrial)ollutio+.T,&s (ro'> $o">r&ses ),e 5o22oB&-( $o'rsesA/. E+viro+$e+tal !eolo2y2. Soil a+d Later Resources4. E+viro+$e+tal HaEards5. Hydrolo2ical Syste$s a+d E+viro+$e+t8. E+viro+$e+tal .$)act ssess$e+t a+d #a+a2e$e+t1. Natural Resource #a+a2e$e+t9. Iccu)atio+al Health a+d Safety9 E-.&ro-"e-)a2 Geo2o(y7? $re%&) ,o'rs8E+viro+$e+tal #a+a2e$e+t (effective $a+a2e$e+t for ex)loitatio+ of 2eolo2yresources=iththei$)act that this$aycauseo+e+viro+$e+t> a))ro)riate=aste dis)osal strate2ies to $i+i$iEe the )ro%le$s of co+ta$i+atio+ ;)ollutio+). Reco2+itio+of Natural HaEardsa+dide+tifyi+2their causesa+d)rovidi+2 their $iti2atio+. E+viro+$e+tal co+trols for erosio+-desertificatio+ coastal de2radatio+. E+viro+$e+tal i$)act of $i+i+2- da$s-reservoir- hi2h=ays their assess$e+t a+d co+trol. A+dersta+di+2 the2eolo2ical e+viro+$e+ts i+ $aco+strai+tso+theti$i+2of.+dia6Eurasiacollisio+>resulta+t)hysio2ra)hy-structures-$eta$or)his$- cli$aticcha+2es.(ecto+icEo+atio+ofPa"ista+HEachEo+eto%estudiedi+ ter$s ofits 2eo$or)holo2y-tecto+ics-strati2ra)hy-$eta$or)his$- $a2$atis$a+d$i+eralde)osits.*ara"ora$)late.*ohista+6Gada"hisla+adarcterra+e.(heHi$alayasHi+ter+ala+dexter+alEo+es.S=at-7esha$-HaEara-*a2ha+(Na+a2aPar%at)%loc"s.(hehill ra+2es(Sa$a+a-*alachitta-#ar2ala-!aliats).*ohat6Pot=ar)lateausa+d the salt ra+2es. (he %ou+dary faults a+d related tecto+icsH ##(-#'(-Pa+or) Br&)&-(Pro(ress re>or) Br&)&-("ote: #$tensive reading is required for vocabular% buildingBoo0s Re$o""e-%e%A(ech+ical Lriti+2 a+d Prese+tatio+ S"illsa) Essay Lriti+2 a+d cade$ic Lriti+2/. Lriti+2. dva+ced %y Ro+ Lhite. Ixford Su))le$e+taryS"ills. (hird .$)ressio+ /992. .S7N 0 /9 548509 4:4()articularly suita%le for discursive- descri)tive- ar2u$e+tativea+d re)ort =riti+2).2. 'olle2e Lriti+2 S"ills %y @oh+ Ga+2a+. #cT!ra=6HillHi2herEducatio+. 2005.4. Patter+s of 'olle2e Lriti+2 (5theditio+) %y Gaurie !. *irsE+era+d Ste)he+ R. #a+dell. St. #arti+Ds Press.%) Prese+tatio+ S"illsc) Readi+2(he#ercuryReader.'usto$Pu%licatio+. 'o$)iled%y+orther.lli+ois A+iversity. !e+eralEditiorsH @a+ice Neuli%> *athlee+ Shi+e'ai+> Ste)he+Ruffusa+d#auriceScharto+. ( reader=hich=ill2ivestude+tsex)osuretothe%est of t=e+tiethce+turyliterature-=ithout taxi+2 the taste of e+2i+eeri+2 stude+ts).:6A--eD're 6 BPa0&s)a- S)'%&es 7Co">'2sory8I-)ro%'$)&o-GO#1e$)&.es Develo) visio+ of historical )ers)ective- 2over+$e+t- )olitics-co+te$)orary Pa"ista+- ideolo2ical %ac"2rou+d of Pa"ista+. Study the )rocess of 2over+a+ce- +atio+al develo)$e+t- issues arisi+2 i+the $oder+ a2e a+d )osi+2 challe+2es to Pa"ista+.Co'rse O')2&-e/. H&s)or&$a2 Pers>e$)&.ea. .deolo2ical ratio+ale =ith s)ecial refere+ce to Sir Syed h$ed *ha+-lla$a #uha$$ad .q%al a+d Juaid6i6Ea$ #uha$$ad li @i++ah.%. &actors leadi+2 to #usli$ se)aratis$c. Peo)le a+d Ga+di. .+dus 'iviliEatio+ii. #usli$ adve+tiii. Gocatio+ a+d 2eo6)hysical features.2."e-) a-% Po2&)&$s &- Pa0&s)a-Political a+d co+stitutio+al )hasesHa. /959683%. /98369/c. /99/699d. /999633e. /933699f. /999 o+=ard4. Co-)e">orary Pa0&s)a-a. Eco+o$ic i+stitutio+s a+d issues%. Society a+d social structurec. Eth+icityd. &orei2+ )olicy of Pa"ista+ a+d challe+2ese. &uturistic outloo" of Pa"ista+Boo0s Re$o""e-%e%/. 7ur"i- Shahid @aved. &tate ' &ociet% in (a)istan, (he #ac$illa+ Press Gtd/930. 2. "%ar- S. ,aidi.Issue in (a)istan*s #conom%. *arachiH Ixford A+iversityPress- 2000.4. S.#. 7ur"e a+d Ga=re+ce ,iri+2. Pa"ista+Ds &orei2+ )olicyH + Historicala+alysis. *arachiH Ixford A+iversity Press- /994.5. #eh$ood- Safdar. (a)istan (olitical +oots ' ,evelopment. Gahore- /995.:78. Lilcox- Lay+e.The #mergence of -anglades.,Lashi+2to+H $erica+E+ter)rise- .+stitute of Pu%lic Policy Research- /992.1. #eh$ood- Safdar.(a)istan .a%%un Toota,GahoreH .dara6e6Saqafat6e6.sla$ia- 'lu% Road- +d.9. $i+- (ahir. #thno / "ational 0ovement in (a)istan, .sla$a%adH .+stitute ofPolicy Studies- .sla$a%ad.3. ,iri+2- Ga=re+ce.#nigma of (olitical ,evelopment.*e+t E+2la+dHL$Da=so+ ; so+s Gtd- /930.9. ,ahid- +sar.1istor% ' 2ulture of &indh.*arachiH Royal7oo" 'o$)a+y-/930./0. fEal- #. Rafique.(olitical(arties in (a)istan,Col. .- .. ; .... .sla$a%adHNatio+al .+stitute of Historical a+d cultural Research- /993.//. Sayeed- *halid 7i+.The (olitical&%stem of (a)istan.7osto+H Hou2hto+#iffli+- /919./2. EiE- *.*.(art%, (olitics in (a)istan,.sla$a%adH Natio+al 'o$$issio+ o+Historical a+d 'ultural Research- /991./4. #uha$$adLasee$- Pa"ista+A+der #artial Ga=- GahoreH Ca+2uard-/939./5. Haq- Noorul.0a)ingof (a)istan: The0ilitar%(erspective..sla$a%adHNatio+al 'o$$issio+ o+ Historical a+d 'ultural Research- /994.:8A--eD're 6 CISLAMIC STUDIES7Co">'2sory8O#1e$)&.esA(his course is ai$ed atH/ (o )rovide 7asic i+for$atio+ a%out .sla$ic Studies2 (o e+ha+ce u+dersta+di+2 of the stude+ts re2ardi+2 .sla$ic 'iviliEatio+4 (o i$)rove Stude+ts s"ill to )erfor$ )rayers a+d other =orshi)s5 (o e+ha+ce the s"ill of the stude+ts for u+dersta+di+2 of issues related to faith a+d reli2ious life.De)a&2 o5 Co'rsesI-)ro%'$)&o- )o 3'ra-&$ S)'%&es/) 7asic 'o+ce)ts of Jura+ 2) History of Jura+4) Aloo$6ul 6Jura+S)'%y o5 Se2e$)e% TeD) o5 Ho22y 3'ra-/) Cerses of Surah l67aqra Related to &aith(Cerse No62356231)2)Cerses of Surah l6Hu2eD -'"#ers a-% ,y>er#o2&$ 5'-$)&o-s (he +eed for co$)lex +u$%ers #a+i)ulatio+ of co$)lex +u$%ersdditio+s a+d su%tractio+> $odulus a+d ar2u$e+t> $ulti)licatio+>co$)lex co+ divisio+1;6 Polar re)rese+tatio+ of co$)lex +u$%ers#ulti)licatio+ a+d divisio+ i+ )olar for$ de #oivreDs theore$(ri2o+o$etrical ide+tities> fi+di+2 the +th roots of u+ity> solvi+2)oly+o$ial equatio+s 'o$)lex lo2arith$s a+d co$)lex )o=ers ))licatio+s to differe+tiatio+ a+d i+te2ratio+ Hy)er%olic fu+ctio+sDefi+itio+s> hy)er%olic6tri2o+o$etric a+alo2ies> ide+tities of hy)er%olic fu+ctio+s> solvi+2 hy)er%olic equatio+s> i+verses of hy)er%olic fu+ctio+s> calculus of hy)er%olic fu+ctio+s? Ser&es a-% 2&"&)s Series Su$$atio+ of seriesrith$etic series> 2eo$etric series> arith$etico62eo$etric series> the differe+ce $ethod> series i+volvi+2 +atural +u$%ers> tra+sfor$atio+ of series 'o+ver2e+ce of i+fi+ite series%solute a+d co+ditio+al co+ver2e+ce> co+ver2e+ce of a seriesco+tai+i+2 o+ly real )ositive ter$s> alter+ati+2 series test I)eratio+s =ith series Po=er series'o+ver2e+ce of )o=er series> o)eratio+s =ith )o=er series (aylor series(aylorDs theore$> a))roxi$atio+ errors i+ (aylor series> sta+dard#aclauri+ series Evaluatio+ of li$its4 Par)&a2 %&55ere-)&a)&o- Defi+itio+ of the )artial derivative (he total differe+tial a+d total derivative Exact a+d i+exact differe+tials Aseful theore$s of )artial differe+tiatio+ (he chai+ rule 'ha+2e of varia%les1;7 (aylorDs theore$ for $a+y6varia%le fu+ctio+s Statio+ary values of $a+y6varia%le fu+ctio+s Statio+ary values u+der co+strai+ts= M'2)&>2e &-)e(ra2s Dou%le i+te2rals (ri)le i+te2rals ))licatio+s of $ulti)le i+te2ralsreas a+d volu$es> $asses- ce+ters of $ass a+d ce+troids> Pa))usDtheore$s> $o$e+ts of i+ertia> $ea+ values of fu+ctio+s 'ha+2e of varia%les i+ $ulti)le i+te2rals'ha+2e of varia%les i+ dou%le i+te2rals>< Ve$)or a2(e#ra Scalars a+d vectors dditio+ a+d su%tractio+ of vectors #ulti)licatio+ %y a scalar 7asis vectors a+d co$)o+e+ts #a2+itude of a vectors #ulti)licatio+ of vectorsScalar )roduct> vector )roduct> scalar tri)le )roduct> vector tri)le)roduct Equatio+s of li+es a+d )la+esEquatio+ of a li+e> equatio+ of a )la+e Asi+2 vectors to fi+d dista+cesPoi+t to li+e> )oi+t to )la+e> li+e to li+e> li+e to )la+e Reci)rocal vectors: Ma)r&$es a-% .e$)or s>a$es Cectors s)aces7asic vectors> the i++er )roduct> so$e useful i+equalities #atrices (he co$)lex a+d Her$itia+ co+ sy$$etric a+d a+tisy$$etric> ortho2o+al> Her$itia+> u+itary+or$al1;8 Ei2e+ vectors a+d ei2e+ valuesIf a+or$al $atrix> of Her$itia+a+da+ti6Her$itia+$atrices> of au+itary $atrix> of a 2e+eral square $atrix Deter$i+atio+ of ei2e+ values a+d ei2e+ vectorsDe2e+erate ei2e+ values; Ve$)or $a2$'2's Differe+tiatio+ of vectors'o$)osite vector ex)ressio+s> differe+tial of a vector .+te2ratio+ of vectors S)ace curves Cector fu+ctio+s of several ar2u$e+ts Surfaces Scalar a+d vector fields Cector o)erators!radie+t of a scalar field> diver2e+ce of a vector field> curl of a vectorfield Cector o)erator for$ulaeCector o)erators acti+2 o+ su$s a+d )roducts> co$%i+atio+s of 2rad- div a+d curl 'yli+drical a+d s)herical )olar coordi+ates'yli+drical )olar coordi+ates> s)herical )olar coordi+ates1;9A--eD're 6 EINTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS'redit hrsH 4(460)A+it /.Lhat is StatisticsYDefi+itio+of Statistics- Po)ulatio+- sa$)leDescri)tivea+di+fere+tialStatistics- I%servatio+s- Data- Discrete a+d co+ti+uous varia%les-Errors of $easure$e+t- Si2+ifica+t di2its- Rou+di+2 of a Nu$%er-'ollectio+of )ri$arya+dseco+darydata- Sources- Editi+2of Data.Exercises.A+it 2.Prese+tatio+ of Data.+troductio+- %asic )ri+ci)les of classificatio+ a+d (a%ulatio+-'o+structi+2 of a freque+cy distri%utio+- Relative a+d 'u$ulativefreque+cydistri%utio+- Dia2ra$s- !ra)hsa+dtheir 'o+structio+- 7archarts- Pie chart- Histo2ra$- &reque+cy )oly2o+ a+d &reque+cy curve-'u$ulative &reque+cy Poly2o+ or I2ive- Histori2ra$- I2ive forDiscrete Caria%le. (y)es of freque+cy curves. Exercises.A+it 4.#easures of 'e+tral (e+de+cy.+troductio+- Differe+t ty)es of vera2es- Jua+tiles- (he #ode-E$)iricalRelatio+ %et=ee+ #ea+- #edia+ a+d $ode- Relative #eritsa+dDe$eritsof various vera2es. )ro)ertiesof !ood vera2e- 7oxa+d Lhis"er Plot- Ste$ a+d Geaf Dis)lay- defi+itio+ of outliers a+d theirdetectio+. Exercises.A+it 5.#easures of Dis)ersio+ .+troductio+-%solutea+drelative $easures-Ra+2e-(he se$i6.+ter6quartile Ra+2e- (he #ea+ Deviatio+- (he Caria+ce a+d sta+darddeviatio+- 'ha+2eof ori2i+a+dscale- .+ter)retatio+of thesta+dardDeviatio+- 'oefficie+t of variatio+- Pro)erties of varia+ce a+d sta+dardDeviatio+- Sta+dardiEed varia%les- #o$e+ts a+d #o$e+ts ratios.Exercises.A+it 8.Pro%a%ility a+d Pro%a%ility Distri%utio+s. Discretea+dco+ti+uousdistri%utio+sH 7i+o$ial- Poisso+a+dNor$alDistri%utio+. Exercises A+it 1.Sa$)li+2 a+d Sa$)li+2 Distri%utio+s.+troductio+- sa$)ledesi2+a+dsa$)li+2fra$e- %ias- sa$)li+2a+d+o+ sa$)li+2 errors- sa$)li+2 =ith a+d =ithout re)lace$e+t- )ro%a%ilitya+d+o+6)ro%a%ilitysa$)li+2- Sa$)li+2distri%utio+sfor si+2le$ea+a+d )ro)ortio+- Differe+ce of $ea+s a+d )ro)ortio+s. Exercises.1;:A+it 9.Hy)othesis (esti+2.+troductio+- Statistical )ro%le$- +ull a+d alter+ative hy)othesis- (y)e6.a+d (y)e6.. errors- level of si2+ifica+ce- (est statistics- acce)ta+ce a+dre