G&K Management Co., Inc. Pal m Court

L U X U R Y S E N I O R L I V I N G 3995 Overland Avenue w Culver City, CA w 90232 (310) 559-4999 w Professionally Managed by G&K Management Co., Inc. August 2013 Palm Court Administration Team Executive Director Laurie McCracken Assistant Manager Kirsten Berquist Resident Relations Henry Kikau Marketing & Leasing Pam Henderson Head Chef Roberto Vasquez Maintenance Supervisor Sudath W. Housekeeping Supervisor Carla Stephen Activities Director Michelle Cobert From the Executive Director Happy August to everyone!! As we head into another very hot summer month, I would like to remind you how important it is to remember to drink plenty of water. Dehydration can be very dangerous in Seniors and planning ahead is key when you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Make sure to take water with you when going on a trip and wear loose-fitting clothing. Drinking alcohol or Caffeinated beverages are not good choices, as they may increase your chance for dehydration. Happy Birthday August Birthdays 08/01 Ellen Weakley 08/06 Annabelle Rappaport 08/06 Max Paster 08/12 Lena Mazzone 08/15 Rosalie Appel 08/18 Jeanne Carlson 08/19 Sheryl Maughahan 08/22 Cyrus Kirshner 08/24 Dorothy Buchberg 08/27 Lillian Abber 08/27 Joan Reighley May you have a wonderful Day!!

Transcript of G&K Management Co., Inc. Pal m Court

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3995 Overland Avenue w Culver City, CA w 90232 (310) 559-4999w

Professionally Managed by

G&K Management Co., Inc.

August 2013Palm Court Administration TeamExecutive Director Laurie McCrackenAssistant Manager Kirsten BerquistResident Relations Henry KikauMarketing & Leasing Pam HendersonHead Chef Roberto VasquezMaintenance Supervisor Sudath W.Housekeeping Supervisor Carla StephenActivities Director Michelle Cobert

From the Executive DirectorHappy August to everyone!! As we head into

another very hot summer month, I would liketo remind you how important it is to rememberto drink plenty of water. Dehydration can bevery dangerous in Seniors and planning ahead iskey when you are enjoying the beautifulsunshine. Make sure to take water with youwhen going on a trip and wear loose-fittingclothing. Drinking alcohol or Caffeinatedbeverages are not good choices, as they mayincrease your chance for dehydration.


BirthdayAugust Birthdays

08/01 Ellen Weakley08/06 Annabelle Rappaport08/06 Max Paster08/12 Lena Mazzone08/15 Rosalie Appel08/18 Jeanne Carlson08/19 Sheryl Maughahan08/22 Cyrus Kirshner08/24 Dorothy Buchberg08/27 Lillian Abber08/27 Joan Reighley

May you have a wonderful Day!!

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By BJ HansonMemorial Poem for

Sol KrollHe was short, but a

mental giant.He was Sol among

his friends, Associatesand Lawyers, he

befriended them all.A lawyer’s lawyer

he never deferred.In New York and

England his word washeard.

To know Sol was apersonal treat.

At dinner he knewwhen we said,..... BonNuit.

Sol can say again,“What?... I knewthat.”


Please Join Us!!Our next Resident

Council Meeting isscheduled forMonday, August 26,at 2 p.m. Yourcomments andsuggestions are veryimportant to thiscommunity ... pleasejoin us!!

Did You Know?August is full of different Fun

Facts....here are some:*August 1, 1876-Colorado became the

38th state of the United States.*On August 20, 1630, Lemonade was

first served in Paris, France.*August 2, 1909-The Lincoln penny

was issued.*August 3, 1492-Christopher

Columbus set sail on his first voyageacross the Atlantic.

*August 6, 1926-Gertrude Ederlesuccessfully swam the English Channel.

*August 9, 1974-Richard Nixonresigned from office, making him thefirst United States President to everyresign from office.

*August 12, 1877-The Phonographwas invented by Thomas Edison.

*August 12, 1898-Hawaii was annexedby the United States.

*National Golf Month*National Picnic Month*National Peach Month

M nth

Team Memberof the

Nepomuceno TecCongratulations to Nepo for

being our Employee of the Monthfor August. Nepo is a dishwasherhere at Palm Court and hasworked here since February 2013.

Nepo was chosen as ourShining Star because of the hardwork and dedication he shows inhis work every day.

Nepo is married and lives inLos Angeles. Nepo is 71 years oldand does an amazing job everyday and is so dedicated to hisposition here at Palm Court.

We all truly appreciate his hardwork and his warm and friendlysmile.

If you get a chance to ... sayhello and Congrats to Nepo for ajob well done!!

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Uelaine Lengfeld~ Authorand Resident of Palm Court

We are so truly blessed to have somany wonderful residents who loveto share their stories. This monthUelaine has graciously agreed to takea little bit of a break and give mesome insight for her new 5th editionbook called “Study Skills Strategies.”Uelaine began writing Study SkillsStrategies in 1987 when she taught atCal Poly in the Pomona-EducationalOpportunity Program. Her book hasbeen successfully translated into 17languages internationally. Uelainehas dedicated her life to teaching as

she has taught in High Schools,Colleges and Universities for 43 years.

Although her book focuses oncollege students, reentry women andworkers unemployed and needingretraining, she has also researched howto reverse cognitive decline,forgetfulness and loss of memory.Uelaine expressed a deepunderstanding that exercise is a keyfactor and improves memory by20–30% because of the increase ofcirculation and oxygen to the brain.

Uelaine gives deep credit for herencouragement to pursue her nextbook from the Writers’ WorkshopClass held by Yvonne Good—whichmeets every Tuesday at 10:45 a.m.

Uelaine will have finished andpublished her book by October andlooks forward to doing an in-servicefor all the residents about Memory orTime Management ... and we lookforward to that!!

A Lifesaver

Remember Me?Dr. Jonas Salk was

the medical researcherwho gave the world apolio vaccine in 1955.Here are somehighlights of hisextraordinary career:

• Salk had nointerest inmaking moneyfrom thediscovery. Hedeclared that thepolio vaccinebelonged toeveryone, andwhen asked whoowned thepatent, famouslysaid, “There is nopatent. Couldyou patentthe sun?”

• To save time inconductinghuman trials ofthe vaccine, Salkvolunteeredhimself andhis family astest subjects.

• The scientistcontinued toconduct medicalresearchthroughout hislife and tried todevelop avaccine for AIDS.

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August 2013

Wild World:Bearcats

Also known as thebinturong, the Asianbearcat can climb treeslike a cat but walksflat-footed on the groundlike a bear. The bearcatactually belongs to thecivet and mongoosefamily. Bearcats, whichweigh 20 to 60 pounds,live in tropical forests inSoutheast Asia. They eatfruit, leaves and smallanimals. Long, shaggyblack hair covers theirbody, and they have aprehensile tail that helpsthem navigate throughtreetops. Perhaps themost unusual thing aboutbearcats is that they smelllike buttered popcorn!

Popcorn Pick:‘Roman Holiday’A charming love story

set against a beautifulItalian backdrop, “RomanHoliday” (1953) was thestunning American filmdebut of AudreyHepburn. Hepburn playsa princess who decides togive herself a vacationand sneaks away whileon a visit to Rome. Shemeets Joe Bradley(Gregory Peck), areporter, and the twohave exciting adventuresthroughout the city.Hepburn received anAcademy Award for BestActress for her work inthe film.

Sunday Monday Tuesday

49:30-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:00am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Games11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Palm Court Players-Play3:00pm-Trivia Time W/ Fritz7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

59:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:30am-Yoga Class11:00am-Word Scramble1:00pm-Scrabble and CardGames1:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle3:00pm-Scattergories W/Michelle7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

Annabelle R. & Max P. B/day 69:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:45am-Writing Class W/Yvonne11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Rummikub Games2:00pm-Art Class3:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

Luau at Palm Court 11

9:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:00am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Games11:30am-Hawaiian Luau Buffet2:00pm-HawaiianPerformers-Entertainment7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

Lena Mazzone’s Birthday 129:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:30am-Yoga Class11:00am-Word Scramble1:00pm-Scrabble and CardGames1:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle3:00pm-Scattergories W/Michelle7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

139:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:45am-Writing Class11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Rummikub Games2:00pm-Travel Video3:30pm-Acting Class W/Natalija7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

Jeanne Carlson’s Birthday 189:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:00am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Games11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Computer Class3:00pm-Trivia Time W/ Fritz7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

Sheryl Maughahan’sBirthday


9:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:30am-Yoga Class11:00am-Word Scramble1:00pm-Scrabble and CardGames1:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle3:00pm-Scattergories W/Michelle

209:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:45am-Writing Class W/Yvonne11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Rummikub Games2:00pm-Art Class3:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

259:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:00am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Games11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Computer Class3:00pm-Trivia Time W/ Fritz7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

269:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:30am-Yoga Class11:00am-Word Scramble2:00pm-Resident CouncilMeeting3:30pm-Scattergories W/Michelle7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

Lillian A. & Joan R. B/Day 27

9:30am-Exercise Class W/Michelle10:45am-Writing Class11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Rummikub Games2:00pm-Travel Video3:00pm-Bingo W/ Michelle7:30pm-Evening Movie andPopcorn

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Calendar of Events

Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayEllen Weakley’s Birthday 19:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Trip W/ Jay Jay (TBA)10:45am-Trivia Time W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle12:45pm-Knitting Class W/ Gail2:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle3:30pm-Choir Practice7:30pm-Evening Movie

29:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Shopping Day W/ JayJay10:45am-Strength and BalanceW/ Nicole1:00pm-Rummikub Games1:45pm-Shabbat W/ RabbiGreisman2:00pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay3:30pm-Charades W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie


9:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay1:30pm-Afternoon Movie &Popcorn2:20pm-Ice Cream Social3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

79:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:00am-Mystery Ride W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Scramble W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Computer Class2:00pm-Name That Tune3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

89:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:45am-Trivia Time W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle12:45pm-Knitting Class W/ Gail2:00pm-Lecture W/ Alan Byrns3:30pm-Choir Practice4:00pm-Concert in the Park7:30pm-Evening Movie

99:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Shopping Day W/ JayJay10:45am-Strength and BalanceW/ Nicole1:00pm-Rummikub Games1:45pm-Shabbat W/ RabbiGreisman2:00pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay3:30pm-Charades W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie


9:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay1:30pm-Afternoon Movie &Popcorn2:20pm-Ice Cream Social3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

149:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:00am-Mystery Ride W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Scramble W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Computer Class2:00pm-Discussion W/ Shirley3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

Rosalie Appel’s Birthday 159:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Trip W/ Jay Jay (TBA)10:45am-Trivia Time W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle12:45pm-Knitting Class W/ Gail2:00pm-Monthly Birthday Party3:30pm-Choir Practice7:30pm-Evening Movie

169:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Shopping Day W/ JayJay10:45am-Strength and BalanceW/ Nicole1:00pm-Rummikub Games1:45pm-Shabbat W/ RabbiGreisman2:00pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay3:30pm-Charades W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie


9:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay1:30pm-Afternoon Movie &Popcorn2:20pm-Ice Cream Social3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

219:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:00am-Mystery Ride W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Scramble W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Computer Class2:00pm-Name That Tune3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

Cyrus Kirshner’s Birthday 229:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Trivia Time W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle12:45pm-Knitting Class W/ Gail2:00pm-Lecture W/ Alan Byrns3:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle4:00pm-Concert in the Park7:30pm-Evening Movie

239:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Shopping Day W/ JayJay10:45am-Strength and BalanceW/ Nicole1:00pm-Rummikub Games1:45pm-Shabbat W/ RabbiGreisman2:00pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay3:30pm-Charades W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

Dorothy Buchberg’sBirthday


9:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay1:30pm-Afternoon Movie &Popcorn2:20pm-Ice Cream Social3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

289:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:00am-Mystery Ride W/ JayJay10:30am-Word Scramble W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle1:00pm-Computer Class2:00pm-Discussion W/ Shirley3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

299:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Trip W/ Jay Jay (TBA)10:45am-Trivia Time W/Michelle11:30am-Chat Time W/Michelle12:45pm-Knitting Class W/ Gail2:30pm-Bingo W/ Michelle4:00pm-Name That Tune7:30pm-Evening Movie

309:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Shopping Day W/ JayJay10:45am-Strength and BalanceW/ Nicole1:00pm-Rummikub Games1:45pm-Shabbat W/ RabbiGreisman2:00pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay3:30pm-Charades W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie


9:30am-Sit and Be Fit W/ JayJay10:30am-Beach Walk W/ JayJay1:30pm-Afternoon Movie &Popcorn2:20pm-Ice Cream Social3:30pm-Bingo W/ Jay Jay7:30pm-Evening Movie

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Laugh Lines

A man got a jobwith a public worksdepartment paintinglines down the centerof rural roads. Thesupervisor told theman he mustmaintain a minimumof two miles paintedevery day to remainemployed. The managreed to theconditions and startedthe next day.

The first day, thesupervisor waspleased to discoverthe man hadcompleted threemiles. The next day,he found the man hadonly done two miles,but that wasacceptable as theminimum. The thirdday, however, theman only paintedone mile.

The boss pulled thenew employee in andsaid, “Son, you weredoing great. The firstday you painted threemiles and the secondday two miles, butyesterday you onlydid one mile. Is therea problem?”

The man replied,“I keep getting fartherand farther fromthe bucket.”

Bright BeaconsThe concept of lighthouses was

born from simple bonfires built onhillsides. Over time, these beaconsevolved into the iconic towers weknow today.

Lighthouses aid mariners navigatingthe sea by warning them of hazardousconditions, notifying them land isnear and establishing location.

The two major components of alighthouse tower are the light source,known as the lamp, and the lens,

which concentrates the light. Theseare housed in the lantern room atthe top of the tower.

Through the years, lamps werefueled by coal, oil and kerosene.Lighthouse keepers replenished fuel,cleaned the lenses and handledoverall operation of the structures.

In the early 20th century,electricity began replacing fuel, and,as technology evolved, lighthouseoperations became automated.

Perhaps the oldest knownlighthouse, the Pharos of Alexandriain Egypt, was built between 280 and247 B.C. At more than 400 feet, itwas among the tallest manmadestructures on Earth for centuries andwas considered one of the SevenWonders of the Ancient World.

The first lighthouse in what wouldbecome the United States was builtin 1716 on Little Brewster Island inBoston Harbor. It was destroyed byBritish troops in 1776 but rebuiltin 1783.

Meaning | Gladiolus is Latin for “sword.”It also is said to represent gracefulnessand a strong sense of character.

Botanical name | Gladiolus

Other names | Sword lily, glad

Description | Large, thick stems with multiple, tightly packed blossoms on one side only. Blossoms’ shape and texture vary from fringed to ruffled, trumpet-shapedand rosebuds.

Colors | Pink, red, white, orange, yellow,purple and bicolor

Facts | Very fragrant. Often used in sympathy bouquets.





Flower of [August] [Gladiola]

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History of the LuauDid You Know??

A luau, a feast to mark an importantcelebratory occasion, such as a comingof age of visitors, is culturally rooted,festive and all about the food, fun andfamily. Luaus have been part ofHawaiian culture since long beforeWesterners arrived to the islands. Upuntil about 150 years ago, Polynesianscalled their big celebratory feasts ‘aha‘aina. These events were usuallysomewhat formal, with moreceremony.

The modern term Luau may haveoriginated from the great coed feasts ofthe Hawaiian King Kamehameha II. Intraditional Hawaii, men and womenwere not allowed to eat together and allwomen were forbidden to eat certainkinds of foods in Hawaii. KingKamehameha II abolished these lawsand many other religious laws in theyear 1819 and validated this change byhaving a symbolic feast with womeninvited. At this feast one of the maindishes involving the wrapping ofchicken in the young leaves of the TaroPlant and baking it in coconut milk.This dish was called “Luau” and as aresult of its being one of these feasts,the feasts themselves came to be called“Luaus.” Traditionally Luaus are eatenon the ground, with food placed on TiLeaves that cover a type of woven matcalled the ‘Lauhala’ mat.

The Lei~ Guests at Luaus receive Leisas they arrive. The Lei is a necklace orheaddress of woven flowers or shellsand is given as a display of affection. Alei should be a welcomed celebrationof one person’s affection to another.Therefore, always except a lei,never refuse.

The proper way to wear a lei is gentlydraped over the shoulders, hangingdown both in front and in back. It isconsidered rude to remove a lei fromyour neck in the presence of the personwho gave it to you.

Also, when dressing up for the Luau,women can place a flower behind theright or left ear. Placing a flower overthe left ear indicates that one is takenor in a relationship and placing aflower over the right ear indicates thatone is available.

Pu: the Hawaiian Conch ShellPu, a Hawaiian conch shell, is a large

seashell that is blown into like atrumpet and often played forceremonies. Made of two kinds of largeshells, Triton or Cassis cornuta, it iscapable of emitting a loud soundcarrying as far as two miles. Thevolume depends on the style ofblowing rather than breath volumecapacity.

The Pu is also a popularcommencement tool at weddings andluaus and also has been used to honorroyalty and famous people.

SamoanFire Dance

Fire Dancing, nowvery popular on theHawaiian Islands, is atradition that camefrom traditionalSomoan knifedancing. The ailao, afierce traditionaldance that involvesthe twirling of thenifo oti (war knife),was a pre war ritual inSamoa used to psycheup warriors. LetuliOlo Misilagi was thefirst man to add fireto the traditionalSamoan ailao, orknife dance.

Grass skirts~The most famous

symbol of theHawaiian hula is thegrass skirt. The grassskirt was introducedto Hawaii in the early1800s by laborerswho arrived in Hawaiifrom the GilbertIslands.

Please join us forour Hawaiian Luau atPalm Court onSunday, August 11,starting off with awonderful Buffetfollowed at 2 p.m. bythe enchantedHawaiian Dancersthat you will enjoy!!

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Copyright © 2013 by Uhlig LLC


August 2013

Long-Running Broadway ShowsBroadway has many hits, and some of those hits just keep going and going and going. A popular show can run many years. Here is a list of some of the biggest hits throughout the years and how long they ran.

Show Run No. of Performances

“Abie’s Irish Rose” May 23, 1922, to Oct. 1, 1927 2,327

“Oklahoma!” March 31, 1943, to May 29, 1948 2,243

“My Fair Lady” March 15, 1956, to Sept. 29, 1962 2,717

“Hello, Dolly!” Jan. 16, 1964, to Dec. 27, 1970 2,844

“A Chorus Line” July 25, 1975, to April 28, 1990 6,137

“Cats” Oct. 8, 1982, to Sept. 10, 2000 7,485

“Rent” April 29, 1996, to Sept. 7, 2008 5,124

“Hairspray” Aug. 15, 2002, to Jan. 4, 2009 2,642


1814: First lady Dolley Madison saves a George Washington portrait in the White House from being looted by British troops.

1846: President Polk signs the Smithsonian Institution Act, which creates the famous institute that consists of many museums and galleries.

1861: The final installment of the serialized book “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens is published.

1893: Whitcomb Judson receives a patent for the zipper.

1900: “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum is copyright-registered.

1939: In Brooklyn, N.Y., the Brooklyn Dodgers play the Cincinnati Reds in the first Major League Baseball game shown on television.

1950: The American Broadcasting Co. begins airing Saturday morning TV shows for children.

1968: The song “Hey Jude” by John Lennon and Paul McCartney is copyright-registered.

1977: Pelé, a soccer player from Brazil, helps the New York Cosmos achieve the top spot in the championship of the North American Soccer League, also known as the Soccer Bowl.

1981: Music channel MTV launches its network, which would open up many doors for music television in years to come.

1993: Colin Powell is offered $6 million by Random House for his autobiography, “My American Journey.” It was the largest advance in history at that time.

2010: A JetBlue flight attendant makes national news by dramatically quitting his job and exiting via the emergency escape slide.