Gay & lesbian

Gay & Lesb ian Community Melissa Goodwin & Christina Crouche



Transcript of Gay & lesbian

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Gay & Lesbian CommunityMelissa Goodwin & Christina Crouche

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To be characterised as gay or lesbian means to have a sexual attraction, romantic love or desire for a member of the same sex. To be gay is two males being attracted towards one another and to be lesbian is two women being attracted towards one another. Expectations to be gay or lesbian are not confined to professions of class, race, stereotypes or religion. It is ones choice to choose this path it is not necessarily as a result of playing certain sports, dressing a certain way, or working at certain places.

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The needs of the Gay and Lesbian community

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 Access to services

It is harder for people in this community to maximise their utilities as a result of fearing judgement or experience guilt about being proud of their sexuality. For example health care services are very under-utilised, and there are many services that they are unaware of with specific needs, due to fear of truth.

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Many young people use Internet type websites to find partners of the same sex as personal information is secret and is only shared on a person’s free will. This is considered a good option as it is anonymous and gives them a chance to show their sexuality.

Some students who are a part of a school community who are proud of their sexuality find it hard to make significant friendships, as not all people are on bored with the idea of same sex relationships. School can be a very hard place for teens in this time.

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Homophobia is a main suffering for same sex relationship, to be homophobia is a fear of, distaste for, discrimination against homosexuals. It can occur anywhere and can make matters very difficult. In schools especially anti-discrimination is a main rule at schools and there are welfare positions in educational institutes that ensure that bullying does not take place.

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Discrimination can be seeing us unfair in work placements. Places of work must be very careful when hiring and or firing a gay or lesbian employee, it can be seen in a way as unfair dismissal and they can claim that it was a result of there choice of relationship.

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Financial support

By 2007 all governments were starting to recognise same sex partnerships. Forms of support have newly been developed over the past couple of years; these are reforms that cover tax, superannuation, social security, Medicare, aged care, family law, immigration and veterans’ affairs. These were all implemented by July 2009.

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Gays and Lesbians are less likely to receive health service due to experiences of homophobia. Gay and Lesbian seek out health professionals that understand specific health needs, these include organisations such as The ALSO foundation and the gay and lesbian switchboard.

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Male to male unprotected sex was a risk in over 70% of notifications in HIV Australia. Unfortunately diseases such as STI’s are still an associated risk in same sex relationships. However there are diagnoses and treatment services that are available to gays and lesbians without discrimination.

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HousingFinding a place that accommodates gay and lesbian relationships can sometimes be hard; this is, as some landlords do not accept this population. Others have no choice but to leave home, as they are not accepted where they live as a result of their sexuality.

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Fortunately there are groups such as Twenty10 and The NSW ACON that support this population and offer services and help to protect people with HIVAIDS and finding affordable living environments.

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Security and Safety

Having that feeling that you are safe and secure is one of the most important things for gays and lesbians. This population in particular is more likely to be a victim of assault rather then heterosexuals. NSW laws do protect the rights of all citizens to feel safe no matter what; they believe everyone should feel safe and free from discrimination. There are however support services for gays and lesbians to go to if they do suffer from harassment or discrimination.

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Young homosexuals often like in homophobic environments and some generally endure verbal or physical abuse. This further leads to disconnection from their home community; this makes it more difficult to establish close friendships. This has a direct bearing on there self-esteem. Gays and lesbians who do not “come out” about their natural feelings for same sex people usually live uneasy and unhappy, but then again “coming out” can also lead to abuse and have disastrous consequences.

Self Esteem

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There is on the other hand a Gay and Lesbian counselling service of NSW who help to support this population and enhance self-esteem. This also helps explore issues around their sexuality and coming out.

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Sense of identity

The gay and lesbian community has united over the past few decades and is becoming more known. There is now a greater scene of ownership and pride of their sexuality. Events are held such as Mardi gras and the gay games for gays and lesbians to come and show their true personalities.