GA-K8NE (rev. 2.x).doc

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o Intel Socket 1155

o Intel Socket 1156

o Intel Socket 775

o Intel CP !nboard

o Intel Socket 47"

o Intel Socket M #47" $%n&

o Intel Socket 423

o  'M( Socket )M2*

o  'M( Socket )M2

o  'M( Socket )M1

o  'M( Socket 'M3*

o  'M( Socket 'M3

o  'M( Socket 'M2*

o  'M( Socket 'M2

o  'M( +,' )-1

o  'M( Socket .40

o  'M( Socket .3.

o  'M( Socket 754

o  'M( Socket '

o  'M( Slot '

• ,'/" #re 2&

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GA'()E *re+, -,./

ot"er +ers%on 0 re+, 1,.Pr%nt

• A$D At"on234 5 Sempron soc6et 784 pat9orm

• Supports )ew Generat%on;13 Grap"%cs %nter9ace

• Supports DD<4== memor# arc"%tecture

• Integrated Ser%aATA Inter9ace w%t" <AID =>1 9unct%on

• En"ances networ6 secur%t# w%t" )?IDIA @%rewa

• Integrated G%gab%t LA) Et"ernet controer

• Integrated "%g" ua%t# ( c"anne Aud%o :odec

Add to :ompar%son L%st

Product Comparison

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Where to Buy

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• Overview 

• Key Features 

• Speciication 

• Support "ownloads 

• F#$ 

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• 'et a $uote 



-he latest ,'/"#e 2& %s the most cost eect%e solut%on or 'M( 'thlon648 Sem$ron $latorm 'ccom$an%ed 9%th the %nnoat%e

des%:ns o 'M(64 technolo:;< the adanced =I(I' n)orce4 Med%a and Commun%cat%on Processors #MCPS& contr%butes to unct%onal%t;

and stab%l%t; o th%s $latorm -he brand ne9 PCI/$ress %nterace $ro%des scalable band9%dth or h%:h $erormance :ra$h%cs cards and

ne9 :enerat%on I8! $er%$heral de%ces as 9ell Ser%al '-' %nterace enhances stora:e $erormance -he h%:h s$eed ,%:ab%t thernet

%nterace del%ers the e%c%ent broadband connect%on to the %nternet -he h%:h ual%t; "/channel aud%o ensures the en?o;ment o mult% /med%a

a$$l%cat%on )%nall;< =I(I' )%re9all and orton Internet Secur%t; sot9are %s %ncluded or secur%t; $rotect%on @%th such an arra; o lead%n:

technolo:; and ,%:ab;teAs un%ue eatures< users are sure to :et the most alue rom the ,'/"#e 2&

AMD AthlonTM64 / Sempron Processor

-he lead%n:/ed:e $erormance and un$arallel technolo:; o the "th :enerat%on 'M( 'thlon -M64 $rocessor has bu%lt %ts stren:th on the 9ell/

kno9n 'M(64 rame9ork 9h%ch cons%sted o 64/b%t com$ut%n: $latorm< H;$er-rans$ort -echnolo:;< and %nte:rated memor; controller @%th

%m$roed H;$er-rans$ort %nterace and ((400< the %nnoat%e $rocessor des%:n ensures su$er%or $erormance on m%ss%on cr%t%cal bus%ness


PCI Express Interface

eolut%onar; PCI $ress %nterace $ro%des scalable band9%dth or mult%/$ur$ose usa:e PCI/ 16 %nterace doubles the band9%dth o

:ra$h%cs %nterace o $re%ous :enerat%on thus del%er%n: the utmost :am%n: e$er%ence PCI/ 1%nterace $ro%des t9%ce the band9%dth o

PCI %nterace u$ to 250M+8s or ne9 :enerat%on I8! $er%$heral de%ces

Interated DDR memor! controller

-he 'M( 'thlon-M 64 $rocessor %m$roes the memor; $erormance b; %nte:rat%n: a (( memor; controller %nto the $rocessor +; runn%n:

at the $rocessorAs core reuenc;< an %nte:rated memor; controller :reatl; %ncreases band9%dth d%rectl; aa%lable to the $rocessor at

s%:n%%cantl; reduced latenc%es

"ia#it Ethernet Connection

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-he ,%:ab%t net9ork %nterace del%ers a h%:h s$eed B' connect%on 9%th data transer rate u$ to 1000Mb8s< $ro%d%n: ne9 :enerat%on

connect%%t; or the broadband era ,%:ab%t B' %s %deall; or seamless %nternet connect%on such as stream%n: aud%o and %deo contents

$%IDIA &ire'all Support

=I(I' )%re9all $rotects ;our PC rom %ntruders b; %lter%n: unauthor%ed tra%c -h%s brand ne9 %re9all $ro%des sol%d $rotect%on 9h%le

reduces the %re9allAs CP ut%l%at%on and %m$roes net9ork%n: throu:h$ut D $erormance Cert%%cated b; ICS' Bab< =I(I' )%re9all

$ro%des $roess%onal/:raded secur%t; to ;our deskto$ $latorm

Serial ATA 'ith RAID ()*)(+* function

Ser%al '-' %s the reolut%onar; '-' %nterace that $ro%des scalable $erormance or I( de%ce @%th u$ to 150M+8s data transer rate<

Ser%al '-' %s aster than current Parallel '-' and del%ers su$er%or %n$ut8out$ut $erormance In add%t%on< the Ser%al '-' %nterace %s

urn%shed 9%th 'I( 0<1<0*1 unct%on or etra $erormance enhancement and data $rotect%on

,-Channel Audio

$er%ences the 3( surround sound throu:h the "/channel aud%o solut%on -he adanced eature ul%lls the reu%rements or a ar%et; o

aud%o a$$l%cat%ons< such as MP3 or 'ud%o C( $la;back< (=( mo%es and :am%n: thus del%er%n: %deal $latorm or mult%med%a solut%on

$orton Internet Securit!TM Included

orton Internet Secur%t; %s the essent%al $rotect%on rom %ruses< hackers< and $r%ac; threats It $rotects user dur%n: the onl%ne act%%t%es such

as e/ma%l%n:< sho$$%n:< bank%n:< and :ame $la;%n:

E -he ent%re mater%als $ro%ded here%n are or reerence onl; ,I,'+F- reseres the r%:ht to mod%; or re%se the content at an;t%me 9%thout $r%or not%ce

E 'dert%sed $erormance %s based on ma%mum theoret%cal %nterace alues rom res$ect%e Ch%$set endors or or:an%at%on 9ho de%ned the %nterace

s$ec%%cat%on 'ctual $erormance ma; ar; b; s;stem con%:urat%on

E 'll trademarks and lo:os are the $ro$ert%es o the%r res$ect%e holders

E (ue to standard PC arch%tecture< a certa%n amount o memor; %s resered or s;stem usa:e and thereore the actual memor; s%e %s less than the stated amount

$ob%e !ebs%teApp Downoad<eseer:ontact sS%te $apTerm o9 sePr%+ac# <SSA %nteectua propert# r%g"ts> %ncud%ng w%t"out %m%tat%on to cop#r%g"t and trademar6 o9 t"%swor6 and %ts der%+at%+e wor6s are t"e propert# o9> or are %censed to>GIGABYTE TE:H)CLCGY :C,> LTD, An# unaut"or%ed use %s str%ct# pro"%b%ted,

"eal Finder

()*+ T%gerD%rect 

?%s%t Store

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(,+-++ T%gerD%rect 

?%s%t Store


(.+-++ T%gerD%rect 

?%s%t Store

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()*. Ser+er Supp# 

?%s%t Store

1-8@ree S"%pp%ng

()*+ T%gerD%rect 

?%s%t Store


()/0 Amaon 

?%s%t Store

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1=@ree S"%pp%ng$oreDea @%nder