Generic Programming

Generic Programming Generic Programming


Generic rogramming in Java

Transcript of Generic Programming

Page 1: Generic Programming

Generic ProgrammingGeneric Programming

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Page 3: Generic Programming

• It would be nice if we could write a single sort

method that could sort the elements in an

Integer array, a String array or an array of

any type that supports ordering.

• It would also be nice if we could write a single

Stack class that could be used as a Stack of

integers, a Stack of floating-point numbers, a Stack integers, a Stack of floating-point numbers, a Stack

of String ’s or a Stack of any other type.

• Detecting type mismatches at compile time

known as compile-time type safety. For example, if

a Stack stores only integers, attempting to push a

String on to that Stack should issue a compile-time


Page 4: Generic Programming

What is Generic Programming?What is Generic Programming?

Page 5: Generic Programming

• A style of computer programming in which

algorithms are written in terms of to-be-specified-

later types.

• The aim is to write algorithms that are capable of

operating on a wide range of data structures, by

finding commonalities among similar

implementations of the same algorithm.implementations of the same algorithm.

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Why Generic Programming?Why Generic Programming?

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• We don’t have to put much thought into

anticipating the types of elements that we are

dealing with.

• We are not writing our methods and classes for a

specific data type, but rather for a general data type.

• No extra work is needed when new data types are

introduced to the software; we do not have to write introduced to the software; we do not have to write

new versions of classes and methods to operate one

newly added data types, thus contributing to code


• Expressing algorithms with minimal assumptions

about data abstractions, and vice versa, thus making

them as interoperable as possible.

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Generic Programming in Java

Note: Generics were added to the Java language Note: Generics were added to the Java language

syntax in version 1.5. This means that code using

Generics will not compile with Java 1.4 and less

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Generic MethodsGeneric Methods

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Without using generics, printing an array of objects would be done by

method overloading:public static void printArray( Integer[] Arr) {

for ( int count=0; count<Arr.length; count++) System.out.printf( "%s ", element );

System.out.println(); } public static void printArray( Double[] Arr) {

for ( int count=0; count< Arr.length ; count++) for ( int count=0; count< Arr.length ; count++) System.out.printf( "%s ", element );

System.out.println(); }public static void printArray( String[] Arr) {

for ( int count=0; count<Arr.length; count++) System.out.printf( "%s ", element );

System.out.println(); }

And so on.

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• Declaring a generic method that takes an array of objects

of an arbitrary class and prints its Stringrepresentation:

public static < E > void printArray( E[] Arr) {

for ( int count=0; count<Arr.length; count++) System.out.printf( "%s ", Arr[count]);

System.out.println ();System.out.println ();}

• E is called a type parameter.

• Programming error:When declaring a generic method, failing to place a type parameter

section before the return type of a method is a syntax error the

compiler will not understand the type parameter name when it is

encountered in the method.

Page 12: Generic Programming

• In both cases, the main method will look the same:

public static void main(String args[])

{Integer[] IntegerArr = {1,2,3,4,5,6};Double[] DoubleArr = {1.1, 1.2, 1.3};String[] StringArray = {“Nice”, “to“, “meet“, “you.“ };

System.out.println(“Integer array:”);printArray(IntegerArr);

System.out.println(“Double array:”);printArray(DoubleArr);

System.out.println(“String array:”);printArray(StringArr);


Also, the output

is identical in both cases:

Integer array:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Double array:

1.1 1.2 1.3

String array:

Nice to meet you.

Page 13: Generic Programming

• When the compiler translates the generic method printArray into

Java bytecodes, it removes the type parameter section and replaces the

type parameters with actual types. This process is known as erasure.

• By default all generic types are replaced with type Object .

• So the compiled version of method printArray is:

public static void printArray( Object[] Arr) {

for (int count=0; count<Arr.length; count++)System.out.printf( "%s ", Arr[count]);

System.out.println(); }

• There is only one copy of this code that is used for all printArray calls

in the example. This is quite different from other, similar mechanisms,

such as C++'s templates in which a separate copy of the source code is

generated and compiled for every type passed as an argument to the


Page 14: Generic Programming

• We’ve eliminated the need for the overloaded

methods of, saving 20 lines of code.

• We’ve created a reusable method.

• The printArray example could have been written

by using an array of Objects as a parameter. This by using an array of Objects as a parameter. This

would have yielded the same results because any

Object can be output as a String .

• The benefits become apparent when the method

also uses a type parameter as the method's return

type, as we will soon see.

Page 15: Generic Programming

• Example: iterative binary search

public static <T extends Comparable> int binarySearch(T[] Arr, T key ){

int low = 0;int high = Arr.length - 1;int mid;while( low <= high ){

mid = ( low + high ) / 2;if(Arr[ mid ].compareTo(key)< 0)

low = mid + 1;low = mid + 1;else if(Arr[ mid ].compareTo(key)> 0)

high = mid - 1;else

return mid;}return -1;


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• Declaring a generic method with a return type that finds

the maximum of an array of an arbitrary class that

implements the interface Comparable:

public static <T extends Comparable> T Max(T[] Arr){

T max=Arr[0];for( int c=0;c<Arr.length;c++)

if( max.compareTo ( Arr [c])<1)if( max.compareTo ( Arr [c])<1)max=Arr[c];

return max; }

• T extends Comparable means that only objects of

classes that implement interface Comparable can be used

with this method.

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• The interface Comparable imposes a total ordering on

the objects of each class that implements it.

• Note that type parameter declarations that bound the

parameter always use keyword extends regardless of

whether the type parameter extends a class or implements

an interface.

• A benefit of implementing the interface Comparable is

that Comparable objects can be used with the sorting

(e.g., Selection sort) and searching (e.g., binary search)

algorithms that are based on comparing objects.

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public static void main(String args[]){

String s[]={"Cc", "Dw", "Ma", "Ad"};Integer a[]={1, 2, 3, 44, 0};Double d[]={1.1, 1.2, 66.3, 44.1, 23.44};System.out.println("Max of String array is “ + Max( s));System.out.println("Max of Integer array is "+ Max( a));System.out.println("Max of Double array is “ + Max( d));


• The output is:• The output is:

Max of String array is Ma

Max of Integer array is 44

Max of Double array is 66.3

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• We couldn’t have written the method Max by

using class Object , simply because, class Object does not implement the interface Comparable ,

thus, it does not have a compareTo method, in the

sense that comparing is not meaningful for all kinds

of objects.

Page 20: Generic Programming

Overloading generic methods

• A generic method may be overloaded; a class can

provide two or more generic methods that specify the

same method name but different method parameters.

• A generic method can also be overloaded by non-

generic methods that have the same method name and

number of parameters.

• When the compiler encounters a method call, it • When the compiler encounters a method call, it

performs a matching process to determine which method

to invoke.

• A precise match is the aim; in which the method names

and argument types of the method call match those of a

specific method declaration. If there is no such method,

the compiler determines whether there is an inexact but

applicable matching method.

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Generic ClassesClasses Can Take ParametersClasses Can Take Parameters

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• The concept of a data structure (e.g., a stack) can

be understood independently of the type of

elements it manipulates.

• Generic classes provide a means for describing the

concept of a class in a type-independent manner.

• We can then instantiate type-specific objects of

the generic class.the generic class.

• For example, a generic Stack class could be the

basis for creating many Stack classes (e.g., "Stack of

Double," "Stack of Integer," "Stack of Character,"

"Stack of Employee," etc.).

• Generic classes provide a wonderful opportunity

for software reusability.

Page 23: Generic Programming

• Example: a generic linked list class

class Node<T>{

public T Data;public Node Next;public Node(T data){

Data=data;Data=data;}public void DisplayData(){

System.out.println(Data+" ");}


Page 24: Generic Programming

class GenericLinkedList<T>{

public Node<T> First;public GenericLinkedList(){

First= null;}public void Insert(T key){

Node<T> New=new Node<T>(key);New.Next=First;First=New;

}public T Find(T key)public T Find(T key){

Node<T> Current=First;while(!Current.Data.equals(key)){

if(Current.Next== null)return null;


}return Current.Data;

}… Next slide

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public void DisplayList(){

Node<T> Current=First;while(Current!= null){



}} //end of class GenericLinkedList<T>

Page 26: Generic Programming

import java.math.BigInteger;class Test{

public static void main(String args[]){

GenericLinkedList <BigInteger> ListBigInteger= newGenericLinkedList<BigInteger>();

GenericLinkedList <Integer> ListInteger= newGenericLinkedList<Integer>();

for( int c=1;c<=10;c++)ListBigInteger.Insert(BigInteger.TEN.pow(10*c));ListBigInteger.Insert(BigInteger.TEN.pow(10*c));

for( int c=1;c<=15;c++)ListInteger.Insert(c);

System.out.println("BigInteger list:");ListBigInteger.DisplayList();

System.out.println("Integer list:");ListInteger.DisplayList();

… Next slide

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BigInteger B=ListBigInteger.Find(BigInteger.TEN.pow(10*3));if(B== null)

System.out.println(BigInteger.TEN.pow(10*3)+" is not found in ListBigInteger.");

elseSystem.out.println(BigInteger.TEN.pow(10*3)+" is found

in ListBigInteger.");

Integer N=ListInteger.Find(5);if(N==null)

System.out.println(5+" is not found in ListInteger.");System.out.println(5+" is not found in ListInteger.");else

System.out.println(5+" is found in ListBigInteger.");

}} //end of class Test

Page 28: Generic Programming

• The output is:BigInteger list:100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 000000

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000






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Integer list:15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 1

1000000000000000000000000000000 is found in ListBigInteger.

5 is found in ListBigInteger.

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Page 31: Generic Programming

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Wildcards{

public static void main(String args[]){

ArrayList<Number> Arr= new ArrayList<Number>();for( int c=0;c<9;c++){

Arr.add( new Integer(c));Arr.add( new Double(1.1*c));


}public static void Print(ArrayList<Object> A){

for(Object N: A)System.out.println(N);


• Pop quiz: will the previous program compile?

Page 32: Generic Programming

• No, it won’t compile. Here is the compilation error message:

Method Print in class Pack.Wildcards can not be app lied to given typesrequired: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Object>found: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>

• Translation:

You might expect that method Print would also work for ArrayLists

that contain elements of any type, such as ArrayList< Integer>. The that contain elements of any type, such as ArrayList< Integer>. The

problem is that ArrayList<Object> is not considered to be a

supertype of all kinds of ArrayLists.

Page 33: Generic Programming

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Presentation by: Muhammad Alhalaby

Email: [email protected]