Gender Communication in Social Institutions

Chapter 11: Media By: Alex Smith

Transcript of Gender Communication in Social Institutions

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• Media is the mass form of communication and understanding

• Types of media: television, movies, newspapers, radio, magazines, etc.

• Talking about media not the media; media is too complex to be portrayed as a singular term

• “We mention all forms of media because all media communicated understandings of gender, and gender influences all forms of mediated communication.”(235)

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Media as a Social Institution

• Mass media as an institution is a recent conception

• Because of media’s youth it is not always easy to see it as an institution

• Media are concerned with the construction of both content and the audience viewing the content

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Media Economics

• The economics when dealing with media are constantly portrayed throughout the media programs

• A perfect example of a way to think about the portrayal and explanation for economics in media are when you think of and watch television

• With the viewing of television comes the inescapable viewing of commercials and ads

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Media Economics continued…

• Commercials are strategically placed in between the breaks of programs that will appeal to the general audience viewing the program

• Another role of economics is that it is crafted within the show to appeal to the audience

• Example: Pretty Little Liars

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Media Economics continued…

• Pretty Little Liars: show on ABC Family

• Appealing primarily to the teen and young adult audience

• Plot: Four friends battle together against an anonymous foe who threatens to reveal their darkest secrets while uncovering the mystery of the murder of their best friend

• The show has economic value based upon its success as it enters its 4th season but also in dealing with advertisements, commercials, and in show content

• Economic possibilities: DVD sales, advertisements of other ABC Family shows and movies, fashion, etc.

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Media and Power

• We live in a consumer culture

• Power as an element of media is one that describes media as an institution really well

• “Media exert power over how people do gender.” (238)

• Media forms such as magazines influence social norms concerning gender, beauty, race, etc.

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Media and Power continued…

• Media has the power to give people certain views on their own identities

• Female example: magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Glamour have the power to influence women to dress the way they dress, style their hair accordingly, try celebrity diets, etc. to be more feminine

• Male example: commercials such as Axe body spray or Old Spice have the power to influence men to use their products so they can be viewed and perceived as a masculine man

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Media, Power, and Hegemony

• Media has the power to be extremely persuasive

• When dealing with media hegemony several types of media try and break the barrier for the social norm

• For example: the show, Lost Girl, depicts the life and adventures of a crime fighting, supernatural woman named Bo

• Bo is a tough, strong-willed, and ambitious character who although appears to be masculine in her lifestyle, meets the feminine standards of attractiveness

• “Media, as a central institution of civil society, maintain hegemonic understandings of gender even as they create gaps and fissures in representations of gender.” (239)

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Media Content and Breaking Barriers

• Media has come a long way as an institution

• The content within media is no longer the old fashioned views of life

• Nowadays media is figuring out new ways of breaking down the barriers of the social norm

• In various television shows, movies, magazines, music videos, etc. the content has changed and includes the new social norms of the 21st century

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Media Content and Breaking Barriers continued…

• In the various platforms of media different situations, problems, romances, etc. are created to reflect the real world

• The way in which media is doing so can be a great influence to the audience

• An great example of how things have changed is shown in the film Pleasantville

• Many of the differences that media tries to portray happen in this film; it’s not just about rescuing a cat from a tree anymore, there are bigger problems, as in the tree is on fire

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Media Content and Breaking Barriers continued…

• A major update in media has been the role of sexual preference

• So many television shows, movies, books, etc. have reached out to make a change and have had characters who prefer the same sex rather than the social norm of a male-female relationship

• I think that because media is willing to portray these types of characters, it is influencing people in similar situations that it is okay to like who you like

• The message is positive

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• Media is everywhere

• Media as an institution has its good sides and bad sides of influencing its viewers

• As long as media is making the effort and the strides to be a positive and worthwhile institution than the more it will benefit its audiences

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Works Cited

• "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.

• Communicating Gender Diversity: A Critical Approach by Victoria Pruin DeFrancisco and Catherine Helen Palczewski, Sage Publishers, 2007.

• "Pretty Little Liars." IMDb., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.