Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-06...

THE DAILY SUIS GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MAJUH i f fie r w brw r 1A J- r 1 1 BJItor ft Cty Editor xnvrxcwrrr SB- roxTEk BLOCK Tn BMKV SO jwMlnhM trtry raorciaf ex- tirmd by carrier or to My put vf OK ratted Stttw potu t M Iv 4r vedutnctl is- BXltxi i tool cohusa io ia- Mrtiat tad 3 cats for ca x it B- im diiylay dvcrtiMi non c Twk Wttk Soa UM will be to uy failed M l Btfafaw Lids become a after 4 dwrtiMMcat nalcM etbcrwue a matrart rattle sot k owa to u- tenfrind to jay dvertHiag ia ad THK DAUV ftCX Jlhtu D Bvektftiler Jr say tobtoMMeekM jour light so- wlw M he is creating a aaetber few Tampa J J Fanttwartsi ef that eity was at M i B MIlL ffariax the tornado aad withaat a scratch Tfc railraads ef Kasu have ni ed- Ms la dtiaaee ef the Ltflttfttwra GSCM State will have ts fe iM reM of their ewn fhwatet Tillsaaa will visit the White we l a Jayt ihe first tine fesif yen Preside Roosevelt Tillaian hceavse he it a fighter WltM PrMldeat Roosevelt gets hi Mffctiekwaaltthealder sad Senator TUkBM hat hit pitchfork at carry M w the ceweatcher will not stop Tfce New Sosyraa Breeie comet out to Ren Fraak W times for State itJDttr Inm Volaiia county BMCM Mreagly farert hit reelection eeBM e be of the place tktmU fct rake the race The B ef le of Gaisesville chould not torflet that we seed factories here to tMkt the ely prosperous The farm ItJf evtxtaaaily around the city it able ttMpfftaeityef ItjWO population factnrie that number MM Mtily be obtained W i feeyle with toaiething to do in order M hare a healthy and prosperous city The people of DeSoto county are thereagfely difgsit d with the Par tl tJitg Beard They do not mat kick became Cooper woe not bug bat would be tatUfied if he had received life imprisonment for then he eeald a chance to prove laaoeeace if it were possible Hut the county It tired of building teal fold The tatpension of two paper in this tat it u ng tiincb comment when at fade are nothing to wonder at TIle Wildwood sew was a paper the I world do credit to a city fire times the size of Wildwood and there was taffleieat basinets to keep it up Florida supports more and better per according tn its population than say State in th Union Judge Locke ha declared the sate of the board of drainage cnmmitsiuners void red the stiecial tax for draining the Everglade cannot be collected This effectually checks the ioTertior plan Without regard to the great mrv of matter presented by the objector to the scheme the Judge continues the j iajanction on constitutional ground An appeal will b taken j Yes Constant Header the State of Ohio from which hails the OeD Keifer who withes to reduce Southern representation because of negro di fraBchitemeat is the same Ohio in which is situated the town of Spring Held where they have lately been Dii- oniziog the culled race They do not believe in disfranchising the c s Ito la Ohio they dont think it is right They merely burn the negro hone sad try to shoot him as be runt al Colombia 8 C4 State I i j I I tA- Lahr ufl- i Gstzetnte r- ay w w U- M1nL wnat aantt TUUHOS Q2 is ally 7 I Un tact A7 eight forty C7 gad i4 aU the of the J u4 atseml rap rut of ea4a for DO a yearis edTIact d Ant u II for IHt lee tkat TaU rate I Ilk Th lie aM win I aft hi for t i t is Hlaae one st C- YaeeJe a1 L R ark AAitt1T Aron ate Costasci hoot 4 gw s L t t heft E lJs7 D3o st 1satba 1zthm T 3 e t t Cflaser x cat a laal g piper pbkaled xosday ceaea s stws Inca ataW and ale the rMsew Ir t f11 I r ter 4111 Galtraavaas OLS Jell Let tfiald tr eJl Y arid gated freight the a a few s say b r a1 < sere with a few seek a aothing set pa- z J J n l o > > = + = ° + A FEW REASONS I The J konvli c re h folo n r or wrjr t Ivr cUd h olJ not t iiric d 1403 tbout MJ a or r i J da rot a d any rror la i until h has a few milion mor po pie to cultivate It Tre drin g of Everglades will cot a largo of money Flor- ida ha little money and could exnJa- aaay times the amount to bet- ter purpose than getting more Und In tact Florida i land poor a ready P rhap it would be mar e- gat to say the i land rich and money poor It is out yet certain that the glade can be drained It i not ye certain that they are worth draining j All that i yet certain i that thir drainage would cot money and a great drat of it With VJOOOO pople in Fiorida j S6OJOOO Coven of vacant land t looks very mock a if there were atout 60 acre of lend for vale for eah vidoal Sine this includes the Ever- glade we will y each now 54 acre for ale addition of the other in increasing the supply j without increasing the demand woud decrease the price The bringing to th Sttte of more settler would increase the demand and increase the price Draining the Everglades will nuke the land owner of the Sttte poorer ringing in immigrants would make hem richer Taking the average of the tate t red lands of all kind one acre of land it worth about lour dollars Saprosiug the average immigrant would rain as much as 1100 per yar for each of his family and supposing many worth 10 per cent per an gum each immigrant add 92000 for member of his family to the wealth of the State the equivalent of of Florida land Ten thousand immigrants would add more than the value of the Ever i glades besides increasing the demand instead of diminishing it Ten thou- sand individual would mUD on y about 20CW families We believe that the advertUine and thee work that would bring 600OX people to Florida would cost lets ihan raining the Everglades This nom ber would double the value of Florida property and the people now in the State would get the iMtaefit I SUNSTROKES- To cure a felon put him in the electric chair and give him about 3000 volts There are many daughter of silt made men who never care for made dresses If you show a woman fifty styles of- visitingcard the chances are she wll ask if that i all you Rot there i no doubting the fact that Nichola Iongworth was in Tampa when arrived from Cuba A man who came from the North A flOw days ago said he wondered why you cutild hay iiranur there cheaper then you can in Gaint- viile We had tn gist it up Thp pcopli of Kartow or omo of them want the whist clubs broken up When they learned that they couldnt talk about their neighbors and play at lame time the trouble began A man found a l5 pearl in hi dish of oy ler at a Lakeland reitaoratit a few days a o and reMaiintnt own- r i now crowded with pearl hunters fnied StHt will lIt France and Germany ttle their on affair crier conclusion Hows Hundred Iliar He ward ea uf catnrrh that tau out b cured by Hail Catarrh Girl F J CIIKXH C lulrd O Vc the und r iKn d here known F J Cheney for the legit 15 j ar and believe him perfectly hunoribl in all traniBction suit financially j ably to carry out any obli ationi made by his WALUINO KINIAX MARTIN Wholesale DriiKK Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally acting directly npon the blood and mucous surfaces cf the system Testimonials ent tree Price 7fi cents per bottle Sold all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for coniti- patioa I I n a U IJIIITst n 1 r I th sum i Ever I j 1M i Th I I I flJ I Gut t II itt U t the I the Th This W ttrtlr fur I business I b j Times Cai r IeLr Fior all or titiii rra t i she she has lay aid o has six lobe cash seat self Mrs start she f war whist r Our any r I > < > ¬ > < > + + + + + + + + + + + + j t t f ri cit rtrfcry t1 in i nry prrTi- r rtir th i r iion tr t th r wi- k mirk l nCr a r in rry n ard hi t j edition the that th con tn ated oprnnt of rijral re oi c tfa art a r riiy a ensured f r f- ti anjh rz that th jathlard ev- driem 1 cf Htrmoay b tw n a ca another croon rid n that rrgrt and prop rJty ri I or tinue n3 rflnit The D n Ijbi h nf CoTipany f t plm Bcki oid i plant to- P O I a of Cleveland Ohio Th include The Daij Vrtkij- Maml tip c t pjr ap more Id th comine jtnm r than ever be- fore in her brit not history POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Stat r r of tt K jo r- U r rv i yo Attorney tf J D rr c- tfcl yoa tone iiir jk t of tfc oan T r rMl rty I San ro r roto tf- a 1rinafr for tr of M tc A- y fi r fliUt J Mcu Ore ait Very r tM tfa v I i AIHOIN fur the orr of Att rs fir rr- UMb Judlota Ciri jf forM4 oorti r l- of ojiitjr f A CjaIla er Hr J ri- L T Ijt ir I c rociv tie fuitf std etrrkrtvi u ot jf jtc of tbe or r to t 1 a m ortifatioo to the State r l If the r t rr tvor wtb tbe cosir tor I i eiSr tEem tfc ster t of tt ity Lau rot r ttrjb trOt ur cf rrc of ttnc I 1H W PIKLDINi W R JOHNSON K ta i r ti ji Year COMMISSION MERCHANT Vrtf rr 1 itKrr if KRfT t it W t tr ar J Jl- J c l frC fBi lloi U 11 if S e Hr e jvctn lv Pan i Kt t r i w l ut r jttNi e r l T irMt ie Itefpr core ntr Uu Uc Itrcfr ti 0 M r crt W rrel J W r MMnto fc Jj J tnv HI ar j r f II Vo hvin ton f jrj t c jrt fp l ot ucatoa I orroitrileti1 Mjpt- eilME YOU SENDING MONEY TO FAKIRS The Financial World t Im tb tfr Thi Edltirs Atrr Till l AXIAL UllUIll GRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to The new laxative Does not gripe or nauseate stomach and liver troubles and chronic by restoring the natural action of the stom ach liver end bowels Sale bj J W Met ollnm X to MtmtC t tuCa ot r t i r rt- T tirpr ft1 I tM 81 r I- eROCURCO ANOOCrCNOCD- f r rf IN ALL COUNTBICS- y n i r t itrvt TP r ua or WASHINGTON O C a T1 k d r r i f O t f T t- l1n r r 1- t n ln r f t 16 f 1 ItH j nr l n loj trirr H- it j r t f lt1 indIa r i tau I I I Woo and Italy ft I tt ftc J t of rd n or I In t tat tlil lot tlc tOILtt the Pt I m J I tkt I Cat the the the rte tilt tt I Sure tiT Lt I It > rt I c I flu U r REND FREE AMPLE COPY OF an nJ t j f I II r- t AnJ I toO a I r I I fREE Advice at r and lto I N tr I U t Ia i I I I I For t fI I J I 9 9 l Pitt J pcice tU xuu raw P r r rar Sr- n say a r- rthat Iv r jy W i 1 a ter- nrh nrprbrd Tr ihfi a c tact Art air t is 1y has air Nexs > h- EaR i- To te I it ttt r l tj rttr t 1 and Web ttTt rtl rr rd rte C Carr CQA tttttt aGrarce m cr titt u ltd rat cue tt and Forda r 11 I r r art rt PON i re r p Inr I tt r Mlrrn r6t a r- t rur rhrt a mpt d arra a61wtlVdnr nhd 4ay aillate con- stipation k1EN kYD WOMEN l Nl f 1tar D u l t11ta n 1- 1s r a t- ct ii Aold Lt Irpllal t- ata L geol nut vb tN 1 i ir 1I- a c t rrt EtrrT I 1 use t a t > > > ¬ > > > > > + > > < < > > < > > > < < > + + + + ++ + + + + + < + + + + > + + + + + for Rhtumatism Cut A Wounds Od Sores Corns Bunions Oallt Briista Centracttd Mutclta Lam Huh Stiff Jcmta PENETRATES r loosen Jjuaj prsmeitt a cf lit Biocd tau Mturu alasUcty UNIMINT ON tuimi nan ALWAYS use CURED SCIATIC RHEUMATISM Mrt B A StaiPMti 500 St K writes trying the batbtol Hot Springs Ark for sciatic rkemmatuai bat I get more tots Ballarft Saow Liaimeat than any medicine or I haft ever tried find order tot flOO Sad taa large bottle by Soatbern Bxfret- tTHRIE SIZES 25c SOc AND 100 BE SURE YOU wET TIlE QENUNE Ballard Snow Liniment CoS- T LOM U t A OLD AND JOHNSON Ga mes r lle If You Are Insured lu a Company that H R lil M a vf i ny Correctly Uritttn With Liberality of t C irat the Company Iajt Lo You Are AssuredTh- at no lot can overcome you without you here some rtfupe Fire Life Accideot and Health Insurance but Reliable Companies He re etaed CUSHMAW Information cheerfully fnrniihed GAINESVILLE FLORIDA HE IE1 IDTJTTOIsr CO ice Accouctvor SOUTHERN RY Tni Train Kailj Io WahiBKtoa gild Vw V rL I I AN b rU r- T IJlv- v i 4 war r w Vorfc MiKjAi Vm K Ar C Ku f- Ui lv I i t I lv n iH i spne I A KCOWM Torn lv MIl Sure Fee Burrs Scads ANTISEPTIC that steps Irrtatin arid dives Pa1 Fib toll reus atIc rna lOT ONCE Tee Itl bra ft Day I t tif 4C C- one C- Al C- Iabl1HDea 187b B EBB Do I blcu bUr rcrttgt rt1 Dt std or tsSorbc tent fca fiOCte to rU tl ell CNoJtl oa ILII t Ctt4 t- GAINESV1TLE1 FLOBII1A I- It SOtmbr 10 t TTraln Sf1 SItl I SillS SI InJia nt I L I 1 I r I 19 I I Jo1l t t I nnDr I 1 I I 10 tOUllilrllll II I I I o IuNr 1 I Ar t j II I p I It 11 f Jolt t IM tIt t kt r lIIMltIat11 I I I t nrtnnal I I I t I j tIa4o 1 I Ar t t W MI j f 1lartanti tI r I 1 IIT n J 1 S 0 1M Ctolaoa 11 j KU IIi I J t nf It t Ii tI II I it- I lIudmtdi r ntIlauYr n I i It Iooei t t t r POr I It t LoN S S rt I Ar I II r IIu lItt j c It ft A I I I IT t ut r I 1 hJaCf1u IT II sea tIIfo I r t l IL r loOII4 Sa I lMlt t Iv II n U I 1tlIib rTfI I J HIIOrC w S ot 1o 1 Drwln Mid I n r I o tI e UI ClSr Wt tl t 11 I1U41 lic nod t SIOela Pull Car on A to ariCJt r taUtDthlia I Dr It fr 101 W J n Dbt t a ner ect I W t S H HARt W ICA P T W U TA l A IIIKJS A G P 4 C Cure Frese s- AN stbdla Inamt- teaticn out the t sale n n W 2 l r Ot 1 l and e sir ous a 1 0 8 ao tftceraDatklclr ardr rrbc Fzctltare tact tGiters eorlufatlCrbu e JfreiLt ojtrare s rte Tel acce be aca are r Frfectlrr x I Sn l Ia Sortr rd 1Ce i n A1 j 3t It 11 i t iT Jew1 S DI Ar 1 Lr I7 a V 1 tp 1t taeubu 1r L P tr1 1 1r Atlanta cult t Uibarutt Lr a V T19 1f IUe a lirrrn ir i n tar tr d1 t a 11 1r ItatN tar Lr 1 r l 1r WrrirIS S ly 1 iLl i ISw 1t lW1tt Lr K t rp li ttirblCret1 I I 1 11 try dr Letinl r t L x r 1 4 p 1rtTncbtnl6 t L a 1 n 4a s Ir l W r Ar trWylua aLr ir 4 S I low 1r Ilit Four r M7Umtm Lr n I24 7rM MV LT C ikr NfL1 Lv 71v s 1 a Ise rrblru Llodlr i is bcru I HNUi 10 u Va 1 nJa f 111 tl rFi rlAp rlttDAr 7 1J l J4kaos l M At Tlih lIai1 Lt a4z Artklndt 4r a ltliit Wt II 1c 1 0 f i law ir bar t rY I AILTLr tnrtunKlrtlRArlefla t n- u1 eft r VL ltr lT Nlaq- v ji 1r Mrm gin LT iii s tr tlkn ts 1t11raGrb Ftl to 1tw iss 1 Ml qr NYo 1 r 1 IM Yq I Itt lah Tess 1 ors a a1aa 1rinj irla 1rk t 1 i to e Kr Lr I t q smt tt tatT olr1 1r Tratn letseal Mb tMt CUaebe i 1a1maG Car rtactaaau- Et r yllI ft lr n I C fbet art rlloRaul ICmpD igwianatl nbll l1tt- So C Tbr Atlanta Iz eratLe yen zee F L tCtnat r nrej 1traaantG CLL llw s JacweJef1a 51 YLQ dORCAS A- a ± < ± > > > > < > = = > + ± + ++ + + + + + + + + + + >

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-06...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-06 DAILY SUIS GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MAJUH i f fie r w brw r 1A J-



f fier

w brwr

1A J-




BJItor f t

Cty Editor

xnvrxcwrrr SB-


Tn BMKV SO jwMlnhM trtry raorciaf ex-

tirmd by carrier orto My put vf OK ratted Stttw potu t

M Iv 4r vedutnctl is-

BXltxi i tool cohusa io ia-

Mrtiat tad 3 cats for ca x it B-

im diiylay dvcrtiMi non c

Twk Wttk Soa UM

will beto uy failed

M l Btfafaw Lids become a after4 dwrtiMMcat nalcM etbcrwue

a matrart rattle sot k owa to u-

tenfrind to jay dvertHiag ia adTHK DAUV ftCX

Jlhtu D Bvektftiler Jr saytobtoMMeekM jour light so-

wlw M he is creating a

aaetber few Tampa J JFanttwartsi ef that eity was at M

i B MIlL ffariax the tornado aadwithaat a scratch

Tfc railraads ef Kasu have ni ed-

Ms la dtiaaee ef theLtflttfttwra GSCM State will havets fe iM reM of their ewn

fhwatet Tillsaaa will visit the Whitewe l a Jayt ihe first tine

fesif yen Preside RooseveltTillaian hceavse he it a fighter

WltM PrMldeat Roosevelt gets hiMffctiekwaaltthealder sad SenatorTUkBM hat hit pitchfork at carryM w the ceweatcher will not stop

Tfce New Sosyraa Breeie comet outto Ren Fraak W times for State

itJDttr Inm Volaiia countyBMCM Mreagly farert hit reelection

eeBM e be of the placetktmU fct rake the race

The B ef le of Gaisesville chould nottorflet that we seed factories here totMkt the ely prosperous The farmItJf evtxtaaaily around the city it ablettMpfftaeityef ItjWO population

factnrie that numberMM Mtily be obtained W i

feeyle with toaiething to do in orderM hare a healthy and prosperous city

The people of DeSoto county arethereagfely difgsit d with the Partl tJitg Beard They do not mat

kick became Cooper woe notbug bat would be tatUfied if he hadreceived life imprisonment for thenhe eeald a chance to provelaaoeeace if it were possible Hutthe county It tired of building tealfold

The tatpension of two paper in thistat it u ng tiincb comment whenat fade are nothing to wonder at

TIle Wildwood sew was a paper the I

world do credit to a city fire timesthe size of Wildwood and there was

taffleieat basinets to keep it upFlorida supports more and betterper according tn its population thansay State in th Union

Judge Locke ha declared the sate ofthe board of drainage cnmmitsiunersvoid red the stiecial tax for drainingthe Everglade cannot be collectedThis effectually checks the ioTertiorplan Without regard to the great mrvof matter presented by the objectorto the scheme the Judge continues the j

iajanction on constitutional groundAn appeal will b taken j

Yes Constant Header the Stateof Ohio from which hails the OeDKeifer who withes to reduce Southernrepresentation because of negro difraBchitemeat is the same Ohio inwhich is situated the town of SpringHeld where they have lately been Dii-oniziog the culled race They donot believe in disfranchising the c s

Ito la Ohio they dont think it isright They merely burn the negrohone sad try to shoot him as be runtal Colombia 8 C4 State







Lahr ufl-i Gstzetnte


ayw w U-


wnataantt TUUHOS Q2

is ally


I Untact

A7eight forty

C7 gad

i4 aU the of theJ u4 atsemlrap rut of

ea4a for DO a yearis edTIact

d Ant

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IHt lee tkat







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t isHlaae one st C-

YaeeJe a1L R ark

AAitt1T Aron ate

Costasci hoot4

gw s Lt


heftE lJs7 D3o st 1satba 1zthm

T 3e t tCflaser


cat a


gpiper pbkaled xosday

ceaea s stwsInca ataW and

ale therMsew Ir


f11 Ir ter

4111Galtraavaas OLS


tfiald tr eJl






a fews say



a1 < sere

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I The J konvli c reh folo n r or wrjr t Ivr

cUd h olJ not t iiric d

1403 tbout MJ aor r i J

da rot a d any rror la i

until h has a few milion mor popie to cultivate It

Tre drin g of Evergladeswill cot a largo of money Flor-ida ha little money and could exnJa-aaay times the amount to bet-

ter purpose than getting more UndIn tact Florida i land poor a

ready P rhap it would be mar e-gat to say the i land rich and moneypoor

It is out yet certain that theglade can be drained It i not yecertain that they are worth draining j

All that i yet certain i that thirdrainage would cot money and a greatdrat of it

With VJOOOO pople in Fiorida j

S6OJOOO Coven of vacant land tlooks very mock a if there were atout60 acre of lend for vale for eahvidoal Sine this includes the Ever-glade we will y each now 54

acre for ale addition of theother in increasing the supply j

without increasing the demand wouddecrease the price

The bringing to th Sttte of moresettler would increase the demandand increase the price

Draining the Everglades will nukethe land owner of the Sttte poorerringing in immigrants would makehem richer

Taking the average of the tate t

red lands of all kind one acre of landit worth about lour dollars

Saprosiug the average immigrantwould rain as much as 1100 per yarfor each of his family and supposingmany worth 10 per cent per angum each immigrant add 92000 for

member of his family to thewealth of the State the equivalent of

of Florida landTen thousand immigrants would

add more than the value of the Ever i

glades besides increasing the demandinstead of diminishing it Ten thou-sand individual would mUD on yabout 20CW families

We believe that the advertUineand thee work that would bring 600OXpeople to Florida would cost lets ihanraining the Everglades This nomber would double the value of Floridaproperty and the people now in theState would get the iMtaefit I


To cure a felon put him in theelectric chair and give him about3000 volts

There are many daughter of siltmade men who never care formade dresses

If you show a woman fifty styles of-

visitingcard the chances are she wllask if that i all you Rot

there i no doubting the factthat Nichola Iongworth was

in Tampa when arrived fromCuba

A man who came from the North A

flOw days ago said he wondered whyyou cutild hay iiranur

there cheaper then you can in Gaint-viile We had tn gist it up

Thp pcopli of Kartow or omo ofthem want the whist clubs broken upWhen they learned that they couldnttalk about their neighbors and play

at lame time the troublebegan

A man found a l5 pearl in hi dishof oy ler at a Lakeland reitaoratit afew days a o and reMaiintnt own-

r i now crowded with pearl hunters

fnied StHt will lIt Franceand Germany ttle their on affair

crier conclusion

HowsHundred Iliar He

ward ea uf catnrrh that tauout b cured by Hail Catarrh Girl

F J CIIKXH C lulrd OVc the und r iKn d here known

F J Cheney for the legit 15 j ar andbelieve him perfectly hunoribl in all

traniBction suit financially j

ably to carry out any obli ationi madeby his


Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter-nally acting directly npon the bloodand mucous surfaces cf the systemTestimonials ent tree Price 7fi centsper bottle Sold all druggists

Take Halls Family Pills for coniti-patioa




a U

IJIIITst n1 r




Ever I


1M i







tII itt U t





ThisW ttrtlr







Times Cai r

IeLrFior all or titiii rra t

i she

she has


o has






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r Ourany r



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t t f ri citrtrfcry t1in i

nry prrTi-

r rtir th i r iion tr t th r wi-

k mirk l nCr a r in rry n

ard hi t j editionthe that th con tn atedoprnnt of rijral re oi c tfaart a r riiy a ensured f r f-

ti anjh rz that th jathlard ev-

driem 1 cf Htrmoay b tw n aca another croon rid nthat rrgrt and prop rJty ri I ortinue n3 rflnit

The D n Ijbi h nf CoTipany f

t plm Bcki oid i plant to-

P O I a of Cleveland Ohio Thinclude The Daij Vrtkij-

Maml tip c t pjr ap more Idth comine jtnm r than ever be-

fore in her brit not history


For Statr r of tt K

jo r-

U r rv i yoAttorney tf J D rr c-

tfcl yoa tone iiir jk t of tfc oan T r

rMl rty I San ro r roto tf-a 1rinafr for tr of M tc A-

y fi r fliUt J Mcu Ore aitVery r tM tfa v


fur the orr of Att rs fir rr-

UMb Judlota Ciri jf forM4 oorti r l-

of ojiitjr f A CjaIla er Hr J ri-

L T Ijt ir I c rociv tie fuitfstd etrrkrtvi u ot jf jtc of tbeor r to t 1 a m ortifatioo to the State

r l If the r t rr tvor wtbtbe cosir tor I i eiSr tEem tfc ster

t of tt ity Lau rot rttrjb trOt ur cf rrc of ttnc I


W R JOHNSONK ta i r ti ji Year

COMMISSION MERCHANTVrtf rr 1 itKrr if KRfTt it W t tr ar J Jl-

J c l frC fBi lloi U11 if S e Hr e jvctnlv Pan i Kt t r i w

l ut r jttNi e r l T irMt ie Itefprcore ntr Uu Uc Itrcfr ti 0 M rcrt W rrel J W r MMnto fc JjJ tnv HI ar j r f II Vohvin ton f jrj t c jrt fp lot ucatoa I orroitrileti1 Mjpt-



The Financial Worldt Im tb tfr

Thi EdltirsAtrr Till l AXIAL UllUIll

GRINDLaxative Fruit Syrup

Pleasant toThe new laxative Doesnot gripe or nauseate

stomach and livertroubles and chronic

by restoring thenatural action of the stomach liver end bowels

Sale bj J W Met ollnm X to

MtmtC t tuCa

ot r t i r rt-T tirpr ft1 I tM

81 r I-


f r rf IN ALL COUNTBICS-y n i

r titrvt TP r ua orWASHINGTON O C

a T1 k d r r ifO t f T t-

l1n r r 1-

t n ln r f t16 f 1

ItH jnr l n

loj trirr H-

it j r tf lt1

indIa r








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for Rhtumatism CutA Wounds Od

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PENETRATES r loosen Jjuajprsmeitt a cf lit Biocd tauMturu alasUcty

UNIMINT ON tuiminan ALWAYS use


Mrt B A StaiPMti 500 St Kwrites trying the batbtol

Hot Springs Ark for sciatic rkemmatuai bat Iget more tots Ballarft Saow Liaimeatthan any medicine or I haft ever tried

find order tot flOO Sad taalarge bottle by Soatbern Bxfret-


Ballard Snow Liniment CoS-



JOHNSON Ga mes r lle

If You Are Insuredlu a Company that H R lil M a vf i ny CorrectlyUritttn With Liberality of t C irat the CompanyIajt Lo

You Are AssuredTh-at no lot can overcome you without you here somertfupe

Fire Life Accideot and Health Insurance

but Reliable Companies He re etaed

CUSHMAWInformation cheerfully fnrniihed GAINESVILLE FLORIDA


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