Genre investigation

Genre Investigation What is genre? Dictionary definition: Defines genre as “a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique or the like, of or pertaining to a distinctive literary type” What genre theorists can you find? Daniel Chandler: conventions definitions of genres tend to be based on the motion that they can constitute particular conventions of content (such as setting and theme) or form (including structure and style) which are clearly shared by texts that are regarded as belonging to these genres. Tom Ryall: Genres provide frame work and helps with structuring rules, in the shape of patterns/forms/styles/structures which act as a form of supervision/guidelines over the work of film makers during production, this also adapts how the audience will interoperate the production. Steve Neale: Argues that Hollywood’s generic regime performs two interrelate functions: 1. To guarantee meanings and pleasures for audiences 2. To offset the considerable economic risks of industrial film production by providing cognitive collateral against innovation and difference.

Transcript of Genre investigation

Page 1: Genre investigation

Genre Investigation

What is genre?

Dictionary Defines genre as “a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique or the like, of or pertaining to a distinctive literary type”

What genre theorists can you find?

Daniel Chandler: conventions definitions of genres tend to be based on the motion that they can constitute particular conventions of content (such as setting and theme) or form (including structure and style) which are clearly shared by texts that are regarded as belonging to these genres.

Tom Ryall: Genres provide frame work and helps with structuring rules, in the shape of patterns/forms/styles/structures which act as a form of supervision/guidelines over the work of film makers during production, this also adapts how the audience will interoperate the production.

Steve Neale: Argues that Hollywood’s generic regime performs two interrelate functions:

1. To guarantee meanings and pleasures for audiences 2. To offset the considerable economic risks of industrial film

production by providing cognitive collateral against innovation and difference.

Page 2: Genre investigation

What genre theories link to the horror genre?

Daniel Chandler’s theory of genre can be linked to the horror genre as in any typical horror film there is typical conventions used such as setting and theme.A typical setting could be:- Haunted house - Graveyard- Woods - Deserted townA typical theme could be:- Ghost

- Haunting - Return of a family member - Revenge on a bully

- Vampire - Werewolf- Murder - Kidnap- Demons/Satan (Exorcism)- Religion/Faith/Culture