Genealogy powerpoint

My Story Calli Gabrielle Hamrick

Transcript of Genealogy powerpoint

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My StoryCalli

Gabrielle Hamrick

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Late 1760’s 18601831-1832

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia (1832) were both very important cases because of the effects they had on Indians. My great-great-great grandmother, Malinda Jane Scott (pictured) was a full Cherokee Indian, and she lived from 1819-1919 in Tennessee.

John Wesley was at the core of the creation of Methodism, and Methodism came to the U.S. in the late 1760’s. It has since made a huge impact on my family and myself. Groce United Methodist Church has been my home away from home for 15 years.

The Civil War was very important in my family’s history because, on both my mom’s side and my dad’s side, all of our family was born and raised in the South. So, this was a very important war for them.

My Lifeline

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Mid- to late- 1800’s

In the mid- to late- 1800’s, the campground today known as Cascade Lake was purchased by George Vanderbilt in Asheville/Brevard, NC. It is now part of the Cradle of Forestry. My family started camping at Cascade Lake in 2004, and we have gone numerous times every summer since. Family on both my mom and dad’s sides often join us with their own campers, and we just have the best time swimming and playing cards! It has definitely shaped who I am, because it’s taught me to enjoy just spending time with my family, in simplicity – without all the extravagance of daily life.

World War I was important in my family’s history because my Grandaddy Charlie (my great-grandfather, pictured) fought in the war. World War II was also important in my family’s history because some of my grandmother’s brothers, including William and Clyde, fought. The military, and patriotism in general, have always been very important for both the men and women in my family, throughout our history.


In 1831, the University of Alabama was founded. Sports are HUGE on both sides of my family, and obviously, in coming from the South, football is big. And we always pull for our crimson tide! So much of my and my family’s life has been centered around sports!

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1929, 1935 19981980

In the 1980’s, my family in Alabama began the Wienerfest and 4th of July family reunions. It’s a family reunion like you have never experienced. Marshmallow fights in the dark and all 200 people roasting hot dogs over the campfire make for unforgettable experiences that I have been a part of every year since I was born! So much of our summers were spent in AL on the farm talking for hours on the back porch, eating, laughing, spending time with family, and catching lightning bugs.

In 1998, my house was built, and we moved in when I was three and my brother was one. It has been my home now for 14 years, and I could not imagine being anywhere else! We grew up outside with Lindsey and Zach (our neighbors and our family), and it is just absolutely the best place to call home!

In 1929, my mother’s mother was born – my “Nana.” In 1935, my father’s mother was born – my “Gram”. These two ladies had such a huge impact on my life and definitely contributed largely into shaping me into the person I am today. These two ladies have been my best friends since I was born, and are two of the sweetest people I have ever met. Unfortunately, my family lost my sweet Nana in November of 2010, but my Gram and I have gotten closer than ever these last couple of years.

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My mom’s side of the family came over to America from Ulster,

Northern Ireland in the late 1600’s. My great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents, John Berryhill

and Mary Bigness gave birth to their children in Mecklenberg

County, NC in the 1730’s, and are believed to be the ones who

migrated over from another country into the South.

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Both sides of my family came from the South, whether it be Alabama,

Tennessee, South Carolina or North Carolina. All of my family was hard-

working, and most were farming peoples, and as far back as my great-great grandparents, have always lived

in these four states.

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