Gajanand bohra's seo ppt

SEO By:-Gajanand Bohra SEO Certified, Fan page Expert and


This presentation will let you know about search Engine Optimization and facebook advertising.

Transcript of Gajanand bohra's seo ppt

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By:-Gajanand Bohra SEO Certified, Fan page Expert and Guinness World Records Holder

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Today’s agenda

1. SEO2.Conversation Optimization3. Facebook Advertising

and Some bonus Tips….

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The term may sound like optimizing an actual search engine such as Google, however this professional service focuses on tweaking a website to do well – to appear among the top listing on search engine results pages(SERPs). SERPs are web pages returned by search engines like Google or Yahoo! after a user performs a search. These pages contain links to web sites and documents that the search engine deems relevant to the word or phrase. These words or phrases are also known as “keywords”

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.”

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Structure for SEO

Tweaking makes it easy to understand.

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HeadSpace- Titles- Meta Keywords and

Descriptions- More Tags

- And so much more.

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Template tip #1Your title should look like this:

<title><?php wp_title(‘’); ?></title>

Nothing more, nothing less. HeadSpace or any other SEO plugin will take care of the title.

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Template tip #2Your blog title and subtitle should only be <h1> and <h2> on your front page! Everywhere else, and <h4> and <h5> is good enough.

To do that, do something like this in your header.php:

<?php if (is_home()) { ?><h1>Title</h1><?php } else { ?><h4><a href="/">Description</

a></h4><?php } ?>

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Template tip #3Add a description to your categories:

<?php echo category_description(); ?>

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Robots Meta

- Noindex, follow your archives, search pages, etc.

- Authenticate with webmaster tools- Nofollow ancillary links- Etc. etc.

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Redirect User from Social media to your official website.


Use it for all your redirection needs.

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Give your links on related posts of other websites

YARPPY et Another Related Posts PluginRelated posts based on tags, categories, post content, etc.

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SEO Friendly ImagesAuto-magically optimise alt and title tags.

Optimize your images by alt and title tags.

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SlugsAuto-magically optimise your post slugs.

In the internet, slugs are the URL-friendly version of your permalink.See the example URL: “url-slugs-important-seo-factor/” part is the slug)

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RSS FooterTake advantage of those


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Maximize your content pages not content on the pages.

PaginationBecause a search engine can’t skip


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Promote your site

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SEO Responsibilities in 2012

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Because just praying won’t work

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So Join In

The Conversation

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Go where your readers go.

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Do Guest Posts.

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So now you’ve got visitors

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Let’s turn them into fans

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Your Subscribe Button Can’t be BIG enough.

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Offer e-mail too

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Remind people. After each post.

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Now we’ve got a conversation

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Let’s keep it going!

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Keeping #1 is more important than Competing once.

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Here’s 10 stepsto improve the conversation on your site

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Step 1:Ask for


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Step 2: Thank people for commenting.

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Step 3: get to know your readers.

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Step 4: answer all questions, and respond to all feedback.

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Step 5: Reward good remarks.

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Step 6: keep people involved.

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Step 7: don’t distract them.

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Step 8:Fight spam,


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Step 9: Keep It Stupid Simple (to comment)

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Step 10:Measure, improve, and

repeatUse Blog Metrics:

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3 bonus tips!

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Prevent fruitless searchingImprove the search experience:

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Aim for speed

Optimize your template:

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check the plug-in before installing

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Mobile Matters: Optimizing Search for Mobile Devices

Twitter: #MobileMatters

Facebook advertising


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Why advertise on Facebook? Reach, Targeting, Engagement

Reach over 900 Million active monthly users

Nearly 400 Million are active 6 out of 7 days a week

Define your target audience(s) with real data

Age, gender, education, geography, college, work network

Interests and interested-in

3.2 Billion Likes and Comments on Facebook Every Day

Increase engagement with your brand and product




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Your next steps

Facebook isn’t search.Define your goals accordingly.

Human involvement is essential.Design your testing and refinement plans.

Use tools to do heavy lifting.

Ads are only part of your Facebook campaigns.

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Optimizing Facebook Advertising

OptimizationMaximized against budget, goals, and business metrics


Creative (What)

Bid/Budget (How Much)


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Facebook Marketingor ask me on [email protected]