Genetic epistomology: An Exclusive Presentation


Transcript of Genetic epistomology: An Exclusive Presentation



Jean Piaget

What is Genetic Epistemology?

Jean Piaget viewed that there is a time table created by

nature itself for the development of all human

beings which is general to all and consists of different

stages of common characteristics. This time table

is known as Genetic Epistemology

Sensorimotor Stage

Preoperational Stage

Concrete operational Stage

Formal Operational Stage

Piaget put forth four major stages as a part of Genetic Epistemology

Child tries to master his own

innate physical reactions by

which he indulges in some

interesting activities. The

child, during this period sees

himself as a separate physical

object and recognizes that the

items around him also have a

separate and stable existence

Sensorimotor Stage

Preoperational Stage

(2-6/7 Years) This is when child starts to approach the environment symbolically. Unlike the earlier stage where only physical representation occurred, here he starts to approach things mentally. It is at this stage he starts using words for representing objects.

Concrete operational Stage

(6/7 to 11/12 Years)

This is the beginning stage logical thinking, means, simple logical thinking. The child becomes able to categorize things on the basis of similarities and differences

Formal Operational Stage

(11/12Year onwards)

This is the stage of systematic thinking, mastery in different concepts and mental expe3rimentation


During the Sensorimotor

Stage, the child should be made contact

physically with a variety of objects without

imposing him to utter their names

During the preoperational

Stage, the child should be made listen to and utter the names of different objects so that to be

compared and contrasted during the next stage.

During the concrete operational

Stage, the child should be encouraged to classify

and differentiate things. He should also be given simple problems to be


And only after reaching the age of 11 or 12 year, a person should be made

indulge in abstract thinking and more logical
