GBNRTC Air Quality Conformity Determination

COMBINED REGIONAL EMISSIONS ANALYSIS AND TRANSPORTATION CONFORMITY DETERMINATION For the Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC) 20112015 TIP and 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Introduction The Clean Air Act requires the United States Environmental Protection Agency to establish the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for various criteria air pollutants. Areas where air quality monitoring shows a violation of the NAAQS are designated “nonattainment.” By law the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is required to produce a plan, known as the State Implementation Plan (SIP) that details how sufficient emission reductions, including reductions in the mobile source sector, will be achieved to meet the NAAQS. All nonattainment areas are subject to a provision in CAA §176(c) known as transportation conformity. The intent of the transportation conformity process is to fully coordinate transportation and air quality planning to ensure the implementation of Transportation Plans, Programs and Projects will not: cause or contribute to any new violation of the NAAQS, increase the frequency or severity of any existing NAAQS violations, or delay timely attainment of the NAAQS or any required interim emissions reductions or other milestones in any area. This report presents the results of the regional emissions analysis and describes the process and methods undertaken by GBNRTC to demonstrate air quality conformity for the Buffalo, NY 8hour ozone nonattainment area consisting of Erie and Niagara Counties. This new conformity determination was necessitated by an update to the region’s Long Range Transportation Plan and subsequent development of a new 20112015 TIP. Attainment NonAttainment History and Status Erie and Niagara Counties, NY were classified as a marginal nonattainment area under the 1hour ozone standard and in attainment for all other Clean Air Act criteria pollutants in 1991. On July 16, 1997 EPA concluded the 1hour standard did not adequately protect the public from the adverse health effects of ground level ozone. In establishing a new "concentration based" 8hour standard, EPA set the standard at 0.08 parts per million (ppm). Specifically, the design value for 8hour ozone is the 3year average of the annual 4thhighest daily maximum 8hour ozone concentrations. An area attains the standard when the 3year average of the annual 4thhighest daily maximum 8hour concentrations is less than or equal to 0.08 ppm. Effective June 15, 2004 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated Erie and Niagara Counties to be a nonattainment under the 8hour ozone standard. Based on 20012003 data, the 8hour ozone design value for the area was 0.099 ppm; and based on 20022004 data, the 8hour ozone design value for the area was 0.091 ppm. Based on these values Erie and Niagara Counties were GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) – Final May 2010 p 1


GBNRTC Air Quality Conformity Determination for 2011-2015 TIP and 2035 LRP

Transcript of GBNRTC Air Quality Conformity Determination



    20112015TIPand2035LongRangeTransportationPlanUpdate Introduction TheCleanAirActrequirestheUnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgencytoestablishthenationalambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for various criteria air pollutants. Areas where air qualitymonitoring shows a violationof theNAAQS aredesignated nonattainment. By law theNewYorkStateDepartmentofEnvironmentalConservation(NYSDEC)isrequiredtoproduceaplan,knownastheStateImplementationPlan(SIP)thatdetailshowsufficientemissionreductions, includingreductions inthemobilesourcesector,willbeachievedtomeettheNAAQS.AllnonattainmentareasaresubjecttoaprovisioninCAA176(c)knownastransportationconformity.TheintentofthetransportationconformityprocessistofullycoordinatetransportationandairqualityplanningtoensuretheimplementationofTransportationPlans,ProgramsandProjectswillnot: causeorcontributetoanynewviolationoftheNAAQS, increasethefrequencyorseverityofanyexistingNAAQSviolations,or delay timely attainment of the NAAQS or any required interim emissions reductions or other

    milestonesinanyarea.This report presents the results of the regional emissions analysis and describes the process andmethodsundertakenbyGBNRTCtodemonstrateairqualityconformityfortheBuffalo,NY8hourozonenonattainmentareaconsistingofErieandNiagaraCounties. ThisnewconformitydeterminationwasnecessitatedbyanupdatetotheregionsLongRangeTransportationPlanandsubsequentdevelopmentofanew20112015TIP.AttainmentNonAttainmentHistoryandStatusErieandNiagaraCounties,NYwereclassifiedasamarginalnonattainmentareaunderthe1hourozonestandardandinattainmentforallotherCleanAirActcriteriapollutantsin1991.On July16,1997EPA concluded the1hour standarddidnotadequatelyprotect thepublic from theadverse health effects of ground level ozone. In establishing a new "concentration based" 8hourstandard,EPAsetthestandardat0.08partspermillion(ppm).Specifically,thedesignvaluefor8hourozoneisthe3yearaverageoftheannual4thhighestdailymaximum8hourozoneconcentrations.Anarea attains the standardwhen the3year averageof the annual4thhighestdailymaximum8hourconcentrationsislessthanorequalto0.08ppm.Effective June15,2004 theUnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA)designatedErieandNiagaraCountiestobeanonattainmentunderthe8hourozonestandard.Basedon20012003data,the8hourozonedesignvaluefortheareawas0.099ppm;andbasedon20022004data,the8hourozonedesignvaluefortheareawas0.091ppm.BasedonthesevaluesErieandNiagaraCountieswere

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  • classifiedasaSubpart1Basicnonattainmentareaunder the8hourozonestandard. Thecurrent8hourozonedesign value in Erie andNiagaraCounties is0.084ppmbasedon20062008monitoringdata.OnJune15,2005,theonehourozonestandardwasrevoked.Atthattime,EPAdeterminedthatuponthe revocation of the onehour standard, only the 8hour ozone standard and its associatedrequirementswouldapplytothetransportationconformityprocess. OnDecember22,2006,theU.S.CourtofAppealsfortheDistrictofColumbiaCircuitbothupheldandrejectedcertainaspectsofEPAsframework for implementing the State Implementation Plan (SIP) requirements under Clean Air Act(CAA)TitleIPartDfor8hourozonenonattainmentareas.AkeyresultofthecourtdecisioninvolvedthecontinuedimplementationofemissioncontrolstrategiesinareaslikeErieandNiagaraCountiesthatwerepreviouslydesignatednonattainmentforthe1hourozonestandardunderCAAPartDSubpartIIandarenowdesignatednonattainmentforthe8hourozonestandardunderCAAPartDSubpartI.Generallyspeaking,SIPrequirementsunderSubpartIarelessstringentthanthoseunderSubpartII.Theantibackslidingprovision,CAA Section172(e),provides that in theevent [EPA] relaxesa [primaryNational Ambient Air Quality Standard] after November 15, 1990, [EPA] shall...provide for controlsapplicabletoareasdesignatednonattainmentbeforesuchrelaxation.In the subject court case, the DC Circuit specifically concluded that transportation conformityrequirements for areas designated nonattainment for the 1hour ozone standard under Subpart IIconstitutecontrolsunderSection172(e).TheDCCircuitCourtdecisionstatesthatEPAisrequiredbystatutetokeepinplacemeasuresintendedtoconstrainozonelevelsevenonesthatapplytooutdatedstandardsinordertopreventbacksliding.Therefore, the transportation conformity requirements thatpreviously applied to 1hourozonenonattainment areas such as the ErieNiagara County Area may remain applicable requirements.Therefore,thisconformitydeterminationandassociatedanalysesaddressthetransportationconformityrequirements thatapply tobothMarginal1hourozoneareasand toSubpart1 (Basic)8hourozonenonattainmentareasper40CFRPart93and6NYCRRPart240. EmissionsTest AmotorvehicleemissionbudgetwasnotrequiredorestablishedfortheBuffalo,NY1hourozonenonattainmentarea.Inaddition,amotorvehicleemissionsbudgethasnotyetbeenestablishedaspartoftheState ImplementationPlanfortheBuffalo,NYSubpart1Basic8hourozonenonattainmentarea.Per 40 CFR 93.119(b)(2) of the federal transportation conformity regulation, Subpart 1 basic 8hourozone nonattainment areas andMarginal 1hour ozone nonattainment areasmay choose betweentwoemissionsteststodemonstrateconformity.40CFR93.119(b)(2)(i)allowsMarginal1hourandSubpart1(Basic)8hourozonenonattainmentareasto demonstrate conformitywhen emissions predicted in the action scenario are not greater thanemissionspredicted in thebaselinescenario,and thiscanbe reasonablyexpected tobe true in theperiodsbetweenanalysisyears.Thistestisalsoreferredtoasthebuildnogreaterthannobuildtest.40CFRPart93.119(b)(2)(ii)allowsBasicSubpart18hourozonenonattainmentareastodemonstrateconformitywhen the action scenarioemissions are less thanorequal to2002emission levels andallows Marginal 1hour ozone nonattainment areas to demonstrate conformity when the action

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  • scenarioemissionsarelessthanorequalto1990emissionslevels.Thesetestsarecommonlyreferredtoasthenogreaterthanbaselineyeartests.GBNRTC utilized the build no greater than nobuild test in its regional emissions analysis todemonstrate conformitywith theSIP forboth the1hourand8hourozone standards. Tomeet therequirements under 40 CFR Part 93.119(f)(1)&(2), the ozone precursors volatile organic compounds(VOC)andoxidesofnitrogen(NOX)wereexaminedintheregionalemissionsanalysis. UseofLatestPlanningAssumptions 1. Estimatesofcurrentandfuturepopulationemployment,travelandcongestionTheGBNRTChas incorporatedYear2000Censusdata into itsplanningassumptions. TheGBNRTCanditsEconomicandDevelopmentReviewTeamupdatedregionaldemographicforecaststotheYear2035(AttachmentB).TheYear2035demographicforecastswerebasedupontheresultsofthe2000Censusand itspreviously approved2030demographic forecasts. Thenew2035 forecasts reaffirmpreviousforecastswithanassumptionof continued slowgrowth inpopulation,employment,andhouseholds.GBNRTCPolicyCommitteeapprovedtheYear2035forecastsattheregional,municipalandTAZ levelsonDecember15,2009(AttachmentA).Intermediate year demographic forecasts for Years 2015, 2025, and 2035 were then developed byinterpolationbetweentheYear2000CensusdataandtheHorizonYear2035demographicfigures.ThisdemographicdatawasusedasinputintothenewGBNRTCmodelstructuregeneratingVMTandspeeddata for each analysis year. The revised trip tables accurately predict both intercounty and intracounty travelpatterns in Erie andNiagaraCounties. The resulting intercounty travelpatterns fullyincorporateall2000Censuspopulation,employment,household,andautoownershipdata.Inaddition,sincethetriptableswererevisedattheTAZlevel,therevisedtripdistributionmatrixisconsistentwith2000CensusJourneytoWorkdata.2. TransitOperatingPoliciesandRidershipTrendsModalsplitmodelingshowedthetransitshareofregionaltripsremainedconstantatapproximately5%of total regional trips. The2002household travel survey resulted in3.7million totaldaily tripswith130,000onpublic transit. This2002household travel surveymodal split is consistentwithprevioushousehold travel surveys conducted in1993and1973which showed transit shares rangingbetweenthree (3) and five (5)percent. It shouldbenoted that a seriesofmotor fuelpriceoscillationshaveoccurred since the last conformity analyses with mixed transit ridership statistics. In general thepatronageincreases(+10%)realizedduringhighfuelcostswerefollowedbycomparabledeclines(6%)whenfuelpricesreceded. Atthetimeofthisupdatethenetridershipgainwasconsiderednegligiblewithno significant change in the transit share. As such, transitmodal sharewasunchanged for thisupdate.3. Transitserviceandfarechanges,roadandbridgetollsThetransitoperatorforErieandNiagaraCountyistheNiagaraFrontierTransportationAuthority(NFTA).NFTAs fare policy is to construct, evaluate, and revise the fare structure based upon five criteria:equity; ease of understanding; revenue; ability to generate additional ridership; and ease ofadministration.

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  • InconsideringthevariouspoliciesNFTAhasretainedazonalfarestructure(asdescribedbelow)basedonafindingthatitismoreequitabletothemajorityofitstransitriders,especiallythetransitdependentpopulation, aswell asproducingmore revenue than a flat farepolicy. However,NFTA continues toconsiderchangestoitsfarepolicy(includingaflatfare)aspartofitsoverallstrategyreviewprocess.Anincremental fare increasewas includedsincethe lastconformityanalysesand isreflected inthetablebelow. Typically fare increases have a negative affect on transit ridership but motor fuel pricefluctuationsserved tomake transitmoreattractive. Post fare increase, transit ridershipcontinued todemonstratemodestgainssystemwide, though recentstatistics indicate ridershiphas fallen indirectcorrelationtolowerfuelprices.Overallthereappearstobenosignificantchangeintransitmodalshare.Themostcurrenttransitfaresandnetworkoperatingconditionswere inputtothemodelingstructureusedingeneratingtransitridership(modalshares).Thefarestructure,pricingandzonalapproachareinconsiderationasafunctionofthe2009strategicreviewasnoted.TheNFTAcurrentlyoperatesonazonalfaresystem. Therearefourfarezones inthesystemandthefaresstructureforalltripinterchangesareprovidedinthefollowingtable:

    Passenger Type 1 Zone Ride 2 Zone Ride

    3 Zone Ride

    4 Zone Ride

    Adult $1.75 $2.05 $2.35 $2.65

    Child (5-11 yrs.) Senior Citizen (65 and older),*Disabled* & Medicare

    $0.75 $0.90 $1.05 $1.20

    4. StatusofTCMImplementationTherearenoTransportationControlMeasures(TCMs)inthecurrentSIPforErieandNiagaraCounties.TheLRPandTIPprocessattheMPOlevelwillprovideforexpeditiousimplementationofanyTCMsthatmaybeidentifiedthroughanyfuturerevisiontotheSIP. 5. OtherkeyinformationGBNRTC received Interagency ConsultationGroup (ICG) approval onMarch 11, 2005 that use of itstraveldemandmodelwasacceptableforairqualityconformitymodelingpurposesandthismodelwasemployedtoproducethedetailedregionalemissionsanalysispresentedinAttachmentE.InMay2008,minoradjustments to thebaseyearnetworkprompteda routine revalidationofmodelaccuracyandresulted inabaseyear2008network insignificantlydifferent than the2005model. In late July2009preparatoryworkwasinitiatedtoupdatetheGBNRTCLongRangeTransportationPlan(LRP)withayear2035planninghorizonandtodevelopacomplementary20112015TIPrepresentingthefirstfiveyearsoftheLRP.Theairqualityconformitymodelingeffortsforthe20112015TIPand2035LongRangePlanUpdatewere initiated onMarch 19, 2010 following several conference calls (3/3/10& 3/4/10) andemailswith ICGmemberswhich lead to concurrence on theGBNRTC approach. The analyseswerecompletedonMarch23,2010. LatestEmissionsModelEmissionfactortablesdevelopedbyNYSDOTEnvironmentalScienceBureau(ESB)utilizingMobile6.2inApril2008wereused for thisregionalemissionsanalysis. These tablesarebasedon themostrecent

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  • modelingparameters establishedby theNew York StateDepartmentof EnvironmentalConservation(NYSDEC).AtitsMarch3,2010meetingtheInteragencyConsultationGroup(ICG)concurredthatthesetableswereappropriateforuse inGBNRTCsregionalemissionsanalysisof its20112015TIPand2035LRPUpdate. Thespecificmodeling inputsandparametersusedtodeveloptheemissionsfactortablesforErieandNiagaraCountiesaredescribedbelow: EvaluationMonthThemonthofJuly(i.e.,summertimeconditions)wasspecifiedintheVOCandNOxemissionfactorinputfiles.






    Parameter Years 2002 2035

    Beginning calendar year 1984

    Earliest model year (Current yr 25 yrs)

    Final model year (Current yr 2 yrs) Light-duty vehicles

    subject to inspection LDGV, LDGT1, LDGT2, LDGT3,

    LDGT4 Heavy-duty vehicles subject to inspection HDGV2B, HDGV3, HDGV4

    Annual or biennial Annual

    Compliance rate 98% Component inspections (see MOBILE6.2 Users


    All except tailpipe lead deposit test


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 5


    Erie and Niagara Counties

    Year(s) Season Fuel Sulfur Levels (ppm)

    RVP (psi) Average Maximum

    2002 Summer 297.0 1000.0 8.3 Winter 293.0 1000.0 12.1

    2012-2035 Summer 30.0 80.0 8.6 Winter 30.0 80.0 12.5



    Dutchess and Orange Counties (Reformulated Gasoline Program)

    Year(s) Season Oxygenate Type

    Oxygenate Content

    (% by volume)

    Market Share Fraction of Oxygenate

    2002 Summer MTBE 1.74% 1.00 Winter MTBE 1.37% 1.00

    2012 - 2035 Summer/Winter Ethanol 5% 1.00

    TemperatureandHumidityForthesummerseason,countyspecifichourlytemperaturesandrelativehumiditylevelsasverifiedbyNYSDECinspring2009wereusedinthemodeling.DieselSaleFractionsDieselsalefractionsforNYSDOTRegion5wereusedinthemodeling.Year2002dieselfractionswereusedtomodelthe2002baseyear.Year2007dieselsalefractionswereusedtomodelallfutureanalysisyears. VehicleStartDistributionCountyspecificvehiclestartdistributiondataasreceivedfromNYSDECinspring2009wereusedinthemodeling.VMTbyHourCountyspecificVMTdata(allocatedbyhourofday)asverifiedbyNYSDECinspring2009wereusedinthemodeling.LowEmissionVehicle(LEV)StandardsThefollowingfileswereusedtomodeltheeffectsofimplementingCaliforniasLEVI/LEVIIprogramsinNewYorkState:

    L2CERT.dSpecifiestheLEVII50,000milecertificationstandards L2EVAP.dSpecifiesthephaseinschedulefortheLEVIIevaporativeemission

    standards L2EXH.dSpecifiesthephaseinschedulefortheLEVIIexhaustemissionstandards LEV2.d Provides fleet penetration fractions for light-duty gasoline vehicles

    under the LEV I/LEV II programs

    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 6

  • WeightedemissionsbyvehicletypeTheemissionfactorsforeachindividualvehicletypewereweightedaccordingtotheNYSDOTRegion5vehicledistributionsbyroadwayfunctionalclassandthensummedtoobtaincompositeemissionfactors.NYSDOTdevelopedthevehicledistributiondatain2004usingthemostrecentlyavailabletrafficcountdata.ThesemodelinputsincludethelatestexistingandfutureemissionscontrolprogramsincludedinNYSDECsstatewidemobilesourceemissioninventory,andthelatestMOBILE6.2inputassumptionsfortheexistingandfuturevehiclefleetstravelingonroadwaysintheGBNRTCplanningarea.TheMOBILE6.2inputandexternaldatafilesareavailablebycontactingtheNYSDOTESB. Consultation Candidate projects for the 20112015 TIP were presented to the ICG along with proposedcategorizations.Therewerenoprojectchangestothe2035LRPUpdate.TheInteragencyConsultationGroup concurredwith themajorityofproposedproject classifications in theGBNRTC201115TIP attheirMarch 3, 2010meeting. Requested clarifications or revisions to the proposed classification ofprojectswereresolvedonMarch17,2010. TheGBNRTCstaff internallyreviewedtheexemptprojectcarryoverlistingforthepreviousTIPandestablishednonehadchangedclassificationstatus. TransportationDemandModelingRequirements

    1. ClassificationofProjectsintheTIPandPlanper40CFRPart93.126and93.127As part of the Interagency Review process the ICG concurred that the classification of projects intoexemptandnonexemptcategorieswascompletedinaccordancewithappropriatefederalregulations.Theexempt,nonexempt,orregionallysignificantstatusofaprojectwasbasedonthespecifichighwayandtransitprojecttypesdefinedbythecriteriaofthefederalconformityrulesandguidance. 2. TheanalysisyearsmustbedefinedAnalysisyearsweredefinedbaseduponthemostrecentconformityguidanceprovidedbyNYSDOTofthefederalrequirements.Theseanalysisyearswere: 2015Intermediateyearthatincorporates201115TIPandalsosatisfiesrequirementthatfirst

    analysisyearbenogreaterthan5yearsfromthedateoftheconformitydetermination 2025IntermediateAnalysisYearrequiredbyCAAA(analysisyearsbenotmorethan10years

    apart) 2035LongRangeTransportationPlanHorizonYear

    3. ThebaselinescenariomustbedefinedThebaselinescenario inallfutureanalysisyearsconsistsofall inplaceorcurrentlyunderconstructionhighwayandtransitfacilities,services,andactivitiesasofMay2008.

    4. TheactionscenariomustbedefinedAllprojects in the20112015TIPand2035LRPUpdate thatcouldbeaccommodated in themodelingprocesswere included in theGBNRTC conformity analysis build scenarionetworks. Therefore thisanalysis includesnotonly theeffectof thenonexempt and regionally significantprojectsbut also anumberofexemptprojectsthatproducesystemperformancebenefitsandcanbemodeled. GBNRTC

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  • reviewedallprojects intheLRPUpdatetodeterminetheiryearof implementation. Theresultsofthisreview produced a listing of exempt/nonexempt projects for each conformity analysis year. Thisprojectlisting(seeAttachmentsCandD)wasreviewedandapprovedbytheICG. ConsistencyofTIPandPlan Noneoftheprojects inthe20112015TIPareanticipatedto interferewiththe implementationofanyprojectinthe2035LongRangePlanUpdate,andviceversa.Allprojectsinthe20112015TIPand2035LRP Update were consolidated into one regional emissions analysis that captures the effects ofimplementingalltransportationsystemimprovementsineachapplicableanalysisyear(2015,2025,and2035). RegionallySignificantNonFederalProjects Regionallysignificanttransportationprojectsarethoseexpectedtoimpactareatravelpatternsandareexpectedtobefinancedwithnonfederalrevenuesources.AspartoftheconformitydeterminationtheGBNRTCidentifiedandanalyzedonesuchprojectasrequiredbySec.93.105: Project / Resp. Agency Construction / Operation Date / Details Exempt / Non-

    exempt Status Peace Bridge Buffalo & Ft. Erie Br. Auth.

    EIS in process; early 2010; Modeled as widened from 3 to 7 lanes


    The Peace Bridge Expansion Project identified in GBNRTC plans is modeled as a sixlane crossingbetween theUnitedStatesandCanadaat theBuffaloFortErie location.Currently theexistingbridgefunctionsas three lanes,witha reversible center laneandprocessing facilities separated forgeneraltravel, secure passenger traveler (NEXUS) and secure commercial vehicles (FAST). The currentlyproposedconfigurationfortheprojectwouldfunctionassixlanes,asanewspanwouldbeconstructedparallel to the existing span, allowingone span to carry traffic intoCanada andone into theUnitedStates.Theexisting threelane spanwould carry two lanesofgeneral travelvehicles,and the thirdacombinedNEXUS/FAST lane forsecurepassengerandcommercialvehicles.Thenewspanwouldhavefouractualtravellanes,withtwoindicatedasgeneraltravel,andthesecurepassengervehicles(NEXUS)andsecurecommercialvehicles(FAST)travellinginseparatelanes.Itwastheprofessionaljudgmentofthestaffthatmodelingasa6laneconfigurationwouldmostaccuratelyreflectthefunctionalcapacitywhenoperational.

    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 8

  • RegionalEmissionsAnalysisSummaryofResults


    Tons / Day (Tons /day) (Tons/day)

    2015 Build 10.198 12.833

    2015 No-Build 10.351 12.905

    2025 Build 6.566 6.396

    2025 No-Build 6.754 6.441

    2035 Build 7.142 5.089

    2035 No-Build 7.588 5.190 ThedetailedregionalemissionsanalysisispresentedinAttachmentE. PublicInvolvement A specific public involvement planwas generated for the 2035 LRPUpdate and the 20112015 TIP.AttachmentF contains theapprovedplan thatguidedpublicengagedactivities.Thedraft conformitydeterminationupdateandregionalemissionsanalysisweresubjecttopublicinvolvementandreview.ApublicnotificationwaspublishedintheBuffaloNewsannouncingtheavailabilityofthedraftreportforpublicreviewandcommentforatwentydayperiod.ThereviewperiodranfromApril8,2010throughApril 28, 2010. An electronic version of the full report was posted on the GBNRTC website(;andaprintedversionwasalsoavailablebyvisitingtheGBNRTCoffices.Inaddition,twopublicmeetingswereconductedonApril13thand15th.Commentswereencouraged through thewebsite,bymailorat thepublicmeetings. At the closeof thepubliccomment period, all responses were directly addressed and documented. A public involvementsummaryreporthasbeenpreparedandhasbeenattachedasAttachmentF. EvidenceofMPOResolution GBNRTC will include the applicable signed Policy Board resolutions as Attachment A in the finaldocumentation. StatementofConformitywiththeSIP No goals, directives, recommendations or projects of the TIP and Plan contradict requirements orcommitments of the SIP or the intent of the Clean Air Act or other applicable federal and stateregulations.ExistingGBNRTCLRPandTIPprocessesalsoprovideforexpeditiousimplementationofanyTransportationControlMeasuresthatmaybeidentifiedthroughanyfuturerevisionoftheSIP. Until an 8hour ozone SIP is in place, the 1hour SIP is still the applicable implementation plan. Bypassingtheemissionstestsprescribedby40CFRPart93.119(b)(2)and93.109(d)theGBNRTCregionalemissionsanalysisdemonstratesthe20112015TIPand2035LRPUpdateconformtotheapplicableSIP.

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    MPO Resolutions

    1) Resolution 2009-20: Reclassifying 2030 Forecasts as Horizon Year 2035 2) Resolution 2010-08: COMBINED REGIONAL EMISSIONS ANALYSIS AND

    TRANSPORTATION CONFORMITY DETERMINATION UPDATE 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Update & 2011-2015 Transportation Improvement Program

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    1. Year 2035 Demographics Development Memorandum 2. Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

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  • MEMORADUM Year 2035 Demographics Development

    B Courtney to GBNRTC Planning and Coordination Committee

    From: Barbara Courtney Date: November 24, 2009 To: PCC Subject: Reclassifying Forecasts: 2030 to 2035 The Economic/Demographic Review Team was advised of the need to extend the planning horizon year for the regions forecasts, to be in compliance with USDOT and EPA requirements for transportation planning and updating the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRP) in 2010.

    The Review Team was provided with a rationale for reclassifying the current 2030 forecasts as 2035 (see attached). 5 of 7 RT members have responded to date and have indicated that they are in concurrence with the reclassification for LRP Update purposes. They have also indicated that they are looking forward to the in-depth analysis and reformulation of forecasts that will occur with the release of the 2010 Census data.

    The Review Team was also given the opportunity to make TAZ adjustments (within municipal

    caps) to account for any development unforeseen at the time of the last forecast update in 2006. Thus far, only the City of Buffalo has made TAZ adjustments to the population and household forecasts, to account for new residential patterns that are likely to occur with the development of UBs Downtown Campus. These revisions are attached; the revised TAZs are highlighted in yellow. GBNRTC staff is looking for PCC approval of the reclassification of 2030 forecasts as 2035, and their approval of the revised TAZs to reflect the impacts of UB 2020, for use in the 2010 LRP update. If there are any questions about the attached, please contact me.

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    Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2035 1990 2000 2035

    1 0 8 8 0 3 2.67 2.67 3 4,779 3,472 3,472 2 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 5,682 4,075 4,660 3 29 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 2,570 2,302 2,302 4 39 106 204 39 60 37 42 1.15 1.16 140 1,519 772 1,505 5 36 0 73 36 0 0.00 2.21 33 10,450 7,434 7,134 6 519 1,364 1,454 0 6 1,355 1,365 1.50 2.07 43 10,662 9,256 8,956 7 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 347 742 742 8 1,139 1,267 1,427 765 851 1.49 1.50 951 1,341 1,083 1,083 9 1,507 1,912 1,891 714 837 155 175 2.10 2.11 812 446 832 1,993

    10 1,570 1,363 1,513 768 648 2.10 2.12 714 543 774 1,623 11 236 136 307 215 118 1.15 1.31 235 2,453 2,227 2,227 12 383 419 718 205 240 1 1.74 1.79 401 1,343 1,155 1,155 13 152 98 402 45 64 1.53 1.63 247 731 1,213 1,213 14 17 23 212 2 10 8 9 1.50 1.71 119 607 825 825 15 163 68 283 15 49 1.39 1.55 183 1,590 876 876 16 136 125 676 49 36 80 91 1.25 1.33 440 1,439 1,451 1,707 17 0 0 273 0 0 0.00 2.22 123 311 306 601 18 57 44 448 57 37 1.19 1.29 346 4,849 3,367 3,190 19 0 0 373 0 0 0.00 2.22 168 2,831 3,267 3,796 20 39 4 453 10 2 1 1.50 1.60 283 3,002 3,363 4,726 21 170 34 107 138 19 1.79 2.06 52 6,390 3,933 2,983 22 34 1 190 0 1 1.00 1.28 149 2,700 3,080 3,451

    DIST 00 6,226 6,972 11,012 3,058 2,981 1,637 1,683 1.79 1.71 5,442 66,585 55,805 60,220 BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    23 3,621 2,547 2,492 1,568 1,119 10 10 2.27 2.24 1,107 999 398 375 24 3,977 3,485 3,308 1,596 1,303 412 423 2.36 2.33 1,237 2,499 2,688 2,535 25 10,254 8,230 8,331 3,945 3,176 263 270 2.51 2.47 3,265 1,603 967 912 26 2,431 2,028 2,127 921 817 2.48 2.47 862 464 392 369 27 3,429 3,326 4,069 1,912 1,846 327 336 1.62 1.60 2,330 5,469 4,338 4,591 28 3,788 3,667 3,964 2,074 2,041 134 138 1.73 1.70 2,254 1,166 1,087 1,025 29 3,269 3,059 3,581 2,316 2,155 47 48 1.40 1.38 2,557 5,977 5,952 5,415 30 2,885 2,765 2,890 1,437 1,276 2.17 2.13 1,360 845 480 452 31 2,496 2,395 2,666 1,221 1,336 289 297 1.58 1.56 1,517 1,590 1,591 1,201

    DIST 10 36,150 31,502 33,428 16,990 15,069 1,482 1,522 1.99 1.93 16,489 20,612 17,893 16,875 BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    32 4,358 3,596 4,261 1,903 1,560 33 34 2.28 2.22 1,905 1,933 1,277 1,284 33 5,016 4,144 4,242 2,017 1,764 233 239 2.22 2.16 1,849 420 1,275 1,082 34 2,286 1,863 2,392 975 800 115 118 2.19 2.13 1,070 6,734 7,123 7,414 35 1,165 1,056 1,200 533 424 41 42 2.39 2.33 498 692 328 355 36 987 949 998 428 443 2.14 2.09 477 1,252 663 2,471 37 1,297 967 1,099 680 438 6 6 2.19 2.13 513 1,395 1,112 1,105

    DIST 11 15,109 12,575 14,192 6,536 5,429 428 439 2.24 2.18 6,312 12,426 11,778 13,711 BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    38 5,971 5,805 6,527 2,797 2,819 61 63 2.04 1.99 3,255 1,842 1,815 1,441 39 100 216 250 59 77 2.81 2.72 92 558 817 884 40 1,567 1,182 1,370 545 487 8 8 2.41 2.35 580 2,762 3,004 2,481 41 413 653 1,065 311 372 1.76 1.71 622 1,787 1,127 1,280 42 4,850 3,826 4,260 1,852 1,567 2.44 2.40 1,778 2,229 2,420 2,519 43 0 0 3,302 0 0 0.00 2.20 1,500 1,585 1,028 1,775

    DIST 12 12,901 11,682 16,774 5,564 5,322 69 71 2.18 2.13 7,827 10,763 10,211 10,380 BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557



  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2035 1990 2000 2035

    44 2,437 2,061 2,023 999 827 19 20 2.47 2.43 823 2,067 2,110 2,03545 8,138 7,738 7,982 3,758 3,491 14 14 2.21 2.15 3,698 3,701 4,252 4,10146 8,141 7,451 7,486 3,362 2,842 44 45 2.61 2.54 2,926 3,045 2,023 1,95147 8,513 7,868 7,975 3,893 3,622 10 10 2.17 2.11 3,778 1,282 1,004 96948 2,956 2,112 2,366 125 95 1,864 1,917 2.61 2.54 177 5,647 3,512 3,38749 4,219 4,266 4,325 1,874 1,829 7 7 2.33 2.26 1,908 5,674 5,661 5,46050 2,734 2,485 2,518 1,191 1,140 10 10 2.17 2.11 1,189 3,954 3,092 2,98251 16,048 15,239 15,446 7,023 7,078 27 28 2.15 2.09 7,383 3,318 2,205 2,12752 4,229 4,031 4,085 1,931 1,911 109 112 2.05 1.99 1,993 2,566 1,864 1,79753 748 716 725 332 282 93 96 2.21 2.15 293 244 169 16354 4,189 3,747 3,798 1,666 1,661 160 164 2.16 2.10 1,732 4,222 3,515 3,39055 2,533 2,605 2,717 719 724 786 809 2.51 2.43 784 3,424 2,579 1,57856 5,711 4,999 5,143 2,202 1,986 281 289 2.38 2.31 2,104 1,558 1,483 1,43057 4,298 4,445 4,786 2,097 2,034 654 673 1.86 1.82 2,263 6,480 4,097 3,95158 11,188 10,688 10,833 4,587 4,398 16 16 2.43 2.36 4,589 2,198 2,318 2,23659 2,802 2,739 2,776 1,299 1,281 66 68 2.09 2.03 1,335 676 537 518

    DIST 20 88,884 83,190 84,984 37,058 35,201 4,160 4,278 2.25 2.18 36,975 50,056 40,421 38,075BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    60 9,649 9,051 9,198 3,821 3,719 197 202 2.38 2.31 3,896 2,920 2,100 2,04361 6,703 7,119 7,322 2,530 2,690 252 259 2.55 2.48 2,853 1,599 1,441 1,40262 6,570 6,313 6,452 2,634 2,399 2.63 2.55 2,528 897 573 55763 7,588 6,458 6,531 2,734 2,473 90 93 2.58 2.51 2,565 4,209 3,848 3,74264 3,947 3,598 3,608 1,344 1,264 362 372 2.56 2.51 1,291 3,553 3,424 3,33065 8,479 8,054 8,161 3,457 3,234 4 4 2.49 2.42 3,367 2,718 1,872 1,82066 9,162 8,352 8,466 3,568 3,322 8 8 2.51 2.44 3,460 803 1,182 1,14967 1,670 1,536 1,572 69 77 1,300 1,337 3.06 2.97 79 8,019 5,513 5,363

    DIST 21 53,768 50,481 51,310 20,157 19,178 2,213 2,275 2.52 2.45 20,039 24,718 19,953 19,406BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    68 4,606 3,771 3,602 1,780 1,508 63 65 2.46 2.41 1,468 1,669 1,546 1,25769 5,256 3,915 4,253 1,899 1,484 113 116 2.56 2.51 1,648 3,075 3,022 2,65370 8,459 7,957 8,102 3,490 3,040 34 35 2.61 2.54 3,172 1,849 1,408 1,13671 6,285 4,466 4,272 2,493 1,883 7 7 2.37 2.31 1,843 1,748 1,494 1,31172 11,540 7,979 7,697 4,574 3,132 54 56 2.53 2.47 3,092 2,117 883 77573 2,396 2,481 2,507 999 1,033 35 36 2.37 2.32 1,063 1,035 1,154 1,11374 11,341 7,656 7,829 4,925 3,267 16 16 2.34 2.28 3,430 1,826 1,045 1,017

    DIST 22 49,883 38,225 38,262 20,160 15,347 322 331 2.47 2.41 15,716 13,319 10,552 9,262BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    75 579 515 546 213 221 2.33 2.26 242 1,701 1,212 1,12576 5,674 3,890 3,697 2,768 1,773 5 5 2.19 2.13 1,733 5,283 3,744 3,47677 9,654 8,926 9,298 4,005 4,003 8 8 2.23 2.16 4,293 3,060 1,457 1,35378 2,633 2,230 2,058 1,102 1,010 7 7 2.20 2.15 955 2,185 1,971 1,83079 1,657 1,528 1,363 699 609 2.51 2.48 549 3,629 2,718 2,52480 572 437 463 206 186 2.35 2.28 203 3,678 2,672 2,48181 5,795 5,494 5,826 2,567 2,513 4 4 2.18 2.12 2,750 867 1,026 95382 1,268 1,100 949 507 442 2.49 2.48 382 678 721 670

    DIST 23 27,832 24,120 24,200 12,067 10,757 24 24 2.24 2.18 11,107 21,081 15,521 14,412BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    83 9,997 8,963 9,402 3,756 3,706 140 144 2.38 2.31 4,010 1,085 918 89084 3,836 3,366 3,531 1,418 1,390 9 9 2.42 2.34 1,504 982 488 47385 6,600 5,930 6,220 2,476 2,366 26 27 2.50 2.42 2,560 1,763 1,369 1,32786 8,596 8,129 8,526 3,205 3,054 603 620 2.46 2.39 3,309 1,961 2,905 2,818

    DIST 24 29,029 26,388 27,679 10,855 10,516 778 800 2.44 2.36 11,383 5,791 5,680 5,508BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557

    87 2,519 2,177 2,964 915 838 2.60 2.51 1,178 929 1,358 1,47988 4,939 4,411 5,003 1,914 1,746 13 13 2.52 2.44 2,047 2,394 1,092 1,13089 879 925 898 321 336 2.75 2.67 336 216 330 73290 4 0 - 0 0 0.00 2.48 - 69 25 63991 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 2.48 - 496 1,232 2728

    DIST 25 8,341 7,513 8,865 3,150 2,920 13 13 2.57 2.49 3,561 4,104 4,037 6,708BFLO 328,123 292,648 310,706 135,595 122,720 11,126 11,436 2.29 2.22 134,851 229,455 191,851 194,557


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 17

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    140 5,363 5,370 5,399 2,443 2,400 153 106 2.17 2.10 2,526 1,916 1,195 1,162141 4,924 4,855 4,881 2,044 2,064 2.35 2.27 2,151 819 759 738142 4,859 4,581 4,605 2,131 2,033 2 3 2.25 2.18 2,119 370 487 474143 1,621 1,747 1,756 748 711 2.46 2.37 742 733 330 321144 3,835 3,363 3,382 1,565 1,470 2.29 2.21 1,533 478 778 756145 6,651 6,635 6,671 2,853 2,775 239 238 2.30 2.23 2,896 1,784 912 887146 674 595 598 290 272 2.19 2.11 284 3,779 6,735 7,244147 2,236 2,149 2,161 1,020 962 6 8 2.23 2.15 1,002 562 828 840148 2,291 2,029 2,039 881 869 2.33 2.25 906 2,586 2,562 2,694149 19 5 5 7 3 1.67 1.67 3 1,952 1,243 1,555150 118 209 211 67 83 2.52 2.42 87 260 238 460151 3,830 3,775 3,796 1,635 1,680 2.25 2.17 1,752 983 660 642152 441 423 425 162 186 2.27 2.20 193 618 1,342 1,463153 41 34 34 16 14 2.43 2.43 14 618 917 892154 3,755 3,448 3,467 1,797 1,827 1.89 1.82 1,905 516 620 603155 2,482 2,348 2,360 1,024 1,049 12 17 2.23 2.15 1,092 1,337 1,128 1,097156 4,253 3,820 3,840 1,805 1,681 2.27 2.20 1,752 975 823 800157 1,148 1,176 1,183 430 558 101 2.11 2.04 532 594 741 721

    DIST 33 48,541 46,562 46,813 20,918 20,637 412 473 2.24 2.16 21,489 20,882 22,298 23,349CHEEK 99,314 94,019 99,306 39,669 40,045 952 1,347 2.32 2.24 43,641 52,446 56,474 58,935

    158 532 544 586 247 259 2.10 2.03 289 53 168 176159 4,662 4,582 4,932 1,842 1,997 56 62 2.27 2.19 2,224 2,959 3,226 3,265160 697 788 849 391 403 92 101 1.73 1.67 448 831 2,114 2,175161 3,370 3,082 3,318 1,333 1,250 2.47 2.38 1,393 128 183 193162 1,628 1,560 1,679 600 617 2.53 2.44 687 320 138 145163 2,058 1,891 2,036 957 931 2.03 1.96 1,038 653 592 618164 3,052 2,966 3,193 1,348 1,337 2.22 2.14 1,490 1,261 1,796 1,825165 786 774 833 227 284 157 173 2.17 2.10 314 1,546 1,969 2,023166 1,850 1,771 1,907 700 724 2.45 2.36 807 364 126 133167 67 63 68 33 20 3.15 3.09 22 1,670 902 950168 527 468 504 179 192 2.44 2.36 214 259 920 969169 851 826 889 346 347 2.38 2.30 387 1,396 1,848 1,925170 4,754 4,525 4,872 1,582 1,805 2.51 2.42 2,012 1,478 1,185 1,237171 529 598 644 218 250 2.39 2.31 279 0 68 72

    DIST 34 25,363 24,438 26,310 10,003 10,416 305 336 2.32 2.24 11,604 12,919 15,235 15,706W SEN 47,830 45,920 50,391 17,271 18,328 583 641 2.47 2.39 20,789 20,248 21,826 22,977

    172 4,990 4,563 4,623 2,297 2,094 23 25 2.17 2.10 2,188 1,154 1,697 1,741173 1,326 1,122 1,121 487 477 8 9 2.34 2.27 491 169 171 95174 3,485 3,306 3,627 1,244 1,332 172 190 2.35 2.28 1,506 1,711 1,824 1,968175 6,466 5,945 6,281 2,859 2,760 34 37 2.14 2.08 3,010 1,352 1,076 1,067176 1,133 994 888 376 348 2.86 2.78 321 636 1,943 2,108177 3,185 3,134 2,998 1,188 1,181 2.65 2.58 1,167 1,777 1,314 1,425178 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 477 650 1,005

    DIST 35LACK 20,585 19,064 19,538 8,451 8,192 237 261 2.30 2.22 8,683 7,276 8,675 9,409

    179 128 239 303 73 91 2.63 2.55 119 250 278 281180 2,296 1,907 2,471 835 710 85 93 2.57 2.49 954 1,399 807 825181 2,236 2,896 3,622 779 978 2.96 2.87 1,260 133 219 219182 996 1,140 1,547 369 432 2.64 2.56 604 179 64 67183 1,216 1,632 2,275 379 556 10 11 2.92 2.83 799 539 713 727184 1,579 1,439 1,926 677 643 2.24 2.17 886 890 1,375 1,381185 574 520 659 192 185 2.81 2.73 241 38 108 113

    DIST 40 9,025 9,773 12,803 3,304 3,595 95 104 2.69 2.61 4,863 3,429 3,564 3,613GR ISL 17,561 18,621 23,772 6,300 6,898 103 113 2.68 2.59 9,110 6,181 6,397 6,700


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 18

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    186 6,154 5,615 5,593 2,408 2,365 2.37 2.30 2,438 3,268 1,321 1,326187 1,808 1,738 1,679 700 696 2.50 2.42 696 120 188 189188 3,351 3,156 2,974 1,310 1,270 2.49 2.41 1,238 1,413 1,668 1,675189 2,629 2,480 2,622 1,089 1,056 2.35 2.27 1,155 4,737 3,754 3,769190 3,342 3,147 3,232 1,362 1,354 9 10 2.32 2.24 1,438 1,736 1,160 1,165

    DIST 41.2TONA C 17,284 16,136 16,100 6,869 6,741 9 10 2.39 2.31 6,965 11,274 8,091 8,123

    191 1,027 668 698 537 452 1.48 1.42 486 1,518 1,639 1,758192 5,133 5,067 5,292 2,137 2,109 89 98 2.36 2.27 2,268 2,780 1,972 2,124193 5,034 4,578 4,780 2,076 1,978 2.31 2.23 2,127 252 186 205194 3,531 3,328 3,476 1,376 1,362 2.44 2.35 1,465 1,657 922 967195 4,023 3,834 4,004 1,624 1,669 2.30 2.21 1,795 1,134 968 1,018196 1,737 1,916 2,000 690 751 2.55 2.46 807 236 267 395197 3,804 3,845 4,015 1,437 1,560 2.46 2.37 1,678 1,426 1,046 1,254198 6,073 5,535 5,780 1,970 1,983 2.79 2.69 2,132 538 703 775199 1,957 1,883 1,966 705 734 2.57 2.47 790 1,256 1,037 1,144200 2,670 2,608 2,724 1,033 1,073 10 11 2.42 2.33 1,154 1,488 1,016 1,121

    DIST 41.1N TONA 34,989 33,262 34,735 13,585 13,671 99 109 2.43 2.36 14,702 12,286 9,756 10,761

    201 84 65 79 38 27 2.41 2.47 32 28 413 507202 4,542 4,344 5,233 1,552 1,629 12 14 2.66 2.56 2,037 312 1,706 3,141203 1,196 975 1,045 370 353 2.76 2.66 393 0 150 242204 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 94 0 0205 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 122 0 0206 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 5 0 0207 2,259 2,219 2,550 743 779 12 14 2.83 2.72 931 215 213 218208 397 478 552 165 190 13 15 2.45 2.36 227 7,874 7,240 7,821209 2,588 2,549 2,831 1,021 1,024 20 23 2.47 2.37 1,183 354 623 645210 2,287 2,459 3,466 893 970 2.54 2.44 1,419 72 168 170211 2,917 3,947 4,784 1,349 1,716 672 789 1.91 1.83 2,181 2,803 5,848 7,411

    DIST 42 16,270 17,036 20,540 6,131 6,688 729 855 2.44 2.34 8,403 11,878 16,361 20,155AMH 111,711 116,510 137,756 41,252 45,076 7,397 11,650 2.42 2.34 53,846 70,288 94,393 108,355

    212 364 279 364 131 112 2.49 2.43 150 34 17 17213 466 513 1,589 156 186 2.76 2.66 598 0 66 68214 79 67 1,451 28 22 3.05 2.94 494 68 95 162215 3,206 3,328 4,283 1,196 1,344 2.48 2.38 1,798 280 326 502216 1,182 1,454 1,873 420 497 2.93 2.82 665 39 90 92217 534 763 1,149 274 361 2 2.11 2.04 564 6 120 193218 2,261 2,581 3,318 720 848 10 3.03 2.91 1,139 104 1,214 3,817219 1,798 2,868 3,696 534 942 3.04 2.93 1,260 215 842 973220 2,083 2,356 2,957 661 784 12 14 2.99 2.87 1,024 2,500 858 1,132221 5,089 5,365 5,783 1,565 1,749 3.07 2.95 1,959 469 648 658222 4,179 4,142 4,534 1,328 1,497 2.77 2.66 1,703 997 627 642223 1,859 2,291 2,945 616 736 8 9 3.10 2.98 984 1,162 495 509

    DIST 43 23,100 26,007 33,942 7,629 9,078 32 23 2.86 2.75 12,338 5,873 5,398 8,765AMH 111,711 116,510 137,756 41,252 45,076 7,397 11,650 2.42 2.34 53,846 70,288 94,393 108,355

    224 2,918 3,993 4,659 1,098 1,869 500 522 1.87 1.80 2,296 1,701 3,860 4,441225 4,875 4,589 4,865 1,799 1,829 2.51 2.41 2,017 865 775 820226 1,659 1,532 1,680 683 683 2.24 2.16 776 981 768 776227 2,616 2,516 2,723 897 931 22 23 2.68 2.58 1,045 423 310 313228 7,989 7,604 8,213 2,861 2,984 24 25 2.54 2.44 3,354 1,062 1,790 1,975229 1,156 974 1,058 331 320 158 165 2.55 2.46 363 1,360 1,531 1,602230 568 815 1,097 279 390 122 127 1.78 1.72 565 1,460 5,594 6,706231 507 743 1,219 151 232 137 143 2.61 2.52 427 1,447 2,612 2,725232 733 932 1,058 311 355 38 40 2.52 2.43 419 675 458 716233 681 618 702 247 248 2.49 2.41 291 2,741 8,352 9,170234 81 545 620 42 294 18 19 1.79 1.73 347 802 4,021 4,304235 2,658 2,759 3,023 1,202 1,228 218 227 2.07 1.99 1,403 3,492 3,372 3,407236 2,925 2,786 3,049 1,337 1,294 2.15 2.07 1,471 6,736 2,444 2,469237 2,693 2,635 2,717 1,093 1,087 289 301 2.16 2.07 1,165 2,167 2,092 2,156

    DIST 44 32,059 33,041 36,683 12,331 13,744 1,526 1,592 2.29 2.20 15,939 25,913 37,979 41,580AMH 111,711 116,510 137,756 41,252 45,076 7,397 11,650 2.42 2.34 53,846 70,288 94,393 108,355


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 19

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    238 3,112 2,876 3,181 1,183 1,207 2.38 2.30 1,384 1,503 1,603 1,559239 40 45 50 27 22 2.05 2.00 25 4,102 4,237 4,520240 87 45 50 39 22 2.05 2.00 25 1,403 1,265 1,479241 1,049 1,171 1,295 581 720 1.63 1.57 826 292 1,143 1,346242 149 108 119 51 40 2.70 2.61 46 3,577 1,969 1,915243 4,155 3,486 3,856 1,516 1,531 10 54 2.27 2.19 1,737 36 65 63244 4,304 3,953 4,373 1,726 1,683 2 3 2.35 2.27 1,930 1,990 2,659 2,799245 3,405 2,994 3,312 1,192 1,216 3 4 2.46 2.38 1,394 3,615 3,463 3,367246 5,810 5,444 5,724 2,122 2,187 2.49 2.40 2,384 713 842 819247 1,853 1,790 1,980 809 762 25 35 2.32 2.24 870 2,226 1,851 1,800248 1,625 1,344 1,487 606 567 2.37 2.29 650 6,615 6,147 6,302249 1,489 815 902 657 240 271 343 2.27 2.19 257 1,085 2,152 2,092250 3,266 4,062 4,791 1,022 1,655 14 20 2.45 2.36 2,023 132 1,116 1,322251 3,795 3,440 3,806 1,318 1,317 9 113 2.61 2.52 1,470 303 688 900252 15,288 10,885 12,038 5,284 4,098 96 2.66 2.57 4,664 1,871 576 560253 1,346 4,999 5,529 618 2,141 206 206 2.24 2.16 2,467 2,101 4,400 4,743

    DIST 45 50,773 47,457 52,493 18,751 19,408 540 874 2.42 2.33 22,152 31,564 34,176 35,586CHEEK 99,314 94,019 99,306 39,669 40,045 952 1,347 2.32 2.24 43,641 52,446 56,474 58,935

    254 2,999 2,751 3,084 987 1,057 2.60 2.51 1,227 579 548 572255 1,444 1,426 1,598 510 549 2.60 2.51 637 837 1,775 2,311256 1,744 1,744 1,955 552 593 2.94 2.84 688 945 1,000 1,023257 2,155 2,325 2,606 750 908 1 2.56 2.47 1,054 344 634 662258 2,124 1,996 2,237 793 793 11 13 2.50 2.42 920 724 1,051 1,050259 3,249 3,184 3,570 1,159 1,145 166 182 2.64 2.55 1,331 749 544 568260 870 147 165 11 19 81 89 3.47 3.30 23 2,244 300 313261 3,505 3,873 4,342 1,045 1,358 2.85 2.76 1,576 397 489 511262 4,377 4,036 4,524 1,461 1,490 19 21 2.70 2.60 1,729 509 250 261

    DIST 46 22,467 21,482 24,081 7,268 7,912 278 305 2.68 2.59 9,185 7,329 6,591 7,271W SEN 47,830 45,920 50,391 17,271 18,328 583 641 2.47 2.39 20,789 20,248 21,826 22,977

    263 1,313 1,974 2,672 644 957 2.06 2.00 1,333 1,109 1,440 1,633264 548 629 851 180 219 16 19 2.80 2.72 306 18 126 134265 695 884 1,197 204 289 22 26 2.98 2.90 404 67 122 130266 1,120 1,084 1,467 402 421 2.57 2.50 586 604 567 603267 1,739 1,761 2,384 719 789 2.23 2.17 1,099 4,721 1,871 1,891268 1,541 1,533 2,075 632 629 3 4 2.43 2.36 876 422 593 631269 1,557 1,623 2,197 480 585 2.77 2.70 815 38 49 52

    DIST 47 8,513 9,488 12,843 3,261 3,889 41 49 2.43 2.36 5,419 6,979 4,768 5,074ORCH PK 24,632 27,637 33,876 8,832 10,277 697 816 2.62 2.53 13,037 12,299 16,562 17,628

    270 1,628 1,497 1,728 534 535 2.80 2.72 635 268 804 806271 1,454 1,471 1,697 540 607 12 14 2.40 2.34 720 42 93 99272 549 506 584 207 189 2.68 2.61 224 575 1,891 2,163273 533 424 490 174 177 17 20 2.30 2.24 210 1,022 1,397 1,637274 1,303 1,620 1,869 509 651 16 19 2.46 2.40 772 905 1,901 1,923275 500 527 608 180 245 2.15 2.09 291 1,061 2,596 2,664276 708 694 801 325 302 2.30 2.23 359 332 582 619277 914 1,117 1,288 422 453 2.47 2.40 537 36 201 214278 922 1,246 1,437 307 353 310 362 2.65 2.58 417 220 244 260279 539 532 614 180 181 2.94 2.86 215 161 450 469

    DIST 48 9,050 9,634 11,116 3,378 3,693 355 415 2.51 2.44 4,380 4,623 10,159 10,854ORCH PK 24,632 27,637 33,876 8,832 10,277 697 816 2.62 2.53 13,037 12,299 16,562 17,628


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 20

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    280 2,867 2,588 2,911 1,064 1,065 2.43 2.35 1,239 419 1,902 2,046281 2,900 2,723 3,064 1,201 1,202 2 2 2.26 2.19 1,399 1,485 1,879 2,122282 994 809 910 425 327 2.47 2.39 380 1,129 400 630283 958 993 1,117 347 391 128 154 2.21 2.14 450 310 431 664284 0 5 6 0 3 1.67 1.50 4 2,876 2,795 2,507285 1,815 1,997 2,246 673 765 2.61 2.52 890 110 480 616286 2,145 1,933 2,174 830 833 2.32 2.24 969 578 502 540287 2,440 2,679 3,014 912 1,051 2.55 2.46 1,223 3,412 3,605 3,880288 20 67 75 11 28 7 8 2.14 2.09 32 31 440 473289 976 1,210 1,361 343 455 2.66 2.57 529 108 664 714290 591 820 923 159 238 321 386 2.10 2.03 265 666 806 867291 990 1,112 1,251 509 624 1.78 1.72 726 330 215 231292 5,223 5,199 5,851 1,797 2,029 181 218 2.47 2.39 2,356 972 1,908 2,053

    DIST 49 21,919 22,135 24,903 8,271 9,011 639 768 2.39 2.31 10,462 12,426 16,027 17,343HMBG 53,735 56,259 63,241 20,085 21,999 969 1,166 2.51 2.43 25,531 25,020 29,248 31,467

    293 606 597 703 393 364 4 4 1.63 1.57 441 3,211 2,656 6,209294 903 462 664 477 210 38 42 2.02 1.95 317 4,072 1,689 1,713295 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 701 316 350296 2,272 1,862 1,885 1,040 902 2.06 1.99 939 1,499 707 743297 5,091 4,574 4,592 2,294 2,149 2.13 2.05 2,219 1,404 847 897298 2,958 2,458 2,535 1,176 1,063 157 173 2.16 2.09 1,123 2,472 1,670 1,717299 2,190 1,803 1,869 1,050 790 113 124 2.14 2.06 839 1,897 1,220 1,409300 3,007 2,663 2,859 1,507 1,270 204 223 1.94 1.87 1,400 3,354 2,802 3,160301 6,230 5,617 5,636 2,887 2,685 7 8 2.09 2.02 2,772 1,572 1,563 1,573302 7,824 6,713 6,727 2,790 2,588 2.59 2.50 2,668 1,069 376 416303 3,476 2,784 2,941 1,296 1,121 2.48 2.40 1,219 823 1,151 1,383304 1,527 1,545 1,688 644 569 126 139 2.49 2.41 639 723 399 441305 2,731 2,222 2,378 1,014 869 0 2.56 2.47 957 78 172 191

    DIST 50 38,815 33,300 34,477 16,568 14,580 649 713 2.24 2.16 15,533 22,875 15,568 20,202N FALLS 61,840 55,593 57,373 25,885 24,099 806 886 2.27 2.21 25,592 32,559 24,541 30,244

    306 1,268 1,290 1,315 563 595 2.17 2.09 625 654 905 962307 55 10 9 44 4 2.50 2.25 4 157 43 122308 1,025 1,037 1,076 418 444 2.34 2.25 474 205 291 322309 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 497 1,424 1,577310 1,822 1,622 1,678 754 702 2.31 2.23 747 322 111 122311 56 203 241 34 89 2.28 2.20 109 2,332 1,181 1,308312 849 840 891 316 302 2.78 2.68 330 780 271 340313 1,252 1,095 1,131 438 433 11 12 2.50 2.41 460 99 41 45314 5,471 5,051 5,107 2,294 2,163 139 153 2.27 2.19 2,245 1,638 901 998315 3,192 2,882 2,915 1,220 1,234 2.34 2.25 1,285 1,179 611 727316 333 520 590 172 285 1.82 1.76 332 589 1,883 2,068317 2,862 2,694 2,738 1,090 1,085 7 8 2.48 2.39 1,134 814 916 1,014318 3,438 3,054 3,126 1,414 1,357 2.25 2.17 1,429 300 366 405319 1,402 1,995 2,079 560 826 2.42 2.33 885 119 29 32

    DIST 51 23,025 22,293 22,896 9,317 9,519 157 173 2.33 2.24 10,059 9,684 8,973 10,042N FALLS 61,840 55,593 57,373 25,885 24,099 806 886 2.27 2.21 25,592 32,559 24,541 30,244


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 21

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    320 64 68 99 18 31 2.19 2.09 47 1,396 1,673 2,364321 142 164 239 51 58 2.83 2.72 88 135 273 312322 265 423 616 109 147 52 60 2.52 2.42 226 18 223 520323 3,503 4,437 6,030 1,413 1,853 164 170 2.31 2.21 2,629 1,443 2,063 2,551324 389 478 697 139 169 2.83 2.72 255 46 111 129325 720 816 1,188 347 397 2.06 1.97 599 1,642 1,036 1,524326 0 355 517 0 126 2.82 2.71 190 0 0 0327 1,791 2,157 3,138 527 685 198 215 2.86 2.74 1,053 488 816 971328 877 957 1,393 295 339 2.82 2.71 511 185 287 312329 939 906 1,319 337 333 2.72 2.61 503 37 35 50330 720 709 1,032 243 260 2.73 2.61 393 106 206 256331 279 1,030 1,607 98 348 2.96 2.84 562 170 175 251332 309 328 478 108 118 2.78 2.66 178 0 26 47333 203 817 1,404 78 279 60 2.93 2.81 474 0 139 550334 924 441 750 259 162 50 2.72 2.61 266 286 328 771

    DIST 52WHFLD 11,125 14,086 20,507 4,022 5,305 414 555 2.58 2.50 7,974 5,952 7,391 10,608

    335 529 613 867 181 215 20 22 2.76 2.66 318 231 520 554336 1,010 986 1,340 307 329 3.00 2.89 464 267 404 426337 350 425 601 129 150 2.83 2.73 220 33 54 60338 279 564 797 128 197 2.86 2.76 289 128 151 157339 402 368 520 122 133 2.77 2.67 195 10 46 51340 733 1,163 1,643 264 399 2.91 2.80 586 56 30 33341 765 849 1,147 253 314 2.70 2.61 440 36 145 150342 147 147 207 50 58 2.53 2.44 85 178 424 648343 795 935 1,428 261 321 2.91 2.81 509 142 468 697

    DIST 53PEND 5,010 6,050 8,550 1,695 2,116 20 22 2.85 2.77 3,106 1,082 2,242 2,776

    344 1,257 1,216 1,579 424 441 1 2.76 2.67 591 528 480 498345 3,115 4,627 5,490 942 1,454 3 3 3.18 3.08 1,779 430 421 437346 1,535 3,346 4,864 467 1,108 3.02 2.93 1,661 619 1,074 1,115347 1,668 2,017 2,619 607 731 2.76 2.68 979 771 1,544 1,703348 1,896 1,854 2,408 732 720 2 2 2.57 2.49 965 4,375 3,471 3,504349 2,539 2,565 3,331 1,000 1,057 8 103 2.42 2.35 1,376 1,944 2,721 3,026

    DIST 54 12,010 15,625 20,291 4,172 5,511 14 108 2.83 2.71 7,351 8,667 9,711 10,283CLAR 20,041 26,123 34,261 6,997 9,154 509 610 2.80 2.70 12,431 13,964 14,812 15,381

    350 1,142 1,380 1,591 407 480 157 186 2.55 2.45 573 972 2,041 2,802351 320 324 374 137 118 2.75 2.65 141 455 520 586352 3,819 5,488 6,735 1,204 1,829 25 38 2.99 2.88 2,328 459 749 845353 3,897 3,849 4,233 1,401 1,518 5 58 2.53 2.44 1,712 1,488 2,990 2,972354 2,708 2,552 2,738 1,144 1,149 4 6 2.22 2.14 1,279 1,195 2,055 2,118355 4,917 4,705 5,220 2,129 2,098 26 39 2.23 2.15 2,412 4,651 3,348 3,374356 7,023 6,483 7,270 2,649 2,628 122 134 2.42 2.33 3,064 1,303 1,008 1,137357 2,565 4,879 5,625 994 1,886 95 143 2.54 2.44 2,244 442 1,234 1,792358 2,118 5,340 6,565 707 1,864 23 35 2.85 2.75 2,377 492 547 617359 204 219 252 74 85 0 2.58 2.47 102 336 1,007 1,136

    DIST 55 28,713 35,219 40,603 10,846 13,655 457 639 2.55 2.46 16,232 11,792 15,499 17,379LANC 32,181 39,019 46,488 12,066 15,053 617 929 2.55 2.46 18,460 13,085 20,369 22,971


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 22

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    360 1,523 2,024 2,150 579 734 2 2 2.75 2.66 809 855 866 931361 674 726 771 256 284 2.56 2.48 312 889 1,706 1,836362 1,217 1,308 1,389 442 492 2.66 2.57 541 198 385 414363 1,083 1,168 1,240 369 410 19 21 2.80 2.71 450 2,868 2,638 2,837

    DIST 56 4,497 5,226 5,550 1,646 1,920 21 23 2.71 2.62 2,112 4,809 5,595 6,018ELMA 10,355 11,304 12,615 3,644 4,186 23 25 2.69 2.60 4,837 5,753 7,291 7,728

    364 1,239 1,187 1,647 456 508 33 36 2.27 2.19 735 243 350 355365 874 924 1,280 294 345 2.68 2.59 495 5 317 321366 705 813 1,228 247 285 2.85 2.75 446 152 167 169367 867 1,006 1,394 311 390 2.58 2.49 560 444 311 315368 758 722 899 253 262 2.76 2.66 338 36 57 58

    DIST 57 4,443 4,652 6,448 1,561 1,790 33 36 2.58 2.49 2,574 880 1,202 1,218AUR 13,433 13,996 16,283 4,919 5,421 380 418 2.51 2.43 6,529 8,059 7,899 8,010

    369 407 194 431 50 71 2.73 2.66 162 112 27 39370 674 1,374 1,600 254 371 284 332 2.94 2.86 444 83 662 655371 1,439 2,086 2,327 459 633 3.30 3.21 726 46 87 93372 1,386 1,453 1,693 404 449 3.24 3.15 538 67 111 118373 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0 0 0374 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0 0 0375 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0 0 0376 1,345 1,358 1,479 426 444 8 9 3.04 2.96 497 78 130 138377 542 598 696 205 219 9 11 2.69 2.61 262 52 239 254378 1,276 1,452 1,691 395 508 2.86 2.78 609 259 379 403

    DIST 58 7,069 8,515 9,917 2,193 2,695 301 352 3.05 2.95 3,238 697 1,635 1,700ORCH PK 24,632 27,637 33,876 8,832 10,277 697 816 2.62 2.53 13,037 12,299 16,562 17,628

    379 1,619 1,567 1,659 625 617 2.54 2.45 676 34 163 175380 2,627 2,357 2,547 1,073 914 1 2.58 2.49 1,022 228 322 346381 1,631 1,578 1,773 548 605 2.61 2.52 703 356 421 553382 117 553 621 30 170 3.25 3.15 197 331 460 595383 1,408 1,326 1,489 473 476 4 5 2.78 2.68 553 154 290 312384 2,334 2,286 2,366 877 947 4 5 2.41 2.33 1,013 381 401 431385 1,089 1,418 1,593 471 572 166 201 2.19 2.12 658 1,480 1,810 1,947386 605 620 696 203 256 2.42 2.34 297 61 60 65387 1,016 1,234 1,386 316 418 2.95 2.85 486 82 120 129388 3,861 3,744 4,106 1,482 1,499 2.50 2.41 1,701 2,040 2,367 2,447389 3,648 3,609 3,954 1,313 1,450 94 113 2.42 2.34 1,639 5,620 3,483 3,547390 2,933 2,763 3,003 1,230 1,061 8 10 2.60 2.51 1,192 558 1,165 1,253391 471 662 744 185 252 2.63 2.54 293 111 196 211392 34 107 120 16 33 3.24 3.16 38 0 144 155393 84 823 1,431 36 338 2.43 2.35 608 65 171 185394 833 1,244 1,701 289 412 8 10 3.00 2.90 583 170 527 567395 2,924 3,117 3,401 1,044 1,124 2.77 2.68 1,268 72 168 181396 1,128 1,334 1,499 390 426 45 54 3.03 2.93 494 521 199 214397 1,365 1,882 2,115 464 678 2.78 2.68 788 70 430 463398 525 327 367 160 130 2.52 2.43 151 21 67 72399 688 774 869 249 289 2.68 2.59 336 115 137 147400 452 446 501 164 174 2.56 2.48 202 104 11 12401 424 353 397 176 147 2.40 2.32 171 20 109 117

    DIST 59 31,816 34,124 38,338 11,814 12,988 330 398 2.60 2.52 15,069 12,594 13,221 14,124HMBG 53,735 56,259 63,241 20,085 21,999 969 1,166 2.51 2.43 25,531 25,020 29,248 31,467


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 23

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    402 2,861 4,142 5,283 1,193 1,869 2.22 2.13 2,452 603 1,109 1,563403 1,692 2,664 4,393 642 1,111 2.40 2.31 1,885 281 377 677404 254 326 441 92 117 2.79 2.68 163 6 73 103405 287 391 529 123 160 2.44 2.35 223 1,525 1,089 1,437406 1,278 1,318 1,529 452 533 2.47 2.38 636 1,111 985 1,627407 2,655 1,203 1,248 920 459 2.62 2.52 490 833 2,514 3,149408 2,977 4,805 6,685 962 1,709 2.81 2.71 2,447 81 559 987409 1,211 1,014 1,112 432 418 2.43 2.34 476 1,073 1,306 1,344410 4,425 4,104 4,154 1,845 1,762 60 66 2.30 2.21 1,848 1,347 1,001 1,160411 5,562 5,347 5,258 2,230 2,292 125 138 2.28 2.20 2,332 1,227 1,694 1,963412 3,350 3,233 3,228 1,326 1,314 2.46 2.37 1,361 2,655 1,998 2,317413 2,500 2,072 2,147 1,267 1,094 1.89 1.83 1,176 4,315 2,717 2,980414 4,053 3,619 3,638 1,532 1,440 13 14 2.50 2.41 1,502 1,825 1,301 1,508415 1,572 1,407 1,423 611 533 2.64 2.55 559 136 241 279416 1,395 1,125 1,237 471 470 2.39 2.31 536 414 303 521417 358 358 321 124 136 12 13 2.54 2.44 126 105 482 728418 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 5,695 5,731 4,000419 2,137 2,105 2,664 594 605 516 547 2.63 2.53 840 1,208 1,194 1,389420 457 454 614 141 151 57 73 2.63 2.53 214 234 348 540421 663 864 1,168 232 264 120 142 2.82 2.72 377 70 301 474422 1,335 1,381 2,019 574 559 2.47 2.38 841 429 460 749

    DIST 60 41,022 41,932 49,091 15,763 16,996 903 993 2.41 2.34 20,484 25,173 25,783 29,495LKPT C 24,426 22,279 22,518 9,838 9,459 210 231 2.33 2.27 9,916 18,792 16,774 16,800LKPT T 16,596 19,653 26,573 5,925 7,537 693 762 2.52 2.44 10,568 6,381 9,009 12,695

    423 557 757 903 161 239 11 11 3.12 3.02 295 46 66 69424 1,642 2,612 3,476 555 842 3.10 3.01 1,156 344 703 730425 1,610 1,718 2,286 587 650 56 56 2.56 2.48 899 436 670 696426 1,951 2,738 3,643 657 951 2.88 2.79 1,305 1,294 933 969427 2,271 2,673 3,662 865 961 428 435 2.34 2.26 1,425 3,176 2,729 2,634

    DIST 61 8,031 10,498 13,970 2,825 3,643 495 502 2.75 2.65 5,080 5,297 5,101 5,098CLARENCE 20,041 26,123 34,261 6,997 9,154 509 610 2.80 2.70 12,431 13,964 14,812 15,381

    428 336 401 621 135 151 2.66 2.56 243 144 1,393 1,471429 633 586 907 200 218 2.69 2.59 350 482 1,583 1,985430 671 763 1,182 227 273 2.79 2.69 439 342 1,292 1,457431 898 1,087 1,683 353 404 160 290 2.29 2.21 630 255 456 514432 930 963 1,492 305 352 2.74 2.64 566 70 146 165

    DIST 62 3,468 3,800 5,885 1,220 1,398 160 290 2.60 2.51 2,228 1,293 4,870 5,592LANC 32,181 39,019 46,488 12,066 15,053 617 929 2.55 2.46 18,460 13,085 20,369 22,971

    433 1,098 1,230 1,429 398 473 2.60 2.52 568 52 97 98434 1,042 989 1,150 330 362 2 2 2.73 2.64 436 43 143 145435 1,475 1,560 1,813 500 614 2.54 2.46 738 565 563 568436 1,532 1,611 1,873 498 550 2.93 2.83 662 253 473 476437 711 688 800 272 267 2.58 2.49 321 31 420 423

    DIST 63 5,858 6,078 7,065 1,998 2,266 2 2 2.68 2.59 2,725 944 1,696 1,710ELMA 10,355 11,304 12,615 3,644 4,186 23 25 2.69 2.60 4,837 5,753 7,291 7,728

    438 6,684 6,673 7,024 2,467 2,596 347 382 2.44 2.35 2,826 6,597 6,075 6,161439 569 671 706 233 281 2.39 2.31 306 15 79 80440 1,098 1,283 1,350 414 481 2.67 2.57 525 234 351 356441 639 717 755 244 273 2.63 2.53 298 333 192 195

    DIST 64 8,990 9,344 9,835 3,358 3,631 347 382 2.48 2.39 3,955 7,179 6,697 6,792AUR 13,433 13,996 16,283 4,919 5,421 380 418 2.51 2.43 6,529 8,059 7,899 8,010


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 24

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    442 362 259 355 140 122 2.12 2.03 174 125 570 660443 2,709 2,437 2,295 1,264 1,102 2.21 2.12 1,075 569 1,266 1,465444 322 212 552 109 86 2.47 2.36 232 1,705 1,364 1,628445 2,987 2,691 2,530 1,098 1,038 2.59 2.48 1,012 1,397 2,042 2,363446 933 808 885 339 316 2.56 2.45 358 497 526 609447 1,626 1,588 1,647 543 591 2.69 2.57 636 2,752 1,063 1,180448 941 983 1,623 308 356 2.76 2.64 609 57 353 408449 1,182 1,176 1,314 413 440 2.67 2.57 509 485 810 923450 1,826 1,754 1,958 604 664 2.64 2.53 769 236 169 192451 1,425 1,560 1,848 76 76 1,347 1,395 2.80 2.68 154 1,799 848 966452 3,048 2,781 2,895 1,297 1,268 111 115 2.11 2.02 1,367 2,613 1,885 2,148453 2,692 2,691 2,848 1,038 1,053 19 20 2.54 2.43 1,156 442 1,210 1,378454 709 1,138 1,271 229 398 2.86 2.75 460 178 127 145455 988 935 1,044 342 346 2.70 2.59 400 124 84 96456 1,375 1,326 1,429 481 493 13 13 2.66 2.55 551 484 478 544457 1,403 2,506 2,747 493 990 2.53 2.43 1,125 99 485 552458 1,577 1,528 2,075 510 552 64 66 2.65 2.54 785 215 226 257459 2,956 2,809 3,011 1,065 1,106 2.54 2.45 1,221 376 683 813460 1,486 1,507 1,615 582 579 2.60 2.51 639 92 106 126461 1,554 1,507 1,615 481 492 113 124 2.83 2.73 543 519 634 755462 1,114 1,097 1,176 377 439 2.50 2.41 484 79 130 154

    DIST 70 33,215 33,293 36,733 11,789 12,507 1,667 1,733 2.53 2.44 14,259 14,843 15,059 17,362NIA 9,880 8,978 9,887 3,801 3,611 0 0 2.49 2.41 4,096 7,102 7,184 8,313LEW 16,225 17,395 19,429 5,483 6,280 1,554 1,609 2.52 2.45 7,276 6,675 6,322 7,201POR 7,110 6,920 7,417 2,505 2,616 113 124 2.60 2.53 2,887 1,066 1,553 1,848

    463 880 948 1,069 330 387 32 2.45 2.36 439 574 846 931464 487 556 628 158 238 2.34 2.25 280 219 154 184465 654 823 930 226 282 2.92 2.82 330 81 183 217466 1,224 1,399 1,578 393 493 2.84 2.73 578 58 118 191467 801 926 1,044 299 323 10 11 2.84 2.73 378 80 178 237468 733 741 835 270 272 2.72 2.63 318 68 96 114469 1,668 1,679 1,753 600 636 2.64 2.54 689 127 109 128470 873 892 931 296 319 2.80 2.69 346 34 68 82471 864 983 1,026 337 361 2.72 2.62 391 82 42 50472 2,356 2,286 2,387 887 908 2.52 2.42 985 975 836 995

    DIST 71 10,540 11,233 12,181 3,796 4,219 10 43 2.66 2.56 4,734 2,298 2,630 3,129CAM 4,779 5,393 6,084 1,676 1,995 10 43 2.70 2.62 2,323 1,080 1,575 1,874WIL 5,761 5,840 6,097 2,120 2,224 0 0 2.63 2.55 2,411 1,218 1,055 1,255

    473 1,668 1,718 1,920 610 668 8 9 2.56 2.47 775 239 451 488474 2,047 2,741 3,063 699 938 168 185 2.74 2.64 1,089 591 955 963475 923 1,053 1,177 318 359 2.93 2.82 417 629 392 577476 4,358 4,145 4,631 1,627 1,632 10 11 2.53 2.44 1,892 999 1,241 1,588

    DIST 72NEWF 8,996 9,657 10,791 3,254 3,597 186 205 2.63 2.56 4,173 2,457 3,039 3,616


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 25

  • Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    477 613 648 708 209 241 2.69 2.59 271 19 70 81478 929 1,095 1,196 315 383 2.86 2.75 431 5 50 58479 1,034 1,105 1,207 323 395 2.80 2.69 444 5 270 311480 2,516 2,604 2,844 927 974 2.67 2.58 1,095 1,393 1,827 2,101481 2,361 2,258 2,466 844 817 94 103 2.65 2.55 920 700 1,168 1,344482 1,388 1,387 1,494 504 509 2.72 2.63 564 136 77 91483 846 932 1,004 281 348 2.68 2.58 387 52 176 209484 1,067 1,188 1,281 368 433 2.74 2.64 481 78 143 171485 610 658 709 188 236 2.79 2.68 262 22 33 40486 1,643 1,811 1,934 600 641 19 21 2.80 2.69 711 874 809 925487 1,012 1,054 1,126 340 359 2.94 2.83 398 173 199 228

    DIST 73 14,019 14,740 15,969 4,899 5,336 113 124 2.74 2.64 5,964 3,457 4,822 5,559ROY 7,453 7,710 8,421 2,618 2,810 94 103 2.71 2.61 3,161 2,122 3,385 3,895HART 3,911 4,165 4,488 1,341 1,526 0 0 2.73 2.63 1,694 288 429 511SOM 2,655 2,865 3,060 940 1,000 19 21 2.85 2.74 1,109 1,047 1,008 1,153

    488 924 1,155 1,341 299 402 2.87 2.78 484 54 56 60489 646 888 1,031 197 309 2.87 2.78 371 109 207 223490 2,998 3,085 3,582 1,268 1,313 11 12 2.34 2.27 1,577 1,898 2,946 3,174491 734 906 1,052 250 317 4 4 2.85 2.75 382 482 1,354 1,459492 1,408 1,683 1,953 610 782 2.15 2.08 940 72 159 171493 730 697 809 239 253 2.75 2.66 304 6 34 37494 587 446 591 185 164 2.72 2.62 226 19 122 128495 1,613 1,668 1,850 302 363 694 671 2.68 2.59 456 1,098 2,085 2,288496 4,779 4,594 4,996 1,224 1,272 1,089 1,091 2.76 2.66 1,467 1,649 1,314 1,379497 3,393 3,762 4,170 1,299 1,479 14 14 2.53 2.45 1,698 2,106 1,813 1,803

    DIST 74 17,812 18,884 21,375 5,873 6,654 1,812 1,792 2.57 2.48 8,334 7,493 10,090 10,722NEWS 7,440 8,414 9,768 2,863 3,376 15 16 2.49 2.40 4,058 2,621 4,756 5,124ALDEN 10,372 10,470 11,607 3,010 3,278 1,797 1,776 2.65 2.56 3,847 4,872 5,334 5,598

    498 1,370 1,424 1,716 492 508 2.80 2.71 633 27 56 59499 1,912 1,911 2,303 578 653 2.93 2.83 816 32 299 318500 1,369 1,666 2,008 501 609 2.74 2.65 759 4 114 120501 599 708 853 206 251 2.82 2.73 313 7 38 40502 891 940 1,085 304 340 2.76 2.67 406 37 290 308503 729 637 735 237 245 2.60 2.51 293 84 40 43504 927 907 1,046 327 352 2.58 2.49 420 34 77 81505 370 476 549 141 179 2.66 2.58 214 20 77 81

    DIST 75 8,167 8,669 10,295 2,786 3,137 0 0 2.76 2.68 3,854 245 991 1,050MAR 5,250 5,709 6,880 1,777 2,021 0 0 2.82 2.73 2,521 70 507 537WALES 2,917 2,960 3,415 1,009 1,116 0 0 2.65 2.56 1,333 175 484 513

    506 1,695 1,909 2,251 671 735 2.60 2.51 898 417 353 374507 595 761 897 178 277 2.75 2.66 338 80 45 48508 609 653 770 187 250 2.61 2.53 305 123 66 70509 1,238 1,073 1,148 435 413 2.60 2.51 458 564 729 770510 1,014 1,083 1,158 317 366 2.96 2.86 405 51 65 69511 1,320 1,447 1,547 515 553 2.62 2.53 612 344 275 290512 488 569 611 154 188 3.03 2.93 209 39 41 44513 1,365 1,321 1,419 505 473 2.79 2.70 526 574 1,078 1,153514 814 802 862 249 283 2.83 2.74 315 25 134 143

    DIST 76 9,138 9,618 10,663 3,211 3,538 0 0 2.72 2.63 4,066 2,217 2,786 2,961COLD 2,899 3,323 3,918 1,036 1,262 0 0 2.63 2.54 1,541 620 464 492HOLL 3,572 3,603 3,853 1,267 1,332 0 0 2.70 2.61 1,475 959 1,069 1,129SARD 2,667 2,692 2,892 908 944 0 0 2.85 2.75 1,050 638 1,253 1,340


    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 26

  • GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p

    Approved 2035 Population, Household and Employment Forecasts

    TAZ 1990 2000 2,035 1990 2000

    Group Qtrs. Pop. 2000

    est GQP 2035

    Persons per HH 2000

    Est. pphh for 2035 2,035 1990 2000 2035

    515 964 1,092 1,365 364 413 2.64 2.56 535 1,140 96 102516 4,026 4,071 5,086 1,461 1,570 10 11 2.59 2.50 2,031 114 504 533517 1,856 2,083 2,603 630 764 2.73 2.64 989 50 474 503518 409 448 560 136 176 2.55 2.46 227 34 117 124519 190 203 254 60 74 2.74 2.64 96 5 11 12520 406 554 633 145 190 2.92 2.82 225 4 65 69521 1,522 1,422 1,576 506 535 2.66 2.57 614 563 168 178522 1,448 1,377 1,525 492 527 2.61 2.52 605 272 212 225523 444 542 717 155 189 2.87 2.77 259 9 78 83524 245 382 534 88 119 46 51 2.82 2.73 178 5 92 195525 4,322 4,249 4,757 1,664 1,704 167 183 2.40 2.31 1,984 3,206 4,229 4,385

    DIST 77 15,832 16,423 19,610 5,701 6,261 223 245 2.59 2.50 7,743 5,402 6,046 6,409BOS 7,445 7,897 9,868 2,651 2,997 10 11 2.63 2.54 3,878 1,343 1,202 1,274CON 8,387 8,526 9,742 3,050 3,264 213 234 2.55 2.46 3,865 4,059 4,844 5,135

    526 654 691 743 240 252 2 2 2.73 2.65 280 248 97 103527 1,875 2,035 2,187 590 704 102 113 2.75 2.66 783 35 506 536528 3,385 3,767 4,047 1,165 1,325 64 70 2.79 2.70 1,474 867 1,597 1,692529 731 681 731 226 231 20 22 2.86 2.77 256 65 68 72530 771 902 970 301 343 2.63 2.55 381 33 91 97531 742 722 834 233 261 8 9 2.74 2.65 312 78 62 66532 1,817 1,601 1,853 637 625 12 13 2.54 2.46 750 745 1,082 1,158533 599 583 674 205 209 2.79 2.70 250 43 60 64534 344 470 544 121 159 2.96 2.86 191 53 193 206535 576 677 693 185 234 2.89 2.80 238 17 194 194536 872 2,363 2,422 308 318 1,526 1,561 2.63 2.55 352 14 462 461537 3,645 4,204 4,311 822 800 2,380 2,435 2.28 2.21 866 3,485 2,444 2,429538 202 243 249 71 96 4 4 2.49 2.42 97 15 45 55539 725 820 840 270 306 4 4 2.67 2.58 311 23 132 132

    DIST 78 16,938 19,759 21,098 5,374 5,863 4,122 4,233 2.67 2.58 6,541 5,721 7,033 7,265EDEN 7,416 8,076 8,678 2,522 2,855 188 207 2.76 2.67 3,174 1,248 2,359 2,500N COLL 3,502 3,376 3,905 1,196 1,254 20 22 2.68 2.58 1,503 919 1,397 1,494COLL 6,020 8,307 8,515 1,656 1,754 3,914 4,004 2.50 2.42 1,864 3,554 3,277 3,271

    540 5,528 5,354 5,541 1,842 1,902 82 91 2.77 2.68 2,037 339 1,071 1,155541 494 620 642 177 227 1 2.73 2.63 244 37 176 190542 273 268 277 94 100 2.68 2.60 107 0 68 83543 1,164 1,083 1,121 455 463 5 6 2.33 2.25 496 298 631 680544 666 732 757 241 279 21 23 2.55 2.47 298 95 79 85545 5,747 5,778 5,978 2,020 2,266 2.55 2.47 2,426 212 436 470546 3,210 3,313 3,429 1,181 1,239 2.67 2.59 1,327 3,291 2,530 2,718547 396 446 462 115 163 2.74 2.65 175 12 43 46548 787 768 857 321 291 2.64 2.56 336 127 172 181549 348 274 306 111 111 2.47 2.39 128 64 48 50550 984 864 963 345 308 1 2.80 2.71 356 188 422 444551 162 259 289 53 91 2.85 2.76 105 174 99 104552 292 446 498 98 161 2.77 2.67 187 23 18 19553 1,345 1,296 1,444 435 451 2.87 2.78 520 480 401 422554 0 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0 0 0

    DIST 79 21,396 21,501 22,564 7,488 8,052 110 120 2.66 2.57 8,742 5,340 6,194 6,647EVANS 17,478 17,594 18,207 6,125 6,639 109 120 2.63 2.54 7,110 4,284 5,034 5,427BRANT 3,918 3,907 4,357 1,363 1,413 1 0 2.76 2.67 1,632 1,056 1,160 1,220

    TOTAL 1,189,288 1,170,111 1,294,370 460,707 468,719 35,009 41,496 2.42 2.35 533,155 638,068 650,819 700,900NIA. CO. 220,756 219,846 245,930 84,688 87,846 4,218 4,670 2.45 2.38 101,027 100,113 95,263 113,550ERIE CO. 968,532 950,265 1,048,440 376,019 380,873 30,791 36,826 2.41 2.34 432,128 537,955 555,556 587,350




    Year 2011 2015 TIP

    2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Update

    Non-Exempt, Exempt, and Regionally Significant Project Listing

    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 28



    GBNRTC Conformity Determination (2011-2015 TIP & 2035 LRP) Final May 2010 p 29


    (To Be Confirmed)Buffalo 575546 Elmwood Ave; Forest Ave - Scajaquada Reconstruct and widen, provide interconnect traffic signal system Non-Exempt $1,962,500Buffalo 575681 Elmwood Ave/Chippewa St Signals Replace 10 traffic signals and install interconnect system Non-Exempt $1,264,000Buffalo 575714 Niagara Street Gateway Project;

    Carolina/Virginia Sts - Niagara SquareBoulevard Streetscape Project - Reduction from 6 to 4 lanes Non-Exempt $2,465,000

    Buffalo 575719 Erie Canal Harbor Street Network Phase III New roadway network associated with the Erie Canal Harbor Project Non-Exempt $1,495,000Buffalo 575795 BNMC Phase III - Allen St Extension Main St to Ellicott St Non-Exempt $6,452,000Buffalo 575861 Ferry St Signals Traffic Signal Upgrade Non-Exempt $100,000Buffalo 582212 Cars on Main St, Scott St - Tupper St Scott St to Tupper St Non-Exempt $1,582,500

    TOTAL - BUFFALO $15,321,000Erie County 575374 N Forest Rd, Rt 263 Millersport Hwy - Dodge

    RdReconstruction of pavement and widening 2-4 for part of project Non-Exempt $7,693,750

    Erie County 575543 E Robinson (N French); Rt 62-Rt 952T Widen to add center and intersection turn lanes Non-Exempt $11,545,091

    TOTAL - ERIE COUNTY $19,238,841Miscellaneous 575358 Peace Bridge Congestion Relief Accommodate future bridge/plaza changes with local street/hwy system Non-Exempt $22,500,000

    Miscellaneous 575752 Meadow Dr Extension City of NT - Extension of Meadow Dr to Rt 425 Erie Av Non-Exempt $1,222,000Miscellaneous 575790 Eastern Hills Corridor Clarence- Construction of new roadway east of Eastern Hills Mall, Main

    St-Sheridan DrNon-Exempt $1,346,000

    Miscellaneous 575834 Mill Rd/Johnson Creek Bridge Bridge Removal Non-Exempt $268,000TOTAL - MISCELLANEOUS $25,336,000Niagara Falls 575542 Niagara Falls Signals; 3 Intersections Replace signal system and interconnect system. Non-Exempt $537,500Niagara Falls 575557 John B Daly Blvd; Niagara St - Pine Ave New 4 lane arterial street Non-Exempt $3,950,000TOTAL - NIAGARA FALLS $4,487,500NYSDOT 511188 Rts 5/20/438 Roundabout Highway reconstruction Non-Exempt $4,807,500NYSDOT 530796 Rt 62; Cayuga to Walmore Rd Ph I Widen to add center turn lane Non-Exempt $11,398,750NYSDOT 580790 Rt 62 Ferry & Walnut Arterials, 47th to Main

    StSignal replacements/coordination with new timing for 3 miles Non-Exempt $15,212,500

    NYSDOT 580908 MOF-Regional Arterial Management System, Ph 2A

    Traffic Signal Coordination Non-Exempt $2,916,250

    NYSDOT (N) 501922 Rt 265 & I-190/Power Reservoir; Phase II Power Reservoir Non-Exempt $8,600,000NYSDOT (N) 513437 Rt 5 @ Bayview Intersection Rehabilitation Non-Exempt $1,500,000NYSDOT 520958 Route 78 @ Fisk/Rapids Intersection Reconstruction Non-Exempt $1,100,000NYSDOT 526850 MOF: Rt 240 @ Pilgers' Curve Safety Hwy Widen Non-Exempt $900,000NYSDOT (N) 530829 Rt 62; Krueger Rd - Sy; Phase II Safety Hwy Widen Non-Exempt $13,500,000NYSDOT 530830 Rt 62; Sy - Cayuga; Phase 3 Highway Reconstruction Non-Exempt $15,000,000NYSDOT (N) 530831 Rt 62 @ Sowles Rd Intersection Rehabilitation Non-Exempt $1,500,000NYSDOT 580613 Rt 952Q(Walden); Seneca/Veterans-

    Townline RdHighway Reconstruction Widening - Center Turn Lane Entire Length Non-Exempt $4,250,000

    NYSDOT 580815Rt 952G (Church St Art) Gateway & N & S Division; Bingham St Corridor Enhancement Non-Exempt


    NYSDOT (N) 580973 Regional Arterial Management System; Phase 3

    Regional Arterial ManagementNon-Exempt


    NYSDOT (N) 580974 Regional Arterial Management System, Phase 4

    Regional Arterial ManagementNon-Exempt


    NYSDOT (N) 580975 Regional Arterial Management System; Phase 5

    Regional Arterial ManagementNon-Exempt


    NYSDOT (N) 594061 Peet St / Erie Canal Bridge Re