Generic Object Services

17 Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 1 : Add New Option in the Toolbar Eloborates the option to add a new Menu Entry in the GOS toolbar Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar offers the functions which are common to many SAP applications. This powerful toolbar provides much functionality like create attachments, notes, mails; send mails; list attachments and many more. You can find more functionality on Generic Object Services at SAP Help on Generic Object Services . The default GOS toolbar options are somewhat like this: Sometimes, we need to add some new toolbar entries to facilitate the business requirement. For example, in the Generic object toolbar add the new option like "Document List" which is generic to all business objects and of course we need to handle that. In this post, we will see the steps and rules to be followed to add a new Entry in the toolbar. In the next, post we will see how we can handle the added menu option to fulfill our custom requirement. To be more specific in explaining the requirement, we will take a business requirement to add a new menu "Sales Orders List" for the GOS toolbar for Customer Master. At first we will see how we can just bring this menu option at very last position. Like:

Transcript of Generic Object Services

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Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 1 : Add New Option in the Toolbar

Eloborates the option to add a new Menu Entry in the GOS toolbar

Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar offers the functions which are common to many SAP applications. This powerful toolbar provides much functionality like create attachments, notes, mails; send mails; list attachments and many more. You can find more functionality on Generic Object Services at SAP Help on Generic Object Services.

The default GOS toolbar options are somewhat like this:

Sometimes, we need to add some new toolbar entries to facilitate the business requirement. For example, in the Generic object toolbar add the new option like "Document List" which is generic to all business objects and of course we need to handle that. In this post, we will see the steps and rules to be followed to add a new Entry in the toolbar. In the next, post we will see how we can handle the added menu option to fulfill our custom requirement.

To be more specific in explaining the requirement, we will take a business requirement to add a new menu "Sales Orders List" for the GOS toolbar for Customer Master. At first we will see how we can just bring this menu option at very last position. Like:

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To bring the new entry (menu option) in this GOS toolbar, we need to maintain that in the table SGOSATTR. This table can be maintained using SM30. 

Class for Gen. Services: This is the driver class when we select the object service (menu option) from the GOS toolbar. For time being we will keep this as the CL_GOS_SRV_ATTACHMENT_LIST.

Service Type: We will select 1 because we want Single entry menu option on the GOS toolbar. There are options to create a main menu entry and submenus under that main menu by selecting proper service type.

Next Service: We will clear the value in this since we want our button at very last level. This next service field must be set when we need to put the custom option in between other options.

Control: We will select this, since we want to generate our output in the Custom Container. Commit Work: We will not select this option because we don’t want to commit the work.

Along with creating a new entry this way, we need to set this service as next service of the previous service. In this case, our new service will come just under the "Help for object services" we need to modify that service like this:

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By selecting this option Sales Orders list from the GOS toolbar, we will see the attachment list being generated by the class CL_GOS_SRV_ATTACHMENT_LIST:

NOTE: You might see the option grayed out if you don’t have any attachment created for that particular customer. To create: Select the Create.. > Create Attachment. Select any file from your PC to add as attachment.

To be able to bring that option in between of others, we need to play around with the Next Service value of the buttons. For example, I want to put my button just under the "Attachment List" option and above "Private Note". For this we need to:1.Set the new option as the next Service for the "Attachment List"

2.Set the “Private Note” as the next service for the new option

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3.Remove the next service from the option which will come at last. This is very important. 

After following these steps, the toolbar options will look like:

In the next post, we will see how we can use our custom class to generate our fully customized code i.e. Instead of the class CL_GOS_SRV_ATTACHMENT_LIST, we will use custom class ZCL_SO_LIST.

Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 2 : Handle added Service in the Toolbar

Describes the way to handle the added service in the Generic Object service


As discussed in the post Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 1 : Add New Option in the Toolbar, today we will see how to call our custom business logic in the added new Service in GOS Toolbar. To be able to process custom logic in the GOS toolbar service, we need to inherit out service class from the GOS generic service class CL_GOS_SERVICE and put our logic in the inherited class.

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Steps to follow:1. Inherit a class from the CL_GOS_SERVICE:

2. Maintain the Entry in the Table SGOSATTR as discussed in the Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 1 : Add New Option in the Toolbar: 

3. Redefine the Method EXECUTE to process our custom business logic. Redefine the Method and activate it. For demo purpose, we will not implement any logic in this but you can create a ALV or kind of list as we get in the Attachement List.

Now, when we access the GOS toolbar, you will see the option “Sales Order List”. 

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By accessing this option, you will get the empty screen like this:

You may have noticed that this Option is coming in all the GOS toolbars i.e. Toolbar in XD02 and XK02 and so on. To restrict the GOS toolbar service to only particular transaction, we need to redefine the method CHECK_STATUS.

Code snippet for the CHECK_STATUS method:

Code Snippet to Redefine CHECK_STATUS


Now, we will only get the service only in the XD02 and XD03 transactions.

Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 3 : Add toolbar in Custom Program

Shows the code for how to add Generic Object service Toolbar in the Z


Today, we will see how to get the GOS toolbar in the custom Report. 

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GOS toolbar works on the Business Object. To be able get GOS toolbar, we need to have a Business Object and Business Object Key. For example, to get the GOS toolbar for the customer, we need Business object KNA1 and customer number as the key. So, if we want to have a GOS toolbar in our custom transaction than we need to have a key before generating that. This is the reason; we don’t have the GOS toolbar option in the standard SAP Create transactions like: XD01, VA01, MM01 and so on.

This test program will provide us the GOS toolbar for the Customer in our custom program (Z program). This will provide us all the functionality of the GOS toolbar which are available in the XD02, XD03 transaction.

Code Snippet to Add GOS toolbar to Custom program

*& To Generate GOS toolbar in the Custom Transaction*&-------------------------------------------------------------------*REPORT ztest_np_gos.DATA: lo_manager TYPE REF TO cl_gos_manager, la_obj TYPE borident.PARAMETERS: p_kunnr TYPE kna1-kunnr.START-OF-SELECTION.* Set object Key la_obj-objtype = 'KNA1'. la_obj-objkey = p_kunnr.* GOS toolbar CREATE OBJECT lo_manager EXPORTING is_object = la_obj ip_no_commit = space EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.* To generate output WRITE: 'GOS test for Customer'.

Now, we will get the GOS toolbar which will look like this:

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Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 4 : Get Attachements

Shows how to get the Attachement details attached to the GOS toolbar

Today, we will see how to get the attachement details. 

We will use the static method READ_LINKS from the class CL_BINARY_RELATION. We have to pass what kind of the objects we want to get back from the all the attachements like Notes, Attachment, External document etc.

This code will show how to get the NOTES attachments from the GOS toolbar.

Code Snippet to get the GOS attachments NOTES

*& Report ZTEST_NP_GOS_ATT*& Read the GOS attachmentsREPORT ztest_np_gos_note.PARAMETERS: p_matnr TYPE mara-matnr.START-OF-SELECTION.* Get all the NOTE attached to Business object buseinss object key DATA: gs_lpor TYPE sibflporb. gs_lpor-instid = p_matnr. gs_lpor-typeid = 'BUS1001006'. gs_lpor-catid = 'BO'.* attachment type selection DATA: lt_relat TYPE obl_t_relt, la_relat LIKE LINE OF lt_relat. la_relat-sign = 'I'. la_relat-option = 'EQ'. la_relat-low = 'NOTE'. "For notes APPEND la_relat TO lt_relat.* Read the links DATA: t_links TYPE obl_t_link, la_links LIKE LINE OF t_links. DATA: lo_root TYPE REF TO cx_root. TRY. CALL METHOD cl_binary_relation=>read_links EXPORTING is_object = gs_lpor it_relation_options = lt_relat IMPORTING et_links = t_links. CATCH cx_root INTO lo_root. ENDTRY.

To test this program:Go to MM02Enter Material and go to Basic data view 1In GOS toolbar, Create > Note

Now, run the above program to get the attachment details.

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The same way we can select attachements by adding the relation option ATTA.Like:

Code Snippet to get the GOS attachments

la_relat-sign = 'I'. la_relat-option = 'EQ'. la_relat-low = 'ATTA'. "Attachements APPEND la_relat TO lt_relat.

Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 5 : Get Note attachment contents

Shows how to get the contents of the NOTE attachements

Today, we will see how to get the contents of the NOTE attachements.

Sometimes, we need to give the options for the attachement List when we design the some application with GOS toolbar. We will use the static method READ_LINKS from the class CL_BINARY_RELATION.

Code Snippet to Read the GOS attachments

*& Read the GOS attachmentsREPORT ztest_np_gos_note.PARAMETERS: p_matnr TYPE mara-matnr.START-OF-SELECTION.* Get all the NOTE attached to Business object* business object key DATA: gs_lpor TYPE sibflporb.* gs_lpor-instid = p_matnr. gs_lpor-typeid = 'BUS1001006'. gs_lpor-catid = 'BO'.* attachment type selection DATA: lt_relat TYPE obl_t_relt, la_relat LIKE LINE OF lt_relat.* la_relat-sign = 'I'. la_relat-option = 'EQ'. la_relat-low = 'NOTE'. APPEND la_relat TO lt_relat.* Read the links DATA: t_links TYPE obl_t_link, la_links LIKE LINE OF t_links.* DATA: lo_root TYPE REF TO cx_root.* TRY. CALL METHOD cl_binary_relation=>read_links EXPORTING

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is_object = gs_lpor it_relation_options = lt_relat IMPORTING et_links = t_links. CATCH cx_root INTO lo_root. ENDTRY.* Read NOTE contents DATA l_folder_id TYPE soodk. DATA l_object_id TYPE soodk. DATA document_id TYPE sofmk.* Get document id READ TABLE t_links INTO la_links INDEX 1.* document_id = la_links-instid_b.* Set folder l_folder_id-objtp = document_id-foltp. l_folder_id-objyr = document_id-folyr. l_folder_id-objno = document_id-folno.* Set Object l_object_id-objtp = document_id-doctp. l_object_id-objyr = document_id-docyr. l_object_id-objno = document_id-docno.* Read the document content DATA document_content TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soli.* CALL FUNCTION 'SO_OBJECT_READ' EXPORTING folder_id = l_folder_id object_id = l_object_id TABLES objcont = document_content EXCEPTIONS active_user_not_exist = 1 communication_failure = 2 component_not_available = 3 folder_not_exist = 4 folder_no_authorization = 5 object_not_exist = 6 object_no_authorization = 7 operation_no_authorization = 8 owner_not_exist = 9 parameter_error = 10 substitute_not_active = 11 substitute_not_defined = 12 system_failure = 13 x_error = 14 OTHERS = 15. IF sy-subrc NE 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF.

To test this program:Go to MM02Enter Material and go to Basic data view 1In GOS toolbar, Create > Note

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Now, run the above program to get the attached NOTE contents.

Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 6 : Copy Attachments between objects

Copy GOS attachment from one object to another object

Sometimes it is required to copy the attachments from one object to another object. For example, we want to attach the customer's purchase order to Sales Order and Billing document once the billing document is generated. 

To copy the attachments between the objects, we can use the utility method COPY_LINKED_OBJECTS of the class CL_GOS_SERVICE_TOOLS. We need to tell the method using IT_SERVICE_SELECTION, which service needs to be performed i.e. for the attachment copy, we need to perform the "Attachment Create" service. We also let the method know the the source and target.

Here is the Code snippet which copies the attachments between Customers.

Code Snippet to copy GOS Attachment

*& Purpose : To Copy the Attachment from One Object to Another*REPORT ztest_np_copy_gos_att.DATA: lt_services TYPE tgos_sels. " Services table typDATA: ls_service TYPE sgos_sels. " Services structure typeDATA: ls_source TYPE sibflporb, " Source ls_target TYPE sibflporb. " TargetSTART-OF-SELECTION.* Service needs to be performed ls_service-sign = 'I'. ls_service-option = 'EQ'. ls_service-low = 'PCATTA_CREA'. APPEND ls_service TO lt_services.* Source ls_source-instid = 'CUST1'. ls_source-typeid = 'KNA1'. ls_source-catid = 'BO'.* Target ls_target-instid = 'CUST2'. ls_target-typeid = 'KNA1'. ls_target-catid = 'BO'.* Copy the objects between Source and Target cl_gos_service_tools=>copy_linked_objects( is_source = ls_source is_target = ls_target it_service_selection = lt_services ).* COMMIT WORK.

Generic Object Services (GOS) Toolbar Part 7 : Relationship Browser

Relationships in GOS Toolbar

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In the series of Generic Object Services(GOS) available in the SAP, we have discussed different usage of the GOS toolbar. You can find all of these discussions at Tutorials > Generic Object Services (GOS).

Today, we'll see the another concept: Relationship browser. Relationships option is available in the GOS Toolbar at GOS toolbar > Relationships.

This browser could display different linked objects like Sales Documents, Inbound IDOCs, Outbound IDOcs etc. 

Now lets see how to add this Relationships in this relationship browser. For this purpose, we can use method CREATE_LINK of the class CL_BINARY_RELATION or the FM BINARY_RELATION_CREATE. 

Method CREATE_LINK is an advanced version to create the Link which would be displayed in the Relationship browser. Since the method CREATE_LINK is an improved version to create the links, it doesn't support all the object models. For the remaining of the object models, we need to use the FM BINARY_RELATION_CREATE. So, the question is how to know when to use FM. 

When the relation model is not supported by the method CREATE_LINK, it raises the exception CX_OBL_MODEL_ERROR. So, we'll call the method CREATE_LINK inside the TRY ... CATCH ... ENDTRY block. 

This Code Snippet shows how to use the method to create links in the relationship browser.

Code Snippet

*& Purpose : To Create Relation between Business Objects

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REPORT zgos_relation_create.*CLASS lcl_relation DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_related. INCLUDE TYPE sibflporb. TYPES: relation TYPE oblreltype, END OF ty_related. TYPES: ty_t_related TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_related. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING obj_no TYPE sibfboriid obj_type TYPE sibftypeid obj_cat TYPE sibfcatid. METHODS: add_relation IMPORTING obj_no TYPE sibfboriid obj_type TYPE sibftypeid obj_cat TYPE sibfcatid relation TYPE oblreltype. METHODS: create_relations. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: t_related TYPE ty_t_related, "sibflporbt, my_prop TYPE sibflporb.ENDCLASS. "lcl_relation DEFINITION*CLASS lcl_relation IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor.* Set Properties of Referent me->my_prop-instid = obj_no. me->my_prop-typeid = obj_type. me->my_prop-catid = obj_cat. ENDMETHOD. "constructor METHOD add_relation.* Add Referenc FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lfs_relat> LIKE LINE OF me->t_related. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO me->t_related ASSIGNING <lfs_relat>. <lfs_relat>-instid = obj_no. <lfs_relat>-typeid = obj_type. <lfs_relat>-catid = obj_cat. <lfs_relat>-relation = relation. ENDMETHOD. "add_relation* METHOD create_relations. DATA: lwa_relate_key TYPE sibflporb. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lfs_relat> LIKE LINE OF me->t_related.*

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DATA: ls_parent TYPE borident, ls_related TYPE borident, lv_relation TYPE binreltyp, lx_obl TYPE REF TO cx_obl, lp_errstr TYPE string, lv_done TYPE flag.* for each relation LOOP AT me->t_related ASSIGNING <lfs_relat>. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <lfs_relat> TO lwa_relate_key. TRY.* First try with new method to create the Link CALL METHOD cl_binary_relation=>create_link EXPORTING is_object_a = my_prop is_object_b = lwa_relate_key ip_reltype = <lfs_relat>-relation. lv_done = 'X'.* If the Link can not be handled by this class, call the* FM to create the link CATCH cx_obl_model_error. ls_parent-objkey = me->my_prop-instid. ls_parent-objtype = me->my_prop-typeid. ls_related-objkey = <lfs_relat>-instid. ls_related-objtype = <lfs_relat>-typeid. lv_relation = <lfs_relat>-relation.* CALL FUNCTION 'BINARY_RELATION_CREATE' EXPORTING obj_rolea = ls_parent obj_roleb = ls_related relationtype = lv_relation EXCEPTIONS no_model = 1 internal_error = 2 unknown = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. lv_done = 'X'. ENDIF. CATCH cx_obl INTO lx_obl. lp_errstr = lx_obl->get_text( ). MESSAGE lp_errstr TYPE 'S'. ENDTRY.* IF lv_done = 'X'. WRITE: / 'Relation added: ', <lfs_relat>-instid(10), <lfs_relat>-relation. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. COMMIT WORK. ENDMETHOD. "create_relations

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ENDCLASS. "lcl_relation IMPLEMENTATION*START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: o_relation TYPE REF TO lcl_relation.* Sales Order as the Referent CREATE OBJECT o_relation EXPORTING obj_no = '1000010010' " Sales Order Number obj_type = 'BUS2032' " Sales Order obj_cat = 'BO'.* Add Delivery to Sales Order o_relation->add_relation( obj_no = '8000020000' obj_type = 'LIKP' obj_cat = 'BO' relation = 'LINK' ). " Link* Add IDOC to Sales Order o_relation->add_relation( obj_no = '1000012345' obj_type = 'IDOC' obj_cat = 'BO' relation = 'IDC0' ). " IDOC* Create Relations o_relation->create_relations( ).

After successful program run, it will display the relationship in the browser of the Order.