Gavin Barwell MP's achievements

GAVIN BARWELL GAVIN HAS BEEN OUR MP SINCE 2010. HERE’S JUST A FEW OF THE THINGS HE’S DONE FOR CROYDON. A strong voice for Croydon Westfield and Hammerson’s investment is the best news Croydon’s had in years. At New Addington’s Pop-In Centre. Quest Academy pupils showing Gavin their new building. Taking Lillian’s family to meet the Prime Minister Gavin has worked with Boris and Croydon Council to help Croydon recover from the riots GAVIN BARWELL - A strong voice for Croydon “Mr Barwell...impressed many in Westminster with his response to the devastating impact of last summer’s riots on Croydon. At a time of crisis, he spoke out eloquently on behalf of the silent majority of law-abiding people in his town. We could do with a few more MPs like Mr Barwell in Westminster” ( 28th May 2012) Gavin pushed for tough sentences for those responsible. And he secured £25 million from the Government and the Mayor of London to rebuild our town’s economy. Spoke up for us after the riots Put what’s right for Croydon before politics Gavin criticised the Conservative Council when he thought they’d made a mistake - for example, when they proposed extending parking restrictions and when they proposed cutting funding to New Addington’s Pop-In Centre. Now he’ll work constructively with the new Labour council. Won more funding for schools Gavin has secured nearly £15 million from the Government to redevelop Quest Academy and almost £150 million to help Croydon Council create new school places to cope with our rising population. And he helped persuade the Government to change the way it funds schools. As a result, Croydon schools will get £12 million more every year. Helped bring Westfield and Hammerson to Croydon Westfield and Hammerson are investing over £1 billion in Croydon town centre. This will create thousands of jobs and encourage others to invest here too. Gavin played an important role in making it happen. Now he’s working on getting investment for Portland Road and Central Parade, New Addington. Changed the law to help those with mental health conditions Gavin was the driving force behind ending legal discrimination against people with mental health conditions. He hopes that over time this will reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. Helped toughen the law on drug driving Gavin helped convince the Government to introduce Lillian’s Law in memory of Lillian Groves, who was killed outside her home in New Addington by a driver who had taken drugs. “We will be legislating properly for drug- related driving. It is right that it is put on to the statue book in the same way as drink driving and it would not be happening were it not for the very strong campaign Gavin Barwell has fought” (David Cameron, 9th May 2012) Mr Barwell...deserves great credit for sponsoring this legislation. If, in his parliamentary career, he does nothing else of note, he can still reflect with pride on this achievement. ( 11th February 2013)


Gavin has been our MP since 2010. Here's just a few of the things he's done for Croydon in that time.

Transcript of Gavin Barwell MP's achievements

Page 1: Gavin Barwell MP's achievements


A st rong vo ice fo r Croydon

Westfield and Hammerson’s investment is the best news Croydon’s had in years.

At New Addington’s Pop-In Centre.

Quest Academy pupils showing Gavin their new building.

Taking Lillian’s family to meet the Prime Minister

Gavin has worked with Boris and Croydon Council to help Croydon recover from the riots

GAVIN BARWELL - A st rong vo ice fo r Croydon

“Mr Barwell...impressed many in Westminster with his response to the devastating impact of last summer’s riots on Croydon. At a time of crisis, he spoke out eloquently on behalf of the silent majority of law-abiding people in his town. We could do with a few more MPs like Mr Barwell in Westminster”

( 28th May 2012)

Gavin pushed for tough sentences for those responsible. And he secured £25 million from the Government and the Mayor of London to rebuild our town’s economy.

Spoke up for us after the riots

Put what’s right for Croydon before politicsGavin criticised the Conservative Council when he thought they’d made a mistake - for example, when they proposed extending parking restrictions and when they proposed cutting funding to New Addington’s Pop-In Centre. Now he’ll work constructively with the new Labour council.

Won more funding for schools

Gavin has secured nearly £15 million from the Government to redevelop Quest Academy and almost £150 million to help Croydon Council create new school places to cope with our rising population.

And he helped persuade the Government to change the way it funds schools. As a result, Croydon schools will get £12 million more every year.

Helped bring Westfield and Hammerson to Croydon

Westfield and Hammerson are investing over £1 billion in Croydon town centre. This will create thousands of jobs and encourage others to invest here too. Gavin played an important role in making it happen. Now he’s working on getting investment for Portland Road and Central Parade, New Addington.

Changed the law to help those with mental health conditionsGavin was the driving force behind ending legal discrimination against people with mental health conditions. He hopes that over time this will reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.

Helped toughen the law on drug driving

Gavin helped convince the Government to introduce Lillian’s Law in memory of Lillian Groves, who was killed outside her home in New Addington by a driver who had taken drugs.

“We will be legislating properly for drug-related driving. It is right that it is put on to the statue book in the same way as drink driving and it would not be happening were it not for the very strong campaign Gavin Barwell has fought”

(David Cameron, 9th May 2012)

“Mr Barwell...deserves great credit for sponsoring this legislation. If, in his parliamentary career, he does nothing else of note, he can still reflect with pride on this achievement.

( 11th February 2013)

Page 2: Gavin Barwell MP's achievements

“You are the most effective MP

that I have ever encountered”

(R Woolterton, Shirley)

Improved East Croydon stationGavin helped get funding from Network Rail to create a new northern entrance to East Croydon station and disabled access to the platforms. He’s now trying to get funding to build a new platform and track so that Southern can run more trains and improve reliability.

Talked sense on immigrationGavin co-founded Migration Matters, a cross-party group that campaigns for a sensible debate about immigration. We have to control the number of people who come here but we shouldn’t forget that many migrants make a positive contribution to our society.

Helped save Crystal Palace FC

GAVIN BARWELL - A st rong vo ice fo r Croydon

Gavin’s lived in Croydon virtually his whole life. He grew up in Shirley before moving to Monks Hill then south Croydon. He is married to Karen, who has worked for the NHS as a speech and language therapist her whole career. They have three young sons: Jack, Sam and Jamie.

He is particularly passionate about education. He believes it is the long-term answer to the

two biggest challenges we face: how do we get more jobs here in Croydon and how do we build a fairer society in which where you’re born doesn’t determine your life chances? Gavin has raised funds for lots of local charities and voluntary groups like Age UK Croydon, Croydon Visual, Croydon Youth Theatre Organisation and Nightwatch who help people without a home of their own. He has also set up projects of his own, like a group who help to keep our parks and open spaces clean and two Job Clubs to help get people back into work.


“I cannot praise Mr Barwell sufficiently. He is an excellent MP” (E Robson, Addiscombe)

“Mr Barwell has earned his stripes as a dedicated and diligent local MP...In a sea of politicians parachuted into safe seats, Mr Barwell is a breath of fresh air”

( 20th January)

“I think Gavin is definitely up to the job”

(Andrew Pelling, former MP for Croydon Central who stood against Gavin at the last

Election, Croydon Advertiser, 14th May 2010)

The media

And even his opponents

A bit a bout Gav i n


Thanks in part to these extra officers, crime in Croydon is falling.

Opening the new entrance to East Croydon Station.

Immigration needs to be reduced but allowing people with the skills we need to come here is good for Britain.

Under its new owners, our local club is now thriving in the Premiership.

Keep in touch with Gavin’s work for Croydon at @gavinbarwellmp

Put more police on our streetsGavin helped change how the Metropolitan Police allocates its officers across London. As a result, Croydon is getting nearly 120 extra officers.

With the help of thousands of Palace fans, Gavin convinced Lloyds TSB not to put the club into liquidation in 2010.

“A lot of people did many things to help resolve this issue, but I feel that your contribution ranks at or very near the top” (P Fitton, Crystal Palace fan)

Promoted by Ian Parker on behalf of Croydon Conservative Federation, both at 36 Brighton Road, Purley, CR8 2LG. Printed by OPT Complete Print Solutions Ltd, Trend House, 58 Coulsdon Road, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2LA