Gd Content.

7/23/2019 Gd Content. 1/10 20/10/2015  Reforms have to grow up.  Reform is the introduction of new amendments into the existing framework for the improvement. Reform means the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc. The use of the word in this way emerges in the late 1700’s and is elieved to originate from !hristopher "yvill’s #ssociation movement which identified $%arliamentary Reform& as its primary aim.Reform is generally distinguished from revolution.  Reformation at present is the necessity of the time, it should e apply on the existing framework of the society. 'ndia marked it’s presence in each and every field ut still we are developing in many aspects. 't’s peak time that the nation should take firm steps for the etterment. (ow, it is the time we should make actions rather than only empty words for the reformation. Reformation includes the amendments in the existing structure of the system. (ow we are in a situation of huge crisis and )*% rate is elow 7+. ome old steps like implementation of )-T, *irect income tax ill,*' and many more . 'n a hugely populated country like 'ndia implementing /okpal ill it’s not an easy task ut it will surely reduce the lack money. ow many of us cote the exact salaries at the time of tax payment.  Reforms are necessary and should e done keeping in mind the futuristic aspirations of the nation, youth etc., the reforms may include anything it may vary from social,  conomic, political etc. so that the reaks on economy etc. should e shattered away.  o in2short reforms should have to grow up and it’s our duty as well for the government to see whether the implementation of the proposed reforms is going in a proper way or not.  Reformation is the demand of the current situation in every sector. 'ndia needs reformations for it’s etterment. we as an individuals also make changes in our moral values to suit the reformation  Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.  

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Reforms have to grow up.  Reform is the introduction of new amendments into the existing

framework for the improvement. Reform means the improvement or

amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc. The use of the word

in this way emerges in the late 1700’s and is elieved to originate from

!hristopher "yvill’s #ssociation movement which identified $%arliamentary

Reform& as its primary aim.Reform is generally distinguished from revolution.


Reformation at present is the necessity of the time, it should e apply on

the existing framework of the society. 'ndia marked it’s presence in each and

every field ut still we are developing in many aspects. 't’s peak time that the

nation should take firm steps for the etterment. (ow, it is the time we should

make actions rather than only empty words for the reformation. Reformation

includes the amendments in the existing structure of the system. (ow we are in

a situation of huge crisis and )*% rate is elow 7+. ome old steps like

implementation of )-T, *irect income tax ill,*' and many more . 'n a

hugely populated country like 'ndia implementing /okpal ill it’s not an easy

task ut it will surely reduce the lack money. ow many of us cote the exact

salaries at the time of tax payment.


Reforms are necessary and should e done keeping in mind the futuristic

aspirations of the nation, youth etc., the reforms may include anything it may

vary from social,


conomic, political etc. so that the reaks on economy etc. should e

shattered away.


o in2short reforms should have to grow up and it’s our duty as well for

the government to see whether the implementation of the proposed reforms is

going in a proper way or not.


Reformation is the demand of the current situation in every sector. 'ndia

needs reformations for it’s etterment. we as an individuals also make changes

in our moral values to suit the reformation


Should important services like transport be left to

market forces?. 

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)ood Transport facilities is a dying need of developing country like 'ndia

as most of t he people still leaves in villages and also aout 30 + of people are

 elow poverty line so they cant very much afford to uy a vehicle so if the

transport facilities are good it will reduce the necessity to uy a vehicle and

 people will also e ale to travel comfortaly. 

' would like to ring in notice of the misuse of such systems provided for

 pulic convenience y private agencies. 4elow is a translation of a news that

had come in 5lucknow 6agaran5 on une 8nd


5# serious fraud has een reported in the -%RT! 9nline 4ooking

ystem. The existing ooking agency is offering ooking for -%RT! uses

aove the defined -%RT! 4us fare. The special point to e noted is this entire

game is happening in front of the !orporation and !orporation officials andsurpisingly no officials are taking any effort to stop this. The example of this is

the incident involving the #! uses etween *elhi2/ucknow.


#ccording to Roadways sources, for the convenience of passengers

roadways has enaled ooking on -%RT!.#4'4-.!9:. The agency is

 ooking for private uses along with -%RT! 4uses. ince the wesite is

-%RT!;s, the passengers are getting confused and easily getting cheated to

 ook on private uses when trying to ook for -%RT! 4uses.


'ts to e noted that the !orporation <olvo *elhi to /ucknow us per

 passenger is Rs. =>7, whereas %rivate 4uses the fare collected is etween

Rs.?00 to Rs. 1800. These private uses are operated from near the us stands

and the passengers are also dropped near the us stands. These services operate

in the night time and hence are not eing effectively monitored or caught. 9nly

after several instances of this fraud were reported, Roadways officials have

written to the *epot Traffic and !entral Traffic to stop this fraudulent ooking

and practice. Traffic 9fficial :r. Ra6iv !hauhan has said that the 9nline

4ooking %ortal was started for the passengers convenience and asked what can e done if the passengers are ooking without proper information and idea at

higher prices in private uses. There will e an investigation in this regard and

this will e stopped.


#ll the claims and 6ustifications provided y Roadwways 'nvestigating

team will go in thin air looking at the operations of the of the volvo uses plying

 etween *elhi and /ucknow. (o checks are eing done on these volvo uses

inspite of them passing through several roadways @ones.


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The passengers are eing provided with %rivate 4us Tickets instead of the

-%RT! 4us Tickets and this fraud has come to the notice of the Traffic

incharges at ead 9ffice.5


'f this is what we are depending on for transport needs and the marketforces looting us how will this country developA


Technology Creates Income Disparities 

Technology is taking us places and in the modern world scenario it is a

 oon rather than ane ut as far as income disparity is concerned it cuts a sorry

figure of our government’s insufficiency and its policy crisis. 's technology the

real reason ehind income disparityA


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2 Technology is uniformly distriuted throughout the country, ut uran

areas are far ahead in technology. Thus more technology results in more

employment and more income, thus the difference etween the uran areas and

the rural areas. 

2 There is a ma6or cut down in the employment charts as technology

reduces the dependency on manpower which is favorale to an organi@ationBas

it leads to more profitC ut it makes lot of people lose their 6os.


2 This rings in light the difference etween the rural and uran people as

the uran people have the knowledge aout technology, making them the

ovious choice of selection y organi@ations.

  2 (ot only does it results in economic ineDualities ut also social ones.

'ndividuals with high income are given more respect and are looked upon with

high esteem in our society.  2 !ompanies opt only for those who are technically sound, further

demorali@ing other individuals and pointing to some gaping holes in the 'ndian

education system.




2 Technology can e used to provide etter education and understanding

of its applications, making it an effective tool for every individual. 

2 Technology teaches an easier way of doing things effectively and


  2 :ore sources are utili@ed thus creating more employment. Technology

also gives rise to new innovations and it helps in various discoveries.

  2 't plays a pivotal role in developing a country’s economy and also their


  2 Technology gives a man power to e eDuivalent to a machine.


2 'nhouse technology helps in getting the country name and fame on

international platform. 

2 'mprovement in technology today means less dependence on other

countries in future.

Technology works as a catalyst in the growth of a country, it ridges the

income gap etween the poor and the rich y creating employment

opportunities ut due to the less use of technology in 'ndia it is seen as an

income disparity. 'n this modern world where ETime is :oney’, makes one’s life

simple. Thus technology does not create income disparity rather helps in

removing it.


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Globalization Vs Nationalism


)loali@ation and (ationalism are said to e the two different parts of the

same coin. 'n a way, oth are connected with each other, and still are very

different from each other. 'n the changing world, where world is shrinking with

the use of latest technology, people are finding it tough to stay in touch with

their own sense of nationalism. 's gloali@ation hurting nationalismA #re we paying a huge cost to ecome a part of modern and gloal worldA


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F )loali@ation is the only way to enhance the trade relations etween any

two countries. 't is the medium to eliminate the gloal trade arriers.


F )loali@ation is aout the open communication not within the country ut across the world. 't is uniting the world into a single entity.

F )loali@ation is not aout the cultural imperialism ut aout the cultural

exchange where the different ethnic groups from various companies try to know

each other’s culture.

F %eople can change their perception and haits. 't is the impact of

gloali@ation. 't doesn’t teach them to forgo their patriotism for the country.

F conomic (ationalism gives irth to protectionism that is really

harmful for the overall gloal economy. #nd if gloally economy declines, it

will even have the same impact on our country.




F )loali@ation is destroying the culture and heritage of a numer of

countries and the ethnic groups surviving in it. 

F The greatest negative impact of gloali@ation is seen on the national

language. The people who communicate in indi are thought to e ackward

and illiterate.

F "est is clearly dominating the entire world. 't is killing the nationalism

under the shadow of gloali@ation.

F !ultural 'mperialism is the drawack arising from the gloali@ation that

in a way forces the developing or under2developed countries to follow the ideas

and use the products set y the "est.

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F )loali@ation leads to a higher percentage if immigration that can have

a negative impact on the social structure of the country.




)loali@ation can reduce the importance of nationalism only if the

citi@ens of country will allow it to happen. )loali@ation is aout the

advancement ut if the people will confuse the wrong living styles with

gloali@ation then they are at fault. (arendra :odi is working on improving the

trade relations etween the other countries and is using indi language for

diplomatic talks, giving a clear message to respect the nationalism and e a part

of gloali@ation.


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Indian Economy : Old wine in new bottle

  In my opinion, the "old wine" here refers to the traditional economy

of our country and the "New Bottle" here refers to the latest infrastructure

and new technologies on which our economy prospers.


Indian economy is old wine in new bottle, but if we thought about it,

why this is happening than, only we are responsible for this because we

don't want to change yourself and repeat our daily routine, we don't think

about something new.


I think government have to take some steps to overcome the

problems. Its not about old wine or new wine its about the wine should

be pure. In our present economy we have many opportunities but we

have to aware and grab our chance. New economy like our techno,infrastructure, urbanization, globalization taking place we have many

opportunity so from my point of view its a new wine in old bottle.


I guess being a large populated country like India it has many roles

to play especially in the field of economy. We may not be developed

when compared to European nation but firm base of our economy makes

a nation, which can withstand global crisis.


Politicians are now aware that the old thinking style will not work

now. They will have to find new ways to tackle the complex problems of

our developing economy. We are progressing but it will take time to be

called a developed economy.


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  My thought is our economy is improving a lot compare to last few

years due to the revolution of it sectors. Our ultimate aim for future to

achieve the number one position in economy. For achieve that position

by improving the research and development area in all sectors. 

There should be some limitation in the politics like working age

should be fixed, education should be fixed so that our country get better

and educated leaders and this way youth should get chance to enter into


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's there any point in having a usiness strategy when the world changes from

month to the month A


o go on a trip in vacations we start planning before 4-5 months that how is the

will see. So, for a simple trip if we plan strategies that is also tentative than to run asuch a crucial step of planning.

business can be start by an i!ea but to ma"e it successful we have to plan st

strategies in to!ay worl!$s shoul! be a amalgamation of both rigi!ity an! fle%ibility. 

&igi! in the core wor"ing such as its completion of targets in ma"ing, maintaini

shoul! be fle%ible in some planning changing accor!ing to the !eman! of the consumincreasing pro!uction.


s universally !efine change is the law of nature so the strategies shoul! be as

shoul! ma"e some changes in their strategist to compete the present mar"et but at ttheir core strategies remain unchange! on which their company stan!.

