Figure 5. Histograms of the query sequence lengths and database se- quence lengths that were used for benchmarking NCBI BLAST and mpi- BLAST. mpiBLAST: Parallelization of BLAST for Computational Clusters Aaron Darling Dept. of Computer Science University of Wisconsin-Madison [email protected] Wu-chun Feng Advanced Computing Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory [email protected] What is BLAST? Modelling BLAST Usage - The length, number and content of the query and database sequences significantly affect BLAST runtime [11] - Must choose queries and the database to accurately reflect a typical BLAST usage pattern - We model a common problem in genomics: using BLAST on all predicted ORFs in a newly sequenced genome [16] Sequence database: nt Queries: Predicted ORFs from the E. Chrysanthemi genome The BLAST Algorithm 1. The query sequence is indexed with a string matching data structure 2. Database sequences are ‘streamed’ past the query index 3. Exact subsequence matches (hits) of some minimum size are identified 4. Hits are extended to the surrounding matching region by scoring each successive extension with a statistically motivated function. 5. The extended hits, called High Scoring Pairs (HSPs), are sorted based on score and are reported to the user in one of several formats Why Parallelize BLAST? Sequence DB is larger than the main memory of a standard workstation. - DB searches must utilize slow disk I/O - Sequence DBs are growing faster than they can be processed [14] - Solution 1: Buy a computer with more memory - Solution 2: Use inexpensive commodity components in parallel BLAST searches are very CPU intensive - But sequence DB entries are essentially independent and can be searched in parallel. - Communication costs during a parallel search are low - Parallel BLAST can utilize efficient, low cost clusters like Green Destiny 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Size (MB) Year Growth of Memory vs. Genbank Compressed Genbank size Memory size All About BLAST BLAST in Parallel - BLAST is a family of sequence database search algorithms [1,2] - Foundation for much research in molecular genetics - Searches for similarities between a short query sequence and a large set of database sequences. - Query and database sequences are either DNA or amino acid (pro- tein) sequence, BLAST will translate between DNA and amino acid sequenceson-the-fly. Figure 2. Growth of computer memory size vs. Genbank size. Genbank is a public repository for DNA sequences that is maintained by NCBI. The compressed size of Genbank is an approximation based on 2-bit per base encoding of the data at [3] Parallel BLAST Approaches Multithreading - Each thread searches a distinct portion of the database - Implemented in NCBI BLAST Query Segmentation - Each query is farmed out to a distinct node in a cluster - Each node searches the entire database - Implemented in HT-BLAST[4], cBLAST[15], U. Iowa BLAST[5], TurboBLAST[6,7] Database Segmentation - Each node in a cluster searches a distinct portion of the database - The query is sent to all nodes in the cluster - Implemented in TurboBLAST[6,7], Blackstone PowerBLAST, and Platform LSF Search Name Query Type Database Type Translation blastn Nucleotide Nucleotide None tblastn Peptide Nucleotide Database blastx Nucleotide Peptide Query blastp Peptide Peptide None tblastx Nucleotide Nucleotide Query and Database Table 1. Standard BLAST database search types. DNA and ami- no acid sequences are translated by BLAST, making searches with several combinations of database and query type possible. mpiBLAST Approach - Database segmentation - Load balancing - Basic fault tolerance - Integration with scheduler systems (PBS) - Open source, MPI based [13], available at http://mpiblast.lanl.gov mpiBLAST Algorithm Format the Database - Execute a wrapper for standard NCBI formatdb - Fragments database and copies the fragments to shared storage Querying the Database - Execute an MPI wrapper for standard NCBI blastall - Worker nodes report the DB fragments present on local storage to the master node - Master node assigns workers fragments to search - If a worker is assigned a fragment it does not have on local storage, the fragment is copied to local storage - As fragment searches complete, results are reported to the master node. - Master node merges results into a single results file Performance of blastn In Low Memory Search time Blocks read/s 0 600 100 200 300 400 500 Database Size (Millions of Nucleotides) mpiBLAST Performance Performance in Low Memory Goal: - Determine BLAST behavior when the database is too large to fit in the system buffer-cache Method: - NCBI BLAST and mpiBLAST were benchmarked using increasingly large database sizes - Attempt to cache the DB by doing an untimed search before each timed search Results: - When the DB is too large for buffer-cache, disk I/O increases sharply as does BLAST search time - mpiBLAST on a single node behaves similarly to NCBI BLAST - When run with 2 or 4 workers, the DB can be respectively 2 or 4 times larger before heavy disk I/O occurs References 1. S. F. Altschul, T. L. Madden, A. A. Schaffer, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, W. Miller, D. J. Lipman, “Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs”, Nucleic Acids Research, 25, pp. 3389-3402, 1997. 2. Stephen Altschul, Warren Gish, Webb Miller, Eugene Myers, and David Lipman, “Basic local alignment search tool”, Journal of Molecular Biology, 215:403-410, 1990. 3. D. A. Benson, M. S. Boguski, D. J. Lipman, J. Ostell, “GenBank”, Nucleic Acids Research, 25:1, pp. 1-6, 1997. 4. N. Camp, H. Cofer, and R. Gomperts, “High-Throughput BLAST”, SGI White Paper, September 1998. 5. R.C. Braun, K.T. Pedretti, T.L. Casavant, T.E. Scheetz, C.L. Birkett, and C.A. Roberts, “Parallelization of Local BLAST Service on Workstation Clusters”, Future Generation Computer Systems, 17:6 pp. 745-754, April 2001. 6. Ruzhu Chen, Clarisse Taaffe-Hedglin, Nathan Willard, and Andrew H. Sherman, “Benchmark and Performance Analysis of TurboBLAST on IBM xSeries Server Cluster”, IBM Red Paper, 2002. 7. R.D. Bjornson, A.H. Sherman, S.B. Weston, N. Willard, and J. Wing, “TurboBLAST: A Parallel Implementation of BLAST Based on the TurboHub Process Integration Architecture.”, IPDPS 2002 Workshops, April 2002. 8. Al Shpuntof of AFS Informatics and Christopher Hoover of TimeLogic, Personal Communication, August 2002 9. M. Warren, E. Weigle, and W. Feng, “High-Density Computing: A 240-Node Beowulf in One Cubic Meter”, To appear at SC2002: High-Performance Networking and Computing Confer- ence, (Baltimore, MD, Nov 16 - Nov 22, 2002). 10. W. Feng and M. Warren and E. Weigle, “The Bladed Beowulf: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Traditional Beowulfs”, To appear at IEEE Cluster 2002. 11. E. Chi, E. Shoop, J. Carlis, E. Retzel, and J. Riedl, “Efficiency of shared-memory multiprocessors for a genetic sequence similarity search algorithm”, Technical Report TR97-005, University of Minnesota Computer Science Department, 1997. 12. Ilya Sharapov, “Computational Applications for Life Sciences on Sun Platforms: Performance Overview”, Sun White Paper, November 2001. 13. W. Gropp, E. Lusk, A. Skjellum, “Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message Passing Interface”, 2nd Edition, 1999 14. W. Jim Kent, “BLAT - The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool”, Genome Research, 12:656-664, April 2002. 15. cBLAST. http://wwwcbbc.murdoch.edu.au/research/cluster/. 16. Jeremy D. Glasner, Guy Plunkett III, Paul Liss, Aaron Darling, Frederick R. Blattner, and Nicole T. Perna, “ASAP, a systematic annotation package for community analysis of genomes”, Nu- cleic Acids Research, January 2003. Future Directions - Perform a detailed analysis of ‘Where the time goes’ when doing parallel BLAST searches - Implement query segmentation for large clusters with high startup costs - Use the NCBI toolkit to directly output the merged BLAST results in several formats including XML, ASN.1 and tab delimited text - Implement seamless fault tolerance so that a search need not be restarted when a node goes down. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Execution Time (s) Sequence DB size (MB) mpiBLAST blastn Performance blastn, 1 node blastn, 2 nodes blastn, 4 nodes Figure 7. Performance of blastn searches using mpiBLAST. blastn performance suffers severely when the database becomes too large for the system buffer-cache. In this case, mpiBLAST yields a super-linear speedup versus a single node. mpiBLAST, etc. Figure 6. blastn searches as the database grows larger than the system buffer-cache. Disk I/O sharply increases when the da- tabase becomes too large, degrading blastn performance. Figure 9 (above). The speedup of mpiBLAST on Green Destiny. Speedup is based on the search time for 300 kb of query sequences against 5.1 GB of the nt database. Figure 10 (right). Green Destiny, a 240 node bladed beowulf based on the Transmeta Crusoe processor. mpiBLAST Speedup Goal: - Determine the speedup and scalability of mpiBLAST on a large cluster Method: - Benchmark mpiBLAST on Green Destiny[9,10] - Each node has a 667 MHz Transmeta TM5600, 640MB RAM, and a 20GB hard disk. - Nodes are interconnected with switched 100Base-TX ethernet - Operating system is Linux 2.4 Results: - mpiBLAST exhibits super-linear speedup when run on multiple cluster nodes. - Efficiency decreases as the number of workers increases RADIANT LOGO HERE Figure 3. Our ‘hokey’ depiction of database seg- mentation. Each worker node receives a distinct portion of the entire sequence database. The pro- cess does not actually involve a spaghetti press. Worker Nodes mpiBLAST is a freely available open-source implementation of database segmentation for BLAST searches Figure 4. A schematic of the mpiBLAST query algorithm. The query is sent to each worker where a unique portion of the database is searched. Results are sent to the master node to be merged. Figure 8. Performance of tblastx searches using mpiBLAST. tblastx is not affected by heavy disk I/O because it is CPU-bound. mpiBLAST achieves linear speedup for tblastx searches. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Execution Time (s) Sequence DB size (MB) mpiBLAST tblastx Performance tblastx, 1 node tblastx, 2 nodes tblastx, 4 nodes 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Relative Execution Time Number of processors mpiBLAST blastn speedup Linear Speedup mpiBLAST, Green Destiny Query: >Perilla frutescens mRNA for leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase CATCTACTCAAATTAAGAAATAGATAGAAATGGTTACGAGTGCAATGGGTCCAAGCCCGCGGGTGGAGGAACTGGCCCGA AGCGGACTCGACACGATCCCAAAAGTATACGTGCGGCCCGAAGAGCACCTGAAAAGTATCATAGGCAACATTTTGGCGGA ATAAAATTAAATAATTTTTCAATTGTACTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Database: >gi|3123744|dbj|AB013447.1|AB013447 Brassica napus mRNA for aluminum-induced GCCTCAAACAGTTTAATTTTCTTCAAAACTAGTTTTTTTTTGGTTTTAGTTGGTATCCACGGAAGAGAGAGAAAATGTTG GGAATTTTCAGCGGACGTATAGTATCATTGCCGGAAGAGCTGGTGGCTGCCGGGAACCGAACTCCGTCGCCGAAGACAAC CGGATCGGTCCTAGTCAACAAGTTCGTAGAGAAAAATCCCTCTGCCGTGTCCGTACAGGTCGGCGACTACGTGCAGCTTG CTTATAGCCACCACAAAGAGAGTCCTCTCCGGCCAAGGTCATTTGGGGCTAAGGATGAGATATTCTGCTTGTTCCAAGGC >gi|221778|dbj|D00026.1|HS2HSV2P4 Herpes simplex virus type 2 gene for glycoprotein D TTTTACTAGAGGAGTATCCCCGCTCCCGTGTACCTCTGGGCCCGTGTGGGAGGGTGGCTGGGGTATTTGGGTGGGTATTG GCGGCCCGAAGGGCCCGCCGCGCATTTAAGGAGTCGCCGCCCCGACTCTGTGTCTTCGGGTGACTTGGTGCGCCGCCGTC AGCTAGTCTCCGATCTGCCCCGACCGACGGCTCCTGCCACCCGAACATG >gi|7328961|dbj|AB032155.1|AB032154S2 Homo sapiens PGFS gene for prostaglandin F synthase [AKR 1C3], exon 6, 7 TTTTTTTCTTGATGCTGAAATCTATCCAAACATCACCAGTGACATTTCCTTGAAAGTAGTGCTTTTGTCTTTCAGACTTG CCCTCACGAGTCCTTGACCAAATTCTTGCTTTCTGGCACAATCTGAAGCCCAAAGGCTCTAAGAATCTTACTGTATCCCA GATATGGAACTTGTTACATCTCCTTCTAGTTGTCAAAGGTCTTTGGAAGGCAGGATCTGTTTCATAGATGAGCTTCTGTT TAGAAATGGCATTTCCACTTATACTTTTAGAAGATATATAAAATTTATTTCTATGAAAAAGGTTATTACTTGACAATAAT >gi|7328962|dbj|AB032156.1|AB032154S3 Homo sapiens PGFS gene for prostaglandin F synthase [AKR 1C3], exon 8 CAATATCTATCGAACTTAATATATAATCTTCTGTTATTTAAAAATTTGCCTCTAGATTCTTGTGGGCCTTCTAGGTACAT ATATCACATTGTCCCAAACCTGCTCAGCTCCTTATCAAATCAAAAACATTTCCATCAACTTTGTGGTCCAGGTGCCAATT CCACCTCCTTCATATGGAATTGCTTGCTAGATCCTG Hit Extension: GTGGGTATTGGCGGCCCGAAGGGCCCGCCGCG ++---+++++++++++-++-+ AAGACTACGTGCGGCCCGAAGAGCACCTGAAA Predicted ORF sizes for Erwinia Chrysanthemi 3937 ORF length in base pairs Frequency 0 5000 10000 15000 0 500 1000 1500 Length of sequence entries in the nt database Sequence length in base pairs Frequency 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 20000 40000 60000 Figure 1. An example of the BLAST algorithm mpiBLAST can be downloaded from http://mpiblast.lanl.gov


Page 1: GCCTCAAACAGTTTAATTTTCTTCAAAACTAGTTTTTTTTTGGTTTTAGTTGGTATCC ...public.lanl.gov/radiant/pubs/bio/mpiblast-sc2002.pdf · startup costs - Use the NCBI toolkit to directly output the merged

Figure 5. Histograms of the query sequence lengths and database se-quence lengths that were used for benchmarking NCBI BLAST and mpi-BLAST.

mpiBLAST: Parallelization of BLAST for Computational Clusters

Aaron DarlingDept. of Computer Science

University of [email protected]

Wu-chun FengAdvanced Computing LaboratoryLos Alamos National Laboratory

[email protected]

What is BLAST? Modelling BLAST Usage- The length, number and content of the query and database sequences significantly affect BLAST runtime [11]- Must choose queries and the database to accurately reflect a typical BLAST usage pattern- We model a common problem in genomics: using BLAST on all predicted ORFs in a newly sequenced genome [16]Sequence database: ntQueries: Predicted ORFs from the E. Chrysanthemi genome

The BLAST Algorithm1. The query sequence is indexed with a string matching data structure2. Database sequences are ‘streamed’ past the query index3. Exact subsequence matches (hits) of some minimum size are identified4. Hits are extended to the surrounding matching region by scoring each successive extension with a statistically motivated function.5. The extended hits, called High Scoring Pairs (HSPs), are sorted based on score and are reported to the user in one of several formats

Why Parallelize BLAST?Sequence DB is larger than the main memory of a standard workstation. - DB searches must utilize slow disk I/O - Sequence DBs are growing faster than they can be processed [14] - Solution 1: Buy a computer with more memory - Solution 2: Use inexpensive commodity components in parallel

BLAST searches are very CPU intensive - But sequence DB entries are essentially independent and can be searched in parallel. - Communication costs during a parallel search are low - Parallel BLAST can utilize efficient, low cost clusters like Green Destiny








1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002


e (



Growth of Memory vs. Genbank

Compressed Genbank sizeMemory size

A l l A b o u t B L A S T

B L A S T i n P a r a l l e l

- BLAST is a family of sequence database search algorithms [1,2]

- Foundation for much research in molecular genetics

- Searches for similarities between a short query sequence and a large set of database sequences.

- Query and database sequences are either DNA or amino acid (pro-tein) sequence, BLAST will translate between DNA and amino acid sequenceson-the-fly.

Figure 2. Growth of computer memory size vs. Genbank size. Genbank is a public repository for DNA sequences that is maintained by NCBI. The compressed size of Genbank is an approximation based on 2-bit per base encoding of the data at [3]

Parallel BLAST ApproachesMultithreading - Each thread searches a distinct portion of the database - Implemented in NCBI BLAST

Query Segmentation - Each query is farmed out to a distinct node in a cluster - Each node searches the entire database - Implemented in HT-BLAST[4], cBLAST[15], U. Iowa BLAST[5], TurboBLAST[6,7]

Database Segmentation - Each node in a cluster searches a distinct portion of the database - The query is sent to all nodes in the cluster - Implemented in TurboBLAST[6,7], Blackstone PowerBLAST, and Platform LSF

Search Name Query Type Database Type Translationblastn Nucleotide Nucleotide Nonetblastn Peptide Nucleotide Databaseblastx Nucleotide Peptide Queryblastp Peptide Peptide Nonetblastx Nucleotide Nucleotide Query and Database

Table 1. Standard BLAST database search types. DNA and ami-no acid sequences are translated by BLAST, making searches with several combinations of database and query type possible.

mpiBLAST Approach- Database segmentation- Load balancing- Basic fault tolerance- Integration with scheduler systems (PBS)- Open source, MPI based [13], available at http://mpiblast.lanl.gov

mpiBLAST AlgorithmFormat the Database - Execute a wrapper for standard NCBI formatdb - Fragments database and copies the fragments to shared storage

Querying the Database - Execute an MPI wrapper for standard NCBI blastall - Worker nodes report the DB fragments present on local storage to the master node - Master node assigns workers fragments to search - If a worker is assigned a fragment it does not have on local storage, the fragment is copied to local storage - As fragment searches complete, results are reported to the master node. - Master node merges results into a single results file

Performance of blastn In Low Memory

Search time Blocks read/s

0 600100 200 300 400 500Database Size (Millions of Nucleotides)

m p i B L A S T P e r f o r m a n c e

Performance in Low MemoryGoal: - Determine BLAST behavior when the database is too large to fit in the system buffer-cacheMethod:- NCBI BLAST and mpiBLAST were benchmarked using increasingly large database sizes- Attempt to cache the DB by doing an untimed search before each timed searchResults: - When the DB is too large for buffer-cache, disk I/O increases sharply as does BLAST search time - mpiBLAST on a single node behaves similarly to NCBI BLAST - When run with 2 or 4 workers, the DB can be respectively 2 or 4 times larger before heavy disk I/O occurs

References1. S. F. Altschul, T. L. Madden, A. A. Schaffer, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, W. Miller, D. J. Lipman, “Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs”, Nucleic Acids Research, 25, pp. 3389-3402, 1997.2. Stephen Altschul, Warren Gish, Webb Miller, Eugene Myers, and David Lipman, “Basic local alignment search tool”, Journal of Molecular Biology, 215:403-410, 1990.3. D. A. Benson, M. S. Boguski, D. J. Lipman, J. Ostell, “GenBank”, Nucleic Acids Research, 25:1, pp. 1-6, 1997.4. N. Camp, H. Cofer, and R. Gomperts, “High-Throughput BLAST”, SGI White Paper, September 1998.5. R.C. Braun, K.T. Pedretti, T.L. Casavant, T.E. Scheetz, C.L. Birkett, and C.A. Roberts, “Parallelization of Local BLAST Service on Workstation Clusters”, Future Generation Computer Systems, 17:6 pp. 745-754, April 2001.6. Ruzhu Chen, Clarisse Taaffe-Hedglin, Nathan Willard, and Andrew H. Sherman, “Benchmark and Performance Analysis of TurboBLAST on IBM xSeries Server Cluster”, IBM Red Paper, 2002.7. R.D. Bjornson, A.H. Sherman, S.B. Weston, N. Willard, and J. Wing, “TurboBLAST: A Parallel Implementation of BLAST Based on the TurboHub Process Integration Architecture.”, IPDPS 2002 Workshops, April 2002.8. Al Shpuntof of AFS Informatics and Christopher Hoover of TimeLogic, Personal Communication, August 20029. M. Warren, E. Weigle, and W. Feng, “High-Density Computing: A 240-Node Beowulf in One Cubic Meter”, To appear at SC2002: High-Performance Networking and Computing Confer-ence, (Baltimore, MD, Nov 16 - Nov 22, 2002).10. W. Feng and M. Warren and E. Weigle, “The Bladed Beowulf: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Traditional Beowulfs”, To appear at IEEE Cluster 2002.11. E. Chi, E. Shoop, J. Carlis, E. Retzel, and J. Riedl, “Efficiency of shared-memory multiprocessors for a genetic sequence similarity search algorithm”, Technical Report TR97-005, University of Minnesota Computer Science Department, 1997.12. Ilya Sharapov, “Computational Applications for Life Sciences on Sun Platforms: Performance Overview”, Sun White Paper, November 2001.13. W. Gropp, E. Lusk, A. Skjellum, “Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message Passing Interface”, 2nd Edition, 199914. W. Jim Kent, “BLAT - The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool”, Genome Research, 12:656-664, April 2002.15. cBLAST. http://wwwcbbc.murdoch.edu.au/research/cluster/.16. Jeremy D. Glasner, Guy Plunkett III, Paul Liss, Aaron Darling, Frederick R. Blattner, and Nicole T. Perna, “ASAP, a systematic annotation package for community analysis of genomes”, Nu-cleic Acids Research, January 2003.

Future Directions- Perform a detailed analysis of ‘Where the time goes’ when doing parallel BLAST searches- Implement query segmentation for large clusters with high startup costs- Use the NCBI toolkit to directly output the merged BLAST results in several formats including XML, ASN.1 and tab delimited text- Implement seamless fault tolerance so that a search need not be restarted when a node goes down.








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000


tion T

ime (


Sequence DB size (MB)

mpiBLAST blastn Performance

blastn, 1 nodeblastn, 2 nodesblastn, 4 nodes

Figure 7. Performance of blastn searches using mpiBLAST. blastn performance suffers severely when the database becomes too large for the system buffer-cache. In this case, mpiBLAST yields a super-linear speedup versus a single node.

m p i B L A S T, e t c .

Figure 6. blastn searches as the database grows larger than the system buffer-cache. Disk I/O sharply increases when the da-tabase becomes too large, degrading blastn performance.

Figure 9 (above). The speedup of mpiBLAST on Green Destiny. Speedup is based on the search time for 300 kb of query sequences against 5.1 GB of the nt database.Figure 10 (right). Green Destiny, a 240 node bladed beowulf based on the Transmeta Crusoe processor.

mpiBLAST SpeedupGoal: - Determine the speedup and scalability of mpiBLAST on a large clusterMethod: - Benchmark mpiBLAST on Green Destiny[9,10] - Each node has a 667 MHz Transmeta TM5600, 640MB RAM, and a 20GB hard disk. - Nodes are interconnected with switched 100Base-TX ethernet - Operating system is Linux 2.4Results: - mpiBLAST exhibits super-linear speedup when run on multiple cluster nodes. - Efficiency decreases as the number of workers increases


Figure 3. Our ‘hokey’ depiction of database seg-mentation. Each worker node receives a distinct portion of the entire sequence database. The pro-cess does not actually involve a spaghetti press.

Worker Nodes

mpiBLAST is a freely available open-source implementation of database segmentation for BLAST searches

Figure 4. A schematic of the mpiBLAST query algorithm. The query is sent to each worker where a unique portion of the database is searched. Results are sent to the master node to be merged.

Figure 8. Performance of tblastx searches using mpiBLAST. tblastx is not affected by heavy disk I/O because it is CPU-bound. mpiBLAST achieves linear speedup for tblastx searches.



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000


tion T

ime (


Sequence DB size (MB)

mpiBLAST tblastx Performance

tblastx, 1 nodetblastx, 2 nodestblastx, 4 nodes



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140Rela

tive E


tion T


Number of processors

mpiBLAST blastn speedup

Linear SpeedupmpiBLAST, Green Destiny





Predicted ORF sizes for Erwinia Chrysanthemi 3937

ORF length in base pairs



0 5000 10000 15000







Length of sequence entries in the nt database

Sequence length in base pairs



0 5000 10000 15000 20000









Figure 1. An example of the BLAST algorithm

mpiBLAST can be downloaded from
