GDC patancheru Extra_co_curricular_activities_june2012_to February 2013

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Transcript of GDC patancheru Extra_co_curricular_activities_june2012_to February 2013

  • 7/29/2019 GDC patancheru Extra_co_curricular_activities_june2012_to February 2013



    From Jun 2012 February 2013

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    001.WorldBloodDonorDay(14-06-2012)On 14 June, countries worldwide celebrate World Blood Donor Day with ev

    awarenessoftheneedforsafebloodandbloodproductsandtothankvoluntaryunpaidfor their life-savinggiftsofblood.The themeof the2012WorldBloodDonor Daycamblood donor isaherofocusesonthe ideathateveryoneofuscanbecomeaherobyWhile recognizing the silent and unsung heroes who save lives every day througdonations, the theme also strongly encourages more people all over the world tovoluntarilyandregularly.


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    002.NewWebsiteLaunch(02-08-2012)Patancheru Government Degree College released the new site at onThursday,August2th. By launchingits own website the college has taken the first proverbialsteps tobringthe students face to face with thefacts and information and also introduce them to the vast frontiers ofknowledge.Dr.C.Manjulatha ,the Principal,believesthat the new site better representsthe colleges mission.The update of our website reflects the dynamism and the college'scommitment to transparency inprovidingprospectiveand current students with the informationfor which they're looking.The website will open window of opportunity for our students and staff to access information that will help inseekingcounseling,guidanceandhelpforhigherstudiesandplacement.Itwillalsohelpincommunicatingwiththeadministrative department,UGC and NAAC for the better understandingand sustainabledevelopmentof thecollege. she said atthe websitesinaugurationprogramme.

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    Around 15 students took part in the essay competition on the topic Role ofyouth inNationalbuilding ', organisedby Literary cultural association. on 0-08-2012 followedbyan elocution competion titled "Ethicalvalues'. First and second prizes distrubuted inAugust15,2012function.

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    004.LectureonMotivation (08-08-2012)ThePrincipalDr.C.manjulatha spoketothestudentsoftheonMotivation. Sheherlecturebystressingtheimportanceofmotivationandgoodsetting.MotivationcanbeofTwotypes:Intrinsicandextrinsic.Elaboratingonthesetwomotivation,shebelievedthatmotivatedstudents,cansetandachievetheirgoaeasilythanthosewithoutanymotivation.

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    005.FormationofEco-Club(09-8-2012)Ecology (EnvironmentalScience.) clubwaslaunched on09-08-2012atourcollege.Thedaybloomedwiththeinvocationstateanthemfollowedbylightingthecandlebythedignitaries.ThewelcomespeechwasaddressedbyourEcoClubcoordHeadoftheDepartment-Smt Swarnalatha.Shedescribedtheobjectivesandactivitiesoftheclub.PrincipalDr.C.Manjufelicitationaddress motivatedall tonurturesurroundingswithutmostcare.Shesays"Ourresponsibilitydoesnotstopafterplantingthetreebutalsoshouldhavearegularcheckonhowtheplantgrows.Shehadalso plantedswithlecturers&students asaservicetotheenvironment.AtlastthescreenoftheshowwasbroughtdownwiththedelivthanksandtheNationalAnthem.

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    006.sensitization programme.(13thand14thofAuDeptofEnglishlaunchedsensitizationprogrammeon13thand14thofAug2012onlearnercenteredmethods.Inthisconnectionthelesson"AonAdvertisement"wastaughtthroughgroupactivity.AttheendstudentsparticipatedinPostermakingactivityandmadeposterson'Antira

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    007.Extension lectureinlegalservices(22-08-2012)Legal literacycellwas inauguratedbysriV.Niranjanrao ,Civiljudgeandsecreatary,Medakatsangareddy on22-08-2012wednesday.ThePrincipalDr.C.ManhappinessoverhappeningoflegalliatracycellanditsgoodbeginingwithanextensionlectureofSriv.NiranjanRaogaru,SriV.Ramreddygaru,andsriV.Chandralegal aspects. Throughout the programme students participated with enthusiasm and posted relevant questions in the interactive session.Eventhestaffmexperience.

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    WorldWomenEqualityDaywasobservedinourcollegebywomenempowermentcell.PrincipalDr.Manjulatha presidedoverthemeeting.She saidthatwowaspossibleonlywhenwomensecuredeconomicindependence. Manymembersofthestaffandstudentsspokeongenderissuesonthatday.TheWomensEmcollegeheaded byKum.Gnanaprasunamba, Lect.inEconomicsorganizedthefunction.

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    010.Telugu Bhashotsavam(29-08-2012)TheTelugu Bhashotsavamcelebrations were started with tremendous fanfare. The chief speaker for the day Ms. P.V. Umasasi , Reader in Telugu and Head Dep

    Khairatabad spoke on the importance and greatness of the Telugu language and literature. Dr. T.patanjali , Lecturer in Telugu conducted the proceedings with a rare

    The staff and students of the college expressed their happiness on being exposed to such educational and informative talks.

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    011.Remedialcoaching forsupplementaryExams.Remedial coaching at undergraduate level to improve the academic knowledge andstudent to catch up with the rest of the class and complete the course successfully.facultymembersofourcollege puteffortstoprovideguidancefortheslow learnerswTime table. Students from Arts, Science, Commerce benefit from this RemediaprogrammewhichwasstartedfromAugust2012onwards.

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    012.screeningforinteruniversityculturalfestival(31-08-2012)On the eve of osmania university INTER-COLLEGIATE CULTURAL COMPETITI

    2013Our college literary cultural committeeconductedscreening tests in varisuchasDrama,monoaction,songsetc.on31-08-2012.

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    013.Teachers day celebrations.(05-9-2012)

    Teachers day celebration was held at Patancheru Government Degree college

    Sept. 2012. On this occasion Sri Dharacharya ,Lecturer in chemistry was honou

    The Principal Dr.C.Manjulatha spoke about the importance of teachers in groo

    students to become good citizens. She emphasized the importance of the teach

    student life. Lecturers and 100 students were present on this occassion.

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    014. English work shop on 07-09-2012.English work shop was conducted on 07-09-2012 on grammer.

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    015. Extension lecture programme in Physics.(12-09-2012)

    Patancheru GDC organized Extension lecture programme on 'WAVES AND OSILATIONS SIMPLE HARMONONICMOTION '

    K.Bucchaiah, Lectin Physics, Tara GDC,Sangareddy. Dr.C.Manjulatha,Principal welcomed the meeting . Sri Sudarshanreddy,Lectu30 students participated in this programme

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    16.Extension lecture programme on 'STRESS MANAGEMENT'(13-09-2012)

    Patancheru GDC in the aegis of MAKRO FOUNDATION organized Extensi

    programme on 'STRESS MANAGEMENT' by sri Dr.C.Venkata Subbaiah,Go

    Erragadda on 13-09-2012.. Dr.C.Manjulatha,Principal presided over the me

    Speaker Dr.C.Venkata Subbaiah advised several stress management tips to s

    one of the following:"Its important to give yourself plenty of time to wo

    studies if you want to do well, and you can save yourself a lot of stress if you

    with good time management skills. Setting up a schedule for study, breakinstudies into smaller chunks, and other time management skills are essential

    and students participated in this programme with interest.

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    17. competitions on Dr. AmbedkarThe Telugu &English Departments conducted competitions on Dr. Ambedka

    on 21-09-2012. 10 students participated.

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    18. Field Trip Report(22-09-2012).Students and staff of GDC patancheru visited fish farm, Medchal ,2012.They saw number of ornamental fishes and observed fish hatch

    aquarium under their guidance. This visit is very significant becau

    only enhanced the students knowledge but also acquainted themployment options in fisheries.

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    19. National Educational day (10-11-2012)

    GDC Patancheru celebrates National Education Day Report

    The birth anniversary of the first Union Education Minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is celebrated as National Education Day, in GDC patancheru campus on


    Participating in the National Education Day celebrations, the principal Dr.C.Manjulatha said that progress of a country depended on its literacy rate. Governm

    world were focused on improving the literacy rate in their respective countries, she said. she urged students to work hard and bring laurels to their motherlan

    services of the Abul Kalam to the nation, she said the leader played a pivotal role in setting up University Grants Commission (UGC) and IITs. Dr.C.Manjulatha

    that education is the key for development in any country. Strengthening the greatness of Degree college , she said the GDC Patancheru was making all effort

    of the intellectuals and offer quality education for the poor and middle class youth in Patancheru. She appealed to the students to inculcate the habit of ques

    will enhance knowledge.

    Dr.T.patanjali . Telugu lecturer advised the students to learn human values along with regular academic education. He stressed the need for promotion of hig

    particularly among women, in the country.

    Smt.Praveena , English Lecturer appealed to the students to respect the uneducated and explain them on the need to educate. She advised the students to seelevated into greater positions in their lives. All Staff and students participated in the celebrations.


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    20. Academic inspection on 22-11-2012.The Academic inspection committee which was entrusted by commissionarate of collegiate Education visited our college on 22-10-2012 Thursday.

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    21. college level youth festival

    As per the instructions of CCE, college level youth festival was organized at our college on 23-11-2012 Friday.

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    22.District level youth festival competitions participation (27-11-2012)GDC Patancheru college students participated in numerous district youth festival competitions held at Sangareddy , Tara Govt Degree college on 27-11-2012has got applaud by several jury members. Here is one image .

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    To raise awareness among students about the need for blood donations MEDAK DISTRICT AIDS PREVENTION CONTROL UNIT has conducted a blood d

    campaign in the Govt degree college , patancheru . A team of health educators from The MEDAK DISTRICT AIDS PREVENTION CONTROL UNIT hel"Donating blood on Thursday , 29th of November 2012.

    We have about five to six liters of blood in our bodies; everybody who is healthy can donate blood. Blood donation is a noble act and a very important

    society," stressed sri Asam , APMO during his speech. Blood transfusions are given to the injured patients during surgery, patients who suffer impairment, women who gives birth and cancer patients or people suffering from blood disorders. Blood donation has no harmful effects, it even hel

    process of the blood," said principal Dr.C.Manjulatha.

    "Donors should be between 18-50 years old, weight not less than 50 kilograms and the blood pressure should be normal 120/80. said Sri Ramacha

    government hospital, patancheru. In due course in the college premises a blood donation camp will be held. Students also promised their acceptance f

    Prizes were distributed to winners of blood donation essay writing competition held on 27-11-2012.

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    24. FIELD TRIP TO ICRISATGDC patancheru college students & staff with the principal Dr.C.Manjulatha went field trip to ICRISAT on Nov 30, 2012. ICRISAT is the internatiinstitute for semi- arid tropics. The institute aims at improving the life style of poor farmers etc helping them to grow crops which are resistant tokinds of natural calamities. Techniques for soil and crop nutrient level analysis were also discussed, and the students asked many questions in their as much knowledge as they could. After the trip, students expressed great enthusiasm and excitement for all they had experienced, sharing cfavorite moments on the trip. One student said: "The experience helped me to gain an understanding of the ICRISAT . It was truly informative!"

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    025. Extension lecture programme in chemistry.(21-12-2012)Patancheru GDC organized Extension lecture programme on 'Separation techniques 'in chemistry by sriA.venkateswararao ,

    GDC women ,Sangareddy. Dr.C.Manjulatha,Principal welcomed the meeting . Srisridharachary ,Lecturer in chemistry and 15 stu

    in this programme

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    026. Ramanujans Birth day celebrations (22-12-2012)Honourble principal Smt. Manjulatha on Saturday emphasized the need to carry forward the legacy of great, Srinivasa Ramanujan, so as to encourage and nurture the glorious tradition of the country in mathematicthe meeting she said mathematics had been widely used in the study of Science and other disciplines. Tshort of competent mathematicians and it was the responsibility of Educational community to encourage anstudy of mathematics as an academic discipline in the country, the principal said. Paying tribute to Sriniva

    principal said he was a legendary mathematician. He ranked among giants in the world of mathematics. Inhis contribution to mathematics, the Central government had decided to celebrate Ramajuan's birthday aMathematics Day every year and declared 2012 as the National Mathematical Year. Dr.T.patanjali ,Reader intelugu gajal said it was hard work, brilliance and motivation that made Srinivas Ramanujam a great mSeveral students & staff took part in this occasion with maths charts etc.


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    27.World telugu conference (Dec 27 to Dec 29, 2012)

    our Telugu Lecturer Dr.T.patanjali has participated in world telugu conference from Dec 27 to Dec 29 as a poet . He was invited by A.P. Government.


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    28. college level voters day completions (10-1-2013.)

    we have conducted National voters day completions in our college on 10-1-2013.

    winners list

    Quiz competitions1.Durga naik - B.A. II nd year

    2. Ch. Vijaya kumar -B.A. IInd Year

    3.P.Bhanuchander B.A. IInd year


    1. M.Srinivas Reddy-- B.A. II nd year

    2. Ch. Vijaya kumar-- B.A. II nd year

    3. Durga naik- - B.A. II nd year


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    29. Vivekanamda Birthday celebrations (11-01-2013)

    To mark Swami Vivekananda 150th birth anniversary year (January 2013--January 2014) GDC

    celebrated the event along with students , teachers of the college.

    some photos


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    30. District level Voters day competitions(17-01-2013)

    GDC patancheru students secured 1st Place in quiz Competition organized by Election comm

    india on 17-01-2013.


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    31.Extension lecture programme(19-01-2013)

    Our college commerce lecturer Sri P. Krishna murthy has given extension lecture

    At Tara government Degree college, Sangareddy on 19-01-2013 on Hypothesis(Dat


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    32.Know your voice (For Radio jockeys of FM Rainbow, Hyderabad)(21-01-2013)

    Our college Telugu Reader Dr. T. patanjali has given lecture for Radio jockeys of FM Ra

    Know your voice; Speak while you readat HYd Radio station on 21-01-2013.


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    33.State level Hindi seminar participation(29-01-2013)

    Our college Telugu Lecturer Dr. T.patanjali participated in the State level seminar On National integration: The Role of Hindi at s

    Degree college on 29-01-2013 and presented a paper named National integration : Hindi- Gandhi thoughts through PowerPoint


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    34. Horticulture show (29-01-2013)III B.Z.C. students of Patancheru Degree college have visited Horticulture show at necklace roa

    on 29th jan 2013 afternoon with seven students &one Botany lecturer.As on additional learning in

    proved to be very useful to the students. The lecturer explained to them the importance of Pla

    economic significance. Students were filled with wonder and joy looking at Bonsai and other orother varieties of Plants.


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    35. DRC Meeting (02-02-2013)

    As per the invitation mentioned above Medak DRC Meeting was conducted in Patancheru GDC on 02-02-2013. 15 college principadiscussed about academic activities. All extended thanks to the Patancheru principal and staff for smooth conducting of meeting.