GC Volunteer Overview your advisor at 877.378.2667 or visit daveramsey.com/gc to get started. Title...


Transcript of GC Volunteer Overview your advisor at 877.378.2667 or visit daveramsey.com/gc to get started. Title...



What is

GENERATION CHANGE?Generation Change is the three-series, nine-lesson suite that teaches teens

how to handle money God’s ways, understand who they are in Jesus Christ, and

develop virtues that will last a lifetime.


develop virtues that will last a lifetime.

There’s only one you. Be who God says you are and not what the world says.

Teens will learn:

• The Father’s heart for them.

• Our character can grow along with our money.

• God’s desire to see them live full and abundant lives.

• The truth about life and money.

God’s ways of handling money work. Learn to give, save and spend His way.

Teens will learn:

• How to be wise and generous with money.

• How to budget and manage a checking account.

• How to distinguish needs from wants.

• How to save for emergencies, purchases and retirement.

• Why we tithe and how giving can make a huge impact on the world today.

Every decision leads you somewhere. Learn how to live the life God created you for.

Teens will learn:

• How to know what major or career fi ts what God has created them to do.

• How to make college work without student loans.

• How to plan for life after high school with insurance, investing, career choices and giving.

series 2


series 1


series 3


Rachel Cruze, Dave’s daughter, travels the country helping students and young adults learn how to prevent money troubles and kick start their lives with wise money choices. In college, Rachel served in Young Life as a leader and she continues to serve on her local Young Life committee.

Why is it so important to teach teens about money?

The average teenager expects a starting salary of $73,000. The actual starting salary for a college grad is only $27,000.

68% of teens say there’s more pressure to have more things, like computers, cell phones and clothes.

The average college student graduates with about $40,000 in total debt: $27,000 in student loans and $13,000 in consumer debt.

86% of teens say they’d rather learn about money management in a class before making mistakes in the real world.

84% of teens reported owning a cell phone, while just 52% had a savings account.


What comes in each Generation Change Leader Kit?

Each Generation Change Series Leader Kit comes with everything needed to lead the class. You’ll receive:

DVD with 3 Lessons

Leader’s Guide with student workbook integrated throughout

2 Student Membership Workbooks*

Access to Youth Pastor Resource Center including extra activities, graphics and an interactive community with other youth workers

*Each student needs their own Student Membership

Who can lead Generation Change?

You can! Whether you’re a parent or a volunteer who cares, you can help change the future of the teens

in your church and community. Reverse the trend. Counter culture. Make sure your teens leave home

confi dent of who they are, content with what they have, and sure of how to handle money. The class can

last for nine consecutive weeks to match the length of Financial Peace University.

What’s next?

So you’ve decided you’d like to lead Generation Change

in your church. The next step is to get approval from

your church’s youth pastor or decision maker.

Please refer to the Approval Checklist to help guide

that process. Then set a class start date and get

busy promoting! See the Promotion Overview and

Promotion Timeline for help.

Call your advisor at 877.378.2667 or visit daveramsey.com/gc to get started.