FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model...

Toyota Boshoku Corporation Toyota Boshoku Corporation FY2014 Financial Results FY2014 Financial Results ended March 31, 2014 ended March 31, 2014 Q u a nt u m Lea p Q u a nt u m Lea p

Transcript of FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model...

Page 1: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

Toyota Boshoku CorporationToyota Boshoku Corporation

FY2014 Financial ResultsFY2014 Financial Resultsended March 31, 2014ended March 31, 2014

Quantum LeapQuantum Leap

Page 2: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

Quantum LeapQuantum Leap

11..Financial Results for FY2014Financial Results for FY2014 1) Overview of Financial Results2) Financial Results for FY2014 (ended March 31, 2014)

3) Financial Forecast for FY2015

22..Activities for Profit Improvement Activities for Profit Improvement 1) 2020 Vision2) Enhance profit foundation3) Research & Development4) New Customer Business Activities

Page 3: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

Quantum LeapQuantum Leap

1) Overview of Financial Results

2) Financial Results for FY2014 (ended March 31, 2014)

3) Financial Forecast for FY2015

11..Financial Results for FY2014Financial Results for FY2014

Page 4: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

1) Overview of Financial Results


1. Year-on-year income and profit increase due to exchange rate effects, growth inproduction volume in the Americas, Europe & Africa among other factors

1. Year-on-year income and profit increase due to exchange rate effects, growth inproduction volume in the Americas, Europe & Africa among other factors

3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit is expected, due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania

3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit is expected, due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania

2. Annual dividends of 18 yen with end-of-term dividends of 9 yen;the same as the previous year

2. Annual dividends of 18 yen with end-of-term dividends of 9 yen;the same as the previous year

Page 5: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Financial Results for FY2014 (ended March 31, 2014)


Overview of Financial Results (100 million yen)

FY2013 FY2014 Fluctuation

Net Sales 10,794 100.0% 12,183 100.0% 1,389 12.9%

Operating Income 253 2.3% 288 2.4% 35 13.9%

Ordinary Income 339 3.1% 402 3.3% 63 18.8%

Net Income 157 1.5 % 126 1.0 % -31 -20.1 %


US$ 83 yen 100 yen 17 yen (weak yen)

Euro 107 yen 134 yen 27 yen (weak yen)

Per Share Net Income 85.23 yen 68.05 yenPer Share CashDividend

18.00 yen 18.00 yen

Page 6: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Financial Results for FY2014 Unit production by Region





Seat assembly productionSeat assembly production

FY2013 FY2014


(10,000 Units)

690 707


335 332



42 51





FluctuationFluctuation Rate

By RegionBy Region

(10,000 Units)

Japan Asia &Oceania

Europe &Africa


Page 7: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Financial Results for FY2014 Net Sales & Operating Income by Region


Total Amount

FY2014 12,183

FY2013 10,794

Fluctuation +1,389

Total Amount

FY2014 288

FY2013 253

Fluctuation +35






















FY2013 FY2014

Net SalesNet SalesNet Sales Operating IncomeOperating IncomeOperating Income(100 million yen)(100 million yen)

*[ ] Operating Income Rate

Japan Asia &Oceania

Europe &Africa


Japan Asia &Oceania

Europe &Africa


Page 8: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Financial Results for FY2014 Ordinary Income Increase & Decrease Analysis



(100 million yen)



Ordinary Income +63 (+18.8%)






Operating Income +35 (+13.9%)


Effects from changes in products Increased

overhead costs Increased

R&D expenses

Effects of increased

production & income


Effects of FOREX rate

Non- operating income

Page 9: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

3) Financial Forecast for FY2015


Financial Forecast for FY2015 (100 million yen)

FY2014 FY2015 Fluctuation

Net Sales 12,183 100.0% 12,000 100.0% -183 -1.5%

Operating Income 288 2.4% 270 2.3% -18 -6.3%

Ordinary Income 402 3.3% 290 2.4% -112 -28.0%

Net Income 126 1.0% 120 1.0 % -6 -4.8%


US$ 100 yen 100 yen -

Euro 134 yen 140 yen 6 yen (weak yen)

Per Share Net Income 68.05 yen 64.76 yenPer Share CashDividend

18.00 yen 18.00 yen

Page 10: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

3) Financial Forecast for FY2015 Unit production by Region


Seat assembly productionSeat assembly production

TotalTotal By RegionBy Region











1,000 +23+3.3%

707 730





332 312






FY2014 FY2015

(10,000 Units)

FluctuationFluctuation Rate

(10,000 Units)

Japan Asia &Oceania

Europe & Africa


Page 11: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

3) Financial Forecast for FY2015 Net Sales & Operating Income by Region


Net SalesNet SalesNet Sales Operating IncomeOperating IncomeOperating Income(100 million yen)(100 million yen)

Total Amount

FY2015 12,000

FY2014 12,183

Fluctuation -183

Total Amount

FY2015 270

FY2014 288

Fluctuation -186,614





863 900



+12.0% 85[1.3%]



-15[-0.6%] -48



290[9.0%] 240






*[ ] Operating Income Rate

FY2014 FY2015

Japan Asia &Oceania

Europe &Africa


Japan Asia &Oceania

Europe &Africa


Page 12: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

3) Financial Forecast for FY2015 Ordinary Income Increase & Decrease Analysis




-115 -94+200-35


Ordinary Income -112 (-28.0%)

Operating Income -18 (-6.3%)

(100 million yen)

Effects of decreased production and income

Effects from changes in products

Increased overhead costs


Non operating income


Page 13: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

Quantum LeapQuantum Leap

1) 2020 Vision

2) Enhance profit foundation

3) Research & Development

4) New Customer Business Activities

2. Activities for 2. Activities for PProfit rofit IImprovementmprovement

Page 14: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

1) 2020 Vision


2. Our company’s aspirations for 2020

Looking into the future, we will create tomorrow’s automobile interior space that will inspire our customers the world over

Looking into the future, we will create tomorrow’s automobile interior space that will inspire our customers the world over

(1) A company that persists in proposing excellent mobility for customers throughout the world

(2) A trusted company that grows together with all stakeholders

(1) A company that persists in proposing excellent mobility for customers throughout the world

(2) (2) A trusted company that grows together with all A trusted company that grows together with all stakeholdersstakeholders

1. The company we aim to become

Our vision : Realizing our aspirations for 2020Our vision : Realizing our aspirations for 2020

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1) 2020 Vision



9,642 10,794 12,183






Management targetManagement target

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2021 (results) (results) (results) (estimates) (target) (target)

(million yen)

Net Sales

Operating Income


10%NCB* sales ratio 30%

Resolution of pressing issuesResolution of pressing issues

Our aspirations for 2020Our aspirations for 2020* New Customer Business

(ending Mar 2021)

Page 16: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Enhance profit foundation (The Americas)


Profit structure reform through enhanced synchronization betweenthe Americas and Japan

Profit structure reform through enhanced synchronization betweenthe Americas and Japan

- 32

(1) Improve quality(2) Launch new projects & enhance functions

(1) Analyze transient costs & avoid recurrence(2) Initiatives grouped by theme for

improving earnings of production entities

- 2

First Half Second Half First Half Second Half

Operating Income

- 15

Production preparation costs for new products at production entities and losses from new product launches lead to larger-than-expected transient costs. (Labor, material, transport and support costs)

FY2014FY2014 FY2015FY2015


Production losses from delays in productionProduction losses from delays in production & & manufacturing preparationmanufacturing preparation・・

QAQA**--related lossesrelated losses・・

Distribution difficulties due to cold weatherDistribution difficulties due to cold weather

Reforming profit structures

1. Focus on Monozukuri * fundamentals

2. Strengthen synchronization of profit reform initiatives (GMH*1 ⇔

RM&CH*2 ⇔

production entities)



*QA=Quality Assurance

*Monozukuri = Manufacturing

*1,2 GMH = Global Mainstay Hub (HQ);RM&CH = Regional Management & Collaboration Hubs

Page 17: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Enhance profit foundation (The Americas)


Profit structure reform through enhanced synchronization between the Americas and JapanProfit structure reform through enhanced synchronization between the Americas and Japan

(1) Strengthen organization: Increase manufacturing supervisors & transferees

(2) Improve quality(2) Improve quality・

Robust worksites that follow established rules・

Analyze cause of quality issues in primary factories

(3) Improve function(3) Improve functionss of new project launchesof new project launches・

Enhanced production management & engineering functions when starting up projects

Management system able to handle exceptional circumstances quickly

(1) Analyze transient costs(1) Analyze transient costs && avoid recurrenceavoid recurrence(2) Themed initiatives for improving earnings of production enti(2) Themed initiatives for improving earnings of production entitiesties

Earning improvement activities, divided into themes drawing on individual GMH functions, further analysis of transient costs and creation of plans to avoid recurrences

Special management of primary projects by top GMH management

GMH (Japan)GMH (Japan)The AmericasHub CompanyThe AmericasHub Company

Organizational Response

Report Directive

Progress report


Follow-up bytop management

The Americas Hub Company (TBA) Profit Improvement Committee

The Americas Hub Company (TBA) Profit Improvement Committee

GMH Functions (Japan)GMH Functions (Japan)

Progress report


1. Focus on Monozukuri fundamentals

2. Strengthen synchronization of profit reform initiatives (GMH*1 ⇔ RM&CH*2 ⇔ production entities)

*1,2 GMH = Global Mainstay Hub (HQ); RM&CH = Regional Management & Collaboration Hubs

Per the organization below, this will enable TB to identify issues faster and respond with more speed

Top Management MeetingTop Management Meeting

Page 18: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Enhance profit foundation (Europe)


Working on profit structure reform to put European operations in the black by FY2017Working on profit structure reform to put European operations in the black by FY2017


1. Merge European HQ Functions


1) Separated management departments from BAE and integrated into European hub company (April 2014)




TBEU Manufacturing Subsidiaries

BAE (Manufacturing)

4 German companies



HQ Functions

FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017(results) (estimates) (target) (target)

Goal: Streamline organization and boost efficiency

Operating income


- 48- 40

European hub company (TBEU)European hub company (TBEU)

Munich Branch

Losses due to NCB*

Europe & Africa profit structure reformAim to secure profit by unifying Europe & Africa region through BAE reorganization plan (May 2013 on)

*NCB=New Customer Business

Page 19: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Enhance profit foundation (Europe)


Working on profit structure reform to put European operations in the black by FY2017Working on profit structure reform to put European operations in the black by FY2017

2) Strengthen organization & Develop human resources・

Dispatch Japanese transferees ・

Train core personnel in Japan

1) Improve productivity・

Move from 3 to 2 shifts (reduce operation time)・

Consolidation of location (improve operational availability)

(Example) Switch from 3 to 2 shifts and consolidateproduction space

3) Close unprofitable factories and further streamline workforce


3 shifts

3 shifts →

2 shifts2 shiftsO

perating Tim

eProduction Consolidation


Mold Machine A B C D

Improvement Initiatives: Level production, tackle operational availability and yields, reduce defects, speed up repairs and die changes, etc.

2. Bolster manufacturing department

Challenge : Create rapid stabilization after new product changeovers and form a stronger organizationthat closely adheres to the TB Way.

Page 20: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

2) Enhance profit foundation (Japan)


Earnings improvement through restructuring of factoriesEarnings improvement through restructuring of factories

Medium-term restructuring from FY2015 and on

Challenge: Secure earnings from domestic production of 3 million units or lessChallenge: Secure earnings from domestic production of 3 million units or less

Door trim high quality stitching, etc.




Effective use of surplus equipment around the world

4. Effective use of equipment

New powertrain components, etc.

2. Further bolster new projects

1. Production of high-added value components

Move closer to customer’s factories and reduce delivery transfer costs at production bases

3. Optimize location

Consolidation ofproduction spacefrees up space

Increased sales

Reduced losses Controlinvestment

Mass production processesConsoli-



Improved profitability

Further consolidation and boosting efficiency

Introduce new projectsIntroduce new projectsIntroduce new projectsCustomer trends

・ Changing environment

Customer trends

・ Changing environment

Page 21: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

3) Research & Development (TNGA)


Engaging in TNGA activitiesEngaging in TNGA activities (TNGA: Toyota New Global Architecture)

PPromoteromotedd TNGA activities for interior parts such as rear seat frames, doTNGA activities for interior parts such as rear seat frames, door trimor trim, etc, etc. .

ReceivReceiveded award of excellence fromaward of excellence from Toyota Motor Corporation excellence for promoting TNGAToyota Motor Corporation excellence for promoting TNGA

1. World-leading front seat performance

(Comfort, safety & responsiveness)

2. Common parts utilization with global-based Monozukuri *

(Reduced number of frame models & increased cost competitiveness)

Contributions to ToyotaContributions to ToyotaNew designs for each car model

Common design for all car models



*Monozukuri = Manufacturing

Page 22: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

Charpy impact strength chart

Novel bio-based plastic with top-level impact strengthNovel bio-based plastic with top-level impact strength

Developed materials can be used for multitude products










0Current bio-plastic

Salami in co-continuousphase structureWorld first


Joint development partner: Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.

PC/ABSPolycarbonate Alloytop-level impact strength


Charpy impact strength

Salami structureOne of the few World first examples

3) Research & Development (Bio-Plastic Alloy)


Page 23: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

3) Research & Development (Train Seating)


Gran Class seat production (March 2014)Gran Class seat production (March 2014)

To be installed in the new E7 Hokuriku Shinkansen* passenger cars

1. Passenger-friendly design enfold passenger in comfort

2. Luxurious seat made to match the Gran Class experience (genuine leather quilting, etc.)

3. Control system that is simple and easy to use (single-motion stowable table, etc.)

New E7 Gran Class seat

(Photograph courtesy of JR East)

* Hokuriku = North region of Japan; Shinkansen = Bullet train

Page 24: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

4) New Customer Business Activities


Expanding sales activities for NCB (new customer business)Expanding sales activities for NCB (new customer business)Undertake the promotion and sales of new products, creation ofnew technology and meeting customer needs

Tech Day: Ford head office

We promoted Toyota Boshokugroup’s high technological capabilities to European automotive manufacturers

Debuted at the Frankfurt Motor Show (IAA)

Tech Day: Daimler head office

Nov. 2013

Jan. 2014

Sept. 2013

Page 25: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

4) New Customer Business Activities


Adapt global production bases to handle new businessStatus of products that began production in FY2014

Began production of new customer business products and proactivelyworked to increase this businessBegan production of new customer business products and proactivelyworked to increase this business

Europe & AfricaEurope & Africa・・Seat assemblySeat assembly・・Seat coversSeat covers・・Door trimDoor trim

The AmericasThe Americas・・Seat coversSeat covers

JapanJapan・・Cabin air filtersCabin air filters・・Oil filtersOil filters

First seat assembly orders from European manufacturers

Europe & Africa

(Reference:order status)

2323 12

Japan The Americas



*Total as of March 31, 2014


Asia & OceaniaAsia & Oceania・・Seat back boardSeat back board・・Seat coversSeat covers・・Cylinder head coverCylinder head cover

Status of products that began production in FY2014

Asia & Oceania

Page 26: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

4) New Customer Business Activities (Regional In-house development)


Designed specifically to enhance luxury & comfortPremium Seat Package to meet customer needs in ThailandPremium Seat Package to meet customer needs in Thailand

Per customer order, rear seat packages can be installed in Thailand produced “Camry” models

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Moving to the next stage with Moving to the next stage with

Quantum LeapQuantum Leap andand TenacityTenacity



Quantum LeapQuantum Leap

Page 28: FY2014 Financial Results - Toyota Boshoku · due to falling production volume in Japan and model lineup changes in Asia & Oceania 3. For the next term, a decrease in income and profit

DisclaimerThis report contains forecasts and expectations that relate to future plans andstrategies in addition to the expected financial results of the Toyota BoshokuCorporation and the Toyota Boshoku group.Within are estimates based on assumptions and opinions that have been formedby the company from the information available at the time of writing. They involve risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, actual results may differ from the company's forecasts.

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