Gazette 2012

Carnet de Voyage Madrid, Belgium, Asturias, Caracas, Salmon River, Helsinki


Thomas family newsletter for 2012

Transcript of Gazette 2012

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Carnet de VoyageMadrid, Belgium, Asturias, Caracas, Salmon River, Helsinki

G December 2012

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Cover photo: Handstanding in Madrid, Spain.Above: Barista Cafe Parking in the Pearl District, Portland, OregonLeft: Biking the Fremont BridgeUpper Right: Our view of Mt. Hood at breakfastLower Right: Relaxing in Doppio Cafe, Hood River, Oregon

Photography, writing, travel, teens, college applications, tennis, gymnastics, speaking, running, piano, rafting, video production, dulcimer, cycling, surgery, dissertation.

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Carpe diem

I want to urge you very strongly to travel as

much as you can, and to evolve yourself as an

internationalist. It’s as important a part of your

education as a radical as the reading of any book.

Christopher Hitchens.Letters to a Young Contrarian. p 77

Savoring life


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New Year’s Eve Party —a bit of a dress up tradition.

New Year’s Eve

by James

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Leaving the flying to professional pilots

Mt. Hood & Cascade peaks welcoming me home.

My morning commute.

Heading east.

Philadelphia 30th Street Station


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Sydney, Morgan Susan & James Thomas1316 SW Mitchell Lane

Portland, OR 97239 - 2826issue 32

Medical: www.voicedoctor.netArt:


Gazette is published intermittently,

often before Christmas but sometimes after

by fLy bY niGHt proDUCtions.

Subscriptions are free,

but we like a card or a visit.

[email protected] (503) [email protected] (503) 341-0767

[email protected] (503) [email protected] (503) 867-0798


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Light & Color by the family

Sometimes we catch the city or the season or the morning or evening at just the right moment; as on the morning of January 8th from our house (above) or October 29th

(below) or January 2, 2012 from Vista Drive (upper right) or perhaps Hertz just rents out the right color cara.

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This is what 18 cents/gallon gasoline buys you -


Caracas - a beautiful city because of all the lovely people living there. Doctoras Monica, Diana and Jacqueline hosted me in their wonderful hometown, bringing me the opportunity to teach and share what I have learned about voice, learn about the history of Caracas, venture up into the mountains surrounding the city, see a Chavez worker’s political parade, dine on Caraqueño cuisine and dance salsa and merengue every night.


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Caracas’ otolaryngology doctors.

Dra. Diana Murillo-Omuku

Dra. Jacqueline Alvarado Medina

Dra. Monica Saavedra Ortega

Caracas by night - from far up Cerro El Ávila.

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Throneby James


Enjoying the warmth of the radiant heat limestone floor in the bathroom one chilly weekend, the girls piled up pillows, settled

down with computers on their laps, also very warm, and were studying when they heard a gurgling sound.

They kept hearing the watery noise and thought it was coming from the toilet. They looked and didn’t see any-thing, so they shut the lid. Then the noise returned again. Again nothing was in the toilet. Then it sounded like something was swimming in the toi-let. They lifted the lid and shrieked!!!

While the girls were at home, I was working at my office typing up medical records when I received a text, “THERE IS A RAT IN OUR TOI-LET!!!” As I was reading the message, I apparently wasn’t responding quickly enough and I received a call from Mor-gan. The same message was conveyed verbally, “There is a rat swimming in circles inside the toilet bowl!”

I suggested putting the lid down.“I already did that!” she replied.“Maybe put something on top of

the lid. I really can’t get home very quickly, I am on my bike, four miles away” I reminded her.

“I already put our textbooks on top of the lid!!!” she yelled.

“Well then you are safe. I’ll check it out when I get home.” I offered.

1 and 1/2 hours later (I had a flat tire) he wasn’t there when I got home, but if he can come up through the pipes, he can probably go back down.

The girls called me again a few days later reporting that Mr. Rat was back. Needless to say the toilet was not getting much use now. The par-ents still hadn’t seem Mr. Rat. I had looked online and yes there are plenty of photos of rats coming out of toilets. I have also seen rats during my travels in some interesting-to-americans non-porcelain, out of the way toilets,


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but this event was now rather close to home—at home.

The following weekend, Susan helping out with homework, heard the noise–lifted the lid–nothing. The gurgling noise came again. The second time she lifted the lid–shreik–there he was. :-(

Now the parents had verification, not that they doubted their teenage daughters (Yes they did!—M&S). I called the city. A friendly man offered to drop rat bait in the nearest man-hole—but that seemed several rat-miles away from the toilet with the reap-pearing rat. The city offers back-f low valves to prevent water from backing up f rom t he sewer into your house, but they are plastic and he said the rats just eat through them.

He recommended that since we had a garbage disposal in the kitchen, we are basically chumming the sewer line, inviting the rats in. We should run the water freely after putting any-thing in the garbage disposal—don’t be so green. Waste some water. Rinse the food all the way to the street. Or better, don’t put any food at all in your garbage disposal.

Using a coat hanger, we suspended some rat bait in the toilet bowl, but he didn’t eat it and we hadn’t seen him by the following weekend. Then I thought about a fishing analogy and tied some rat bait to a string and flushed. I let the bait out about 2 feet into the pipe in the wall. I could pull on it and hear it bang against the inside of the pipe. Each morning I planned to pull on the string and see if it was

stil l weighted by the bait. Af-ter two days, the string was light and after reeling it in, the bait was gone. I dropped an-other one down a nd it ne ver went away, so after two weeks I pu l le d t he ba it out a nd we seemed safe again. He has not reappeared, at least visually.

I can only assume that he enjoyed his Last Supper.

So next time you are reading the paper on the throne, relaxing, mind wandering and you hear a gurgling sound, it may be your stomach... or it may not be and you may not want to wait very long to identify the source. It might be time to get up, put the lid down and leave.

You do put the lid down when you leave, don’t you?

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My life by Susan

Celebrating 50Well it’s hard to believe but this year brought my 50th birthday, an age

that I once thought was really OLD. I guess that, as you reach each of these milestones, they are not as bad as you once thought, although I do remember my parents’ friends were ancient at 50. While I had an official party on my actual birthday, which I enjoyed with many of my close friends, the real celebration came with the running of the inaugural Portland Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon.

On a dreary Sunday in May myself and twelve of my crazy friends set off to complete the half marathon, my first since hip surgery last September.

Despite a lack of training (since my orthopaedic surgeon

wouldn’t let me run until

February) I f i n i s h e d t h e r a c e . W h i l e i t w a s n’t pretty, there certainly was a sense of accomplishment, providing me with a sense of relief. I could still continue

to do the sport I love. I think the best part for me was not that I finished

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the race, but the fact that I completed it along with a wonderful group of women. While we all ran the race at our own paces, knowing that Nadja, Kirsten, Rachel, Kristine, Sabrina, Valarie, Martha, Molly, April, Stacy, my sister Stephanie and best friend Julia (from Toronto) were running it with me, made the day and the event even more special.

The journey –requires baby steps

Well my school journey continues. After my devastating performance during last year’s orals, the new year brought intense oral practice sessions with my friends Teresa and Rajesh. Each week they would make sure that I could articulate all of the necessary details, formulas and diagrams that would demonstrate my in-depth

k nowledge a nd u ndersta nd i ng systems, statistics, public health and biomedical ethics. All the hard work paid off and on February 14th, I passed my orals. While this was certainly a relief for me, I think my family and Teresa and Rajesh were happier that this major hurdle was over and done with.

After a little break from studying I started formulating and finalizing my dissertation topic and then my committee. By the middle of June all of the necessary steps had been completed and the University approved my dissertation topic and committee. I spent the summer reviewing scientific literature and the fall finalizing my proposal. I’m hoping to have my dissertation approved by my committee by early January.

Then the next and hopefully last phase will begin. What I think has amazed my about the process is that what seems like a small task takes so


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much time. I just need to remember that even if you take baby steps you can reach your destination, it just might take a little longer than anticipated. Hopefully, by the writing of this letter next year I will officially have graduated, but only time will tell whether my baby steps are big enough.

The athletic quest – continues

Well, after being relegated to no athletics for 6 months following my knee and hip surgery, it has been a slow but happy return. I continued to run, adding the Girlfriends half marathon to the list of athletic accomplishments with my crazy runner friends Vala-

rie and Kirsten. I have also added several shorter fun runs, including the Shamrock run with the girls, who despite their hatred of run-ning, completed the 5 km run at a

pace much quicker than mine. Valarie and I have run some fun

runs through a group called “Runner Chicks Adventures”. We have done an early morning run through the vineyards, followed by breakfast and wine tasting and then a run along the river front to see the Christmas ships followed by fondue and champagne. Mixing up the runs makes each of

M useo N acional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

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them an adventure, providing some-thing fun to look forward to through-out the year. Who knows what race or adventure we will choose next year, only time will tell.

In addition to running, I took up tennis this year. I thought it might be good to have a sport that Jim and I could do together, especially since the

girls will be gone in one year. Jim and I played on a mixed doubles team together and although our team placed last, it was fun to play and meet many new people through the tennis community. Hopefully, once I am done with school I will have time to pursue my athletic endeavors with a little more gusto than I currently.

Time is – running out

The girls entered their senior year in high school and the crazy college application process is in full swing. It

has made me realize that at this time next year it will only be Jim, Milton (Mor-gan’s blue beta fish) and I at home. So the events of this past year are filled with both joy and sadness as they prepare for the next phase of their lives.

This summer the girls and I went on a girls’ road trip with fellow gymnast Hannah and her mom Tracy to watch the Olym-pic Gymnastics Trials in San Jose with several other families from the MAC. The week was filled with singing, laughter, shop-ping, sunbathing and even visits to Santa Clara and Va



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and is filled with many fond memories.While the next six months will go

quickly, the journey to pack in as much as we can before they leave has been a fun-filled one.

Family and FriendsThis year my annual professional

meeting convened in Toronto. I spent extra time with family and friends before the meet-ing. A weekend at brother Stephen’s cottage in Oril-lia along with my parents, Stepha-nie, David, Kend-all and, of course, Stephen was both relaxing and en-

Stanford. We attended both the men’s and women’s sessions and it was truly amazing to see up close the quality of the gymnasts that would represent the US at the Olympics.

In addition to our road trip, the girls and I also wandered around won-derful Spain, exploring the different neighborhoods, history, architecture and food. It was a great experience

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joyable. Once back in Toronto I joined best friend Julia and her husband John, shopping on Queen street, tak-ing in a Blue Jays Game, and the To-ronto Film Festival. I caught up with Toronto friends Norris and Heather and their son Bill, and my childhood friend, Mike, who I haven’t seen since my wedding 25 years ago. It was w o n d e r f u l t o spend some time, although always too short, with all of them and now that my par-ents have moved back to Toronto it may be easier to coordinate visits with all when I am back in town.

WorkWell this year

brought the 20th anniversary of Cathleen and I working together in Shriner’s Clini-ca l Research. I would certainly say though that it has been most cha l leng i ng a s we work to meet the demands of the projects. We continue to be involved in the

study of boys with Duchenne Mus-cular Dystrophy with two studies; the first our natural history study which was funded again for three more years and a drug study looking at the potential of a new drug for boys with a specific deletion to determine if it al-lows them to produce dystrophin and

maintain function. I n add ition, we have grants look-ing at the effects of bracing in children born with clubfoot and a computer-ized assessment for parents of children with cerebral palsy. These studies along with several other smaller studies have kept us exception-ally busy, a pace we are hoping will di-minish a somewhat next year so that we may pursue more

writing of the results of our studies.

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The BahndTrinity Episcopal Cathedral

The Bahnd continued making music from Bluegrass. to Radiohead to Van Morrison

Radiohead Alternative Liturgy: I had never consciously heard of Radiohead before and now I hear their music frequently.


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Woody Guthrie Porchlight Session Bahnd

- a great audience is

always appreciated


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Morgan's Memoriesby Morgan

FactsThis year I started sending “Facts

of the Day” to some of my friends, but I don’t send them out daily. They are just random facts that I find interest-ing and they have to be completely true, although the first fact I ever sent out was one that I had made up. “The person who coined the term Jay Walk-ing was named Jay Walker.” Everyone believed it and the responses were so funny I decided to continue to send them out every once in a while.

PetsThis past year our family thought about getting a

dog; that never happened, but I did get a new fish. The 10 neon fish I had somehow all died. My new fish is a blue beta and his name is Milton.

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SchoolIn September, I started my

senior year at Wilson High School. I am taking AP Pho-tography, AP Statistics, AP Economics, AP English, and Yearbook. This year in Pho-tography I was recognized with my photographs in 2 shows. I am the Business Editor of our school’s yearbook with Sydney.

ShoppingThis year I was smart about

shopping on black Friday; I did it all online, so I did not have to deal with all the crazy midnight shoppers. Although I wanted to go to the mall at midnight we went around 11:00 the next morning and had no problem. This year our grandparents came out for American Thanksgiving so they went shopping with us.

GymnasticsThis last year I competed as

a level 8 with the MAC (Mult-nomah Athletic Club). I competed in Colorado, California, Wash-ington and Oregon. I made it to State and from there qualified to Regionals, this year held in Beaver-ton, Oregon. In the 2013 season I will compete as a level 9.

DrivingThis year I finally learned how to drive on the freeway and I are getting

much better at parking, although parallel parking is still a struggle.

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TripsThis summer started off with a trip

to San Jose for the 2012 Gymnastic Olympic Trials. We drove down with Tracy and Hannah Savinar and we met Hollynd, who flew into Califor-nia. We watched all 4 days of competi-tion, 2 of them were women and 2 were men. At the end they announced the team for the 2012 London Olympics. It was a great experience. We met and got autographs from lots of gymnasts, including Shawn Johnson, Carly Pat-terson, and Hollie Vice.

At the end of the summer we

went on our annual rafting trip with the Shute and Polo families. This year we went on the Lower Salmon, where

we spent 5 days on the river. The first night we stayed in a small town that had no cell phone service and from there we camped every night on the river. The weather was so hot that in the middle of the day you could not walk on the sand, but it was nice because you could always cool off in the water.

Many nights the kids decided to just sleep under the stars because we never wanted to put up or take down our tents. We made a slide out of our

Nuria Cristina Morgan Sydney Susan Jaime Tomás

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rafts and also we anchored the raft in the middle of the river so we could flip and jump off of it. We played Ultimate Frisbee on the sand, which was one of the hardest things, but it was so fun.

The very last weekend of the sum-mer we went up to Walla Walla with Hannah and her family, which was the perfect way to end the summer.

At the end of September and the beginning of October we went to Spain for 2 weeks. They were the best two weeks of my year, and I loved every minute of it. We stayed in Madrid with the Gorriz family. We toured Madrid, Toledo and Segovia.

Also while we were there, we met up with Nuria (our exchange student from last year) and we got to meet her family. They also took us around Madrid and Toledo. We went shopping with Nuria and her friend Laura, who we met when she was in Portland at the same time as Nuria. It was nice to reconnect with both of them. We also went to a gymnastics gym while we were there and worked out a couple of times. It was kind of hard because they didn’t know English and we didn’t know any Spanish, but

we made it work. Coming back was the worst part,

luckily while we were there we did not have too much homework, but it was a little bit of a struggle coming back and making up all the missed work, especially all the tests.

ExtraThis summer I put another blue

streak in my hair, and of course Sydney did pink.

Some of my Friday nights are spent at the MAC with Emily Packham at Family Friday, where we can go on all the bounce houses. Our favorite is the Titanic.

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Happy Holidays fromSusan, Sydney, Morgan & JamesHappy Holidays from

Susan, Sydney, Morgan & James

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Thomas Family Portrait

Happy Holidays fromSusan, Sydney, Morgan & James

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18 Years by Sydney

This year was filled! Starting off with gymnastics meets, then summer vacation, travel in Spain and it is ending with college applications.

GymnasticsThis year I competed at level eight

for the MAC (Multnomah Athletic Club). My team placed first in the state for the second year in a row. I qualified for regionals competition which includes five states. This year it was held in Oregon.

For our distant meets we traveled to Los Angeles and Denver. While we were traveling, for a double benefit, we also explored colleges in these cities.

SchoolThis year I am a senior, taking

AP photography which is one of my favorite classes, AP Economics, AP English, AP Statistics and yearbook (also a favorite class). Morgan and I are the business section for the yearbook.

TravelingTravel represented many of the

highlights for the year. Beginning with gymnastics in Colorado that included first sun and then snow, it was followed by sunny Los Angeles, California. When summer vacation started we road tripped south to San

Jose with Hannah Savinar and her mom. Although this car ride was long it was filled with many movies, lots of singing, sleeping and laughing the whole way down. We went to San Jose for the US gymnastics Olympic tri-als. It was amazing to see all the gymnastics and to experience such amazing athletics. And to close the summer out, Morgan and I went up to Walla Walla, WA with Hannah , Zach and

Tracy Savinar. We spent time by the pool, went shopping, sang and had lots of laughing.

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Finally we traveled to Spain. Taking time off from school was hard, trying to stay caught up but the trip was fantastic and a great experience. While we were there we spent several days touring with Nuria, our exchange student from two summers ago and her friendly family, meeting her family for the first time. It was great to finally see how she lived. While we were in Spain we stayed with the Gorriz family. It was a lot of fun and they spoke English very well which made it easier for us. The food, the sights and the shopping were my favorite. Everything is so different than here. It is a trip I will never forget.

RaftingAgain this was a great travel week.

We went rafting on the lower Salmon and the Snake rivers through Idaho and Oregon. The weather was toasty hot with the water a great way to cool off. We slept under the stars some nights, ate tons of delicious food, competed at ultimate frisbee, swam

Sundial Bridge by Calatrava in Redding, California

and much more.

CollegeGoing into this year I knew I had a

lot to do with college stuff. Taking the SAT and ACT was the start of it. From there we visited schools when we trav-eled to see different types of schools. Once the end of summer came col-lege essays began to start. With each school most of the time consumption comes from supplements to the com-mon application and the whole thing


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takes much longer than I thought it would. Now as December is here, I am trying to finish up all the applications and get them submitted before the end of the holidays. As the time nears the same questions keep popping up from everyone I meet.

Everyone: Where am I going to go?

My answer: Well I don’t know. I will see where I get in and then decide. And the most common question.

Everyone: Will Morgan and I go to the same school?

My answer: Who knows. We are applying to all the same schools but that doesn’t mean we will go to the same school. Only time will tell.

LifeAs you can see my days are

filled with school, gymnastics and college applications. But in my free time this year I enjoyed shopping; which has become one of my favorite things. I always

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My photo competition submission displayed in Pioneer Courthouse Mall

look for the best deals, hanging with friends; going to lunch, family Fridays at the MAC, shopping together, or just talking, sleeping; always try and find the most time I can to sleep. I enjoy having people stay with us. This year we had many people including

my grandparents. We always have fun when they are here. We enjoy shopping with them, eating, catching up. It’s always great when they visit. Overall, I’ll be glad when the college process is finished, and I’m excited to end this chapter in my life and start a new one in this coming year.

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One iviolable ritual is a cup of espresso in a cafe somewhere every day. Especially in winter, when I tend to ride regularly, the warmth of the cafe & the courtesy of the baristas allows me to check out of the busy day for a moment of respite. In Belgium I rode the cobblestones of the Ronde van Vlaanderen (opposite top right) stopping in the Cycling Brasserie in Oudenaarde to socialize with other cyclists making the pilgrimage. Thundershowers made ascending the cobbles incredibly realistic, as if I was on the tour.

Coffeewarming up after a cold ride


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Such a blonde country! Sunlight bleaching hair during the summer solstice in Esplanade Park.

Invited to speak in the far north on the summer’s solstice, the long dai ly oblique l ight was a photographer’s paradise. During the summer’s radiant days, Helsinki seizes the sun, everyone sitting out in the city’s parks.


Heikki Rihkanen

ran a wonderful

show in HelsinkiTeemu Kinnari invited me to visit Helsinki

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Fellowshipstudying the human voice


In 2012 , Luis Velazquez from Guadalajara, Mexico spent three months in Portland with nary a drop of rain. Sadhana Nayak visited from Mumbai, India. David Morrissey came from Boulder, Colorado.Monique, my 2011 fel low wed Daniel in Belgium in June, inviting me to attend.

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Why is there

a frog in

my throat?

Why is there a frog in my throat? a guide to HoarsenessJam

es P. Thomas, M.D.

James Thomas, M.D. is a laryn


A laryngolog

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World renowned for hi

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James P. Thomas, MD

a guide to H










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in Montana

Speaking in Provincetown, Massachusetts, required a wake up to this view from the Red Inn.

Cape Cod Provincetown, Massachusetts


In December, I published my first professional book on voice disorders. The first two copies immediately shot off to Kowloon and Luxembourg.


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New YorkIt is not every day that the space shuttle cruises through a stormy New York harbor. The view from Frizzi, Rama & Calla’s house on Staten Island varies minute by minute.

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Gorge Hikingby James

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Dog Mountain, on the north bank of the Columbia River is a favorite incline of mine - 2800 vertical feet in 3.1 miles. At the top some want to sing out, the hills are alive with the sound of music.... others just want to scream.

Native Orchids, flowers without chlorophyll, purple grass, lillies, balsamroot all flourish along the trails - if your feet are not too tired to pause for a moment.


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This is what happens if you go to a museum for a day.

This is what might happen after a lifetime of enjoying museums.

Carmen Gorriz, a laryngology colleague,

invited us to Madrid to experience Spanish

hospitality firsthand.



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From Plaza de Alfonso II ‘El Casto’ in Oviedo (left) to Calle Serrano in Madrid (above) we explored the history, food, fashion and culture of Spain.


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The girls first flight in a private plane took place over Madrid courtesy of Jose Maria.

We wandered across the hills (Carmen, Carlos, Mark, Carolina, Eric, Susan, Sydney & Morgan) learning to pause at cafes for Fino Sherry, Hot Chocolate and churros & Jamón ibérico pata negra.

Food i

s Art

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There is more to Spain than just food, history, sunshine & friendly people, but they are a prett y good start.


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I daho’s Lower Salmon River & a bit of the Snake River were the July destination for the third and nearly annual river rafting trip. The week involved a road trip to and from Idaho.

The Palouse country from afternoon to late afternoon & sunset (back cover).

Salmon RiverIdaho

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End of the float, the team lines up at the bar - the rock strewn bar.

Susan tackles a big one on the Snake River in an inflatable kayak.

Between the rapids—rest.

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Floating, playing, tanning, camping, getting flipped, leaping into the water, braiding hair, waking up on the beach, cooking, ultimate frisbee and kitchen clean-up.

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To be alive

See you next year