General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan

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  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    1. The Homolographic projection has the correct representation ofA.shape B. areaC. aring D.distanceAnswer:Option B

    2. The latitudinal differences in pressure delineate a number of major pressure zones, which

    correspond withA. ones of climateB. ones of oceansC. ones of landD. ones of cyclonic depressionsAnswer:Option A

    3. The higher the wind speed and the longer the fetch or distance of open water across which thewind blows and waves travel, the ____ waves and the ____ energy they process.A. arger, moreB. arger, lessC.smaller, more

    D.smaller, lessAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    4. The hazards of radiation belts includeA.deterioration of electronic circuitsB.damage of solar cells of spacecraftC.adverse effect on living organismsD. ll of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    5. The great Victoria Desert is located inA.CanadaB. est AfricaC. ustralia
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    D. orth AmericaAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    6. The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globes areA. atitudesB. ongitudesC.geographic gridsD. one of the above

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option C

    7. The light of distant stars is affected byA. he earth's atmosphereB. nterstellar dustC. oth (a) and (b)D. one of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    8. The landmass of which of the following continents is the least?A. frica B. AsiaC. ustralia D.EuropeAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    9. Without ____ the equator would be much hotter than it is while the poles would be much

    cooler.A. atitudinal redistribution of heatB.cycle of air circulation wind patternD. ll are similar termsAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    10. The habitats valuable for commercially harvested species are calledA.coral reefsB.sea grass spotsD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    11. Which of the following is tropical grassland?A.Taiga B. SavannahC.Pampas D.PrairiesAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    12. With the disintegration of USSR in end 1991, comprised of ____ Union Republics.
  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    A.15 B. 10C.5 D.25Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A

    13. The iron and steel industries of which of the following countries are almost fully dependenton imported raw materials?A.Britain B. JapanC.Poland D.GermanyAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    14. The temperature increases rapidly afterA.ionosphere B. exosphereC.stratosphere D.troposphereAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    15. The humidity of the air depends uponA.temperature B. D.All of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    16. The groundwater can become confined between two impermeable layers. This type of
  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    enclosed water is calledA.artesianB.artesian wellC.unconfined groundwaterD.confined groundwater

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option A


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    17. The largest glaciers are

    A.mountain glaciersB.alpine glaciersC.continental glaciersD.piedmont glaciersAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


    The largest glacial bodies, ice sheets or continental glaciers, cover more than 50,000 km2

    (20,000 mile


    ). Several kilometers deep, they obscure the underlying topography. Onlynunataks protrude from the surface. The only extant ice sheets are the two that cover most ofAntarctica and Greenland. These regions contain vast quantities of fresh water. The volumeof ice is so large that if the Greenland ice sheet melted, it would cause sea levels to rise sixmeters (20 ft) all around the world. If the Antarctic ice sheet melted, sea levels would rise upto 65 meters (210 ft).

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    18. The ionosphere includesA.mesosphere


    thermosphereC.thermosphere and exosphereD.thermosphere, exosphere and mesosphereAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C19. The highest degree of concentration of mineral deposits are found in

    A.northeastern zone
  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    B.northwestern zoneC.southern zoneD.All of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    20. The group of minerals chemically containing hydrocarbons isA.silicate group

    C.oxide groupD.hydride groupAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    21. The iron ore mined at Bailadila is mostlyA.haematite B. sideriteC.limonite D.magneticAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    22. The leading state in producing paper isA.BiharB.West BengalC.KeralaD.Orissa
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    Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    23. The largest dune files are found inA.Middle EastB.North AfricaC.both (a) and (b)D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    24. The Harmattan is, extremely dry wind that forms over the Sahara and blows westward or south-

    westward to the African coastB.wind that blows during the dry season from December to FebruaryC.tertiary wind that carry great quantities of fine dust from the SaharaD.All of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D25. The largest gold producing country in the world is

    A.ChinaB.CanadaC.South Africa

    D.USAAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A

  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


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    26. The hydrological cycle is a conceptual model that describes

    A.the storage of water between biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphereB.the movement of water between biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphereC.both (a) and (b)D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    27. The least explosive type of volcano is calledA.Basalt plateauB.Cinder coneC.Shield volcanoesD.Composite volcanoesAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    28. The largest fish exporting region in the world isA.the north-east atlantic regionB.the north-east pacific regionC.the north-west pacific region

    D.the south-east asian regionAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A

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    29. The largest country of the world by geographical area is

    A.RussiaB.Vatican CityC.AustraliaD.USAAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    30. The hot and cold deserts together occupy nearly ____ land area of the world.A.1/2 B. 1/4thC.1/3rd D.3/4thAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C31. The highest average salinity amongst the following seas is reported from

    A.Dead Sea


    Red SeaC.Black SeaD.Mediterranean SeaAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum32. The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which of the following?

    A.Volcanic mountainsB.Residual mountainsC.Block mountainsD.Fold mountainsAnswer & Explanation
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    Answer:Option D


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    33. The heavy day soils that show significant expansion and contraction due to the presence orabsence of moisture is calledA.aridsols B. vertisolsC.histosols D.andisolsAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    34. The HBJ Upgradation project, upgraded the capacity of HBJ pipeline from 18.2 MM SC MDtoA.20 MM SC MDB.33.4 MM SC MD

    C.22.3 MM SC MDD.29.6 MM SC MDAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    35. The highest mountains on earth namely Mount Everest, K2, Kanchenjanga are located inA.the greater HimalayasB.the Lesser HimalayasC.the outer HimalayasD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation
  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    Answer:Option A


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    36. The infrared radiation by sun are strongly absorbed byA.carbon dioxideB.water vapoursC.carbon dioxide and water vapoursD.ozoneAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A37. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane ofA.axis of earthB.north poleC.south poleD.equatorAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    38. The landforms that are influences by several process namely, weathering, erosion, depositionare known asA.polygenetic landformsB.structural landformsC.polycyclic landformsD.None of the above

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option A


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    39. The initial increase of magnetic field in magnetic storms is causedA.when the shock wave, associated with the gusty solar wind, compresses the magnetosphereB.when there is a large decrease in field intensity

    C.when the gust wind itself engulfs the magnetosphereD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    40. The island state of Australia isA.Victoria B. QueenslandC.Tasmania D.New South WalesAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    41. The Ice age ended about ____ years ago.A.140 B. 1,400C.14,000 D.140,000Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    42. The languages used in China isA.Chinese, EnglishB.Chinese, Arabic
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    C.Chinese, FrenchD.Chinese, KoreanAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A

    43. The islands with coral covered surfaces in Bay of Bengal areA.Andaman islandsB.Nicobar islandsC.both (a) and (b)D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    44. Within the transporting medium, transport can occur byA.suspensionB.solution and tractionC.solutionD.All of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option DExplanation:

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    45. The length of the day is determined inA.astronomical terms

    C.length of the hoursD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A

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    46. The hot, dry wind on the east or leeward side of the Rocky mountains (North America) is

    calledA.the ChinookB.the SiroccoC.the HarmattanD.the LooAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    47. The islands of Seychelles are located in theA.Arctic OceanB.Atlantic OceanC.Indian OceanD.Pacific OceanAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option CExplanation:

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    48. The island of Sri Lanka formerly known asA.Madagascar B. TasmaniaC.Ceylon D.None of the above

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option C

    49. The highest sand dunes are found isA.the Sahara desertB.the Atacama desertC.the Kalahari desertD.the Gobi desert
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    Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    50. The greatest variety of animal and plant species is fund inA.temperate grasslandsB.tropical moist forestsC.tundra hot desertsAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    51. The layer of the earth, immediately below the crust, is calledA.outer core


    inner coreC.inner mantleD.outer mantleAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum52. The highest mountains in Africa, which is not part of any mountains chain, is

    A.Mt. AconcaguaB.Mr. KilimanjaroC.Mt. KosciuscoD.Mont BlancAnswer & Explanation
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    Answer:Option B


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    53. The heavier silicates named as 'Sima' or silica + magnesium are most abundant in theA.crust B. coreC.mantle D.ocean floorsAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    54. The imaginary line on the earth's surface, which closely follows the 180 meridian, iscalled theA.International Date LineB.Tropic of CancerC.Equator

    D.Prime MeridianAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A55. The largest part of our hydrosphere is

    A.Atlantic OceanB.Indian OceanC.Pacific oceanD.Antarctica oceanAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option CExplanation:

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  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    56. The limit beyond which the stars suffer internal collapse is called theA.Raman EffectB.Chandrasekhar limitC.Aurora BorealisD.Quasan Zone

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option B


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    57. The ground water that occurs when flow of the subterranean water is not confined by the

    presence of impermeable layers is calledA.unconfined groundwaterB.confined groundwaterC.aquiferD.artesianAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    58. The gulf that separates Finland and Sweden in Europe isA.the Gulf of BothniaB.the Gulf of LionsC.the Gulf of GenoaD.the Gulf of VeniceAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option AExplanation:

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  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    59. The largest continent in the world isA.Africa B. AsiaC.Australia D.AntarcticaAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    60. The landforms that are created by massive earth movements due to place tectonics are calledA.structural landformsB.weathering landforms

    C.erosional landformsD.depositional landformsAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A61. The largest production of mica in Asia is from

    A.Indonesia B. MalaysiaC.Myanmar D.IndiaAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    62. The latitude 'AA' on the map represents theA.Tropic of CancerB.Tropic of CapricornC.Equator

    D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C

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    63. The largest fresh water lake of Africa, area wise is

    A.lake VictoriaB.lake TanganyikaC.lake MalawiD.lake RudotAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    64. The important mountains of Europe includeA.Andes, Alps, PyreneesB.Alps, Carpathians, Pyrenees, ApenninesC.Alps, Himalayas, Rock mountainsD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    65. The last major glacial period began about 2,000,000 years before present and is commonlyknown asA.Pleistocene or ice ageB.Paleocene or ice age

    C.Pliocene or ice ageD.Holocene or ice ageAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A

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    66. The imaginary axis at which the earth rotates remains inclined at an angle of ____ to the

    plane of earth's orbit.A.44 1/2 B.55 1/2 C.66 1/2 D.0 Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C67. The ionosphere contains ionized air that protects the earth from

    A.the ultraviolet rays of the sunB.the infrared rays of the sun

    C.the falling meteoritesD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    68. The horizontal of soil profile is composed ofA.weathered parent material that is not affected by translocation and organic modificationB.material affected by translocation & organic modificationC.unweathered bedrockD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    69. The largest city in Latin America isA.Mexico cityB.Caracas
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    C.Rio-de-JaneiroD.Buenos AiresAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    70. The highest and lowest values of a weather element observed over the entire period of recordareA.extremesB.average extremes

    C.absolute extremesD.relative extremesAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    71. The highest mountain peak of Oceania isA.Mt. Victoria, Papua New GuineaB.Mt. Kosciusko, AustraliaC.Mt. Cook, South Island (New Zealand)D.Puncak Jaya, Indonesia.Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    72. The length of the tropical years (the time interval between successive occurrences of thespring equinox) is decreasing very slowly as a result ofA.small, progressive changes in the earth's rotational speed
  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    B.small, progressive change in earth's orbit around the sunC.both (a) and (b)D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C73. The largest gulf in the world isA.Gulf of MexicoB.Persian GulfC.Gulf of CarpentariaD.Gulf of MannarAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    74. The hunting and gathering economy can support onlyA.1 person per sq. kmB.3 persons per sq. kmC.5 persons per sq. kmD.7 persons per sq. kmAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    75. The import of crude oil and petroleum done from national oil companies of producercountries, which have a net exportable surplus of oil is by

    A.term contractsB.term tendersC.monthly tendersD.All the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A
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    76. The land-sea distribution or the positions of the world's continents and major oceansinfluencesA.the major pressure belts that develop from the general circulation of the atmosphere

    B.the development of the mid-latitude cyclonic depressions, at the convergence zonebetween polar and subtropical air masses

    C.both (a) and (b)D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    77. The knowledge about the topography of the ocean basins has been derived fromA.seismic surveyingB.echo sounderC.side-scan sonar

    D.All of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    78. The headquarters of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), formed out of erstwhileUSSR, is atA.Minsk in ByelorussiaB.Moscow in RussiaC.Kiev in UkraineD.Kistiner in MoldaviaAnswer & Explanation
  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    Answer:Option A1. The minor planets revolving between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars are called

    A.Novas B. CometsC.Meteors D.Asteroids

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option D


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    2. The lowermost and the oldest epoch of the Tertiary Period of geologic time is

    A. liocene B.

    PalaeozoicC. olocene D.PalaeoceneAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    3. The luminous coloured ring, surrounding the sun is called theA. ebula B. cometC.asteroid D.coronaAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    4. The longest ship canal in the world is theA.St. Laurence Seaway (USA and Canada)B.Suez canal, EgyptC. iel canal, GermanyD. anama canal, Central America
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    Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    5. The major geological events of the Palaeozoic era includeA.Caledonian mountain rise, life comes ashoreB. ppalachians and Central European mountains come upC. oth (a) and (b)D. one of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    6. The major events of Pre-Cambrian era includeA.formation of crust, continents and oceans


    formation of crust, birth of oldest known rock, origin of lifeC.formation of present day atmosphereD. ll of the above.Answer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D7. The meridian passing through London is called the

    A.equatorB.Tropic of CancerC. rime Meridian of 0 MeridianD.Tropic of Capricorn

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option C


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    8. The most recent era of the geological time scale isA. esozoic B. cenozoicC.Triassic D.paleocene

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option B


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    9. The low heating capacity of which of the types of coal reduces its value as an industrial fuel?

    A. nthraciteB. ituminous coalC. igniteD. eatAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    10. The most important factor that is affecting all the chemical weathering processes isA.vegetation B. topographyC.climate D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    11. The longest river in the Common wealth of independent states is theA.Irtysh riverB.Ob river
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    C.Yenisei riverD.Volga riverAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    12. The monsoon climatic regions areA.South-east Asia including Australia, Africa, AmericaB.Europe and South AmericaC.Asia, Africa and Antarctica

    D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A13. The main vegetation of the steppe type climatic regions is

    A.evergreen forestsB.evergreen deciduous forestsC.large grasslandsD.coniferous forestsAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option CExplanation:

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    14. The minerals of sulphide group areA.Cinnabar B. PyriteC.Galena D.All of the above

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option D


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    15. The major crude oil markets are theA.Middle East regionsB.far east regions

    C.both (a) and (b)D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    16. The most important force that provide resistance to particles towards entertainment isA.frictional resistanceB.particle cohesive bondsC.particle adhesive bondsD.momentumAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    17. The metamorphism which involves the chemical replacement of elements in rock mineralswhen gases and liquids permute into bedrock is calledA.metasomatic metamorphismB.dynamic metamorphismC.thermal metamorphism

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option A


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    18. The magnetosphere becomes unstable during the magnetic storms during a period ofA.initial phaseB.storm sudden commencement phase

    C.main phaseD.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C19. The major cause of species extinction is

    A.agricultural activitiesB.extraction (including mining, fishing, logging)C.development (human settlements, industry)D.habitat loss and degradationAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    20. The major crops found in Sudan areA.rice, barley, bananas, cocoa


    maize, cotton, bananas, groundnutC.bajra, oats, tobaccoD.wool, wine, juteAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option B


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    View AnswerWorkspaceReportDiscuss in Forum21. The most pleasant elements i.e. summer temperatures rarely above 40 and winters are fairly

    mild, occur in theA.tropical mid-latitude zoneB.sub-tropical latitude zoneC.temperature mid-latitude zoneD.sub-temperature latitude zone
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    Answer:Option C


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    22. The movement of particles by rolling, sliding and shuffling along the eroded surface is calledA.saltation B. suspensionC.traction D.solutionAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    23. Which of the following is an igneous rock?A.Granite B. LimestoneC.Slate D.QuartziteAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    24. The main dividing line between the geological regions of the Indo Gangetic plain and thepeninsula is

    A.the Vindhya rangeB.the AravallisC.the Nilgiri hillsD.the SatpwasAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A25. The mean basin area of successive ordered streams formed a linear relationship when
  • 7/27/2019 General Knowledge World Geography by Pavan


    graphed. This statement is given byA.morph metric of drainage of basin areasD.None of the above

    Answer & ExplanationAnswer:Option C


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    26. The most explosive type of volcano is

    A.the calderaB.a cinder coneC.basalt plateauD.shield volcanoesAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    27. The lowest point, on land, in the world isA.Death valley, USAB.Caspian sea, RussiaC.Dead sea, Jordan/IsraelD.Lake Eyre, AustraliaAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option C


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    28. The low latitude zone of globe extends between
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    A.Tropic of Capricorn and CancerB.North pole to South poleC.Tropic of Capricorn and equatorD.Equator and Tropic of CancerAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    29. The main objective of multi-purpose river projects are

    A.extension of irrigation facilities by constructing dams to store surplus water during the

    rainy season, for release in summerB.power generation by constructing hydro power stationsC.flood controls and making rivers navigableD.All of the aboveAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option D


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    30. The mountains which come into being after the continental drift started, with the break up ofthe large land mass of pangola areA.young mountainsB.old mountainsC.volcanic mountainsD.fold mountainsAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A31. The Mistral isA.very cold wind, which blows down from the plateau of central France

    B.swift, dry, cold northerly wind that blows down from the western Alps and the plateau ofSouthern France and out over the Mediterranean

    C.wind that blows for 100 days a year and may cause extensive frost damage to plantsD.All of the aboveAnswer & Explanation
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    Answer:Option D


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    32. The main period of Mesozoic era includeA.Triassic period and Cretaceous periodB.Jurassic period and Triassic periodC.Triassic period, Jurassic period and cretaceous periodD.cretaceous period and Jurassic periodAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option CExplanation:

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    33. The main percentage of the volume of water in the hydrosphere is inA.oceans and seasB.groundwater, rivers and streams

    C.glaciers and ice sheetsD.freshwater lakes and water vapoursAnswer & Explanation

    Answer:Option A


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    34. The main tributaries of Indus river system areA.the Jhelum, the Chenab , the RaviB.the Beas, the SutlejC.both (a) and (b)D.None of the aboveAnswer & Explanation