Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi...

E0 Pall Corporation October 26, 2012 Ms. Sybil Kolon Environmental Quality Analyst Department of Environmental Quality Jackson State Office Building 301 E. Louis Glick Highway Jackson, MI 49201-1556 Re: Little Lake Area Dear Ms. Kolon: Life Sciences 600 South Wagner Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48i 03-90i 9 USA 734.665.0651 phone Enclosed is Gelman Sciences' (PLS) technical response to the issues/questions raised in DEQ's September 5, 2012 correspondence regarding PLS' Little Lake Area (LLA) Report. Based on this additional information and analysis and the original LLA Report, PLS is more convinced than ever that there is no technical justification for returning to monthly batch purging. It is clear that quarterly batch purging has not negatively affected PLS' ability to satisfy the Consent Judgment's LLA non-expansion objective. PLS is willing to continue quarterly purging through the June, 2013 purge event. At that time, PLS suggests that the parties review what will then be two years of data and determine whether any adjustment to the batch purging frequency, either up or down, is warranted. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 734-913-6130. Sincerely, Farsad Fotouhi Vice President Corporate Environmental Engineering cc: Ms. Celeste R. Gill, MDAG Michael Caldwell, Esq. Filtration. Separation. So/ution. sM

Transcript of Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi...

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E0 Pall Corporation

October 26, 2012

Ms. Sybil Kolon Environmental Quality Analyst Department of Environmental Quality Jackson State Office Building 301 E. Louis Glick Highway Jackson, MI 49201-1556

Re: Little Lake Area

Dear Ms. Kolon:

Life Sciences 600 South Wagner Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48i 03-90i 9 USA

734.665.0651 phone

Enclosed is Gelman Sciences' (PLS) technical response to the issues/questions raised in DEQ's September 5, 2012 correspondence regarding PLS' Little Lake Area (LLA) Report. Based on this additional information and analysis and the original LLA Report, PLS is more convinced than ever that there is no technical justification for returning to monthly batch purging. It is clear that quarterly batch purging has not negatively affected PLS' ability to satisfy the Consent Judgment's LLA non-expansion objective. PLS is willing to continue quarterly purging through the June, 2013 purge event. At that time, PLS suggests that the parties review what will then be two years of data and determine whether any adjustment to the batch purging frequency, either up or down, is warranted.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 734-913-6130.


Farsad Fotouhi Vice President Corporate Environmental Engineering

cc: Ms. Celeste R. Gill, MDAG Michael Caldwell, Esq.

Filtration. Separation. So/ution. sM

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Response to MDEQ September 5, 2012 comments regarding Pall Life Sciences’ August 1, 2012 Evaluation 

of a Reduction in the Batch Purge Frequencies at the Ann Arbor Cleaning Supply Well 

October 26, 2012  

1. MDEQ Comment: The table on page 3, Ann Arbor Cleaning Supply Well While Purging, has a note below it 

that states the samples were collected mid‐way through purging; however, that does not appear to be the 

case in all instances. During a meeting with Pall Life Sciences (PLS) on August 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated 

that purging does not begin before 8:00 a.m. According to PLS Sample Analysis Reports previously submitted 

to the DEQ, the samples from the Ann Arbor Cleaning Supply (A2CS) well on March 1, 2012 and June 7, 2012, 

were collected at 8:00 a.m. and 8:05 a.m., respectively. Therefore, these two samples could not have been 

collected mid‐way through the purging and appear to have been collected before purging began. Any 

conclusions drawn regarding the effects of purging on 1,4‐dioxane concentrations must be reconsidered 

because two of the five results cited are not consistent with the note below the table. The data should be 

presented to include the time of sample collection relative to the entire purging event.  

PLS Response: A table showing the sampling times has been included as Attachment 1 and is discussed in the 

response below.  


2. MDEQ Comment: The report failed to cite the second sample collected on March 1, 2012, at 12:05 p.m., 

presumably mid‐way through the day’s purging. That result was 98 parts per billion (ppb). It is unclear why 

PLS would not have used the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4‐dioxane concentration after purging 

had commenced.  


PLS Response: PLS agrees that the second sample should have been included.  An updated graph showing 

just the A2 data collected during purging events is provided below.  




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The table below includes the second sample (98 ppb) from March 1, 2012.  The pre‐purging samples 

obtained on March 2, 2012 and June 7, 2012 have been removed.1 These changes do not meaningfully affect 

the conclusions of the LLA Report, which is that the switch to quarterly purging has not negatively affected 

either PLS’ ability to satisfy the non‐expansion objective or the concentrations observed in the A2 well.  Since 

purging went to quarterly frequency in June, 2011, the 1,4‐Dioxane concentrations in groundwater sampled 

from the A2CS well during purge events have been quite stable and consistent with previous data.    


Sample Date  Sample Time 

1,4‐Dioxane Conc.  (ug/L) 


3/1/2012  12:05  98   

12/1/2011  13:10  101   

9/1/2011  10:00  88   

6/2/2011  13:00  97  Last Monthly Batch Purge Event 

5/5/2011  11:20  107   

4/7/2011  12:00  103   

3/3/2011  13:10  94   

2/10/2011  12:15  106   

1/6/2011  12:00  93   

12/2/2010  12:05  103   

11/9/2010  13:15  88   

10/7/2010  10:45  112   

9/13/2010  13:50  83   

8/5/2010  10:50  98   

7/8/2010  12:25  99   

6/10/2010  12:15  89   

5/6/2010  12:00  87   

4/1/2010  13:20  88   

3/4/2010  13:40  87   

2/4/2010  13:30  89   

1/7/2010  12:30  93   



Immediately prior to the change in purge frequency, the concentration in the A2 well during purging was 107 

ppb. Since then, the concentration in the extracted water has ranged between 88 and 101 ppb, consistent 

with the data obtained prior to the frequency change.  These data show that the change in purge frequency 

                                                            1 The September 2012 sample was also obtained before purging was commenced and, consequently, this data is not included.  PLS will make sure that a sample is obtained after purging has begun during the next batch purge event. 

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has had little if any effect on concentrations in the A2 well during purging (one way or the other).2  The slight 

decline and then recovery in concentrations that occurred in 2010 pre‐dates both the change in purge 

frequency and any changes in purge rates in the Western Area.   


3. MDEQ Comment:  Item 2 on page 7 states that, in calculating the mass removed during purging, PLS 

assumed that the concentration of 1,4‐dioxane in the water purged was approximately 80 ppb. If this was 

based on the data cited above, it is likely to be underestimated by about 20 percent. The basis for this 

estimate should be provided and revised if needed. 

PLS Response: PLS’ point was that the mass of 1,4‐dioxane removed each purge event is small.  PLS used 80 

ug/L as an approximate concentration of 1,4‐dioxane in the purge water.  PLS’ conclusion does not change if 

this number were to be slightly higher or lower as illustrated in the table below: 

Purge Water 1,4‐Dioxane Concentration (ug/L) 

Mass Purged per Event (Pounds) 

50  0.015 

60  0.018 

70  0.021 

80  0.024 

90  0.027 

100  0.030 


4. MDEQ Comment: The Report claims there have been no significant changes in Little Lake Area (LLA) 

compliance monitoring wells (CMWs) and, therefore, the reduced frequency has not affected compliance with 

the non‐expansion objective. The Report does not provide any information about how long it would take for 

the reduced purging to show an effect, if there were to be one. The DEQ does not have enough information to 

determine whether PLS’ conclusion can be relied upon to predict the long‐term effects of the reduced purging 


PLS Response: As PLS explained in its LLA Report, there is no scientific reason to believe that the change in 

purge frequency would have any effect on its ability to satisfy the non‐expansion objective. PLS indicated the 

following in Paragraph 2 on Page 7 “Although purging of the A2 well appears to have helped reduce 1,4‐

dioxane levels at that specific location, purging 0.3 vs. 0.1 pounds of 1,4‐dioxane per year is insignificant and 

would provide no conceivable risk reduction in the Little Lake Area or have any bearing on 1,4‐dioxane levels 

at the Little Lake Area compliance wells.”  Effectiveness of the Little Lake Area remediation is being judged 

by the performance of the compliance wells. Even prior to initiation of any purging at the MW‐53i/A2 

location, 1,4‐Dioxane concentrations in what are now the LLA compliance wells had been declining or stable 

for a considerable length of time.   These trends have continued with no noticeable change since purging 

began in 2003.  Trend graphs are provided in Attachment 2.  If the change from no purging to monthly 

purging made no difference in compliance well concentrations, there is no reason whatsoever to believe that 

merely changing the purge frequency result in significant trend changes at the compliance wells.  Moreover, 

even when concentrations of 1,4‐dioxane at the MW‐53i/A2 wells were at their peak levels (between 180 – 

200 ug/L – more than double their current levels) the compliance well concentrations were well below 85 

                                                            2 PLS acknowledges that the A2 concentrations during purging have not significantly declined following the change in purge frequency as the previous inclusion of the 70 ppb sample from March 1, 2012 and the 77 ppb sample from June 7, 2012 had suggested.  

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ug/L.  As such, it makes little sense that any slight increases in 1,4‐dioxane concentrations at MW‐53i/A2 

would result in increasing the levels at the compliance wells to above 85 ug/L.   

As previously observed, the batch purging program – whether monthly or quarterly – was never designed or 

intended to “capture” the leading edge of a migrating plume, precisely because the plume in this area is 

contracting, not expanding.  The shrinking nature of the plume in this area was observed for many years 

before any purging occurred in the MW‐53i/A2 area.  Therefore, even if the minor change in mass removal 

caused somewhat higher concentrations to exist in the MW‐53i/A2 well area, there is no reason to believe 

that such higher concentrations would suddenly start migrating toward the compliance wells.  Predicting 

whether a minor change in the mass removal would result in a detectable change in the compliance well 

concentrations is an academic question that would be best answered using fate and transport modeling.  

Such work is unnecessary for the reasons PLS identified above.  PLS would only consider such work if the 1,4‐

dioxane levels in the MW‐53i/A2 well area exceeded their historic high levels (over 180 ug/L) and there was 

a scientifically valid concern that the level of 1,4‐dioxane could exceed 85 ug/L at one of the compliance 

wells.  One simple way to approach the question of how long it would take for a change to be detected is to 

only consider the groundwater flow velocity (advective transport).  The groundwater flow velocity in the 

Little Lake area is approximately 233 feet/year (PLS Interim Response Work Plan Western System, January 

24, 2006).  The closest compliance well is MW‐93 (approximately 230 feet from the MW‐53i/A2 well area).  

This suggests that it would take approximately 1 year for the effects (if any) of a change in purge frequency  

to manifest itself at MW‐93.  Quarterly purging began in June, 2011, approximately 16 months ago.  No 

changes in the concentrations in MW‐93 have been observed.  The time to reach other wells would be in the 

in the 3 to 3.5 year range.      

5. MDEQ Comment:  The Report cites a rebound in water levels in the LLA that it attributes to a reduction of 

purging in the Western Area. Two graphs are provided that include the water level data from MW‐53i. No 

other water level data or graphs are provided. A complete report, at a minimum, should include graphs of 

water level data from all monitoring wells in the LLA, and any other monitoring wells that are considered 

relevant to the evaluation.  


PLS Response: Water level and 1,4‐dioxane trend graphs for other wells in the LLA are provided as 

Attachment 3.  The low levels of 1,4‐dioxane present in the LLA monitoring wells other than MW‐53i/A2 

make any correlation between increasing water levels and concentration levels difficult.  


6. MDEQ Comment:  The first paragraph on page 6 provides two possible explanations for the increase in 1,4‐

dioxane in the A2CS well and MW‐53i during non‐purge sampling: 1) the reduced batch purging frequency or 

2) the site‐wide rise in water levels. PLS believes this increase is due to increasing water levels, which has 

been observed before. While this may be the case, it is not possible to draw such a conclusion since there 

were two known variables that could be affecting the observed increase in 1,4‐dioxane concentrations. 

Continuation of the reduced purging frequency, in combination with increased concentrations during non‐

purge events, could potentially result in expansion of the plume. A return to monthly purging would allow PLS 

to better evaluate whether the increase is associated with increasing water levels or decreased purge 

frequency. Regardless of the cause of the increase in 1,4‐dioxane during non‐purging conditions, there is a 

possibility that these concentrations will continue to increase.  


PLS Response:  Recent water quality data from MW‐53i/A2 wells suggest the 1,4‐dioxane levels in 

groundwater sampled from these wells are beginning to stabilize (see graph below).  Before PLS initiated 

batch purging at  the MW‐53i/A2 location, concentrations were more than double their current level, while 

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the concentrations of 1,4‐dioxane at what are now the LLA compliance wells were below 85 ug/L.  As such, it 

defies reason to assume a slight increase of 1,4‐dioxane at MW‐53i/A2 would ever result in exceedances of 

85 ug/L at the compliance wells.   



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Attachment 1- Water Quality Data for the Ann Arbor Cleaning Supply Well (including sample times)

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Page 1 of 4

Analytical Data Report: A2 Cleaning Supply

Aquifer: DO Date Installed: Boring Depth: 110.00 Feet Screen 1: 110.00 to 09/12/2002 bgl 100.00 Feet

Map Location: L-8 Well Driller: Cribley Ground Elevation: Screen 1 Length: Unknown Feet 10.00

X Coordinate: Well Type: TOC Elevation: Unknown Screen 2: NAto NA 13272079.39 Monitoring Wells Feet Feet

Y Coordinate: Sampling Interval: TOC to screen bottom: 285515.50 Monthly Unknown Feet

Static Interval: Not Notes:


1,4-Date Time Dioxane

R.L. Bromate

R.L. Bromide

R.L. Static Static

Comments Collected Collected Results Results Results Time Reading


09/06/2012 08:00 84 1.0

08/14/2012 14:45 64 1.0

07/19/2012 15:05 108 1.0

06/07/2012 08:05 77 1.0

05/23/2012 09:30 82 1.0

04/17/2012 09:30 76 1.0

03/01/2012 08:00 70 1.0

03/01/2012 12:05 98 1.0

02/06/2012 11:00 68 1.0

01/18/2012 14:50 62 1.0

12/01/2011 13:10 101 1.0

11/11/2011 14:30 52 1.0 13:30 46.28

10/07/2011 11:45 56 1.0 10:45

09/01/2011 10:00 88 1.0

08/05/2011 11:20 42 1.0 10:45 47.95

07/29/2011 08:55 45 1.0

06/02/2011 13:00 97 1.0

05/05/2011 11:20 107 1.0

04/07/2011 12:00 103 1.0

03/03/2011 13:10 94 1.0

02/10/2011 12:15 106 1.0

01/06/2011 12:00 93 1.0 data _reports _print?well_ name=A2+Cleaning+Sup... 1 0/23/2012

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Page 2 of4

12/02/2010 12:05 103 1.0

11109/2010 13:15 88 1.0

10/07/2010 10:45 112 1.0

09113/2010 13:50 83 1.0

08/05/2010 10:50 98 1.0

07/08/2010 12:25 99 1.0

06110/2010 12:15 89 1.0

05/06/2010 12:00 87 1.0

04/01/2010 13:20 88 1.0

03/04/2010 13:40 87 1.0

02/04/2010 13:30 89 1.0

01107/2010 12:30 93 1.0

12/03/2009 13:40 71 1.0

11105/2009 14:00 90 1.0

10/0112009 13:45 91 1.0

09/03/2009 12:25 100 1.0

08/06/2009 10:10 105 1.0

07/09/2009 12:30 96 1.0

06/04/2009 14:50 93 1.0

05/07/2009 13:40 100 1.0

04/02/2009 14:35 98 1.0

03/05/2009 13:00 98 1.0

02/05/2009 12:05 97 1.0

01113/2009 13:50 97 1.0

12/09/2008 11:45 101 1.0

11/05/2008 12:10 105 1.0

10/02/2008 13:20 91 1.0

09/04/2008 12:10 84 1.0

08/07/2008 12:05 92 1.0

07110/2008 12:25 101 1.0

06/05/2008 13:30 98 1.0

05/0112008 14:00 94 1.0

04/03/2008 13:15 92 1.0

03/06/2008 12:00 102 1.0

02/14/2008 12:50 93 1.0

01103/2008 13:50 101 1.0 data _reports _print?well_name=A2+Cleaning+Sup... 10/23/2012

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Page 3 of4

12/06/2007 13:05 105 1.0

11/0112007 12:00 Ill 1.0

10/04/2007 08:30 113 1.0

10/04/2007 II :47 108 1.0

10/04/2007 14:30 106 1.0

09/06/2007 13:05 105 1.0

08/07/2007 14:30 109 1.0

07112/2007 12:30 116 1.0

06/07/2007 13:10 112 1.0

05/03/2007 13:30 104 1.0

04/05/2007 12:00 106 1.0

03/06/2007 13:30 105 1.0

02/01/2007 12:30 108 1.0

01111/2007 13:10 112 1.0

12/07/2006 12:00 108 1.0

11114/2006 12:00 117 1.0

10/05/2006 II :35 119 1.0

09/06/2006 12:20 112 1.0

08/03/2006 II :30 119 1.0

07/07/2006 11:35 116 1.0

06/0112006 13:30 117 1.0

05/04/2006 12:55 122 1.0

04/10/2006 16:50 116 1.0

03/02/2006 II :23 125 1.0

02/14/2006 15:37 113 1.0

01112/2006 14:35 119 1.0

12114/2005 11:26 140 1.0

11115/2005 II :55 115 1.0

10/24/2005 14:30 119 1.0

09112/2005 II :45 118 1.0

08/1112005 15:00 139 1.0

07/08/2005 14:31 121 1.0

06/27/2005 II :25 128 1.0

05/13/2005 16:45 135 1.0

04/07/2005 18:15 169 1.0

03/10/2005 14:15 161 1.0

http:/ / data _repmis _print?well_ name=A2+Cieaning+Sup... I 0/23/2012

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02/14/2005 10:15 129 1.0

01/07/2005 14:20 174 1.0

12/01/2004 14:15 160 1.0

11109/2004 14:02 120 1.0

10/07/2004 11:35 123 1.0

09/07/2004 15:00 147 1.0

08/18/2004 10:12 150 1.0

07/07/2004 11:59 110 1.0

06/02/2004 10:38 150 1.0

05/1112004 13:48 160 1.0

04/01/2004 13:25 168 1.0

03/02/2004 14:45 182 1.0

02/16/2004 08:45 134 1.0

01106/2004 09:33 146 1.0

12/09/2003 10:22 175 1.0

11/20/2003 08:15 145 1.0

10/02/2003 08:47 135 1.0

09/1112003 09:34 127 1.0

08/04/2003 08:21 157 1.0

07/23/2003 08:19 126 1.0

05119/2003 15:02 129 1.0

05/02/2003 11:31 139 1.0

http:/ / data _reports _print?well_ name=A2+Cleaning+Sup. .. I 0/23/2012

Page 12: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

Attachment 2 -1,4-Dioxane Trend Graphs for Compliance Monitoring Wells

Page 13: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

~ Pall Corporation

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/23/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: MW-61s


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:




.!"-' 35 .1>-' 0

c;· 28 [;'; ::I 21 "'




DO Date Installed: 09/07/2000 Boring Depth: 78.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 78.00 to 68.00 Feet

J-7 Well Driller: Stearns Ground Elevation: 923.50 Feet Screen Length: 10.00

13271309.11 Well Type: Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 922.51 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

286194.58 Sampling Interval: Semi-Annual TOC to screen bottom: 77.49 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

OOOOOOOOOO~~~MNNNNMOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM~VVVV~~~~~~OO~O~N ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~M ~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~a MMNOOOMNOMMOMNNMNNMNNNMNMNNNONMMMOOOONOMNONMNON ~aaa~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~a~a~a~~~~~~~ onnnnnnnnnooonooonooooooooonnnoooononononooooo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 14: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<§> Pall Corporation

Well Name: MW-61d

Aquifer: DO Date Installed:

Map Location: J-7 Well Driller:

X Coordinate: 13271323.30 Well Type:

Y Coordinate: 286173.32 Sampling Interval:




.... 5 .:>-

• 0 4 0


"' ::J 3 .. 2



0 0 0 0 iir o-"' ro o- o-..-! ..-!



Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/23/2012

Boring Depth: 171.00 Feet bgl

Ground Elevation: 923.40 Feet

Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 922.37 Feet

Semi~Annual TOG to screen bottom: 135.45 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

0 0 0 0 i:l!' iir 0 ..-! ;::t ;::t ..-! ..-!

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

0 0 ~

"' ;::t ..-!

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

136.00 to 126.00 Feet


NAto NA Feet

..-! ..-! 0 0 ~ ~

"' "' ~ o-0 ..-!

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 15: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

~ Pall Corporation

Well Name: MW-93

Aquifer: DO Date Installed:

Map Location: K-8 wen Driller:

X Coordinate: 13272008.00 Well Type:

Y Coordinate: 285815.00 Sampling Interval:




..... 35 .1>. ' 0

28 0 X

"' :::1 21 .. 14



... "' "' "' 0 0 0 0 ?;r 00' ~ co-0 .... N .... ?;r ;::r :;;> ;::r .... 0 0 ....

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/23/2012

11/17/2004 Boring Depth: 142.00 Feet bgl

Stearns Ground Elevation: 921.00 Feet

Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 919.89 Feet

Quarterly roc to screen bottom: 65.00 Feet



• Concentration (ppb)

1,1) 1,1) .... .... "' "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 co- 0' 0' 0' ~ 0' N .... "' "' N "' :;;> ;::r ii'l' 0' ;:;:- ;:;:-0 .... 0 .... 0 0

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

0 .... .... .... ii'l' ;:;:-0 .... co- ~ 0 0

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

65.00 to 60.00 Feet


NAto NA Feet

.... N N N .... .... .... .... ~ 0' co- ~ 0 .... .... .... 0' ;::r :;;> ;:;:-.... 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 16: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

~ Pall Corporation

Well Name: 4601 Park 4 inch


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:



..... j,. 8 6 0 X

'" ::J

"' 4


DO L-6



0 0 0 0 0 0 ;:::- N" Cil' 0 .... .... iit ;:::- Cil' 0 0 0

Date Installed:

Well Driller:

Well Type:

Sampling Interval:

0 0 0 .... .... 0 0 0 0 0 i;t Cil' ;:::- ~ ;;> N .... .... 0 N ~ a ;::r i;t ;:::-0 ..... ..... 0 0

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/23/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Boring Depth: Unknown Feet bgl Screen 1: Unknown to Unknown Feet

Ground Elevation: 899.81 Feet Screen Length: Unknown

Residential Wells TOG Elevation: Unknown Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

Semi-Annual TOG to screen bottom: 52.00 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

.... N N N N "' "' "' "' ... ... ... "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' 0 .... N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... ri .... ;:::- ;:::- Cil' ;::r ;:::- 1i'r ;::r Cil' ;::r ~ i;t ;:::- i;t ;;> ;::r i;t ;;> iit Cil' i;t ;:::- ;:::- a 0 .... .... 0 0 .... .... N .... 0 .... 0 0 .... .... N N .... N ..... N ..... N N" ;::r ;;> Cil' a ;::r ;;> ;:::- ;::r N" ;;> a ;;> a ;;> a ;;> a ;:::- ;:::- ;:::- Cil' ;:::-..... 0 0 0 ..... 0 0 0 ..... 0 0 .... 0 ..... 0 .... 0 ..... 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 17: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<@> Pall Corporation

Well Name: 4601 Park 6 inch


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:



..... 6


6 0 l;; 4 " "'



DO K-6



0 0 0 0 ('1 or ri ri ;:;:- or 0 0

Date Installed:

Well Driller:

Well Type:

Sampling Interval:

0 0 0 ri ri 0 0 0 0 0 iii" or ;:;:- ill" :;;:-N ri ri 0 N ill" ~ ;::r iii" ;:;:-0 ri 0 0

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/23/2012

Boring Depth: Unknown Feet bgl

Ground Elevation: Unknown Feet

Residential Wells TOC Elevation: Unknown Feet

Semi~Annual TOC to screen bottom: 42.00 Feet


• Concentration (ppbl

ri N N N N "' "' "' "' ... ... ... "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;:;:- ;:;:- or ;::r ;:;:- iil" ;::r or ;::r ill" iii" ;:;:- iii" 0 ri ri 0 0 ri ri N ri 0 ri 0 0 ('1 ;::r :;;:- or 0: ;::r :;;:- ;:;:- ;::r ('1 :;;:- 0: :;;:-ri 0 0 0 ri 0 0 0 ri 0 0 ri 0

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

"' "' "' 0 0 0 :;;:- ;::r iii" ri ri N 0: :;;:- 0: ri 0 ri

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Unknown to Unknown Feet


NAto NA Feet

..... ..... "' "' 0 ri N 0 0 0 0 ri ri ri or iD" or iii" ;:;:- ;:;:- 0: ri ri N ri N ri N iii" 0: ;:;:- ;:;:- ;:;:- or ;:;:-0 ri 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 18: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

Attachment 3- Water Level and 1,4-Dioxane Trend Graphs for Selected Little Lake Area Wells

Page 19: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<§> Pall Corporation

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: MW-61s

Aquifer: DO Date Installed: 09/07/2000 Boring Depth: 78.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 78.00 to 68.00 Feet

Map Location: J-7 Well Driller: Stearns Ground Elevation: 923.50 Feet Screen Length: 10.00

X Coordinate: 13271309.11 Well Type: Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 922.51 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

Y Coordinate: 286194.58 Sampling Interval: Semi-Annual TOC to screen bottom: 77.49 Feet


~ .-.. "' .... r-~ "' m

~ !:!: 0







Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ N N M M M M M M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M M ~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~a~~~~~ M M N 0 N 0 M M M 0 0 0 N N 0 N N M 0 0 M M M N M M M N M M 0 0 0 M M ~aa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 M M M M M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 20: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

8> Pall Corporation

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: MW-61s


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:




~ 35 .1:> ' 0

0 28 X

"' ::l 21 .. 14



DO Date Installed: 09/07/2000 Boring Depth: 78.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 78.00 to 68.00 Feet

J-7 Well Driller: Stearns Ground Elevation: 923.50 Feet Screen Length: 10.00

13271309.11 Well Type: Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 922.51 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

286194.58 Sampling Interval: Semi~Annual TOC to screen bottom: 77.49 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

OOOOOOOOOOMMMMNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMV~~VV~~~~~~m~OMN oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMMM ~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~a MMNMOMNOMMOMNNMNNMNNNMNMNNNONMMMOOOONOMNONOONON ~aaa~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~a~a~a~~~~~~~ OMMMMMMMMM000MOOOM000000000~MMOOOO~OMOMOMOOOOo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 21: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

(§) Pall Corporation Pall Corporation

600 Wagner Road Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: 4601 Park 4 inch


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:


4 ::E "' ..... "' .... -9 .-"' < "' m -22 "' < "' !:!: 0 -35 :l


DO Date Installed:

L-6 Well Driller:

13271049.00 Well Type:

285553.00 Sampling Interval:

- -~

Boring Depth: Unknown Feet bgl

Ground Elevation: 899.81 Feet

Residential Wells TOC Elevation: Unknown Feet

SemiMAnnual TOC to screen bottom: 52.00 Feet

Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

Screen 1: Unknown to Unknown Feet

Screen Length: Unknown

Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

OOOOOOOOMMMMMNNNNOOOOOOOO~~V~VV~~~~~~~~~~~~~OOOOmONN oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMMrl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~a~ N0rlMOrl00rlOrlrl00000000rlOrlrlrlrl0rlOrlrlNrlrlNrlNrlrlNNrlrlNNrl ~~~~~a~~~~~a~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~~~~~ 00000MMMOOOMMOOOM000MOOOOOMOOOMOOOMOOOM0000000

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 22: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

0 !lJ .... (1)

04/25/2000 07/12/2000 09/06/2000 11/02/2000 01/19/2001 07/19/2001 12/07/2001 07/02/2002 01/09/2003 07/02/2003 02/09/2004 04/12/2004 09/15/2004 03/14/2005 09/13/2005 03/20/2006 09/15/2006 03/13/2007 09/13/2007 02/25/2008 09/17/2008 07/27/2010 09/19/2012

N N ln .1::>

Depth below top of Casing (feet)

N N w N

N ......

' N 0

' ...... ~

' ...... 00

' ...... -..!

' ...... en

' ...... ln

.!::> 0'1 0 .... "'C !lJ

"""' ;o:;-.1::> .!.. ::::s n ':r

:E In

Page 23: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

~ Pall Corporation

Well Name: 4601 Park 4 inch


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:




.j>, 8 6 0 X

"' ::I tD







0 0 0 0 0 0 ;::- N" 03" 0 .... .... ~ ;::- 03" 0 0 0

Date Installed:

Well Driller:

Well Type:

Sampling Interval:

0 0 0 .... .... 0 0 0 0 0 iit 03" ;::- Cil" ;;: N .... .... 0 N Cil" o- ;:r iit ;::-0 .... .... 0 0

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Boring Depth: Unknown Feet bgl Screen 1: Unknown to Unknown Feet

Ground Elevation: 899.81 Feet Screen Length: Unknown

Residential Wells TOC Elevation: Unknown Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

Semi-Annual TOC to screen bottom: 52.00 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

.... "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' .... ... ... "' "' "' "' ... ... 00 "' 0 .... "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... ;::- ;::- 03" ;:r ;::- err ;:r 03" ;:r Cil" iit ;::- iit ;;: ;:r iit ;;: ~ 03" iit ;::- ;::- o-0 .... .... 0 0 .... .... N .... 0 .... 0 0 .... .... N N .... N .... "' .... "' N" ;:r ;;: 03" o- ;:r ;;: ;::- ;:r N" ;;: o- ;;: o- ;;: o- ;;: o- ;::- ;::- ;::- 03" ;::-.... 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 .... 0 0 .... 0 .... 0 .... 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 24: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

8> Pall Corporation Pall Corporation

600 Wagner Road Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: 4601 Park 6 inch


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:


3 ::E "' ..... "' .., -3 ,-"' < "' !:!! -11 "' ~ tt. 0 -19 :::>


DO Date Installed:

K-6 Wei! Driller:

13271 049.00 Wei! Type:

285553.00 Sampling Interval:

Boring Depth: Unknown Feet bgl

Ground Elevation: Unknown Feet

Residential Wells TOC Elevation: Unknown Feet

Semi-Annual TOC to screen bottom: 42.00 Feet

Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

Screen 1: Unknown to Unknown Feet

Screen Length: Unknown

Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

OOOOOOOOM~MMMNNNNOOOOOOOO~VV~VV~~~~~~~~~~~~OOOOOO~ONN ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~a~ N0MMOMOOMOMM00000000MOMMMMOMOMMNMMNMMMMNNMMNNM ~~~~~a~~~~~a~~~~a~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~~~~~ ooooo~~~ooo~~ooo~ooo~ooooonooonooonooonooooooo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 25: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

0 Ill ...... (1)
























r!.J r!.J V1 ~

Depth below top of Casing (feet)

r!.J r!.J ~ N w N 1-' 0

' 1-' ID

' 1-' 00

' ' 1-' 1-' -...! en

,:.. V1

A ~ 0 .... "'C Ill ... "" ~ . :s n :r :E (1)

Page 26: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<§) Pall Corporation

Well Name: 4601 Park 6 inch


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:



!--' 6 .1>-

6 0 ~ 4 ;:,

"' 2






0 0 0 0 1'1 iir .-! .-! ~ iir 0 0

Date Installed:

Well Driller:

Well Type:

Sampling Interval:

0 0 0 .-! .-! 0 0 0 0 0 ~ iir ~ (;) ;;> N .-! .-! 0 N (;) 6 ;=r ~ ~ 0 .... .... 0 0

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Boring Depth: Unknown Feet bgl

Ground Elevation: Unknown Feet

Residential Wells TOC Elevation: Unknown Feet

Semi-Annual TOC to screen bottom: 42.00 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

.-! N N N N "' "' "' "' ... ... ... "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ iir ;=r ~ i'il' ;=r iir ;=r (;) ~ ~ ~ 0 .-! ,._, 0 0 .-! .-! N .... 0 .... 0 0 1'1 ;=r ;;> iir 6 ;=r ;;> ~ ;=r 1'1 ;;> 6 ;;> .... 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 .-! 0 0 .... 0

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

"' "' "' 0 0 0 ;;> ;=r ~ .-! .... N 6 ;;> 6 .... 0 ....

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Unknown to Unknown Feet


NAto NA Feet

.... .... "" "' 0 .-! N 0 0 0 0 .-! .-! ,._, iir ~ iir ~ ~ ~ 6 .... .... N .... N .... N ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ iir ~ 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 27: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<S> Pall Corporation

Well Name: MW-93

Aquifer: DO Date Installed:

Map Location: K-8 Well Driller:

X Coordinate: 13272008.00 Well Type:

Y Coordinate: 285815.00 Sampling Interval:


887 ~ "' ..... "' .... r-

884 "' < "' m

"' < "' 881 tt 0 :::>


... ll'l ll'l ll'l ll'l ll'l 1.0 "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'l ;;r :¢"at ;;r as a as 0 .... .... N .... .... N N 1'l ;::r ;;r ;:;> 01" ;::r ;;r ;:;> .... 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

11/17/2004 Boring Depth: 142.00 Feet bgl Screen 1:

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

65.00 to 60.00 Feet

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Stearns Ground Elevation: 921.00 Feet Screen Length: 5.00

Monitoring Wells TOG Elevation: 919.89 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

Quarterly TOC to screen bottom: 65.00 Feet

Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

"' 1.0 " " " " IX) IX) IX) "' "' "' 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... .... N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... in" a ;;r a ;;r a in" 01" "' "' a ;:;> 01" in" in" ;::r "' "' 1'l ~ a ;:;> as 01" 01" "' .... .... .... "' .... "' N N .... .... "' N 0 0 0 0 .... .... N 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... 01" ;::r ;;r in" 01" a 1'l "' 01" ;;r "' 01" ;;r as as 01" ;;r 01" 01" a ;::r ;;r ;:;> "' 01" a 0 .... 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0 ....

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. A!l rights reserved.

Page 28: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

~ Pall Corporation

Well Name: MW-93

Aquifer: DO Date Installed:

Map Location: K-8 Well Driller:

X Coordinate: 13272008.00 Well Type:

Y Coordinate: 285815.00 Sampling Interval:



42 ,_.

35 .j>.

' Cl 28 0


"' ::J 21 "'




... "' "' "' 0 0 0 0 N" l'il" ~ ar 0 .... N .... N" ;::r ;;;> ;::r .... 0 0 ....



Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Boring Depth: 142.00 Feet bgl

Ground Elevation: 921.00 Feet

Monitoring Wells TOG Elevation: 919.89 Feet

Quarterly TOC to screen bottom: 65.00 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

IJl IJl "' "' "" "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ar 0" 0" 0" ~ 0" N .... "' "' N "' ;;;> ;::r ~ 0" ~ ~ 0 .... 0 .... 0 0

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

0 .... .... .... ~ ~ 0 .... ar ~ 0 0

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

65.00 to 60.00 Feet


NAto NA Feet

.... N N N .... .... .... .... i.if 0" ar ~ 0 .... .... .... 0" ;::r ;;;> ~ .... 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. AU rights reserved.

Page 29: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<§> Pall Corporation

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: MW-60


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:


895 :E "' .... II> ., 891 r II> < II>

m 886 II> < "' !:!: 0

881 :::;


DO Date Installed:

J-8 Well Driller:

13272170.95 Well Type:

286194.58 Sampling Interval:

4401 Park

08/30/2000 Boring Depth: 141.00 Feet bgl

Stearns Ground Elevation: 936.40 Feet

Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 935.26 Feet

Annual TOC to screen bottom: 89.50 Feet

Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

Screen 1: 90.00 to 80.00 Feet

Screen Length: 10.00

Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

OOOOOOOOOOOOO~MMMMNNNNOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~n~~~~~~~~oomoo~m~OOOMMMNNN 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000MMMMMMMMM ~~~~~a~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~a~~~~~~a~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0NMMNOOOMNNOMMOMOMM000000000MMNMOMOMMNOMMMMMOONNMMNNONOMMNMOM ~~aaaa~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOMMMMMMMMMMM0000MOOOM000MOOOOOMOOOMOOOMOOOM000000000000000

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 30: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<§) Pall Corporation

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

Well Name: MW-60


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:



~ 33 ' 0

~ .. 22 :::;;

"' 11


DO Date Installed: 08/30/2000 Boring Depth: 141.00 Feet bgl

J-8 Well Driller: Stearns Ground Elevation: 936.40 Feet

13272170.95 Well Type: Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 935.26 Feet

286194.58 Sampling Interval: Annual TOC to screen bottom: 89.50 Feet

4401 Park

000000 000000 ~ii3'1iraii3'1ir Or-IN('t)Or-1 ~aaa::r::r 0 .-1 r-1 r-1 r-1 r-1


• Concentration (ppb)

0 0 0 0 0 r-1 r-1 r-1 r-1 N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O'r::"~;:r(;l(jtj;:rt:N't;:'N'::r N N 0 r-1 r-1 0 r-1 N 0 r-1 N 0 ::r::rN-N-N"::riit~::r;:r;;:-;;r r-1 r-1 r-1 r-1 r-1 0 0 0 r-1 0 0 0

N 0 iii' ..... a .....

"' "' "' 0 0 0 ar::r iii' N ..... N ;:r;;r ~ 0 0 0

"' 0 1ir 0 a .....

.... 0 N' 0 N' 0

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

.... .... "' "' IJ) 0 0 0 0 0 a iir ;n-;;r 1ir N 0 0 ..... 0 ;;;:- a ;;:-a iii' 0 ..... 0 ..... 0

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

90.00 to 80.00 Feet


NAto NA Feet

IJ) ... ... 0) "' 0 ..... N 0 0 0 0 0 ..... ..... ..... N' ~ a iitiir N' ~ ::r ..... ..... "' N N N ..... 0 a iii' ~ ~" ~ iir iir ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 31: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<5) Pall Corporation Pall Corporation

600 Wagner Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: 4742 Park Rd


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:


::E "' ..... "' .... ~ < "' m ,... < "' ..... c;· ::s

DO Date Installed: 10/10/1983 Boring Depth: 50.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 50.00 to 46.00 Feet

J-5 Well Driller: Ann Arbor Well Ground Elevation: 888.23 Feet Screen Length: 4.00

13270453.00 Well Type: Residential Wells TOC Elevation: 888.75 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

286419.50 Sampling Interval: Annual TOG to screen bottom: 51.00 Feet






Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

OO~~~OOOOMMMMMNNNNOOOOOOOOVVVVVV~~~~~~~~~~~~mmoo~m~OOOMMMNNN ~mmmoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMnMMMMMMM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~a~~~~~~a~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NNMMMOMNMNOMM000000000MMNMOMOMNNOMNMMMOONNMMNNONOMONMO~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ooMoooooooo~ooo~ooo~ooooo~ooo~ooo~ooo~ooooooooooooooo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 32: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

~ Pall Corporation

Well Name: 4742 Park Rd

Aquifer: DO Date Installed:

Map Location: J-5 Well Driller:

X Coordinate: 13270453.00 Well Type:

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

10/10/1983 Boring Depth: 50.00 Feet bgl

Ann Arbor Well Ground Elevation: 888.23 Feet

Residential Wells TOC Elevation: 888.75 Feet

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

50.00 to 46.00 Feet


NAto NA Feet

Y Coordinate: 286419,50 Sampling Interval: Annual TOC to screen bottom: 51.00 Feet



104 1-'

.I> • 0 78

0 X

"' ::>

"' 52




"' "' "' Ctii'iiil' N.-10 O':¢'C'l .... 0 ....

G'I:OOr-lr-i CDGlO'\CJ'IO"' a;::r;::r~;;; NMOr-11""'1 ~;::rc;r;::rc;r 0 0 0 0 0


• Concentration (ppb)

N M(l'l CD G'l G'l 00 r-1 N CJ'I m en en G'l en o o o o ii'iiit;;;;::rc;rc;rUl'ar<;ra ~ 0 N N N r-1 r-1 r-1 0 r-1 ;::riitar<;ri?i;::rc;rar;::r;::r 0 0 0 r-1 0 r-1 0 0 r-1 0

NN 00 c;r;::r .-to ;;;c;r 00

N M 00 M M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CD ooooooooooooooo ;::rar;::rarill'Circ:tariitariitii'iarc:t;;; 00 N r-1 N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 N r-1 00 N a;::r;;;~ac;r;;;aii'ic:tii'ic:tii'ic:t~ r-tOOOr-fOOr-IOa-IOr-!Or-10

~0.-!N Or-lr-ir-t c;rc;rc;r;::r NNOo ~~arar oooo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 33: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

~ Pall Corporation

Well Name: MW-31

Aquifer: DO Date Installed:

Map Location: J-6 Well Driller:

X Coordinate: 13270905.00 Well Type:

Y Coordinate: 286465.00 Sampling Interval:


Comments: '


Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

06/16/1989 Boring Depth: 65.00 Feet bgl Screen 1:

T & T Drilling Ground Elevation: 884.08 Feet Screen Length:

Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 887.05 Feet Screen 2:

Annual TOC to screen bottom: 68.00 Feet

Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

65.00 to 60.00 Feet


NAto NA Feet

::E ................... , , ................................. ~-"' .-.-"' -. 873 r-"' < "' rn 863 "' < "' !:!: 0 853 :::J

843 -11'1 .... "' Gl Gl Gl 0 0 0 .... .... N N "' "' .... .... .... 11'1 11'1 "' "' .... .... "' Gl Gl 0 .... .... N Gl Gl Gl Gl Gl Gl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... .-< ;=t iii" i'<l" ;=t (il; i'<l" ;=t ;::: ;=t iii" ;=t ;;;> i'<l" i'<l" ;=t o- o- ;::: itt ;;;> ;=t itt ;::: (il; ;;;> ;::: ;;;> ;::: ;::: i'<l" ;=t 0 .... N 0 0 .-< N 0 N 0 .... 0 0 0 0 .-< N 0 0 .-< .-< N .-< 0 N .-< N N .-< N 0 (il; iii" (il; i'<l" iii" ;=t 11r ;:;;- (il; itt o- ;;;> o- ;;;> o- 11r ;;;> o- ;;;> o- ;;;> o- ;;;> o- ;::: 11r (il; ;::: 11r (il; iii" 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 .... 0 .... 0 .-< 0 0 .-< 0 .... 0 .... 0 .-< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 34: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<@ Pall Corporation

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: MW-31


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:



..... ~ 32 6 0 X

"' ::l

"' 16


DO Date Installed: 06/16/1989 Boring Depth: 65.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 65.00 to 60.00 Feet

J-6 Well Driller: T & T Drilling Ground Elevation: 884.08 Feet Screen Length: 5.00

13270905.00 Well Type: Monitoring Wells TOC Elevation: 887.05 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

286465.00 Sampling Interval: Annual TOC to screen bottom: 68.00 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

~~OOMNNMM~~~mmm~~~~OOOOMMMMNNNNOOOOOOMVV~~~~~~~mmOMN mmm~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~ooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnn

~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~ MNOOOMMNONOMMNNMONMMMNNMOMNOOONNMNMNOONOOMMNMONNNOO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~a~~a~a~a~a~~~~~ oooooooooooooonooonooooooonooonooonooMOMOMOMooooo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 35: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<S;> Pall Corporation

Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: 110 Parkland Plaza


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:



1-' 12 .1>-' 0

0 X 8 .. :::1

"' 4


DO Date Installed: 08/14/1982 Boring Depth: 91.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 91.00 to 80.20 Feet

K-10 Well Driller: 0.0. Corsaut Inc. Ground Elevation: 936.87 Feet Screen Length: 10.00

13272829.00 Well Type: Residential Wells TOC Elevation: 936.18 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

285907.00 Sampling Interval: Annual TOC to screen bottom: 94.50 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

~~~~mmmOOMMNOOOOOOm~OOMMMMNNNNOOOOOOOOVVV~~~~~~OOmOMN ~~~~m~~~~mmmmmmmmooooooooooooooooooooooooonMn

~~a~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~ NMMOMOMOOONNNONNMMMMNMN0MMNON0000NM000MNMNMNMM ~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~a~~~a~a~~~~~ OOMMOMOOOOOoOOMOM00000MOOOM000~00~0~0MOMOOOOo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 36: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<§) Pall Corporation Pall Corporation

600 Wagner Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48103-9019 US

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/18/2012

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: 110 Parkland Plaza


Map Location:

X Coordinate:

Y Coordinate:


=E "' ...-"' ., r

"' < "' m

"' < "' !:!: 0 :I

00 Date Installed: 08/1411982 Boring Depth: 91.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 91.00 to 80.20 Feet

K-10 Well Driller: 0.0. Corsaut Inc. Ground Elevation: 936.87 Feet Screen Length: 10.00

13272829.00 Well Type: Residential Wells TOC Elevation: 936.18 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

285907.00 Sampling Interval: Annual TOC to screen bottom: 94.50 Feet





Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

~~~OOOOMMMMMNNNNOOOOOOOOVVVV~Vn~~~~~~~~~~~m~mm~mOOOMMMNNN ~m~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMMMMMMMMM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OMMMOMNMNOMM000000000MMNMMM0MONOMMMNMMNNMMMNONOM~N~"" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OO~OOOOOOOO~OOO~OOOMOOOOO~OOO~OOOMOOOM000000000000000

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. AU rights reserved.

Page 37: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

8> Pall Corporation

Water Level Elevation Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

Well Name: 4141 Jackson Rd

Aquifer: DO Date Installed: 03/02/1979 Boring Depth: 98.00 Feet bgl Screen 1: 98.00 to 90.00 Feet

Map Location: J-11 Well Driller: Cribley Drilling Ground Elevation: 937.43 Feet Screen Length: 8.00

X Coordinate: 13273112.18 Well Type: Residential Wells TOC Elevation: 937,95 Feet Screen 2: NAto NA Feet

Y Coordinate: 286316.50 Sampling Interval: Annual TOC to screen bottom: 99.00 Feet


885.79 ::E "' .... (!) ..,

883.79 r-(!)

< (!)

m 881.79 (!)

< "' !:!: 0

879.79 ::J


Water Level Elevation History

• Water Level Elevation

~~~~~OOOOOOMMNOO~~~~nnn~~~~~~WOOOO~m~OOOMMMNNN ~m~~~OOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OONMMMNNOMNMMQOMMOMMNMNMMMMMNNMMMNONOMMNMMM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nooonooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooo

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.

Page 38: Gelman Sciences, Inc. - · PDF fileVice President Corporate ... 14, 2012, Mr. Fotouhi indicated that purging does not begin before ... the second sample from that date to reflect 1,4

<@) Pall Corporation

Well Name: 4141 Jackson Rd

Aquifer: DO Date Installed:

Map Location: J-11 Well Driller:

X Coordinate: 13273112.18 Well Type:

Y Coordinate: 286316.50 Sampling Interval:




.!» 38 ' 0

0 X

"' ::l

"' 19


"' (X) (X) "' 0 0 .-t .-t (X) (X) (X) 00 0'1 "' 0'1 "' ~ ~ 01' 01' ~ ~ t::: ~ .-t N 0 .-t "' 0 .-t N ~ ;;;> ~ t::: ~ 1ir ~ 1ir .-t 0 .-t 0 0 0 0 0


Analytical Data Graph Printed: 10/19/2012

Boring Depth: 98.00 Feet bgl

Cribley Drilling Ground Elevation: 937.43 Feet

Residential Wells TOG Elevation: 937.95 Feet

Annual TOC to screen bottom: 99.00 Feet


• Concentration (ppb)

N N "' (X) "' "' "' "' 0 0 0 0 .-t

"' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Cir Cir ~ ~ t::: 01' iD' iD' ~ ~ iD' t::: .-t N N 0 0 N .-t .-t .-t N N .-t N ~ t::: 1ir ~ ~ ~ 1ir ~ ~ Cir ;;;> 1ir t::: 0 0 0 .-t 0 0 0 .-t 0 0 0 0 0

Screen 1:

Screen Length:

Screen 2:

N "' ... "' 0 0 0 0 1ir 1ir t::: t::: N 0 0 N t::: 1ir t::: t::: 0 0 0 0

Pall Corporation 600 Wagner Road

Ann Arbor, Ml48103-9019 US

Phone: 734.665.0651 Web:

98.00 to 90.00 Feet


NAto NA Feet

"' "' (X) "' 0 .-t N 0 0 0 0 .... .-t .... 01' 01' 01' ~ ~ 1ir Cir .-t .-t N .-t N .-t .-t t::: t::: t::: 1ir t::: 01' 1ir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

©Copyright 2012 by Pall Corporation. All rights reserved.