FY2014 Third Quarter Capital Program Progress Report€¦ · FY2014 Third Quarter . Capital Program...

Finance & Administration Committee Information Item IV-D June 12, 2014 FY2014 Third Quarter Capital Program Progress Report 84 of 100

Transcript of FY2014 Third Quarter Capital Program Progress Report€¦ · FY2014 Third Quarter . Capital Program...

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Finance & Administration Committee

Information Item IV-D

June 12, 2014

FY2014 Third Quarter

Capital Program Progress Report

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Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Board Action/Information Summary


FY2014 Q3 Capital Program Progress Report


This presentation provides an overview, from both a project delivery and financial perspective, of Metro’s progress during the third quarter towards the delivery of the FY2014 Capital Program.


The Finance and Administration Committee will be informed on the status, delivery rates and success of the Capital Program during the third quarter of FY2014.


Key Highlights:

The $996 million FY2014 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget is Metro’slargest planned capital program investment since the start of the major rebuilding effort in FY2011.Through the end of the third quarter, Metro has invested $502 million of the $996 million budgeted for FY2014.

Background and History:

Metro is investing in the largest and most aggressive capital program since itsconstruction. Metro is literally being rebuilt over the next six years to provide safer and more reliable service. Between FY2014 and FY2019, a total capital investment of $5.5 billion is planned.


Significant capital program accomplishments from the third quarter include:

Metro 2025 Initiatives - In March, the Mayor of the District of Columbia and theGovernors of Maryland and Virginia jointly pledged an increase in FY2015 capitalfunding of $75 million ($25 million from each jurisdiction) towards Metro 2025 capacityimprovements

Action Information MEAD Number:200852

Resolution:Yes No

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New Electronic Payments Program - In January, Metro awarded a $184 million contract for the New Electronic Payments Program (NEPP), which will replace Metro’s existing fare collection system with the next generation of fare payment technology.NEPP will expand customer choices and make riding the Metro system moreconvenient through the acceptance of contactless payment and ID cards, along withmobile devices and other standards-based media.

Bus Maintenance Facilities - In February, Metro purchased 35 acres of land atAndrews Federal Campus in District Heights to serve as the site for a replacementfacility for the Southern Avenue bus garage.

MetroConnect Human Resources System - In March, Metro launched MetroConnect, an upgraded system that expands capabilities for all users by providing moretransparency for employees to access and update personal information, allowingmanagers to easily retrieve and review data, and allow the organization to have a singlestreamlined system of record for Metro’s workforce information.

Bus Acquisition - The FY2014 new bus order includes 85 forty-foot hybrid/electric buses that will replace buses at the end of their useful life. As of the end of the thirdquarter, six buses have been received. The remaining buses are scheduled to be delivered this summer.

Access Vehicle Replacement - Through April, 35 new paratransit vans have been delivered out of the total commitment of 120 replacement vans for FY2014.

Escalator and Elevator Rehabilitation and Replacement - Seventeen escalator rehabilitations are complete and seven are in progress. Three escalator replacements at Pentagon Station are complete and in service. Two of the seven additional escalator replacements planned for completion during FY2014 are complete at Van Ness-UDC (2) and five are in progress at Georgia Ave-Petworth, Mt Vernon Sq., Bethesda, Friendship Heights, and Glenmont. Ten elevator rehabilitations are complete and twoare in progress. There are several conditions that have contributed to an increase inexpenditures relative to plan. The bid for the elevator and escalator work was higherthan estimated, and additional costs were incurred to store escalator materials. Theelevator contractor also was not able to secure the necessary parts to meet schedule, and the award of additional elevator and escalator work was delayed.

Station Rehabilitation and Lighting Improvements - Seven of the 12 planned fullstation enhancement projects are complete and three are in progress. The completed stations are Franconia-Springfield, Brookland, Court House, Ballston, Congress Heights, Bethesda, and Friendship Heights, while Mt. Vernon Sq., Rockville, and Minnesota Ave. are still in progress. Eight of the 12 planned mini station enhancements are complete and one is in progress. Metro began installing new, brighter mezzaninelighting at underground stations. Lighting upgrades have been completed at 16stations. The remaining 31 stations are expected to be completed by 2015.

Track Rehabilitation - Through the third quarter, Metro welded 544 open weld joints, rehabilitated 4,453 linear feet of grout pads, tamped 23.86 miles of track, repaired 2,336 leaks, and replaced 8.83 miles of running rail, 3.25 miles of third rail, 9,024 cross ties,25,244 fasteners, 4,651 insulators, 25 yard turnouts, 5 mainline turnouts, and 919 safetysigns. The welding program and floating slab rehab program are behind schedule due

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to delays in the production process.

Testing of new 7000-Series railcars - In the second quarter, the first new 7000-series railcars were delivered to Metro. These four pilot cars will be tested on the rail system over the next several months. The new railcars are equipped with state-of-the-art safety technology and numerous features designed with extensive customer input. Full-scale production of the new cars is expected to begin in mid-2014.

SustainabilityWe are improving the lighting in our stations while reducing maintence and energyconsumption, and LED lighting is also being fully implemented on the buses. The fuel economy of the bus fleet is up almost 30 percent over the last eight years. By 2018, 53 percent of our bus fleet will be either hybrid or clean diesel buses, and compressed natural gas (CNG) buses will make up the remaining 47 percent of the fleet. Finally, WMATA opened its first LEED Silver facility at Shepherd’s Parkway, and we are aspiring to meet LEED certification at Cinderbed Road and at our new police training facility at Franconia-Springfield.

Railcar HVACWMATA has implemented several improvements to the railcar heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, which has resulted in HVAC failures decreasing by 23 percent from 2011 to 2013.


This is an information item to present a progress report on the Capital Program andCapital Budget. No specific action with a budget impact is requested at this time.


Previous Actions

FY2014 First Quarter Capital Program Progress Report presented to the Committee (November 2013)

FY2014 Second Quarter Capital Program Progress Report presented to the Committee (February 2014)

Anticipated actions after presentation

FY2014 Year-End Capital Program Progress Report presented to the Committee (September 2014)

Status report to Finance & Administration Committee on renewal of Capital Funding Agreement (September 2014)

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FY2014 Third Quarter Capital Program Progress Report Finance and Administration Committee June 12, 2014

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

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Monthly Investment Performance Versus Forecast

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Capital Program Investments to Date (as of March 31, 2013)

Dollars% of Bud. Dollars

% of Bud.

89.3$ 42% 120.9$ 58%77.8$ 71% 32.5$ 29%93.3$ 45% 112.4$ 55%50.4$ 43% 66.7$ 57%51.3$ 82% 11.4$ 18%77.9$ 56% 60.9$ 44%47.1$ 44% 59.1$ 56%15.1$ 34% 28.7$ 66%0.3$ 21% 1.0$ 79%

502.4$ 50% 493.6$ 50%

A. Vehicles/Vehicle Parts 210.2$

FY2014 Performance: CIP Projects

Capital Program Group FY2014 Approved Budget

FY2014 Expend. FY2014 Remaining

B. Rail System Infrastructure Rehab 110.3$ C. Maintenance Facilities 205.7$ D. Systems and Technology 117.1$ E. Track and Structures 62.8$ F. Passenger Facilities 138.8$ G. Maintenance Equipment 106.2$ H. Other Facilities 43.7$ I. Program Mgmt. / Credit Facility 1.2$

CIP Total: 996.0$

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Actual Expenditures Remaining Forecast

Pre-FY14 Exp.

FY14 Budget

Dollars Dollars Dollars% of Bud. Dollars

% of Bud.

Safety & Security Total: 76.5$ 65.4$ 11.1$ 0.5$ 5% 10.6$ 95%*Expenditure data is recorded from the inception of Safety & Security program

To Date Performance: Safety & Security Projects

Safety & Security Projects* Total BudgetFY2014 Exp. FY2014 Remaining

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Pre-FY2014 Exp. FY2014 Exp. Remaining

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Vehicles and Vehicles Parts

Bus and MetroAccess


FY2014 Major DeliverablesFY2014 FY2014Q3

Program Planned Actual StatusBus Rehabilitation CIP0005 # Buses rehabilitated 100 75 Bus Replacement CIP0006 # Buses delivered 85 11

CIP0015 # Vehicles delivered 120 - MetroAccess Fleet

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Track and Structures

Track and Structures


FY2014 Major DeliverablesFY2014 FY2014Q3

Program Planned Actual StatusWelding Program CIP0018 # joints welded 1,000 544 Floating Slab Rehab CIP0019 linear ft. 750 - Rail Signage Replacement CIP0020 # signs replaced 1,500 919 Pad/Shock Absorber Rehab CIP0021 linear ft. 8,000 4,453 Track Rehab CIP0024 # miles of track tamped 40 24

miles of running rail 12.5 8.8 # direct fixation fasteners 27,000 25,244 # cross ties 15,000 9,134 # switches (mainline) 14 5 # switches (yard) 32 25

Leak Mitigation CIP0026 # leaks fixed 2,150 2,336

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Maintenance and Other Facilities

Bus Garages and Other Facility


FY2014 Major DeliverablesFY2014Q3

Program % Complete StatusCIP0085 4%CIP0084 54%CIP0071 60%CIP0101 43%CIP0106 34%

District 2 Police StationSpecial Operations Facility

Royal Street Bus Garage

Test Track & Commission Southern Avenue Bus Garage Replacement

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Maintenance Equipment

NTSB Requirements


FY2014 Major DeliverablesFY2014 FY2014Q3

Program Planned Actual StatusExamine Track Circuits CIP0139-P1 # of Track Circuits 1,614 537 Replace Power Cables CIP0139-P6 linear ft. 80,000 59,706 Replace GRS Track Circuits CIP0139-06 # of Modules 146 146

# of Bonds 154 154

On Board Event Recorders CIP0139-19Complete testing and begin installation

100% 58%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Passenger Facilities

Elevators and Escalators


FY2014 Major DeliverablesFY2014 FY2014Q3

Program Planned Actual StatusElevator Rehabilitation CIP0072 # Elevator rehabilitated 22 10 Escalator Rehabilitation CIP0073 # Escalator rehabilitated 37 17

# Escalator Replaced 3 3 Escalator Replacement CIP0185 # Escalator Replaced 6 2

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Station Lighting Vertical Transportation

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Sustainability (cont.)

Vehicles – Buses and Access Vans

LEED Silver

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Rail Car HVAC

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