GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY PSY 1000 Sherry Dockins, MASA, LCPC,CADC, ICDVP [email protected]


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PSY 1000

Sherry Dockins, MASA, LCPC,CADC, ICDVP

[email protected]

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• What is psychology?

• Why are you taking this course?

• What do you expect to learn?

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What to expect

• PowerPoint

• Lecture

• Small group

• Large group discussion

• In class activities

• Out of class activities

• Research paper

• Exams

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What is Psychology?

• How Behavior & Mental processes are affected by

–Physical state

–Mental state

– Environment

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Empirical vs. pseudoscience

– Evidence gathered by

• observation

• experimentation

• measurement


– “Pop psychology” or quick fixes

self help

popular opinion

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Got Critical thinking ?

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Critical thinking

• Ability and willingness to assess claims and make objective judgments on the basis of will-supported reasons and evidence rather than emotion or anecdote.

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8 guides to critical thinking1)Be willing to wonder

– Don’t have the answers but asking right questions

2)Define your terms– Poorly defined questions lead to misleading answers

3)Examine the evidence– What evidence supports or refutes this and its opposition? How

reliable is the evidence?

– Tobacco company……smoking not addictive

4)Analyze Assumptions and Biases– Assumption = beliefs taken for granted

– Bias = when belief keeps us from considering evidence

• “intellectual blinders”

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8 guides to critical thinking

5) Avoid emotional reasoning– “Gut feelings” replace clear thinking = dangerous

– “Feels right” to both pro and con sides; slavery

6) Don’t oversimplify– Look beyond the obvious

• resist easy generalizations & reject either / or thinking

– “argument by anecdote” – generalize from personal experience

– Stereotyping

– Need evidence from variety of sources before making conclusion

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8 guides to critical thinking

7) Consider other interpretations– Creatively generate many reasonable explanations before settling on most

likely; House

– Choose one that accounts for most evidence while making the fewest unverified assumptions.

• Occam’s razor

– Fortuneteller…fall in love, travel, twins

Fortuneteller can sort infinite number of interactions among people, animals, events, objects and circumstances that affect your life to know outcome; alter laws of physics and defy hundreds of studies that no one can predict future of person.


Fortuneteller is a fake.

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8 guides to critical thinking

8) Tolerate uncertainty– Sometimes little or no evidence to examine

– Evidence only gives tentative conclusions

– “the more important the question the less likely it is to have a single simple answer

– “ Is there a God?” How do you prove or disprove?

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Practical Application of8 guidelines

• Do I deserve to make more money at my job?

• Should my parent(s) buy me a car?

• Should the school year be 12 months?

• Should this class require a research paper?

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Practical application

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Psychology’s beginning

• Phrenology (study of mind)

– Early 1800’s

– Joseph Gall (1758 – 1828)

– Austrian physician

– Different brain areas accounted for

specific character and personality traits

– “read” from bumps on the skull

– Studied into the 20th century• A pseudoscience

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Birth of Modern psychology

• Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920– Trained in medicine and philosophy– 1st psychological laboratory in Germany – Credited for initiating movement to

make psychology a science

– Trained volunteers to observe, analyze and describe their own sensations, mental images and emotional reactions.

– Train 10,00 observations; 20 mins to report 1.5 second experiment

– Goal to break down behavior in to basic elements…H20

• Eventually rejected as too subjective

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Three early psychologies

• Structuralism– E.B. Titchener (1867 – 1927) – Student of Wilhelm Wundt– Analyze sensations, images and feelings into basic elements

• Eventually Discarded

• Functionalism– William James (1842 – 1910)– Function or purpose of behavior

• not analysis or description

– How do specific behaviors & mental processes help adapt to environment?

• Short lived…….lacked precision

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Three early psychologies• Psychoanalysis

– Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

– Neurologist

– A theory of personality; a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts.

– Depression, anxiety & obsession had mental not physical causes

– This distress due to conflict and emotional traumas in childhood

– Conscious awareness “tip of the mental iceberg”

– “interpretation of dreams’

– Well known……profound influence ….

• rejected by most empirical oriented


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Quick Quiz

1) Psychology has been a science for more then (2,000 / 125) years.

2) The forerunners of modern psychology depended heavily on (causal observation / empirical methods) .

3) Credit for founding modern psychology is generally given to (William James / Wilhelm Wundt).

4) Early psychologists who emphasized how behavior helped an organism adapt to its environment were know as (structuralists / functionalists).

5) The idea that emotional problems spring from unconscious conflicts originated with (the Mind Cure / psychoanalysis).

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5 Major psychological perspectives

1) Biological – How bodily events & changes are associated w/ actions,

feelings & thoughts– Hormones

• Evolutionary psychology – evolutionary mechanisms that may help explain human commonalities in cognition, development, emotion, social practices and other areas of behavior

2) Learning– How environment and experience affect actions.

• Behaviorism – environmental +/- that maintain or discourage behavior

• Social-cognitive learning – combine behavior with thoughts, values, expectations and intentions. Believe learn by adapting, imitating & thinking about the events around them.

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5 Major psychological perspectives

3) Cognitive

– “what goes on in people’s heads”

– Mental processes in perception, memory, language, problem solving, and other areas of behavior.

– Cognitive “to know”

– How people reason, remember, understand language, solve problems, explain experiences, acquire mortal standards, and form beliefs.

– One of the strongest forces in psychology. Much research.

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5 Major psychological perspectives

4) Sociocultural– Social and cultural influences on behavior

• Social psychologist – social rules and roles, how groups affect attitudes and behavior, why people obey authority and how each of us are affected by other people…spouse, friend, significant other, parents etc.

• Cultural psychologists – how cultural rules and values both explicit and unspoken affect development, behavior and feelings.

5) Psychodynamic– How unconscious dynamics within the individual, such as

inner forces, conflicts, or the movement of instinctual energy.

– “dig below the surface of behavior to get to unconscious roots”

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Two influential movements

• Humanistic psychology– Free will, personal growth, resilience, and human potential

– “ to help people express themselves creatively; full potential”• Positive psychology – qualities to be happy, optimistic and resilient

• Feminist psychology– Analyzes the influence of social inequalities on gender

relations and on the behavior of the two sexes.

– Evidence of pervasive bias in research methods and questions

– More women entering the field

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The 5 major psychological perspectives

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Quick Quiz• Anxiety is a common problem. Which possible explanation

of anxiety fits each of the 5 major perspectives?

1) Anxious people often think about the future in distorted ways

2) Anxiety is due to forbidden unconscious desires

3) Anxiety symptoms often bring hidden rewards, such as being excused from exams

4) Excessive anxiety can be caused by a chemical imbalance

5) A national emphasis on competition and success promotes anxiety about failure.

A.Learning D. Biological

B. Psychodynamic E. Cognitive

C. Social-cultural

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3 Basic Types of Psychologist

–Clinical Psychologists

–Research Psychologists





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What do Psychologist do?• Teach and do research in colleges and universities

– Basic psychology – “pure” research; knowledge for sake of knowledge • “How does peer pressure influence attitudes and behavior”

– Applied psychology – direct practical significance; application of findings• “How can knowledge of peer pressure reduce underage drinking?”

• Types of nonclinical specialties• Experimental psychologist – laboratory studies; learning,

motivation & cognition• Educational psychologist – learning and improvement of school

systems• Developmental psychologist – change and growth over time• Industrial/organizational psychologist – behavior in workplace• Psychometric psychologist – design and evaluate tests

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What do psychologists do?• Provide health or mental health services “psychological practice”

– Counseling psychologist– help people deal with everyday life– School psychologist – school performance; student, parent & teacher– Clinical psychologist – diagnose, treat & study mental / emotional

problems; has Ph.D., an Ed.D, or a Psy.D.

• What’s the difference between a Clinical psychologist and …. ?

Psychotherapist – not legally regulated; anyone can say they are a therapist

Psychoanalyst – practices psychoanalysis; specialized trainingPsychiatrist – medical doctor; prescribe medications; not always up on

psychLCPC – Licensed Clinical Professional CounselorLCSW – Licensed Clinical Social WorkerMFCC – Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor

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What do psychologist do?

• Psychology in the community• Conducting research or applying its findings in

nonacademic settings (business, sports, government, law, and military.

– American Psychological Association (APA)• 53 divisions

– Psychology of men

– Psychology of women

– Sports psychology

– Gay and lesbian issues

– Psychology and the law

– Advertising

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Quick Quiz1. Psychotherapist2. Psychiatrist3. Clinical psychologist4. Research psychologist5. Psychoanalyst

A. Trained in a therapeutic approach started by FreudB. Has a Ph.D., Psy.D. Ed.D. and does research on or

psychotherapy for mental health problemsC. May have any credentials or none.D. Has an advanced degree (usually a Ph.D.) & does applied or

basic research.E. Has an M.D.; tends to take a medical approach to mental

health problems.

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Careers as a Psychologist

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What is a Psychologists

• Psychologists study the mind and behavior. *

• They study the relationships between:

– brain function and behavior, and

– the relationships between the environment and behavior.

*American Psychological Association, 2009

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What is a Psychologist

• Psychologists use established information to create new approaches to long standing problems.

• These evolutions assist in meeting the changing needs of people and our society. *

* American Psychological Association, 2009

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3 Types of Psychologist

–Clinical Psychologists

–Research Psychologists





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Clinical Psychologists

• Clinical psychologists are the largest subfield.

• Clinical psychologists help those who have difficulty functioning due to a crisis.

• Clients present for services when they are unable to effectively complete tasks at work, home or in social settings. *

*United States Department of Labor, 2009

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Clinical Psychologists

• Clients often have the goal to return to a previous level of functioning prior to the trauma event.

• Psychologists complete this work in community mental health centers, private practices, hospitals and clinics.

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Clinical Psychologists

• Clinical psychologists provide treatment in individual, group, couples or family modalities.

• Clinical psychologists are also part of interdisciplinary teams that collaborate with physicians, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and social workers to implement treatment and intervention programs.*

*American Psychological Association, 2009

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Research Psychologists

• Research or experimental psychologists study the behaviors of humans and animals. *

• Research psychologists formulate hypotheses and collect data to test their validity.

• Experimental research is conducted on topics that include motivation, learning, memory, sensory and perceptual processes, effects of substance abuse, as well as genetic and neurological factors affecting behavior.**

* American Psychological Association, 2009**United States Department of Labor, 2009

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Career Requirements

• Completion of a doctoral program.

• Licensure is required when working independently.

• A one year internship for clinical.

• Effective psychologists match career choice with personal temperament and aptitude.

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• Explore college entrance requirements and accreditation.

• Institutional accreditation certifies that an institution has met minimum standards of quality.

• Specialized accreditation applies to professional programs.

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Research Psychologists

• This research can be completed in a laboratory setting where the variables of the study can be controlled, while other research can be completed in vivo where behavior is studied as it occurs naturally.

• Researchers also work collaboratively on multidisciplinary teams.

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• Students can begin preparing for their advanced degree in high school.

• Courses in science and math are important because they provide the skills for research and analysis in college psychology courses.

• A doctoral degree generally requires 5 to 7 years of graduate study, culminating in a dissertation based on original research.*

*United States Department of Labor, 2009

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Personal Temperament

• Clinical psychologists, who provide direct care to clients, must be emotionally stable, mature and able to deal effectively with people. *

• Skilled at active listening, communication and social perception. **

*United States Department of Labor, 2009;

** American Psychological Association, 2009

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Personal Temperament

• Research psychologists should be able to do detailed work both independently and within a team.*

• Qualities for this profession included determination and the ability to wait long periods of time to achieve results of work. **

• They should also have effective written and problem solving skills, as well as inductive and deductive reasoning.**

*United States Department of Labor, 2009

**American Psychological Association, 2009

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• Psychologist work in a variety of settings. Employers may be private, non-profit, community or government based. Some psychologists are self employment.

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Who Employs Psychologists?

• Clinical psychologists are employed by schools, non-profit organizations, community mental health centers, clinics, hospitals, universities and the government.

• Self employed.

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Who Employs Psychologists?

• Researchers can be employed by business, nonprofit, governmental organizations, universities and research centers.*

• Field research can occur in the workplace, schools, hospitals or highways.

• Most laboratory research is conducted in universities, government agencies and private research organizations.**

*American Psychological Association, 2009; **United States Department of Labor, 2009

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Self Employment

• Those in private practice are encouraged to have some percentage of their income generated from contacted work.

• Psychologists in private practice need to be comfortable negotiating fees for services, money collection, past due accounts and working with insurance companies.

• It is importance of maintaining a solid referral base to maintain your practice.

Dr. L. Hughes (personal communication, (March 16, 2009)

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Job Trends

• Jobs for psychologist are expected to grow faster than average.

• The median salaries for these careers were reported between $59,000 and $86,000.

• The salaries for research psychologists were higher than those for clinical psychologists.

United States Department of Labor, 2009

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Job Opportunities

• Opportunities for people with graduate degrees in psychology are expected to grow between 10% and 20% by 2010.*

• A faster-than-average employment growth was expected for psychologists. **

• The employment of psychologists was expected to grow 15 percent from 2006 to 2016. **

*American Psychological Association, 2009 **Department of Labor, 2009

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Salary for Clinical Psychologist

• The median annual salary for clinical psychologists in May 2006 was $59,440.

• The middle 50 percent earned between $45,300 and $77,750.

• The lowest 10 percent earned less than $35,280.

• The highest 10 percent earned more than $102,730.

United States Department of Labor, 2009

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Salary for Research Psychologist

• The median annual salary for research psychologists in May 2006 was $86,420.

• The middle 50 percent earned between $66,310 and $115,000.

• The lowest 10 percent earned less than $48,380.

• The highest 10 percent earned more than $139,620.

United States Department of Labor, 2009

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• Students should begin preparing for their career in high school.

• Students are encouraged to research areas within the field of psychology to determine an area of interest that matches aptitude.

• Colleges should be examine on programs offered, entrance requirements and type of accreditation.

• Students should explore each school’s coursework to choose a program that most accurately meets their career goals.

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• American Psychological Association. (2009). Careers for the twenty-first century. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from

• United States Department of Labor. (2009). Psychologist. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from

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What would you do and why?

• Research

• Clinical Practice

• Community; non clinical