geography drainage

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Transcript of geography drainage

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    Drainage is the natural or artificial

    removal of surface and sub-surface

    water from an area. Many agricultural

    soils need drainage to improve production

    or to manage water supplies.
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    The rivers of India plays an important role in thecountrys economy. It provides the irrigation water,

    Hydroelectric power, and transportation. More over,the vast fertile Indo-Gangetic plain is the product ofthe riverine action, which remains one of the

    principal agricultural region of the country. Apartfrom this, Indian people have some religioussentiments with these rivers and considered them tobe sacred.The area drained by the main river along with itstributaries is known as a drainage basin. The largestdrainage basin of India is the Ganga drainage basinclosely followed by Indus, Brahmaputra & Godavari,securing the second, third & fourth position


    Drainage in India

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    The Indian drainage system is

    divided inriver systems. They are:

    1. Himalayan Drainage System

    2. Peninsular Drainage system

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    The Himalayan rivers are perennial in nature unlike its peninsular counterpart

    since they are fed by glaciers. The peninsular rivers on the other hand entirely

    depends on the monsoon rain & hence, seasonal.

    Going by the age of the rivers, the most of the peninsular rivers are as old as

    Pre-Cambrian period whereas the Himalayan rivers are mostly younger, except

    few rivers like Sutlej, Indus, Brahmaputra which are antecedent in nature.

    The Himalayan rivers are more active than the Peninsular rivers in term oferosion, transportation & deposition.

    The Himalayan rivers are mostly navigable in nature whereas the peninsular

    rivers are not generally navigable because of its rough plateau terrain.

    As the Himalayan rivers are more active than the Peninsular river, thephenomenon of river capture is more common in Himalayan river system.

    The peninsular rivers are slow moving whereas the Himalayan rivers are swift

    in their upper course.

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    Water Pollution

    Water pollution is the contamination ofwaterbodies(e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans,aquifers and groundwater).

    Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged

    directly or indirectly into water bodies withoutadequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

    Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in

    these bodies of water. In almost all cases the effect is

    damaging not only to individual species and

    populations, but also to the natural biological

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    The Ganges is the largest river in India with anextraordinary religious importance forHindus.

    Along its banks are some of the world's oldest

    continuously inhabited places like Varanasi, Patna.

    It provides water to about 40% of India'spopulation in 11 states.[1] In the modern times, it is

    known for being very

    polluted.[2] In Varanasi alone, an estimated 2.9

    billion liters or more of untreated human sewage is

    discharged into the Ganges daily, although theexisting infrastructure has a capacity to treat only

    1.1 billion liters per day, leaving a huge deficit.[1]
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    Causes of Drainage Problems

    Most drainage problems result from improper

    grading. Grading is the slope of the yard. In

    general terms, a properly graded yard should

    slope gently downward from the house and

    toward the street and alley.Unfortunately, because Texas is relatively flat,

    properly grading a yard is relatively difficult. In

    many cases, there is little or no natural

    elevation change on a property, and the homebuilder and landscaper must create an artificial

    elevation change. Because of the difficulty,

    many properties are not properly graded, and

    water gathers in the low spots of the yard.

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    Additionally, many yards that wereonce properly graded develop

    problems, as growing trees andbush root systems create naturaldams by raising the adjacent earth.Over a number of years, the buildup

    of earth can cause water flow tochange, and create a drainageproblem. Additionally, well-meaning

    landscaping projects may also re-slope areas of the property andcreate low spots, or even causewater to flow toward the house.

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    As grievances about waterlogging fill up

    the complaint books of the MunicipalCorporation of Delhi (MCD) year afteryear, there may yet be some hope left forthe future. With every monsoon leading

    to flooding of roads, the Delhigovernment is now working on aMasterplan for the drainage system ofthe city. Under the scheme, the

    crumbling drainage system in theCapital, which is almost 35 years old, willbe revamped.