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Transcript of FYDP

  • 7/25/2019 FYDP


    Name: Karin S. Steinl

    Section: M1

  • 7/25/2019 FYDP


    A. What is a Family?

    A family for me is composed of love, trust and friendship. t!s not necessary for a

    family to "e "onded "y "lood as lon# as there is peace and understandin# in it.

    $. What is happenin# to your family?

    My Family ri#ht no% is very satisfyin#. !m so happy that &od #ave me such

    #reat 'arents. do have a #reat father, a #ood mother and normal si"lin#s. (here are

    times that have pro"lems %ith my $rother, "ut %e fi) these pro"lems *uic+ly. (here are

    times %hen my Father and Mother are ar#uin# "ut they resolve their pro"lems over

    dinner. My family is facin# #reat challen#es, "ut %e stand stron# and face them

    to#ether. ven if my parents %ere not there for "rea+fast, lunch and dinner time- still

    love them "ecause understand %hy they are doin# this. hope someday my "rother

    %ill understand this too, so he %on!t #ive my parents such "i# pro"lems.

    (here are people %ho come to us every no% and then, they "efriend my parents

    and then only see+ of interest from them. may no% "e the antisocialist "ut had these

    e)periences already and don!t %ant these to happen a#ain. really hope that my

    Mother %on!t "e tric+ed "y these people %ho come to her and see+ only for interest. My

    'arents have an open heart, "ut people around us only see this as an opportunity to

    #ain. ust hope someday the people %ill come to us not "ecause they need somethin#

    "ut "ecause of real friendship.

    /. What can you say a"out your o%n Family?

    can say that for me, even if my family may not "e perfect in the vie%s of others,

    it is perfect for me. #re% up to "e this person "ecause of them. (hey are my most

    influential people and also my most "eloved.