Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-18 [p...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN JANUARY 2 HH 1 T T rrT- n 18 n CAPUNSTROGHAR RELEASED ON BOND Signed by Cashier of the Neal Bank of Atlanta OND IN THE SUM OF 55000 It Is Said He Cannot bo Taken Into Custody en Any Other perttd That Hrs Trial Will b Held January 22d To Visit Gainesville From Tuesday Dsilj Son After having teen brought to Allan t from Montreal Canada to answer tilt charge of after trust Janea Noble Srobhar alleged fAaUlBRaKent of Atlantic Lice Railroad Company at Gainesville Fte who to said to be wanted in for embeizUment wa relratrd from the tower Saturday afternoon on 13000 bond The bond was signed kf W F Slaarj cashier of the Neal Rank Strohhsr arrived in Atlanta Friday afternoon in the custody I Detective Thorns E Lockhart and lot bees IB jail over 21 hours be he was liberated on bond Uader the extradition treaty be aHa the United States and Englacd Ift to said that Strobhar cannot laic cottody on any other huge thaa that for which he is want 4 la Atlaata until his case can be pawed ap 4 It stated by Strobhar shortly be Me left the tower that he intended te rtura to Florida tad face afraiast him at Gainesville fHrabtear la satd to have embezzled t 0no front the Atlantic Coast Line Xailread whit lie was acting in af ehy ef axest at Gainesville Fla H M also charged with having had ewe wade out to him as ageat f the railread company cashed at aa- Atlaata bank He west to Caaada a detective was seat after him to feriaf aiasfeackto be tried for taiteny after trust He was ID dieted by the Fultoa county grand j ry Friday afteraooa a few hours be arrival froat Canada la cue edyat aa oflcer Atlaata Journal It was karaed yesterday that Capt ItreWwra trial would take place ry 2s4 that he oa his way ta this city far a shert vial MADE A FINE CROP CeJarsd Farmer Janeswille Out tripped AH Ricers It is a straafe BroBesitioa but it is a tan that H Latsoa a colored farmer rstSdJBff sear Joaesvllle hu succeeded this year ia producing better results frees the sue umber of acres culti- vated skid Bay farmer la the county This aferatattea cotes from the re fart of OeaatyTaz Assessor XV W Col- a whisk will be submitttd to the OsatmUsioner of Agriculture of the Deputy Assessor J C McGrew stated Taesday that so far be ha recorded the predsetioBS of over five hundred farmers of the county sad the report- f tailOR showed the best reunite Freas twenty acres of cultivated land this catererUiag negro farmer have t- ed alas bales of cotton and two hun- dred of corn from onefourth sire forty buthels of sweet potatoes Lad trout onefourth he secured luficient to make four bar nit of syrup Latson stand well with everybody la his community and it i no wonder siaee hie industry command the ad miration of those who know tho ana eel he has attained Pleasant and Most Effective- T J Chambers Editor Vindicator Liberty Texas writes Dec 5 lOCtt With pleasure and unsolicited by you I bear testimony to the curative power of Ballads Horehound Syrup- I have uetl it in my family and can Cheerfully alllrm it is the mot effrit ire and remedy for uongh colds I have ever med sold by W M- Joaaion DONT Have your loved one imrilu mate loa actory by t who have no reputation to iimaln In your communi- ty When you want a IAItfK IOU TRAIT from life or curler tbit will be artUUc Uy dnlnbed i feet In Uk- BCMasd la tlnrf pleasure to you idve i your order to JAMES F SMITH taker of FIXE KADKIK88 KOTO- GRAFS from UniUet to Ufe Mic Large iortralu In Colors or Mona ekrocBC Tbe latex and most urtbtl J folders for i boto work St 4 Ertlill la 1897 I I I ChargeRe a Coast law feN th- en the ell to fete Ja- M f bushels It I I ole I I I all and I 314 T r tare ny tie the Flor- Ida a had Q be- taken was fare and Atlata his I was 4 x 1 skate f acre sugarcane t i u I a i ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > COD LIVER OIL It almost mukvs v sick to think of it bt i isnt nearly kvi as ii used tube The improved method of refining it makes it much easier t take Lull when made into Scotts Emulsion almost every one can take it i Most children like it and all children that are not robust arc benefited bv it When the doctor says j Take cod liver oil he generally means Scotts Emulsion ask hint if he doesnt Whey know it is more easily digested old better than the plain oil JCOrr KOWJCE 4 I l Strrtt Nt V FLORIDAS SCHOOLS Principal of State Aid Schools Must Hold State Certificate TullahA Jan 13 Following letter has bvrii i ued hj Sttte Superintendent of Public Instruction W M Holk wHy To the County Board of Public In ftructton I Com to call jour atten- tion to the fact that after July 1 19 4 State aid will nut b granted to any senior high school principal if not the holler of a State certificate Should any County Hoard of Public Instruction refute to comply with this regulation ucla refusal on it part will cause all under uiervi ion which have heretofore received 160 high school appropriation to forfeit the tame In order to accommodate as far as possibly all persons who may desire to apply for a State certificate I have de- cided to hold examinations for this purpose beginning on Tuesday June 5 1906 and continuing for focr days at following places Marianna for the accommodation of Middle and Vet Florldaapplicanta Jacksonville for the accommodation of all applicants raidi- ng la East Florida Dade City for the accommodation of those who live in South Florida These examinations will be held under the direct taper vision of the State Department of Edu catioa The following is a list of the texts from which the questions will be taken Geometry Whiles American Hook Company Atlanta Trigenometry Uentworth new Atlanta any logarithmic tablet Botany Grays Field and Garden with Apgsrs Plant Analyst American Book Co Zoology Packard Briefer Coime Henry Holt A Co New York Elementary Shel- don A Co New York Rhetoric Williams Composition and Rhetoric I C Heath A Co At- lanta Literature English Short Cotme Eldridge A Bro Phila- delphia General History Myer Ginn t Company Psychology end IVyrhie Culture Hallrcks American Honk Latin Hrukiif Grammar Ameri- can IVmk Cj- Csin two hook Lowe A KWJJ- KSVt Foreman Jc Co Chicaco Virgil two book of Incid any text lay applicant who maj not pre- pared to complete the whole xamina lion at thi tints will permitted to take an examination on any live of the ten ntijeciH he nay choose 1je cx- nrninntion on the remaining r- fjeet may taken at this dive f ilVachen SiimmeV Trashing loi held at TnllahaF ee and iauievi le- the exact ditto of which will t an- nounced later W M HOLLOW v State Superintendent I The Original Foley A Company thiiHKo original led honey and tar a a throut nid IIIIIK remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley Honey and Tar many imitation art uttered fur the genuine Throe worthier im- itation have similar sounditm name Beware of them Tht genuine Foley Honey and Tar is in a yellow package Ask for it and refuse any substitute It the bet remedy for and colds J McCollom Co a I > I I nlor the Ginn Co i Physic Trim C I tI tit b tit t I I to W o r cir- cular whose schools Its as- a h Forest very 1 its ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ + ± A BIG FIRE LOSS AT FT FANNIN- Tisons Mill Commissary and Warehouse Were Consumed LOSS ABOUT SI2000 Fire Was Supposed to Be of Incendi- ary Origin as Three Buildings Ignited Simultaneously Mill Was Modern and Just Built diyi Psily in Inform n ra j t reached T a fire wnioh oivurrel at 5 Ktinnin on the Suwat nee river wl en the jilendiil new awin ll an l Kinniuu plant fommiMary and wareh ii e of I L Tion a value be- tween flu 1 and 111 0 wer le- itroyed Th inform n oirne by telephone wH h tatrd that tire of incendiary origin a th three building which were located about two hundred yards apart caught im- ultaneoutly i a enoi f Mr Tion a there wa ony a small insurance on the mill and nothing to cover the of goods in the warehouse and com mUtarj This the second mi tune of the kind befalling Mr Ti ton hi sawmill plant having been by about eight months so with aseriou The mill just destroyed one of the mon modern in the country with a capacity of at vit- AOO fret per day and wa valued at 1700 The wanhouse and stock was tremendous Mr Ti 1 on hat lien accustomed to iiplying I not only the community in which he was doing btnine but had conducted i a small jobbing and wholesale business among the merchant for milts around I A Grim Tragedy I daily enacted in thousands of home as death claim in each one another victim of consumption i pneumonia But when coughs I colds are properly treated the trag ledy is averted F G Huntley of1- Oaklandon Ind writes My wife had the consumption and three doc- tors gave her up Finally took Dr Kings New Discovery for Con- sumption Coughs and Colds whih cured her and today she i well and strong It kill the germs of all di ea s One dose relieve Guaranled I at 50e and flOO by all druggists Trial bottle Ire Officers Meeting G G j From Wednesdays Daily Sun A meeting of the officer of the Gainesville and Gulf lUilroad was held i in thi city in the offices of the cum j pony Tuesday morning After difcussinR matters generally pertaining to the road the meeting adjourned to meet in Ocala today The only visiting otlicial at the meeting were A I Stuckey of tii- ifirt rice president and F M Simon ton of Tampa secretary I There were no developments at the meeting which the otllcial were will- ing at thi time to give nut fur publi- cation hence it i impo4 ihe to deter- mine what action wa taken on the contraction of the road from Knirtield south to Tampa ha been surveyed j At thi the people of Gainesville and the linn propNed to be traversed b disappointed a they haw een- i deeply interevted in the prijt Something definite may be brought out at the Ocala meetinir however l Spoiled Her Beauty Harriet Howard of W rjlthSl X v fork at Snit Ume had her beauty polled with skin trouble writ I had alt rheum r eczermt for year hit would cure it until I Uitcd Arnica Salve A- j IICK sure Vea r j jrn nre oc t Ira t r Cold Storage h l 4t nuth t of The IMlMOM It I UIMIMM the tnot tni t u Fnrida and tli jruov tilt b l rnMrilnir lral- VV ilcit ai by tli4 j roo alo niibed Diamond Ice Company TilE UU1UA HK tOMIANV- Alaclitiii Florida Will a4o put up meat ry the lame orders at either rae I Were From I i tit r th lose i fir I was I I I Ie I I I I all h fIt IIa Far 1 II the tr hhr of itirt r tare n fur anti Cjrlult- al rlellth H11 It u tIS r r I process Leave IMF Tilt sating wits liar Ins lots commis- sary s I j ands she I sr tail flick lend ant h- and si 1s at Etttitt y ln tl liar pant rat e- iirrt t llra i rri can fir ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CASTORIA The Kind Yon Have Always Bought and which ha liccai iu for over 30 years hart borno the Ki nnturo of si nod hat hin tier Z Hotml supervision ninrc its infaiify 7mc tM Vlloxviioono todceeivoyon in this All Counterfeits Imitations and JuHtnsKiNMPnre Experiments that trifle with Lad ciulmiircr health of Infants and CliUdrcn Bstpcrlcuco nKuinst Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorin Is a harmless subntltuto for Castor Oil Pare gore Urops and SiMithhiff Syrups It L Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphino nor other Nunotic- Hiibstance Its is its guarantee It destroys Worm anti alluys Feverishness It cures Diarrluea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles eures Constipation- and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural ulcci Tho Childrens lauacca Tho Jlothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 9 Bean the Signature of The Kind You Hae Always Bought- In Use For Over 30 Years TIM CNTMIN Hi l n MUIHU CTMCT THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO he- KTIIUSIIKn I The question I Render Of Title the tire consid- eration for the investor reliable service of every sort along the lint of Land Title in of Florida particularly Alficlma norms SPECIALTIES of THI Tux Sale fr Land tlwaer 1lat f Reference National Bank of tiaineeville H F Dutton Co Hanberi WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU now th f llitvinc for virkirifinn Siljd Leather Pain To worth ofJ our iriee while they last Frrh lot of Men Light WVight Pain Tc Oil Gratin Creedmorc hog TRY US FOR SIIOKSN- ORTH WK L C SMITH iAlNKVLLhF- LOKIDV Now RMIV TO QUOTE PRICES AND SUBMIT SAMPLES OF FALL GOODS For Men Women ami Children carry evirytliini iv idytoufar ami all will receive prompt and aniul att itin ALWAYS REMEMBER 1 W M s by expivs C 0DNuhV t We allow pr on ontract nr ihiw tyles of arments for ca h H LEVY BRO CO THE BIG STORE SAVANNAH G c t use been tuado tinder but this ago cw eTy q th Starrheit SnuIthInt lh First dints Iuk I lat I 5 0 I 5 Q val tIE Yt t tlCrPpti11J 2 nol ti I llicoullt lX good B r a i0 O tat Ali trnrl treat titter Towa k Itrntint i Shoes a a y WI Are Iltr ells l S11Ullatlnlliittill- o tls f l lift inn t llf ¬ > < > + < +

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-18 [p...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-18 [p 2] · 2009-08-03 · 2 THE GAINESVILLE SUN JANUARY HH 1 T rrT-Tn



n 18 n



Signed by Cashier of theNeal Bank of Atlanta


It Is Said He Cannot bo Taken Into

Custody en Any Otherperttd That Hrs Trial Will b Held

January 22d To Visit Gainesville

From Tuesday Dsilj SonAfter having teen brought to Allan

t from Montreal Canada to answertilt charge of after trustJanea Noble Srobhar allegedfAaUlBRaKent of AtlanticLice Railroad Company at GainesvilleFte who to said to be wanted in

for embeizUment wa relratrdfrom the tower Saturday afternoon on

13000 bond The bond was signedkf W F Slaarj cashier of the NealRank Strohhsr arrived in Atlanta

Friday afternoon in the custodyI Detective Thorns E Lockhart and

lot bees IB jail over 21 hours behe was liberated on bond

Uader the extradition treaty be

aHa the United States and EnglacdIft to said that Strobhar cannot

laic cottody on any otherhuge thaa that for which he is want4 la Atlaata until his case can be

pawed ap 4

It stated by Strobhar shortly beMe left the tower that he intended

te rtura to Florida tad faceafraiast him at Gainesville

fHrabtear la satd to have embezzledt 0no front the Atlantic Coast LineXailread whit lie was acting inaf ehy ef axest at Gainesville Fla

H M also charged with having hadewe wade out to him as ageatf the railread company cashed at aa-

Atlaata bank He west to Caaadaa detective was seat after him to

feriaf aiasfeackto be triedfor taiteny after trust He was ID

dieted by the Fultoa county grandj ry Friday afteraooa a few hours be

arrival froat Canada la cueedyat aa oflcer Atlaata Journal

It was karaed yesterday that CaptItreWwra trial would take place

ry 2s4 that he oa his wayta this city far a shert vial


CeJarsd Farmer Janeswille Outtripped AH Ricers

It is a straafe BroBesitioa but it is atan that H Latsoa a colored farmerrstSdJBff sear Joaesvllle hu succeededthis year ia producing better resultsfrees the sue umber of acres culti-vated skid Bay farmer la the county

This aferatattea cotes from the refart of OeaatyTaz Assessor XV W Col-

a whisk will be submitttd to theOsatmUsioner of Agriculture of the

Deputy Assessor J C McGrew statedTaesday that so far be ha recordedthe predsetioBS of over five hundredfarmers of the county sad the report-f tailOR showed the best reuniteFreas twenty acres of cultivated land

this catererUiag negro farmer have t-

ed alas bales of cotton and two hun-dred of corn from onefourthsire forty buthels of sweet potatoesLad trout onefourth he securedluficient to make four barnit of syrup

Latson stand well with everybodyla his community and it i no wondersiaee hie industry command the admiration of those who know tho ana

eel he has attained

Pleasant and Most Effective-T J Chambers Editor Vindicator

Liberty Texas writes Dec 5 lOCtt

With pleasure and unsolicited byyou I bear testimony to the curativepower of Ballads Horehound Syrup-I have uetl it in my family and canCheerfully alllrm it is the mot effritire and remedy for uongh coldsI have ever med sold by W M-


DONTHave your loved one imrilu mateloa actory by t who have noreputation to iimaln In your communi-ty When you want a IAItfK IOUTRAIT from life or curler tbit willbe artUUc Uy dnlnbed i feet In Uk-

BCMasd la tlnrf pleasure to you idve i

your order toJAMES F SMITH

taker of FIXE KADKIK88 KOTO-GRAFS from UniUet to Ufe Mic

Large iortralu In Colors or MonaekrocBC Tbe latex and most urtbtl J

folders for i boto work

St 4 Ertlill la 1897 I






















all andI



tare nytie






























COD LIVER OILIt almost mukvs v

sick to think of it bt i

isnt nearly kvi as ii

used tube The improvedmethod of refining it

makes it much easier t

take Lull when made intoScotts Emulsion almostevery one can take it i

Most children like it andall children that are notrobust arc benefited bv it

When the doctor says j

Take cod liver oil hegenerally means ScottsEmulsion ask hint if hedoesnt Whey know it ismore easily digested oldbetter than the plain oilJCOrr KOWJCE 4 I l Strrtt Nt V


Principal of State Aid Schools MustHold State Certificate

TullahA Jan 13 Followingletter has bvrii i ued hj Sttte

Superintendent of Public InstructionW M Holk wHy

To the County Board of Public Inftructton I Com to call jour atten-tion to the fact that after July 1 19 4State aid will nut b granted to anysenior high school principal ifnot the holler of a State certificate

Should any County Hoard of PublicInstruction refute to comply with thisregulation ucla refusal on it part willcause all under uiervi ionwhich have heretofore received 160

high school appropriation toforfeit the tame

In order to accommodate as far aspossibly all persons who may desire toapply for a State certificate I have de-

cided to hold examinations for thispurpose beginning on Tuesday June5 1906 and continuing for focr daysat following places Marianna forthe accommodation of Middle and VetFlorldaapplicanta Jacksonville for theaccommodation of all applicants raidi-ng la East Florida Dade City for theaccommodation of those who live inSouth Florida These examinationswill be held under the direct tapervision of the State Department of Educatioa

The following is a list of the textsfrom which the questions will be taken

Geometry Whiles American HookCompany Atlanta

Trigenometry Uentworth newAtlanta any logarithmic

tabletBotany Grays Field and

Garden with Apgsrs Plant AnalystAmerican Book Co

Zoology Packard Briefer CoimeHenry Holt A Co New York

Elementary Shel-don A Co New York

Rhetoric Williams Compositionand Rhetoric I C Heath A Co At-

lantaLiterature English

Short Cotme Eldridge A Bro Phila-delphia

General History Myer Ginn tCompany

Psychology end IVyrhie CultureHallrcks American Honk

Latin Hrukiif Grammar Ameri-can IVmk Cj-

Csin two hook Lowe A KWJJ-KSVt Foreman Jc Co Chicaco

Virgil two book of Incid anytext

lay applicant who maj not pre-

pared to complete the whole xaminalion at thi tints will permitted totake an examination on any live of theten ntijeciH he nay choose 1je cx-

nrninntion on the remaining r-

fjeet may taken at this dive f

ilVachen SiimmeV Trashing loiheld at TnllahaF ee and iauievi le-

the exact ditto of which will t an-

nounced later W M HOLLOW v

State Superintendent

I The OriginalFoley A Company thiiHKo original

led honey and tar a a throut nid IIIIIKremedy and on account of the greatmerit and popularity of Foley Honeyand Tar many imitation art utteredfur the genuine Throe worthier im-

itation have similar sounditm nameBeware of them Tht genuine FoleyHoney and Tar is in a yellow packageAsk for it and refuse any substitute It

the bet remedy for andcolds J McCollom Co








Ginn Co i




I tI



tit t I




r cir-



schools Itsas-






















Tisons Mill Commissary and

Warehouse Were Consumed


Fire Was Supposed to Be of Incendi-

ary Origin as Three Buildings

Ignited Simultaneously Mill Was

Modern and Just Built

diyi Psily inInform n ra j t reached T

a fire wnioh oivurrel at 5

Ktinnin on the Suwat nee river wl enthe jilendiil new awin ll an l Kinniuuplant fommiMary and wareh ii e ofI L Tion a value be-

tween flu 1 and 111 0 wer le-

itroyed Th inform n oirne bytelephone wH h tatrd that tire

of incendiary origin a th threebuilding which were located abouttwo hundred yards apart caught im-

ultaneoutlyi a enoi f Mr Tion a

there wa ony a small insurance onthe mill and nothing to cover theof goods in the warehouse and commUtarj This the second mitune of the kind befalling Mr Titon hi sawmill plant having been

by about eight monthsso with aseriou The mill just

destroyed one of the mon modernin the country with a capacity of at vit-

AOO fret per day and wa valued at1700 The wanhouse and

stock was tremendous Mr Ti 1

on hat lien accustomed to iiplying I

not only the community in which hewas doing btnine but had conducted

i a small jobbing and wholesale businessamong the merchant for milts around


A Grim TragedyI daily enacted in thousands of

home as death claim in each oneanother victim of consumption

i pneumonia But when coughsI colds are properly treated the tragledy is averted F G Huntley of1-

Oaklandon Ind writes My wifehad the consumption and three doc-tors gave her up Finally tookDr Kings New Discovery for Con-sumption Coughs and Colds whihcured her and today she i well andstrong It kill the germs of all diea s One dose relieve Guaranled

I at 50e and flOO by all druggists Trialbottle Ire

Officers Meeting G G

j From Wednesdays Daily SunA meeting of the officer of the

Gainesville and Gulf lUilroad was held i

in thi city in the offices of the cum j

pony Tuesday morningAfter difcussinR matters generally

pertaining to the road the meetingadjourned to meet in Ocala today

The only visiting otlicial at themeeting were A I Stuckey of tii-ifirt rice president and F M Simonton of Tampa secretary

I There were no developments at themeeting which the otllcial were will-ing at thi time to give nut fur publi-cation hence it i impo4 ihe to deter-mine what action wa taken on thecontraction of the road from Knirtieldsouth to Tampa ha been surveyed

j At thi the people of Gainesville andthe linn propNed to be traversed

b disappointed a they haw een-i deeply interevted in the prijtSomething definite may be broughtout at the Ocala meetinir however

lSpoiled Her Beauty

Harriet Howard of W rjlthSl X vfork at Snit Ume had her beautypolled with skin trouble writ

I had alt rheum r eczermt foryear hit would cure it untilI Uitcd Arnica Salve A-

j IICK sure Vea r j jrnnre oc t Ira t r

Cold Storageh l 4t nuth

tof The

IMlMOM It I UIMIMMthe tnot tni t uFnrida and tli jruov tiltb l

rnMrilnir lral-VV ilcit ai

by tli4 j roo alo niibedDiamond Ice Company

TilE UU1UA HK tOMIANV-Alaclitiii Florida

Will a4o put up meat ry the lameorders at either rae



FromI i tit
















fIt IIa

Far 1

II the trhhr of itirt r




anti Cjrlult-al rlellth H11

It u tIS r r I

process Leave





liar Ins


commis-sary s







flick lendant h-

and si

1s atEtttitt y ln tl

liar pantrat

e-iirrt t llra i rrican fir







> >

> <












+ +


+ +

CASTORIAThe Kind Yon Have Always Bought and which ha liccai

iu for over 30 years hart borno the Ki nnturo ofsi nod hat hin tier

Z Hotml supervision ninrc its infaiify7mc tM Vlloxviioono todceeivoyon in this

All Counterfeits Imitations and JuHtnsKiNMPnreExperiments that trifle with Lad ciulmiircr health ofInfants and CliUdrcn Bstpcrlcuco nKuinst Experiment

What is CASTORIACastorin Is a harmless subntltuto for Castor Oil Paregore Urops and SiMithhiff Syrups It L Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphino nor other Nunotic-Hiibstance Its is its guarantee It destroys Wormanti alluys Feverishness It cures Diarrluea and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles eures Constipation-and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural ulcciTho Childrens lauacca Tho Jlothers Friend

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS9 Bean the Signature of

The Kind You Hae Always Bought-

In Use For Over 30 YearsTIM CNTMIN Hi l n MUIHU CTMCT


The question IRender

Of Title the

tire consid-

eration forthe investor

reliable service of every sort along the lint ofLand Title in of Florida particularly

Alficlma norms

SPECIALTIES of THI Tux Salefr Land tlwaer 1lat f

Reference National Bank of tiaineeville H FDutton Co Hanberi

WE HAVE TO OFFER YOUnow th f llitvinc for virkirifinn

Siljd Leather Pain To worthofJ our iriee while they last

Frrh lot of Men Light WVight Pain Tc OilGratin Creedmorc hog





FALL GOODSFor Men Women ami Children

carry evirytliini iv idytoufar ami allwill receive prompt and aniul att itin

ALWAYS REMEMBER1 W M s by expivs C 0DNuhV t

We allowpr on ontract

nr ihiw tyles of arments

for ca h




usebeen tuado tinder



cw eTy





dints IukI lat I 5 0

I 5 Qval



t tlCrPpti11J2 nol


I llicoulltlX good



a i0



Ali trnrltreat titterTowa


Itrntinti Shoes




WI Are


ells l


tlsf l lift inn

t llf






