Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-31...

Tills DAILY SUN GAINS WILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 31 1909 m n eau NEWS FROM PARTS OF It FLORI- DAIt Is stliua d tha1 L moots wil1 produce from 3 MnuO to 410 wo boxe of anti grapefruit the coming From all reports the corn crop specially In South Florida will ex anything ever before realized in Florida A turpentine operator at Sanborn on the Ocklawaha river killed an tnormous bear and two cubs a few days ago The first convict camp for Palm county Is to be established this heck The camp will open up with aboJt fifteen convicts TtUiiu i steam laundry is now completed and Is the largest in the South outside of Atlanta Wonderful machinery has been installed and it is complete in every detail B 0 Painter and family of Jack- sonville have started on a long auto mobile trip They left that city on Wednesday in their large Premier car bound for St Catherines Out The extension from Tiger Flay to Ft Meade of the Winston and Moue Valley branch of the A C L H It is nenrlnc completion and early next month the road will be operated froth Ft Meade to Lakeland The N v York Mamizine gives Chief Harris of the Tanipn lire de- partment a splendid send ort He is complimented very highly and a picture of the worthy chief and hi driver Is fniljolllshwl therein Live Oak Is in the midst of a big religious tent meeting TIt White brothers are conducting the services Ret Sam J White dOt most of the reaching while his brother U A Whit lectures to the children On Saturday morning there was a collision in Tampa A switch engine belonging to the Atlantic Coast Line company backed Into an electric car at the crossing No one was hurt but the damage to the car will amount to about SMO The first bale of new cotton for Gainesville Furniture Co We Carry Line Qf Oak and Mahogany Odd Dressers Wash Stands Chiffonniers- and Chifforobes Refrigerators- Ice Cream Freezers Vudor Porch Shades and Porch Rugs Complete line of Stoves and Ranges tR10n t lIt arh neW tJ r if a Fine Suits j 1I I QivI Furturs CI ALL- S t l oranges I teed t t i 6 i a d > ¬ ¬ DYSPEPSIAt- he present season was brought Intu DeFunlak yesterday by J C Smit of Luanna and was bought by Bui russ Cawthon The bale weight oO pounds and classed as middling The price paid was 12 i cents Dr- Funlak herald Sonic land near lirouokavllle whir was selected for a United States bam- boo experimental station has beet examined and finally accepted for th Government Ten of the twenty acre accepted will be cleared some taut next month and the land thoroughl prepared this winter In the spring the plants will be transplanted trout the California nursery In which they are now growing The new industry- of bamboo culture will no doubt bt of much profit for South Florida Dr Phillip Is building the largest and packing house it this city on the lot just ophite th Florida Fertilizer vrks The build- Ing is lOoxSO feet in size and tw stories The lower floor will b etiilp ed with the finest orangepurk ing machinery that can be had and the upper floor will be used for manu- facturing boxes and for storage room The DONor needs this building In hit own business He will have 2 rt m 01 more boxes of fruit to pack from his own groves Orlando Star The largest deal in property that has occurred in White Springs for some time was consummated Saturday evening By this trade the popular and wellknown Telford Hotel owned by Mr Telford but conducted by Mr J B Roberts and wife becomes the property of Mr and Mrs S L Pritchard They are people having conducted the Pritchard House for some time They will give their personal attention to the management of their new prop- erty and we are sure the Telford will continue to be the popular hotel- It has formerly been Such deals show that White Springs is out a dead place by any means The considera- tion was 14000 which Is not on unreasonable price for the entire plant The now owners will take pos- session about September 1st Jasper News A Human Cowed the Lion At Care Town a linn turner was gi Ins through a performance lu u tike with n full grown lion lately caught Suddenly It was seen that the brute was putting the trainer through his paces rather than being put through itself Softly crouching and creep- Ing the big Vat edged Itself between the thoroughly unnerved titan and the door of the den fixing its victim with two rolling yellow orbs of tinning ferocity and sawing the empty air with Its tufted tall us It crouched prepara- tory to springing Many men among the audience used to the ivnya of wild beasts saw and comprehended but only ono man possessed tho knowledge and the presence of mind to avert the apparently Inevitable 1unlns up lips us though he were gulag to whis- tle be emitted n honrw low his The beast heard and under- stood for sound was an esuct Ito ItntUH of the m U mad by the giant 0M trlftHr wte H tinge Uedy silled fur tat thrmv thiu Never H U Iliad never r wsi NU tMt NO b Niit- wf Ik Held i tr s oM H th IM with itNIMl IraN HIM ft Nff lH Ike run v U M d r rHtl lM tMlH NH HMpn drew lm k H HH U HftlU I Tfct Hut duo t Utii INDIGESTION host Hiss O his Its 1 I tent lIMN I L pales w rrsuus r IT tllhto date has experienced ho- tel rasp- Ing tilt the Its I Its hrtwl rtwt prW iiiuI 14 4M11 th- eh4 new nti tAuu tl tt atwl ii lwwrhNd wbttettttp N llw etr- of tiro asap tlutftwl the ed kH t t1 tau I ell e 84u1- Nw tletl IM C fSs4bIt It- wawa t Metrn etan HN JM- N utrreu tN1M c r4 > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < < + > UNCONSCIOUS WORRY- Born of the Habit of Taking Thing Too Seriously- A great many people worry uncoi sclously says 0 S MnnUn In Succv Magazine They dont understand whj they are so tlivil n s rtlnp why their sloop was so nUll trou- bled This niiMital disturbance Is after caused by the habit of taUhc tiling to seriously carrylus too creat n weight of responsibility Kverywlior we nee people who take life too send ously Most of us are HKe the motor- man who not only starts mill stops th oar rand tries to keep from runnlnu over but also feels tremcndou anxiety and responsibility nlxjtit tin motive power One of the most helpful lessons life can impart Is that which shows u bow to do our work as well as It car be done and then let principle taki care of the result now often have w been amazed to find things come ou much better than we anticipated t find that the great unseen power tun governs our lives through a wilderness- of trial and tribulation Into the open has guides our life ship through the fogs of difficulties and of sorrow through stormy of hardships find losses safely Into port The pilot does not lose heart when he cannot see his way He turns to that mysterious compass which see as plainly In the fog and guides r faithfully In the tempests as when the sea Is like glass We are In touch with a power greater than any compass greater than rutty pilot n power tha can extricate us from the most des- perate situation Disagreeable at Home Lots of men and women who are igreeabie with others get cranky at home Its not dispositionits tin liver If ou find in yourself that you feel cross around the house Httl things worry you just buy a of Hallartls Herhinc and put your In shape You and irveryhod around you will feel better for It Vice 0 cents per bottle told by M Johnsuu It Dint I havent anything lit t r Neither have I he ri l d 1t t stay at home Taken up urns there foj her to do but hurry and ready Buffalo Express For Feverishness and Aching Whether from Malarious conditions colds or overeating try Hicks Caput dine It reduces fever and re- lieves the aching Its liquid 10 2r and 50 cents at drug store Cause and Effect Tit KnrI of Ennui dmimllyi Wlnht I just had UJllllon ten years ahead of me Huron touting Well you grab the million and youll pi t the ton years all right all rightIMuk- He who reforms God a8slstuSpHO lab Proverb WASHING WITHOUT WATER Ukc Trying to Get Rid Wit boat Herplcldr Did you ever any one trying to themselves without soap or If you did what would you say of him It IB bit aa foolish to try of Dandruff and to prevent Bald- ness by feeding the germs which causo It with Canthrarlde Vaseline Glycer- ine and similar substance which form the principal Ingredient of most BO called Hair Vigor Xewbron Hrrplclde is succcisful It attack and kills parasitic germ which reed on hair root It I the original and only genuine scalp eermlrlde manufactured Sold by lending dniffxlft Sand We In tamp sample to The Herplclda Co Detroit Mich J BodUord Co Social Agents W DAVENPORT PtlUfl Ml IM1M Timer and RehuiUer Estimates FurnUUwl rrumutlj anti All Work Uu rut tH- Unllv A ItMltW IM w i GAIN IIIK Mil i Trmitu fur Mill KVf people hottlt W tri to nrthlrr the fir nod t I I see Ater eu t- rill the the I l tae Rulrnntee j A Dolan Untuttill l1li11 LJbCIi lIIIDIIA ii j ell turhed liv- e tt said was get iJ airs womb be- cause AtweFrvseIiltrlttla Fl- iDrs 11tttiituita I flIbtr ttltl Itital- 1tiwIi3IIaNiTmrAI tit e1 M4 t lta sI w ¬ ¬ > gelabJePrcparatioaforAs- slmilating IMr- JIT1MIS nessandHestCofltalns neither nor Mineral NARCOTIC For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bough Signature f MBBB FBW fTWi Remedy Constipa- tion WonnsConTjlsionsJevcrish- OCSSOndLOSSOF SLEEP Toe Sinule Signature of 2 4 T- NEV YORK CXACT copy OF WRAPPCB For Over Thirty Years MHV mm am 4- jIP SliDBI11 I A u1a cl5cC ptumt NOT I ii I CASTO Jf CASIO lilA Bears the sILI Imtrt I of a sjttwaITxv- dad RwfJr r- Use I I lit tut elNnva wa < < GAINESVILLE FLA CAPITAL SURPLUS 7500111 2500800 T F THOMAS UNDERTAKING CO PULL LINE OP NEW GOODS FOR MONUMKVTH TOXB8TONK- UH IRON FINCE8- SeaowrauDplM Pt ml assails M all sMtMnte If all telecntfih erg fWHtttr He4 4 M OFFICERS W R Thomas President G K Breome First nt E D Turner Cashier W B Taylor DIRECTORS 0 K Broome J B Padgett H F Dutton J A Mauttsfey J G M Vcnakle W R W B 4 Per Cent Paid Savings Department PHONE No 9 Vo Make a Specialty of All Classes of Dray Work Better See Us Firat Fancy MB mr DUHOn DAnK ADEN Ue Oalvllie H H a U In g Medial TIM t Taylor 1aIiIII L in S M DAVIS J Old slail want New NAMe f v 1t ct atilt sal piirita 1 eayv Vice Second Vlce Presldenb Miss Tebeaus SchoolT- HE DIOCESAN SCHOOL Of FL01IDA Reopens Soptewbcr 80 10 TfcirtyJKxtk Y w NO 300 WEST MAIN STREET 8 OAlNItVILlK FLORIDA Are YOU M Neal Ono of today1 want ndi may U hunting you wwaok for you U way have A memgo for Wf t- erioiml coo that WhiR you got n4 few4 may ih g the tmm dUU currents of R9tlvlWf of your iutirtiti may vu pl c r wiut and Rh nviroMm0ut iwoetotwi may give yon AD MtfrtUiw tart in ft btuUiMi way IiwH it worth wino to try to M whether thii A Il r lU l AbiIII j tho city Qt I It 0 new WMIY or 00 w U 7 lug you itl x a to out lay ut taw talorraw very wand j qr =

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-31...



n eau





Is stliua d tha1 L moots wil1

produce from 3 MnuO to 410 wo boxeof anti grapefruit the coming

From all reports the corn cropspecially In South Florida will ex

anything ever before realized in


A turpentine operator at Sanbornon the Ocklawaha river killed antnormous bear and two cubs a fewdays ago

The first convict camp for Palmcounty Is to be established this

heck The camp will open up withaboJt fifteen convicts

TtUiiu i steam laundry is nowcompleted and Is the largest in theSouth outside of Atlanta Wonderfulmachinery has been installed and itis complete in every detail

B 0 Painter and family of Jack-

sonville have started on a long automobile trip They left that city onWednesday in their large Premier carbound for St Catherines Out

The extension from Tiger Flay toFt Meade of the Winston and MoueValley branch of the A C L H It isnenrlnc completion and early nextmonth the road will be operated frothFt Meade to Lakeland

The N v York Mamizine givesChief Harris of the Tanipn lire de-

partment a splendid send ort Heis complimented very highly and a

picture of the worthy chief and hi

driver Is fniljolllshwl therein

Live Oak Is in the midst of a big

religious tent meeting TIt Whitebrothers are conducting the servicesRet Sam J White dOt most of thereaching while his brother U A

Whit lectures to the children

On Saturday morning there was a

collision in Tampa A switch enginebelonging to the Atlantic Coast Linecompany backed Into an electric carat the crossing No one was hurtbut the damage to the car will amountto about SMO

The first bale of new cotton for

Gainesville Furniture Co

We Carry

Line Qf

Oak and


Odd Dressers

Wash Stands


and Chifforobes


Ice CreamFreezers

Vudor PorchShades andPorch Rugs

Complete line

of Stoves andRanges



lIt arh





a Fine





QivI Furturs CI




l oranges

I teed











he present season was brought IntuDeFunlak yesterday by J C Smitof Luanna and was bought by Buiruss Cawthon The bale weightoO pounds and classed as middlingThe price paid was 12 i cents Dr-

Funlak herald

Sonic land near lirouokavllle whirwas selected for a United States bam-boo experimental station has beetexamined and finally accepted for thGovernment Ten of the twenty acreaccepted will be cleared some tautnext month and the land thoroughlprepared this winter In the springthe plants will be transplanted troutthe California nursery In which theyare now growing The new industry-of bamboo culture will no doubt btof much profit for South Florida

Dr Phillip Is building the largestand packing house itthis city on the lot just ophite thFlorida Fertilizer vrks The build-Ing is lOoxSO feet in size and twstories The lower floor will betiilp ed with the finest orangepurking machinery that can be had andthe upper floor will be used for manu-facturing boxes and for storage roomThe DONor needs this building In hitown business He will have 2 rt m 01

more boxes of fruit to pack from hisown groves Orlando Star

The largest deal in property thathas occurred in White Springs forsome time was consummated Saturdayevening By this trade the popularand wellknown Telford Hotel ownedby Mr Telford but conducted byMr J B Roberts and wife becomesthe property of Mr and Mrs S LPritchard They are

people having conducted thePritchard House for some time Theywill give their personal attention tothe management of their new prop-

erty and we are sure the Telfordwill continue to be the popular hotel-

It has formerly been Such dealsshow that White Springs is out a deadplace by any means The considera-tion was 14000 which Is not onunreasonable price for the entireplant The now owners will take pos-

session about September 1st JasperNews

A Human Cowed the LionAt Care Town a linn turner was gi

Ins through a performance lu u tikewith n full grown lion lately caughtSuddenly It was seen that the brutewas putting the trainer through hispaces rather than being put throughitself Softly crouching and creep-Ing the big Vat edged Itself betweenthe thoroughly unnerved titan and thedoor of the den fixing its victim withtwo rolling yellow orbs of tinningferocity and sawing the empty air withIts tufted tall us It crouched prepara-tory to springing Many men amongthe audience used to the ivnya of wildbeasts saw and comprehended butonly ono man possessed tho knowledgeand the presence of mind to avert theapparently Inevitable 1unlns uplips us though he were gulag to whis-tle be emitted n honrw low

his The beast heard and under-stood for sound was an esuct ItoItntUH of the m U mad by the giant0M trlftHr wte H tinge Uedy

silled fur tat thrmv thiu Never H UIliad never r wsi NU tMt NO b Niit-

wf Ik Held i tr s oM H th IM withitNIMl IraN HIM ft Nff lH Ike runv U M d r rHtl lM tMlH NH

HMpn drew lm k H HH


HftlU I

Tfct Hut duo t Utii





Its 1






w rrsuus r


tllhto date


experienced ho-tel



the Its I Itshrtwl rtwt prW iiiuI 14 4M11 th-eh4 new nti tAuu tl ttatwl ii lwwrhNd wbttettttp N llw etr-of tiro asap

tlutftwl the ed kH t t1 tauI ell e 84u1-

Nw tletl IM C fSs4bIt It-

wawa t Metrn etan HN JM-N utrreu tN1M

c r4








> < <




Born of the Habit of Taking ThingToo Seriously-

A great many people worry uncoisclously says 0 S MnnUn In SuccvMagazine They dont understand whjthey are so tlivil n s rtlnp whytheir sloop was so nUll trou-bled

This niiMital disturbance Is aftercaused by the habit of taUhc tilingto seriously carrylus too creat nweight of responsibility Kverywliorwe nee people who take life too sendously Most of us are HKe the motor-man who not only starts mill stops thoar rand tries to keep from runnlnuover but also feels tremcndouanxiety and responsibility nlxjtit tinmotive power

One of the most helpful lessons lifecan impart Is that which shows ubow to do our work as well as It carbe done and then let principle takicare of the result now often have wbeen amazed to find things come oumuch better than we anticipated tfind that the great unseen power tungoverns our lives through a wilderness-of trial and tribulation Into the openhas guides our life ship through thefogs of difficulties and of sorrowthrough stormy of hardships findlosses safely Into port

The pilot does not lose heart whenhe cannot see his way He turns tothat mysterious compass which seeas plainly In the fog and guides rfaithfully In the tempests as when thesea Is like glass We are In touch witha power greater than any compassgreater than rutty pilot n power thacan extricate us from the most des-perate situation

Disagreeable at Home

Lots of men and women who areigreeabie with others get crankyat home Its not dispositionits tinliver If ou find in yourself thatyou feel cross around the house Httlthings worry you just buy aof Hallartls Herhinc and put your

In shape You and irveryhodaround you will feel better for ItVice 0 cents per bottle told by

M Johnsuu

It DintI havent anything lit t r

Neither have I he ri l d 1t t

stay at homeTaken up urns there foj

her to do but hurry and readyBuffalo Express

For Feverishness and AchingWhether from Malarious conditionscolds or overeating try Hicks Caputdine It reduces fever and re-

lieves the aching Its liquid 10 2rand 50 cents at drug store

Cause and EffectTit KnrI of Ennui dmimllyi Wlnht

I just had UJllllon ten yearsahead of me Huron touting Wellyou grab the million and youll pi t theton years all right all rightIMuk-

He who reforms God a8slstuSpHOlab Proverb


Ukc Trying to Get RidWit boat Herplcldr

Did you ever any one trying tothemselves without soap or

If you did what would you say ofhim

It IB bit aa foolish to tryof Dandruff and to prevent Bald-

ness by feeding the germs which causoIt with Canthrarlde Vaseline Glycer-ine and similar substance which formthe principal Ingredient of most BO

called Hair VigorXewbron Hrrplclde is succcisful

It attack and kills parasiticgerm which reed on hair root

It I the original and only genuinescalp eermlrlde manufactured

Sold by lending dniffxlft Sand We Intamp sample to The Herplclda CoDetroit MichJ BodUord Co Social Agents


PtlUfl Ml IM1M

Timer and RehuiUer

Estimates FurnUUwl rrumutlj anti AllWork Uu rut tH-

Unllv A ItMltW


Mil i Trmitu fur

Mill KVf







fir nod





eu t-







A Dolan

Untuttilll1li11 LJbCIi lIIIDIIA


ell turhed






iJ airs





I flIbtr ttltl


1tiwIi3IIaNiTmrAItite1 M4 tlta sI w






nessandHestCofltalns neithernor Mineral


For Infants and Children

The Kind You Have

Always Bough



Remedy Constipa-tionWonnsConTjlsionsJevcrish-OCSSOndLOSSOF SLEEP

Toe Sinule Signature of2 4 T-



For Over

Thirty Years

MHV mm am






I iiI




Bears thesILI




a sjttwaITxv-dad

RwfJr r-


II littut elNnva wa














Pt ml assails M all sMtMnteIfall telecntfih erg

fWHtttr He4 4 M


W R Thomas PresidentG K Breome First ntE D Turner CashierW B Taylor


0 K BroomeJ B PadgettH F DuttonJ A Mauttsfey

J GM VcnakleW RW B

4 Per Cent PaidSavings Department


Vo Make a Specialty of AllClasses of Dray Work

Better See Us Firat

Fancy MB





H H aU Ing




in S M DAVIS JOld slail want New NAMe



ctatilt sal




Second Vlce Presldenb


Reopens Soptewbcr 80 10 TfcirtyJKxtk Y wNO 300 WEST MAIN STREET 8 OAlNItVILlK FLORIDA

Are YOU M NealOno of today1 want ndi may U hunting you wwaok

for you U way have A memgo for Wf t-

erioiml coo that WhiR you got n4 few4

may ih g the tmm dUU currents of R9tlvlWf ofyour iutirtiti may vu pl c r wiut and Rh

nviroMm0ut iwoetotwi may give yon AD MtfrtUiwtart in ft btuUiMi way

IiwH it worth wino to try to M whether thii


Il r lU l AbiIII


tho city Qt I








lug you

itl x


out layut taw talorraw very wand


