G3 - Social Studies Revision Worksheets [May 2011]

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  • 8/6/2019 G3 - Social Studies Revision Worksheets [May 2011]


    Y~ur A m a z i n g B o d yName ~ __

    Match each term in Column Bwith its description in Column A.Write the letter of the answer on the line at the left.

    ColumnA ColumnB1. A strong, hard body part a organ system2. A group of organs that work b growth rate

    together to do a certain job3 . All the bones in your body C tendon

    4 . Groups of tissues that work d skeletal systemtogether to doa certain job

    5 . These carry messages to and e spinal cordfrom your brain6. Groups of cells that work together f cell

    to do a certain job7 . Nerves that run through the backbone 9 bone

    8. The smallest working part h nervesof your body9. A strong strip of tough material that i tissue

    attaches a muscle to a bone10. The rate at which you grow j organ

    Chapter 1 Your Amazing Body (page 1 of 3) Assessment Gui .:=

  • 8/6/2019 G3 - Social Studies Revision Worksheets [May 2011]


    Name ~---------------------

    Write the letter of the best answer on the line at the left.11. Your is the tube that connects your throat to your lungs.

    A diaphragm C trachea8 esophagus 0 stomach

    __ 12. The main part(s) of your respiratory system are your __F mouth H tracheaG esophagus J lungs

    __ 13. The muscle under your ribs that moves to push air in and out ofyour lungs is your __A esophagus C trachea8 diaphragm 0 stomach

    __ 14. Muscles in your __ push food from the mouth to the stomach.F diaphragm H tracheaG lungsJ esophagus

    __ 15. The acids in your __ break down food.A mouth C trachea8 stomach 0 lungs

    Write Tor F to tell whether the sentence is true or false.16. The human life cycle is made up of three stages of growth.17. The mineral calcium helps keep bones healthy.18. Your nose and mouth are parts of your body's nervous system.19. The stomach, liver, small intestine, and large intestine are parts

    of the body's respiratory system.__ 20. Humans grow at different rates.


    It 20 Assessment Guide (page 2 of 3) Your Amazing Body Chapter

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    T ak in g (a re o f Y ou rse lfName~~ __ ~~~ ~ ___ ChaRte rT e s t

    Match the words below to the sentences. Write the correctletters on the lines to the left of the sentences.d cavitye bacteriaf dental floss

    a eardrumb dentin cc consumer

    9 poresh plaquesunscreen

    ear canal

    1. Even though these living things are too small to see,they can cause illness.

    2. Sound waves enter your ear at the opening to this ear part.3 You sweat through these tiny holes in your skin.4. You use this special thread to remove plaque from betweenyour teeth.5. Sound waves make this part of your ear move back and forth.6. Acid-producing bacteria cause this hole in your tooth.7. This is a person who buys a product.8. This protects you from the sun's harmful rays.9. This hard yellow material surrounds a tooth's pulp.

    __ 10. This sticky material can build up on your teeth.

    22 Assessment Guide (page 1o f 3) Taking Care of Yourself Chapter 2

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    Write the letter of the best answer on the line at the left.11. Wash your hands to get rid of __ on your skin.

    A cells C poresB bacteria D skin cancer

    12. Tooth decay starts in the tooth enamel, goes through the dentin)and finally reaches the __F gums H rootG crown J fluoride

    13. Plaque and food between your teeth can be removed by __A fluoride C toothpasteB flossing D mouthwash

    __ 14. Placing something pointed, such as a pencil, in your ear couldmake a hole in your __F ear canal H middle earG crown J eardrum

    15. A consumer is a person who buys a __A productB advertiser

    C grocerD dentist

    Write Tor F to tell whether the sentence is true or false.16. The main goal of advertising is to get consumers to buy theadvertised product.

    Chapter 2 Taking Careof Yourself (page 2 of 3) Assessment Gill ".

    __ 17. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.__ 18. Sweat comes to the surface of your skin along the tiny hairskton your s m.

    19. It is best to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.__ 20. Fluoride is a chemical that damages teeth.

  • 8/6/2019 G3 - Social Studies Revision Worksheets [May 2011]


    21. Look at the diagram of the tooth. Write the name of each tooth part.pulp enamel dentinoot crown gum

    The Parts of a Tooth


    a. [~:~: . I t - - - - - F .b. [ ~. 11-- - d .



    Put the steps for flossing in order by writing 1 to 4 on the lines infront ofthe steps.__ 22. Use your thumbs and index fingers to guide the floss. Gently push

    it between two teeth. Rub gently up and down, away from the gum.Rub near the gum line of one tooth and then the other.

    __ 23. Pull out about 18 inches of dental floss.__ 24. Remove the floss. Unwind it a bit to reach a clean part. Repeat for

    each tooth in your mouth.25. Wrap one end of the piece of floss around the middle finger ofeach hand. Leave a few inches between your two hands.

    24 Assessment Guide (page3 of 3) Taking Careof Yourself Chapter

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    Name __

    Write Tor F to tell whether the statement is true or false.__ 11. It is healthful to eat just one kind of food.__ 12. As long as you choose healthful foods, you can eat as much asyou want.__ 13. The largest part of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid is the bread,

    pasta, rice, and cereal group.-'-----_14. Snacks can be a part of a balanced diet.__ 15. Fluoride is a vitamin.Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.__ 16. Fruits and vegetables are foods that corne from __

    A plants C proteins8 ingredients 0 animals

    __ 17. One medium-sized apple is an example of a (an) __from the fruit group.F ingredient H balanced dietG nutrient J serving

    . __ 18. __ is an example of a healthful snack.A Soda C Celery8 Sugary cereal D Candy

    __ 19. A balanced diet contains __F one kind of foodG no snacks H a good variety of foodsJ only expensive foods

    __ 20. A food that smells and looks bad is probably __ .A spoiled C a serving8 balanced 0 ,safe to eat

    l 26 Assessment Guide (page 2 of 3) Food for a Healthy Body Chapter 3

  • 8/6/2019 G3 - Social Studies Revision Worksheets [May 2011]


    a exerciseb warm-upc aerobic exercise

    d cool-downe safety gearf mouth guard

    9 strengthh flexibilityendurance


    Activity fo r a H ea lthy B od yName __

    Match each word below to a definition. Write the correct letteron the line at the left of the sentence.

    1. This kind of exercise makes your heart stronger2. How powerful your muscles are3. Being able to exercise for a long period of time without getting tired4. Any activity that makes your body work hard5. A way to get your body ready for exercise6. Clothing or equipment that helps protect you during sports or exercise7. Slow exercises after your workout8. A plastic shield that protects your teeth and gums9. How easily you can bend and stretch

    __ 10. The number of hours of sleep a person your age should get

    28 Assessment Guide (page 1 of 3) Activity for a Healthy Body Chapter

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    A moutn guard can pTOleCI your snms wnen youIt is important to warm up before you exercise.

    The Activity Pyramid can help you choose a variekeep' your body fit. .If you are injured, you should stop exercising or Iright away, and tell your parent or another trusteetter of the best answer on the line.If you don't get enough sleep each night, you couA rested C healthyB stressed :0' relaxedA person who can exercise for a long time withothas good .F flexibilityG strength

    H endura:J I aerobic

    What should you do if you are injured while youspo-rt or exercising? .A tell a parent or coach C keep de8, act as if nothing is wrong D playa cWhat body Dart zets stronzer when vou do aerob:

  • 8/6/2019 G3 - Social Studies Revision Worksheets [May 2011]


    nName ___

    21. Draw a picture of someone following a rule for water safety, and write asentence that tells about the water safety rule in the picture.

    22. Latasha said she does not exercise because it makes her tired. What wouldyou say to Latasha to encourage her to start exercising?

    23. Underline the sentences that tell ways to get enough sleep at night.Don't eat much right before bedtime.Run around or ride your bike right before bedtime.Go to bed at the same time each night.Be calm and quiet right before bedtime.Drink soda right before bedtime.Go to bed and wake up at different times each day.

    24. Tim and Michael are planning a long bike ride. What are two rules theyshould follow to stay safe on their bike ride?

    25. Justin has made an exercise plan. When you read his plan, you see thatit does not have a warm-up or a cool-down. What could you tell Justinabout warm-ups and cool-downs so that he will use them?

    . 30 Assessment Guide (page 3 of 3) Activity tor a Healthy Body Chapter 4
