Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

Genome Browser based on Google Maps API


Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

Transcript of Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

Page 1: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

Page 2: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

what is google maps api?

• gembed google mpas in your own web pages with JavaScript

• provides a number of utilities for manipulating maps and adding content to the map

• create robust maps applications on your website

Page 3: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API



Page 4: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

37.519614562087526, 126.94047689437866서울특별시 영등포구 여의도동

1p31.1chr1: 66206667bp

Page 5: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API



Chromosome 1

Page 6: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

tiled image256px


Page 7: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

tiled image



12800bp 12800bp


Page 8: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

building tiles

sense panel

scale panel

antisense panel

base panel1024x2046

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

32256x256 32 tiles

image file out&

split image

Page 9: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

building glyph

Page 10: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

glyph with java awt component

Page 11: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API



-0.0054931640625 o

function lngToPoint( lng ) { return Math.round( (( lng + 180 ) * 1165084.444444444)*2 ) ;}

function pointToLng( point ) { return -180.0 + (( point / 1165084.444444444 )/2) ;}

Page 12: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

finding image name

start ‘t’

q r

t st

Page 13: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API



q r

t s

q r

t s st

q r

finding image name

Page 14: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

navigation panelinformation panel

detail panel

Page 15: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API

chromosome select box

position search box

summary information box

keyword search box

layer select box

Page 16: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API


position zoom level

Page 17: Genome Browser based on Google Maps API