Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN SEPTEMBER 2 1909 i I n NEWS OF tin AND COUNTY CONDENSEDM- ATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST SECURED BY SUN REPORTERS What HM Happened Mil What I t Happen Ptrxmal and Social Item f City From Tuesdays Dally Sun Jno J Rimes of High Springs was a visitor here yesterday A Mrs Jack Halle and children are visiting relatives at Live Oak E S Gauldea of Eugene Lafayette cottaty waa a visitor here yesterday J H Standley and Tom White of Hague were transacting business In Gainesville Monday Mr and Mrs Geo Davenport have gone to Jacksonville to be absent for tile welt few weeks- R W Small and R C Small two brothers of Hague were visitors to Gainesville yesterday Guy Zetrouer has returned from Orlando where he has been on busi- ness and pleasure combined- W Sobel left yesterday for Balti- more and markets to purchase his regular fall stock of goods Miss Grace halls has returned from Balsam N C where she has spent a most enjoyable vacation Mrs J Davis left yesterday Ocala She will spend the next sev- eral days In that city visiting rela- tives T Curry Merchant left yesterday- for Oxford N C to resume his as Instructor in the Horner Military Institute E P Zetrouer of Rochelle was in the city yesterday Ho is suffering from a lame foot which has had him laid up for the past few days Miss Lula May Flowers of White Springs arrived In the city yesterday and will upend the next several days here as the guest of Miss Katie Boul EE Cannon left yesterday for New York City After a brief visit there he will go to other points to upend a uhorL while before returning home Mr and Mrs E Molnar left yester- day for a months vacation at various points In the East Their many friends wish them a most pleasant outing Mr and Mrs S B Phlfer of High Springs arrived In city yesterday- and will spend a short while here as the guests of Mr and Mrs M H Saunders Hon O I Cannon and daughter Miss Annie left yesterday for Wil- mington Delaware where they will ypend a tea weeks with old friends and relatives Capt C B McClenny of Cadillac a visitor to Gainesville yesterday He was accompanied by laughter Elsie who cnuie to the city on a shopping trip H G Kirkland of Alaohua a visitor to iulnwvllto yenturduy IK- wtutos that the trNt of that place are very lively and muoh cotton Id 0 II YaHCtty NM 1 wife rvturuud to Itt ywtttwnlay Vaucwy b H HMMlhtC tH MIMltHT Wilf- erkutvtM In orxlM HM wj t IN Jiuikwmvltt SuaOaj by Mr t Yamw- yt t M 4uiil U wan of mlttaitex Via rf- uo lu ISM Mad M Iwr a- f ar a r l4 ut nt lau MMtft M aHi Mi Ilk Hell MtlMM MM- UjUmu IM ft M t tg i- iiy lilt it IN MkM H fMffti- Ml Mi i hwa will a- ft the ware his all has u II PUn tIC 1MII ill WIN Jli ui J K NIt W1J tit < I t I d h other IL for- po- sition the w was Miss was htlxr 1rl1uatst Mrs last L iOrkN t A1444 Was vi Idol N gapthr tar aJI yu wr IdiyC t1 Mtk t uassillwitlllgsii- f th vli4L1osi- a r1411rad MIN kMt NrMMai S tshlsk spt Ni t i ps st talrli IM t Tt- 1IMw WIM r Pt- i s1 t I dad bird Msanld Mlea lesWP Nhn 4 1 > hN 15 yr NwNtlis Is la- Ih IbU 1y1Ml IY r 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > + + similar one M Dull where he will be pleased to serve his many friends T E Depose and J D Steele two enterprising negroes have formed a copartnership for the purpose of con- ducting a dry goods establishment They have rented a vacant building in the Endel block en Union street and will be ready for business by the lat- ter part of the week Miss Idel Shelton of Lake City Is visiting her aunt Mrs J H Truby The many Gainesville friends of Miss Idel are delighted to see her again She Is accompanied by her friend Mies Lula Adams of Savannah who was been visiting her In Lake City for the pat few days Mrs F H Cralghill and three little children leave Wednesday fur their home In Gainesville after- a summer spent In the Wigwam Rev Cralghill with his family will leave Gainesville October lit for Wythevllle- Va where he will take charge of the Episcopal church Ocala Banner The many Gainesville friend of Miss Janie Royaler will be pleased to hear from her She Is now at 207 Catoma street Mont- gomery Ala and In a letter enclosing dollar for The Sun says she Is anx- ious to know what is going on in Dear Old Gainesville We will try to keep her posted Forrest Baldwin who was fur a number of years one of the Florida Southern engineers and the first man to pull one of their trains up the hill on West Main street returned home at St Augustine yesterday- He was accompanied here by his sis- ter Mrs M E Goldsmith who will remain In Gainesville for the next few days on a visit to friends The Railroad Commission modified their order In reference to changes required to be made in the A C L depot In this city rescind- ing the order requiring the Erection of a canopy In front of the depot lord extending the time for the com plot Ion of the work slxtydayn from August In all other respects the origi- nal order No L74 Is confirmed From Wednesdays Dally Sun Charles Ponds of the Monteocltn sec- tion was visiting In Gainesville yester- day Wm Harris deputy sheriff of was a visitor to the city yes- terday Chas of LaCrosse was business in Gainesville Wed- nesday Ross B Norton of Melrose was unntfactlng business in Gainesville e terday Why send your daughter to college- out of the State See Stetson page three Cut T W Fielding yeMurduv for take littler to be irent at tin wedding of ails sister which will oc- cur In that place today Mrs B P Itlclianls who hat been spending the past vevuntl weeks very pleasantly at Uuytouu Ittniuh hut to her hum K W Mllllcaa of Waldu u tor to tin tt nlu llu e- xtu8iil lu the manufacture uf turpetttiiu nUll Id imrtlcukirly hapu- ater III pre i t price Mr II A ritrwnk UH vhlklrvii n- urw U tK r4u irow H ik iiMkHt U- lla r had a IIMNI feUgfcUMl trt bttt- wwr to rutttiM IMN- Wiir um Mr J K ltur Ht a laiur bwa p Mitlag i- VIIMW Mr 4 t 4l tht uUr rv uM- tlKiu k MrUnvM t l ta U l- r ul ta MaMuueiM vtti a- n i f M w aviv iMt at a Mi K tv 1mwn Mi MMMU l H- li iUi au M v iMrvM livmlMMI- N 4 IrS i I Hw ca i inrftvU la tfcrtr aMHr 4 aa iuf a raw U m tWiM ta tat tn- C l W UnMNMv Mr- N taw t4lf IWM with oS ill Cason I t tl lk lat tt I t ° Ii Mal Uhr 8 1 t ti liu till Wau- tt U N h U I I oI I 2qU i inter- esting re- siding a t- his had La- Crosse trans- acting An- nouncement left re- turned heir was its city engaged 1 rsl g4 sit leatwua act glad Ir1iut d tA i1Nlutya irttvM xMrh fir Mss for w sprat fist a floe 4 N- t tltlr 1 lhr lit yw h rda a- Mr at wed are all It slue u luaq s Mitt a4 Niter w5 hair rrsYrM4 it MN 1 luau IItiNlllb Mat hlra R th w1AIl Nw- Mrlhyla4 th tssS 1111 5 1lyreler ss IiarMw sha- lbv tua INhk jar that 4lsirkI M11- e ll 1 ill t11 1r1r4A 1 rd tl4ka NMn- t 11 1 1 iirtt o t < h MhatMr 1 W ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < > > > > > > > > < > > spent the greater part of his tlnjp in the Wet and reports a most delight- ful vacation Mr and Mrs T J Swearlngen have returned to the city after an absence of several weeks part of which was spent on the East Coast In the hope that It would prove beneficial to their little son who has been dangerously 111 with typhoid fever E Baird who has been absent for the past several weeks on his annual vacation visiting various of in- terest has returned to his home in this city He states that he has had a most delightful trip and enjoyed himself immensely while away Miss Jessie Wimberley who is a recent graduate of an Atlanta college left yesterday for Jacksonville to accept a position with the ODonald Drug Company one of he largest concerns of the me- tropolis engaged In this line of ness T L Jordan of the Southern Bell Telephone Company connected with the farmers line department li among the visitors to the city He Is here In the Interest of the com- pany and later will take up the mat- ter of a general system throughout the State among the farmers E Marcionny the gru deputy sheriff of Alachua and who Is also the proprietor of The News and the vH c nk phooraj fT f n place was in the city yesterday hav- ing come for the purpose of bringing- a negro prisoner Tom Coker who Is up on a charge of obtaining goods under false pretense From Thursdays Dally Sun Ralph Dudley of Jonesvllte visited the city yesterday- J E Williams of Bell was a visitor- to the city yesterday D M Phlfer of Rochelle was visit- ing in the city yesterday V O Hogan of Archer was among the visitors to Gainesville yesterday M J Ward a trucker of Tannna- wa siting in Gainesville yesterday t 11 Allison of Micanopy was unions the visitors to Gainesville yes erdaj S P Nipper the sawmill man ot was visiting In city Wednesday PernyGetztn of Fort White was in the city yesterday on a visit to the family of J F Hunch Second car horses and niulcv just arrived at the stables of Oliver At Kite Will sell them clo e- Misstn Laurie aud Winulfred Dud- ley of tnuu vlU were In the city Terday i ifaowlax t sedition her ot Ouige lit iJui- verr lHtiii lu she uy vtiiit itii it j ilia ul tiKky Point erUuj lr ItMiairUlR Ua to hj uul he next vv ial HJ bltiHS ai Ills old nu tin iuimuiaiu IK Mail where iln has lie n f M t mule V1UlaiM WHO vu lute rlv a ttiitXMii wf this cU her fur a f H tiuui Juckbirtivtile Uti- HA her fri Md Mr IriMtv- Ml IVurl VVltetstcHi WHI lu sea tin H iia Ht a ri u- t w k wU l lu- MM hUll I ta U tuir r V A lU ul Utah kioitiiM m taw Ill vt- tk i ln ta u- N4 Mitt la MMvlr- P M 1L tM4b m city ifi4 n- i a MMt trMsiUiii tiiu- HM MMl silt lM 4 gtM- rrtrftdji lit latii Ui r u r i M- Mr 11 I SEEDS M V points lr4 lUlL j sun 1 Irt 1t- core unllrW lx tib t Ittrul lIst > is visit of I Iu hr hUal hn J U URIIWtt I 4 rit tit Itt aU u a dko I- d to q- t N t I u T hf ar h1- Iu h 1 I- JDo t r I f I r 111IILJUo1 pharma- ceutical bur New tMrry the yep s u nrnnb t i 1 irk uL MII I 1seltra rt iatntty L4 i u t 11r 1 e tbs days 6 tl b- t4unwl urn tho Dser hreipndtag thr 1ai 1- I t A to Shinn aMtd t 1h5 air t tar Iiarlt a tar w Alt sd taull I- sl aihrtrd l IA- Iir will twt M 1 lrtlt t III M t idle t Wtl14u us iMt aura Mar hr Mtl 11s iiv Ia 31eCtttlet M let 1eM Ilrt 14111Mni I NINtlrl 1 pytl In t 1 p1 h ul 1111111 I Ilu 1s IS Itsil t t1 1w- t t N4Me1H I li t M 1 w ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > > > > > < < + < + + + + absent for the past few days in Jack onvllle where she was called on ac- count of the death of her sister re- turned home yesterday- Mrs J E Ledbetter left yesterday for Jacksonville to Join her husband who preceded her a few days since The latter has secured a position In that city and they will make their future home there Ralph Chapln who was delegated- as one of the marksmen from the squad of the Gainesville Guards to accompany the Florida team to Camp Perry Ohio returned home yesterday He says he had a most delightful trip- L H Hat accompanied by his two sons Arthur and Robert were vise tors to Gainesville yesterday front Drange Heights They state that the woods are full of water and cotton picking Is slow on account of the B Oliver of the Srm of Oliver Kite has returned from the mar- kets where be has been for the pur pose of purchasing their second car load of horses and mules They nit expected to arrive within n short while Mist Jessie Evans one of the popular attaches of the superintend cuts office of the Coast Line re- turned yesterday from her annual va- cation which was at various points of interest She had a most delightful trip Deputy Sheriff W S Bruton left yesterday for Holder for the purpose of carrying a negro by the name of Ed Coffee who was sent up for sixty days on a charge of petit larceny The case was tried before Justice Everett at Trenton Dr and Mn T P Hay accompa- nied by their son have returned from their visit of n few weeks to Mont eagle Tenn and other places of Interest The Doctor feels much re- freshed and states that all had a most delightful vacation- Dr and Ins F McKinstry Jr who have been spending the past few weeks at Daytona Beach returned home yesterday They rented a cot- tage while there and enjoyed Iionn life to its fullest extent having had a nio pleasant vacation W W of Mlcanopy was transacting business Iti Gainesville yesterday He rays the truckers are busy making preparations for their fall planting but the rain is lnt rf r- Sr with thorn a great deal and will nwessarfly delay planting for a few weeks Manuol B T Arnow was called to Braaswlck very suddenly yesterday- by a telegram from some of his rela- tives requesting his presence ar once During his absence lira position Is be- ing tilled by light Policeman while Uobtrt Owens is tilling tin itUlit place- S J Thomas a fonutr citlzta ot Gainesville aud who was at one time xtfBsively engaged m huMtaesi her arrived in the ell yesieriii tr- l Kk aft some of his incoperty Hi now locatetl in LX nv r- Col and l in h real estntw- lUrllll Dr W C Johnson fur many r Kt Tnwjm his i rue fci i- Hsrtr tint IH an WM tit r- AktillMH rtwitt but wi h km Kern H i In hi a M ROOF IS StiNG A3CE f mlliMrt- Sh fi Vhikt w ta n- Ml It u u U min- A 6 spent Geiger Owens r tutee l rtdtIu of tucar sit practttin trinth tit 111 ts MNIi tow rrl I iWlM Wit Read w I 51 t t OJ 11 I I I I t I tIn It d UII I II I l I I II- II hi 1 I I I 1 I It II t h- tll IId Ih II I II I s Mrs tits engaged den n Mlesuupy Is uov akere he h The ss11y Ikwtr w h ta la s ctltlu rln rte Ire full N and be lot ye H3 IMk hr tilt wise sits Lu Ite el e sul rbuW tI b4IMIty h 1Nt rht- ul Mirh h qukI I 51- It IW wi tIa nail aII h 11NI u e Ilrit- h 1 f U Si Mu t M Its tile N11t a d 1 IUUN IasI1h4 this Iwll a I M III IM II I I t I1 III tt tp- I UI1yyt1wi 1tiltlte itlt KOs- l I II 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > > > + > SEVEN CHILDREN BURN TO DEATI OVER 700 OTHERS ESCAPE FROM BURNING BUILDINGS Flames Which Originated in Laundry Reduced to Home far Children NEW YORK Sept 1 Seven little children Inmates of St Malachft Home for Children at Rockaway Park L I were suffocated In a fire which destroyed a iwrtion of the home Mon- day night This was discovered yes- terday by firemen digging In the colas of the burned building There wero 750 children In the Insti- tution which I conducted by the Sit- ters of St Joseph of Brooklyn Mot of marched out of the buildlagi In good order when the Ire alara was sounded and it was supposed that all had escaped until the little bodies were found in the smoldering embers yesterday Nearly all of those to death were under yrtrs old The portion of jnc dormitory In whisk they slept was directly over flu laundry where rte fire originated WANTS WANTED WANTEDHotol In fcTOd live town Apply Box 127 McKae Ga Gainesville Furniture Co We Carry Line of Oak Mahogany Suits Odd Dressers Wash Stands Chiffonniers and Chifforobes Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezrrs- Vudor Porch Shades and Porch Rugs Complete lint of Stoves and Ranges FOR STOCK SECOND CAR horses atrt mules Just arrived at the stables of Oliver ft Kit Will sell them close FOR SALE FOR SALE Lot 100x125 fret corner West Main and Boundary streets Half rash balance on own terms with eight per cent Interval H H McCrearr FOR RENT ACME APARTMENT HOTEL Jack- sonville V J Shlpman Manager Nice comfortable rooms At reasoa able rates Roomers wanted by 47 or week Rates reasonable Ashes 1 them 1 SALELIVE t r a Fine and t hardest r t > e L I < ¬ ¬ ¬

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09...







What HM Happened Mil What I

t Happen Ptrxmal andSocial Item f City

From Tuesdays Dally SunJno J Rimes of High Springs was

a visitor here yesterdayAMrs Jack Halle and children are

visiting relatives at Live OakE S Gauldea of Eugene Lafayette

cottaty waa a visitor here yesterdayJ H Standley and Tom White of

Hague were transacting business InGainesville Monday

Mr and Mrs Geo Davenport havegone to Jacksonville to be absent fortile welt few weeks-

R W Small and R C Small twobrothers of Hague were visitors toGainesville yesterday

Guy Zetrouer has returned fromOrlando where he has been on busi-ness and pleasure combined-

W Sobel left yesterday for Balti-more and markets to purchasehis regular fall stock of goods

Miss Grace halls has returnedfrom Balsam N C where she hasspent a most enjoyable vacation

Mrs J Davis left yesterdayOcala She will spend the next sev-eral days In that city visiting rela-tives

T Curry Merchant left yesterday-for Oxford N C to resume his

as Instructor in the HornerMilitary Institute

E P Zetrouer of Rochelle was inthe city yesterday Ho is sufferingfrom a lame foot which has had himlaid up for the past few days

Miss Lula May Flowers of WhiteSprings arrived In the city yesterdayand will upend the next several dayshere as the guest of Miss Katie Boul

E E Cannon left yesterday forNew York City After a brief visitthere he will go to other points toupend a uhorL while before returninghome

Mr and Mrs E Molnar left yester-day for a months vacation at variouspoints In the East Their manyfriends wish them a most pleasantouting

Mr and Mrs S B Phlfer of HighSprings arrived In city yesterday-and will spend a short while here asthe guests of Mr and Mrs M H

SaundersHon O I Cannon and daughter

Miss Annie left yesterday for Wil-mington Delaware where they willypend a tea weeks with old friendsand relatives

Capt C B McClenny of Cadillaca visitor to Gainesville yesterday

He was accompanied by laughterElsie who cnuie to the city on

a shopping trip

H G Kirkland of Alaohua avisitor to iulnwvllto yenturduy IK-

wtutos that the trNt of that placeare very lively and muoh cotton Id

0 II YaHCtty NM 1 wife rvturuud toItt ywtttwnlay Vaucwy

b H HMMlhtC tH MIMltHT Wilf-

erkutvtM In orxlM HM wj t IN

Jiuikwmvltt SuaOaj by Mr




t M 4uiil U wanof mlttaitex Via rf-

uo lu ISM Mad M Iwr a-

f ar a r l4 ut nt lau


M aHi Mi Ilk

Hell MtlMM MM-

UjUmu IM ft M t tg i-

iiy lilt it IN MkM HfMffti-

Ml Mi i hwa







all has



ill WIN

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htlxr 1rl1uatst


L iOrkN t A1444 Was vi

IdolN gapthr taraJI


t1 Mtk t uassillwitlllgsii-

f th vli4L1osi-a r1411rad MIN kMt NrMMai

S tshlsk spt Ni

t i ps st talrli IM t Tt-


WIM r Pt-

i s1 t I dad bird

Msanld MlealesWP

Nhn 4

1 > hN15 yrNwNtlis Is la-

Ih IbU


IY r









> >





similar one M Dull wherehe will be pleased to serve his manyfriends

T E Depose and J D Steele twoenterprising negroes have formed acopartnership for the purpose of con-

ducting a dry goods establishmentThey have rented a vacant building inthe Endel block en Union street andwill be ready for business by the lat-

ter part of the weekMiss Idel Shelton of Lake City Is

visiting her aunt Mrs J H TrubyThe many Gainesville friends of MissIdel are delighted to see her againShe Is accompanied by her friendMies Lula Adams of Savannah whowas been visiting her In Lake Cityfor the pat few days

Mrs F H Cralghill and threelittle children leave Wednesday

fur their home In Gainesville after-a summer spent In the Wigwam RevCralghill with his family will leaveGainesville October lit for Wythevllle-Va where he will take charge of theEpiscopal church Ocala Banner

The many Gainesville friend ofMiss Janie Royaler will be pleasedto hear from her She Is now

at 207 Catoma street Mont-gomery Ala and In a letter enclosing

dollar for The Sun says she Is anx-ious to know what is going on inDear Old Gainesville We will try

to keep her postedForrest Baldwin who was fur a

number of years one of the FloridaSouthern engineers and the first manto pull one of their trains up thehill on West Main street returned

home at St Augustine yesterday-He was accompanied here by his sis-

ter Mrs M E Goldsmith who willremain In Gainesville for the nextfew days on a visit to friends

The Railroad Commissionmodified their order In reference tochanges required to be made in theA C L depot In this city rescind-ing the order requiring the Erectionof a canopy In front of the depot lordextending the time for the com plot Ionof the work slxtydayn from August

In all other respects the origi-nal order No L74 Is confirmedFrom Wednesdays Dally Sun

Charles Ponds of the Monteocltn sec-tion was visiting In Gainesville yester-day

Wm Harris deputy sheriff ofwas a visitor to the city yes-

terdayChas of LaCrosse was

business in Gainesville Wed-nesday

Ross B Norton of Melrose wasunntfactlng business in Gainesville

e terdayWhy send your daughter to college-

out of the State See Stetsonpage three

Cut T W Fielding yeMurduvfor take littler to be irent at tinwedding of ails sister which will oc-

cur In that place todayMrs B P Itlclianls who hat been

spending the past vevuntl weeks verypleasantly at Uuytouu Ittniuh hut

to her humK W Mllllcaa of Waldu u

tor to tin tt nlu llu e-xtu8iil lu the manufactureuf turpetttiiu nUll Id imrtlcukirly hapu-

ater III pre i t priceMr II A ritrwnk UH vhlklrvii n-

urw U tK r4u irow H ik iiMkHt U-

lla r had a IIMNI feUgfcUMl trt bttt-

wwr to rutttiM IMN-Wiir um Mr J K ltur Ht a

laiur bwa p Mitlag i-

VIIMW Mr4 t 4l tht uUr rv uM-

tlKiu k MrUnvM t l ta U l-

r ul ta MaMuueiM vtti a-

n i f M w aviv iMt at a MiK tv 1mwn Mi MMMU l H-

li iUi au M v iMrvM livmlMMI-

N 4 IrS i I Hw ca i

inrftvU la tfcrtr aMHr 4 aaiuf a raw U m tWiM ta tat tn-

C l W UnMNMv Mr-

N taw t4lf IWM

with oS




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w sprat fista

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t tltlr 1 lhr lit yw h rda a-

Mr at wed are all

Itslue u luaq s


a4 Niter w5 hair rrsYrM4 it MN 1

luau IItiNlllb Mat

hlra R th w1AIl Nw-Mrlhyla4 th tssS

1111 51lyreler ss IiarMw sha-

lbv tua INhk jar that 4lsirkI M11-

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1 rd tl4ka NMn-

t 11 1 1 iirtt





















> < >



> > >




> >

spent the greater part of his tlnjp inthe Wet and reports a most delight-

ful vacationMr and Mrs T J Swearlngen have

returned to the city after an absenceof several weeks part of which was

spent on the East Coast In the hope

that It would prove beneficial to theirlittle son who has been dangerously111 with typhoid fever

E Baird who has been absent forthe past several weeks on his annualvacation visiting various of in-

terest has returned to his home in

this city He states that he has hada most delightful trip and enjoyedhimself immensely while away

Miss Jessie Wimberley who is arecent graduate of an Atlanta

college left yesterday forJacksonville to accept a position withthe ODonald Drug Company one ofhe largest concerns of the me-

tropolis engaged In this line ofness

T L Jordan of the Southern BellTelephone Company connected withthe farmers line department liamong the visitors to the city HeIs here In the Interest of the com-pany and later will take up the mat-

ter of a general system throughoutthe State among the farmers

E Marcionny the gru deputysheriff of Alachua and who Is alsothe proprietor of The News and thevH c nk phooraj fT f n

place was in the city yesterday hav-

ing come for the purpose of bringing-a negro prisoner Tom Coker who Is

up on a charge of obtaining goodsunder false pretense

From Thursdays Dally SunRalph Dudley of Jonesvllte visited

the city yesterday-J E Williams of Bell was a visitor-

to the city yesterdayD M Phlfer of Rochelle was visit-

ing in the city yesterdayV O Hogan of Archer was among

the visitors to Gainesville yesterdayM J Ward a trucker of Tannna-

wa siting in Gainesville yesterdayt 11 Allison of Micanopy was

unions the visitors to Gainesville yeserdaj

S P Nipper the sawmill man otwas visiting In city

WednesdayPernyGetztn of Fort White was in

the city yesterday on a visit to thefamily of J F Hunch

Second car horses and niulcv justarrived at the stables of Oliver At

Kite Will sell them clo e-

Misstn Laurie aud Winulfred Dud-ley of tnuu vlU were In the cityTerday i ifaowlax t sedition

her ot Ouige lit iJui-verr lHtiii lu she uy vtiiit itii

it j ilia ul tiKky PointerUuj lr ItMiairUlR Ua to hj uulhe next vv ial HJ bltiHS

ai Ills old nu

tin iuimuiaiu IK Mailwhere iln has lie n f M t

mule V1UlaiM WHO vu luterlv a ttiitXMii wf this cU herfur a f H tiuui Juckbirtivtile Uti-HA her fri Md Mr IriMtv-

Ml IVurl VVltetstcHi WHI lusea tin H iia Ht a ri u-

t w k wU l lu-

MM hUll

I ta U tuir rV A lU ul Utah

kioitiiM m taw Ill vt-

tk i ln ta u-

N4 Mitt la MMvlr-

P M 1L tM4bm city ifi4 n-

i a MMt trMsiUiii tiiu-HM MMl silt lM 4 gtM-

rrtrftdji lit latii Ui

r u r i M-

Mr 11 I



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Alt sd taull I-sl aihrtrd l IA-Iir will twt M 1 lrtlt t III

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> >










absent for the past few days in Jackonvllle where she was called on ac-

count of the death of her sister re-

turned home yesterday-

Mrs J E Ledbetter left yesterdayfor Jacksonville to Join her husband

who preceded her a few days since

The latter has secured a position In

that city and they will make theirfuture home there

Ralph Chapln who was delegated-

as one of the marksmen from thesquad of the Gainesville Guards toaccompany the Florida team to CampPerry Ohio returned home yesterdayHe says he had a most delightful trip-

L H Hat accompanied by his twosons Arthur and Robert were vise

tors to Gainesville yesterday frontDrange Heights They state that thewoods are full of water and cottonpicking Is slow on account of the

B Oliver of the Srm of OliverKite has returned from the mar-

kets where be has been for the purpose of purchasing their second carload of horses and mules They nitexpected to arrive within n shortwhile

Mist Jessie Evans one of thepopular attaches of the superintendcuts office of the Coast Line re-

turned yesterday from her annual va-

cation which was at variouspoints of interest She had a mostdelightful trip

Deputy Sheriff W S Bruton leftyesterday for Holder for the purposeof carrying a negro by the name ofEd Coffee who was sent up for sixtydays on a charge of petit larcenyThe case was tried before JusticeEverett at Trenton

Dr and Mn T P Hay accompa-nied by their son have returned fromtheir visit of n few weeks to Monteagle Tenn and other places ofInterest The Doctor feels much re-

freshed and states that all had amost delightful vacation-

Dr and Ins F McKinstry Jrwho have been spending the past fewweeks at Daytona Beach returnedhome yesterday They rented a cot-

tage while there and enjoyed Iionnlife to its fullest extent having hada nio pleasant vacation

W W of Mlcanopy wastransacting business Iti Gainesvilleyesterday He rays the truckers arebusy making preparations for theirfall planting but the rain is lnt rf r-

Sr with thorn a great deal and willnwessarfly delay planting for a fewweeks

Manuol B T Arnow was called toBraaswlck very suddenly yesterday-by a telegram from some of his rela-tives requesting his presence ar onceDuring his absence lira position Is be-

ing tilled by light Policemanwhile Uobtrt Owens is tilling tinitUlit place-

S J Thomas a fonutr citlzta otGainesville aud who was at one timextfBsively engaged m huMtaesiher arrived in the ell yesieriii tr-l Kk aft some of his incoperty

Hi now locatetl in LX nv r-

Col and l in h real estntw-lUrllll

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Flames Which Originated in Laundry

Reduced to Home farChildren

NEW YORK Sept 1 Seven littlechildren Inmates of St MalachftHome for Children at Rockaway ParkL I were suffocated In a fire whichdestroyed a iwrtion of the home Mon-

day night This was discovered yes-

terday by firemen digging In the colasof the burned building

There wero 750 children In the Insti-

tution which I conducted by the Sit-

ters of St Joseph of Brooklyn Motof marched out of the buildlagiIn good order when the Ire alarawas sounded and it was supposed thatall had escaped until the little bodieswere found in the smoldering embersyesterday Nearly all of thoseto death were under yrtrs old Theportion of jnc dormitory In whiskthey slept was directly over flulaundry where rte fire originated


WANTEDHotol In fcTOd live townApply Box 127 McKae Ga

Gainesville Furniture Co

We Carry

Line of




Odd Dressers

Wash Stands

Chiffonniersand Chifforobes


Ice CreamFreezrrs-

Vudor PorchShades andPorch Rugs

Complete lintof Stoves and



SECOND CAR horses atrt mules Justarrived at the stables of Oliver ftKit Will sell them close


FOR SALE Lot 100x125 fret cornerWest Main and Boundary streetsHalf rash balance on own termswith eight per cent Interval H HMcCrearr



sonville V J Shlpman ManagerNice comfortable rooms At reasoaable rates Roomers wanted by 47or week Rates reasonable








a Fine












