Geography Country Case Study

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  • 8/17/2019 Geography Country Case Study


    GeographyDabin ChungSeptember 19, 2014


    o Area: 331,210 km²

    oPopulation:89.71 million

    oCurrency: Vietnamese dong



  • 8/17/2019 Geography Country Case Study


    o Climate: Vietnam is located in both a tropical

    and a temperate zone. It is characterized by

    strong monsoon influences, but has a

    considerable amount of sun, a high rate of

    rainfall, and high humidity. Regions located

    near the tropics and in the mountainous

    regions are endowed with a temperate


    o Natural Resources: phosphates, coal,

    manganese, rare earth elements, bauxite,

    chromate, offshore oil and gas deposits,

    timber, hydropower.

    o Rivers: Red river and Mekong river are the

    major river of Vietnam.

    o Mountains: The major mountains are Ba Vì

    mountain range, Marble Mountains and Mây

    Tào Mountains.

    o They are speaking Vietnamese


    The triple religion (Vietnamese: tam giáo),

  • 8/17/2019 Geography Country Case Study


    referring to the syncretic combination of

    Mahayana Buddhism,Confucianism, and

    Taoism remains a strong influence on the

    beliefs and practices of the Vietnamese, even

    if the levels of formal membership in these

    religious communities may not reflect that


    o In 2012 the life expectancy in Vietnam

    increased to 75.61 years. That year, the life

    expectancy for women was 80.37 years and

    for men 71.07 years.

     Vietnam’s position worsened with respect to

    the 182 countries we publish said data,

    dropping from the 57th in 2011 to 58th in

    2012.If we look at the change in life

    expectancy in Vietnam over the past several

    years, we find that it is higher than in 2011,

    when it was 75.46 years, which is the same of

  • 8/17/2019 Geography Country Case Study


    what happens compared to 2002, when it was

    74.10 years.

    o Natural hazards: Flood 2008

    The 2008 Vietnam floods affected north and

    central Vietnam, as well as southern parts of

    the China after three days of heavy raining.

    The rainfall, which began October 30, is the

    heaviest in 24 years, a state meteorological

    official told the Vietnam News Agency,and

    were the worst floods in Hanoi since 1984. At

    least 66 in Vietnam and 34 in China have

    been killed because of the flooding. Overall,

    15,000 families evacuated their homes, and

    almost 100 schools, 100,000 houses, 241,000

    hectares of crops, and 25,400 hectares of fish

    farms were submerged or damaged in the


    o Evolution

    • Transportation:

  • 8/17/2019 Geography Country Case Study


    otor!y!"e ha# rapi$"y be!ome the maintran#portation %ehi!"e &or Vietname#e'(e bare"y !an )n$ a !ar in Vietnam an$mo#t o& the !ar# are an o"$ mo$e"' EDCare ta*ing !ar# &or their %ehi!"e# be!au#ethey ha%e enough money to buy it butmo#t Vietname#e $on+t ha%e enough

    money to buy it'o The o%era"" ua"ity o& hea"th in Vietnam i#

    goo$, a# re-e!te$ by 2010 e#timate# o&"i&e!tan!y /' year#3 an$ in&antmorta"ity /20'24 per 1,000 "i%e birth#3'o5e%er, ma"nutrition i# #ti"" !ommon inthe pro%in!e#, an$ the "i&e!tan!y

    an$ in&ant morta"ity rate# are #tagnating'o The e!onomy o& Vietnam i# a $e%e"oping

    p"anne$ e!onomy an$ mar*et e!onomy'Sin!e the mi$6190#, through the 78i ire&orm perio$, Vietnam ha# ma$e a #hi&t&rom a high"y !entra"i:e$ p"anne$e!onomy to a #o!ia"i#t6oriente$ mar*et

  • 8/17/2019 Geography Country Case Study


    e!onomy, 5hi!h u#e both $ire!ti%e an$in$i!ati%e p"anning'


    I think Vietnam isRIC. Even though theirtransportation is not good the health and

    business are MEDC. When they changes a bit

    they could have a higher score.