GENERAL NOTICE LETTER (GNL) - DISOGRIN INDUSTRIES CORP. … · 2020. 12. 24. · general notice...

) UNITID ITATIIINYIPIONIIINTAL "'OTICTION AOifttCY ..lGION I .1. ' · kiENNEO'I' fEDEAAL IUILDINO, IOITON, MAS&ACHUSml 02203 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dr. llaua P8ber, Preaident Dbogrin lnduatriea Corporation Grenier Industrial Airpark Mancheater, NH 03103 Re: Keefe Environmental Servicea hazardoua waate treatrant facility in Epping, New Hampahire Dear Dr. Faber• This letter iB to notify you of potential liability that your company 111ay incur or may have incurred in connection vi th the above-referenced hazardous waste treatment facility and to re- quest your aashtance in cleanup activitiea at the aite. The u.s. EnvironMntal Protection Agency (EPA) baa determined that an actual releaae or a aubatantial threat of a relean of hazardoua aubata!\cea, aa defined in Section 101 of the 0 C011prehenaive !nvironMntal Reaponae, Compenaation, and · public funda in naponee to i ... diate environMntal hazarde on the aite and 1a ;>renntly involved in phnned naoval activitiee to abate theae hazarda. Upon coapletion of theae activitiea, plannin ; will be initiated under a Cooperative Agreement between £?A and the State of New Baapehire for the longer ter. r••dia! phane of the aite cleanup, including reMdial deeign, re:»dial conetruction, operation, and uin- tenance, ae by aite conditione. Then reeponH activities are by Section 104(a)(l) of CERCLA. Under CERCLA, certa!n reeponaible parties uy be liable for money expended for =••ponee activitiee at the eite, including inveatigation, cleanup •••urea, and enforceMnt. Potentially liable =eeponeible partie• include the current owner or operator c! the eite, paat ownere or operatora, and pereone who generated the eubetancea or who were involved in transport, treatme r::: , or diepoaal of them •t the aite. EPA believe• that y::ur company may be a reeponeible party with reapect to th!.s eite and that your company aay therefore be liable for publ!.: funds expended in response activitiee at the eite. Befon EPA undertake• further reeponee activi-

Transcript of GENERAL NOTICE LETTER (GNL) - DISOGRIN INDUSTRIES CORP. … · 2020. 12. 24. · general notice...


    ..lGION I



    Dr. llaua P8ber, Preaident Dbogrin lnduatriea Corporation Grenier Industrial Airpark Mancheater, NH 03103

    Re: Keefe Environmental Servicea hazardoua waate treatrant facility in Epping, New Hampahire

    Dear Dr. Faber•

    This letter iB to notify you of potential liability that your company 111ay incur or may have incurred in connection vi th the above-referenced hazardous waste treatment facility and to request your aashtance in cleanup activitiea at the aite.

    The u.s. EnvironMntal Protection Agency (EPA) baa determined that an actual releaae or a aubatantial threat of a relean of hazardoua aubata!\cea, aa defined in Section 101 of the

    0 C011prehenaive !nvironMntal Reaponae, Compenaation, and · ~!:b!~!~~r!~ta~ft~!s~bo!!-~~~;n:~t!~~.~60~P1ts:!q.!;!!~;:>, public funda in naponee to i ...diate environMntal hazarde on the aite and 1a ;>renntly involved in phnned naoval activitiee to abate theae hazarda. Upon coapletion of theae activitiea, plannin; will be initiated under a Cooperative Agreement between £?A and the State of New Baapehire for the longer ter. r••dia! phane of the aite cleanup, including reMdial deeign, re:»dial conetruction, operation, and uintenance, ae require~ by aite conditione. Then reeponH activities are auth~rized by Section 104(a)(l) of CERCLA. Under CERCLA, certa!n reeponaible parties uy be liable for money expended for =••ponee activitiee at the eite, including inveatigation, plan..~ing, cleanup •••urea, and enforceMnt. Potentially liable =eeponeible partie• include the current owner or operator c! the eite, paat ownere or operatora, and pereone who generated the eubetancea or who were involved in transport, treatme r::: , or diepoaal of them •t the aite.

    EPA believe• that y::ur company may be a reeponeible party with reapect to th!.s eite and that your company aay therefore be liable for publ!.: funds expended in response activitiee at the eite. Befon EPA undertake• further reeponee activi

  • ) -2tiea, we deaire to dbcuaa, with the appropriate company official, your coapany'a voluntary involvement in the •••ur ea · neceaaary to re..dy the hazardoua vaate proble111 preaently found at thia aite. Pleaae notify EPA, in writing, no h.ter than september 10, 1982 of your company'• villingneaa to cHacuas undertaking the reMcHal phana of thia cleanup activity 10 that negotiationl to effectuate thia involvement can conclude before the end of the re1111dial planning proceaa. Your letter should indicate the name, addre81, and telephone nulllber of an appropriate company official for further contact on thia matter. It ahould alao include a atateMnt of the type and the extent of the activitiea your coapany may be willing to undertake. Where your company ia already involved in dhcu..iona vith atate or local authoritiea, or h engaged in voluntary action to clean up the aite, theae activitiea lhould be continued and their atatu1 ahould be reported in your letter. Your letter ahould be aent to1

    E. Michael Thoma• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Regional Coun81l JFIC Building, Room 2203 Boaton, MA 02203

    If your reaponae indicate• that negotiation• ahould be ICheduled vith EPA and that thoae negotiation• are likely to produce a Maningful abatement of releaaea or threatened releaaea at the aite, ve vill contact your company to achedule a •eting. At the Meting, we expect to dhcu.. the 1tepa neceaaary to 1nveat1gate and abate the conditione. at the aite and to aet a achedule for your company'• undertaking auch corrective actiona .

    If you need further information, Mr. Thomaa can be reached by telephone at (617) 223-0400. If your written reaponae 1a not received by Mr. Thoua by September 10, 1982 , we will aaaume that your company haa declined to undertake voluntary reaponae activitiea.

    Sincerely youra,

    Merrill s. Bohman, Director Waate Management Diviaion

    cca Regional Counael, Region 1 Director, Office of Emergency and Remedial Reaponae Director, Ofice of Waste Programs Enforcment Office of Enforcement Counael E. Tupper Kinder, New Bampahire Office of the

    Attorney General

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    barcode: *576305*barcodetext: SDMS Doc ID 576305