Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1908-08-11...

THE DAILY SOJJ AIWST 11 1108 771 7 r ifflJhl3miWIi k 1i HvIt cc u i1t7itr iPF I 0 A j 1I f i 4d it l 1 t d R iI j- iiJ r tm1 A rPgRRNnan ri k 4 t A1NEMVILLr4Lof IDA = > > to rt A store of that waa ttoadopea daylight 8S from the cash drawer proprietor was at dinner d five years In iSltata blackmailing He Uireatep her moo by the name pjKwjr- jtli death If he did ee a certain place byV jWMA- Consolidated Lumber tt e of a new organization fojff- jTovetncnt and development of- Bber business ho conipany- fc incorporated with a capital of with headquarters Sawyer a colored woman Is county Jail charged jyrlthone post brutal crimes perpe In Key West Because of the tondltlon of the victim and licence but little of the details pwn It Is learned however k order to secure revenge for fancied wrongs she5 poured a over tlio back of a cdlored toot 15 years old The acid ate j through the boys and Into the flesh burning him fetf that It Is thought be will die arriving from Key I rgo brought the newa of a distress Occident on the extension on lij last oC which rwldent qf Key West was a- Tborapsba fell beneath the a flat car upon which he tiling badly crushing ono log tiaackle and crushing bot of the other limb The it occurred by tho car KJika slowing down throwing iff the sad of the car Ha was firtely taken to Miami for Jtijedl- id Miami Metropolis at II a m Monday struck fflcd Miss Lou aiullls 21 years her homo on W Tampa MM Mullla Syaa- SB and watt oui thti back M the time The bolt struck cf house running down trough the root of the torch tostag the young woruani hair swr spoke after bclrig truck Ni ia Mirvlved by a mother and fur brothers A sister r c the unfortunate young wo lust left her and was at tho thp lightning Its she was not Inured fci to r u supposed fo ave tON M snake or Ut p mlo on Wet aoYornment Utivnaroto fa a critical the outcome 1 doubtr tr ORIDANEWS rl fa I sFiSber arU r tQ- t1 dW Cato Jb- e last tnrcb j and built JI- Ifd sit ot a Amefj lithe Shetter the attention of i and operators in t 7- fee are agnin at owned b city b taken sea of TamPf it- o U1 In 5000 i acid clQth s cf the l g at U J Ii water tr firs 1d t front hat tin 0 lit r t- Ytaxti Compqla- mpa II large L- ed teat Sl0e will b- e uratiou 00I 0G0 n av- r snv figbt nJ Stores Company commonly UO V EN naval s aLea pensaeeola work In sty iA inn the fief CoY tllle over this Johns Ti onrp aQ the i a Erneat Mar rr d lies n set + fl Her CJMIdf Hrittle Girls Suf- fered with Itching Eczema Which Back of Heads Baby Had a Tender Skin Top CURED BY OINTMENT years three little a very form of eczema Item I v heads which Wore covered JBefo heard of putt cura I u to everythIng but f Then mother recommended tho Gutlcwra- Romedies I wMhed childrens heads with Cuti eani and then tal ointment I did thl four J baby n is BO plump folds of nock vero broken and even bled I used and Cutl aura Ointment and tho next morning the disappeared am Being tho when my family have any fiorea I can never sum it is indispensable in every homo cannot Montreal Quo PAINFUL ULCER- On Foot for a Year Healed by Two Sets ol Cutlcur I bad an ulcer on my foot frffa and Wfts very painful na a running sore a but his did not heal it About eight mouths ago I commenced to use Cutioura Ointment f 4 C ItUnowalJhealodup MreEFBydor Oompiet and tnttnutt for of tiC iiidrrn and Aduiu- tou ot Ointment CntlcumRnolveot 60 PIIU atrxr ertntb o to Punfy tbe Bkxxl ikoafiklnJMuto- aiul Tho boy who la only about years ot age loft tho yard of his at night and entered it marsh In the roar of the homo Whllo play ing in tie stream ot wafer a snake struck him near the ankle breaking the skin and drawing the blood The boy became frightened and returning home told hla parents ot what had oc- curred and remedies wore applied but the swelling in the leg incriwiied and finally a physician was By thl time the blood had spread through the body and tho boy I cod in a critical condition DlMgreeable at Homo of men and women who are agreeable with get cranky at home Its not disposition ita the liver If you had in yourself that ou feet cross around the house little things worry you lust buy a bottle of Balfard and put your liver n shape You and flverybody around you for l 50 cents Sold by VfQL John Gibbons Visits Rome Aug I0 Cardla l Clbbona bad DO much improved Saturday morn lag from r cm IndlspOfitlOn that he was able tq go to Vatican sad call upon tk pope Thf postlff- conRratnlaUid tifo cailnecce upon recovery FOUNDCUTICURA INDISPENSABLE n i Sim eruptions bACks wonder Avu tim aaother 41 Ka321 1007 I or and u Jibs used W April p I tile CUll the B Ia nil < to led Tat lJ wortC even ald red J Lots 1t rblno eon I the pope the i ALL PROMPTLY 4 t r a a tad nn o p 4 R p ed tbo 4bt i e7 curd I have O hid Duce Duluth tit a year eras two seta 301007 ant i nt ura toi p d tttr tSAen cQwft iidtiPieaGVU pa- rents summon- ed others wilt eej better Ice his Ids > > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ <> > + ° ALL PRUDEHF BANKERS V tuiitiii Iojw or totfro any por m r a r o rnwMt rw ren IherWJfihaUikia itef ihe affair 16 ALL PRUDENT iSfcar W W jJ MM n GAIHE8VIO NATIONAL 1- PA ArM a 11 I I If UJluuto MIttkif > wvdeat tMtMIt- rtstl1 DII hanker p j t I J- I f IsW Ute dIM 11 Id i Irl IJiMt eIIIiIc lit tit l AI or I w THE bL a ji tIIIIIIII fjII Jfi 0 i I w IIf Ei f f flag iekb nii ttlratttirtl el el9zyaltbelrsrre rerGate eexwssaleRllJ thn grata the iesea DEPOSITORS iutt as switafdtl irk trf tine fliF- t dealt ftIv MCI tbs t4 n4rTp4 tl a tta1lfl- t fly NJ Swa ai e lssl1I wl 1mM- WIII ev ism ettsseersat CONK M r P 4 vM Yt FiS pTl = < > > << > + + + + Atlanta Aug was n lucky day for half dre8stato Insti- tutions an4 a score Yfcteransr and their for tho house almost day from 10 a dlO p a coaslderinff appropriations Murphy of the house committee on appropriations called up as the BpiaMers for the day the appropriation res appropriate 7000 focMe state Nor- mal school at Athens fgrako certain necessary repairs mcats air Candler the urgeD this nJon ln tho cause of education atid tfe viappropriation was granted by a lat TOte Fol- lowing this tbo ato 17671 to make np deficiency duo on an appropriation fo the mat and Industrial cottage lit MiHedse yule was called up It was stated that itWs sum t 7s following tae failure otiUtbso In charge f the work to meet obligations and this too was pate A bill was offered by r Blackburn of iPulton providing approprlatlon of 15000 for the ia Soldiers11 borne hear Atlanta 2000 to bo- availablo this year and 3000 next year This Is to certain re palsr and Install a apparatus This made a total appro printed by tho house tor 4ho morning and bringing tbo grand total of ap jpropriatlons for the session up to I232S9Q A hilt by Senator regulat fag tho working iMur fof telegraph- and telephone operators whoso duties to direct trains tonlno hours a day was passed T4i house Friday tent on record B opposed to anti adopted the roiolutlon putting necessity tan extra sos Ion first up to the and next up to the governor th a vote of 25 the Friday morning killed ih bill of 8ona tor to atop theapproprlal4on of Jznoney for tho compiling of the colonial re nd confetr ate records This have apQl- lahed tbo position hctiPy former ernor Candler This bill was tho cSlf feature of the was spirited and nearly ovi r c nator ex- plained his vote before Wing Tho bill by Senator WllHford Istlng tho of tol ra b- and telephone Operators who 4Ir t the movements of trains and fixing tho liability of vjalaMoae by V lh the railroads and tile employee WAS The bill by Hond ot tie Ivixttnd thpro ent contract until 1 iSli was the of n do bats but wan yflhtuany pawifa- iwaeImmediately transmitted to tho hotwc vV A Weakling ts the only way to dcucf poor child that IB afflicted wl wofm ts the worms alt Ui uattrI R moat from tbo food the child practically none White Croara Vvmlta 9 rid of the worjn quickly enalljr and with too bad after effects Price 25 cents a bottle Sold by W M Johnon- V York Apr 24U tot Sl ports aqd Hofiff KIll w 41 Kofc Chan harbor of MfWert toalalRlng ttaiuaad of jBAphlaa blew o P I Three Uri K wv f- jtttxi mn w BW- A RE tor ollesc bY Qther M HeM May entire J an The first of these to eX1 lat f to of Chlpel the NQI was the contra 1 material v o 24G1J ire oslSlo the f- In i Itt Son ldcr lon r I MI W rest passed oct 1 t d and No matter hoW or It e set gees pta NpthtItk Epfod- tnDlkak nrtG tab met lat in the three T 1C OOU- t Ir u r4 IH adfllO t j 1 Sign 1 tM1- an o ui Q t 1- J i 0 I It l 1 IL t f f GSctt4tA tEQlsy Money House t confederato w owe sp eat tb m filer ores vas t and necpsstty for meast bail at Georgia aged the die Get nitre heat g being r i extra Du2 air Senate to 12 O Tate hour or son thirty ntnth book Jed su r 4 beet fie aoncb boiv dtton gt the bsrk n Captain Parnell from tt Charging llgbtetw sate ova packages w7r aee r- Ctraa r Defeats IArwtstltsr- ttictetttraa reosIvetl roar e gin Gbucje UNe a t- iii del Stltttr as rep bIIf 8 f Ia- be lMaa i 1r- Orergar a t Nr- dfewtrlaua yet eatk Mlwr 4s wM1- 4kJa IM lvi dp Irene as tttw at- 14c tt as t fed cegta- 11a w ItitN e- T SI l 11k11Miv- J alb galNa I I4 s- kY P4i Ida ¬ > > > < < < > ° + f MAKE ICE CREAM FROM and a small quantity of condensed milk i cannot U eoRdotawd milk OiJe Ada enough cold water to 00 ISo pfcika JCU O lOB eT l3e Mix all together thoroughly and k i makes two of delicious ice croatn minutes at very small cost KNOW iTS PURff 9 packages 25c at nil grocery life G oww ftir Food Ci to Bey BRIEF DISPATCHES Wilson Law a woll known oil opera- tor of dleycland 0 died at Okla from the effects bt sunstroke P Hamakua Ditch bonds to the of 57 0000 have lust been floated In London according to advlcda received from there at Edward M Scard a Buf- falo lawyer was instantly kilted and dart was perhaps fatally Injur- ed when their automobile struck IJL street car Toe second link In the underground telephone system land Chicago which will be flnl herf this fall at A cost of over formally opened for butlnca between Milwaukee and Kenosha Morphine Flonds Are made by all so6thpg syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics McQc6s Baby Elixir contains no Injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind A euro and eafo euro for disordered stomachs bowels and fretfulncsa aplendld for teething Infants Sold by W M Johnson Boy Bitten by AUK 10 the fourterfn son ot J T Pate m prominent citizen of LUhonla Qn was brought to Atlanta placed under treatment In the Pasteur Institute for an ugly wound retched In tho breast from a rabid horse own- ed by Mr P4to The none morning with furious 1iydropho bit Mow or when the Will tnuutmiuoil to the horse U not known but the dl oa iJwvclopod very aud danlyv O ly days ago young Pate flttumUax the horse and blllcn In the bra t National Odd Fellows fonie and Sanatorium i n4- gfeft seal Gftrl1- It feu imtdNff P1 i t coo lotll 1 or dont else rbi tts I yOU FiN jWn tdaitIJSrrata noctpo 1 i 41- cQ ee Joseph tlkeo 1000000 lips been L Baby t was Wit CASTOR IA Pot btnt affil Yoii lIava 01- Jibd O 7 J The At OAU4JlWUtD- J now 8 r 01- M NRIMJ 8U1I IOJU It er nave with 0 Ylanl 8 1- D 1ft oha UJt hJ t kh 1tI- rtftaltftllf elan al 1 ko V- Janaw klm tMt kip Cart r ItM- i pMid A nAn I U Fli- t Tb Jft r i t 111 I m AECsp a mAo doe ro freeze aad anything 9 rA- N CIccolatr ryl tw and ftutrxted took re- f toll a bead on Ma Horse marl ate year oid tiled Fri- day three Cbildre- ui KIn Ms oats tits Job t natnit qt t Fl for he a e I4k rttlsgk11- ralnen1lh alaUen Il It Ie et rap tno4i m to ate avid IM prep ire4 va Mists Prt 1NleR gawk f UaINrtt i 11SkIl pMh a wt wm- a r r1144 t 1 CDitkif4ur srWrld- 1IZPT Tht y YIAtkiii m mr- t It j JthN 11otete- t rj Mlwu < < > > > ° + + + + Keep Gut The Flies s S jiapn9 ami eoroon doors nro a jitSesity now Aft aplmtMXpetKloatH- ilT in screens C9 toil to your homo out of V portion to the siWall iiccoai spry o- We carry a lull lino at mighty attrnolivo prices THE S J THOMAS OR8 HS OED W DAVENPORT Practical Piani Tuner HonlUiS Boots Slalloperi Souvenirs Shoot tad Picture Frames FLORIDA BAKERY WILL CLOSE After Anjftwl Idtli wo will ekw our Uktiry fur 4 sheet V to m mm l wMn anti other ImprovemftflN Whet ir i r iwlr urefwnj- iI ww wilt OTln A w you gftoil awl prompt i rvi t w m tlwu turn ilhunil luiljponx o fcww ww A i INwi iy jrounr THE KEYSTONE Mm- Ph nf 111 ft T chafer prep T F THOMAS UNDERTAKING CO fast 4 I y 5 1v J I I il I I r- r 1 rt I 1f i f1 y 1 4- Ke n q ft10ho1 d f i Ioj j T i l t i 1 1 w wW T 1u CO r I llll- lmAS J PlAMOlA r c V f MisS N Norton I- J 208 Eat SuaefO- AIRBSYJLLB t et J r I 1f of dn o nlllJn w t l gMt n n 4161 W- 1111 II tI 11 U 1111 f k j 8 I Ie r I PULL tftut OP Jo J lI 4I I fJ r Q I- jlOfUlrTtt 14- H4tIMQf r- f IfJ M- 1M fot 1ft IG 4 at1tlM- lgtutoe r bar all pro i k t 4 A V f r PiAIiI PINYEN r re tt Liberty r IIMu di n n a r lie NaiW to r z v- w A01tt47t4 pt11d f T 41tQflN- 1Ewtsae Gars ts ifs 141 atteraea al eera twptta- tt wtlsvwlt tlrfiwsiw- p Q ttewMe4 to- s Daft iivitflr Plpfl4a > > > < > > > + + f fiainesvilVs AHf YEAR riojOij fI yi- jit THE WHITE HOUSE I 4i- I WI t lL 1M 41IiiIMiO 11 I il NewlY Upfo Role tkiDill J1llfrrc 8 that T Me eI Ie 10 W111tn HoetJ- I op Dor ITS HIM VI JJJi JfWM J J j i i 11 WMn u I Date tNaI t- tt t r t Jilug Pi d- f L > >

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1908-08-11...


771 7 rifflJhl3miWIi k 1i HvIt cc

u i1t7itr iPF I0A j 1I

f i

4d it l 1t d R iI j-

iiJ r tm1

A rPgRRNnanri

k 4 t





rt A storeof that waattoadopea daylight 8S

from the cash drawerproprietor was at dinner

d five years In iSltata

blackmailing He Uireatep

her moo by the name pjKwjr-

jtli death If he did eea certain place byV jWMA-

Consolidated Lumber tte of a new organization fojff-

jTovetncnt and development of-

Bber business ho conipany-

fc incorporated with a capitalof with headquarters

Sawyer a colored woman Iscounty Jail charged jyrlthonepost brutal crimes perpeIn Key West Because of thetondltlon of the victim andlicence but little of the detailspwn It Is learned however

k order to secure revenge forfancied wrongs she5 poured a

over tlio back of a cdloredtoot 15 years old The acid atej through the boys andInto the flesh burning him fetf

that It Is thought be will die

arriving from Key I rgobrought the newa of a distressOccident on the extension onlij last oC whichrwldent qf Key West was a-

Tborapsba fell beneath thea flat car upon which he

tiling badly crushing ono logtiaackle and crushingbot of the other limb The

it occurred by tho carKJika slowing down throwing

iff the sad of the car Ha wasfirtely taken to Miami for Jtijedl-id Miami Metropolis

at II a m Monday struckfflcd Miss Lou aiullls 21 years

her homo onW Tampa MM Mullla Syaa-

SB and watt oui thti backM the time The bolt struck

cf house running downtrough the root of the torch

tostag the young woruani hairswr spoke after bclrig truckNi ia Mirvlved by a mother

and fur brothers A sisterr c the unfortunate young wo

lust left her and was at thothp lightning Its

she was not Inuredfcito r u supposed fo ave

tON M snake orUt p mlo

on Wet aoYornmentUtivnaroto fa a critical

the outcome 1 doubtr


sFiSberarU r tQ-

t1 dW Cato Jb-e

last tnrcb j

and builtJI-

Ifd sit

ot aAmefj

lithe Shetterthe attention of

i and operators in t7-

fee are agnin atowned b

city b


sea of TamPf it-

o U1




clQth s



l g

at U J Ii



firs 1dt front

hattin 0




mpa IIlarge



teat Sl0e will b-


uratiou 00I0G0 nav-

r snv figbt

nJ Stores Company commonlyUO V EN

naval s aLeapensaeeola

work In styiA








Johns Ti onrp

aQ the



Erneat Marrr d

liesn set


fl Her CJMIdf Hrittle Girls Suf-fered with Itching Eczema Which

Back of HeadsBaby Had a Tender Skin Top



years three littlea very form of eczema ItemI

v heads whichWorecovered JBefo

heard of puttcura I u to

everythIng butf Then mother

recommendedtho Gutlcwra-Romedies I

wMhed childrens heads with Cutieani and thental ointment I did thl fourJ

baby n is BO plump folds ofnock vero broken and even

bled I used and Cutlaura Ointment and tho next morningthe disappeared amBeing tho when

my family have any fiorea Ican never sumit is indispensable in every homo

cannotMontreal Quo


On Foot for a Year Healed byTwo Sets ol Cutlcur

I bad an ulcer on my foot frffaand Wfts very painful na

a running sore abut his did not heal it Abouteight mouths ago I commenced to use

Cutioura Ointmentf 4 C

ItUnowalJhealodup MreEFBydorOompiet and tnttnutt for

of tiC iiidrrn and Aduiu-tou ot

OintmentCntlcumRnolveot 60

PIIU atrxr ertntbo to Punfy tbe Bkxxl


aiul Tho boy who la only aboutyears ot age loft tho yard of his

at night and entered it marshIn the roar of the homo Whllo playing in tie stream ot wafer a snakestruck him near the ankle breakingthe skin and drawing the blood Theboy became frightened and returninghome told hla parents ot what had oc-

curred and remedies wore appliedbut the swelling in the leg incriwiiedand finally a physician was

By thl time the blood had spreadthrough the body and tho boy I cod

in a critical condition

DlMgreeable at Homo

of men and women who areagreeable with get crankyat home Its not disposition ita theliver If you had in yourself thatou feet cross around the house little

things worry you lust buy a bottle ofBalfard and put your livern shape You and flverybody around

you for l 50

cents Sold by VfQL John

Gibbons VisitsRome Aug I0 Cardla l Clbbona

bad DO much improved Saturday mornlag from r cm IndlspOfitlOn thathe was able tq go to Vatican sadcall upon tk pope Thf postlff-conRratnlaUid tifo cailnecce uponrecovery






wonderAvu tim


41Ka321 1007



and u Jibs used

W April

p I tileCUll the B Ia nil

< toled Tat lJ



ald redJ


1t rblno

eon Ithe pope




t r aa




R ped


4bt i e7 curd I haveOhid

Duce Duluth tit




two seta


i nt

ura toi p

d tttr tSAencQwft iidtiPieaGVU





wilt eej better Ice





> <









V tuiitiii Iojw or totfro any por m ra r o rnwMt rw ren IherWJfihaUikia itef ihe affair



iSfcar W W jJ MMn



PA ArM a11

I I If UJluuto MIttkif>

wvdeat tMtMIt-

rtstl1 DII hanker

pj t I J-

I f IsW UtedIM

11 IdiIrl IJiMt eIIIiIc lit


l AI or Iw


bL a jitIIIIIIII fjIIJfi 0 i

I w IIfEi



flagiekb niittlratttirtl el el9zyaltbelrsrre rerGate

eexwssaleRllJ thn grata the iesea

DEPOSITORSiutt as switafdtl irk trf tine fliF-

t dealt ftIvMCI tbst4 n4rTp4tl a tta1lfl-

t fly NJ Swa ai e lssl1I wl 1mM-WIII ev ism ettsseersat


M rP 4 vM

Yt FiS pTl





++ + +

Atlanta Aug was nlucky day for half dre8stato Insti-tutions an4 a scoreYfcteransr and their for thohouse almost dayfrom 10 a dlO p a coaslderinffappropriations

Murphy of thehouse committee on appropriationscalled up as the BpiaMers for theday the appropriation res

appropriate 7000 focMe state Nor-mal school at Athens fgrako certainnecessary repairs mcats

air Candler the urgeDthis nJon ln tho cause

of education atid tfe viappropriationwas granted by a lat TOte Fol-lowing this tboato 17671 to make np deficiency duoon an appropriation fo the

mat and Industrial cottage lit MiHedseyule was called up

It was stated that itWs sumt 7s

following tae failure otiUtbso In chargef the work to meet obligations

and this too was pateA bill was offered by r Blackburn

of iPulton providing approprlatlonof 15000 for the ia Soldiers11borne hear Atlanta 2000 to bo-

availablo this year and 3000 nextyear This Is to certain repalsr and Install a apparatus

This made a total approprinted by tho house tor 4ho morningand bringing tbo grand total of apjpropriatlons for the session up toI232S9Q

A hilt by Senator regulatfag tho working iMur fof telegraph-and telephone operators whoso duties

to direct trains tonlno hours aday was passed

T4i house Friday tent on recordB opposed to

anti adopted the roiolutlonputting necessity tan extra sos

Ion first up to the and nextup to the governor

tha vote of 25 the

Friday morning killed ih bill of 8onator to atop theapproprlal4onof Jznoney for tho compiling of thecolonial re nd confetrate records This have apQl-

lahed tbo position hctiPy formerernor Candler

This bill was tho cSlf feature ofthe wasspirited and nearly ovi r c nator ex-

plained his vote before WingTho bill by Senator WllHford

Istlng tho of tol ra b-

and telephone Operators who 4Ir tthe movements of trains and fixingtho liability of vjalaMoae by V lhthe railroads and tile employee WAS

The bill by Hond ottie Ivixttnd thpro ent

contract until 1

iSli was the of n dobats but wan yflhtuany pawifa-iwaeImmediately transmitted to thohotwc vV

A Weakling

ts the only way to dcucf poorchild that IB afflicted wl wofm

ts the worms alt Ui uattrI R

moat from tbo food the childpractically none White CroaraVvmlta 9 rid of the worjnquickly enalljr and with too bad aftereffects Price 25 cents a bottle Soldby W M Johnon-

V York Apr 24U tot Slports aqd Hofiff KIll w 41

Kofc Chan harbor ofMfWert toalalRlng ttaiuaad

of jBAphlaa blew o


Three Uri K


jtttxi mnw BW-



tor ollesc bYQther M HeM




The first of these to

eX1 lat

f to

of Chlpel the NQI

wasthe contra 1 material


o 24G1J





In iItt Son


lon r





oct 1 t dand

No matter hoW or Ite set



NpthtItk Epfod-tnDlkak nrtG


metlat in





t Iru r4IH




1 tM1-an

o ui

Q t 1-




It l 1 IL t ff

GSctt4tA tEQlsy

Money House

t confederatow owe

sp eat tbm


ores vas


necpsstty for


bail at Georgia





nitreheat g

being r i extraDu2 air

Senateto 12

O Tate


or sonthirty ntnth

book Jedsu



beet fie

aoncb boiv dtton

gt thebsrk n Captain Parnell

from ttCharging llgbtetw

sate ova

packagesw7r aee r-

Ctraa r DefeatsIArwtstltsr-

ttictetttraa reosIvetl roar egin Gbucje UNe a t-

iii del Stltttr asrep bIIf 8 f Ia-

be lMaa i 1r-

Orergar a t Nr-



eatk Mlwr 4s wM1-

4kJa IM lvi dp

Irene as tttw at-

14c tt as t fed cegta-

11a w ItitN e-

T SI l 11k11Miv-J alb galNaI I4















and a small quantity of condensedmilk i cannot

U eoRdotawd milk OiJeAda enough cold water to

00ISo pfcika JCU O lOB

eT l3e

Mix all together thoroughly andk i

makes two of delicious icecroatn minutes at very smallcost


9 packages 25c at nil grocery

life G oww ftir Food Ci to Bey


Wilson Law a woll known oil opera-tor of dleycland 0 died at

Okla from the effects btsunstroke

P Hamakua Ditch bonds to theof 57 0000 have lust been floated InLondon according to advlcda receivedfrom there at

Edward M Scard a Buf-falo lawyer was instantly kilted and

dart was perhaps fatally Injur-ed when their automobile struck IJL

street carToe second link In the underground

telephone systemland Chicago which will be flnl herfthis fall at A cost of over

formally opened for butlncabetween Milwaukee and Kenosha

Morphine FlondsAre made by all so6thpg syrups and

baby medicines that contain opiumand narcotics McQc6s Baby Elixircontains no Injurious or narcoticdrugs of any kind A euro and eafoeuro for disordered stomachs bowelsand fretfulncsa aplendld for teethingInfants Sold by W M Johnson

Boy Bitten byAUK 10 the

fourterfn son ot J T Patem prominent citizen of LUhonla Qnwas brought to Atlantaplaced under treatment In the PasteurInstitute for an ugly wound retchedIn tho breast from a rabid horse own-

ed by Mr P4to The nonemorning with furious 1iydropho

bit Mow or when the Willtnuutmiuoil to the horse U not knownbut the dl oa iJwvclopod very auddanlyv O ly days ago youngPate flttumUax the horse andblllcn In the bra t

National Odd Fellows

fonie and Sanatorium

i n4-

gfeft seal Gftrl1-It feu

imtdNff P1 i


lotll 1

ordont else rbi


I yOUFiN jWn tdaitIJSrrata


1 i


cQ ee



1000000lips been




was Wit

CASTOR IAPot btnt affil

Yoii lIava 01-

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We carry a lull lino atmighty attrnolivo prices




Practical Piani Tuner

HonlUiS Boots Slalloperi

Souvenirs Shoot

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