Gemba Kaizen for Lean manufacturing | Chap1:Kaizen Basic Education | lean tools

1 Kaizen for Lean manufacturing Chap1:Kaizen Basic Education Created on February 2011 Created by Japanese Genba Kaizen Web

Transcript of Gemba Kaizen for Lean manufacturing | Chap1:Kaizen Basic Education | lean tools

Page 1: Gemba Kaizen for Lean manufacturing  | Chap1:Kaizen Basic Education | lean tools


Kaizen for Lean manufacturing Chap1:Kaizen Basic Education

Created on February 2011

Created by Japanese Genba Kaizen Web

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Table of Content 1.What is Kaizen?

2. The History of Kaizen

・History and philosophy of Toyota Production System

・The Philosophy of Toyata Production

・The Kanban System

・“Automation with A Human Touch”

・Muda (Waste) Elimination

・The Mind of Toyota's manufacturing

3. The Kaizen Philosophy

4.How to proceed Kaizen?

5. Kaizen & Innovation

6. Practical Kaizen System

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1.What is Kaizen?The general meaning of Improvement (Kaizen) is to improve a thing that is in bad condition.

The term Improvement in the manufacturing industry has the meaning of bottom

up activities are carried out mainly by the factory workers.

Summary:The activities of improving the production are to equip modifications, new tools and work to ensure

the safety and operational efficiency of a production error proofing all over the area and to prevent

problems related to quality production.

Improvement is often described as Kaizen nowadays. When the expansion of Japanese

manufacturing plants abroad, trainers were dispatched from Japan to teach the local staff. MIT

researchers became the centre of the strength of Japanese manufacturing in the 1980s. Mari

Hiroshi as well as overseas are one of the most important manufacturing industry in Japan.

Through such result, Kaizen became the world-wide word in the world.

In order to improve current facilities, quality of the machine and productivity,

Field side’s wisdom, quality and the activity of increasing productivity are done.

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1. Production facilities that incorporate the wisdom, have a lead to others using the same equipment.

2. By making modifications on their own to suppress large-scale investment rather than just buying what you lack.

3. Improvement is not just working under the order of company but the characteristic of workers changing things out of their own wisdom.

4. Employers support a lot of QC-circle activities. Moreover improvement is not finished once but one after another, sustainability and continuity are important.

Value of improvement



Multiply time

with money to

get the effect.

1. What is Kaizen?

Increasing the value without paying out money but using the wisdom to.

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2. The History of KaizenThe management system of Toyata is the first to incorporate and utilize the wisdom of

the workers systematically to achieve achievements. The productivity in the

field side, changing of the work methods in order to improve the quality and the jigs are

used in any country and any era have been implemented with the immediate on-

site productivity without spending money and improve the quality.

1. Sakichi Toyoda ・・・ ‘Automation with A Human Touch’

2. Kiichiro Toyoda ・・・ Just-in-time (J.I.T)

3. Taiichi Ohno ・・・ Systemization of the production of Toyata

Toyata is the first to incorporate and utilize the wisdom of the workers

systematically to achieve achievements.

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Reference 1. History and philosophy of Toyota Production System

Sakichi Toyoda

‘Automation with A Human


“Machine stops itself when a

problem occurs”

Install a device to stop the machine to

stop automatically when abnormality

occurs, then investigate the cause.

(Inventor)Kiichiro Toyoda


‘JUST-IN-TIME’"What is needed, when

needed, as needed!"

Passenger Type AA (mass-produced

passenger car type A1) production

starts. Year 1936

Taiichi Ohno

(Executive Vice President )

Introduction of ‘Toyota

Production System’

Year 1942

“Elimination of waste”

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• The success of the Toyota Production System is not just because of the tools

of production management such as ‘Kanban’, ‘Kaizen’ etc., it is a culture or a

system that can cultivate ideas and make good products day and night at the

site by the carpenters.

Reference2. The Philosophy of Toyata Production

A culture or a system of cultivating ideas.

• Persist in on-the-spot decision-

making TOP management• The mechanic of lighting up Kaizen

desire.• Process-oriented principles. (The

changing of results depends on the

luck by the time.) • The use of automation.

This steady is the practice of maximum effort and because the results are

influenced by the good or bad luck so do not be glad and sad by turns.

(Process-oriented principles)

The Toyata Production System is a transmission of the good Japanese

traditions nowadays.

“The sincerity and humanity itself is impossible without incident.

However, the lack of them destroys everything.”

Peter Drucker

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Reference 3. The Kanban System

From the beginning until the last process, take only the required amount of the required items when required. Then, the earlier manufacturing process is to supply only the amount of production which was taken over. In this way, the Kanbanmethod prevents over process while being a tool of putting the overall just-in-time into practice.

1. The origin of ‘one piece flow’ manufacturing

2. Following with the take-back process

3. Zero inventory

4. ‘Leveling work’ → Obey the cycle time

5. Do not make it so fast.

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Reference 4

“Automation with A Human Touch”

1. Immediately stops the line when poor

response occurs.

2. It brings confusions to customers if

a product is produced without handling the real


3. “Automation with a Human Touch” is not

about "Automation" but to attach humans’

wisdom onto the machine so it will not shut off


4. Keep asking the question ‘Why?’ even for 5 or

10 times and is necessary to have a line of does

not want something bad to occur for the second


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Reference 5. Muda (Waste) Elimination

2. Muda of inventory

‘Treasure things’ and ‘the thinking of do not waste’ are the

origin of eliminating muda.

1. Muda of processing 3. Muda of overproduction

4. Muda of waiting 6. Muda of transport5. Muda of repair/rejects

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Reference 6.The Mind of Toyota's manufacturing

"In a company when there is no race to get each

person to add their good ideas to the work they do, I

think this ruins people. Your improvements make the

job easier for you, and give you time to make further

improvements. Unlike in the [Charlie] Chaplin movie

where people are treated as parts of a machine, the

ability to 'add your creative ideas and changes to your

own work' is what makes it possible to do work that is

worthy of humans."

Taiichi Ohno

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3. The Kaizen PhilosophyThe world is constantly changing. Therefore, corporations as well as the people are

changing, if countermeasures are not practiced, one cannot survive.

At first, explore the changes that are under the constraints.

There is an infinite ways of changing but in able to survive, change is finite. However, no

one knows what is the BEST changing. Possibility for changes in BEST are hidden

from the changes in non-BEST.

The valuation of whether it is BEST or not is, because the decision is made by the external

world (customers), the decision itself cannot determine and be concluded.

When the evaluation of the outside world is good, then that is the good one.

Therefore, the first thing we need to do is to take action of the changes.

Results will be known if action is taken, the next action can be taken if the results is


Getting cold.Countermeasure 1: Wear a coat.

Countermeasure 2: Use the heating system.

Countermeasure3: Move to a warmer place.

Select the BEST option

to fit the constraints.

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3. The Kaizen PhilosophyTaking a serious view of the results or the process?

For everything, it is not a big achievement if something successes

according to the plan in our head. Because such a thing has always

already been implemented..

The probability of successful is low, the thing no one wants to do,

no one implements it and therefore, there is a value of trying.

Then try to verify why failures occurred.

Never give up and key to success is in it.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain

way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

Thomas Edison

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3. The Kaizen Philosophy

According to the global changes, the method of work has

to correspond in accordance with the corresponding reality.

At first, grope for the correspondence in the constraints.

・New technology



material development

・Moves of competitors

・Costumer needs

・Legal regulations

Reality and




A task is defined as a work to achieve a given objective. While Kaizen is

defined as a better way to achieve the business objectives and make

changes to a method.

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4.How to proceed Kaizen?Organization. Management. Cogitation.

1) Organization: The continuity of developing the entire Kaizenorganization.


・Rules and regulations are made.

2) Management: Make an approachment and a mechanism to keep the

management system on track and the activation of Kaizen


・Select and train a leader.

3) Cogitation:Explain and make the employees consent to the definition of Kaizen.

・Kaizen education

Organization is set up in order to continue the promotion system at the field level.

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Employees’ opinions, enthusiasm and education are necessary.

4. How to proceed Kaizen?

Promote Kaizen to employees.

1. The way of thinking:

Understand the meaning of Kaizen and urge the participation of Kaizen


2. Enthusiasm:

Set a notice board and premium for those who are actively involved.

3. Education:

Educate the technology of efficiency improvement and methods.



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1. Immediate implementation. Immediate action:

If there is any problem, apply Kaizen on the spot.

There are Kaizen chances if problems occurred especially when

the problems only occur occasionally.

Analyze the situation on the spot and investigate the problem.

2. Do not waste time:

Do not conduct special meetings but instead proceed Kaizen.

Seek advice from supervisors and seniors if there is something

to consult and confirm.

3. Do not spend money:

The resolution of trouble cannot be handled by money.

The thinking of whether one can access alternatively cheap and

available for carrying out present item as well as commercial item.

4. Suggestion from others:

Seek suggestions from supervisors, seniors as well as

managers from other departments.

Start at once

Time is Money

Don’t Spend Money

Two heads are better than one

4. How to proceed Kaizen?Kaizen Implementation

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18Invention of CD, personal computer, microwave…

5. Kaizen & InnovationInnovation

The innovation type of revolution of the world leads to a contribution in

development and spend a lot of time and money on invention. Also again, there

are many developed, invented and copied items, profit as well as the members

who are in charge of it comes to only have a small amount and it often does not



1. It needs an enormous cost.

2. A long-term studies is needed.

3. Miscellanies do not occur frequently.

4. Easy to be imitated.

5. Planned implementation. (Analysis of present state, countermeasure,

affirmation, evaluation)

Invention of internet, e-mail, Messenger…

Invention of light bulb, print technology, airplane…

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Productivity can be improved by increasing the productivity which

consumes a lot of time and money and it includes the members and

all the field workers. Also, a good management system that is built is

difficult to be imitated by other companies.


1. Huge sum of money and does not take time.

2. Possibility of educating the employees.

3. Can respond to daily problems.

4. Difficult to imitate.

5. Take actions immediately.

Kaizen is a system, there is no point in learning techniques

and their own individual cultures.

5. Kaizen & InnovationIncreasing The Productivity

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Kaizen Innovation

Effect Long-term, continuous Short-term, dramatic

Time Fast response Development for a long


Change A constant slow Sudden & explosive

Participation All Some elite

Approach Collectivism and systems


Individualism idea

Way Maintenance &


Scrap & build

Benefit Function in low-growth


Features of high-growth


5. Kaizen & InnovationComparisons

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Outbreak of


Outbreak of


Ideal innovation pattern

Actual innovation pattern

“The organization or the system is an organization (or a system) that is to

be finished begins to degenerate.” Parkinson’s law







5. Kaizen & InnovationThe Type of Innovation

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Outbreak of


Outbreak of


Ideal innovation pattern

Reality innovation pattern

In order to reduce loss management, QC management and

facilities management are implemented to maintain and continue

the status quo.







5.Kaizen & InnovationQC Management & Facilities Management

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Outbreak of


Outbreak of


Ideal innovation pattern

Reality innovation pattern

Kaizen pattern

Kaizen is the better way to explore under restriction limits.










5. Kaizen and InnovationKaizen

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6. Practical Kaizen SystemWhat is Kaizen?

Kaizen is about the changing of the method of work without hassles, without

spending money and using the wisdom to make work easy, safe and fast.

Also, write down notes of Kaizen and doing recording is important.

If manifestation is being measured and communized with everyone is possible,

a new Kaizen is born.

• Without hassles

• Without spending money

• Using the wisdom

Kaizen = Reality measuresEnforcement


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6. Practical Kaizen System


• In order to promote Kaizen, the important thing is there

must be implementation.

• The traditional proposal system is going to be outdated

in the future. The idea of ‘I am the proposer. You are the

conductor. ’ does not work in the coming years.

• Try to practice it if you have any idea. If the idea is not

good, rethink and try again.

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1. Record the carried out Kaizen activity.

2. Content?

3. Effect?

4. The remaining challenges.

6. Practical Kaizen System

Of Record

Start with the recorded and datalysed work.

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1. Contact the other departments related to the

implementation, discuss and communize the problem.

2. Provide education to the other departments.

3. Pose and review the problems.

Kaizen types ImplementVerification of


Discuss with friends &

superior authorities

Survey about IT &

other departments


Provides information to other



education materials

6. Practical Kaizen System


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