Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-11 [p...

VOL XXV NO k Published Twice a Week Monday and Thursday GAINESVILLE FLORIDA THl KSDAY JAMAH Y II HUH I ONE DOLLAR A YEA r1r IH r r i i r TWENTY PERSONS MEET HORRIBLE DEATH Twelve Houses Are Completely Wrecked In Landslide OEDRIS IS FOOD FOR FLAMES Landslip Caused the Breaking of a Water Main and It Was Impossible To Extinguish the Fire Many Vic- tims Under the Ruins Havirstraw N Y an 13 Fire- men iflnioucd by Lunureds of vuuu- uen were stii working ie itrate toOuy to ubilue the Slaan w iicj were ttowty bul surely cotiiuiLhii the b dit Of Jil hUfl lo ptfrsOtl wltli were carried to i Uth n a nl iie short Lcturt lulu night Mond- aTiiftt Is little hope that the victims including iren women chlhlnu will ever Identified The list o- iiiirKlitK eoriaMtute tat ony known vie tint of the landslide In the east end of tnvn two blocks of haute tn hart been undermined The caM iopiie occurred without warning and w title lit victims aieep S house went down In the crash luul Mood on tin brink of a pit- u lundr d ilttp when the clay givi iy were carried to thy bottom Tliii A i i were not kilid seri osl Injured or burned ti ratli in Idas which Immediately took tire Th tnd l le broke te van r mains it on the tip if water am- E luit 1 rf the work f recue- CimMmd the lames spivad to the oUr uiiiliiu ant fur the tlmel of hirj is of volunteer the lur jiiut huvi wiped out the en in town TiiOM known to have perished are Nlsti n furniture dealer riMjnln Nelson his son Sllvertiiiin- Silvi num a boy- A J lh niMii- Mr it i I Mr Cohen Five Toll n rhSMrt The iiil fins include Mrs alley t of Me Mannlon family the entire Ltinny family even I Uew lalMuvrs Th cume sradualy at firs The ground wtakeurd t y the rain snow rte last tew days shown crew a war the eiise of the street late In the afernoon and if the even Ins jortons ol the hank where the workmen haul been 1 1 I 5 clay for brick to give away The r tlon was not thickly populate fo most of the former dweller hail lift on account of fear of Jius what tap p n l- Wh n the final flide earn It came so suddenly that thou who hd ri trim in their IJOUSPS sad i jsorc- co oppcrviclty to escnjM The bank oav M ft to M In lle to ard a dtaricc of biocks to Jff reor strefs- letiiiw A ports of the tout ai3 of Uiviti stnet fel on to who lived In tine oi a the erJ ol the row arJ whch c 40 Jon In the wreck There was a plunge a shivering 01 the earth around and then then was a 5tirnes li n tin neighbor rushed hnf laiJ from heir houses ihj iuidln s rloiie to them hal dl nppoored Only a in the cliff 6iilo told fh t iry It wa v ry lark with no tnvt llcht anti tense wic hat Min par I were so wild wi alarm for th ir own safety that It was ft ral mimii l iioro any genera alarm stem lleJaro this could the frame tr ct i f n Umi s halt tak un lire from rc neitt rcd coals anc lights n them and soon the whole ot tho u jiiralwjc ni rr ly th rl in a ove tae skin of he pit As ftowlji btrrlfii tn tb v r u an the drparmrn ca pd up a e i vrn p THin wbo hil v are nr fh Iflse of the pit w rt nearl cnrrienl over 10 It necrs i nio tae flre a rait to in sf acl urcTMla w s art a that to cdoris to rescue wt Ii tht lr hum and art t tlllll and pIt alit a u lIt 1 r tIt ban a I to t we- n sot a 01 f dune I Wreck Otto IAIIIalt i wait I t early wilt td ware ten Tile f t f ware BIn but tI I unt lid and Las pit way ho sal t ante w the etirretl death art a lie < < < > > > < > > > < > > < > > > > < > > > > > < ± + r M nir From irer- pl Ju t loll omld neit- wn if ti hours iiecaiiMMi- ftliini The whole jrnw M h t i iior w i MIII II fo stark tf fir or ru h iti and if savf- la M i I not apuriich the wnck lara ftrrs ot iiin alit works r- t tiirk al ny ttay wvre tntistere- f aid in of ricue but tlel- ilTts w it in vain All of tle nant of the hmies sfi- RIII ling T driven a the truc are i danger of fol lowlnc othr in the pit Tiies- fftluhenel t rants were cared for A f force of men arts workini- rl spraiiy to uncover the ruins ol earrlt l down tp to II there had horn little success owna to the cr at mass of clay to for reiov d and to the fart that where tap houses had burned the dftbrls wa sc hn that lie work was very slow lTist esMniates art that twenty ot mon persons were killed by the land lid SANFORD AGAIN ON TRIAL Second Trial of Rome Man Is No In Progress K trot Ca Jan lo The famous case of V T San rd chargd wlti t nutrJer of Wright uc jf intimacy wii Sanlord wife Ia t July which alrtady p suited tr one tiUrtu was caied at trti Rn- uto to K oclock Mmilav 6rntiS Ju MOM Urisht- Mr Warlord appeared very pie irr- w4 si itin ly conlitien as any iu a his lorme al The Jnuiif Ijjtiitst hen Mems Ufi c Mrs ruiford I not durlns tri a h wi win the foran i rut ard ja tact d rtcts r j itaTac r t lint e su o J oitfl wih ltr at tfr an I way u ia the ac t at an aue of tie CCNDEMNED NEGRO SHOT DEAD White Struggling with One Officer An ether Kills Him IJiilen Vi Ian 10 IJroltt a n sro unit r i tii ace tt- iliaiu1 h laiiuar was hot an- n i r In the Jiil liy D J S1 rill N imi Srint Jailer Juin hall sone up t the ei II nf tin y jro and n h- opned ti rell door the condemn il man sprang upon him and tIke his wia on from him nesro wa a powerful man till Cas fir d vbe pirsol his object bolns to emptey lilt wiapon 11111 render It u e s Hie shots attracted Deputy Jrants attention and wlsii ne saw the struairlltrr men ne llnd at the nt- Kro kJlltm him lntantly Tim m ro was convicted for having tak n a pistol a waste matt and Mlin him wi i Perished in Snowstorm Santa F N M Jan 11 Jam Yatej IlNins ii ar While Daks ltn coin cowry u ranchman perished in a nowstorm yesterday ji IMMV wa dlcovered In a no rift miles from his cabin As a pillow he hnl ust d his hat and scan and his hunt were folded on hit In an atI tide of prayer has N won n I herder al pfrNhed In the snowstorm In the Sac luiuento mountains Will Attend Miners Convention Vashlnaton Jan II Ireldeni- mm N HMiip r of the of Labor will leave short o n t Nai nal eonvintioii ol mini r which i to HIM a Indiana n on Jan K con ten Ion probably wiS evera k llnh Jitin Mitrhiil pr mn f thi Mir Worker f Anurtca arm Mr itp err exp cted to malt addri s Bidding for French Plant Mama la Jan Tie Maco c aiii mi l sow hldllte for a test l hm nt t r n- rd i i an I h r tlre fi ir- tTi1 live in Trance and 1 irt tr hi country Mi u f I it I far in Me i ma i iuij wii uadrcJs ot tiiousauud t r nut I t l nttch hat urvlved the out the I- InllthtII ar Ih a s has OIl at I here a Lt app lr Ira < 1 I lila Ih It t trout r nwrll ill Fcitrn Inn 1 Th last nit n I t tri bet t I I g t r par tau sihle nh 1st a t sort t tt a tore tn gt nay r ntih O lout s urge cured abs the oil t Ill e t s t r I 1 wits to runt hal blhnd ii eat oat nil seas tte rot n a t o cr A I1 > > < > > < < > > > > > > < > > > > > > < > + + COTTON MEN SHORT TRYING TO BORROW Jordan Sounds Note Warning to Holders LAST SPRINGS SCHEME EXPOSEC- He Says Men and Buyers Have Evi- dently Failed To Get the Price Want For the Fleecy Staple m the Open Markets Atlanta Jan 10 Cotton buyer and cotton milm wio are nort ou co ton are ald to tie a atti inaUmg ut effort to borrow cotton In orivr lu cure what they need to In a down the price by taking the Map out of WIt hands ot tiose who are nod ins It fur the purpose of kcipiug tilt price up and u It President Marvie Jordan of tar Southern Cotton usM eiation wi- suundtdthe note of warning last sprinj when tits ante tiling was attempted Is apain exposing the scheme In sldent Jordan said Information I being at thv- headiiiarteri of the uM claton indicat lug that the plans are now btIn- purMitd by certain cotton buyers wn art tiott on their ctmtracts that wire tried last spring when the balance ol Lie unold portion of the crop wan be fur higher their s I am already In pns e son of litters from certain flan iiddn sped to spot who have Oil hand horn Mi to KM or more bales of cotton In which the fol- lowing propr ton Is made Ve arc willing to take your cotton at present market port and aance ou pound tfi tiie further agreement that you rare di nianl ett tnent at any- time betw now and the llrst of May taking advantase of any rise In tin1 market that tray occur Tills wl re Hive you nf storage Insurance hravy lntri fs on horrosved money If you are wliiins to trade phase let is kiov by return mall Short on Deliveries The sentiemen who urn sendliiR out tin e entering are on th Ir spin dtllverhs fur Janu- ary and Ftbruary They tvldttiily cannot s t what f ley want In the markets They can frilly hedge against these transactions It no differ- ence which way the market pots I am Informed that some of the mills are also trylns jo borrow cot- ton In their nelcihorhoodrf on pretty much the same kind of proposition Spot hold r4 aro warned aRalnit these ingenious devlcis If the spot cotton pant Into the hands of t buyers mills the strength of the market will be wiped out Tiere it but one sure policy for the spot holders to pursue In the resent tight they art In and that 0 hold their cotton firm- ly In their own possession until the p ipe who ncfd and offer ufac tory prices Vo know now that tin crop is short and that tho balance ot the unod porlon of tots crop mUll bring hlgiier price to offset the de narctK we had to surfer in September ana October My uivlc is nut to llst n at any proposals tot portal trades or propositions to bor row Stand pat demand the fIll price UV rc sure to win If we firm- ly hold small Balance of the unsold crop tot IS c t Morales Permitted to Leave Washington Jan JO The ante tfe- partruent hay advices from Santo o- mino City to te effect that the got trnment th re was disposed to accept the proposal of Morales i surrender hIs oflire and quit the repu lie If he were nut anoint or tried op the charge of non It Is lielleve Morale w il U diported on one nf warhl now in Dominican warr to ti tire tji omirvanco of the termt of l I n Clay Working for Savannah Washington Jan 10 Senitor Cf has Inrn a btu authorizing wcrenry treasury to have revenue fiiei steamer run ruce for Favirrih at a cot of not exceed Ins f 20OCO nut but I received saner In head late per toll nod t opts also and pre Hd nut Itresl toll < I r II Je w of Their only anclnd Tn stay hue t r1 plstr evfb lit y- urt makes t the the < > < > > > < > > > + I NORTH CAROLINA WON VICTORY Armour Packing Company Must Pay License to State Washington Jan l In an opinion- by tle cnut ji Mce of Iho suprii court of li Inited Static dvcMod- the ci3 of Armoir Packing corn Pang er Us it It I ney tnaurer ot- Norh fan ia in fa r of tar state This ott o ka effort j enforc th of tlv ate of North Caroilnn ti ne a llccnje ax on very treat iicklni snots inng busi- ness In tae The Armour corn It was not engaged in doing a paekln luislnes in tae state as It no Cashiering there hut the air was upheld by the state supreme court and the decision was utalned The law was attacked on the ground that Its enforcement was an Interference with Interstate rom coerce that It cortrmened the nl fortuity rue of the North Carolina con- stitution anti It was contrary to the federal constltulon but it was class legislation hot the court accepted tje Interpretation of the state supreme court and nistalned the law Jutlci Prown White IVckham and McKenna dissented on tho ground that the Armour Packing company Is not enpnci d In doing a packing house bus Ineji in l state but In selling meat BOSTON LOSES BY FIRE Had 100000 Sine In the Manufactur- Ing District Ihuton Ian 10 A fire of treaten Ing proportlonH broke out today In th wormwood warehouse In A street In South Boston district The tire In No t biiildng a part devoted to the atorape of cotton waste It Is In close proximity to other warehouses and manufacturing tUnictures Within an hour after the outbreak the firemen were confining tbe flames In tie single warehouse and It was tnousat that nil danger of a furtner- ppr ul was past The Railway Sup- ply anti Manufacturing company had a stock of a out 3001 wool and waste In the Murnlnc l uldlng- Tiie loss Is esrlmati at from 710iit to HJJuOO with partial Insurance Schofield Adjudged Insane Macon n Jon 10 Hal T Scho Held be n declared Insane by u Jury here Exactly ten minutes after the ijuesMon WitS Hiibnittteil to the 1J men for consldnration a verdict was handed in and Ordinary Wiley an- nounced the results to a large number of ptr oni who waited with Interest fcr the outcome of the trial For tae same reason that he was not held ac- countable fur the death of Green King wno walt shot to death In a bar room at Vlnevllie branch just before Christ- mas 1 OI Schoflcld will be detained In the state sanitarium deprived of tits liberties of a free man In spite of the belief that he Is sane as was advanced by u long list of witnesses who have testified during the trial Two Found Guilty of Murder Plncvllle Ky Jan 10 A verdict of mtird r of the killing of Henry at Mlddtestoro last February against Clarence Gray and Jesse Hul has been announced a jury having reached an agreement Saturday night The sentence was fixed at life the same penalty that was meted out to William Young tome time ago Three more men are yet to I tried in connection with the same crime Claims Forgery Committed Plttsburg Jan 10 Concerning ti counterfeiting of stock certificates ol the Norfolk and Western railroad and the report that 100 shares of the worth- less stock the names of Tho II Harrlk aril K h Green and the guarantf of Henry Sproul Co brok iy and come to the stir far n N w fork Henry Sproul em- phatlcally states that the signature of Ms liven ha been forged Printers On Strike Montreal Ian 10 Seventyfive union pri is rrployed on the di- z tt n wnprirwr HIM on strike to Trouble arose in the jrti office ovi an apprentlr end the newspaper of macliino turn ti called out In sy pathy Tje rm pr prlor 3 clnred c a hm nf an OPT shop announce that thtlr p r will be u tuual il flat till also fat has t t 0 apt r ed i cast strew the claw v shoddy Love Impris- onment IH seine Jr r s v this > < > > > > = ° COASTS WERE SWEPT BY SEVERE GALES- Wind Reached Velocity of 4 Miles An Hour SCHOONER WAS DRIVEN ASHORE Storm Too Severe to Send Wrecking Steamer to the Scene Life Savers Are Engaged In Rescuing the Un fortunate Ships Crew Norfolk Va Jan 10 The VlrjtaU- tod Carolina coasts wepi L y r re gales last night the wind reach- Ing a ve icty ot 4i mllwi an hour at Cape Haiti ras and 40 miles an hour at the Virginia capes- A snow storm raged la Btldst of t ls the nvtmasted schooner Fannitt Iulmvr was blown 12 miles south of Cape Henry and ties drives whore According to telephonic reports from Virginia teach today ute were then engaged IB rescuing tarn Nash and his men of the Palates Wrecking agents have procef 1 overland to Inspect the vessel storm Is too severe outside to a wrecking steamer to tae scene Palmer Is still pounding In a heavy sea with wind blowing 38 milt an hour from the southwest The teas rf rature here last night dropped 34 degrees Tho combined battleship and cruller squadrons were at anchor In Haaapton roads during last nights gale They rode the storm In safety and the Al bama today weighed anchor ant pro- ceeded for the Norfolk navy yard ty- ing the pennant of an admiral The North Atlantic fleet with exception of the battleship Kentucky la now here tho battleships Maine Kearsarge Illinois and Alabama hay trig arrived lastevening The fleet will In all probability sail Friday for the winter maneuvers In southern wa- ters though the meeting may be de- layed by recent accidents to the battle- ship squadron Dallas Suffers by Flames Dallas Tex Jan 10 Fire this morning partially destroyed the Kaep fley building a threeatory brick struc- ture located In the center of the busi- ness district entailing a loss of GOO D F NllllpHon a clerk aged 20 aa ec cupant of the third floor was by the flames R F HaJIey a printer wu fatally Injured by jaasp ing from the third floor J R Mlaor aim a printer was seriously Injured by tamping The Castoa National bank occupied the second Moor sad Its furS nlwhlnRM are almost a total loss money vaults are uninjured Decide Against Cincinnati Jan 10 The case ot Hong Wing against the Ualte4 State Involving Chinese esclustoa set was decide In favor of the Ualted States In the United State okctalt court of appeals In this city today ta court holding that the act of 7 1901 continued the act in lull force congress having full power- to do so Hong WIa ORe of six Chinamen who had been ordered de ported under the provisions of the Chi- nese exclusion act and the cases bo lug identical the one decision will to all six Will Make Exhibit Washington Jan 10 At theatttoa- al dairy show to be held at Chicago Feb 1524 there will be an exhibit ol milk and cream under the direction of the dairy division of the United States partment of agriculture The dairy division has secured space at the show and proposes to call for ex- hibits of unpanttierized milk and cream free from preservatives Three Injured In Runaway Car Paris Jan cable car of tie Rue do Belvllle descended an at full speed today the brakes not working The passengers Jamped from the car and fifteen were Ujured tore of them J Bfiorou ly I lie and the the saran Ie Tie I c Chin the April excl lloa I 10A Inca 4 were Cap seed Tits the x e suffo- cated The ap- ply t ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ +

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-11 [p...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-11 [p ] that the plans are now btIn-purMitd by certain cotton buyers



Published Twice a Week Monday and Thursday











Twelve Houses Are CompletelyWrecked In Landslide


Landslip Caused the Breaking of a

Water Main and It Was Impossible

To Extinguish the Fire Many Vic-

tims Under the Ruins

Havirstraw N Y an 13 Fire-men iflnioucd by Lunureds of vuuu-uen were stii working ie itrate

toOuy to ubilue the Slaan w iicjwere ttowty bul surely cotiiuiLhii theb dit Of Jil hUfl lo ptfrsOtlwltli were carried toi Uth n a n l iie short Lcturt lulunight Mond-

aTiiftt Is little hope that the victimsincluding iren women chlhlnuwill ever Identified The list o-

iiiirKlitK eoriaMtute tat ony known vietint of the landslide In the eastend of tnvn two blocks of haute

tn hart been underminedThe caM iopiie occurred without

warning and w title lit victimsaieep

S house went down In the crashluul Mood on tin brink of a pit-

u lundr d ilttp when the claygivi iy were carried to thybottom

Tliii A i i were not kilid seriosl Injured or burned ti ratli inIdas which Immediately took tire

Th tnd l le broke te van r mainsit on the tip if water am-

E luit 1 rf the work f recue-CimMmd the lames spivad to the

oUr uiiiliiu ant fur the tlmelof hirj is of volunteer the

lur jiiut huvi wiped out the enin town

TiiOM known to have perished areNlsti n furniture dealer

riMjnln Nelson his sonSllvertiiiin-

Silvi num a boy-

A J lh niMii-

Mr it i I Mr CohenFive Toll n rhSMrtThe iiil fins include Mrs alley

t of Me Mannlon family the entireLtinny family even I Uew lalMuvrs

Th cume sradualy at firsThe ground wtakeurd t y the rainsnow rte last tew days showncrew a war the eiise of the streetlate In the afernoon and if the evenIns jortons ol the hank where theworkmen haul been 1 1 I 5 clay forbrick to give away The rtlon was not thickly populate fomost of the former dweller hail lifton account of fear of Jius what tapp n l-

Wh n the final flide earn It cameso suddenly that thou who hd ri

trim in their IJOUSPS sad i jsorc-co oppcrviclty to escnjM

The bank oav M ft to M In

lle to ard a dtaricc ofbiocks to Jff reor strefs-letiiiw A ports of the toutai3 of Uiviti stnet fel on towho lived In tine oi a the erJ olthe row arJ whch c 40 Jon In

the wreck

There was a plunge a shivering 01

the earth around and then thenwas a 5tirnes li n tin neighborrushed hnf laiJ from heir housesihj iuidln s rloiie to them hal dlnppoored Only a in the cliff6iilo told fh t iry It wa v ry larkwith no tnvt llcht anti tense wichat Min par I were so wild wialarm for th ir own safety that It was

ft ral mimii l iioro any generaalarm stem

lleJaro this could the frametr ct i f n Umi s halt tak

un lire from rc neitt rcd coals anclights n them and soon the whole ottho u jiiralwjc ni rr ly th

rl in a ove tae skin of he pitAs ftowlji btrrlfii tn tb v r u an

the drparmrn ca p d up a e

i vrn p THin wbo hil v arenr fh Iflse of the pit w rt nearlcnrrienl over 10 It necrs

i nio tae flre a rait to in

sf acl urcTMla w s

art a that to cdoris to rescue wt


tht lr hum


artt tlllll





lIt1 r



a I

to t we-




01 f



Otto IAIIIalti








f t

f ware




unt lidand





t ante w







> >


< >









> >




> >





r M nir From irer-pl Ju t loll omld neit-

wn if ti hours iiecaiiMMi-ftliini The whole jrnw M ht i iior w i MIII II fo stark tffir or ru h iti and if savf-

la M i I not apuriich the wncklara ftrrs ot iiin alit works r-

t tiirk al ny ttay wvre tntistere-f aid in of ricue but tlel-ilTts w it in vain

All of tle nant of the hmies sfi-

RIII ling T driven a the trucare i danger of fol

lowlnc othr in the pit Tiies-fftluhenel t rants were cared for

A f force of men arts workini-rl spraiiy to uncover the ruins ol

earrlt l down tp to IIthere had horn little success

owna to the cr at mass of clay to for

reiov d and to the fart that wheretap houses had burned the dftbrls wasc hn that lie work was very slow

lTist esMniates art that twenty otmon persons were killed by the land



Second Trial of Rome Man Is NoIn Progress

K trot Ca Jan lo The famouscase of V T San rd chargd wltit nutrJer of Wright uc

jf intimacy wii Sanlord wifeIa t July which alrtady p suitedtr one tiUrtu was caied at trti Rn-uto to K oclock Mmilav 6rntiSJu MOM Urisht-

Mr Warlord appeared very pie irr-w4 si itin ly conlitien as any

iu a his lorme alThe Jnuiif Ijjtiitst hen Mems Ufi


Mrs ruiford I not durlnstri a h wi win the foran i

rut ard ja tact d rtctsr j itaTac r t lint e

su o J oitfl wih ltr attfr an I way u ia theac t at an aue of tie


White Struggling with One Officer Anether Kills Him

IJiilen Vi Ian 10 IJroltta n sro unit r i tii ace tt-

iliaiu1 h laiiuar was hot an-

n i r In the Jiil liy D J

S1 rill N imi SrintJailer Juin hall sone up t

the ei II nf tin y jro and n h-

opned ti rell door the condemn il

man sprang upon him andtIke his wia on from him

nesro wa a powerful man tillCas fir d vbe pirsol his object bolnsto emptey lilt wiapon 11111 render It

u e s Hie shots attracted DeputyJrants attention and wlsii ne saw

the struairlltrr men ne llnd at the nt-

Kro kJlltm him lntantlyTim m ro was convicted for having

tak n a pistol a waste matt andMlin him wi i

Perished in SnowstormSanta F N M Jan 11 Jam

Yatej IlNins ii ar While Daks ltncoin cowry u ranchmanperished in a nowstorm yesterdayji IMMV wa dlcovered In a norift miles from his cabin As apillow he hnl ust d his hat and scanand his hunt were folded on hit

In an atI tide of prayer hasN won n I herder alpfrNhed In the snowstorm In the Sacluiuento mountains

Will Attend Miners ConventionVashlnaton Jan II Ireldeni-mm N HMiip r of the

of Labor will leave shorto n t Nai nal eonvintioii ol

mini r which i to HIM

a Indiana n on Jan K conten Ion probably wiS evera

k llnh Jitin Mitrhiil pr mnf thi Mir Worker f Anurtca arm

Mr itp err exp cted to maltaddri s

Bidding for French PlantMama la Jan Tie Maco

c aiii mi l sow hldlltefor a test l hm nt t r n-

rd i i an I h r tlre fi ir-

tTi1 live in Trance and 1

irt tr hi country Miu f I it I far in Me

i ma i

iuij wii uadrcJs ot tiiousauud


r nutI t l

nttch hat urvlved








OIl atI




app lrIra








trout r

nwrll ill

Fcitrn Inn




nI t


bet tI I g t


tau sihlenh 1st a t



tore tn gt nayr

ntihO lout




oil t

Ill e t

s t

rI 1




hal blhnd

ii eatoat

nilseas tte

rot na



A I1




> >






















Jordan Sounds Note Warningto Holders


He Says Men and Buyers Have Evi-

dently Failed To Get the PriceWant For the Fleecy Staple m the

Open Markets

Atlanta Jan 10 Cotton buyerand cotton milm wio are nort ou coton are ald to tie a atti inaUmg uteffort to borrow cotton In orivr lucure what they need to In adown the price by taking the Mapout of WIt hands ot tiose who are nodins It fur the purpose of kcipiug tiltprice up and u It

President Marvie Jordan of tarSouthern Cotton usM eiation wi-suundtdthe note of warning last sprinjwhen tits ante tiling was attemptedIs apain exposing the scheme

In sldent Jordan saidInformation I being at thv-

headiiiarteri of the uM claton indicatlug that the plans are now btIn-purMitd by certain cotton buyers wnart tiott on their ctmtracts that wiretried last spring when the balance olLie unold portion of the crop wan be

fur higher their s I amalready In pns e son of litters fromcertain flan iiddn sped to spotwho have Oil hand horn Mi to KM ormore bales of cotton In which the fol-

lowing propr ton Is made Ve arcwilling to take your cotton at presentmarket port and aance ou

pound tfi tiie further agreementthat you rare di nianl ett tnent at any-time betw now and the llrst of Maytaking advantase of any rise In tin1

market that tray occur Tills wl reHive you nf storage Insurancehravy lntri fs on horrosved moneyIf you are wliiins to trade phase letis kiov by return mall

Short on DeliveriesThe sentiemen who urn sendliiR out

tin e entering areon th Ir spin dtllverhs fur Janu-

ary and Ftbruary They tvldttiilycannot s t what f ley want In themarkets They can frilly hedge againstthese transactions It no differ-ence which way the market pots I

am Informed that some of themills are also trylns jo borrow cot-ton In their nelcihorhoodrf on prettymuch the same kind of proposition

Spot hold r4 aro warned aRalnitthese ingenious devlcis If the spotcotton pant Into the hands of t

buyers mills the strength of themarket will be wiped out Tiere itbut one sure policy for the spot holdersto pursue In the resent tight they artIn and that 0 hold their cotton firm-ly In their own possession until thep ipe who ncfd and offer ufactory prices Vo know now that tincrop is short and that tho balance otthe unod porlon of tots crop mUllbring hlgiier price to offset the de

narctK we had to surfer inSeptember ana October My uivlcis nut to llst n at any proposals totportal trades or propositions to borrow

Stand pat demand the fIllprice UV rc sure to win If we firm-ly hold small Balance of the unsoldcrop tot IS c t

Morales Permitted to LeaveWashington Jan JO The ante tfe-

partruent hay advices from Santo o-

mino City to te effect that the gottrnment th re was disposed to acceptthe proposal of Morales i

surrender hIs oflire and quit the repulie If he were nut anoint or tried opthe charge of non It Is lielleveMorale w il U diported on one nf

warhl now in Dominican warrto ti tire tji omirvanco of the termtof l I n

Clay Working for SavannahWashington Jan 10 Senitor Cf

has Inrn a btu authorizingwcrenry treasury to haverevenue fiiei steamer run rucefor Favirrih at a cot of not exceedIns f 20OCO

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Armour Packing Company Must PayLicense to State

Washington Jan l In an opinion-by tle cnut ji Mce of Iho supriicourt of li Inited Static dvcMod-the ci3 of Armoir Packing cornPang er Us it It I ney tnaurer ot-

Norh fan ia in fa r of tar stateThis ott o ka effort j

enforc th of tlv ate of NorthCaroilnn ti ne a llccnje ax onvery treat iicklni snots inng busi-ness In tae The Armour corn

It was not engaged indoing a paekln luislnes in tae stateas It no Cashiering there hut theair was upheld by the state supremecourt and the decision was utalned

The law was attacked on theground that Its enforcement was anInterference with Interstate romcoerce that It cortrmened the nlfortuity rue of the North Carolina con-

stitution anti It was contrary tothe federal constltulon but it was classlegislation hot the court accepted tjeInterpretation of the state supremecourt and nistalned the law

Jutlci Prown White IVckham andMcKenna dissented on tho ground thatthe Armour Packing company Is notenpnci d In doing a packing house busIneji in l state but In selling meat


Had 100000 Sine In the Manufactur-Ing District

Ihuton Ian 10 A fire of treatenIng proportlonH broke out today In thwormwood warehouse In A street InSouth Boston district The tire In

No t biiildng a part devoted to theatorape of cotton waste It Is In closeproximity to other warehouses andmanufacturing tUnictures

Within an hour after the outbreakthe firemen were confining tbe flamesIn tie single warehouse and It wastnousat that nil danger of a furtner-ppr ul was past The Railway Sup-ply anti Manufacturing company had astock of a out 3001 wool andwaste In the Murnlnc l uldlng-

Tiie loss Is esrlmati at from 710iitto HJJuOO with partial Insurance

Schofield Adjudged InsaneMacon n Jon 10 Hal T Scho

Held be n declared Insane by uJury here Exactly ten minutes afterthe ijuesMon WitS Hiibnittteil to the 1Jmen for consldnration a verdict washanded in and Ordinary Wiley an-

nounced the results to a large numberof ptr oni who waited with Interestfcr the outcome of the trial For taesame reason that he was not held ac-

countable fur the death of Green Kingwno walt shot to death In a bar roomat Vlnevllie branch just before Christ-mas 1 OI Schoflcld will be detainedIn the state sanitarium deprived oftits liberties of a free man In spiteof the belief that he Is sane as wasadvanced by u long list of witnesseswho have testified during the trial

Two Found Guilty of MurderPlncvllle Ky Jan 10 A verdict

of mtird r of the killing of Henryat Mlddtestoro last February

against Clarence Gray and Jesse Hulhas been announced a jury havingreached an agreement Saturday nightThe sentence was fixed at life

the same penalty that wasmeted out to William Young tome timeago Three more men are yet to I

tried in connection with the samecrime

Claims Forgery CommittedPlttsburg Jan 10 Concerning ti

counterfeiting of stock certificates olthe Norfolk and Western railroad andthe report that 100 shares of the worth-less stock the names of ThoII Harrlk aril K h Green and theguarantf of Henry Sproul Co brok

iy and come to the stirfar n N w fork Henry Sproul em-phatlcally states that the signature ofMs liven ha been forged

Printers On StrikeMontreal Ian 10 Seventyfive

union pri is rrployed on the di-z tt n wnprirwr HIM on strike toTrouble arose in the jrti office ovian apprentlr end the newspaperof macliino turn ti called out In sypathy Tje rm pr prlor 3

clnred c a hm nf an OPTshop announce that thtlr p rwill be u tuual










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Wind Reached Velocity of 4Miles An Hour


Storm Too Severe to Send WreckingSteamer to the Scene Life SaversAre Engaged In Rescuing the Un

fortunate Ships Crew

Norfolk Va Jan 10 The VlrjtaU-tod Carolina coasts wepi L yr re gales last night the wind reach-Ing a ve icty ot 4i mllwi an hour atCape Haiti ras and 40 miles an hourat the Virginia capes-

A snow storm raged laBtldst of t ls the nvtmasted schoonerFannitt Iulmvr was blown 12 milessouth of Cape Henry and ties driveswhore

According to telephonic reports fromVirginia teach today utewere then engaged IB rescuingtarn Nash and his men of the Palates

Wrecking agents have procef 1

overland to Inspect the vesselstorm Is too severe outside to awrecking steamer to tae scenePalmer Is still pounding In a heavysea with wind blowing 38 milt anhour from the southwest The teasrf rature here last night dropped 34

degreesTho combined battleship and cruller

squadrons were at anchor In Haaaptonroads during last nights gale Theyrode the storm In safety and the Albama today weighed anchor ant pro-ceeded for the Norfolk navy yard ty-ing the pennant of an admiral

The North Atlantic fleet withexception of the battleship Kentuckyla now here tho battleships MaineKearsarge Illinois and Alabama haytrig arrived lastevening The fleetwill In all probability sail Friday forthe winter maneuvers In southern wa-

ters though the meeting may be de-layed by recent accidents to the battle-ship squadron

Dallas Suffers by FlamesDallas Tex Jan 10 Fire this

morning partially destroyed the Kaepfley building a threeatory brick struc-ture located In the center of the busi-ness district entailing a loss of GOOD F NllllpHon a clerk aged 20 aa eccupant of the third floor was

by the flames R F HaJIeya printer wu fatally Injured by jaasping from the third floor J R Mlaoraim a printer was seriously Injured bytamping The Castoa National bankoccupied the second Moor sad Its furSnlwhlnRM are almost a total lossmoney vaults are uninjured

Decide AgainstCincinnati Jan 10 The case ot

Hong Wing against the Ualte4 StateInvolving Chinese esclustoa setwas decide In favor of the UaltedStates In the United State okctaltcourt of appeals In this city today tacourt holding that the act of 71901 continued the act inlull force congress having full power-to do so Hong WIa ORe of sixChinamen who had been ordered deported under the provisions of the Chi-nese exclusion act and the cases bolug identical the one decision will

to all six

Will Make ExhibitWashington Jan 10 At theatttoa-

al dairy show to be held at ChicagoFeb 1524 there will be an exhibit olmilk and cream under the directionof the dairy division of the UnitedStates partment of agriculture Thedairy division has secured space atthe show and proposes to call for ex-

hibits of unpanttierized milk and creamfree from preservatives

Three Injured In Runaway CarParis Jan cable car of tie

Rue do Belvllle descended anat full speed today the brakes notworking The passengers Jampedfrom the car and fifteen were Ujuredtore of them J Bfiorou ly



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