GCL#98 October 2011

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Transcript of GCL#98 October 2011

  • 8/4/2019 GCL#98 October 2011


    Global Chalice Lighting forGlobal Chalice Lighting forGlobal Chalice Lighting forGlobal Chalice Lighting for OctoOctoOctoOctoberberberber 2011201120112011

    The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 98th in its monthly

    series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to


    All ICUU-affiliated groups have been asked to submit brief chalice lightings for the project.

    Every month, a reading will be distributed to Unitarian and Universalist congregations

    around the world. We ask each congregation to use the reading for at lWe ask each congregation to use the reading for at lWe ask each congregation to use the reading for at lWe ask each congregation to use the reading for at least one worshipeast one worshipeast one worshipeast one worship

    service in the designated month, identifying it as the Global Chalice Lighting for thatservice in the designated month, identifying it as the Global Chalice Lighting for thatservice in the designated month, identifying it as the Global Chalice Lighting for thatservice in the designated month, identifying it as the Global Chalice Lighting for that

    month and naming the group which submitted it.month and naming the group which submitted it.month and naming the group which submitted it.month and naming the group which submitted it. Readings will be circulated in English and,

    where different, in their original language.

    It is hoped that the ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Project will enhance the worship

    experience in our congregations and raise awareness of the international dimensions of our

    religious movement. This Global Chalice Lighting is submitted in Czech and English by the

    Religious Society of Czech Unitarians. It is to be used during October 2011.

    Schzme se v tomto mst, kter je pro tuto chvli nam duchovnm domovem.

    Je to msto ns vech, pro kadho z ns. Jsme lid rznho pvodu, s rznmi

    ivotnmi pbhy; kad z ns je originlem. Jdeme mnoha rznmi cestami.

    Zatmco cesta kadho z ns je odlin, mme spolen cl: prohlubovat nae

    spojen s Duchem ivota; init duchovn dlo v naich srdcch; a vztahovat se kdruhm.

    Zapalme tento kalich, abychom poslili sv uvdomn pospolitosti. Toto je

    skuten jedno msto, mnoho cest; mnoho cest, jeden cl. Nech svtlo tohoto

    kalicha nm tuto pravdu pipomn.

    Office of the Secretariat

    345 Addiscombe Road

    Croydon, Surrey

    CR0 7LG UK+44 20 8407 2866



    Council of

    Unitarians and


  • 8/4/2019 GCL#98 October 2011


    We gather in this place which is our spiritual home at this hour. It is one place

    for us all. We are people of different origins, with different life stories; each of

    us is unique. We walk on many diverse paths.

    While the path of each of us is quite different, we have a common goal: to

    deeper our connection with the Spirit of Life; to do the spiritual work in our

    hearts; and to reach out to the others.

    Let us light the chalice to strengthen our awareness of togetherness. This is

    truly one place, many paths; many paths, one goal. May the light of this chalice

    remind us of that.

    Petr Samojsky
