Ganoderma Benefits

What Is Ganoderma? More commonly known as reishi, ganoderma is a hard, bitter mushroom used to promote health and longevity in traditional Chinese medicine. Proponents claim that ganoderma can relieve fatigue, keep cholesterol in check, curb high blood pressure , tame inflammation, build stamina, and support the immune system . An increasingly popular natural remedy, ganoderma is only used as a medicinal mushroom and isn't recommended for cooking. Ganoderma Research Ganoderma shows promise in reducing cholesterol levels and easing allergy-related inflammation of the airways, according to preliminary evidence from animal-based studies. Here's a look at more of the science behind ganoderma's health-enhancing effects. 1) Cancer and the Immune System Often used as an immune stimulant by people with cancer (as well as HIV), ganoderma has been shown to strengthen immunity as well as combat cancer-cell proliferation. In a 2003 study of 34 people with advanced-stage cancer, for instance, taking ganoderma in supplement form three times daily for 12 weeks led to a significant increase in T-cells (known to play a central role in immune defense).

Transcript of Ganoderma Benefits

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What Is Ganoderma?

More commonly known as reishi, ganoderma is a hard, bitter mushroom used to promote health and longevity in traditional Chinese medicine. Proponents claim that ganoderma can relieve fatigue, keep cholesterol in check, curb high blood pressure, tame inflammation, build stamina, and support the immune system.

An increasingly popular natural remedy, ganoderma is only used as a medicinal mushroom and isn't recommended for cooking.

Ganoderma Research

Ganoderma shows promise in reducing cholesterol levels and easing allergy-related inflammation of the airways, according to preliminary evidence from animal-based studies. Here's a look at more of the science behind ganoderma's health-enhancing effects.

1) Cancer and the Immune System

Often used as an immune stimulant by people with cancer (as well as HIV), ganoderma has been shown to strengthen immunity as well as combat cancer-cell proliferation. In a 2003 study of 34 people with advanced-stage cancer, for instance, taking ganoderma in supplement form three times daily for 12 weeks led to a significant increase in T-cells (known to play a central role in immune defense).

Lab tests on breast cancer cells, meanwhile, found that combining extracts of ganoderma and green tea heightened the mushroom's ability to slow cancer-cell growth.

2) Antioxidant Benefits

Several studies have suggested that regular use of ganoderma supplements increase your levels of antioxidants, compounds thought to protect against disease and aging.

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3) Relief of Urinary Tract Symptoms

In a 2008 study of 88 men with urinary tract symptoms, researchers found that ganoderma was significantly superior to placebo in providing symptom relief.

How to Use Ganoderm

. Since the mushroom might interact with certain medications (such as anticoagulants and some chemotherapeutic agents), it's important to tell your physician if you're currently taking or considering the use of ganoderma.

Herbs for Circulation

As you grow older, you'll first face problem with your circulatory system. The increase of

blood viscosity slows down your blood circulation. Fatty substances such as cholesterol

and triglyceride slowly increase and accumulate on your blood vessel wall.

As the deposit on blood vessel wall gets thicker, it leads to circulation diseases such as

arteriosclerosis, hardening of coronary artery and thrombosis.

The narrowing of blood vessel and increase of circulation blockage reduces blood flow.

Therefore, it prevents good blood supply from reaching the heart. This in turn leads to

coronary heart disease

pectoris attack


and changes in artery system.

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Certain muscle tissue also age and even deteriorate due to insufficient nutrient from

blood supply. This leads to weakening of body organs, causing all sort of diseases.

These are common aging problems most of us face. Can you improve this condition

with Ganoderma herb?

Ganoderma Lucidum as herbs for circulation contains Triterpenes which can improve

blood circulation and significantly reduce the amount of fatty substances such as

cholesterol and triglyceride.

This in turn helps to prevent:

heart disease


hardening of coronary artery

and other coronary heart diseases.

Studies on mice given intravenous injection of Ganoderma Lucidum herb shown that it

can indeed improve blood circulation of cardiac muscle.

Ganoderma herb also helps overcoming cardiac muscle deficiency. Furthermore, it

significantly reduce the symptoms of angina pectoris and provide protection for the


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The effects mentioned above are consistent with the records of ancient Sheng Nong

Herbal Classic “that it cures the accumulation of pathogenic factors in the chest,

provides vital energy for heart and mental activity"


Herbs for Nerves

Pharmalogical research shows that Ganoderma Lucidum herb has a calming and

sedative effect on nervous system.

It is particularly effective in the treatment of neuralgia and insomnia. In addition, this

herb for nerves can also help you to:

improve sleep and appetite

enhances vital energy

improves memory

and regain vitality

All these with no side effects at all.

As recorded in Sheng Nong Herbal Classic "Ganoderma can calm one’s mind, enhance

wisdom and has no side effects. It is moderate and non toxic"

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Herbs for Immune System

Researches showed that Ganoderma Lucidum herb is high in Organic Germanium,

Triterpenes and Polysaccharides. These are active

components that strengthen your immune system.

T-lymphocyte and Macrophage are your important immunity


The active components of Ganoderma Lucidum herb can strengthen Lymphocyte and

Macrophage to destroy abnormal cells like cancer cells.

As a result, it helps in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Besides, Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides can also enhance the

composite of Lymphocyte and Macrophage cells individually to release Tumor Necrosis

Factor (TNF) and interferon, which further destroy cancer cell.

Research proved that Ganoderma Lucidum herb effectively increase alpha interferon

and gamma interferon level in human body to further strengthen and regulate immune

system, improving cancer.

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How Ganoderma improve high blood pressure

One of the causes for hypertension is the accumulation of fats and cholesterol in blood

vessel wall. In adapting to narrowed blood vessels, the heart pumps harder resulting in

higher blood pressure.

The Triterpenes in Ganoderma Lucidum herb effectively clears blood vessel blockage

by reducing accumulated fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglycerides.

Ganoderma's Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP) can dissolve thrombus (blood clot)

and further helps to remove blood vessel blockage.

Ganoderma Lucidum herb makes the blood flows smoother, reducing the stress on your

heart. Thus it helps in lowering high blood pressure naturally.


Blood pressure stabilizer

Sometimes your heart may pump too hard and too fast because of substances like

alcohol and chemicals found in cigarettes. This is another reason for hypertension.

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Ganoderma herb can stabilize the pumping force of your heart. As an adaptogenic herb,

it has unique ability to:

reduce high blood pressure when your heart pump too hard

and increase low blood pressure when your heart is weaker.

Besides improving hypertension, Ganoderma Lucidum even helps to maintain a stable

blood pressure for long term. It effectively acts as preventive herbs for high blood

Ganoderma Lucidum Health Benefits

Scientists researched the special healing effects of Ganoderma herb on circulatory

system, nervous system and immune system as well as its anti-cancer effects. Studies

show it can significantly:

improve your blood circulation

calm your nerves

enhance your immune system

improve cancer healing chances

Your body operates on these major systems. If not properly regulated, you may fall ill.

Ganoderma herb helps to regulate your various body systems, maintain stability and

ensure a balance between internal and external body conditions.

Besides this, Ganoderma also has other important functions in your body...

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Detoxify and energize your body

Ganoderma can also eliminate toxins accumulated in your body through intake of

various western medication, antibiotic, pain killer and anti inflammatory medicines. It

thus achieves a strong detoxification effect to maintain your body balance.

And in this fast paced modern world, people are subjected to extensive pressure

resulting in tension, insomnia, giddiness, fatigue and loss of appetite.

The Organic Germanium in Ganoderma helps to enhance your blood stream ability to

take in oxygen by more than 1.5 times. It also increases your metabolism rate and slow

down your aging.

According to research by Japanese doctor, the concentration of Organic Germanium in

Ganoderma is about 800 to 2000 ppm (parts per million), which is 4 to 6 times much

higher than Ginseng.


Slow down your aging

In addition, Ganoderma Lucidum also contains Polysaccharides which help to

strengthen your immune system. Hence the stabilizing effects of Ganoderma can

strengthen your health, improve your vitality and improve your immune system.

With this, Ganoderma Lucidum herb obviously help to slow down your aging process.

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And this is the essence of ancient medical classic that states, "continuous consumption

of Ganoderma makes your body light and young, lengthening life and making you like

an immortal who never dies".

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1) Lowers cholesterol and amount of free fat in the blood

2) Reduces blood sugar level and restores pancreas functions

3) Stabilizes red cell membrane

4) Due to Reishi Ganoderma's Adenosine, it can lower platelet's accumulation, dissolve

thrombus (blood clot) and prevent blood vessel blockage

5) Improves function of adrenal glands to maintain hormone balance

6) Elevates natural healing ability of the body, allowing the body to established a strong

immune system

7) Prevents tissue cell and organs degeneration

8) Prevents senility and maintains a youthful constitution

9) Lowers the side effects of anti-hypertensive drug

10) Prevents allergy caused by antigens because this herb inhibits the histamine-

releasing mast cell

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11) Prevents cancer, treats cancer and inhibits cancer cell metastasis

a) Normalizes cell to prevent tissue degeneration

b) Prevents sudden death of cancer patients caused by embolism (blockage)

c) Remove blood circulation blockage for cancer medication,     further increases drugs


d) Relieves pain caused by cancer

About Ganoderma and Ganoderma Coffee

Ganoderma is known among Chinese people as a "magic Herb" that can cure hundred kinds of diseases, and it is also applied for longevity. With selected and high quality of Ganoderma pulverized as raw material, Ganoderma Coffee is produced by modern technical process in a hygienic manner that assures each batch meets high standards of quality and purity. The nutrient ingredients and biological activity ingredients are easy to be absorbed by human body, which can improve the immunity, help in combating against tumor, confront irradiation as well as improve circulation and lower the blood lipid

In Malaysia, Ganoderma was initially cultivated in the 1980's. More recently, hybrid cultures of Ganoderma. lucidum were used for mass production which only required 40 to 45 days of incubation. The basidiocarps are sliced and brewed as a tonic or as Ganoderma coffee and tea. They may also be powdered or extracted with solvent to yield the finished product which is then made into capsules. Ganoderma nutriceuticals are used as a remedy to treat more than 20 different illnesses which include migraine and headache, hypertension, arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, anorexia, gastritis, haemorrhoids, hypercholesterolaemia, nephritis, dysmenorrhoea, constipation,

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hepatitis, leukopenia, cardiovascular problems and cancer including leukemia.Active ingredients, which include polysaccharides, organic germanium, triterpenoids, adenosine, LZ-8, and an array of amino acids besides numerous mineral types.

Effect on Hepatitis B

Ganoderma lucidum has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Hepatitis B resulting in the lowering of SGPT and SCOT levels to normal, and the sero-conversion of HBs antigen to HE, antibody3). Extract of Ganoderma lucidum when administered concurrently with glutathione against liver damage by carbon tetrachloride, proved to be beneficial against hepatic necrosis and hepatitis). It was also discovered that extract of Ganoderma lucidum could probably augment the rate of toxin transformation and subsequent bile excretion, thereby acting as a liver detoxicant and protectant).

Effect on Diabetes

Extract of Ganoderma lucidum has also been found to be effective in reducing the blood glucose level after two months of treatments). Ganoderan B was considered to enhance glucose utilization because it increased the plasma insulin level in normal and glucose loaded mice, but did not affect the insulin binding to isolated adipocytes). The hypoglycemic activity of Ganoderma lucidum is thus due to an increase of the plasma insulin level and an acceleration of glucose metabolism occurring not only in the peripheral tissues but also in the liver.

Effect on Hypertension

Ganoderma lucidum is also effective in lowering hypertensive blood pressure. This is due to the presence of lanostane derivatives especially ganoderic acids B, D, F, H, K, S and Y which exert their hypotensive activities

Effect on Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia

Acute myeloblastic leukemic patients were treated with high doses of Ganoderma lucidum (6 capsules 3 times a day) prior to chemotherapy and continued for a period of three months. The chemotherapy regimen consisting of cytarabine and daunorubicin

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was given on a monthly basis in order to induce remission. CNS prophylactics was given with cranial irradiation. All the patients had a subjective response when Ganoderma lucidum was included in their treatment regimen. Changes in their NBC, hemoglobin and platelet counts were either significant or very significant after 3 months of treatment. Despite the remission for the past 3 years, the long term prognosis seems encouraging.

Effect on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Five patients with stage III nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) were given 6 capsules of Ganoderma lucidum 3 times a day for 1 week before radio-and chemotherapy and continued for a course of  8 months while they were given a complete course of irradiation lasting for 6 weeks. The chemotherapy regimen consisting of cyclophosphomide, lomustine, dannorubicin and vincristine was administered every month for a period of 4 months. Objective response occurred in all the NPC patients with very significant tumor shrinkage after 40 days of treatment with Ganoderma lucidum in concurrence with radio-and chemotherapy. The tumors were completely regressed after 90 days of combined treatment and were in remission for the last three and a half years. It is conceivable that Ganoderma lucidum plays an important role in combination with radio- and chemotherapy, thereby rendering the complete regression of the tumors. Since both polysaccharides' and organic germanium derived from Ganoderma lucidum are not cytotoxic to tumor cells, the anti tumor effect is attributable to induced immunopotentiation. As an immunopotentiator, Ganoderma lucidum accelerates the production of interlukin from helper T cells and potentates the induction of different types of anti-tumor cells, such as NK cells and cytotoxic macrophages, in addition to the induction of interferon production. The patients felt more energetic, and had a better appetite and slept better. Nausea and vomiting were mild whereas stomatitis and sore throat were transient. Their pain was alleviated, and no other side effects were observed.

Effect on Wound Healing

Three patients with diabetic wounds were healed between 15 to 22 days. This might be due to the glucan from the cell walls of Ganoderma lucidum that could activate the fibroblast migration in order to achieve wound healing and tissue proliferation. Considering all these effective findings, further research on Ganoderma lucidum as a potential nutriceutical for similar illnesses or other ailments seems warranted. 

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Ganoderma also adjusts the immune system to prevent viral diseases and to prevent and fight tumor, protects and detoxifies the liver, prevents and cures heart diseases, slows the aging process, has a positive effect on insomnia, is a cure for high blood pressure and to treat diabetes, is a treatment for chronic bronchitis and asthma, has effect on hyper susceptibility and is used as a beauty care medicine for the skin.The spore capsules are the traditional "Emperor's medicine" against cancer.

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Ganoderma the ‘Universal food which acts like Medicine’ the savior of modern diseases.

By Yukio Naoi of Kyoto University Foodstuff Scientific Institute

“Is Ganoderma really a universal medicine?” “Let’s not talk about the diseases prevalent in history, but of modern diseases. In order to find answer, we have investigated its functions over and again for thirteen years. Satisfactory results have been obtained.

The first issue is whether Ganoderma can be effective on all kinds of diseases. Our reply is ‘Yes’, because it is able to maintain the health of a modern person. For an unhealthy person, Ganoderma can effect the most feeble parts of his body. To a patient, it can root out the source of the sickness and allow recovery.

Ganoderma can change an imbalanced body to a healthy one. There is no difference among human races, ancient or modern people. People all over the world obtain the same results.

If the patient’s constitution conforms to Ganoderma, the patient achieves the drug’s highest effects. In fact, we have not found any person who obtained negative effects or inefficient results.

Some outstanding results obtained recently are simply analyzed below, in order to evaluate the efficacy of Ganoderma.

Headache and shoulder pain caused by hypertension and arteriosclerosis are completely cured, and blood pressure also improved.

Reported by Mr. Isao Tani of the Medical Research Institute of Kinki University.

The experimental subjects were predominantly hypertension patients. Blood pressure showed significant improvement. One patient with reading of 180/96, had a reading of 126/94 after three months. Such remarkable improvement is rarely seen without using

antihypertensive medicine.

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Some female arteriosclerosis patients’ blood pressure dropped to 128/67 from 158/77, within three months. Their cholesterol level also improved from 269 to 242.

Some patients have hypertension with headache and shoulder pain. Their blood pressure dropped from 151/78 to 118/72 in one month, and headaches were eliminated.

Of a number of patient who had blood pressure and pain problems, both conditions improved.

Based on the above results, we may see that Ganoderma is useful to hypertension patients. Using anti-hypertensive to lower blood pressure can lower the systolic pressure, but not the diastolic pressure. Ganoderma can lower both. This is its outstanding quality.

Why is it effective for both systolic and diastolic pressure?

Dr. Shigere Yuji of Kinki University gives six explanation why Ganoderma is effective for cardio-vascular diseases.

Treats hypertension

Elevates blood pressure of hypotensive patients.

Prevents arteriosclerosis and lowers cholesterol level.

Prevents thrombogenesis and dissolves thrombi.

Reduces the side effects of antihypertensive.

Used together with hypertensive, causes a hypotensive effect.

Cancer, sudden death and vascular obstruction diseases are threatening no more.

It is also effective in treating cerebral vascular obstruction, cardiac infraction and cerebral apoplexy and angina pectoris.

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Reported by Mr. Uebara Kioshi of Kinki University

Taking Ganoderma can reduce the serious symptoms of the above diseases, without traditional treatment. Among these cases, was a patient with a right cerebral arterial obstruction which occurred twice. He received the best result after taking Ganoderma and Urokinase, together. Complete mobility finally returned.

A patient suffering from cerebral vascular obstruction, who was partially paralyzed, could move freely after taking Ganoderma. His free fat and B–lipo protein value returned to normal.

Taking Ganoderma together improve the condition of cardiac patients. This proves that taking Ganoderma together with other drugs, may result in better result. By the way, since the above diseases are difficult to cure, it is better to take Ganoderma regularly to prevent their occurring in the first place.

It is effective in the treatment of acute or chronic hepatitis, or liver dysfunction.

Reported by Dr. Mitsui Hashimoto of Hashimoto Hospital

At the present time, hepatitis is still a disease, which cannot be treated with any specific method. If Ganoderma is effective, it would be a meaningful medicine for its treatment.

Six capsules per day were prescribed to some patients with hepatitis. Three months later, all patients were recovering, their GOT and GPT values decreased from 200-300 to 100.

In addition, one patient who used Ganoderma together with some Chinese herbal medicines resulted in a decreased GOT and GPT. There was one case of hepatitis combined with hypertension. After taking Ganoderma, satisfactory results were obtained.

The above conditions cannot be conclusive, but positive results of taking Ganoderma on hepatitis can be expected.

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When liver function is declining, the patient may get tired. Taking Ganoderma can help ease fatigue.

The belief that ‘Liver disease is incurable’ should be abandoned.

The liver is the most important organ for health. Liver function is quite complicated. Therefore, liver diseases are considered difficult to treat, and dietetic treatment is the only method adopted by Western physicians.

However, Ganoderma is able to make the complicated organ function, and bring back to normal. Based on our practical investigation, Ganoderma can contribute a very positive effect. Dr. Shigeru Yuji reported that 10% of liver disorders could be cured after taking for two months. 40% of the patients were relieved of their symptoms, and their liver size was reduced. 50% of the patients felt their symptoms diminished.

1. Pain from gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, etc., can be relieved immediately.

Reported by Dr. Taro Tamura of Kinki University

We used Ganoderma in gastritis. Gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcer treatment. The most interesting case was of a man, who had developed a gastric ulcer when he was young and which had recently returned. Other medicines were in effective, but one week after beginning treatment with Ganoderma, his pain was significantly reduced. When the dosage was reduced, he felt pain once a day or almost no pain at all. He usually used an analgesic, but it seemed useless. This treatment is also effective for gastritis and duodenal ulcer patients who suffer from chest pain, loss of appetite, and gastric ulcer patients who are fatigue and feeble. It can also help gastric cancer post-operative pain. Some patients’ color improved and they put on weight, little by little after taking Ganoderma.

2. Ganoderma protects the patients who overeat, or eat only one kind of food, or who are poisoned by food.

It has surprising results in dysentery, constipation, gastric hyperacidity, and peptic ulcer. Its effects are equal to that of medicines now in common use. Dr. Shigeru Yuji also reported its high efficacy in treating gastritis and ulcers.

The main function of the stomach and the intestines is to absorb the required nutrients

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in food, then excrete the wastes before fermentation. People usually eat too much, or eat an imbalanced diet, or eat toxic foods, then their digestive organs are damaged. Ganoderma cannot only protect the organs but can improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

3. No need for the obese to go on starvation diets

After World War II, people were poor and did not have enough food to eat. It was needless to care about obesity, for most people were very lean. Due to medical progress and improved economic conditions, contagious diseases and poverty are much less of a problem, while chronic diseases and different kinds of adult diseases are increasing.

It was found in our investigation that thin people who take Ganoderma can gain weight, and overweight people can lose weight. No matter how old or young, whether male or female, whatever one’s constitution is, Ganoderma can allow a person to maintain the optimal body weight and figure. Ganoderma will adjust the constitution and equalize biological functions if one takes it steadily.

Since Ganoderma can eliminates obesity, overweight people do not need to worry about their obese figures and the figure – conscious women do not need to suffer the pain and ill effects of starvation diets and weight loss drugs.

1. Taking Ganoderma together with chemotherapy may have significant results for patients who have had surgery for breast cancer, colon cancer or gastric cancer.

Reported by Dr. Hiroshi Kawai of Kinki University

The experimental subjects were patients who were treated improperly after surgery, and patients who were suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy.

After a mastectomy, and chemotherapy, one patient’s face become very dark. After using Ganoderma for two months, her colon improved.

One patient’s limbs became paralyzed and swollen after a mastectomy. After using Ganoderma for one month, the numbness significantly improved.

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Some patients used Ganoderma together with some herbal medicines for ten days after a colostomy. Night sweats disappeared and appetite improved.

Some patients who have had a gastric cancer operation lose their appetites. When six capsules of Ganoderma were taken each day, their appetites improved.

In view of the above results, we can see that ganoderma taken with chemotherapy can treat only valuable auxiliary, but also reduce side effects of chemotherapy.

2. Prevents cancer metastasis, relieves pain, and can improve the chances for longevity.

Ganoderma belongs to the Polyporacease of fungi family, and is believed to be an effective cancer treatment in Japan, China, the U.S.A., Canada, the U.S.S.R., and Scotland. Some medical specialists in different countries are using the latest scientific instruments to do clinical tests, e.g. Prof. Ta-cheng, Medical College of the National Taiwan University; Prof. Cheng Hui-hua and Prof Tung Ui-chi of Taipei Medical College. The experimental results have proved that Ganoderma is effective in cancer treatment. Information concerning Ganoderma in treating cancer from Research reports is listed below.

The anti-cancer components of Ganoderma are polysaccharides and germanium.

Its efficacy is of additional efficacy and multiplicative efficacy. Taken separately, no effects can be obtained.

It can strengthen stamina, elevate the immune system, and restrain cancer metastasis.

After undergoing surgery, it is helpful to patients with cancers such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, intestinal cancer, and uterine cancer.

It can eliminate cancerous ascites, increase appetite, and relieve the pain of late stage cancer.

It can be used together with other cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiation, or combined with chemotherapy. It has no side effects and is effective.

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Based on the above clinical reports, we may see that it possesses cancer preventing, suppressing, and curing qualities.

Most of us may have dental carries, myopia or cancer tendencies when we are young, or they may developed at any time. We should try our best to prevent them from occurring. If we want to prevent tooth decay, we should eat more calcium and avoid sweets. If we want to avoid myopia, we should eat more vitamin A and avoid eye fatigue. If we want to prevent cancer, we should eat Ganoderma and avoid imbalanced diet.

Ganoderma is aloes effective in treating varicose veins, on the waist and shoulders, and rheumatism of the hands and knees. It can also treat sciatica.

Reported by Dr. Taro Kiyobara of the Hospital of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Ganoderma can be used to treat low back pain, and pain of the hands, shoulders, and knees. There is one case of varicose veins which improved a little.

Ganoderma is considerably effective in the treatment of pain caused by blood, blood vessel, or hematoma on the torso. As to shoulder, neck and knee pain, in one case the pain originated from a deformed knee, but the pain was relieved.

Treating pain which results from some structural factor, such as low back pain caused by herniated intervertebral disk is ineffective.

1. Ganoderma is also effective in treating gynecological problems, such as menstrual cramps, vertigo, menopause disturbances, etc.

Reported by Dr.Yoshinori Imanishi of the Imanish Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital.

The writer, who is an OB-GYN specialist, prescribed Ganoderma to women patients who had menstrual cramps, dizziness, irregular menstruation, menopause disturbances, and difficulty in becoming pregnant.

There were three cases, which had positive results. A 46-year old woman, took Ganoderma for one month when her dizziness and shoulder pain was relieved. A pregnant woman had tightness in her chest and no appetite. After treatment with Ganoderma her condition improved. One woman with a physiological disorder, was married for many years, but could not conceive. After taking Ganoderma for three months, she became pregnant. There are two cases where positive results were obtained from combining Ganoderma and herbal medicines. In the first case, abdominal pain was reduced.

Ganoderma can relieve postpartum symptoms, acting as a hemocatharsis, diuretic, and

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a detoxicant.

2. Ganoderma is a required medicine for the pregnant woman and parturient woman.

When a daughter becomes pregnant, her parents may wonder if it is safe to give Ganoderma. The expectant mother may become moody, especially if it is the first pregnancy. During pregnancy, women are quite sensitive to outer stimulation, both mentally and physically. Though it is a natural phenomena, most women have difficulty adapting.

During this period, taking Ganoderma may act as a hemocatharsis, a diuretic and as a detoxicant and will allow the fetus to develop normally. It is said that Ganoderma may help the woman who is uneasy to get pregnant, or who has had habitual abortion before. Prof. Kanata of Tohoku University believes that taking Ganoderma can strengthen sexual ability of both the male and the female intensifying the activity of spermatozoa and regulating ovulation of the female.

Information from the different sources reveals that Ganoderma may be thought of as the ‘friend of the female'. It should be considered a required medicine for women,

Ganoderma may affect a 100% cure for renal diseases.

Kidney disease is also one of the difficult diseases to cure. They include acute or chronic nephritis, diabetic renal syndrome, nephrosis, and rheumatic fever. These may be due in part to a high cholesterol count and a high blood sugar level. The kidneys are overloaded and blood cannot reach renal capillaries. Nephrosis results in, with edema, fatigue and possibly serious uremia.

Prof. Fumio Tsurudani of the Nagoya University Medical Institute, Japan, did an experiment with patients suffering from renal disease to check the effectiveness of Ganoderma. It was found that it could not only lower proteinuria and cholesterolemia, but could maintain renal proper function.

Based on our experimentation results, renal disease can be cured 100% by taking Ganoderma. It is indeed a surprising achievement.

Diabetes is no more a terrible disease.

It is said once you have diabetes, your life will be tangled with it. However, we cured a number of cases with Ganoderma.

As we know, insufficient insulin secretion is the cause of diabetes and this results in some serious complications. Currently, Western physicians use insulin injections as the only treatment. Though insulin is able to lower blood sugar level, the symptoms recur very soon. Furthermore, it is just like a cortisone hormone injection, with many side effects. Insulin is unable to recover pancreas function, and it speeds up the aging of the

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The Medical Research Institute of Kinki University found in yearly experiments that Ganoderma has the same function as insulin. Accordingly, after taking Ganoderma, not only can insulin deficiency be supplemented, but it can also make the pancreas regain, its original function. In addition, it does not have any side effects like injections do.

The occurrence of hereditary diseases can be prevented

Many kinds of hereditary diseases have high occurrence rate. If you are healthy at this moment, you want to maintain this condition all your life. Ganoderma can help you reach this goal. Ganoderma’s outstanding feature is that “it can adequately reflect slight symptoms of diseases, keeping the human body in harmonious condition”. This expression is the conclusion obtained from experiments on thousand of people.

Ganoderma is a kind of medicinal food with over two thousand years of human experience. After long term experiments, its pharmacological nature has been further clarified, and it is widely used to maintain the health of human beings. Its position in the medical field has been firmly established.

Time passes too quickly. Won’t you regret it if you have this world without taking it?

Ganoderma is also effective in the treatment of difficult and mysterious diseases such as:No cause can be found.

Even if the cause can be found, it is untreatable with drugs. For example, blood pressure disorders are caused by many factors, but it is too complicated to understand the source and eliminate it. Even though anti-hypertensive drugs can relieve the symptoms, the source cannot be eliminated.

For diseases that cannot be treated adequately with medicine, cannot be diagnosed, or cannot be cured by Western drugs, Ganoderma can be considered a precious panacea. Only Ganoderma can treat these diseases successfully, eliminating the root cause of various puzzling diseases.

Ten Major Causes of Death

Malignant tumor

Cerebrovascular disease


Cardiac disease

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Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis



Tuberculosis and Suicide

Renal Diseases Care With Ganoderma

0. Ganoderma may effect a 100% cure for renal diseases. Kidney disease is also one of the difficult diseases to cure. They include acute or chronic nephritis, diabetic renal syndrome, nephrosis and rheumatic fever. These may be due in part to a high cholesterol count and a high blood sugar level. The kidneys are

1. overloaded and blood cannot reach renal capillaries. Nephrosis results, with oedema, urine retention, fatigue and possibly serious uraemia. Prof Fumio Tsurudani of the Nagoya University Medical Institute, Japan, did an experiment with patients suffering from renal disease to check the effectiveness of Ganoderma. It was found that it could not only lower proteinuria and cholesterolemia, but could maintain proper renal function. Based on our experimental results, renal disease can be cured 100% by taking Ganoderma. It is indeed a surprising achievement. 11. Diabetes is no more a terrible disease. It is said that once you have diabetes, your life will be tangled with it. However, we cured a number of cases with Ganoderma. As we know, insufficient insulin secretion is the cause of diabetes, and this results in some serious complications. Currently, Western physicians use insulin injections as the only treatment. Though insulin is able to lower blood sugar level, the symptoms recur very soon. Furthermore, it is just like a cortisone hormone injection, with many side effects. Insulin is unable to recover pancreas function, and it speeds up the aging of the organ. The Medical Research Institute of Kinki University found in yearly experiments that Ganoderma has the same function as insulin. Accordingly, after taking Ganoderma, not only can insulin deficiency be supplemented, but it can make the pancreas regain its original function. In addition, it does not have any side effects like injections do.

For thousands of years Ganoderma has been considered by the Chinese to be a high quality herbal medicine. The so-called 'A-one Medicine' is the best medicine which does not have any side effects, even after using it for a long time. It can improve one's constitution, increase the body's healing ability to help maintain a healthy body, and

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have a long life. "The Outline Of Herbal Medicine………CONtd….……………………8. It is also effective for P.C.B. poisoning (Polychlorobenzene) When chloric and benzenyl groups combine to form organic chloride, they will be toxic. If dissociate chloric and benzenyl become inorganic compounds - the toxigenicity will be lost and be discharged. There are many methods to separate chloric and benzenyl, using current molecular chemistry techniques - for instance, use radiation, or radiation of specific rays. Since organic germanium compounds also have special effects in electronic chemistry, during chemical experimental processing, chloric dissociating phenomena may be found. On another side, organic germanium may get into the intestinal blood vessels, to combine with blood cells to form a circulation system. This fact has been proven by pathological theory. Accordingly, it is specially effective in the treatment of liver, lung, and cerebral cell disease, for those organs are rich in blood. The heavy metals and P.C.B.s in the body, will cause disease at the place where the blood quantity is large. (P.C.B.s accumulate in subcutaneous fat, and are discharged with sweat). Organic germanium can get rid of heavy metals and decompose P.C.B.'s until it is poison less. In other words, it may flow through the blood stream to eliminate harmful substances from the body.

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Ganoderma belongs to the Polyporaceae group of the Fungi family - Reishi and some formulas contain other mushrooms.

Ganoderma works in the treatment of cancer because it helps cleanse the body from toxins and it helps strengthen the immune system. It enhances liver detoxification, thus improving liver function and stimulating the regeneration of liver cells - making it a very important supplement for those who have liver cancer.

The anti-cancer agents in Ganoderma are the polysaccharides and Germanium. The polyshaccharide fraction of Ganoderma is largely responsible for its anti-tumor efficacy. Indications for Ganoderma use in cancer include supplementation a) to reduce side-effects during chemotherapy or radiotherapy, b) to prolonging survival and minimize metastasis, c) to improve quality of life, and d) to prevent occurrence or recurrence. 

Ganoderma can be used as a supplement during chemotherapy or radiotherapy to reduce side-effects such as fatigue, loss of appetite, hair loss, bone marrow suppression and risk of infection. It can also reduce the toxic and side effects and mitigate the pains during chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in particular to cancer patients at terminal stages for prolonging their lives and improving their living quality.

Qualities of Ganoderma that help in the treatment of cancer include:

It enhances and helps regulate the immune and endocrine system, prevent tumors, improving the circulation and eliminating harmful free radicals.

Inhibits DNA synthesis of the cancer cells, destroys the terminal enzyme activity of the tumor cells, promotes macrophages and regulates T and B lymphocytes, thus  restraining the spread of cancer cells. 

It can also reduce the toxic and side effects and mitigate the pains during chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Enhances liver detoxification, thus improving liver function and stimulating the regeneration of liver cells. 

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Helps with cancerous ascites, increases appetite and help relieve the pain of late stage cancer.

It is especially effective with kidney diseases.