G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2...

February is here and it’s time for love, Westminster, and Punxsutawney Phil! Phil has seen his shadow, so there will be 6 more weeks of snow, mud, and ice for those Giants living in the areas of “real” winter! What a great time to snuggle with those big black and pepper/salt dogs, keep warm, and plan for the up- coming year. As I reflect on Valentine’s Day and Westminster, it occurs to me that the dates of these events fall close together every year. I won- der if there is some connection. To those of us who love our beautiful breed, they can be our Sweethearts. If you are planning a litter, what better place to showcase your dog’s achieve- ments and evaluate other dogs to see if there is a mate out there that will improve on the hard work you have done. The dogs seen at Westminster are the best of the best for sure. Good luck to our dedicated, hardworking members who are showing there this year. I will be in warm Ari- zona cheering for all of you. So far, things seem to be falling in place for events in the upcom- ing year. The National Commit- tee is working hard to make the 2015 National special. The Southern Regional planning is also moving along nicely. There has been some interest in other Regional specialties. I am sure they will be asking for donations to help fund the events, so please help them out. I have heard com- ments like “the club has so much money they should just pay for all of it”, “I was promised some- thing and I didn’t get it”, and “the trophies don’t cost what we are giving”. To answer the first state- ment, yes the club does have money in the bank. However, if the club pays for the National every year, we would be bank- rupt in about 5 years. Our spe- cialties, with the events and ap- parel associated with them, are the only fund raising the club has each year. The club gives seed money to help the Specialties get started, but it is not nearly enough to fund all the things that go into putting on a specialty. As far as not getting what members asked for when he or she made a dedication or picked a class to sponsor, we cannot correct what was done in the past, but we can try to resolve these issues in the future. When I started years ago, member names and dedications were listed in the catalog right next to the class name and the list of dogs entered. That, of course, was in the days where each day a new catalog was sold. Now, eve- ry day of the event is listed in one catalog, making it extremely difficult to do it the way it was done in the past. Last year, I did accomplish getting names and dedications listed with the class, but due to the multi-day listing, it has to be in the front of the cata- log. I don’t think it can get any better than that. I have asked other delegates from the parent club committee and other parent club members what they do, but they seem to have the same prob- lem. Lastly, it’s not just ribbons and trophies that donations pay for. The donation covers first through 4th placements. The judges are paid for judging, their rooms, transportation, and meals. The location of the event usually get paid for their services includ- ing use of facilities, grooming areas, and RV parking. Money also goes to the programs, show secretary, security, hospitality, postage, printing, and the list goes on. Our club only charges a few dollars over the cost for the meals at the banquet. There are other parent clubs that charge much more for the exact same meals, grooming and RV spaces, and other things we offer. Most of us like getting prizes with the Giant depicted on them. The cost of paying for the production of quality items continue to rise and as they do, the cost of the spon- sorship of the classes may also. I do have an update on the man- datory offering of the Pepper/Salt class at all shows. I have been informed that it is not mandatory to split any Breed’s color. It is up to the individual all-breed club and show committee to offer the split class. I suggest that every- one approach your local kennel clubs and ask if they will offer the Open Pepper/Salt class mov- ing forward. I am meeting with one of the Show Superintendents in a few weeks to see if we can do anything through them. Have a great month! Kim. President’s Message Giant Tales GSCA MONTHLY E NEWSLETTER February 2015 Volume 15, Issue 2 Upcoming Events: April 11, 2015– Southern Regional Specialty, with the Atlanta Kennel Club, GA May 8, 2015- Supported Entry, with the Camila All Breed Show, CA September 4-6 2015: GSCA National, Greeley, CO Financials 2 Board Minutes 3 New Titles 4 Announcements/ 2015 Committees 5 Looking Back 6 Westminster 2015 7 Inside this issue:

Transcript of G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2...

Page 1: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.

February is here and it’s time for

love, Westminster, and

Punxsutawney Phil! Phil has seen

his shadow, so there will be 6

more weeks of snow, mud, and

ice for those Giants living in the

areas of “real” winter! What a

great time to snuggle with those

big black and pepper/salt dogs,

keep warm, and plan for the up-

coming year.

As I reflect on Valentine’s Day

and Westminster, it occurs to me

that the dates of these events fall

close together every year. I won-

der if there is some connection.

To those of us who love our

beautiful breed, they can be our

Sweethearts. If you are planning

a litter, what better place to

showcase your dog’s achieve-

ments and evaluate other dogs to

see if there is a mate out there

that will improve on the hard

work you have done. The dogs

seen at Westminster are the best

of the best for sure. Good luck to

our dedicated, hardworking

members who are showing there

this year. I will be in warm Ari-

zona cheering for all of you.

So far, things seem to be falling

in place for events in the upcom-

ing year. The National Commit-

tee is working hard to make the

2015 National special. The

Southern Regional planning is

also moving along nicely. There

has been some interest in other

Regional specialties. I am sure

they will be asking for donations

to help fund the events, so please

help them out. I have heard com-

ments like “the club has so much

money they should just pay for

all of it”, “I was promised some-

thing and I didn’t get it”, and “the

trophies don’t cost what we are

giving”. To answer the first state-

ment, yes the club does have

money in the bank. However, if

the club pays for the National

every year, we would be bank-

rupt in about 5 years. Our spe-

cialties, with the events and ap-

parel associated with them, are

the only fund raising the club has

each year. The club gives seed

money to help the Specialties get

started, but it is not nearly

enough to fund all the things that

go into putting on a specialty. As

far as not getting what members

asked for when he or she made a

dedication or picked a class to

sponsor, we cannot correct what

was done in the past, but we can

try to resolve these issues in the

future. When I started years ago,

member names and dedications

were listed in the catalog right

next to the class name and the list

of dogs entered. That, of course,

was in the days where each day a

new catalog was sold. Now, eve-

ry day of the event is listed in one

catalog, making it extremely

difficult to do it the way it was

done in the past. Last year, I did

accomplish getting names and

dedications listed with the class,

but due to the multi-day listing, it

has to be in the front of the cata-

log. I don’t think it can get any

better than that. I have asked

other delegates from the parent

club committee and other parent

club members what they do, but

they seem to have the same prob-

lem. Lastly, it’s not just ribbons

and trophies that donations pay

for. The donation covers first

through 4th placements. The

judges are paid for judging, their

rooms, transportation, and meals.

The location of the event usually

get paid for their services includ-

ing use of facilities, grooming

areas, and RV parking. Money

also goes to the programs, show

secretary, security, hospitality,

postage, printing, and the list

goes on. Our club only charges a

few dollars over the cost for the

meals at the banquet. There are

other parent clubs that charge

much more for the exact same

meals, grooming and RV spaces,

and other things we offer. Most

of us like getting prizes with the

Giant depicted on them. The cost

of paying for the production of

quality items continue to rise and

as they do, the cost of the spon-

sorship of the classes may also.

I do have an update on the man-

datory offering of the Pepper/Salt

class at all shows. I have been

informed that it is not mandatory

to split any Breed’s color. It is up

to the individual all-breed club

and show committee to offer the

split class. I suggest that every-

one approach your local kennel

clubs and ask if they will offer

the Open Pepper/Salt class mov-

ing forward. I am meeting with

one of the Show Superintendents

in a few weeks to see if we can

do anything through them.

Have a great month!


President’s Message

Giant Tales


February 2015

Volume 15, Issue 2

Upcoming Events:

● April 11, 2015–

Southern Regional Specialty, with the Atlanta Kennel

Club, GA

● May 8, 2015-

Supported Entry, with the Camila All

Breed Show, CA

● September 4-6

2015: GSCA National,

Greeley, CO

Financials 2

Board Minutes 3

New Titles 4

Announcements/ 2015 Committees


Looking Back 6

Westminster 2015 7

Inside this issue:

Page 2: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.


Giant Tales Volume 15, Issue 2

Page 2

Page 3: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.

GSCA Telephonic Board

Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2015

Board Members Present:

Kim Demchak, Howard

Postovit, Doug Hill, Jennifer

Tennison, Brenda Cejka,

Christina Tommila, Cornelia

King, Janine Poyfair and

Patricia Poole.

Call to Order: 7:33 PM CST

Approval of Minutes:

Doug moved that the minutes

from the December 17, 2014

Board Meeting be approved.

Christina seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

Report from Secretary:

Brenda Cejka

There was a special called

vote by Kim Demchak

regarding a motion to appoint

Janine Poyfair for the

Eastern Director and Brenda

Cejka for Secretary of the

GSCA for the upcoming term

2015. The vote was called on

1/2/15. These were open

positions from the election.

There were no candidates

from the recent election and

the board has the authority to

fill these positions.

Kim moved that these

positions be filled by Janine

and Brenda .

Howard seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

There was a special called

vote by Doug Hill on

12/29/14 regarding a motion

that the GSCA participate in

the Meet the Breeds Guide

published and distributed by

the AKC at the MTB in New

York City in 2015.

Doug made a motion for the

GSCA to participate in MTB

in NYC

Howard seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

Brenda reported that the

Updated Membership Roster

was submitted to the AKC on

January 11, 2015.

Treasurer’s Report:

Howard Postovit

Kim made a motion to

approve the treasurer’s report.

Cornelia seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

Howard reminded the board

that this is the year for an

audit. Two members are

needed to conduct the review

of the books. Kim will contact

Marnie and Jennifer will

contact Pam for acceptance.

Kim made a motion for

Marnie Lowe and Pam Foster.

Brenda seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

President’s Report: Kim


Kim discussed that we need a

review of all the committees

listed on the website. There

may be some that need to be

deleted and some that might

be combined.

Robyn Elliott will be the

webmaster and publish the

monthly newsletter. Doug

said that he will be needing

information, stories, pictures,

etc. for Steps. The Regional

Directors need to follow up

and get info provided to him.

Regional Directors Report;

Cornelia reported that

paperwork is in, trophies are

ordered, committees are ok,

t-shirts and tumblers for the

Southern Regional specialty

have been ordered. She needs

to open an account with Wells

Fargo. Jennifer is to send a

check for $500 to open the


Janine reported that there is

nothing at this time with

regards to the Eastern


Christina reported that there is

nothing at this time with

regards to the Midwest


Patricia reported that the West

had a prospective date but it

was found to be a conflict

with the National in 2016.

She will work on another


Unfinished Business:

Breeders List – Should be up

in the next two weeks.

E Voting – Doug is still

working on the verbiage for

the Constitution revision.

Old Business:

New Membership Requests

– None this month

New Business:

Brenda Nyx has requested a

mandatory separate Open

Class for Pepper/ Salt.

Doug made a motion to revisit

2004 mandatory open class

Pepper/Salt at all AKC Con-

formation Shows.

Kim seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.


Howard made the motion to

adjourn the meeting at 9:24


Christina seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

Board Minutes, January 14, 2015

Giant Tales Volume 15, Issue 2

Page 3

Page 4: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.

New Titles!

Giant Tales Volume 15, Issue 2

Page 4

Dog Title Dog Name Sex Owners Name

Champion CH Nightline Yieldt'Nuthin Tnglwd B Edward Fojtik & Jean Erath

Grand Champion GCH CH Skansen's Kalifornia D Anna Stromberg & Ben Franzoso

Rally Novice Riesenrad's Moving Violation BN RN CGC B Ingrid Hamburger & Tarja Ahlgren & Hermann Hamburger

Rally Novice GCH CH Skansen's Errol Flynn BN RN D Louise Lister & Lu O Castro

Rally Excellent Riesenrad's Kaari Another Turn CDX GN RE NAP CGC B

Ingrid Hamburger & Tarja Ahlgren & Hermann Hamburger

Tracking Dog Riesenrad's I'll Have Another BN TD D Laura Feldt & Tarja Ahlgren

Agility Excellent Ain'T She A Duesy Von Furstenhaus AX AXJ XF B Michelle Kiernan & Steve Winterbottom

Novice Agility Jumper Preferred

CH Homestead's And Valleesa's Promise Re-membered NJP B Valli Rovenolt & Rick Rovenolt

Novice Agility Jumper Preferred

Riesenrad's Kaari Another Turn CDX GN RE NAP NJP CGC B

Ingrid Hamburger & Tarja Ahlgren & Hermann Hamburger

Open Agility Jumper Preferred

CT Riesenrad's Midnight Rendezvous VCD1 RN OJP B Laura Feldt & Tarja Ahlgren

Agility FAST Novice Hennessy Von Der Leidenschaft NA NF D Susan Mizzell & Joe Freeman

Agility FAST Novice Pre-ferred CH Riesenrad's Never Say Never NA NAP NFP D Tarja Ahlgren

Agility FAST Open Pre-ferred CH Riesenrad's Never Say Never NA NAP OFP D Tarja Ahlgren

Time 2 Beat Ain'T She A Duesy Von Furstenhaus AX AXJ XF T2B B Michelle Kiernan & Steve Winterbottom

Canine Good Citizen CH Skansen's Sirius Black CGC D Luke Norton & Alan Waterman & Douglas Hill

Page 5: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.

The GSCA Southern

Regional Specialty to

be held April 11,

(Peach Blossom

Cluster April 8-11,

2015) at the Georgia

Agriculture Center in

Perry, Georgia.

They will offer


obedience, and lure


Please contact

Cornelia King for


GSCA Committees

Southern Regional Specialty, April 11, 2015

Giant Tales Volume 15, Issue 2

Page 5

Adoption & Rescue Cindy Bromagem

AKC Delegate Kim Demchak

AKC Gazette Columnist Bridgette Tuerler

AKC Legislative Liaison

Archives Peggy Gumm

Awards/Trophies Linda Hurst

Breeders’ Education Maryann Bisceglia

Congratulatory Marnie Lowe

Giant Steps Editor Doug Hill

Giant Store, Ways & Means Karen Child

Health/Heredity Kim Demchak

Information Center & Public Education Marianne Mazzenga

Judges’ Education Steve Fox

Judges Selection Vicki Kallett and Cindy Wallace

Membership Chairman Bernie Tuerler

Newsletter Editor Robyn Elliott

Performance Events Bonnie Postovit

Social Media Rich Poyfair and Robyn Elliott

Stats – Agility Points Tabulation Beth Unser

Stats – Breed Points Tabulation Luke Norton

Stats – Obedience Points Tabulation Bonnie Postovit

Stats – Rally/Tracking/Herding Pts Tabulations Marjana Callery

Webmaster Robyn Elliott

Page 6: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.

The Westminster

Kennel Club Dog

Show is the

among the most

prestigious in the

world. This year,

the WKC will be

held at Madison

Square Garden,

in New York

City, New York

on February

Looking Back on Westminster

Giant Tales Volume 15, Issue 2

Page 6

BREED 1st year entered

BIS Grp 1st Grp 2nd Grp 3rd Grp 4th

Giant Schnauzer

1930 0 2 (2009) 2 3 2

Below: Previous Data on Group Placements at “The Garden”. The number 2009 in

parentheses indicates that was the most recent group placement of a Giant Schnauzer.

Pictured Right:

Ch Dolric Moritz v. Gestern, CD

Gesi acquired multiple group

placements including a Group III

at Westminster where he was Best

of Breed in 1977 and 1978. Gesi

was owned by Judi Boston and

was the second Giant Schnauzer

to earn a group placement at


16th and 17th. The

Giant Schnauzer

entry is very good

this year, 11, with a

count of: 2-0 (5-4)


Page 7: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.

Judge: Mr. Robert Shreve Day: February 17, 2015 Time: 10:15 Ring: 6


B 10 GCH SKANSEN'S HOLY KNIGHT Sex: Dog Breeder: Sylvia Hammastrom Owner: Cornelia King

OS 6 GCH LOWDOWN REMYS GIRL V ARDENHOUT Sex: Bitch Breeder: Janine Starink & Lisa Hawes Owner: Linda Low & Lisa Hawes & Janine Starink

SEL 11 CH SKANSEN'S KALIFORNIA Sex: Dog Breeder: Sylvia Hammarstrom Owner: Ben Franzoso & Anna Stromberg

SEL 12 GCH KENRO'S TIME IS MONEY Sex: Bitch Breeder: Robin J Greenslade Owner: Margaret R McGee & Robin J Greenslade

AOM 16 GCH NIGHTLINE VIKING A TANGLEWOOD Sex: Dog Breeder: Deborah L Wiebe & Ed Fojtik Owner: Chris & Jean Erath & Ed Fojtik & Catherine Watterson

Open Dogs

1/W 8 SKANSEN'S STORMY WEATHER V RIA Sex: Dog Breeder: Sylvia Hammarstrom Owner: Jim Brown & Nell Brown

Westminster 2015

Giant Tales Volume 15, Issue 2

Page 7


GCH Skansen’s Holy

Knight, call name,

“Knight”. Official

Breed Picture from

Westminster Kennel


Page 8: G S CA M ON T H LY E N E WS LET T E R Volume 15, Issue 2 ...giantschnauzerclubofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/...from the December 17, 2014 Board Meeting be approved. Christina seconded.

Editor: Robyn Elliott

[email protected]

Giant Schnauzer Club of

America, Inc. is a member club

of the AKC.

Please send suggestions and

photos to editor. Deadline

for submission is BEFORE the

10th of each month.

Celebrating 52 years

of the GSCA


We hope you get to snuggle with the ones you love this

Valentines Day! Photo courtesy of Peggy Shackelford.