The Three MuskeTeers

Gala Weekend 2012

Graduation Ceremony

A New Era for Greenfields



1 ANewEraforGreenfields from Head Teacher Grant Hudson

4 GreenfieldsTheatreCompany presents The Three Musketeers

6 GraduationHighlights2012Meet this year’s graduates

10 GraduationBallGraduates and their friends celebrate the year!

11 SchoolNewsFrom the Queen’s Jubilee to the London Olympics, Greenfields has so much news to share

13 ParentSuccessStory

14 NewDayStudentsFeesSchemeEnabling more parents to access all that Greenfields has to offer

To learn more about Greenfields School, request a copy of our prospectus.



GreenfieldsSchoolPriory Road, Forest RowEast Sussex RH18 5JD

T +44 (0)1342 822189 E [email protected] www.greenfieldsschool.com



This September we’re in our 30th year of Greenfields School in Forest Row. In celebration of this, the school is introducing a new fees scheme for Day students which reduces Lower School fees by almost half and Lower Senior fees by up to 50%. So a Greenfields education now becomes available for as little as £57.00 a week.

Greenfields is here to deliver a good education and an awareness of the technology of study which permits further growth and education throughout life. The school prides itself on the ability of its students to understand, apply and think with data in a range of subjects. Greenfields students are the beginning of a new kind of young adult: a person prepared for life not only with a basic education but with the tools necessary to continue to create a great life and a great career in the future.

Greenfields is therefore very much focused on the quality of its education but is also aware of the pressing and vital need to make all of it more affordable for local parents – for everyone, in fact, who is interested in an education which is truly effective and which is essentially lifelong. There’s no point in having the best education in the country if it’s not actually available to those who need and want it. It’s a balance: we give an excellent education, but we want it to be more affordable.

We are also getting the Study Technology more widely known so that the “Greenfields Effect” spills out into the world for the benefit of the broader society and civilisation. Not only can we demonstrate that our students have an in depth understanding of everything that they study, but we can promote the way in which we deliver education in an inspiring, liberating, uplifting and powerful way which enables students to choose the best options in life.


• A private school education in all school subjects, leading to understanding rather than just passing exams.

• Individual attention.

• Small class sizes for ages 2-18 years boys and girls.

• Enthusiastic, devoted teachers.

• Countryside environment right on the edge of the Royal Ashdown Forest.

• Member of the Independent Schools Association.

• Rated “Good “ by Independent School Inspectorate.

Limited spaces are available and the scheme will be reviewed in September 2012. Classes are filling up fast.

Here are the key points of the scheme:

• This new scheme effectively cuts the current full fees by almosthalf.

• This applies to all children in the school from Reception to Juniors 4 (Year 6, age 10-11).

• Fees in Reception and Infants come down to £57.00 per week and £69.00 per week in the Juniors.

• The government free voucher scheme still applies to the Reception class.

Greenfields is here to deliver a good education and an awareness of the technology of study which permits further growth and education throughout life.

New local fees scheme for day studentsby Head Teacher, Grant Hudson

1 Greenfields School Magazine Issue 16 www.greenfieldsschool.com 2


As part of this celebration, for the year beginning in September 2012 we are discounting 20% off the fees for the Lower Seniors (Years 7, 8 and 9). That’s 20% off for everyone!

In addition, students moving from our Lower School to our Upper School will be entitled to 5% discount for every full year that they have attended Greenfields! This means that some students will have in total up to 50% off Lower Seniors fees and 30% off Upper Seniors fees.

With both these schemes we are making it financially as easy as possible for you to find your way through to the shining Greenfields final product of a confident, independent learner with the power to take on life and the future.


Hopefully you will benefit greatly from this new scheme, but you’ll need to come in and request to go onto the scheme. Some terms and conditions apply.

To summarise, day students can have a private school education for as little as £57-£69 per week in the Lower School. Thisisaspecialoffer,andlimitedspacesareavailable.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me or the Bursar. See page 14 for more information.

Everyone can be involved in this and I’m hoping that this scheme will be the beginning of a new era for Greenfields, an era of meaningful, extended and broadened education with flexibility and affordability built in!

GrantHudsonHead Teacher

Greenfields Theatre Company

GreenfieldsTheatreCompany2012wasexceptionallypleasedtobringtolife,forthepleasureofseveralpackedhouses,AlexandreDumas’timelessadventureclassicThe Three Musketeers. Set in the luxuriously royal France of the 17th century, this swashbuckling performance certainly buckled a lot of swash, with duels and devil-may-care do-gooding taking place between Paris and London as the Three Musketeers and their companion, the noble young farm boy D’Artagnan, attempted to foil the plots of the evil Cardinal Richelieu and the devilish Milady De Winter.

Action, excitement, romance and the crème de la crème of sword battles paraded across the stage as the fearless heroes journeyed from Gascony to Paris on their perilous quest to protect the Queen of France.

As usual the pupils were responsible for making costumes and props, creating the music and animation, selling tickets and running backstage.

Directed once again by the wonderful Madame Bird and using Ken Ludwig’s script, this proved to be the most exciting play of the season.

All for one, and one for all!

GrantHudsonHead Teacher

The Three Musketeers!

To summarise, day students can have a private school education for as little as £57-£69 per week in the Lower School. This is a special offer, and limited spaces are available.

BooKNoWGreenfields30thAnniversaryreunionAll old Greenfieldians welcome. Put it in your diary!

3 Greenfields School Magazine Issue 16 www.greenfieldsschool.com 4

Juniors also received certificates as they graduated from the Lower School to the Senior School and special awards were presented by former award winners for sports, drama, science and art.

The graduation afternoon was begun by the Head Teacher, Mr Grant Hudson, who introduced the graduates. There were also speeches by Greenfields Educational Trust Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr Peter Hodkin, and Mrs Astra Fear – a former Greenfields student who has continued to work in the educational field, having been inspired by the study methods she used at the school. This was followed by the Head’s tea for families and graduates and finally the graduate ball in the evening.

The final week of term at Greenfields sees school graduates being acknowledged for their achievements and sent off to a bright future in style. Graduates gave heartfelt speeches about their school experiences and thanked family and teachers for all their help during their school years.

Graduation 2012


Sports Day 2012 was a fantastic success and was themed in keeping with this summer’s London Olympics. The weather held off just enough for us to go ahead and the opening ceremonies were brilliant with a torch borne by Charlie Meer-Sipkoski and an Olympic Ring display by the younger girls.

The races were challenging and fair play was enjoyed by all. In the end, the winning team, “Spartans”, were the Olympic champions of the day. Cheers of congratulations and praise were forthcoming in abundance from parents and fellow students.

Staff and Greenfields PTA (Parent Teacher Association) worked together to organise this relaxed social event during the gala weekend in July. Activities included a treasure hunt, pony rides, bouncy castle, coconut shy, duck fishing, raffle, face painting, mask making, and even a game of football.

Then along with liberal amounts of homemade cakes, a BBQ, crêpes and plenty of tea and treats, families and children were treated to a dance show featuring 14 year old Greenfields student Lucy Renouf, who recently won one of the largest modern dance competitions in the world – the ISTD Janet Cram awards.

Lower School Sports Day

Summer Family Fun Day






AWArDSbelow from left to right

BESTAllrouNDSPorTSWoMANpresented by Sandra Gonzalez

to ChiaraCalcioli

BESTAllrouNDSPorTSMANpresented by Ashley Hollom

to SanaBojang


presented by Mr. Jeff Smith to ValentineDouady

CrEATIVEArTSAWArDpresented by Eden Tupholme


DrAMACuPpresented by Mr. Grant Hudson

to AlexGramann


5 Greenfields School Magazine Issue 16 www.greenfieldsschool.com 6


But when I walked into Greenfields, it was different. No one saw me as dyslexic. Rather, they saw that I could do well. Getting me to realise that took a little bit longer.

The teachers themselves were friendly and understanding, and this encouraged me to be more confident. I began to be more and more fascinated by Biology and began to really enjoy the lessons. It soon became my favourite subject and it still is, so my Biology teacher must have done something right!

This has led me to select my career. I will be going to Bangor University to study Marine Biology. Bangor is one of the largest university centres teaching marine sciences in Europe. I can’t wait to get started. That’s a long way for me to come from not really giving the subject a second thought.

My time here at Greenfields has also taught me to believe in my own abilities and not to listen when someone says that I cannot do something. Using the Study Technology meant that barriers to learning melted away.

My parents already know how grateful I am to them for giving me a Greenfields education, but I would like to publicly acknowledge them. Thank you, Mum and Dad.

I would like to say thanks to Greenfields and to assure everyone here that I have appreciated my time here Thank you.


There is a certain atmosphere within this school which allows each individual to open up and reach their full potential. Being able to be myself around others is truly a big achievement. A few years ago I’d walk through town, and I’d have to avoid the ‘chavs’ or ‘townies’ or whatever you want to call them because I was frightened of them.

Now I can confront anything that life throws at me due to the help and gentle push of encouragement Greenfields has given me to pursue my goals and stand up for myself and what is right.

It’s funny, I remember seeing one of the teachers in town once and we were just chatting for a while. Later on my cousin asked who I was talking to and I told her she was a teacher at school. The confusion on her face said it all. It’s not every day you see a student and teacher not just getting along but actually being friends.

I’d like to thank my family for giving me the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful experience and all the efforts they have put in allowing me to be here. My Dad especially, for supporting my decisions and paying for my schooling.

Most of all I’d like to thank L. Ron Hubbard for the Study Technology which has given me the chance to flourish and prosper in the future. Without this technology I know that my future would not look as bright.

Thank you very much.

I’vebeenhereatGreenfieldsforalmostfouryearsnow. WhenIfirstcamehereIwasamazedbythedriveoftheolderstudents.Theircompassion,theirefficiency,theirdesiretodotherightthinginspiredmetoworkhardandachieve.

Study Technology has taught me to learn and understand as an individual. I’d like to truly thank all the teachers for working together and making this unique education possible.

It’s great to be in a school where one is not looked down on as an individual but treated as an equal. The teacher/student relationship here is a friendship, not a hierarchy of superiority as in other schools I have attended. This means that learning is not forced and takes place in a civilised atmosphere which encourages the student to expand.

The most considerable specific difference I’ve noticed using Study Technology is in my increased understanding of Physics and my expanded vocabulary. Physics is not an easy subject and it gets more difficult as one goes on. The ability to learn anything is an amazing skill I’ve gained and I’ll use it whenever I need to really understand something.

Unusually for a Sixth Former, I have already started a career and am beginning my own business. This school has been a wonderful experience for me and that positive perspective will never falter.

Which brings me on to thank my parents. Without them, none of this enlightening education would have been possible. I feel confident that whatever barriers and obstacles life holds for me, I will be mature enough to find a way through. Greenfields has made an adult out of me. Thank you.


I had learnt more English in 6 months than I had ever learnt in 4 years in Russia. After a couple of months I was able to understand and communicate. I would like to thank all EFL teachers for helping to boost my English in such short time.

The thing that makes Greenfields special is Study Technology. Before I came here I thought that memorising the material and forgetting it the next day was normal. But with the help of Study Technology I learnt how to study properly and actually be able to apply what I had studied.

Before coming to Greenfields I never imagined that I could enjoy going to school and studying, I always thought that education was a burden I had to carry for the rest of my life but I was wrong. My viewpoint on education changed completely once I learnt how to use Study Technology and I would like to thank L. Ron Hubbard for that.

I would like to thank all the teachers for helping me throughout these years. I would like to thank my parents for choosing the right place for me to study. Without a doubt the past 5 years were the best years of my life. Graduating from Greenfields makes me confident that I am ready for the next step.

Next year I am going to an art college and that would not be possible without the education I got here.

Fred ParffreyGraduate with Honours

Georgia May Todd Graduate

Geeshan Willink Graduate with Honours

Kamila Kalaeva Graduate

7 Greenfields School Magazine Issue 16 www.greenfieldsschool.com 8

Be CompetentBy L. Ron Hubbard The Way to HappinessPrecept #17

In an age of intricate equipment and high-speed machines and vehicles, one’s survival and that of one’s family and friends depends in no small measure upon the general competence of others.

In the marketplace, in the sciences, the humanities and in the government, incompetence can threaten the lives and future of the few or the many.

I am sure you can think of many examples of these things.

Man has always had an impulse to control his fate. Superstition, propitiation of the right gods, ritual dances before the hunt, can all be viewed as efforts, no matter how faint or unavailing, to control destiny.

It was not until he learned to think, to value knowledge and to apply it with competent skill, that he began to dominate his environment. The true “gift of heaven” may have been the potential to be competent.

In common pursuits and activities, Man respects skill and ability. These in a hero or athlete are almost worshiped.

The test of true competence is the end result.

To the degree that a man is competent, he survives. To the degree he is incompetent he perishes.

Encourage the attainment of competence in any worthwhile pursuit. Compliment it and reward it whenever you find it.

Demand high performance standards. The test of a society is whether or not you, your family and friends can live in it safely.

The ingredients of competence include observation, study and practice.

Graduates who completed the Lower School programme and are now ready to start Senior School were presented their certificates by Mr Grant Hudson – Head Teacher and Mrs Lesha Hudson – Head of Lower School.

Lower School Graduation


The evening began with a photo shoot of the students looking glorious in their ball dresses and tuxedos followed by a delicious three course meal. Among the guests were some former Greenfieldians who were happy to attend and toast the new graduates to a great future.

The main hall was decorated in blue, white and silver and after the dinner a firework display was held on the school field. The graduates then danced until the early hours of the morning. Greenfields is proud of them and wishes them every success in the years to come.

On the final Sunday before the term ended, the graduates had their traditional dinner dance hosted at the school.

Graduation Ball

Teia Leonie Soames Darby Alejandro Murphy

Charlie Meer-Sipkoski

Madeline Louise Douglas Matilda Sadie O’Brien

9 Greenfields School Magazine Issue 16 www.greenfieldsschool.com 10


The Summer Term saw the school filled to capacity with boarders and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students here to improve their English and take in the sights of the UK. Estates personnel, supervisors and course tutors all worked hard to make the itinerary and facilities a pleasant, comfortable and exciting experience for all students. Trips were made to Eastbourne, Brighton, Hampton Court, Arundel Castle, Bodiam Castle, shopping malls, bowling alleys, cinemas and many other interesting places.

The 6 day ski trip to Torgon in Switzerland in February was once again a popular event where children learnt or improved their skiing or snowboarding.

Asmanyparentswillknow,thelowerschoolchildren,parentsandteachershaveworkedextremelyhardthissummertomakeabeautifulolympicandJubileethemedgarden. The garden was entered in the East Grinstead in Bloom contest which takes place every year and Judges were delighted with the results.

The Silver Gilt certificate was awarded and the Judges had this to say about their visit:

“The children we met at Greenfields

were brilliant, so enthusiastic about their garden and what they do in it and really falling over each other to tell us about it.”

They also made favourable mention of the school’s use of the woodland access to the Ashdown Forest, the butterfly raising system, nature walks and all other science, art and nature projects the children are involved in.

Parents have commented that the Lower School is ‘enchanting’ and has ‘never looked so good!’

In April, the Lower School teachers and children enthusiastically took part in World Book Day by dressing up as some of their favourite characters in their favourite books. World Book Day is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.

The 2012 Olympics are being held in London this year and as is the tradition the Olympic Torch has been transported by relay through every major town in the UK. Torch bearers were an eclectic mix of athletes, local councillors, community leaders and other people of good standing

in their local communities. On the day the torch came through East Grinstead (the nearest town to the school), the Lower School children were out in force armed with flags to see the torch pass by and be photographed with the bearer.

July 2012 saw most of the Upper School visiting the Harry Potter film studios in Hertfordshire. They saw the fantastic scale model of Hogwarts, met some of the film crew and came home with some nasty tasting jellybeans as eaten by Potter and friends in the films.

June 2012 was the Royal Jubilee (60 years on the throne!) for England’s Queen which was celebrated in style at Greenfields. Parents, teachers and children contributed to making a feast fit for the Queen herself. It included plates of cucumber sandwiches, scones with strawberries and cream, lashings of home-made cakes and many other Royal favourites.

The Parent Teacher Association is thanked for all its hard work, the English weather is thanked for not raining, and the Queen is thanked for her 60 years’ service to the nation!

Summer Fun

Greenfields win Silver Gilt Award at East Grinstead in Bloom contest 2012

World Book Day

London Olympics

Harry Potter Film Studios

Queen’s Jubilee

Ski Trip

11 Greenfields School Magazine Issue 16 www.greenfieldsschool.com 12

AN APPLIED SCHOLASTICS™ SCHOOL. © 2012 Greenfields Educational Trust. All rights reserved. Greenfields Educational Trust is a registered charity, No 287037. Registered as a limited company in England. Registered Office: Greenfields School, Priory Road, Forest Row, Sussex. Company No 1720539. Grateful acknowledgement is made to the L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. Greenfields School is licensed by Applied Scholastics International. APPLIED SCHOLASTICS and the APPLIED SCHOLASTICS logo are trademarks and service marks owned by Association for Better Living and Education International and are used with its permission.


My son had been wondering about how education is at other schools as he has only ever been to Greenfields.

He finally convinced me to send him off to another school despite me explaining to him that Greenfields really is the best school and will really give him the best education he could ever imagine. But this was clearly something he needed to find out for himself and I don’t regret it at all.

He was very happy for the first few days but this quickly changed once others, including the teachers, were pointing out things about him that were ‘different’ like his use of a dictionary. Students – and believe it or not teachers – were questioning him as to why he was using a dictionary! This even came as a surprise to me as I can’t imagine how anyone could possibly learn anything if they don’t have access to a dictionary!

After four days at this new school I could see that he wasn’t his usual self, and he said this to me “I think Greenfields School would give me a much better education – why didn’t you tell me that!?” I knew at this point that he really realised that Greenfields really does provide an excellent education.

It might not have the latest sports equipment etc. but what it does provide is an excellent education where someone can actually learn!

I truly want to thank all of the staff at Greenfields School. I think you are doing an excellent job and this is sometimes unnoticed! And just in case you didn’t guess the grass is not greener on the other side!

– H.G.

In March the Seniors went to the West End to see the hit musical dance show – Stomp! The children were impressed by the energy and creativity of the show. The sound of stamping and dustbin lids clashing could be heard echoing around the school for the following week or more.

In April 2012 a group of Senior children went to London to visit the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament. In the Tower of London they saw the Crown Jewels and learnt more about the history of the tower and of Britain itself. In the Houses of Parliament they saw where members of parliament work and make the major decisions that will affect the country. Dylan Gramann, pictured here, was voted in as the next Prime Minister – an honour he accepted most graciously.



New Local Fees Scheme for Day Students

Private school education for as little as £57 per week

In celebration of 30 years of Greenfields School your child can now gain access to:

Summary of Discounts:







Limited places are available on this scheme! PhoneforatouroftheschoolorgetintouchtoreserveaplaceforyourchildNOW.









13 Greenfields School Magazine Issue 16 www.greenfieldsschool.com 14


oPENDAySWednesday 12Sept2012Wednesday 07Nov2012Wednesday 20Feb2013Wednesday 24April2013Wednesday 05June2013

CALL 01342 822 189EMAIL [email protected]

The Deputy Head welcomes you!Mark McQuade M.A. (Oxon)

Parent and Toddler GroupAtGreenfieldsSchool:Fridays12.00to1.00(during term time)

AtChildren’sHouserailwayApproach,EastGrinstead:Tuesdays–1.30to3.30(during term time)

Learn EnglishEngLish LEssons (BEginnEr, intErmEdiatE and adVanCEd LEVELs)

EngLish ConVErsation group


CamBridgE EngLish

Greenfields English Language CollegeAdult Education

59 Railway Approach East GrinsteadRH19 1BT

English Language College

BabiesandToddlers1 to 2 years

Preschool2 to 5 yearsFree Entitlement Scheme


ParentandToddlersUp to 2 years


[email protected]


GreenfieldsSchoolPriory Road, Forest RowEast Sussex RH18 5JD

T +44 (0)1342 822 189 E [email protected]






Theory and practical application makes it fun to learn. Study in the mornings, practise English on trips in the afternoon. More activities in the evening.

For 11 to 17 year olds. See school website for details and bookings.






after a few sessions at the effective education Centre, I had a maths test at school and I got the highest mark in my class. – M.C. Student

“as a consequence of the Tutor’s guidance and encouragement in tutoring for GCSes, our daughter is now entering her a Levels with a much greater sense of confidence in her abilities.” – Parent




59 Railway approach, east Grinsteademail: [email protected]