Gear rack moment_force probe

Project First Saved Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Last Saved Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Product Version 16.0 Release Save Project Before Solution No Save Project After Solution No

Transcript of Gear rack moment_force probe

Page 1: Gear rack moment_force probe


First Saved Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Last Saved Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Product Version 16.0 Release

Save Project Before Solution No

Save Project After Solution No

Page 2: Gear rack moment_force probe



Model (B4) o Geometry

Parts o Coordinate Systems o Remote Points

Remote Point o Connections

Contacts No Separation - Gear To Rack

o Mesh o Static Structural (B5)

Analysis Settings Loads Solution (B6)

Solution Information Total Deformation Probes

Material Data o Structural Steel



Unit System Metric (mm, kg, N, s, mV, mA) Degrees rad/s Celsius

Angle Degrees

Rotational Velocity rad/s

Temperature Celsius

Model (B4)


TABLE 2 Model (B4) > Geometry

Object Name Geometry

State Fully Defined


Source D:\New folder\Gear_Set_2D.stp

Type Step

Length Unit Meters

Element Control Program Controlled

2D Behavior Plane Stress

Display Style Body Color

Bounding Box

Page 3: Gear rack moment_force probe

Length X 107.52 mm

Length Y 127.77 mm


Volume 82332 mm³

Mass 0.64631 kg

Surface Area(approx.) 6861. mm²

Scale Factor Value 1.


Bodies 2

Active Bodies 2

Nodes 4128

Elements 1253

Mesh Metric None

Basic Geometry Options

Solid Bodies Yes

Surface Bodies Yes

Line Bodies No

Parameters Yes

Parameter Key DS

Attributes No

Named Selections No

Material Properties No

Advanced Geometry Options

Use Associativity Yes

Coordinate Systems No

Reader Mode Saves Updated File No

Use Instances Yes

Smart CAD Update No

Compare Parts On Update No

Attach File Via Temp File Yes

Temporary Directory C:\Users\Vishnu Rajarangan\AppData\Local\Temp

Analysis Type 2-D

Mixed Import Resolution None

Decompose Disjoint Geometry Yes

Enclosure and Symmetry Processing Yes

TABLE 3 Model (B4) > Geometry > Parts

Object Name Gear Rack

State Meshed

Graphics Properties

Visible Yes

Transparency 1


Suppressed No

Stiffness Behavior Flexible

Coordinate System Default Coordinate System

Reference Temperature By Environment

Thickness 12. mm

Page 4: Gear rack moment_force probe

Thickness Mode Manual


Assignment Structural Steel

Nonlinear Effects Yes

Thermal Strain Effects Yes

Bounding Box

Length X 88.531 mm 31.75 mm

Length Y 88.531 mm 119.63 mm


Volume 47819 mm³ 34514 mm³

Mass 0.37538 kg 0.27093 kg

Centroid X 48.939 mm 99.488 mm

Centroid Y 83.5 mm 59.825 mm

Centroid Z 0. mm

Moment of Inertia Ip1 147.8 kg·mm² 321.46 kg·mm²

Moment of Inertia Ip2 147.79 kg·mm² 17.455 kg·mm²

Moment of Inertia Ip3 295.59 kg·mm² 338.92 kg·mm²

Surface Area(approx.) 3984.9 mm² 2876.1 mm²


Nodes 2591 1537

Elements 795 458

Mesh Metric None

Coordinate Systems

TABLE 4 Model (B4) > Coordinate Systems > Coordinate System

Object Name Global Coordinate System

State Fully Defined


Type Cartesian

Coordinate System ID 0.


Origin X 0. mm

Origin Y 0. mm

Directional Vectors

X Axis Data [ 1. 0. ]

Y Axis Data [ 0. 1. ]

Remote Points

TABLE 5 Model (B4) > Remote Points

Object Name Remote Points

State Fully Defined


Show Connection Lines No

Page 5: Gear rack moment_force probe

TABLE 6 Model (B4) > Remote Points > Remote Point

Object Name Remote Point

State Fully Defined


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Geometry 1 Edge

Coordinate System Global Coordinate System

X Coordinate 48.94 mm

Y Coordinate 83.5 mm

Location Defined


Suppressed No

Behavior Deformable

Pinball Region All

DOF Selection Program Controlled


TABLE 7 Model (B4) > Connections

Object Name Connections

State Fully Defined

Auto Detection

Generate Automatic Connection On Refresh Yes


Enabled Yes

TABLE 8 Model (B4) > Connections > Contacts

Object Name Contacts

State Fully Defined


Connection Type Contact


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Geometry All Bodies

Auto Detection

Tolerance Type Slider

Tolerance Slider 0.

Tolerance Value 0.41746 mm

Use Range No

Edge/Edge Yes

Priority Include All

Group By Bodies

Search Across Bodies


Connections 1

Active Connections 1

Page 6: Gear rack moment_force probe

TABLE 9 Model (B4) > Connections > Contacts > Contact Regions

Object Name No Separation - Gear To Rack

State Fully Defined


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Contact 2 Edges

Target 3 Edges

Contact Bodies Gear

Target Bodies Rack

Shell Thickness Effect No


Type No Separation

Scope Mode Automatic

Behavior Program Controlled

Trim Contact Program Controlled

Trim Tolerance 0.41746 mm

Suppressed No


Formulation Program Controlled

Detection Method Program Controlled

Penetration Tolerance Program Controlled

Normal Stiffness Program Controlled

Update Stiffness Program Controlled

Pinball Region Program Controlled

Geometric Modification

Contact Geometry Correction None

Target Geometry Correction None


TABLE 10 Model (B4) > Mesh

Object Name Mesh

State Solved


Display Style Body Color


Physics Preference Mechanical

Relevance 0


Use Advanced Size Function On: Curvature

Relevance Center Coarse

Initial Size Seed Active Assembly

Smoothing Medium

Span Angle Center Coarse

Curvature Normal Angle Default (30.0 °)

Min Size Default (1.46140 mm)

Max Face Size Default (7.30710 mm)

Page 7: Gear rack moment_force probe

Growth Rate Default

Minimum Edge Length 1.22170 mm


Use Automatic Inflation None

Inflation Option Smooth Transition

Transition Ratio 0.272

Maximum Layers 2

Growth Rate 1.2

Inflation Algorithm Pre

View Advanced Options No

Patch Conforming Options

Triangle Surface Mesher Program Controlled

Patch Independent Options

Topology Checking No


Number of CPUs for Parallel Part Meshing Program Controlled

Shape Checking Standard Mechanical

Element Midside Nodes Program Controlled

Straight Sided Elements No

Number of Retries Default (4)

Extra Retries For Assembly Yes

Rigid Body Behavior Dimensionally Reduced

Mesh Morphing Disabled


Use Sheet Thickness for Pinch No

Pinch Tolerance Default (1.31530 mm)

Generate Pinch on Refresh No

Sheet Loop Removal No

Automatic Mesh Based Defeaturing On

Defeaturing Tolerance Default (1.09610 mm)


Nodes 4128

Elements 1253

Mesh Metric None

Static Structural (B5)

TABLE 11 Model (B4) > Analysis

Object Name Static Structural (B5)

State Solved


Physics Type Structural

Analysis Type Static Structural

Solver Target Mechanical APDL


Environment Temperature 22. °C

Generate Input Only No

Page 8: Gear rack moment_force probe

TABLE 12 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Analysis Settings

Object Name Analysis Settings

State Fully Defined

Step Controls

Number Of Steps 1.

Current Step Number 1.

Step End Time 1. s

Auto Time Stepping Program Controlled

Solver Controls

Solver Type Program Controlled

Weak Springs Program Controlled

Solver Pivot Checking Program Controlled

Large Deflection Off

Inertia Relief Off

Restart Controls

Generate Restart Points Program Controlled

Retain Files After Full Solve No

Nonlinear Controls

Newton-Raphson Option Program Controlled

Force Convergence Program Controlled

Moment Convergence Program Controlled

Displacement Convergence Program Controlled

Rotation Convergence Program Controlled

Line Search Program Controlled

Stabilization Off

Output Controls

Stress Yes

Strain Yes

Nodal Forces No

Contact Miscellaneous No

General Miscellaneous No

Store Results At All Time Points

Analysis Data Management

Solver Files Directory D:\New folder\Gear_Set_files\dp0\SYS-1\MECH\

Future Analysis None

Scratch Solver Files Directory

Save MAPDL db No

Delete Unneeded Files Yes

Nonlinear Solution No

Solver Units Active System

Solver Unit System nmm

TABLE 13 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Loads

Object Name Remote Displacement Frictionless

Support Moment

Frictionless Support 2

State Fully Defined


Page 9: Gear rack moment_force probe

Scoping Method Remote Point Geometry Selection

Remote Point Geometry Selection

Remote Points Remote Point Remote Point

Coordinate System

Global Coordinate System

X Coordinate 48.94 mm

Y Coordinate 83.5 mm

Location Defined

Geometry 1 Edge 1 Edge


Type Remote Displacement Frictionless

Support Moment

Frictionless Support

X Component 0. mm (ramped)

Y Component 0. mm (ramped)

Rotation Z Free

Suppressed No

Behavior Deformable Deformable

Magnitude -92229 N·mm



Pinball Region All All

FIGURE 1 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Remote Displacement

FIGURE 2 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Moment

Page 10: Gear rack moment_force probe

Solution (B6)

TABLE 14 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution

Object Name Solution (B6)

State Solved

Adaptive Mesh Refinement

Max Refinement Loops 1.

Refinement Depth 2.


Status Done

Post Processing

Calculate Beam Section Results No

TABLE 15 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Solution Information

Object Name Solution Information

State Solved

Solution Information

Solution Output Solver Output

Newton-Raphson Residuals 0

Update Interval 2.5 s

Display Points All

FE Connection Visibility

Activate Visibility Yes

Page 11: Gear rack moment_force probe

Display All FE Connectors

Draw Connections Attached To All Nodes

Line Color Connection Type

Visible on Results No

Line Thickness Single

Display Type Lines

TABLE 16 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Results

Object Name Total Deformation

State Solved


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Geometry All Bodies


Type Total Deformation

By Time

Display Time Last

Calculate Time History Yes


Suppressed No


Minimum 0. mm

Maximum 1.6263e-002 mm

Minimum Occurs On Rack

Maximum Occurs On Gear


Time 1. s

Load Step 1

Substep 1

Iteration Number 1

FIGURE 3 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Total Deformation

Page 12: Gear rack moment_force probe

TABLE 17 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Total Deformation

Time [s] Minimum [mm] Maximum [mm]

1. 0. 1.6263e-002

FIGURE 4 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Total Deformation > Image

Page 13: Gear rack moment_force probe

TABLE 18 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Probes

Object Name Moment Reaction Force Reaction

State Solved


Type Moment Reaction Force Reaction

Location Method Boundary Condition

Boundary Condition Remote Displacement Frictionless Support 2

Orientation Global Coordinate System

Suppressed No


Result Selection All

Display Time End Time


Z Axis 0. N·mm

Total 0. N·mm 2382.4 N

X Axis -1.8255 N

Y Axis 2382.4 N

Page 14: Gear rack moment_force probe

Maximum Value Over Time

Z Axis 0. N·mm

Total 0. N·mm 2382.4 N

X Axis -1.8255 N

Y Axis 2382.4 N

Minimum Value Over Time

Z Axis 0. N·mm

Total 0. N·mm 2382.4 N

X Axis -1.8255 N

Y Axis 2382.4 N


Time 1. s

Load Step 1

Substep 1

Iteration Number 1

FIGURE 5 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Moment Reaction

TABLE 19 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Moment Reaction

Time [s]

Moment Reaction (X) [N·mm]

Moment Reaction (Y) [N·mm]

Moment Reaction (Z) [N·mm]

Moment Reaction (Total) [N·mm]

1. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Page 15: Gear rack moment_force probe

FIGURE 6 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Force Reaction

TABLE 20 Model (B4) > Static Structural (B5) > Solution (B6) > Force Reaction

Time [s]

Force Reaction (X) [N]

Force Reaction (Y) [N]

Force Reaction (Z) [N]

Force Reaction (Total) [N]

1. -1.8255 2382.4 0. 2382.4

Material Data

Structural Steel

TABLE 21 Structural Steel > Constants

Density 7.85e-006 kg mm^-3

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 1.2e-005 C^-1

Specific Heat 4.34e+005 mJ kg^-1 C^-1

Thermal Conductivity 6.05e-002 W mm^-1 C^-1

Resistivity 1.7e-004 ohm mm

TABLE 22 Structural Steel > Compressive Ultimate Strength

Compressive Ultimate Strength MPa


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TABLE 23 Structural Steel > Compressive Yield Strength

Compressive Yield Strength MPa


TABLE 24 Structural Steel > Tensile Yield Strength

Tensile Yield Strength MPa


TABLE 25 Structural Steel > Tensile Ultimate Strength

Tensile Ultimate Strength MPa


TABLE 26 Structural Steel > Isotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Reference Temperature C


TABLE 27 Structural Steel > Alternating Stress Mean Stress

Alternating Stress MPa Cycles Mean Stress MPa

3999 10 0

2827 20 0

1896 50 0

1413 100 0

1069 200 0

441 2000 0

262 10000 0

214 20000 0

138 1.e+005 0

114 2.e+005 0

86.2 1.e+006 0

TABLE 28 Structural Steel > Strain-Life Parameters

Strength Coefficient MPa

Strength Exponent

Ductility Coefficient

Ductility Exponent

Cyclic Strength Coefficient MPa

Cyclic Strain Hardening Exponent

920 -0.106 0.213 -0.47 1000 0.2

TABLE 29 Structural Steel > Isotropic Elasticity

Temperature C Young's Modulus MPa Poisson's Ratio Bulk Modulus MPa Shear Modulus MPa

2.e+005 0.3 1.6667e+005 76923

TABLE 30 Structural Steel > Isotropic Relative Permeability

Relative Permeability


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