Gandhi by Julio Jáuregui


Transcript of Gandhi by Julio Jáuregui

1869 1876 1881 1888 1891 1893

He was born in a small town called Porbandar, on the north west coast of India.

At the age of seven it moves with the father to Rajkot. There it is sent to a primary school.

At the age of twelve it registers in the high school.

At the age of thirteen he marries. 4 of September of this year Gandhi it departs from Bombay and lands in Southampton. It comes to London; there it remains for a space of three years and obtains the attorney's profession.

In June, obtained the above mentioned fitting out, it returns to the India. To the return in Bombay, Gandhi faces the first difficulties.

A proposal of signature of Porbandar, Gandhi agrees to move to South Africa for a year. He travels first to Durban, and then to Pretoria to take charge of a commercial trial.

1896 1904 1906 1914 1915 1916

Following the example of Tolstoy, cover in Phoenix, on the outskirts of Durban, is an agricultural colony and uses all its resources to combat an epidemic of black death that same year.

In July, fly to the India for a brief period. It develops an ad on behalf of Indians in South Africa.

Gandhi is loyal and friendly towards the English. This does not prevent you to launch, in September its first campaign of non-violent resistance in defense of Indians in South Africa.

Through harsh fights, always conducted with the method of nonviolent resistance, Gandhi gets equal rights for Indian immigrants.

After a period of preparation next to their old teammates of Phoenix, returns to the fight political.

He participated in the Congress of Lucknow.

1917 1919 1920 1921 1922 1924

On 30 March begins in Delhi the first national campaign to protest against the restrictive measures to the personal freedom that the English were maintained even after the war.

In the first months of this year, moved to Champaran (Bihar) and then to Kaira (Gujarat), where it promotes the improvement of the situation of the poor

May 28 proposes to the Muslims of the India Gandhi non-cooperation as a response to the conditions of peace with Turkey.

In November burst violent disorders in Bombay, on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales.

He is condemned to six years in prison.

He is forgiven and comes out February 4. Disillusioned by having failed to restore unity within the Congress Party and between Hindus and Muslims.

1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934

December 31, Gandhi restart political activity. At the Lahore Congress does approve an order for total independence.

In March, Gandhi decided to start a new non-violent campaign of civil disobedience.On May 5 he is arrested for violating the laws of Government.

On January 25 it is freed, along with other leaders of the Congress Party, and immediately began negotiations with the British Government.

Shortly after his return to India Gandhi is arrested along with all the heads of the nationalist movement by proclaiming once more civil disobedience.

In may he released it.

Gandhi retires from political life.

1942 1944 1945/1946 1947 1948

British else the Government a proposal to India with the intention declared British colony. This proposal was rejected.

On August 8, Gandhi and other top leaders are arrested.

22nd Kasturbai, wife of Gandhi, dies in prison.On the 8th of may are released Gandhi and other nationalist leaders.

Gandhi participates in negotiations for the granting of independence to the India.

August 15 is proclaimed the independence of the India and Pakistan. Gandhi, who was opposed until the last moment.

He dedicated all his forces to restore peace between Hindus and Muslims, who are massacred each other in borders.

January 30th Gandhi is killed with a gun by a hindu fanatic, Nathuram Godse.

Mahatma Gandhi was one of india’s greatest and most inspiring leaders. He worked all his life to make things better for his people. He tried to teach them to be more independent and tolerant of each other. He also helped them fight to free their country from British rule.