Generating Documentation for Mule ESB Application

Generating Documentation for Mule ESB Application Prepared By: Rupesh Sinha Mule ESB

Transcript of Generating Documentation for Mule ESB Application

Generating Documentation for Mule ESB Application

Prepared By: Rupesh Sinha

Mule ESB

IntroductionA good documentation is a key deliverable for any application.

Usually, a lot of time is spent on writing technical documentation

for the application and often it is necessary to draw several

diagrams and write several lines of descriptions about the

components used in the application.

Mule ESB simplifies the approach for application documentation.

It allows to generate an HTML based documentation for the

application by click of a button. When exporting the

documentation for the application, Anypoint Studio (also known as

Mule Studio) creates an HTML page for every single mule

configuration file within the application and each of these files

contains message flow diagram and configuration XML code of

every single flow within the configuration file.

Steps to export studio documentation

Choose any flow within the application and click on “Export Studio

Documentation” option as shown in the below image

Browse or specify a folder name where the documentation needs

to be stored and click on “Generate Studio Documentation” button 

The documentation for the entire application will be generated in

the given folder

Open the index.html page created within the specified folder in the

previous step and browse through the documentation.

The documentation allows to  browse every single flows and shows

both the graphical flow design and XML configuration code of

individual flows within the application.

In the following screen, the tabs  can be seen for all the flow files

in the application. Upon selecting a flow name, it displays

individual flows and XML configuration code for the same.

Conclusion The documentations can be stored within any web server.

In general, tomcat server is used to host Mule Management

Console for monitoring mule server and mule application.

These set of documentations can be hosted as static HTML

pages within tomcat for easy browsing and also as a reference

for individual applications and flows.