GENERAL WIITIB AT jrUl. - Chronicling America...YnXUAMB, 114 Warrwa st, U the levet aad euae alote....

THE. NEW YORK SUN. THiWVnied daCy. Staidayt STrertel. at the h FruSdtrrm, m rton and Nassau tin., end to wiree-ri- In New York city and vlmultr, at MX AM A QU ABTER CE.VT3 mntb tr When oeat by nail, Tout Duuarx per year. CinaUtloa, 60.000.CopU per day. THE WKEXLT ttH U pnUMwd at IS eonta a rear, M aMeAaa til single aotdee I eonta. MOB- 1- . BRACH, rvrrilor. WANTED. TtTArTTKl A LOCKSMTTII-O- Xn WHO YVemdretewd.kiawneia ArnrWA.IL KM mi, aseC rH pad .. rtBrooeJa,ULi Be"- -I TI7AHTxb-lADI- ZS TAUOn? TO OFS-- lW eeafeuw'edWe'BWWl-av'- i sewing ma nrinas. by aUngaa trJUylin practice ant U rvaommeaaed to place after JMn.nm end herarnlng tiieTThy euppued with tna"beet ai epei ilmilMtlmii eat else annuel tiW. t WASTED-GO- OD TAILOREHSES TO eers.and 1 make tni Wttow-lvele- feeeod hande ml raneUI ba Mid. Call at xi Eylawbrth tt, 4th Door, keck reeea. ae fU WANTED-A- tf OPERATOR ON sewing maehlnei alee goed bei-te- eathlaceeta. Apply at If Weak UUi at. ntl'lal k4TTAWn:D A GOOD OPERATOR OS vv lSlBe'sewlBSrriacrilne' one that and rtanl" eawinemienna. iBcjuir a vv uwoidb n, 4M41 FIRST RATE HANDS TO HWASTED- -J Teatsibeet priors firm at liT lltrr st, a, C. FOX. nrl fl M WANTED RESPECTABLE HALE AND af all nations to notice that ther ean re well euitei with good eituatloue speedily hr epiilr. Inito MANMNU, ITI Blxth arew near aft st Per. fe lately landed eaa bare good placoa. nl 3106 ll ANTED LADIES TO LEARN TO OPE- - rale ea Wheeler Wilson's and Stnerr'a ne of tbe oldeat operators la the eltr, taiiiht all kinds of stitch fax and thorough aneuesi-nae- of the machine perfect It, end ireernnieeided to food place, fir $1. those uUii nod aperatora aaa ha eappUod at VA Canal at, over lie store. noll'tod J WANTED TIDIES TAUGHT TO orE- - rata peifo-t- lr en Slurer's, Wheeler Wllxin'a, ai41Iowca aewlnc marhfitM, anil rfconiinonrietl le i!ar t alf4 ftalora and tatlnri rm to work on the ttrnt oi ciuioin wora. tppir corucr yurr et. ana n Ihiwerri ar the aucllaa lUro, W loft. bl fla W'aisted touno men" WISH rNO TO air wfaallnt toraani: alio all otkor k InJa afTQvaarevlitalnrd: an outfit le foruUhcd. Apple to lUSliAL- -. b HUIMUM, Ul VmU it, aomer .( Outk Blip, op BtaWB, ttdw-l- n WANTED AT WALLACE'S OfFICE, 4 Bronktrn, tood enoka, ahambnrmahla, Bnreaa, general hooaewtirkermt email alrL dt&t tkee cstmt ba wall reoommended. Krarlorero la atr and exuotrr promptly enpplied wlU aflklent errranta at bMj BUk nlUau-lA- i WANTED PERSONS iniO WISH TO on Blnanr'a aaa laf maehlna. Tarraa taer, and laamad wall In tha bualniNw, aud d to ttaajd aUaaa. lannlra at ti l)lno it, faretnoor. VAaTEI-IJlD- n-3 TO LEARH TO OPB- - w T rata an Btneare and Whaalar dl WUaan'e aaaina aafeahlaaa tha bladlni (anta and bmmln( tauabt aaa learn a trad inline irons at to na. evppir at ton aorner of raaxl and aaade ata, oo Ua roorr "tora. oeBA eeorii WASTED FOB TUB UNITED STATES able bodied aim. between 11 and H faan l ear (11 per eaantht fuanlabad with board, cloth-k- and medlra attendaawai aiao W food w mnuMi iot anuierr ana inranar "" f or runner eBl'orBatton.eoadtlaatdaaatai raoraltlai rernlr. wooliaCedareX aaJW fefUl WASTED LADDXS TO LEAKS TO lnrer'a, Whoelar a) Wlleon'a, and rowa'e eawln marhlnea t prartira antll aarfoet on all ajnda of work, and reoamroendad to ehope binding and all other tnnewa Unrhl aerfeott leaoone flrea aronrhU4arailatwa,eTe-ilaaijtrT- u. Ale raaUndeofeewlagaiaabiaaaaaUt. (Jail at IM nenrr en, na Orand. aalt Maela -- tkAMTKD TOR D. 8. ARMT-1- 00 AO-- Tiim ray fraru (11 to rrj ar luonu. wub rari,rlwhiaa. Alea mnaleUna wanted. Apple at the EecmUiua ogoea. W (Ihalhain at, ot jdgouth A" ItTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS "wiSS ed lUlflrla to learn to make artificial Bowrre, waf ia paid a Ulle learitlna. and work the rear round; eixi aA emell rirte to work apply at 100 Kaat HroaoV ay,ljaaruontloor. n-- t aviiht A GOOD MAST WOMEN WANTED DAI-l- y 41ood altiiatloue, fond waaea, ilrle taloly land--i. and email glrlt wauted lraaiedlarly etthelnatt-lut- e rod Home, 138 F.loeratb it, cor 8th are. Vail and Inimlre. fiondnrtadby araepoctaUa Araerloan lady. Dulo-I- TINMAN WANTED-O- NE THAT A hot air farnaoe work pri'ferred: nana tititaaond workman need apply. JOHN I) OTri-W- E IX, 189 Third are, nS It'luT A CTm MEN IN CITT AND COONTRT AMnpUl waaea eelllng Brewer e patent Wa- - aervronf eocepoattton. for boota, alio'U, and ell leather. Warranted t niaka uieau wnocur weterpruof by a Blniia appiiraiion.H keep bo. and laathalfaa long araln pr uitng IL, What ererytwdjr want.. A. -- SUUVTI-Jt di CO, 4 Baadaet, N. V. 1 4114 BRUSH MAKERS-SEVER- AL GOOD wanted at thelirnah fnrtoryDI W(t Hth at. N't Mk and 4la area, near cor 6ib ar. .IOLLN t. CUaTUJ. nl SIM BOX MAKERS WANTED A STEADT ran hare steady rmplo)lucat, torcrlhg hoard. Inquire J4 WUiaui st, npsUlra. n- - ri-j- j CnmA niTRNisnERs wanted to rood banda. ApnlrW W. STEKI, at V- - V. IIAlIi;ilWOl."l'aiCU.'l)ocoraUn.l..n,rt. nniit,4lallradaay. tSe'llO eal -- ToOKS.'cnAMBKRMAinS, NURSES, Vyisandreaera,waltreeaee, ladle.' malda, aud trnera koneeeorkrra,will find It their Internet tooa'l Iraiurl rllately and promre good sltn.tlnns fir the winter, at The Kmnlnrnimt luatltute, 424 Broadway. MORKId fJOUNKKT. P. ood wanra. BoT !! I7UR CUaER WANTED A GOOD pemianrid situation fir a eool workman, at Llahperi al'oaloa Keen wanted at 4CI Broadeay nDaleTl TJIXtWER JIAKF.R"J WANTED- -A FEW X good iprlgaeri and branrhara- - aleo a frw r'O I hands , ., atcnnimnn wore oan gca eieeuj eiopiornn, lueade st, up alalia. nwia'lM TAUGHT TO OPERITE ON LADIES B Wilson's Improved eewlna aachtnrs. to do all klnda ad work l the manaycrneut of tha ur learned i charsea only 1 (or tha fuj grAwptr at wJlUlitu.. W.J 4ML- -r- LEARNED TO OPERATE LADES Wheeler Wlleon'a lateat Improred saw fngmaahlneai aharaea only 1 tor the comoleta oooreo, iiVry part and (racllen f tha maohlue. thnrauahly "". 'uo."rT!."i,.v rr.'zx . .- - ". tfHB Hi SPwa iw - - ....-- . N" KW SniRT IU0NEU3 WANTtD-T- O flirt rate hands bluh waces aad rornlant employ, incut will ba tlveo, Arrlr Immediately at the Mau fuilan feteaau La ii dry, cornet of lvta it. aiij HOT 311. MAKKF9 WANTED IU1IL. PADLIICK at the fartorr. .In Perth Atnbov.Nnw Jtneyt aUo. smart bore, alio bare m anoMidi, ef that trade eteaml-net- s at tha Battery, and 'not ul lorraytt. 8. ANDlHSWd, nlJ'IU QEUYANT3 OF ALL KINDS, SUCH A3 O cooks, Uuadreeere, waltereasee. chaiuberniaida, oner, saamstmaae, girl, for geuerai housework, an aervanVa U all other capacities can trexnra rood applying at the BarraaW Inst Itute, 14 Urand eg. ttrlla OKWINQ MACHINE OPERATORS tOlQIrla wUklng ta learn on the beet machines wiq BaaUtnappiystthaaewlngrooejof tha luduatllal AeMUtloiZVovdVanrth ave, where th-- v wlll be t4Mett- - roe, but various kladsof rar. mental and will be assisted io get work. Doraertias eUraoter, net aocastumed in Ibtelilaance SSoeexea olln aoslraUe sibiaUona, wuhjut ehWde. TWO HOUSE CARVERS WANTED OS ul the earner of J"ltou ave. and Raiaond st. neook. I nuir-i- il PACKERS WANTED TO GO A TOBACCO the country. Apple to Mr JOUN YnXU AMB, 114 Warrwa st, U the levet aad euae alote. HOUSEKEEPINa. OF FASHIOS, IM CANAL 91 EMPORIUM end rsrlsh Feahleus. MarkUiafi.' ui avlee luhlonahla drraauuklnf . uf Bavd kalating, end nfaata wardrohae eonpl-O- s Bweseeai jiea FLOURt FIX)UIU FLOUR! BABRFLB FOR SALTt Ooadaitra Fuuilr Bakera" Fjujr fiju vWte til peat do. pro extra t te Wt-J- . du".: 2 Ilarclayst. -- pIXUB! FLOUUI FLOOR! oft. tSAKHKUt JL ita'irjioar for enla. Bt doiy'e exirs laany floor frees US f te 44; rrrr doflll e xtrs fsriLv iMUp 40. J0li VtRUDlt, V Barely ft, LADIES' WISHING DRESSES, BASQCE3, and fitted, ran have them done In a su. BUg U Mm. S. Wl awtxlidBtteet, betwaenletaadXdavaBaa. el 11119 TlrTATCnES, MATCHES-A- LL KINDS OF OL atovw and akee pollshi a good aewrtrnent of taaka. APEB HASOISQS, WINDOW SIUDES, P eornlcea, taaeels, oeri fcraeaea, dux, W per aeat lose aaJ, arteea. Fire noarde aw hand and mans XSEZ nUSTbaB W, 4 O'nBlrUj-- L ATZST'TlTlftAD CXTTTnia THTMBLE. ISjew u- vjihv uwunai rt and etHrIaVaAara.aperaAorsea aewlng L7le4 !tnretan atora, Uty and .country ejrjnia ww- - ii- - Ajyly UJJAJaUlBU BUTOa. as ZfijV CLOTHINO. ALL AH D WIITIB ' iTTT.VA1 nAOTI niarKnii 1. tiitNm UMMOTU CUJTIIINU WA jrUl. warlriv f MWH Choloa tdataHala awJ FuhlonaUai w.wiaannctnredaiiriiaill1 for Cttr and noontre anbUe at karra. thai an arawlnatleai of aur etoak will aenTlnae theaa that there U ao aiatfaratl'a la aartM wa hare the heat aaaia Lamut ef Ma. and Uonf Vka aaaUthaaltr.aadatrrlceefalLraa per aeaA kaJew earouaraauDuanmenv uatuf paRUeaa tarlala at tha lata trade alee, wa are enabled of elothloaat prleee whlrh defr aompetltlow. nAKH lu'.ll a or pajiaut-iivkinai- A' Oood lllot, tlomrer, and Fetarakaaa.... .tdnoie B9 Flna Blaak (loth and Hm 5 Fa! ta 100 ipertlneUiliaeer1Blk.aa4lraa. tfit"l!SS Black trrork Oaaaaf waada aaX trtmraad. ...M M UlothTdltto, ditto .. S 1 to. 00 lurtMUuateStaadjed witti rilk.10 M tt 14 00 ani eeafl Baaanaaa ijeau ? W aa I we Uaaaln mlinuieiauiaiiiM.NiH. w h 1 w uaaaunarea ana tMeraie a vu w w Snrn.r.naliaa Werklnl ranlaTl.X to M traney Caailmara. with and without to Oaeeimer. wit h and withont Banda, I SilriSeUfi: perane Bl'k OoU and Uoaakla, and I rtet,aiUMSaiIIiltWlaiUkUiaii U H tlTB CCTTOli rWAllTaIlBT U fP nil,Calreaiid Veetmea. and PEaJaWT alT rvana maiaa, ourt' rLKMHuiNaotmbs. Wannfarturereof and AirnU for NK.LoOSTS TAT- - nsr QABMI-ifr- , A.UUNTU WNe.SWandlI,3aryt Bataaaa Uonatoa and BlntA af atraeto, T7UK3-rTJ- R9 rUR!" LADIES, HOW IS A Ul time to rtrooi Tare, and FnltAnit, brook li-- nj atalra, la luat tha man wtio af 8ABLM, MINK, I1xiu,t)QVlUtKLada,andae cheap. If not aheap. ar. Uian an nAnuLacturer In tha eft. But nail 11 and eti-iln- a new aaaortakaat, ae tbara la oa aharee for looklni. , f rencn anna ewe... ,......,, .....,..,..w'Mwg WatT do do... .,. .....jnlat 'mnchBahledo !!MW ndtalian fitch do J LOU IliikVklurlata. K' txt do u. ali.U0 . N. Fl R O LOVES of tha beet anaB- - ale-ar- on ban n nude to order, lemt fraet the Na.- -1 1 1 LI UN T na atalra, Brooklyn. aH K FURS I IUR3I Whlra. TRULT CUOICK IURS. tax nsuuwt urTAiA will ALWAYS MAIlTTArN 1IIETB PTJT.L TALCB. BtUI Aa IIAVK 11BKN rKKPARKD BY IIIK l.MIAN TRAPPKKd AMD BENT TO OaS TI1KIB AUiwnL IN W VOAK. TlTB LAPTBB 001 rtm OUT WHKHJI BAJWADTB are obtained. TTTBT KBOpMlf KNII TUB PC1W AlTD TUH t LIU ITAMkiULSD TU1UUXLVK3. Thleaoeonieta for TITBCROWPB OP LADIM KfTBBTWfl DA1LT T11K (IRK AT WF.8TERN AND NOilUBBM vtiai i BArraaa imrii Anir BALBUOUMB, N. BOWPTRT. atllUe'ld. DMJkMM, efAMAOBB. T7TJBS fTJRS FURS X IMPOSTAST TO LADTBBI rwra are now offered in aoontra trade ad a.laal Falton et. aa atalra, at the followlnaLb? prleeat rreoch, Mink, Beta ofjialf nape, muff and auffk 10 M doT doT . Vletorlna, muff and auak ( !2 Water ttira. Ban aapo, man ana anna 10 no. do. Vtctorlua, aaoJI and conn ioo freiftch Bahlo, half cape. mnaT and euffa do- - do. Vlctorlne nmna and aula. BaaiWnkVlrorlnea,rronit4Ba Id w do. do. Mote, from S4 to 14 U auaa an aaaoraneot ai au nrnar rnrn no per aani kvouM a lb trtd. DoQCargai riVf M IM'Hai FURS, FURS BUT TOUR FURS A. at tha rrent Kock j Moon tain Co., BO per not, leas than any other atora la the city. Book martin, par eet, BA, worth Ml French aahla. per eat,. , worth tint Fraachaulak. per eet, td, worth tlOt njuk martin, per art, BIB. wortV8o7 i)fty balea BuSele nbea at $ aartu At nRiaVa.llB Ohatham yoarymeccd CUBS FURS iriW TORK FUR CO. A' IMrOKTANT TO TUB LADIBtl r ion ynr auanniaou Bl CHATHAM ST, offer to Ua haet .elected stork of Fur. to ba found, and at tha ratea, whloh wlU ba found to be Bu per aani. OHKAPKK than any other kouaa In mie any i Water Mink H cape, altli Mull and Cufta, B10. Prenoh Minn H do do, '. French flaMa . oapa. do do. 1(L Vren. h Mink Ifllfl rj ML rrater mm a do do do do. J 60. French l.Ue do do do. I. freurh Mink U cane. T. rldlnkMaapa, DO. French nebui M oapies IS 60. wale. Mine. rraiMan Buna, nnn rreeran naaaa. .m.,v- - a nee, na aa u ano Ba, treuehlMhle, French Mink, Water Mink. Stone n, andf'dnb, large capes, X. li, ai aapee and Vlctortnea. afure neatly reeeiredn8ffeaneo. Nl.W YillUCFLat JOhM CaUTOAMaT, OrttWeanHd T ADIE3, T0U MAT SAVE ONK-nA- Ad your luonrr ly natrhaJnf your Fur. at tha New York Fur MtuulVturlni Co., No. SI Chatham al Wa get the raw furs direct from our aarnte In the North and Weet, whlea enaldes ua to Oder thaee truly rroat bargeine. BWJMee P OVULAR TRADE IN CLOCKS AN1 B11AWLS, pinhaaed at aBherlfl's Bala of a Broadway leUUlau- - l"" ISO FIXE TKTMVtD CLOAKS, ai h ra. ELFGANTLY IHUUIEO CLOAKS, ef our ean luauufactare, k re,. flMtolia. g;j leugt BUe All Wool 11LANKK.T BTIAWU, AtoulriiTS. Tojetticr wl'h A LARflrl TARIrTTV OP FALL AM V) IM KU KKKiiB GOODS, At on the Unlli- o- W, at.KOIir.Hin, No.i. Bowerr. nT.'ird Iktwor n rrmce and lionstua etmetl KTM2. DEMOREST'S TRIZE M".I)AL 1T1 BkirLar.i.njt B,t out of or,r. n a lu of 1 vi rr Uu.t Uh striuf boat iu aver otaor partxular, aud great reaucuou tu PRICES l $.1 on ailrti reduced to I00 aru ' 'J W i on 4 09 " 100 1 lap " " il.t TS ID ta) Belu nearly balf Ilia usual rrti Vu ioee, and much Inae than laaiaal wlmluaAle tirirpa J17n ltroada ar. L20 C ,nal rtmt, V.Vj U'i.eri, and 119 Llrfhth avenue, Bltur than the tieet, and cheaper than the ebeepaat. Ju.t wLat every ledrwarta aiklrt at a low prion, that Is dm aide, eracelul tn form and cannot gat out M order. ii3-.- ni COAL. ATCIME aVRTICLR OF COAL BEST Aah, for rltovee, Oratee, Range. an f nniacee, well erreeucd and delivered, at fop "J tno, Laraa xn; wrubl warranvoo, w iwniii m. coal, gr-- r onn i, net vmuiBai aou , ,,!- - way. F. aiAnaJlt, noe. wire. A LL MTCOAL DELIVERED, BCRKENKO. li. ftom onder eovwr-O- oal and weight of t.000 MS. ararranteil Yard corner ef Uoustnn and at, I.V Hammeratey, and at my old stand. War-r- e ani Waat. Orderalor, lu store a4 Qraenwirh. aUMpcoaut.ilyaUaidedta. r.Ma0J(l.eU Baad' urf f tOAL FIRST QUALITT WHITE AND VBed Ash, Beworeanad and dellvwred from Yards, HI OrwnisST. Urooma,andaJ Uoustos streeV Nut, A4. VSUM Aah. tri.l.n, fcgg or Stove, llwffuK RED ASH (PEACH ORCHARD,) LEHIQn Broad if onutaln Ooala, from tha moat approv- al ralnee, at law eat market prion, from yard; Co eenta per ton less from boeu. prNRl? RAXTB, tor. Oauel and Cuntre, and Jane and Waat ata. ceOS IMaa,U4 OCHUTLKILL COAL RED I ASIL EGQ O and stove, f I M White Aah, all sUse, B4 40 1 Red Aab, sniallstoaslae,fMx8 NatUoaL fa. Thla eoal ia ef the best quality, and la delivered In arlaae ardor, tue above pi loae. A lit rel deduction to thaee ft LojuLavas. u0 Welt fur JUHU M. VT1UIIS. lath St. BV4im4 C1 OR PER TON-CO- AL, RED ASH, t"J'.r .. larse nut for stoves, ft xs, delivered store, range and furnace, red asb, lorual imauatein. and Lrlilg i, it loweit cash rrlree also kindling wood. Vardl'iIanllWVi'estlKUiel, Uteaea ltl and bth av4raclid a ru,i. ,4 Ml OUAL-PEKS- UNS WISHIMJ 6JeeJU eoidCoaJ of ail klnda, the heat In tb arxet, eareuilly prepared and booeet weight, will t it by applying at feida ' Oraad H Btanton and STILL ONWARD SUCH IS OTfWARDI Brleat Co.'s Ortgtnal and nly Ql&UUlC eXticle niada under the name ef wtlch laeoldat the vtry To prke of FIFTY CRVT8 TUa dye stul umeasea u pupils favor dally, and for the short p. rlod eblch baa elapsed siuea It was rewro-- d Joed by the preaont frorrietor, its s.lee have far ou thaklBd ever Introduced. War. niifar.ffiiiI-idVlrredVrie- r tadlliir whom we derive our name, eiwlfanieoefwrrT.lfroro ever manurootured atfiaiWiiisunuVrfas mime CUumWan, (although serer.l bars since adopted the name,) yet still, for toe same lenath ef tune, we doubt whether bis sales reeh. adtalf tha nuniher-ft- le price then being Bt. It u l tain to every fuWlllseut ruuler, who una dvea. that the niajorily of dyes are perrectly worthluea trab-4a- id altbouib tbrr pretend that their article w lit color your Lair ell UOWN,nu Bad altera trial that you either get a dirt r, awiddydookloa BLACK, or B0 color at ail. ai raw. in tin. rufa.rlnaiiL not to use. anl ther at onoe flood the uaiket, uotiU as a last reeort, the DnigglaU are furoed to eell It at what It coste thera. and at Umea leas, so that It mar not remain too long on their huda. Wa oe rot mean to say that all ara made tn this auanaer. rioia it, yet yoo -- ."... -- a - - -j- r-. -- . air urea ana " -- e- .";-- , .r-- ataSbna I only iron, o . . u -- e -- -i --; - ssfsxjL lr..h,r,lrTeb?Sad, UTt raiyneed au will ae aa far ae any deUar prrraration la the naukot, Tnere M laOtaUng n aaaa bill aw .! .LI- - Te U had u th7&.ia.kUn IVspot," felther whale, aalear retail.) an Boetk oeoand L, WUuvnjfcurcb, and by DruggUts gaaarall, ", GENERAL DUSINES3. AT PADXE S WWTISO ACADEKT, Bowarr, or tWI Fatten rt, BreoUrn, ttndrnte 1 rMaiba, Til laaaawa rnatmctloa In wrllln and antnaaeue ar iieaeaa anumuoo, lin- - month. Iadiee wnuad leaeena, rp M Maae krtll5ER, TI I LL I Of 11 AND TJPWARDV-- OS Xj Union Bank of London, and Boral wf Ira- - llhlbUn. aaUar llteBin WK'An?ll22;. 'ASH PAID FOB OLD SnTWHPAPf.Ea, kooka, aeaaphleta, eatalornat and: waata paper af eecripiMen aaaa na irra, nvainiu copper. braaa, lead, pewter, n any n arino n Wtr. TUCaVW KLiIji ik. af aUaaee-l- nnATPED TlXSn, ERUPTIONS. ' SALT IIEITaf. BnRrj rULCnXFA U0K1IIF.W, f AN, BCNBUXM, BKT1 UISFJIJEH, eferriTV!na.arnredb7 Janefe Italian Chemlaal Boa. ThUflneartkialeaaMforW.eeuU at 0 and rmltmadway, Kai Fnlto, IIW liowary, aud Uaraa, Brmklrnt alan at 11 Cente a Bottle, JON Hi' OtNllNK uiil ( IKAL UAIB RE3T0RA- - ntirleO T1VK. ENGRAVING AND PRlNTINa HALT at horn earda. and note pepre, balllickeU,, Ac, Bualneae earJe. bill heada, cloth attW.' UUUr, 4td-- t U aaaeriaa aT mitoo EXCELSIOR CEMENT FOR ALL LKAKT Ineentor of Ihle cement leapiartlral raeaon; kelawllllaf to apply It on any tin roof, no niair', now iramr. et ia tre. per ijoii no money ai niandod until panu are eatie6ed. Bee ePHciniuliat to Waat liroadeey, Alaotnnaoa work and erate HUnf attended to by J. UJLLEB. nlliacOtll EXCELSIOR COAL OIL A VT.KT ht oolor, faaranteed never 19 cfianit and anlfornu la purer, eweelrr and Buroa luarar than Kweene or any e.kee OIL It oeeeaeaiyiba neat, nieaonji peidleunatad. Depot aaH Pearl rt. AUVUactaJI TONES- - ORIGINAL ITALIAN CI1EMICAL J BtlAP FOR U.VPTIUNS, BCNBUKN, FaUX;K., uutuilbw anaail aieeaeea, auiooauona,4n. auremenia ol t ae eun, euro neaaa, i reive, lea, anirry. ernlDelae. ealt rneum, ca yniriii ornte, iudim WJ llroadoari IM Hoaeryt 1IAYF9 Hilml aleo. IIAlKRFHTllkATIV VaUCB MKUCCKD TO U UUTTi A rUflTLK. aelMaa'lH LEAK! Ii(X)TS CURED FOR ONE CENT i el oth roofe orar ehlnala ronfa, B aente l Dlery e patent India rubber pelut, aieat ludoneajnute to the trade, aaruta wanted everywhrra i prtnulpal of ere. bun Orand et i branah eOae,Ui Powerr. J. U. JotoHTV, Ajiant. ee IMaonill LEAKT ROOFS CURED-O- NE CHST PER and warranted for B ream, at tha na town Agency af Kllerr'aiPatent India Bnbber PalaL w. J. at J. HEKAI, dktaata, Jl OfBamW KB BTa-e- aawi aaaa-le- w V, inllirAU MaaO, dlriXTOrl Brooklyn, fjnaar tha tltonarrr.) tnehhiaI by Wheeler WUeWa jartilna, Bhlrta, Uellara, Boeoma, Wrlatkanda, and Shop of all klnda, qntckly dona at tha taWliOTlUTIA. Manttoa to LadW Dreoeee B4etbrf nrmnta. Twrniif mwlnMof TrdMciiptiooproiopi If wloo la th siot iplnUa nun., oa nrf Modtsr-t4t9r-- lar1tH) to eaU. Br mtitint of U P(vlint Hetnmr( ttr) fluwl html f turoM and itltetitMl upon Ntvpkin, UauA vwirP oaa jmm m wy MMiurui MEAT-MEAT-M- EAT at the prleaa and tha onalrty of tha article. nndpronouneeatanae,thattheUld Katabllahad Mar. ket la the beat piaoa In the city to boy meat at the luweatprtee. Motion, from To. to Bo. per idl. . beef etaab. inn lurta. to iacta.t prune roaerin el. una pir Th. pork do. dOL, lUeta, per lb.. Freah tab af all klnda In thlr araaaa. al finally low BrloBB. OraLwa lie the hundred or quart, uoods aant te all Part, of the rlty freeefrhar.a. Ohoerre tha adilrsea Tha 1'aople'a eta, WUluunaburgn. nod t'ICo rVlXS AND PAINT BOILED PAINT OIL J 00 eauta, Elastle Roof OU 40 aunts per gal J Lie- - seed Oil. VamUhee, Tnrpontlna, Ae.!. Uraftun l"l Venetian, Had and Tallow Ucara VI K& Wl.lla Laaad and uil 1 ssnls D. U Peart rt. eaiTtna im PRESENTS FORTHE nOLIDATS GO TO Photographlo Palaea af Art for your pictures. rhotorrapha, uairnerrotrTea ami Arntiro IrtM at 5ue. and upwards. illl.l.lrJI l JOHNSON, ltd Bowery. N.B. Mr. JOUMKIN has eereed ee nw-- rator al Uuruf y's gallery for eight years, no! e'llf REMOVED LOCTORS OLMSTEAD A Jk. Jf to. have nana n IOT Nix", - ' " Bprlng et, where they will proaiptly au.war all profee. atonal calla. 1 heir eiperieoee and auooeaeful prartwe well Inauioe the safe and efltoiout treatmant of their paUanta. nC II OIIArTIKO. SnAFTINU. SnAFTlNO O pnltliia and hangers conatanUy an band. and ruadetv order at aliort notice j alao. all kind, of marhlnrry mido and repaired. U. at w. atcvo l, i.i i oa. 40Uoruiaesi,n.i. a'anx! SEWING MACHINE DEPOT NO. 6 at. II dnors from the Itowcrr. mwlilaes ben(bt,eold sod eirbenfed. .tHaier'B and 4 ether sbultle tnscMuis fur sale rbeap; ladiie Irarund to opo. rate perfi-cllr- money advanoad on Jewetrr, pUiuie, and au peraoual property, uoi 1". 64 TOTS, TOTS, A aaeortmont of the nioet saleable toia.niAlous, famy artlclea, do, aa cheap ae ean be puroheeed It the Urgeet houeee dawn town, and In quautitiea to suit the Please ealL II uar he to your aduautara, tlioMAB M. KACNAJAliuurttah va.V 3d and a4UsU,ti.Y. eUaeac-U- d Cin'4-PE- R ACADEMI0 TEAR rATS 1V. fer Buari, furnletied loma, futd, ObUHiIui ana leitio In eeuunoo KugUsu, at the Fort Kdward Inatitutei oc tanck liulldljidij oHtnulDrir, elpftuaive B.D4IO bVVIIUI !." a suueianiuu and ornaniental edurstton, and whuleeoma Chrtatlan ausptoea I Jonimereiu anl uoi- - leee preraratury departruaute superior, Wuitiw term a li Mk, hurlna Ilaraimher Tat. For bertlcull ealloraddnsaUW. K1MJ, M. l, 1I Mutuayrnue M.Y. eJl.l'lll eMlWRlTINO CLA8SES MR. PAINE, 61 P 1 Uowery, N. Y4 ss Fulton M, Brooklyn, gives I months Instruction In penmanahta aad arltruntrtic ar keeolne. Leeaons nnrimited for Bio, levies' trirate WTUlng rlssea.. Be tar 14 euavaaill 1 rtl CM lABOXES SOLD INI MONTn XJJ.JJJ of KMatnut'f M1RA0UL0UA- - HIRAOTJIXIUS Vl.RMIN DlearrROTFOn 'IIIK i."4LI dlJIUt KlUirjrg gUat BU0S, HOAUii-o- , ANTn, Mollis, giarBrjnTAMrRs, hotiiia KKdrAI RA.NTS.sJ7i MILLS, AND E7BBT DrtJCRlPTlOr, OF PRKJliddJ INiriTi'rll with VI r.n.ani. TllOKOllfTlILY CIJiANdf. FOR IALX WHULFBALB AND RBTAIL B7 TIIW , l, . Bu- - I JOSFPn MRlfF. , SIX Broadvtat. AnF)T A. Kw.BANDtl-f- wlanlatam&lel IrraifTlitr r. c. vf w lliltoiimAdBCllf LOST AND FOUND. L08T-T- HE F0LLOWINQ DESCRIBED Clarkaon, due tth Jan, 144m, 413-in- I', UnlsiLlH, HI March. .. "4 M wm. loth.l.n.. aieiiai O. IL Kllrur, ,, xtfth k rh., .. ollfi ID All aodoraed nf rROMVrir.IN A OOliDWIN. The public are cautioned acalnet negotiating tha same, as payment baa been stopped. jAny one returulug tueea IU reward ,v H w beenltably Nov.T. IKe). a nonnwiy. nariu ino. wnauii, LOST-O- K SUeNDlT, THE CTH INST., a rortut book eonUlului fjrt doUantn bill ftta4raluM pkpan,of ro,um to ny Mrtym but tbo ovnor. Any tU tnM luuai irt oft. or rtturaJUdl tlu) iiJr irUAjr wm ira ralUblf tcwu-rivd- TV 3()0 liEWAKD 20 TIECE3 OF COM muulou rftlufd tt about twOiairvro tolo from tlit Vt-l- r1 unir-- OI inisiir launq tTH aUiurd iiinht UH. 1 bo obovo r htd will b p14 poo tho recover vad r- - turu ot tit u la -- i"lii- JUrri-- a ( BaleS, Dr prniaWTniflljB.wn sfUIU lUtelllT IHtlfS eX Waa K bCXtaAOMB, Uuuiuouer, UT t ultiu st. FLNAWC1AL. BASK FOR SAVINGS-- 41 hliercAwsaraad wh Ooi, Ufrt, IrfrTICBTO BRPudlTyfcd. fa erdai to avoll aud eerrect lnoldeaut ervora, aaa li.fl.ruu.tu.t. thai ta eaotod. tha Trmates requiwt depualtora lb thla laatitutiiak, hevlnd encooaU not acted ou fur niu, than saveu ear- -, te felMI ieaHtiakJtotLaBank.tobewriaeai an. By attraction of the Truateea. 4LDBnnriTBatoaDHB, . eMLIO Beaatavry, IB IfEKEBT U1TEN THAT CXR NOTICE Moa. H4. for one nBBdrad share and em lor Iweaitf-dv- ekarae stoek In the Oeutral Minuu Company, were forfeited oo ara Sept, lor of saeaaacoebt of Bl Per ahara, dee an ,n wi Bia. uurt, aud that tha said one hundred ana leeoiy-BV- . aharee stork, or eo la nob of It ae will pa eewraweieat, tosetfcer wlto luaerasi ana ei pruaee Till baeDld al anctloo to tha hlgbrwt Mdder, U the lea ef the eomvanv, WJ earl A, aa .fwejdav, Novaaa herirri.Bt 1 J. U. UlUAtrnm'f Maw York. OnLBtkaUOB. rrpiTE UNION DIME SAVINQS INrnTD. A Varlok bt Y. tlao. aor et, Oveo SSifTrourill 1 M to I e. ML aad frorelfcel pposttaoflOaeuUtdWWteoalyae- - BUpat toiiowIlauiKo-a(ag- e ta aorod not exoa BOtrB T. HAUQITWOCT, 1 ffiSS0!!! XVlI Viae cfrvt B MiyH. nTriwB Ok U MVLL, AMactMF Bad SUWUS5Bi THE SUN. NUMBER 8532 HEW VOHK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMHER 9, IBM. PRICE ONE CENT THE NEW YORK SUN. WKDXEfiDAT M0RNIN0, K0T. 0. 1W. The War ranle ! KrxntaaM. Tito Aw in Great llrilalu, of bT4on from FrAtcw, vnlca haj for a lima mbaH.d, tuvt, e ktr, rat I red, gn4 u bow ihairtBK Itself mott fimliUikllr Is many qgartart. Wa ar told ky our.EncjUah cotemporayM tht At wrery Detallrg of whatavar iu oljctt, lb.1 laraatoa bacciuoa Ilia rani toptd os dutevulon' Tfao tall cttcaltural f;atharln4f bar ba Car mora full of guof, fort, men aim! mmarrtdoa( UiAa sf riln, farming, cattle, or rotation a, crop, TUa London M'ttkly Tmrt, In touching 0f,n the. lubjocf, nvaiaa up m fUlowtng turn mary of the aauaea for alai m Aud tha eouteuaut nccoaall tf trmlnft without dalar i TTe are again at war with China, TUa lloie our dlaimta la not with the go.crnor of a prtirlnoa, IhjI atta tfca Iipator and tha central dorarnnicnt. W e nut now oca'.lng vltli a taut nf tha raipu'aUjn, but with 800 ,4 tautla. Wa are no l.m,rrr contending with tha rflmiUiate and ciwanliy lnhbl tai ti of tii aonth of China, but wltk hard aud war like lillx', who a- - said to ba directed by IMrt)iean skill Joe lew Chun ee war will nl li like any of tLa old. It aU domanii fruni ua mora men, tn.ira abl, and uioie n nnry, at a time hen wa are deal, naie of coiiwiAratlng our forora aa near home aa rnai. albla. Noma ran met lid to sot the and or to fra tell tl a eacnflcca tbat inaj bo exactod frjrj tie atl trm oinr alilca. Our rotations with tba I iuta tatii if AnwrWa ara In tlas moat iinaatiafai.t ay eiata. A general, InMJ'm fr pornilar.t, baa In iffint eoiuiuitu d an it't of wai agauiet Kugiaml, and tele eipaudid by hta fvllow onui trymen. Luluna th. II tuoriit atVa Uingtiaidiepiay mors Armuoaa and judjn it.l In niH ct Ui this Lanaartliai than they tiavo txtltttcd on ottivrc . aahiria, the ruay bo driven bytho c'an.oiapl a mrb iliu nJuc ui cmllK't. Too Ua Ian qui rton etui mtolnt rqion, and wLllo tho fata rf tba t't r'llrs rrinaini l 'io In the bafancrftticre la a auenli'lotia dra In iumplctiiijj tba treat of iicaoa aroi-i- vmu at VUiafrnna. Over the faouiaT Ujcinio there Is uiiumia morametit. Bpln appears awaken. Iiglrout a uebturv of aiumlwr lo aaecrt brr 'aeo (aicv mora as a ndiltary and naral pnwi r. UorinauT lain the thrnraof ftderel raVrm, tblla Atutrla aiul riueaiari'gaidcai.h otbir aakatu- w,t)i nt frlaudl ejea, lui "ak k man" at CoiKtanUm .Ir, aiipiara n B'tr to diaeolt.tlou thanviliaii wa went to lilo mj lu I'll. "iVrlle the (ill nvn K'niHre la ananc.i by In, ti ruai revnii and runs.iiiai.y, nltn a tunkiupt trea-ru- r and au ut'patd amy, Car ALixsanaa aim trona tie rrpnacntatlree at foreign neitta Vitaka auunaal with ldui at Waianw. Whjiunr wa bavera-gai- to tuo diaui iiiu our atnuntU frv.m r taut, to tho pimbtilty nf leirbeinj dmwn luUian armed ttiiiKvIa with our klndnd lu fia Waat, in--1 tba tinaitthrd atata id Eitrviio, bodinfr atonu and obat ge, wv nud trory narblugs to bu pn iarod, Hiwrrh of A lawlr writes from Rolina nml-- r dttr of Sept. Zltli, and cirri an account of a pleasant fata In honor of (UmnAUii, who mado epaoch, from w hlrh wo quota I You vtT Jort reoiamlcl my hlatory, ard It ta my part to tell you bow prntnl and happy I am again to find mieelf among tLla braro poop', of wnuaa onuiage aud attachment I Lara aiiierienord au luaoy proufa. I rraat to you tiat to tlia laet mioncnt of my existence) 1 aLflU bo do roted, body and a,iul, to ray Oimntry, For 14 years, without pay of reward. 1 hare reread tbd oauevfj id libeity In foreign Landa. What, then, will I md do for tha laud of my W.tU 1 F.venU ara pioirr,elna; favnrelilr, but there Is atill mm h to ba done. Thaday laoooia worn lta'y la Ul recainllaaeiiiiirUmiepeudefica. TUia tloua tt m'ut e arounipUabed, and from the Aljia to 8k.ll eke niurt le) free. Proldonca bat given ua tba mail wa needed ta reVnlt ua togtber. It laruunt Vent FasAatBLtbatwamuat rally to repuiaa tho atreager from our a ill. Wa will nut longer boar the foreign yoke. IaH bun but retire and ua to eid iy our nuoacsalona lu peaoe, and we will at onoe weloooie bun aa a frlocd i but so kinf aa he dostraa ti suhjejt us to Ida dotnlnlna, he baa notblnto expert from ua lit t the Are of our artillery, la le only by union and force that wa aball obtain our freedom. WLtnwa can attain atrength balleie me no one will due to attack ua, liofure evrrtthtiur It Is impex relive that wa ahnuld all be soldiers. Onr entire nation must funn cue error, and If nVanealin dutlee detain a few round the family hearth, lot them re- main tl.ere like addle, musket or a word In liand. lirteen daye are enough to make Jn brave Italian a brave auldier. It la nut an ambroklaie t uniform that bla mtrtl will oonalat In. Look at tho Zouatea. In tlwtr abnple rear drraa, they ara tlia Brat enldlera In Uiewoiio. I rrnvomner once nnmng myaen auriug my An?i1f ui Ceuuiiavihfn, la tho tnltlnt vi vMt ,UU, mitreM im luier i rutii um uiumi n.iri"" -- - m --... i.- -i ii'.,ad il, any oi our wants aud lie anoidml. The benla ol tha v vu were our onlr reeoiuoa, their tieaU was our only n jurLtiuiaiit, and tlielr skina were our pnaai tl,iu from tho heal of t.s nnonday aim anal our our ring al night .and yet I aaeure yon our aoultare, aimed only with tba intuket, perluriuod ptonl-k- a of valor. We were the terto r of the lniwrialltta, aud my few hun beds of lirate men rut to rot te tha ebs-n- by thousands, lint wo, u fnenda, we want arras and that tide want mar f alit no lutgiT, I bave pnipiawd that Italy all niUl rmm a Buuih.riiitkm to nurenaea a muuonoi muoauea. Tl.lnk only bow mtuy anniri we bave 1 1 be Hear In mludwliat sorlM uf yaara naa wi tnteied a torebju opmaaa'.ou, Invinllana and Daviarrrlf a. The caucus war the tint machinery Invented to ajbbt tba nomination of polltlcil ullltars. Ibeliitt pnlrof tllk (Uiklnti were wont in franca by llginr II. i two ytara Af,ern anU Quoon ki 1AiiBTH waa prraentod with a ntlr, gild within lliilly jeirs 50 WW pcruoni Had adopted lliu luxury. It At then that 1'raaca lo Imitate and eoon lo thai the lacaof tlio Low Cntintiiif, and that the irepara'lon of m.imcco ldatLcr wga bef un at L Itoclulla. AcorJirR to Vhitaihr kuiib ore Utat utod In Loval eDKarfen nut, iy Ilia euetUna, iu U,7. In A count wlili the Geuoeee: but t.n- - liab nut hurt ties lailt I bat i;iid v. etc utnd at the battle f Crcaay, In 1310, and tn 1117 at the (lepe of Calaie. Small arina were certainly taken In I.tiglahd in iwn, and wateinvemoa by t liwAti about ton yean befure, 'Ihuy were a raiity lu Ireland In lit)", whsu the l'.ml of Kit-da- chief governor, wai p;omtod with lit niusketi tent fiem Germany, Ma'ka'a were Oat utod at the bIoko of Uheon, In li-'- Uaawaafint erolted fro rn coal by Dr. CUT-to- n 1731), and wai first employed fur purpo- - hi cr illumination by air. hii'Iiinkk, in corn wall, England, in Iiil'. 1 ow h M,a, ,1,.,.1-- w m,c,m.f vi ..Sw . a L'Khla waa aiUiUiod iu loU'2, In lliruuul.aia, Inlaid, on tha vtcaiion of the It was lernianently nted in Muncti-Ht- er In lH'i'i. It watLtroductd London etieote mli'il, aid wan In nae In 111 I. Mr. LAi( M1.LVUIK, of Isewiiort, ILL, la eaid to bare breo the lint person to lotidlnie Kai li(ht Into this c untry. In the ear ImU ho ligtucl Un rcalilonce lu Newport, a factor) In I'awlnckot, gMl JicavirTali l.lntithouno In till wiy. Ciie wan first lotixdoced Into fe York In IM.t. Tha locomotive cnftlno built br Mr. STrrum-40- ", ki 1825 th tlrtt ever eomiruced hat been placed on a pedestal In tba town of JJ illus- ion, England. In front of fb ttatton of tho S'cck ton and Darlinctiai Railroad. Thla canine wis, of course, In ila day, considered A mlrsralnus au!even.ebt. Its first Ulp waa twenty mile In tve hours. It weighs only eighty tons. Th first locomotive need in t til 1 country was ice Jnon Dull, nlitbU waiplAoad ujjU lU Albany anu Schenectady Railroad soon after It wat ooin- - lbe JuLallullnow belooKt to Llelcd. Iron Works, and Is kept aa a curioelty. Bh could inn about twenty mues an hour. The old practice tn maltln. board was to split up iocs with wtdges, and Inconvenient as lb rraotloa waa. It waa no easr matter to pertuad el th world that tba thlo coold be dote In any I better way. Haw-mil- ls were first used In l.urope I in tba fifteenth century but to lately as IWiO, aa Foolish ambassador, having aeen a taw-mi- ll in iTsroe, thought It a novelty which deserved a particular description. Tbe braiding of straw In this ooun'ry was first begun lu fiovidoiios, In 1798, by Mrs. llaiaar IIakfr, now rt.Mbng In Uwlliaui, Maae, The first lamntt tbe made was of seven straws with bolibU let in Ilk ojen work, and lined wlthpluk taUs, French Naval Anuajurati. Tbe Parlj cortespoudent of th Jornigj I bava bad tbs piportiin'ly of talkls. with i it ao, Jutt irtunn d from Toulon-- At Tou- lon tbi re aia at tba orerent mouei.t no leas tbaa twenty two alliai for bul din, alilw and heavy eorvetiee; end nary one of there aUpe isooou-lis- d by tbe shoU of a veatel, at which tba tuipwrigbte ara worklt g fioin dawn until twilight. Moreover IB ah'pa are la luvrtior m rem mission as Jiorll a fortnight would be avply Bumoiarit to pre ara tneui lor aea, ana b toYMrain innu 111a esur-- n tor of Maru.e in rans wuiU provide ther at a day's notice with numerous aud d crewa. All tbeee reaeela mount rifled runs. At ancbor in tba roadstead may be aeen tha ungainly bulla of tbe Aliasing batterlna, each vrttu Its fit I of roon, gun, and powder Toeae battertr may not sail wall; they may behave very badly laaaebwayi but they are armed with N ri- fled ufty.pntitiders, and, aa they are Invulnerabla, caacd entlieiy with the new Iron pleees, their Bra In a naval action would be as deadly a that of a crack trtfeia. While on th nibjeet of three floating bettering, al- low me tn point out a terrtli'e ndatake which your naval autbortuss have fallen Into. From eundry par. Sffi ej'iia wtle-- have recently arpaared tn the Loudon pem,lt aptiean tba the old BanUue bateerlea, wbloh ware built at tbe tins of an Crimean war, bave been need a targets to teat the Armatrong wuna. and. tha taSota having STone thrrjeurh tna troai piataajt 1 given out that tna xrmntroef gun rara-- oeisi iilssra inirsanrr Thi la a mlsxa ire that ea,a I ea4urTdagwaex)ejetheagof war. It la highly peUMatbf tikijoU IrialMt toBn l n mating f,r the test Ave year en the atdos of the Tituty aflbrd uo iweialanee to the new ewjrcwl ahot) bul tbe p'etoe which are bead tn the Frtnoh earrlosi anl wbloh bare been etpnaed to the ecvereot taetd duribR the lead Ai-- yeare, tell a Tory drrTwrent swory. in tna niasruaor, toaaa inania are rsoi rrvao. dux aaa amalgam of tma, eteei, and another sebatanoB, th nature or aaroe nf which 1 have, noterluurtaodtng th most strenuous eflorU, been nnalile te aawrtadn. Bj4 the enmposillon la tbinh lighter than Ircw, and dr the tbirknese of tbe p'abs to belrameuavir Loareaerd, wllle their Imiertrabull to ahot, onrdoa. or otlieralar, kaa been fu'ty pnvvd. Therxperi. taente tmk plane In lids fsrtlnnl A tarxrt wa formed wtihgitat rare, txactiy a the sootier of a skip's eldc, and waa eove red with thaee new pavtoa. It waa then lot six tin nths And at three ttmae a week atvailona rangea, tbe maximum as wblck wa4 a hnndred, and the minimum twenty-Ar- e yarla, y unrlflrd thronlns rtHnad abot, and by nAed throwing a oordeal rdud Vrelghlbg 1Mb. Oae ahot only (a oonicel one) penetrated tha liatea I the head of the ball lodged la the ilatr, aiul the cmvriwaion of the sliot waa such, that the re naluder of the shot Iroka dean off as If B bad Iroen shaved by machinery. It la viltti theaa plake that tha Aoattr.g liattenee, the gunb avta, and the atoam rams are now pMortorl, and It la quite obvVnia, whatever may ba the merits nf the Armatruur pin, ti st tlia shot from it rwaatng thrjUiftt the u'd pl.i'ei by no meaie preree that it would be saoovstlal agalnil tbe new doecriiitlun of blliklaars. Jahn Ilrewnhi Plkro, On of the 1.300 takes found at Harper's r'errt was presented by Governor Wru t) a gentleman of tbls State, who brought It en here and left It at at our cilice. It It number 7l. Tbebbule ta a kind of bowl knife, sharpened al botualJee, attached, lo a stout eoeket, which Is sot uion a pole live and a half fort knt. The blaile Id ten Inch. a In loni'lh, fron Hi point to tba puard, and two tncliee In width at thai widest part. It Is two-ndp- and pointed, bo as to ba lined for thrust, initsinl also cutting, tho mlovs lielno; sharp. 'Ibis knife, IWed lirmly upon a polo aim riteled on, has a niurderons look. It wat a contrlt anew als;tcd lo Ilia unf tlieelateg, whud.inot how to manage mine. The tos'iga tors of the plot, ln calculated (hat from three) to live hundred I level would tu,h to their aM every nbht at Harpers l'eiiy, had made a very cartful istlirale as to tbe moat fornilJaUa wrepon that could ba placwl Ut th hands of lb sisvrt, wnom may would bar no time to drill In th una of firearm, Juiin llnovv hiin aelf tamo In Conmc'lrnt and mail a contract with a Mr. IIlahi, f Colllnivlde, forthemanu-factu- m of thoeo Hades, the contract also Includ- ing th Hks. Mr, Hiir employed a workman at t'nlont ills lo niaV them, 1!kow it was bore loit, I una, or about I hat time, and bargained for tha completion of the lot a part of theut baring ltnpro'oiiiily made. It waa agroed that th plkra khnnld b allachcd to Iho pole and made complete in every rrrptct, boxed and sent off. Suhciueiitty Jlnowpt ordernd, be letter, that they should b tlrec'ed to "J. SattTlt & So(S, Ckambeniburg, I'a," and in August lattthoy were so packer), directed and sent. On of these mounted knives was defective In th socket, aid was neither numbered nor lent away, A friend procured it for us, a few days since, from U shop In Union vUlr. Tree two "pike" have attracted th attention of theusands in front of our ClUc. 7arturd Time. Expcdlilon Agnlsat the Apevrkrw, Ilv the overland express mall, of this morn, ing, saya the N. O. 'srayim of the 2d Inst., w have the rironarin of tn 18 h ult. Alluding lo CoL HoroiKvii.i.h'e exiwdilion against, tbe Apaches, ,.. ..... that taper stvn . .. . .. ve uunersuuui oruara nave lean sent to nut nil mora to tha commanding offioor, A 1,'euta. McNixu, Uian and Uuwlamo, wtth 140 mau of tha drachma and rille., to report tin 10 solves to Lieut, OoL Ilea van, at Fort Biuhaoan. The force) will be increased wtth elty nA n of the drs.-n- e na from the latter nt. They ara ordered bi oeutra on the Ban Pedro river, from wbleb 4r,t thoy will advance Into tbe Indian oouur ty. 1 hl ia tha only suWtual way to treat wtth the tl.lurlng A acbea, aul we trust the camp sign will be ont tinned, until, through fear aud puaiUtuueut, they are brought to aue for iubob. Iho samo paper thus detsDsth operations of there Indiana, whose depredation, would appetr to bo due, In great part, to th great scareily of plovUIutia among them 1 For some Uma peaf, tl e Oanhea, In large num. bcra, bave been banging areb, 1 aeveral of thoeta-tion- a of the Overlaod Ma't Uumpaay, east of here. Tbey bava born unueunlly aunoyuig at Dreg! Springa and Aiaeba I'aas, whore they bava lovlod SWrTTfo.' tbe cause of conaid.rab e tr.mti'e aid axpbnae to the tumuy, and la entnety unreilnd f r. f Le 6'iUun ol tho UveiUi.d Hall Cain I any, at the Iulnt of the Mjutilalo, altu.ted about alstaen miles from Teceon, wm vlaitoil by a baud of Aiachoe on sub the hut. Tt.eie wcra 'our paniuua at tha Siatleu at tie tni e. Too twitv of Indlaos bumla-rri- eon in tlilr- - t).elx warrior a, in tlielr way aa usual Into Bnunra ou. a tl.iovlbg eni'uraliai. I'pnu aboalng a white flag they were al owed to romo up. Tbev dciuauded te- - aa'Cis vt teat ana coru. luair wanre vnrw auppueu ai far aa ieeible, tbe ptinrone at the Station giving them all the toosooo thcybal, lu addition to the lute wbi at and 01 rn they Lai ou hand, With the ex. caj tlcmof iiitTtoteiit to cuaLeniio pioal fur them the next day, Tak.iiig a fancy to tlie Imi kUia on tho bar. mm, tliry am n stlipped It of all It ba4, and An ling imtLh g more ttiry waiitml, b ft, taking w IU them a le ? nuuitex of aaeka and a bake oveuvto parch their win at tn. Ou lbs IO1I1, also, they vleltad a ranch hut six ortlght tciba from I ucson, from which they drove elTvUnaUe etock 1 and a day or two latr tier boldly came Into the town Itself and coolly sold son of Ue'r stolen property. It would amwar that the agent, Dr. Srrcr, hud promUed to visit Ihrae Indians and dim them prawn's of wheat and corn, tut liad failed to meet bt epgegament, " He liaaied a day,'1 a!(ls Iho Ariroiitan, "for the mieilrp, and from that time to the preout the Iniliins iselaen there, anxiously v, ailing for AslKht of their Father, and the good things promised. 1 bla Is not aa It a'loulj be. It Is the duly of lb agent to keep bis proiuious wllU th wild Indians.' lienors to I be Victor af lb ) Daltle. lh Munitar de r.limedhu aceounU from Cluiuto lb 21lh of August. Itttyst P "The events wbloh occurred ut tha rot-b- hayl pro- duced a gnat aeoatioti amorg the population of tra cm ant, Nuvertnetur,, thanks to the uioaauraa adotited by tbe llntuui and Fienoii maratluia au(hurttina,thare I ad t,ot been any aerkaia exoe.. 1 1 da 1 ilnre. 'foe Kin twrornf China bad rewarded lu a brilliant manner tl n. Brai more oommonly oaiUAl " Ro- wan Ay," wbo e Kumai.d. d tho furta eTeku and too Mubiiol IrwipBoncbe 21Uiof Jon Usi, lie named liku (i 1 ssAusamo of I ha CI Itoae aruiiod, aud, what ta more imnnr'aiit, lint MarulaHn f tho yetlow teodaid,eiJoed witn a rain. That dluiiy bad not been rn bfern d fur a lung time ; tbe laal holding the tit'e waa tha Kepa'or tothal high dlatietkin at tae mreid erbou lie wis Prtuoe Irawr1al Be.aUMer la, morrover, tbs uncle of llixio-Fot'- , the reigning tu' r. lie baa alaayabe'd lilgh onrncnauda, aud !n an loirocnae rejiutatliu throughout the liA'J be commanded tlia army forme.1 to act againat and, by a bold and fortunate move met t, le (oread back tbe rtbola Into N auk In, and tiled thoin freiil furrolnit a Junction witi tbe neingcbta of tba norm. It may be aald ba saved the empire I for If hi plan bad not suoueeded tbe Inrtr. rectlr-- weeiU bare lieomne ao poweiful that it would I are Insarlerl tie rajilliU. The l.ruovror bad ir0iaiw4 to wib draw with Lie family lulu Tartary when he the news of tho victory, Tula Geneial la tae author of military works, many of which have been tianatated Into tba ltuwian lanmiaga, aad In which lie aui'tee the euthenty of snuie of the tnoei amlneut warriora, anioog theiu tout of toe Emperor Naimuou I with wbiae Iniuioital caaipaigi be appears tu b thoitiiejuly acpied uted." ajtery fa Vrtnnle Hm agaVer. A few weeks ago n eleKnUy draa-- td lady, wearing a faahionai 4 bonnet, cwtly vail, flow 101; neilrs end silk dree distended Ly an ample quantity f crinoline, presented beraelf at ou of Iho Custom house tn tbe Belgian frontier, carrying In her arms a bouncing child, carefully wrapped up In ilr.a linen and rico lac, bis deer Utile features being proleclcd by a thick green veil. As tbe lady entered lb oulc, aha whit auipgly d tbe agent thai her child wm aa tep, and begged that ids slumber might not be dis'urbtd. 'Hie skeptical official boaed wlih Dative i'lsrcti iiolitateas, but, bevenbe-leas- , requeated the flranger to any a female employs of IL bureau loto a prl,kte loom. 1 brie was ao need, however, of an excess of courtesy, ovxmcr waa th em-pl- oj te tUD.monrd, than tSe snatched th la 'ant from lb toother's arms, tid let It fell heavily unnn thitlnfu I Iulb huijrn strarucer she had rtcojtiliel a profvealobjd vmdgg,lr. and the Interesting child waa nothing more nor leas than a to'lti tobacco, wrlgbing orar thirty poinds. A for the antpl crinoline, of which aom suspi- cions also wer naturally ntertalnad, It waa found, upon eiaiaineUi.ii, lo eoueeal several pounds of tobacco, rvlUd up into twist and liOO'S. Th (irrnt Kaatern' Delay. Thu follow Lrg letter from Mr. CoatBRaLtso, (he agent of Ilk Great Eastern Company, In Malu. confirms th newt already re- ceived, aanoundog th deUrmlnatloa of the DI rector 10 post port th iinacd th Great Eaabarrii Oatat Biot Coatraar, rort'and, N w. B. isc, T Ui Uur Iks ifayor yvr'lonJ.- Wr I beaten to Inform yon that I have rocadrod a ? Uttm ? .15- - !?SL'r?Uen ZG&ZSs222l I It the anfurtotude ecaJeni w4eaihTtMiik4riMii 14',, rarture of the ehrp nntU the Amerloan aaavin hag been kwt. It has, tberefure, been thought adrlawie to oaennlete Uie ear ymnX of the aMp la erery detail, tnawavlof dVerrvai It tmH arVrr th retorn fman Amertew, ae rawrVarare aontampraeid. 1 have th honor I be j our toon obedient serves .1, Fawn, CawBnuwie, ettlwwrrrk auw Iaa ad fife. The) Mterwaer Goldest Qate, of Boeton, Capt. IfAkr-O- (rem I'hIJadelJhU Auft 2S, la? was throwa on her baaraa end and dUmajted, In gal oa ttwithult. The) sap-ta- in and thr ixeM wrw loe at the) tlm. Tn three survivors aavd ttMsruwtr by lttlng on th top of th deck cabin, whsr thery Pernalueil for ilxteen days a Urgsj part tf which Urn the ea was making a complete) braacti ore them. I hey ware without water, and h hut a small quantity of provisions, and bad area tb lawt of their scanty store th dar befoi a tbor were 1 ea rned. 1 bay wai a finally fallen fa with on th utt., in Ut. ?);, Ion. BIX, hr tho achnoaer Isaliella Maria, Capt. rittu.ii-a- , from TrlnUavl, whloh Tcsael took ther off th wreck and land- ed them at Halifax on tbe 30th. Th namet of th tun Ivors are, Mr. Hlair, first oAieer, of Hcthbey, M I DarikI. Curmkbiik aid jAurx KkLLT, of rhUadelphia, aeaiaan. Too whi War lort, berkle th captain, were the t'eward and tw aeanien, whoa name ar not known. owrrwif, Uh. t'krletlnwlty. Tha following beautiful dednltlon of Chrl'G-ani- ty Is from a discourse by Key. IUlaki uu.x-s- i Mu- ll BT exalted views if flod aud of mam her harmo-nloi- is ,itaia of d icttinca, ootnmndsd t,, tbe mind, cia aM, nee, and hi at if truthful-nea- la r gentle SSut of love and piti lor heavenly I'! bar a srlr,t effattlii aVrve all, bar ie,i niU itli.n lhrn(i a li lal atonamenti her raunnai views of truth, n id dutji hav ettengtli i the aul ui tiiali her Joy lu sort ,wt Imi tii,Ll tu ttio dark va tej t be r lift d veit beyond the grni thee ohai ronatltuto brr en manl'iaHly and lnoomparv My aoja nor to all ither atetema that tin a rwi lie no deiuaiid fir a niommd'a fiuther ilntav In nutmterim. As en angel of the love divine alreeiy on trtuinptia.l wli.g, iho swee eth faith bl Jo, axulUii. la tier )v4,aiei calmly roeAdebt of br r lulur. rltie rooth Its morning on her ml nlon of llfht. III e anl love tn a aor'il n dirVuee', lu thn ahadownf .t.t. IUHIll I. , .Ml. llM. , ...I I... Hu.. . u,,u, uoi,,, bid-- wiiii io,i,. rrerjwnrre see tilling of brr autLor tliat Ila ia Indeed "(As liokf (As irorld " Tbe Ijiw erVlialnia In Regard la rar don,. I r appear, front the following auction nf th rml of irgiola, that I lie Governor of that Stat bai not tb power to pardon in cisei of cot let Ion fur troaajii against tha Common- wealth t The Oovernor aball not grant a pardon In any Caao befoie eiaivlotlnn, nor to any oonvkivd uf trraann against the Cvanmonwee'ih, esoaid with tbe oiaiaentia the Ooueial Aaavmbiy, ehielarwd by Joint reaolutlun. Naitbar aliall ba grant a reprieve to any person eonvletod nf trvaeoa for a longer period than ULtil the and nf tbe suasion i the Oanetal Aeaarably, during which It mav ba graulad, or than until the end of the succeeding aeaainn, when it la granted during the tones. MAIL ITEMS, Ac An old man In Indiana recently cow h Mod hit daughter, 19 years old, for wearing hoops, Tiixrii are tan Revolutionary pensioner stUl residing In Main. Their ages range from Ul to V7 years. Oil apple dealer of Monro county. In thla State, has bought 1W.WJU barrel of ajpUs alieady thU Fall. A Ma. Wrnx, a resident of New Orleans, hat Just returned home from England, where he dis- posed of a patent of hla own In vention, for 1'J.OUO. A pronUble speculation. AniTUtdaughtoror Mr. Euwia SiixrAnu, of Lowell, got a bean Into her throat on Wednes- day, and choked lo death before seals lance could be obtained. Tub entire armaments of all Untied 8(te national vessels amount to aiWl guns, di riled thu I Liners, 172 1 ftlgates, U0 r sloop, 4.'ii t steamers, 4U Ij brigs, 1U and all other, 23 guns. Mrs. Jniiit Bitoww passed through this city on Saturday on her way front her bom In North KIU. Essex county, New York, to Charlostown, Vl Im. .,-- ia 11 --- a tcuoe of death. Wh. DiwATXit, (if 11 irl fori, Ct,, obtslnedon Thursdsy last, a di urou from Lis w lie, who Is In and who haa never buen lit this dun- - try, on the ground of bebl'ual InUmparanc. A son of Mr, IIiwaieii earn fiout England as a witness lu tlia case. Tlia receipts from Connectlcnt, tnto th treas- ury of tba Amorleun Tract ttoeloty. at New . ork, dating the fl- st six months of the etinent year, Lav reached tlU.'U 61, against 1.70i 81 nth coireepondlrig six moLths uf last year, Ulng a gain of (727 71. Tug me reliant 4 and capitalist or Great Brit- ain ara esthuaied to onn about rlu hundred occau steamers. A great portion of th immense traCo of 1 111 la, China, Australia and South A mei lea, Is earned on thrtugli th medium of thes steanuhlpa. A 1 ai, era if Mr. Mcnar, nit killed by a vicious heme ou lb iJOtn ult,, In the town of Klrklaiid, New Vork. It. lad wa lending th borer, when th inalUiuu auunal threw him upon the stab lloor, snd literally parred hi Ltkd tu ptctcs with hi fjre h,.f- - A person has been anestel at Provi-elenc- o, It. I., charged with cointdlcity In th niun'rr of IIuhrii.i. Atsoui, of Warwick, aad a wan ant baa been serrnl on Jons 1Iaia.4m, of rail l.tvcr, cow In Jail In Providence, for being a parilclt aUr In the seine affair. Titp Hartford Tina of Mondav saya thai Mr. Roe KwriL'a 1 as by th fall of hi warehouse, on Patmcby. Is about i13.i"H). 1h thre (leers held l.tKH) tlU. flour, I'll bblf sugar, Sllbb's. liquor, bUO bags of meal, IXM bush, oalf, oil tons of ftod, Abd some other artlJoa, Thk alssppolntmcnt concerning tb Gt Eastern's vbdl has been a great Injury ta l'ort-lam- l, says the airour. Much ta Uen et (.ended in various wss In anticipation of her prwwuca and lb irowdll woold draw, whlcti will lea a partial or total bus. It has also bad tbe effect to delay and embarrass buxlnssa If anaacllotif . A KlMi seubstrea named MABOAitir DiCR niv, died lai t week, in Cluuluuall, from th prick of needle. bit at work aha accldaii. lallv rnrcinrod tlanala of hey left hand wl .h tha , and al'hony.h sbe experienced aaot pain, thought nothing of It at the time, baa coDtlrned to work f fear days, but tha woaul Ufllud burglcal skill, and th poor gltl died ia th greatest agouya Recent tvlvioee from the coast of Africa state that tha Africans sent out in lbs Ni- agara were doing wall. Many of thera ar placwl In respectable families, and all cf them ar the habits and custom of clvilUs'log. Tb Rebecca, from New Orleans, had landed l I ilawla forty-tw- o colored persons mads freo by thaw ill of th lata Jima aloDoraoau. lb MendL of New York, had alio laiidad forty -- thi colored enlyants. M. KeiocBT Saitt LACKiat. a French Urrl. ter, a inember of th trench Corp Ltglalatif, Las jutt had an eklraorulnary place of good luck. A client for whom h gained a cause aeveral yaara ago, has left hitn a legacy of lOO.OOOrr. (lG.OOOi. sterling.) ben lb fact as first ru- mored In tha departrteut of tba Lolrst, which h represents, pop' thought it a fable, but he has wntten a leitereo iuo aoe 1 jouu w ewj ium It U (lerfoctly true. I Ilotogrs, Florerra, Jlodens, Parma, Genoa and Milan, (U woikujuvn ara fwcilu,; them- selves Into soilttrns, tnlllled Iho UarraiaAx LfCiofi ihey are uotkUiglo arms aroondG They ar iweiliig by their uiltr the sub. cripllobt for th iulpur.t of th volunteer! fur 'be Venetian, emiicralion, and all tLoir wot da and astintis prcn a that they ar wlll-In-rr to make anv aacrlfic fur HOT leiffih. of Una. to that tbe national sword be no, raplaoed In It tctbUrd until Italy, from mcily to th Alps, firm the Med teiraneai a loth AoiUtic, les and IndrtwiiCenti StyrauL inun'clpal chaage are to Uks pLise on tb 1st or January next, in rare, n cci bcubtis of ih city of Tails ar to l fend-t- d to th fortlflCxtloL. tsrkney roscb fares are totr6u!a'd bytlme,shd n0 loapr bftbt The omnibus fare is to l from six to four sous, but lb. corrpoi.d ,h ... . tol.soPtresred. i;iiuii ;;," l'arls, which h now need XCU1 riveTvLMt. of m.rchahdi.. from orVrellw'.y It l, - F public. A rAs exclllog great Interest bad angeged .e?....nii,m of lb courts ta San trrsnelsca. Mr. Lrvr, a Jew, h,d beeu summoned a Jaror In ID DUpreura vwuiv, wu. huiiuh iv appear, waa sabt fur, aud found to b at hi devotions ta he Hv nsgotroe. Be Informed th omoeilhU tbs day wu obeon ed by thoeo of his fall h as tha Festlvad of Auusniaat, atd Uut it woold bt tenpoaklbl for him to serve. Tba Jadga Imposed a Una of 500, subeqrit,y lw duoed to t2J0, np on th delinquent,, who,' with th tscoxlsry all of hla propose 10 coateav me sag, ana iiiU4 YITUtMU rwi' dlhacnllr. ap Tna nr. Mr. Bnuior, Ca dan-ta- axafjay tents, has granted an extension Ut B ,tmfM tern year, to Mr. TBAinxim HrAtty ttWm Tori-- , rbr his InTentioa cUrhtlar rasf Wk UAearaent srxtenslotiinTVuWaxdwwalka., 11 A vno lady In rMladlpUa 1 at on of tb poiica aotutt, a day at twt aaaaai against on UH, KAxrixixrca. wad. tint staUal had Ingratlatad himself ia har goasi praoea, Mil his aldressea, been aMepUd. aad tat waUg wu to bar been ecdemnlzeef B Tbaisaay araBi lag but. On th morning of that darBaskfa. tamed from tha lady aU her vm astt kJr rkftrl ' wlry, and otter a.nlclea, nader twlcit i IA of b..inr 11. .. Tirfirrtht weilifcegL wtBs aso stripped her of all the) itvmwr ababad la tin world amis tweaty-t- -- " t taanW Bre of paying for a tombaton they h4 tseral tar J brr first husband, after th villain ai talt plaadar, amonattag bn all ta akiat ttoaey haadiad doDara, be altrcondod, laavtner tba wmt and emUy deceived woman peanileae. " A Lattxb from England aayt: lCuatia I wreaks wltheat aurperlty mt tba Fraaeb KaMeg,' II acb him of bavi faith tails Uuartav ' but, or course), treat Um rsatw af VUUtrtM aa, for th time, rotnoag to th boMa of baa country. He does not, perhaps, tar (bat I aaa aseureii by one wbo aaldom naa mealed sa atajaat any matter of fact la which h. speak csuflJ! ly) that at th lost tatervlew M. CoaarraT barf. wKh Imvh N troi Man bafora tba battle M farlnn, thEmp.iorsUmphalUialry, "Rataaaai brr, I can (Kd hid you tell your country tnaa t rl.s In revolt until I get lo Venloe, fbr I da atai know whothrr I mar not have ta eaooladw Ifest war beore I ana halfway tUihar." Ill I that lb trench wer t sand 40.000 mast I .1 Hungary w hn thsy oLUined riseasloei of I city. "1 Tin, N. O. r.M rerorda tha death of aa miser, ranml J. II MoxTAluif who wa fax ikad in hi shop a few dare un lb dec had hern a Iciicnl of New Orleane fiar forty years, and w a tngagod a selling bird eC stimulating In eggs. 1 be (ee sa 1 1 "Ua waa) eccviilriu to the exiiem on some points, and baa iiiouv,u isiwai asainsi in. Ctey Sw (mounts from !(ii0 to tl trKO.OOO. Onaef these w aa for olscowtlng a snppoaed entwAar cholera t another for furnitur alleged ta har) been destroyed by a mob, and another for are-e- rty blngin totlm used In (Ji. making aaal extension of streets "t 1 p'Trfli In Tisaal, UnanUh and English, hnng up la his shop tglB dow, otTotlng these c'alm for sol at nrrna at, pliers. Ibe old man diod if lockjaw, atana, ht Lis iiiUrab'ellitlo retreat. It La bartered haa largo quanlltie of gold and adver bid awnytst his shop.' TT mi RATES OP ADVER1 ABrAHam,- -, ", katnHmtamM-- t tnrtrrtf TOVXtm two KTdf(tfir cental rw aw H.M data, il Oft, rit data, i tlk If aMAMaratoaaabalar..'' ." .f. MMTa(paaivdDea4lafDrt)ta Monthlr adrntlf nnta at fcy laee), cooTatuetica ca tnw ofBc fJM Paa arar MI AdwirtlMmmta naalTral mtul M r.m. w aaUUXihueLt la entlraljr aloaed oa lrWU B VARIETIES. A anecdote relative to th let rraCWiiaea isjust now clrculaticg. Whan th aaltar A tha band of I'rof. Wtxaoa'a daughter had aaa-- d th lady's approbation, b waa, of eotsraa, tw ferrwd to papa. Ilsrlng staled hla, pnilnlily.aadj unexpwcioia cn-- a, xo ywrigwr swnu directed to desire tb lady to comaU I and, doubtless, brr obedience wa l'rof. Y, lLMw bad befnr him, Bur review, work, on th fly-le- of which wm datr taaaakVa ad. 'With the aathot'a compliments.' Uata this out, pit nod it to his daughter' dnaa, l emnly lad her to tb Tounz loTer.' and traat back to hi work, I'AT yonr score, aald a jmbHcaa to a reil Baaafa customer, who was rapidly running apaa an count for U ar. Walt till I hay bad a socrs) t K bar bad only 18. FINANCIAL, . KEWYORKTuaadaytan a Kew counterfeit ten dollar Bote oa th lawxaraa and Mwojfaoturcra' Dank of PoughkarpM ar la oil eolation. Tkebiilhasagieea Hat,aVat arataba red 1 no reaemblono te gwauln. Ta Braataaa are very poorly unrtaleel Th followlna: la a this city, tar a week ending October M aad Nor. 1 rue'tat ex 1, i Ait asAsas aM Loan-s- Iia.4lt4'."l IxO.llD.OHt IsktBL.T' Dnecle....... llv-- B ).vhU Dee. 1 7?o ExcffiKi'3 -liiJr. BW D. B.B..'t4...lOIW l Itaadlac ...... BTM 4000 N.Y. a,, IfeJ BB but0N.Y.Cst;...lt0'i ro d....aarr A aw V 4t, s'.O i 101 Mldh Ceav .bit ava TO a) da- ,- 1'4 I0 M 8 A M U- - HO Mo a 4v too U B.AM hf)1 lruel Ia Can. I), ta t 100 de aai ni 100 Rrielat M.... Btkl 6) Bono Rrte Bd M. 'W. M IB Be. ,MM 11 X yixsi Mich. eV B F. M B Faaarna B ! B0C1 UK.di VY. 1 M IM 100 aa..UIK BSO llao-a- V BLJ.. 4IM lou do to llumulieiJe.... v 100 EL Cert. B... tSkJ B Imp. A Tra.D.ll B .... 4 (4 Dut, A llud. 11. II llO Vl....bMII B0 do aoT Td B a , ; IB raculoM S.,.. TJ 100 dl. ,,IM UN Y UsavR.... !( 19 do... ..all 41JK II di wlV-- MO 14 do lew IM leal. A CU... Wag 10 do eew IP Bl wa....,BWV li V dc.....fJI T'.' lit do "Jf ISd rto....l il.b- - M 4W.,aaaa,a llei do.. ...add "U 83J v....ts)ts2 iM o..,,l" ID), lM "JJU l4 4J..,..t 1PK lot too do,...bHi.'l l(Oa,4T B... It 104 do....l4t HI now da.... llJf 104 do....k4:),- - ds ...bit i 6) do,,.,.lT'. 409 CU. a r. 1. b: 11S 100 elu.-- - .... TM IB do .. 'tIM' Bl find Hv R.taW SI lot d....tkxBafr 104 Uaricru lf.,.M 14 1WI d ...hutiS .04 d blall MIL kf. B.. ROOMD B0 ISD. BTOn Mo Ba 44kl 41tH.T,0aa.B.. Ttaj Uino d IIS' lot dx.....altrM too do..,.. be 44 ti Bt Bwu..rftt!M liort do..... aJMa BM do, ...-f- t, toto Ten ae.'tt. 40it gat a....bttB 104 Ya ta Haj I't 44 IU. Own. Ha... -,- " U4 atrial.. TV B wk. Uununaroe 94 100 Uarteea B ...' tm IOO l'euo,CJ-.l4- 0 SI ,.ktl 14 Oia. A llud. U. 94 lot M, B. A M. Ia gij-a- j IM PaoidsM 8.... 14 IOO III. 104 Oe.ATm Il lit d....kftl 'OH UA I...S lg l0a!.ACb...hl,ji5 Ul di....bu tl. riTUl BT0CK rLUCTCATlOtO. Thla labia is derived by eomparteaa at Mat Ibat Board aa'aa taeh day I ASVAXCkDa aVaoXM Ta. Be M Kpatea PI X UBngrai... n KutaraxB.., J SUruWBa XX.-a- ; Reaflag ...e Ti Mawk, oasvma.. Mavk. Be. Hear. fBBBXBj.ea.eee ua sa.......M j Mk WaaB ., Tel..,, Accoa MLU or rrocxi. 13 ataios Company IS ftttS BH" Or SEAL E3TA1X , KavToaBo-B,- . tores II snd (1 Wsatdaftoet tt, (ad II a VT1 44."BylW.a.att a U a) I Us on ltd at, neat Ith ar, ea IlxM . BLS ea, .,..,,,,,,,,,, ...'. ?'!H, I do adt. tlxtU,,,,a,,a.,.,a,,aaatae- - 1 dl) Ul) liXIS.,,a, ,,,,,, a, ,a,..,...aflla. SaSBB a Vt MARKETS Be TrLaaBArX.'H Brrr aia, Monday, Mo. Ti4 KE ronr steady; demand mniUraUl aaaaw MB hfelav MflaM no ri eupeenaai a inaoraaaWKi aaa aw for extra Mvnbtean, India ea and Oblo, ears, SB B0nB,--J fur doubl eatraa. rVbeaataadidao ad Bands . tafi eakta u eou leaaa. reo. ivinaoegoapiwi, a. - 1.100 buab. ditto U IT 1 B tot. be ur5KM Ciub 10 , 8.000 bush. Itaolne Chi aJWa, Oa quiet and M srdca. Oats atradyi aaaas vaaadlen at K I ethsr rsaeeiuiac WMekydaB and uomln al at j e. tTaaal fjsgaIykIaaa IroperUto-day-U- ,fh? bueka'e Ooruj Ca-r- al Kprrts-ll- Wt bbl rkr U.CXbe.k.Oatr. ?fc- -u w ,, Mors ettiVty f.r Flour al t art. Wkawl dkelaawg. So Sell I (Kit buahele White a It 4 I Bad. It l a 1 so: Cora low, r. Sd r too buahele al Mavataa, for o'd YalVer, and Tw.aTTo. for new. Oetat aattia at 4'c.a43o. Pirvi.lon dull aad deolrliaatAV1 I 4x sUadata--Kw4:i(o- f Use. Whtvkf abaasty at ttfe wa NVv, traTL Prnn. Staar BveAj MJttr R sdleg U. R. IV. lUorria Caaal CU lIaW Uaawl U K.,fo, tfttm.R.MJe. ' .Sp Flour uucLang, d. rThaal daS. I at teaaxki wiate,lt.Trtdlt1al0. Cmdaaduaaas seJeat I (CO bush, old e!iow r0o. BaFi i:a Tie, WUatey duattfaS8o.J- -' ' -- ' Vr Caaokoo. Uondar, Mb, ti Flour and advanced Be eiOo.' Wheel avr tale L BOO bOAavd Bortng, ,atBwaWBaBMPl e ew bunb. MO. 1, M ., anoas. uora astree 1 a arerraaalsi rntll market, Oet BrnMat aK ,.,!.' .an kaa auk wrk-a- av , aWLB . BmBKa) . . . m.vwo IHJiw, a aaiar- - a wiv vv " - Ian. IA MX) Vui.K WhilL BhlriBSst. Al BWe rwmu&&js2fc.t. . Corn nd OatV Arm. -- " Onrfc gtP?' W.t0fcueh-T-ha- 1 100 tb rkruri 48,B0t Cetteafime. Baled rdsy, iJfKLf,f. 0jkVn aJvasotng. Utitt t iJ1 CaglUllf., , r wm .w y

Transcript of GENERAL WIITIB AT jrUl. - Chronicling America...YnXUAMB, 114 Warrwa st, U the levet aad euae alote....

  • THE. NEW YORK SUN.THiWVnied daCy. Staidayt STrertel. at the h

    FruSdtrrm, m rton and Nassau tin., endto wiree-ri- In New York city and vlmultr,

    at MX AM A QU ABTER CE.VT3 mntbtr When oeat by nail, Tout Duuarx per year.CinaUtloa, 60.000.CopU per day.

    THE WKEXLT ttH U pnUMwd at IS eonta arear, M aMeAaa til single aotdee I eonta.

    MOB-1- . BRACH, rvrrilor.

    WANTED.TtTArTTKl A LOCKSMTTII-O- Xn WHOYVemdretewd.kiawneia ArnrWA.IL KM mi,

    aseC rH pad .. rtBrooeJa,ULi Be"- -ITI7AHTxb-lADI-

    ZS TAUOn? TO OFS--lW eeafeuw'edWe'BWWl-av'- i sewingma nrinas. by aUngaa trJUylin practice ant U

    rvaommeaaed to placeafter JMn.nm end herarnlngtiieTThy euppued with tna"beetai epei ilmilMtlmii eat else annuel tiW. tWASTED-GO- OD TAILOREHSES TO

    eers.and 1 make tni Wttow-lvele-feeeod hande ml raneUI ba Mid. Call at xiEylawbrth tt, 4th Door, keck reeea. ae fUWANTED-A- tf OPERATOR ONsewing maehlnei alee goed bei-te-eathlaceeta. Apply at If Weak UUi at. ntl'lal

    k4TTAWn:D A GOOD OPERATOR OSvv lSlBe'sewlBSrriacrilne' one that and rtanl"

    eawinemienna. iBcjuir a vv uwoidb n,4M41

    FIRST RATE HANDS TOHWASTED- -JTeatsibeet priors firm at liT lltrr st,a, C. FOX. nrl fl MWANTED RESPECTABLE HALE ANDaf all nations to notice that ther eanre well euitei with good eituatloue speedily hr epiilr.Inito MANMNU, ITI Blxth arew near aft st Per.fe lately landed eaa bare good placoa. nl 3106

    ll ANTED LADIES TO LEARN TO OPE- -rale ea Wheeler Wilson's and Stnerr'a

    ne of tbe oldeatoperators la the eltr, taiiiht all kinds of stitch

    fax and thorough aneuesi-nae- of the machine perfectIt, end ireernnieeided to food place, fir $1. those

    uUii nod aperatora aaa ha eappUod at VA Canalat, over lie store. noll'tod JWANTED TIDIES TAUGHT TO orE- -

    rata peifo-t- lr en Slurer's, Wheeler Wllxin'a,ai41Iowca aewlnc marhfitM, anil rfconiinonrietl lei!ar t alf4 ftalora and tatlnri rm to work on the ttrntoi ciuioin wora. tppir corucr yurr et. ana nIhiwerri ar the aucllaa lUro, W loft. bl flaW'aisted touno men" WISH rNO TO

    air wfaallnt toraani: alio all otkor k InJaafTQvaarevlitalnrd: an outfit le foruUhcd. Apple tolUSliAL- -. b HUIMUM, Ul VmU it, aomer .( OutkBlip, op BtaWB, ttdw-l- n

    WANTED AT WALLACE'S OfFICE, 4Bronktrn, tood enoka, ahambnrmahla,Bnreaa, general hooaewtirkermt email alrL dt&t tkeecstmt ba wall reoommended. Krarlorero la atr andexuotrr promptly enpplied wlU aflklent errranta atbMj BUk nlUau-lA- i

    WANTED PERSONS iniO WISH TOon Blnanr'a aaa laf maehlna. Tarraataer, and laamad wall In tha bualniNw, aud d

    to ttaajd aUaaa. lannlra at ti l)lno it,faretnoor.

    VAaTEI-IJlD- n-3 TO LEARH TO OPB- -w T rata an Btneare and Whaalar dl WUaan'e aaaina

    aafeahlaaa tha bladlni (anta and bmmln( tauabtaaa learn a trad inline irons at to na. evppir at tonaorner of raaxl and aaade ata, oo Ua roorr "tora.oeBA eeorii

    WASTED FOB TUB UNITED STATESable bodied aim. between 11 and Hfaan l ear (11 per eaantht fuanlabad with board, cloth-k-and medlra attendaawai aiao W foodw mnuMi iot anuierr ana inranar "" f or runnereBl'orBatton.eoadtlaatdaaatai raoraltlai rernlr.wooliaCedareX aaJW fefUlWASTED LADDXS TO LEAKS TOlnrer'a, Whoelar a) Wlleon'a, androwa'e eawln marhlnea t prartira antll aarfoet on allajnda of work, and reoamroendad to ehope binding

    and all other tnnewa Unrhl aerfeott leaoone flreaaronrhU4arailatwa,eTe-ilaaijtrT- u. AleraaUndeofeewlagaiaabiaaaaaUt. (Jail at IM nenrren, na Orand. aalt Maela--tkAMTKD TOR D. 8. ARMT-1- 00 AO--

    Tiim ray fraru (11 to rrj ar luonu. wubrari,rlwhiaa. Alea mnaleUna wanted. Appleat the EecmUiua ogoea. W (Ihalhain at, ot jdgouth

    A" ItTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS "wiSSed lUlflrla to learn to make artificial Bowrre,

    waf ia paid a Ulle learitlna. and work the rear round;eixi aA emell rirte to work apply at 100 Kaat HroaoV

    ay,ljaaruontloor. n-- t aviiht

    A GOOD MAST WOMEN WANTED DAI-l- y41ood altiiatloue, fond waaea, ilrle taloly land--i.and email glrlt wauted lraaiedlarly etthelnatt-lut- erod Home, 138 F.loeratb it, cor 8th are. Vail and

    Inimlre. fiondnrtadby araepoctaUa Araerloan lady.Dulo-I-

    TINMAN WANTED-O-NE THATA hot air farnaoe work pri'ferred: nanatititaaond workman need apply. JOHN I) OTri-W- E

    IX, 189 Third are, nS It'luT

    A CTm MEN IN CITT AND COONTRTAMnpUl waaea eelllng Brewer e patent Wa- -aervronf eocepoattton. for boota, alio'U, and ell leather.Warranted t niaka uieau wnocur weterpruof by aBlniia appiiraiion.H keep bo. and laathalfaa longaraln pr uitng IL, What ererytwdjr want.. A.--SUUVTI-Jt di CO, 4 Baadaet, N. V. 1 4114

    BRUSH MAKERS-SEVER- AL GOODwanted at thelirnah fnrtoryDI W(tHth at. N't Mk and 4la area, near cor 6ib ar. .IOLLNt. CUaTUJ. nl SIMBOX MAKERS WANTED A STEADTran hare steady rmplo)lucat, torcrlhg hoard.Inquire J4 WUiaui st, npsUlra. n-- ri-j- j

    CnmA niTRNisnERs wantedto rood banda. ApnlrW W. STEKI,at V-- V. IIAlIi;ilWOl."l'aiCU.'l)ocoraUn.l..n,rt.nniit,4lallradaay. tSe'llO eal

    --ToOKS.'cnAMBKRMAinS, NURSES,Vyisandreaera,waltreeaee, ladle.' malda, aud trnerakoneeeorkrra,will find It their Internet tooa'l Iraiurlrllately and promre good sltn.tlnns fir the winter, atThe Kmnlnrnimt luatltute, 424 Broadway. MORKIdfJOUNKKT. P. ood wanra. BoT !!I7UR CUaER WANTED A GOODpemianrid situation fir a eool workman, atLlahperi al'oaloa Keen wanted at 4CI Broadeay


    TJIXtWER JIAKF.R"J WANTED- -A FEWX good iprlgaeri and branrhara- - aleo a frw r'O I hands, .,atcnnimnn wore oan gca eieeuj eiopiornn,lueade st, up alalia. nwia'lM

    TAUGHT TO OPERITE ONLADIES B Wilson's Improved eewlna do all klnda ad work l the manaycrneut of tha ur

    learned i charsea only 1 (or tha fujgrAwptr at wJlUlitu.. W.J 4ML- -r-

    LEARNED TO OPERATELADESWheeler Wlleon'a lateat Improred sawfngmaahlneai aharaea only 1 tor the comoleta oooreo,iiVry part and (racllen f tha maohlue. thnrauahly

    "". 'uo."rT!."i,.v rr.'zx. .-- ".tfHB Hi SPwa iw -- ....-- .N" KW SniRT IU0NEU3 WANTtD-T- Oflirt rate hands bluh waces aad rornlant employ,incut will ba tlveo, Arrlr Immediately at the Maufuilan feteaau La ii dry, cornet of lvta it. aiijHOT 311.

    MAKKF9 WANTED IU1IL.PADLIICK at the fartorr. .In Perth Atnbov.NnwJtneyt aUo. smart bore, alio bare m anoMidi,ef that trade eteaml-net- s at tha Battery, and 'not ullorraytt. 8. ANDlHSWd, nlJ'IUQEUYANT3 OF ALL KINDS, SUCH A3O cooks, Uuadreeere, waltereasee. chaiuberniaida,

    oner, saamstmaae, girl, for geuerai housework, anaervanVa U all other capacities can trexnra rood

    applying at the BarraaW Inst Itute, 14Urand eg. ttrllaOKWINQ MACHINE OPERATORStOlQIrla wUklng ta learn on the beet machines wiqBaaUtnappiystthaaewlngrooejof tha luduatllalAeMUtloiZVovdVanrth ave, where th-- v wlll bet4Mett- - roe, but various kladsof rar.mental and will be assisted io get work. DoraertiaseUraoter, net aocastumed in IbtelilaanceSSoeexea olln aoslraUe sibiaUona, wuhjut ehWde.

    TWO HOUSE CARVERS WANTED OSul the earner of J"ltou ave. and Raiaond st. neook.I nuir-i-


    PACKERS WANTED TO GO ATOBACCO the country. Apple to Mr JOUNYnXU AMB, 114 Warrwa st, U the levet aad euae alote.

    HOUSEKEEPINa.OF FASHIOS, IM CANAL 91EMPORIUM end rsrlsh Feahleus. MarkUiafi.'ui

    avlee luhlonahla drraauuklnf . ufBavd kalating, end nfaata wardrohae eonpl-O- s

    Bweseeai jiea

    FLOURt FIX)UIUFLOUR! BABRFLB FOR SALTtOoadaitra Fuuilr Bakera" Fjujr fiju vWte til

    peat do. pro extra t te Wt-J- . du".: 2Ilarclayst.--pIXUB! FLOUUI FLOOR! oft. tSAKHKUtJL ita'irjioar for enla. Bt doiy'e exirs laanyfloor frees US f te 44; rrrr doflll e xtrs fsriLv

    iMUp 40. J0li VtRUDlt, V Barely ft,

    LADIES' WISHING DRESSES, BASQCE3,and fitted, ran have them done In a su.BUg U Mm. S. WlawtxlidBtteet, betwaenletaadXdavaBaa. el 11119

    TlrTATCnES, MATCHES-A- LL KINDS OFOL atovw and akee pollshi a good aewrtrnent of taaka.

    APEB HASOISQS, WINDOW SIUDES,P eornlcea, taaeels, oeri fcraeaea, dux, W per aeat loseaaJ, arteea. Fire noarde aw hand and mansXSEZ nUSTbaB W, 4 O'nBlrUj-- LATZST'TlTlftAD CXTTTnia THTMBLE.

    ISjew u- vjihv uwunai rt andetHrIaVaAara.aperaAorsea aewlng L7le4

    !tnretan atora, Uty and .country ejrjnia ww- -ii-- Ajyly UJJAJaUlBU BUTOa. as ZfijV


    ALL AH D WIITIB' iTTT.VA1 nAOTIniarKnii 1. tiitNm


    Choloa tdataHala awJFuhlonaUai w.wiaannctnredaiiriiaill1 for Cttrand noontreanbUe at karra. thai an arawlnatleai of aur etoak willaenTlnae theaa that there U ao aiatfaratl'a la aartMwa hare the heat aaaia Lamut ef Ma. and Uonf VkaaaaUthaaltr.aadatrrlceefalLraa per aeaA kaJewearouaraauDuanmenv uatuf paRUeaatarlala at tha lata trade alee, wa are enabledof elothloaat prleee whlrh defr aompetltlow.

    nAKH lu'.ll a or pajiaut-iivkinai- A'Oood lllot, tlomrer, and Fetarakaaa.... .tdnoie B9Flna Blaak (loth and Hm 5 Fa! ta 100

    ipertlneUiliaeer1Blk.aa4lraa. tfit"l!SSBlack trrork Oaaaaf waada aaX trtmraad. ...M MUlothTdltto, ditto .. S 1 to. 00lurtMUuateStaadjed witti rilk.10 M tt 14 00ani eeafl Baaanaaa ijeau ? W aa I weUaaaln mlinuieiauiaiiiM.NiH. w h 1 wuaaaunarea ana tMeraie a vu w wSnrn.r.naliaa Werklnl ranlaTl.X to M traneyCaailmara. with and without toOaeeimer. wit h and withont Banda, ISilriSeUfi:perane Bl'k OoU and Uoaakla, and I

    rtet,aiUMSaiIIiltWlaiUkUiaii U HtlTB CCTTOli rWAllTaIlBT U fP,Calreaiid Veetmea. and PEaJaWT

    alT rvana maiaa,ourt' rLKMHuiNaotmbs.Wannfarturereof and AirnU for NK.LoOSTS TAT- -nsr QABMI-ifr-, A.UUNTU WNe.SWandlI,3aryt

    Bataaaa Uonatoa and BlntA af atraeto,

    T7UK3-rTJ- R9 rUR!" LADIES, HOW ISA Ul time to rtrooi Tare, andFnltAnit, brook li-- nj atalra, la luat tha man wtio

    af 8ABLM, MINK,I1xiu,t)QVlUtKLada,andae cheap. If not aheap.

    ar. Uian an nAnuLacturer In tha eft. But nail 1 1and eti-iln- a new aaaortakaat, ae tbara la oa ahareefor looklni. ,

    f rencn anna ewe... ,......,, .....,..,..w'MwgWatT do do... .,. .....jnlat'mnchBahledo !!MWndtalian fitch do J LOUIliikVklurlata. K'txt do u. ali.U0. N. Fl R O LOVES of tha beet anaB- -

    ale-ar- on ban n nude to order, lemt fraet theNa.- -1 1 1 LI UN T na atalra, Brooklyn. aH K


    tax nsuuwt urTAiAwill




    TlTB LAPTBB001 rtm OUT WHKHJI BAJWADTBare obtained.


    Thleaoeonieta forTITBCROWPB OP LADIM KfTBBTWfl DA1LT

    T11K (IRK AT WF.8TERN AND NOilUBBMvtiai i BArraaa imrii AnirBALBUOUMB, N. BOWPTRT.

    atllUe'ld. DMJkMM, efAMAOBB.


    rwra are now offered in aoontra trade ad a.laalFalton et. aa atalra, at the followlnaLb? prleeatrreoch, Mink, Beta ofjialf nape, muff and auffk 10 M

    doT doT . Vletorlna, muff and auak ( !2Water ttira. Ban aapo, man ana anna 10no. do. Vtctorlua, aaoJI and conn ioo

    freiftch Bahlo, half cape. mnaT and euffado-- do. Vlctorlne nmna and aula.

    BaaiWnkVlrorlnea,rronit4Ba Id wdo. do. Mote, from S4 to 14 U

    auaa an aaaoraneot ai au nrnar rnrn no per aanikvouM a lb trtd. DoQCargairiVf

    M IM'Hai

    FURS, FURS BUT TOUR FURSA. at tha rrent Kock j Moon tain Co., BO per not, leasthan any other atora la the city. Book martin, par eet,BA, worth Ml French aahla. per eat,. , worth tintFraachaulak. per eet, td, worth tlOt njuk martin, perart, BIB. wortV8o7 i)fty balea BuSele nbea at $aartu At nRiaVa.llB Ohatham yoarymeccd


    r ion ynr auanniaouBl CHATHAM ST, offer to Uahaet .elected stork of Fur. to ba found, and at tha

    ratea, whloh wlU ba found to be Bu per aani.OHKAPKK than any other kouaa In mie any iWater Mink H cape, altli Mull and Cufta, B10. PrenohMinn H do do, '. French flaMa . do. 1(L Vren. h Mink Ifllfl rj ML rrater mm ado do do do. J 60. French l.Ue do do do. I.freurh Mink U cane. T. rldlnkMaapa, DO.French nebui M oapies IS 60.wale. Mine. rraiMan Buna, nnn rreeran naaaa. .m.,v- -a nee, na aa u ano Ba,treuehlMhle, French Mink, Water Mink. Stone n,

    andf'dnb, large capes, X. li, ai aapee andVlctortnea.afure neatly reeeiredn8ffeaneo.

    Nl.W YillUCFLat JOhM CaUTOAMaT,OrttWeanHd

    T ADIE3, T0U MAT SAVE ONK-nA-Ad your luonrr ly natrhaJnf your Fur. at tha NewYork Fur MtuulVturlni Co., No. SI Chatham al Waget the raw furs direct from our aarnte In the Northand Weet, whlea enaldes ua to Oder thaee truly rroatbargeine. BWJMee

    POVULAR TRADEIN CLOCKS AN1 B11AWLS,pinhaaed at aBherlfl's Bala of a Broadway leUUlau- -

    l"" ISO FIXE TKTMVtD CLOAKS,ai h ra.

    ELFGANTLY IHUUIEO CLOAKS,ef our ean luauufactare,

    k re,. flMtolia.g;j leugt BUe All Wool11LANKK.T BTIAWU,

    AtoulriiTS.Tojetticr wl'h


    At on the Unlli- o-W, at.KOIir.Hin,

    No.i. Bowerr.nT.'ird Iktwor n rrmce and lionstua etmetl

    KTM2. DEMOREST'S TRIZE M".I)AL1T1 BkirLar.i.njt B,t out of or,r. n a lu of 1 vi rrUu.t Uh striuf boat iu aver otaor partxular,aud great reaucuou tu

    PRICES l$.1 on ailrti reduced to I00aru ' 'J Wi on 4

    09 " 1001 lap " "il.t TS

    ID ta)Belu nearly balf Ilia usual rrti Vu ioee, and much Inaethan laaiaal wlmluaAle tirirpa J17n ltroada ar. L20 C ,nalrtmt, V.Vj U'i.eri, and 119 Llrfhth avenue, Blturthan the tieet, and cheaper than the ebeepaat. Ju.twLat every ledrwarta aiklrt at a low prion, that Isdm aide, eracelul tn form and cannot gat out M order.

    ii3-.- ni


    ATCIME aVRTICLR OF COAL BESTAah, for rltovee, Oratee, Range. anfnniacee, well erreeucd and delivered, at fop "J tno,Laraa xn; wrubl warranvoo, w iwniii m.coal, gr-- r onn i, net vmuiBai aou , ,,!- -way. F. aiAnaJlt, noe. wire.

    A LL MTCOAL DELIVERED, ftom onder eovwr-O- oal and weight of t.000

    MS. ararranteil Yard corner ef Uoustnn andat, I.V Hammeratey, and at my old stand. War-r- eani Waat. Orderalor, lu store a4 Qraenwirh.

    aUMpcoaut.ilyaUaidedta. r.Ma0J(l.eU Baad' urf

    f tOAL FIRST QUALITT WHITE ANDVBed Ash, Beworeanad and dellvwred from Yards,HI OrwnisST. Urooma,andaJ UoustosstreeV Nut, A4. VSUM Aah. tri.l.n, fcgg or Stove,llwffuK

    RED ASH (PEACH ORCHARD,) LEHIQnBroad if onutaln Ooala, from tha moat approv-al ralnee, at law eat market prion, from yard; Co eentaper ton less from boeu. prNRl? RAXTB, tor. Oaueland Cuntre, and Jane and Waat ata. ceOS IMaa,U4

    OCHUTLKILL COAL RED I ASIL EGQO and stove, f I M White Aah, all sUse, B4 40 1 RedAab, sniallstoaslae,fMx8 NatUoaL fa. Thla eoalia ef the best quality, and la delivered In arlaae ardor,

    tue above pi loae. A lit rel deduction to thaeeft LojuLavas. u0 Weltfur JUHU M. VT1UIIS.lath St. BV4im4

    C1 OR PER TON-CO- AL, RED ASH,t"J'.r .. larse nut for stoves, ft xs, deliveredstore, range and furnace, red asb, lorual imauatein.and Lrlilg i, it loweit cash rrlree also kindling wood.Vardl'iIanllWVi'estlKUiel, Uteaea ltl and bthav4raclida ru,i.,4 Ml OUAL-PEKS- UNS WISHIMJ6JeeJU eoidCoaJ of ail klnda, the heat In tbarxet, eareuilly prepared and booeet weight, willt it by applying at feida ' Oraad H Btanton and

    STILL ONWARD SUCH ISOTfWARDI Brleat Co.'s Ortgtnal and nlyQl&UUlC eXticle niada under the name ef

    wtlch laeoldat the vtry To prke of FIFTY CRVT8TUa dye stul umeasea u pupils favor dally, and forthe short p. rlod eblch baa elapsed siuea It was rewro-- d

    Joed by the preaont frorrietor, its s.lee have far outhaklBd ever Introduced. War.

    niifar.ffiiiI-idVlrredVrie- r tadlliirwhom we derive our name,eiwlfanieoefwrrT.lfroro ever manurootured

    atfiaiWiiisunuVrfas mime CUumWan, (althoughserer.l bars since adopted the name,) yet still, for toesame lenath ef tune, we doubt whether bis sales reeh.adtalf tha nuniher-ft- le price then being Bt. It ul tain to every fuWlllseut ruuler, who una dvea. thatthe niajorily of dyes are perrectly worthlueatrab-4a- id altbouib tbrr pretend that their articlew lit color your Lair ell UOWN,nu Bad altera trialthat you either get a dirt r, awiddydookloa BLACK,or B0 color at ail. ai raw. in tin.rufa.rlnaiiL not to use. anl ther at onoe flood theuaiket, uotiU as a last reeort, the DnigglaU are furoedto eell It at what It coste thera. and at Umea leas, sothat It mar not remain too long on their huda. Waoe rot mean to say that all ara made tn this auanaer.

    rioia it, yet yoo --."... --a - - -j- r-. -- .air urea ana " -- e- .";-- , .r--ataSbna I only iron, o . . u -- e -- -i --; - ssfsxjLlr..h,r,lrTeb?Sad, UTt raiyneedau will ae aa far ae any deUarprrraration la the naukot, Tnere M laOtaUng n aaaabill aw .! .LI--

    Te U had u th7&.ia.kUn IVspot," felther whale,aalear retail.) an Boetk oeoand L, WUuvnjfcurcb,and by DruggUts gaaarall, ",


    AT PADXE S WWTISO ACADEKT,Bowarr, or tWI Fatten rt, BreoUrn, ttndrnte1 rMaiba, Til laaaawa rnatmctloa In wrllln and

    antnaaeue ar iieaeaa anumuoo, lin- -month.Iadiee wnuad leaeena, rp M Maae krtll5ER,TI I L L I Of 11 AND TJPWARDV-- OSXj Union Bank of London, and Boral wf Ira--


    llteBin WK'An?ll22;.'ASH PAID FOB OLD SnTWHPAPf.Ea,

    kooka, aeaaphleta, eatalornat and: waata paper afeecripiMen aaaa na irra, nvainiu copper.

    braaa, lead, pewter, n anyn arino n Wtr.

    TUCaVW KLiIji aUaaee-l-

    nnATPED TlXSn, ERUPTIONS. ' SALTIIEITaf. BnRrjrULCnXFA U0K1IIF.W, fAN, BCNBUXM, BKT1UISFJIJEH,eferriTV!na.arnredb7 Janefe Italian ChemlaalBoa. ThUflneartkialeaaMforW.eeuU at 0 andrmltmadway, Kai Fnlto, IIW liowary, aud Uaraa,Brmklrnt alan at 11 Cente a Bottle,JON Hi' OtNllNK uiil ( IKAL UAIB RE3T0RA- -ntirleO T1VK.

    ENGRAVING AND PRlNTINa HALTat horn earda. and note pepre,balllickeU,, Ac, Bualneae earJe. bill heada, clothattW.' UUUr, 4td-- t U aaaeriaa

    aT mitoo

    EXCELSIOR CEMENT FOR ALL LKAKTIneentor of Ihle cement leapiartlralraeaon; kelawllllaf to apply It on any tin roof, noniair', now iramr. et ia tre. per ijoii no money ainiandod until panu are eatie6ed. Bee ePHciniuliat toWaat liroadeey, Alaotnnaoa work and erate HUnfattended to by J. UJLLEB. nlliacOtll

    EXCELSIOR COAL OIL A VT.KTht oolor, faaranteed never 19 cfianitand anlfornu la purer, eweelrr and Buroa luarar

    than Kweene or any e.kee OILIt oeeeaeaiyiba neat, nieaonjipeidleunatad. Depot aaH Pearl rt. AUVUactaJI

    TONES- - ORIGINAL ITALIAN CI1EMICALJ BtlAP FOR U.VPTIUNS, BCNBUKN, FaUX;, uutuilbw anaail aieeaeea, auiooauona,4n.auremenia ol t ae eun, euro neaaa, i reive, lea, anirry.ernlDelae. ealt rneum, ca yniriii ornte, iudimWJ llroadoari IM Hoaeryt 1IAYF9 Hilml aleo.IIAlKRFHTllkATIVVaUCB MKUCCKD TO U UUTTi A rUflTLK.


    LEAK! Ii(X)TS CURED FOR ONE CENTi el oth roofe orar ehlnala ronfa, B aente lDlery e patent India rubber pelut, aieat ludoneajnuteto the trade, aaruta wanted everywhrra i prtnulpal ofere. bun Orand et i branah eOae,Ui Powerr. J. U.JotoHTV, Ajiant. ee IMaonill

    LEAKT ROOFS CURED-O- NE CHST PERand warranted for B ream, at tha na townAgency af Kllerr'aiPatent India Bnbber PalaL w.J. at J. HEKAI, dktaata, Jl OfBamW KB BTa-e-

    aawi aaaa-le- w

    V, inllirAUMaaO, dlriXTOrlBrooklyn,

    fjnaar tha tltonarrr.)tnehhiaI by Wheeler WUeWa jartilna,

    Bhlrta, Uellara, Boeoma, Wrlatkanda, and Shopof all klnda, qntckly dona at tha

    taWliOTlUTIA.Manttoa to LadW Dreoeee B4etbrf

    nrmnta. Twrniif mwlnMof TrdMciiptiooproiopiIf wloo la th siot iplnUa nun., oa nrf Modtsr-t4t9r--lar1tH) to eaU.

    Br mtitint of U P(vlint Hetnmr( ttr) fluwl htmlf turoM and itltetitMl upon Ntvpkin, UauAvwirP oaa jmm m wy


    at the prleaa and tha onalrty of tha article.nndpronouneeatanae,thattheUld Katabllahad Mar.ket la the beat piaoa In the city to boy meat at theluweatprtee. Motion, from To. to Bo. per idl.. beef etaab.inn lurta. to iacta.t prune roaerin el. una pirTh. pork do. dOL, lUeta, per lb.. Freah tab af all klndaIn thlr araaaa. al finally low BrloBB. OraLwa liethe hundred or quart, uoods aant te all Part, of therlty freeefrhar.a. Ohoerre tha adilrsea Tha 1'aople'aeta, WUluunaburgn. nod t'ICo

    rVlXS AND PAINT BOILED PAINT OILJ 00 eauta, Elastle Roof OU 40 aunts per gal J Lie- -seed Oil. VamUhee, Tnrpontlna, Ae.!. Uraftun l"lVenetian, Had and Tallow Ucara VI K&Wl.lla Laaad and uil 1 ssnls D. UPeart rt. eaiTtna im

    PRESENTS FORTHE nOLIDATS GO TOPhotographlo Palaea af Art for yourpictures. rhotorrapha, uairnerrotrTea ami ArntiroIrtM at 5ue. and upwards. illl.l.lrJI l JOHNSON,ltd Bowery. N.B. Mr. JOUMKIN has eereed ee nw--rator al Uuruf y's gallery for eight years, no! e'llf

    REMOVED LOCTORS OLMSTEAD AJk. Jf to. have nana n IOT Nix", - ' "Bprlng et, where they will proaiptly au.war all profee.atonal calla. 1 heir eiperieoee and auooeaeful prartwewell Inauioe the safe and efltoiout treatmant of theirpaUanta. nC II

    OIIArTIKO. SnAFTINU. SnAFTlNOO pnltliia and hangers conatanUy an band.and ruadetv order at aliort notice j alao. all kind, ofmarhlnrry mido and repaired. U. at w. atcvo l, i.i i oa.40Uoruiaesi,n.i. a'anx!

    SEWING MACHINE DEPOT NO. 6at. II dnors from the Itowcrr. mwlilaesben(bt,eold sod eirbenfed. .tHaier'B and 4 ethersbultle tnscMuis fur sale rbeap; ladiie Irarund to opo.rate perfi-cllr- money advanoad on Jewetrr, pUiuie,and au peraoual property, uoi 1". 64

    TOTS, TOTS, Aaaeortmont of the nioet saleable toia.niAlous,famy artlclea, do, aa cheap ae ean be puroheeed It theUrgeet houeee dawn town, and In quautitiea to suit the

    Please ealL II uar he to your aduautara,tlioMAB M. KACNAJAliuurttah va.V 3d anda4UsU,ti.Y. eUaeac-U- d

    Cin'4-PE- R ACADEMI0 TEAR rATS1V. fer Buari, furnletied loma, futd, ObUHiIuiana leitio In eeuunoo KugUsu, at the Fort Kdward

    Inatitutei oc tanck liulldljidij oHtnulDrir,elpftuaive B.D4IO bVVIIUI !."a suueianiuu and ornaniental edurstton, and ai.dewhuleeoma Chrtatlan ausptoea I Jonimereiu anl uoi--leee preraratury departruaute superior, Wuitiw terma li Mk, hurlna Ilaraimher Tat. For bertlcullealloraddnsaUW. K1MJ, M. l, 1I MutuayrnueM.Y. eJl.l'llleMlWRlTINO CLA8SES MR. PAINE, 61P1 Uowery, N. Y4 ss Fulton M, Brooklyn, gives I

    months Instruction In penmanahta aad arltruntrtic arkeeolne. Leeaons nnrimited for Bio, levies'

    trirate WTUlng rlssea.. Be tar 14 euavaaill


    'IIIK i."4LI dlJIUt KlUirjrg gUatBU0S, HOAUii-o- , ANTn, Mollis,

    giarBrjnTAMrRs, hotiiiaKKdrAI RA.NTS.sJ7i


    INiriTi'rll with VIr.n.ani.TllOKOllfTlILY CIJiANdf.


    AnF)T A. Kw.BANDtl-f- wlanlatam&lel IrraifTlitrr. c. vf w lliltoiimAdBCllf



    Clarkaon, due tth Jan, 144m, 413-in-I', UnlsiLlH, HI March. .. "4 M

    wm. loth.l.n.. aieiiaiO. IL Kllrur, ,, xtfth k rh., .. ollfi IDAll aodoraed nf rROMVrir.IN A OOliDWIN. Thepublic are cautioned acalnet negotiating tha same, aspayment baa been stopped. jAny one returulug tueea

    IU reward,v H w beenltablyNov.T. IKe). a nonnwiy.

    nariu ino. wnauii,LOST-O- K SUeNDlT, THE CTH INST.,a rortut book eonUlului fjrtdoUantn bill ftta4raluM pkpan,of ro,um to nyMrtym but tbo ovnor. Any tU tnMluuai irt oft. or rtturaJUdl tlu) iiJr irUAjr wm iraralUblf tcwu-rivd- TV

    3()0 liEWAKD 20 TIECE3 OF COMmuulou rftlufd tt about twOiairvrotolo from tlit Vt-l- r1 unir-- OI inisiir launq tTH

    aUiurd iiinht UH. 1 bo obovo r htd will b p14poo tho recover vad r- - turu ot tit u la --i"lii-

    JUrri--a ( BaleS, Dr prniaWTniflljB.wn sfUIU lUtelllT IHtlfSeX Waa K bCXtaAOMB, Uuuiuouer, UT t ultiu st.


    BASK FOR SAVINGS-- 41hliercAwsaraadwh Ooi, Ufrt,

    IrfrTICBTO BRPudlTyfcd.fa erdai to avoll aud eerrect lnoldeaut ervora, li.fl.ruu.tu.t. thai ta eaotod. tha Trmates

    requiwt depualtora lb thla laatitutiiak, hevlnd encooaUnot acted ou fur niu, than saveu ear- -, te felMIieaHtiakJtotLaBank.tobewriaeai an.

    By attraction of the Truateea.4LDBnnriTBatoaDHB, .

    eMLIO Beaatavry,

    IB IfEKEBT U1TEN THAT CXRNOTICE Moa. H4. for one nBBdrad share and emlor Iweaitf-dv- ekarae stoek In the Oeutral MinuuCompany, were forfeited oo ara Sept, lorof saeaaacoebt of Bl Per ahara, dee an ,n wi Bia.uurt, aud that tha said one hundred ana leeoiy-BV- .aharee stork, or eo la nob of It ae will pa

    eewraweieat, tosetfcer wlto luaerasi ana ei pruaeeTill baeDld al anctloo to tha hlgbrwt Mdder, U thelea ef the eomvanv, WJ earl A, aa .fwejdav, Novaaaherirri.Bt 1 J. U. UlUAtrnm'fMaw York. OnLBtkaUOB.

    rrpiTE UNION DIME SAVINQS INrnTD.A Varlok bt Y.tlao. aor et,Oveo SSifTrourill 1 M to I e. ML aad frorelfcelpposttaoflOaeuUtdWWteoalyae- - BUpat

    toiiowIlauiKo-a(ag- e ta aorod not exoaBOtrB T. HAUQITWOCT, 1

    ffiSS0!!! XVlI Viaecfrvt B MiyH.

    nTriwB Ok U MVLL, AMactMF Bad




    The War ranle ! KrxntaaM.Tito Aw in Great llrilalu, of bT4on from

    FrAtcw, vnlca haj for a lima mbaH.d, tuvt, ektr, rat I red, gn4 u bow ihairtBK Itself mott

    fimliUikllr Is many qgartart. Wa ar toldky our.EncjUah cotemporayM tht At wreryDetallrg of whatavar iu oljctt, lb.1laraatoa bacciuoa Ilia rani toptd os dutevulon'Tfao tall cttcaltural f;atharln4f bar ba Carmora full of guof, fort, men aim! mmarrtdoa(UiAa sf riln, farming, cattle, or rotation a,crop, TUa London M'ttkly Tmrt, In touching0f,n the. lubjocf, nvaiaa up m fUlowtng turnmary of the aauaea for alai m Aud tha eouteuautnccoaall tf trmlnft without dalar i

    TTe are again at war with China, TUa lloie ourdlaimta la not with the go.crnor of a prtirlnoa, IhjIatta tfca Iipator and tha central dorarnnicnt. W

    e nut now oca'.lng vltli a taut nf tha raipu'aUjn,but with 800 ,4 tautla. Wa are no l.m,rrrcontending with tha rflmiUiate and ciwanliy lnhbltai ti of tii aonth of China, but wltk hard aud warlike lillx', who a-- said to ba directed by IMrt)ieanskill Joe lew Chun ee war will nl li like any oftLa old. It aU domanii fruni ua mora men, tn.iraabl, and uioie n nnry, at a time hen wa are deal,naie of coiiwiAratlng our forora aa near home aa rnai.albla. Noma ran met lid to sot the and or to fratell tl a eacnflcca tbat inaj bo exactod frjrj tie atltrm oinr alilca. Our rotations with tba I iuta tatiiif AnwrWa ara In tlas moat iinaatiafai.t ay eiata. A

    general, InMJ'm fr pornilar.t, baa Iniffint eoiuiuitu d an it't of wai agauiet Kugiaml, andtele eipaudid by hta fvllow onui trymen. Lulunath. II tuoriit atVa Uingtiaidiepiay mors Armuoaaand judjn it.l In niH ct Ui this Lanaartliai than theytiavo txtltttcd on ottivrc . aahiria, the ruay bo drivenbytho c'an.oiapl a mrb iliu nJuc ui cmllK't. TooUa Ian qui rton etui mtolnt rqion, and wLllo tho fatarf tba t't r'llrs rrinaini l 'io In the bafancrftticrela a auenli'lotia dra In iumplctiiijj tba treat of iicaoaaroi-i- vmu at VUiafrnna. Over the faouiaT Ujciniothere Is uiiumia morametit. Bpln appears awaken.Iiglrout a uebturv of aiumlwr lo aaecrt brr 'aeo(aicv mora as a ndiltary and naral pnwi r. UorinauTlain the thrnraof ftderel raVrm, tblla Atutrla aiulriueaiari'gaidcai.h otbir aakatu- w,t)i nt frlaudlejea, lui "ak k man" at CoiKtanUm .Ir, aiipiaran B'tr to diaeolt.tlou thanviliaii wa went to lilo mj luI'll. "iVrlle the (ill nvn K'niHre la ananc.i by In,ti ruai revnii and runs.iiiai.y, nltn a tunkiupt trea-ru- r

    and au ut'patd amy, Car ALixsanaa aimtrona tie rrpnacntatlree at foreign neitta Vitakaauunaal with ldui at Waianw. Whjiunr wa bavera-gai-

    to tuo diaui iiiu our atnuntU frv.m rtaut, to tho pimbtilty nf leirbeinj dmwn luUianarmed ttiiiKvIa with our klndnd lu fia Waat, in--1tba tinaitthrd atata id Eitrviio, bodinfr atonu andobat ge, wv nud trory narblugs to bu pn iarod,

    Hiwrrh of lawlr writes from Rolina nml-- r dttr of

    Sept. Zltli, and cirri an account of a pleasantfata In honor of (UmnAUii, who mado epaoch,from w hlrh wo quota I

    You vtT Jort reoiamlcl my hlatory, ard It tamy part to tell you bow prntnl and happy I amagain to find mieelf among tLla braro poop', ofwnuaa onuiage aud attachment I Lara aiiierienordau luaoy proufa. I rraat to you tiat to tlialaet mioncnt of my existence) 1 aLflU bo doroted, body and a,iul, to ray Oimntry, For 14years, without pay of reward. 1 hare reread tbdoauevfj id libeity In foreign Landa. What, then,will I md do for tha laud of my W.tU 1 F.venUara pioirr,elna; favnrelilr, but there Is atillmm h to ba done. Thaday laoooia worn lta'y la UlrecainllaaeiiiiirUmiepeudefica. TUia tloua tt m'ute arounipUabed, and from the Aljia to 8k.ll eke

    niurt le) free. Proldonca bat given ua tba mail waneeded ta reVnlt ua togtber. It laruunt VentFasAatBLtbatwamuat rally to repuiaa tho atreagerfrom our a ill. Wa will nut longer boar the foreignyoke. IaH bun but retire and ua to eid iy ournuoacsalona lu peaoe, and we will at onoe weloooiebun aa a frlocd i but so kinf aa he dostraa ti suhjejtus to Ida dotnlnlna, he baa notblnto expert fromua lit t the Are of our artillery, la le only by unionand force that wa aball obtain our freedom.

    WLtnwa can attain atrength balleie me no onewill due to attack ua, liofure evrrtthtiur It Is impexrelive that wa ahnuld all be soldiers. Onr entirenation must funn cue error, and If nVanealin dutleedetain a few round the family hearth, lot them re-main tl.ere like addle, musket or a word In liand.lirteen daye are enough to make Jn brave Italian abrave auldier. It la nut an ambroklaie t uniform thatbla mtrtl will oonalat In. Look at tho Zouatea. Intlwtr abnple rear drraa, they ara tlia Brat enldlera InUiewoiio. I rrnvomner once nnmng myaen auriugmy An?i1f ui Ceuuiiavihfn, la tho tnltlnt vi vMt ,UU,mitreM im luier i rutii um uiumi n.iri"" -- -

    m --... i.- -i ii'.,ad il, any oi our wantsaud lie anoidml. The benla ol tha v vu were our

    onlr reeoiuoa, their tieaU was our only n jurLtiuiaiit,and tlielr skina were our pnaai tl,iu from tho heal oft.s nnonday aim anal our our ring al night .and yet Iaaeure yon our aoultare, aimed only with tba intuket,perluriuod ptonl-k- a of valor. We were the terto rof the lniwrialltta, aud my few hun beds of liratemen rut to rot te tha ebs-n- by thousands, lint wo,u fnenda, we want arras and that tide want marf alit no lutgiT, I bave pnipiawd that Italy all niUlrmm a Buuih.riiitkm to nurenaea a muuonoi muoauea.Tl.lnk only bow mtuy anniri we bave 1 1 be

    Hear In mludwliat sorlM uf yaara naawi tnteied a torebju opmaaa'.ou,

    Invinllana and Daviarrrlf a.The caucus war the tint machinery Invented

    to ajbbt tba nomination of polltlcil ullltars.Ibeliitt pnlrof tllk (Uiklnti were wont in

    franca by llginr II. i two ytara Af,ern anUQuoon ki 1AiiBTH waa prraentod with a ntlr,gild within lliilly jeirs 50 WW pcruoni Hadadopted lliu luxury. It At then that 1'raaca

    lo Imitate and eoon lo thai the lacaoftlio Low Cntintiiif, and that the irepara'lon ofm.imcco ldatLcr wga bef un at L Itoclulla.

    AcorJirR to Vhitaihr kuiib ore Utat utodIn Loval eDKarfen nut, iy Ilia euetUna, iuU,7. In A count wlili the Geuoeee: but t.n- -liab nut hurt ties lailt I bat i;iid v. etc utnd at thebattle f Crcaay, In 1310, and tn 1117 at the(lepe of Calaie. Small arina were certainlytaken In I.tiglahd in iwn, and wateinvemoa byt liwAti about ton yean befure, 'Ihuy were araiity lu Ireland In lit)", whsu the l'.ml of Kit-da-

    chief governor, wai p;omtod with litniusketi tent fiem Germany, Ma'ka'a wereOat utod at the bIoko of Uheon, In li-'-

    Uaawaafint erolted fro rn coal by Dr. CUT-to-n 1731), and wai first employed fur purpo- -

    hi cr illumination by air. hii'Iiinkk, in cornwall, England, in Iiil'. 1 owh M,a, ,1,.,.1-- wm,c,m.f vi..Sw . aL'Khla waa aiUiUiod iu loU'2, In lliruuul.aia,Inlaid, on tha vtcaiion of theIt was lernianently nted in Muncti-Ht- er In lH'i'i.It watLtroductd London etieote mli'il,aid wan In nae In 111 I. Mr. LAi(M1.LVUIK, of Isewiiort, ILL, la eaid to barebreo the lint person to lotidlnie Kai li(ht Intothis c untry. In the ear ImU ho ligtucl Unrcalilonce lu Newport, a factor) In I'awlnckot,gMl JicavirTali l.lntithouno In till wiy. Ciiewan first lotixdoced Into fe York In IM.t.

    Tha locomotive cnftlno built br Mr. STrrum-40- ",ki 1825 th tlrtt ever eomiruced hat

    been placed on a pedestal In tba town of JJ illus-ion, England. In front of fb ttatton of tho S'cckton and Darlinctiai Railroad. Thla canine wis,of course, In ila day, considered A mlrsralnusau!even.ebt. Its first Ulp waa twenty mile Intve hours. It weighs only eighty tons. Thfirst locomotive need in t til 1 country was iceJnon Dull, nlitbU waiplAoad ujjU lU Albanyanu Schenectady Railroad soon after It wat ooin- -

    lbe JuLallullnow belooKt toLlelcd.Iron Works, and Is kept aa a curioelty. Bhcould inn about twenty mues an hour.

    The old practice tn maltln. board was to splitup iocs with wtdges, and Inconvenient as lbrraotloa waa. It waa no easr matter to pertuad elth world that tba thlo coold be dote In any Ibetter way. Haw-mil- ls were first used In l.urope Iin tba fifteenth century but to lately as IWiO, aaFoolish ambassador, having aeen a taw-mi- ll iniTsroe, thought It a novelty which deserved aparticular description.

    Tbe braiding of straw In this ooun'ry was firstbegun lu fiovidoiios, In 1798, by Mrs. llaiaarIIakfr, now rt.Mbng In Uwlliaui, Maae, Thefirst lamntt tbe made was of seven straws withbolibU let in Ilk ojen work, and lined wlthpluktaUs,

    French Naval Anuajurati.Tbe Parlj cortespoudent of th Jornigj

    I bava bad tbs piportiin'ly of talkls. with iit ao, Jutt irtunn d from Toulon-- At Tou-

    lon tbi re aia at tba orerent mouei.t no leas tbaatwenty two alliai for bul din, alilw andheavy eorvetiee; end nary one of there aUpe isooou-lis- d

    by tbe shoU of a veatel, at which tba tuipwrigbteara worklt g fioin dawn until twilight. Moreover IB

    ah'pa are la luvrtior m rem mission asJiorll a fortnight would be avply Bumoiarit topre ara tneui lor aea, ana b toYMrain innu 111a esur-- n

    tor of Maru.e in rans wuiU provide ther at aday's notice with numerous aud dcrewa. All tbeee reaeela mount rifled runs. Atancbor in tba roadstead may be aeen tha ungainlybulla of tbe Aliasing batterlna, each vrttu Its fit I

    of roon, gun, and powder Toeaebattertr may not sail wall; they may behave verybadly laaaebwayi but they are armed with N ri-fled ufty.pntitiders, and, aa they are Invulnerabla,caacd entlieiy with the new Iron pleees, their Bra In anaval action would be as deadly a that of a cracktrtfeia.

    While on th nibjeet of three floating bettering, al-low me tn point out a terrtli'e ndatake which yournaval autbortuss have fallen Into. From eundry par.Sffi ej'iia wtle-- have recently arpaared tn the Loudonpem,lt aptiean tba the old BanUue bateerlea,wbloh ware built at tbe tins of an Crimean war,bave been need a targets to teat the Armatrongwuna. and. tha taSota having STone thrrjeurh tna troaipiataajt 1 given out that tna xrmntroef gun rara--oeisi iilssra inirsanrr Thi la a mlsxa ire that ea,a

    I ea4urTdagwaex)ejetheagof war. It lahighly peUMatbf tikijoU IrialMt toBn

    l n mating f,r the test Ave year en the atdos of theTituty aflbrd uo iweialanee to the new ewjrcwl ahot)bul tbe p'etoe which are bead tn the Frtnoh earrlosianl wbloh bare been etpnaed to the ecvereot taetdduribR the lead Ai-- yeare, tell a Tory drrTwrent tna niasruaor, toaaa inania are rsoi rrvao. dux aaaamalgam of tma, eteei, and another sebatanoB, thnature or aaroe nf which 1 have, noterluurtaodtng thmost strenuous eflorU, been nnalile te aawrtadn. Bj4the enmposillon la tbinh lighter than Ircw, and dr

    the tbirknese of tbe p'abs to belrameuavirLoareaerd, wllle their Imiertrabull to ahot, onrdoa.or otlieralar, kaa been fu'ty pnvvd. Therxperi.taente tmk plane In lids fsrtlnnl A tarxrt waformed wtihgitat rare, txactiy a the sootier of askip's eldc, and waa eove red with thaee new pavtoa. Itwaa then lot six tin nths And at three ttmae a weekatvailona rangea, tbe maximum as wblck wa4 ahnndred, and the minimum twenty-Ar- e yarla, yunrlflrd thronlns rtHnad abot, and bynAed throwing a oordeal rdud Vrelghlbg1Mb. Oae ahot only (a oonicel one) penetrated thaliatea I the head of the ball lodged la the ilatr, aiulthe cmvriwaion of the sliot waa such, that the renaluder of the shot Iroka dean off as If B bad Iroen

    shaved by machinery. It la viltti theaa plake thattha Aoattr.g liattenee, the gunb avta, and the atoamrams are now pMortorl, and It la quite obvVnia,whatever may ba the merits nf the Armatruur pin,ti st tlia shot from it rwaatng thrjUiftt the u'd pl.i'eiby no meaie preree that it would be saoovstlalagalnil tbe new doecriiitlun of blliklaars.

    Jahn Ilrewnhi Plkro,On of the 1.300 takes found at Harper's

    r'errt was presented by Governor Wru t) agentleman of tbls State, who brought It en hereand left It at at our cilice. It It number 7l.Tbebbule ta a kind of bowl knife, sharpened albotualJee, attached, lo a stout eoeket, which Issot uion a pole live and a half fort knt. Theblaile Id ten Inch. a In loni'lh, fron Hipoint to tba puard, and two tncliee Inwidth at thai widest part. It Is two-ndp-and pointed, bo as to ba lined for thrust,initsinl also cutting, tho mlovs lielno; sharp.'Ibis knife, IWed lirmly upon a polo aim riteledon, has a niurderons look. It wat a contrlt anewals;tcd lo Ilia unf tlieelateg, whud.inot

    how to manage mine. The tos'igators of the plot, ln calculated (hat from three)to live hundred I level would tu,h to their aMevery nbht at Harpers l'eiiy, had made a verycartful istlirale as to tbe moat fornilJaUawrepon that could ba placwl Ut th hands oflb sisvrt, wnom may would bar no time todrill In th una of firearm, Juiin llnovv hiinaelf tamo In Conmc'lrnt and mail a contractwith a Mr. IIlahi, f Colllnivlde, forthemanu-factu- m

    of thoeo Hades, the contract also Includ-ing th Hks. Mr, Hiir employed a workmanat t'nlont ills lo niaV them, 1!kow it was boreloit, I una, or about I hat time, and bargained fortha completion of the lot a part of theut baringltnpro'oiiiily made. It waa agroed that thplkra khnnld b allachcd to Iho pole and madecomplete in every rrrptct, boxed and sent off.Suhciueiitty Jlnowpt ordernd, be letter, thatthey should b tlrec'ed to "J. SattTlt & So(S,Ckambeniburg, I'a," and in August lattthoywere so packer), directed and sent. On of thesemounted knives was defective In th socket, aidwas neither numbered nor lent away, A friendprocured it for us, a few days since, from Ushop In Union vUlr. Tree two "pike" haveattracted th attention of theusands in front ofour ClUc. 7arturd Time.

    Expcdlilon Agnlsat the Apevrkrw,Ilv the overland express mall, of this morn,

    ing, saya the N. O. 'srayim of the 2d Inst., whave the rironarin of tn 18 h ult. Alludinglo CoL HoroiKvii.i.h'e exiwdilion against, tbeApaches,,.. .....that taper stvn . .. . uunersuuui oruara nave lean sent to nut nilmora to tha commanding offioor, A 1,'euta. McNixu,Uian and Uuwlamo, wtth 140 mau of tha drachmaand rille., to report tin 10 solves to Lieut, OoL Ileavan,at Fort Biuhaoan. The force) will be increased wtthelty nA n of the drs.-n- e na from the latter nt. Theyara ordered bi oeutra on the Ban Pedro river, fromwbleb 4r,t thoy will advance Into tbe Indian oouurty. 1 hl ia tha only suWtual way to treat wtth thetl.lurlng A acbea, aul we trust the camp sign will beont tinned, until, through fear aud puaiUtuueut, theyare brought to aue for iubob.

    Iho samo paper thus detsDsth operations ofthere Indiana, whose depredation, would appetrto bo due, In great part, to th great scareily ofplovUIutia among them 1

    For some Uma peaf, tl e Oanhea, In large num.bcra, bave been banging areb, 1 aeveral of thoeta-tion- a

    of the Overlaod Ma't Uumpaay, east of here.Tbey bava born unueunlly aunoyuig at Dreg!Springa and Aiaeba I'aas, whore they bava lovlod

    SWrTTfo.'tbe cause of conaid.rab e tr.mti'e aid axpbnae to thetumuy, and la entnety unreilnd f r.

    fLe 6'iUun ol tho UveiUi.d Hall Cain Iany, at theIulnt of the Mjutilalo, altu.ted about alstaen milesfrom Teceon, wm vlaitoil by a baud of Aiachoe onsub the hut. Tt.eie wcra 'our paniuua at tha Siatleu attie tni e. Too twitv of Indlaos bumla-rri- eon in tlilr- -t).elx warrior a, in tlielr way aa usual Into Bnunra ou.a tl.iovlbg eni'uraliai. I'pnu aboalng a white flagthey were al owed to romo up. Tbev dciuauded te- -

    aa'Cis vt teat ana coru. luair wanre vnrw auppueuai far aa ieeible, tbe ptinrone at the Station givingthem all the toosooo thcybal, lu addition to thelute wbi at and 01 rn they Lai ou hand, With the ex.caj tlcmof iiitTtoteiit to cuaLeniio pioal fur them thenext day, Tak.iiig a fancy to tlie Imi kUia on tho, tliry am n stlipped It of all It ba4, and An lingimtLh g more ttiry waiitml, b ft, taking w IU them ale ? nuuitex of aaeka and a bake oveuvto parch theirwin at tn.

    Ou lbs IO1I1, also, they vleltad a ranch hutsix ortlght tciba from I ucson, from which theydrove elTvUnaUe etock 1 and a day or two latrtier boldly came Into the town Itself and coollysold son of Ue'r stolen property.

    It would amwar that the agent, Dr. Srrcr,hud promUed to visit Ihrae Indians and dim

    them prawn's of wheat and corn,tut liad failed to meet bt epgegament, " Heliaaied a day,'1 a!(ls Iho Ariroiitan, "for themieilrp, and from that time to the preout theIniliins iselaen there, anxiously v, ailing forAslKht of their Father, and the good thingspromised. 1 bla Is not aa It a'loulj be. It Is theduly of lb agent to keep bis proiuious wllU thwild Indians.'

    lienors to I be Victor af lb ) Daltle.lh Munitar de r.limedhu aceounU from

    Cluiuto lb 21lh of August. ItttystP "The events wbloh occurred ut tha rot-b- hayl pro-duced a gnat aeoatioti amorg the population of tracm ant, Nuvertnetur,, thanks to the uioaauraa adotitedby tbe llntuui and Fienoii maratluia au(hurttina,thareI ad t,ot been any aerkaia exoe.. 1 1 da 1 ilnre. 'foe Kintwrornf China bad rewarded lu a brilliant mannertl n. Brai more oommonly oaiUAl " Ro-wan Ay," wbo e Kumai.d. d tho furta eTeku and tooMubiiol IrwipBoncbe 21Uiof Jon Usi, lie namedliku (i 1 ssAusamo of I ha CI Itoae aruiiod, aud, whatta more imnnr'aiit, lint MarulaHn f tho yetlowteodaid,eiJoed witn a rain. That dluiiy bad not

    been rn bfern d fur a lung time ; tbe laal holdingthe tit'e waa tha Kepa'or

    tothal high dlatietkin at tae mreid erboulie wis Prtuoe Irawr1al Be.aUMer la,morrover, tbs uncle of llixio-Fot'- , the reigning tu'

    r. lie baa alaayabe'd lilgh onrncnauda, aud!n an loirocnae rejiutatliu throughout theliA'J be commanded tlia army forme.1 to actagainat and, by a bold and fortunate movemet t, le (oread back tbe rtbola Into N auk In, and

    tiled thoin freiil furrolnit a Junction witi tbeneingcbta of tba norm. It may be aald ba saved the

    empire I for If hi plan bad not suoueeded tbe Inrtr.rectlr-- weeiU bare lieomne ao poweiful that it wouldI are Insarlerl tie rajilliU. The l.ruovror bad ir0iaiw4to wib draw with Lie family lulu Tartary when he

    the news of tho victory, Tula Geneial la taeauthor of military works, many of which have beentianatated Into tba ltuwian lanmiaga, aad In whichlie aui'tee the euthenty of snuie of the tnoei amlneutwarriora, anioog theiu tout of toe Emperor NaimuouI with wbiae Iniuioital caaipaigi be appears tu bthoitiiejuly acpied uted."

    ajtery f a Vrtnnle Hm agaVer.A few weeks ago n eleKnUy draa--td lady,

    wearing a faahionai 4 bonnet, cwtly vail, flow101; neilrs end silk dree distended Ly an amplequantity f crinoline, presented beraelf at ouof Iho Custom house tn tbe Belgian frontier,carrying In her arms a bouncing child, carefullywrapped up In ilr.a linen and rico lac, bis deerUtile features being proleclcd by a thick greenveil. As tbe lady entered lb oulc, aha whitauipgly d tbe agent thai her child wm

    aa tep, and begged that ids slumber might notbe dis'urbtd. 'Hie skeptical official boaedwlih Dative i'lsrcti iiolitateas, but, bevenbe-leas- ,

    requeated the flranger toany a female employs of IL bureau loto a

    prl,kte loom. 1 brie was ao need, however, ofan excess of courtesy, ovxmcr waa th em-pl- oj

    te tUD.monrd, than tSe snatched th la 'antfrom lb toother's arms, tid let It fell heavilyunnn thitlnfu I Iulb huijrn strarucer shehad rtcojtiliel a profvealobjd vmdgg,lr. and theInteresting child waa nothing more nor leas thana to'lti tobacco, wrlgbing orar thirty poinds.A for the antpl crinoline, of which aom suspi-cions also wer naturally ntertalnad, It waafound, upon eiaiaineUi.ii, lo eoueeal severalpounds of tobacco, rvlUd up into twist and


    Th (irrnt Kaatern' Delay.Thu follow Lrg letter from Mr. CoatBRaLtso,

    (he agent of Ilk Great Eastern Company, InMalu. confirms th newt already re-

    ceived, aanoundog th deUrmlnatloa of the DIrector 10 post port th iinacd th GreatEaabarrii

    Oatat Biot Coatraar, rort'and, N w. B. isc,T Ui Uur Iks ifayor yvr'lonJ.- Wr Ibeaten to Inform yon that I have rocadrod a ?

    Uttm ? .15- - !?SL'r?UenZG&ZSs222lI It the anfurtotude ecaJeniw4eaihTtMiik4riMii 14',,

    rarture of the ehrp nntU the Amerloan aaavin hagbeen kwt. It has, tberefure, been thought adrlawieto oaennlete Uie ear ymnX of the aMp la erery detail,tnawavlof dVerrvai It tmH arVrr th retorn fmanAmertew, ae rawrVarare aontampraeid. 1 have thhonor I be j our toon obedient serves .1,

    Fawn, CawBnuwie,

    ettlwwrrrk auw Iaa ad fife.The) Mterwaer Goldest Qate, of Boeton, Capt.

    IfAkr-O- (rem I'hIJadelJhU Auft 2S, la?was throwa on her baaraa end and

    dUmajted, In gal oa ttwithult. The) sap-ta- inand thr ixeM wrw loe at the) tlm. Tn

    three survivors aavd ttMsruwtr by lttlng onth top of th deck cabin, whsr thery Pernalueilfor ilxteen days a Urgsj part tf which Urn theea was making a complete) braacti ore them.

    I hey ware without water, and h hut a smallquantity of provisions, and bad area tb lawt oftheir scanty store th dar befoi a tbor were 1 earned. 1 bay wai a finally fallen fa with on th

    utt., in Ut. ?);, Ion. BIX, hr tho achnoaerIsaliella Maria, Capt. rittu.ii-a- , from TrlnUavl,whloh Tcsael took ther off th wreck and land-ed them at Halifax on tbe 30th. Th namet ofth tun Ivors are, Mr. Hlair, first oAieer, ofHcthbey, M I DarikI. Curmkbiik aid jAurxKkLLT, of rhUadelphia, aeaiaan. Too whiWar lort, berkle th captain, were the t'ewardand tw aeanien, whoa name ar not known.

    owrrwif, Uh.

    t'krletlnwlty.Tha following beautiful dednltlon of Chrl'G-ani- ty

    Is from a discourse by Key. IUlaki uu.x-s- iMu-

    ll BT exalted views if flod aud of mam her harmo-nloi- is,itaia of d icttinca, ootnmndsd t,, tbe mind,

    cia aM, nee, and hi at if truthful-nea-la r gentle SSut of love and piti lor heavenly

    I'! bar a srlr,t effattlii aVrve all,bar ie,i niU itli.n lhrn(i a li lal atonamenti herraunnai views of truth, n id dutji hav ettengtli i theaul ui tiiali her Joy lu sort ,wt Imi tii,Ll tu ttio darkva tej t be r lift d veit beyond the grni thee ohai

    ronatltuto brr en manl'iaHly and lnoomparvMy aoja nor to all ither atetema that tin a rwi lie nodeiuaiid fir a niommd'a fiuther ilntav In nutmterim.As en angel of the love divine alreeiy on trtuinptia.lwli.g, iho swee eth faith bl Jo, axulUii. la tier)v4,aiei calmly roeAdebt of br r lulur. rltie roothIts morning on her ml nlon of llfht. III e anllove tn a aor'il n dirVuee', lu thn ahadownf.t.t. IUHIll I., .Ml. llM., ...I I... Hu.. .u,,u, uoi,,, bid-- wiiii io,i,. rrerjwnrre seetilling of brr autLor tliat Ila ia Indeed "(As liokf(As irorld "

    Tbe Ijiw erVlialnia In Regard la rardon,.I r appear, front the following auction nf th

    rml of irgiola, that I lie Governor of thatStat bai not tb power to pardon in cisei ofcot let Ion fur troaajii against tha Common-wealth t

    The Oovernor aball not grant a pardon In any Caaobefoie eiaivlotlnn, nor to any oonvkivd uftrraann against the Cvanmonwee'ih, esoaid with tbeoiaiaentia the Ooueial Aaavmbiy, ehielarwd by Jointreaolutlun. Naitbar aliall ba grant a reprieve to anyperson eonvletod nf trvaeoa for a longer period thanULtil the and nf tbe suasion i the Oanetal Aeaarably,during which It mav ba graulad, or than until the endof the succeeding aeaainn, when it la granted duringthe tones.


    An old man In Indiana recently cow h Mod hitdaughter, 19 years old, for wearing hoops,

    Tiixrii are tan Revolutionary pensioner stUlresiding In Main. Their ages range from Ul toV7 years.

    Oil apple dealer of Monro county. In thlaState, has bought 1W.WJU barrel of ajpUsalieady thU Fall.

    A Ma. Wrnx, a resident of New Orleans, hatJust returned home from England, where he dis-posed of a patent of hla own Invention, for 1'J.OUO. A pronUble speculation.

    AniTUtdaughtoror Mr. Euwia SiixrAnu,of Lowell, got a bean Into her throat on Wednes-day, and choked lo death before seals lance couldbe obtained.

    Tub entire armaments of all Untied 8(tenational vessels amount to aiWl guns, di riledthu I Liners, 172 1 ftlgates, U0 r sloop, 4.'ii tsteamers, 4U I j brigs, 1U and all other, 23guns.

    Mrs. Jniiit Bitoww passed through this cityon Saturday on her way front her bom In NorthKIU. Essex county, New York, to Charlostown,Vl Im. .,-- ia 11 --- atcuoe of death.

    Wh. DiwATXit, (if 1 1 irl fori, Ct,, obtslnedonThursdsy last, a di urou from Lis w lie, who Is In

    and who haa never buen lit this dun- -try, on the ground of bebl'ual InUmparanc. Ason of Mr, IIiwaieii earn fiout England as awitness lu tlia case.

    Tlia receipts from Connectlcnt, tnto th treas-ury of tba Amorleun Tract ttoeloty. at New. ork, dating the fl- st six months of the etinentyear, Lav reached tlU.'U 61, against 1.70i 81nth coireepondlrig six moLths uf last year,

    Ulng a gain of (727 71.Tug me reliant 4 and capitalist or Great Brit-

    ain ara esthuaied to onn about rlu hundredoccau steamers. A great portion of th immensetraCo of 1 111 la, China, Australia and SouthA mei lea, Is earned on thrtugli th medium ofthes steanuhlpa.

    A 1 ai, era if Mr. Mcnar, nit killed by avicious heme ou lb iJOtn ult,, In the town ofKlrklaiid, New Vork. It. lad wa lending thborer, when th inalUiuu auunal threw himupon the stab lloor, snd literally parred hiLtkd tu ptctcs with hi fjre h,.f--

    A person has been anestel at Provi-elenc- o,It. I., charged with cointdlcity In th

    niun'rr of IIuhrii.i. Atsoui, of Warwick, aad awan ant baa been serrnl on Jons 1Iaia.4m, ofrail l.tvcr, cow In Jail In Providence, for beinga parilclt aUr In the seine affair.

    Titp Hartford Tina of Mondav saya thai Mr.Roe KwriL'a 1 as by th fall of hi warehouse,on Patmcby. Is about i13.i"H). 1h thre

    (leers held l.tKH) tlU. flour, I'll bblf sugar,Sllbb's. liquor, bUO bags of meal, IXM bush, oalf,oil tons of ftod, Abd some other artlJoa,

    Thk alssppolntmcnt concerning tb GtEastern's vbdl has been a great Injury ta l'ort-lam- l,

    says the airour. Much ta Uen et (.endedin various wss In anticipation of her prwwucaand lb irowdll woold draw, whlcti will lea apartial or total bus. It has also bad tbe effectto delay and embarrass buxlnssa If anaacllotif .

    A KlMi seubstrea named MABOAitir DiCRniv, died lai t week, in Cluuluuall, from thprick of needle. bit at work aha accldaii.lallv rnrcinrod tlanala of hey left hand wl .htha , and al'hony.h sbe experienced aaotpain, thought nothing of It at the time, baacoDtlrned to work f fear days, but tha woaulUfllud burglcal skill, and th poor gltl died iath greatest agouya

    Recent tvlvioee from the coast of Africa statethat tha Africans sent out in lbs Ni-agara were doing wall. Many of thera ar placwlIn respectable families, and all cf them ar

    the habits and custom of clvilUs'log.Tb Rebecca, from New Orleans, had landed lI ilawla forty-tw- o colored persons mads freo bythaw ill of th lata Jima aloDoraoau. lbMendL of New York, had alio laiidad forty --thicolored enlyants.

    M. KeiocBT Saitt LACKiat. a French Urrl.ter, a inember of th trench Corp Ltglalatif,Las jutt had an eklraorulnary place of good luck.A client for whom h gained a cause aeveralyaara ago, has left hitn a legacy of lOO.OOOrr.(lG.OOOi. sterling.) ben lb fact as first ru-mored In tha departrteut of tba Lolrst, which hrepresents, pop' thought it a fable, but he haswntten a leitereo iuo aoe 1 jouu w ewj iumIt U (lerfoctly true.

    I Ilotogrs, Florerra, Jlodens, Parma, Genoaand Milan, (U woikujuvn ara fwcilu,; them-selves Into soilttrns, tnlllled Iho UarraiaAxLfCiofi ihey are uotkUiglo arms aroondG

    They ar iweiliig by theiruiltr the sub. cripllobt for th iulpur.t of thvolunteer! fur 'be Venetian, emiicralion, and alltLoir wot da and astintis prcn a that they ar wlll-In-rr

    to make anv aacrlfic fur HOT leiffih. of that tbe national sword be no, raplaoed In IttctbUrd until Italy, from mcily to th Alps,firm the Med teiraneai a loth AoiUtic, les o.vaand IndrtwiiCenti

    StyrauL inun'clpal chaage are to Uks pLiseon tb 1st or January next, in rare, n ccibcubtis of ih city of Tails ar to l fend-t- d

    to th fortlflCxtloL. tsrkney roscb fares are

    totr6u!a'd bytlme,shd n 0 loapr bftbtThe omnibus fare is to l

    from six to four sous, but lb. corrpoi.d ,h... .tol.soPtresred. i;iiuii ;;,"l'arls, which h now need XCU1riveTvLMt. of m.rchahdi.. fromorVrellw'.y It l, - Fpublic.

    A rAs exclllog great Interest bad angeged.e?....nii,m of lb courts ta San trrsnelsca.Mr. Lrvr, a Jew, h,d beeu summoned a JarorIn ID DUpreura vwuiv, wu. huiiuh iv appear,waa sabt fur, aud found to b at hi devotions tahe Hv nsgotroe. Be Informed th omoeilhU

    tbs day wu obeon ed by thoeo of his fall h as thaFestlvad of Auusniaat, atd Uut it woold bttenpoaklbl for him to serve. Tba Jadga

    Imposed a Una of 500, subeqrit,y lwduoed to t2J0, np on th delinquent,, who,' withth tscoxlsry all of hla propose10 coateav me sag, ana iiiU4 YITUtMU rwi'


    apTna nr. Mr. Bnuior, Ca dan-ta- axafjay

    tents, has granted an extension Ut B ,tmfMtern year, to Mr. TBAinxim HrAtty ttWmTori--, rbr his InTentioa cUrhtlar rasf WkUAearaent srxtenslotiinTVuWaxdwwalka., 11

    A vno lady In rMladlpUa 1at on of tb poiica aotutt, a day at twt aaaaaiagainst on UH, KAxrixixrca. wad. tint staUalhad Ingratlatad himself ia har goasi praoea, Milhis aldressea, been aMepUd. aad tat waUgwu to bar been ecdemnlzeef B Tbaisaay araBilag but. On th morning of that darBaskfa.tamed from tha lady aU her vm astt kJr rkftrl 'wlry, and otter a.nlclea, nader twlcit i I Aof b..inr 11. .. Tirfirrtht weilifcegL wtBsaso stripped her of all the) itvmwr ababad la tinworld amis tweaty-t- --" t taanW Breof paying for a tombaton they h4 tseral tar Jbrr first husband, after th villain aitalt plaadar, amonattag bn all ta akiat ttoaeyhaadiad doDara, be altrcondod, laavtner tba wmtand emUy deceived woman peanileae. "

    A Lattxb from England aayt: lCuatia Iwreaks wltheat aurperlty mt tba Fraaeb KaMeg,'II acb him of bavi faith tails Uuartav 'but, or course), treat Um rsatw af VUUtrtMaa, for th time, rotnoag to th boMa of baacountry. He does not, perhaps, tar (bat I aaaaseureii by one wbo aaldom naa mealed sa atajaatany matter of fact la which h. speak csuflJ!ly) that at th lost tatervlew M. CoaarraT barf.wKh Imvh N troi Man bafora tba battle Mfarlnn, thEmp.iorsUmphalUialry, "Rataaaaibrr, I can (Kd hid you tell your country tnaa trl.s In revolt until I get lo Venloe, fbr I da ataiknow whothrr I mar not have ta eaooladw Ifestwar beore I ana halfway tUihar." Ill Ithat lb trench wer t sand 40.000 mast I .1Hungary w hn thsy oLUined riseasloei of Icity. "1

    Tin, N. O. r.M rerorda tha death of aamiser, ranml J. II MoxTAluif who wa faxikad in hi shop a few dare un lb dechad hern a Iciicnl of New Orleane fiarforty years, and w a tngagod a selling bird eCstimulating In eggs. 1 be (ee sa 1 1 "Ua waa)eccviilriu to the exiiem on some points, and baaiiiouv,u isiwai asainsi in. Ctey Sw(mounts from !(ii0 to tl trKO.OOO. Onaefthese w aa for olscowtlng a snppoaed entwAarcholera t another for furnitur alleged ta har)been destroyed by a mob, and another for are-e- rty

    blngin totlm used In (Ji. making aaalextension of streets "t 1 p'Trfli In Tisaal,UnanUh and English, hnng up la his shop tglBdow, otTotlng these c'alm for sol at nrrna at,pliers. Ibe old man diod if lockjaw, atana, htLis iiiUrab'ellitlo retreat. It La bartered haalargo quanlltie of gold and adver bid awnytsthis shop.'


    ABrAHam,- -, ",katnHmtamM-- t tnrtrrtf TOVXtmtwo KTdf(tfir cental rw awH.M data, il Oft, rit data, i tlk IfaMAMaratoaaabalar..'' ." .f.MMTa(paaivdDea4lafDrt)taMonthlr adrntlf nnta at fcy laee),cooTatuetica ca tnw ofBc fJM Paa arar MIAdwirtlMmmta naalTral mtul M r.m. waaUUXihueLt la entlraljr aloaed oa lrWU B

    VARIETIES.A anecdote relative to th let rraCWiiaea

    isjust now clrculaticg. Whan th aaltar Atha band of I'rof. Wtxaoa'a daughter had aaa-- d

    th lady's approbation, b waa, of eotsraa, twferrwd to papa. Ilsrlng staled hla, pnilnlily.aadjunexpwcioia cn--a, xo ywrigwr swnudirected to desire tb lady to comaU Iand, doubtless, brr obedience wal'rof. Y, lLMw bad befnr him, Bur review,work, on th fly-le- of which wm datr taaaakVaad. 'With the aathot'a compliments.' Uatathis out, pit nod it to his daughter' dnaa, lemnly lad her to tb Tounz loTer.' and traatback to hi work,

    I'AT yonr score, aald a jmbHcaa to a reil Baaafacustomer, who was rapidly running apaa ancount for U ar. Walt till I hay bad a socrs) t Kbar bad only 18.

    FINANCIAL, .KEWYORKTuaadaytan a

    Kew counterfeit ten dollar Bote oa th lawxaraaand Mwojfaoturcra' Dank of PoughkarpM ar laoil eolation. Tkebiilhasagieea Hat,aVat aratabared 1 no reaemblono te gwauln. Ta Braataaaare very poorly unrtaleel Th followlna: la a

    this city, tar aweek ending October M aad Nor. 1

    rue'tat ex 1, i Ait asAsas aMLoan-s- Iia.4lt4'."l IxO.llD.OHt IsktBL.T'Dnecle....... llv--B ).vhU Dee.1

    7?o ExcffiKi'3 -liiJr.BW D. B.B..'t4...lOIW l Itaadlac ...... BTM4000 N.Y. a,, IfeJ BBbut0N.Y.Cst;...lt0'i ro d....aarrA aw V 4t, s'.O i 101 Mldh Ceav .bit avaTO a) da- ,- 1'4 I0 M 8 A M U--HO Mo a 4v too U B.AM hf)1lruel Ia Can. I), ta t 100 de aai ni100 Rrielat M.... Btkl 6)Bono Rrte Bd M. 'W. M IB Be. ,MM 11 Xyixsi Mich. eV B F. M B Faaarna B !B0C1 UK.di VY. 1 M IM 100 aa..UIKBSO llao-a- V BLJ.. 4IM lou do ...bM.uato llumulieiJe.... v 100 EL Cert. B... tSkJ

    B Imp. A Tra.D.ll B .... 4(4 Dut, A llud. 11. II llO Vl....bMIIB0 do aoT Td B a , ;IB raculoM S.,.. TJ 100 dl. ,,IMUN Y UsavR.... !( 19 do... ..all 41JK

    II di wlV-- MO Ooi.AOa.tl14 do lew IM leal. A CU... Wag10 do eew IP Bl wa....,BWV liV dc.....fJI T'.' lit do "JfISd rto....l il.b-- M 4W.,aaaa,allei do.. ...add "U 83J v....ts)ts2iM o..,,l" ID), lM "JJUl4 4J..,..t 1PK lottoo do,...bHi.'l l(Oa,4T B... It104 do....l4t HI now da.... llJf104 do....k4:),- - ds ...bit i6) do,,.,.lT'. 409 CU. a r. 1. b: 11S100 elu.-- - .... TM IB do .. 'tIM'Bl find Hv R.taW SI lot d....tkxBafr

    104 Uaricru lf.,.M 14 1WI d ...hutiS.04 d blall MIL kf. B..

    ROOMD B0 ISD.BTOn Mo Ba 44kl 41tH.T,0aa.B.. TtajUino d IIS' lot dx.....altrMtoo do..,.. be 44 ti Bt Bwu..rftt!Mliort do..... aJMa BM do, ...-f- t,toto Ten ae.'tt. 40it gat a....bttB104 Ya ta Haj I't44 IU. Own. Ha... -,- " U4 atrial.. TV

    B wk. Uununaroe 94 100 Uarteea B ...' tmIOO l'euo,CJ-.l4- 0 SI ,.ktl

    14 Oia. A llud. U. 94 lot M, B. A M. Ia gij-a- jIM PaoidsM 8.... 14 IOO III.104 Oe.ATm Il lit d....kftl'OH U A I...S lg l0a!.ACb...hl,ji5Ul di....bu tl. riTUl

    BT0CK rLUCTCATlOtO.Thla labia is derived by eomparteaa at Mat Ibat

    Board aa'aa taeh day IASVAXCkDa aVaoXM

    Ta. Be M KpateaPI X UBngrai... nKutaraxB.., JSUruWBa XX.-a- ;Reaflag ...e TiMawk, oasvma..Mavk. Be. Hear.fBBBXBj.ea.eeeua sa.......M jMk WaaB .,Tel..,,

    Accoa MLU or rrocxi.13 ataios Company IS ftttS

    BH" Or SEAL E3TA1X ,KavToaBo-B,-.

    tores II snd (1 Wsatdaftoet tt, (ad II aVT1 44."BylW.a.att a U a)

    I Us on ltd at, neat Ith ar, ea IlxM . BLSea, .,..,,,,,,,,,, ...'. ?'!H,I do adt. tlxtU,,,,a,,a.,.,a,,aaatae- -

    1 dl) Ul) liXIS.,,a, ,,,,,, a, ,a,..,...aflla. SaSBBa Vt

    MARKETS Be TrLaaBArX.'HBrrr aia, Monday, Mo. Ti4 K E

    ronr steady; demand mniUraUl aaaaw MB hfelavMflaM no ri eupeenaai a inaoraaaWKi aaa awfor extra Mvnbtean, India ea and Oblo, ears, SB B0nB,--J

    fur doubl eatraa. rVbeaataadidao ad Bands.tafi eakta u eou leaaa. reo. ivinaoegoapiwi, a. -1.100 buab. ditto U IT 1 B tot. be ur5KMCiub 10 , 8.000 bush. Itaolne Chi aJWa, Oaquiet and M srdca. Oats atradyi aaaasvaaadlen at K I ethsr rsaeeiuiac WMekydaBand uomln al at j e. tTaaal fjsgaIykIaaaIroperUto-day-U- ,fh?bueka'e Ooruj Ca-r- alKprrts-ll-Wt bbl rkrU.CXbe.k.Oatr.

    ?fc- -u w ,,Mors ettiVty f.r Flour al t art. Wkawl dkelaawg.

    So Sell I (Kit buahele White a It 4 I Bad. It la 1 so: Cora low, r. Sd r too buahele al Mavataa,for o'd YalVer, and Tw.aTTo. for new. Oetat aattiaat 4'c.a43o. Pirvi.lon dull aad deolrliaatAV1 I 4xsUadata--Kw4:i(o- f Use. Whtvkf abaasty atttfe wa

    NVv, traTL Prnn. Staar BveAj MJttrR sdleg U. R. IV. lUorria Caaal CU lIaW UaawlU K.,fo, tfttm.R.MJe. ' .Sp

    Flour uucLang, d. rThaal daS. I at teaaxkiwiate,lt.Trtdlt1al0. Cmdaaduaaas seJeatI (CO bush, old e!iow r0o. BaFi i:a Tie,WUatey duattfaS8o.J- -' ' -- ' VrCaaokoo. Uondar, Mb, ti

    Flour and advanced Be eiOo.' Wheel avrtale L BOO bOAavd Bortng, ,atBwaWBaBMPl e ewbunb. MO. 1, M ., anoas. uora astree 1 aarerraaalsi rntll market, Oet BrnMataK ,.,!.' .an kaa auk wrk-a- av , aWLB. BmBKa). . .m.vwo IHJiw, a aaiar- - a wiv vv " -Ian. IA MX) Vui.K WhilL BhlriBSst. Al BWerwmu&&js2fc.t. .Corn nd OatV Arm . -- "Onrfc gtP?'W.t0fcueh-T-ha-1 100 tb rkruri 48,B0t

    Cetteafime. Baled rdsy, iJfKLf,f.0jkVn aJvasotng. Utitt tiJ1CaglUllf., , rwm

