· fWlF...

fWlF HO. liS. iElPE? B lCSAGTON i’ uPicoy«|: ---- ~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts, . to Fgrmulate Questions to < Test Authority for Action in Crises GENEVA. Sopt. 22 0*»> — Prompt proRWs In it 9 sclf-nllottod taak of bo- p curliiR judicinl InterprotntJotiB of tho I covcnniit of tho Icagiio of nations wns f mmlo by tlic Icnf^o council toniglit ^ \?hon it appolatecl a commlttoo of Io< j;nl cx|>ortfl' to formiilnto prorlflo ques- tionx which will Inter bo submittod oitiior to tho pomwincnt court of in* tcrnntionnl justino nt Tho Iln^pic or some- other body of cminont jurists. . ToiuKht's is tho first strp growing out ft Italy’s rcfusnl to roc- P oRwi7A' nn*\ nccopt tJ»c compctcnry of tho IcaRiio of nations Jn th o ‘Orcco- ^ Itallnn diflputo.NsTho&xperls dosiR- nntod incltido M/*B«»rth-Jnc<i^uemnfi of Bcltiium, SoMor Botclltt of Spain, Dr. A. D. Do la Prndcllo of Franco, Vit- toria ficialoa of Italy, M. Adachi of Japan, Sir Cecil Purst of . Orent Brit- J" ain, nnd Dr. J. A. Vnn Hamcl of Ilol- jr land, director of lhe league’s judicial burenu. D10COSS S e lm e s Amon;; tlio questions to bo coosidor- “ od arc tlio kind cf ,disiuit«f» whic.h como williiii tlio pnrviow of tho covo- 8 •'..r nant, tiic riglitu of stntfs to Noizo ter- q, ritory ns guarantees and tho responsi- ,, bilitiei_Qt states for political crimes ' cop»mttfil within their frontiers. I' Domand Co-operatloo Tliis expression of whnt tlio" public ^ opinion dt’m.mds found Its voico par- ^ ticularly today when soveral delegates . Tcpresenting India, South Africa nnd '* Swodon. insisted upon tho gravity of^ world conditions and demanded thnC ^ tho governments obcy'tho now order of things as represented by tho league. ^ Adopt Ck>ld B ute ^ Tho council took anothor step in t the movement tending to achieve tho i,, financial rehabilitation of Europe. It n ncceptcd a report of a financial com- I mitteo whereby a now currency on a s gold basis would bo creatod in tho freo eity o(jr>DMMC''-a°do.r tho eontrol o t % tho league. ‘Tno’ now jinit Js the gnl- c den, worth ons twenty-fifth of ono v pound 0t<.'rllng, thuk making Danzig a 1i gold oasis surrounded by tho paper p curroncy territories fit Oormany and I Poland. D Two Main Problems Bespect tho league covonant and sot- tlo tho ronnratlon problem quickly— theso aro tho two messages of moment ■which go out to all governments and peoples from tbo loaguo. Thoy aro « contained in no formal resolutions and , backed by no formal voto taking, but thoy morgo clearly as tho »rill of tho majority of world delegates assembled ia Genova, If plaodlts havo. any mean- ing nnd enthusimtic ovations any sig- alficance. jytitaia Loaru Bcfcrring to Italy's repudiation of tho leaguo nwthority In tlw Greek af- fair, tho^aharajah of Navangar do- clarod ws conviction that tho leaguo ia perf/ctly competent to insist on C ceful sottloment of disputes arising ween mombora nnd ho iaaued tho warning that if any ono member falls to livo up to tho prinelplos of tho cov- ^ onant the lenguo fails to bo its truo aclf and risks ruin. Sees Opportunily For Women Voters to Rule the World National Chairman Despairs of Urging Leisure Class to Cast Ballots COLORADO SPnINOS, Colo., Sopl. 22 OP)—Declaring that it wan tlmo for women to tnko ovor world nffalra. Mrs. O. n . P. Belmont of New York, proii- dont of tho jjalional Womea’• party, In nn address toduy beforo tho western 21- vision of the orgnnization,. denlt tra- ditions and estnbliflhod orders o solar pioxls blow. “ Pot 20 £t'nturl«*R men hava bcca running tho world,” Mr«.'Bclmont do- olorod. "Now it is tlmo for womon to tnke over nffnirs nnd as thoy very nenrly hold a balnnco ot political pow- er at, this timo-^ho day may not be •0 fnr distant JIS old pnrty lenders im- agino when there will be set up a wom- an's government by women, for womon, children nnd humanity In general." Mrs. Belmont declared sho hns never votod and would not voto until she cnst her ballot as a mc-mber of a wom- on's partv and asserted'that sho long slnro has despaired of making whnt shr described as “ women of leisure and lux- c ury” ftwoken to n senw) of responsi- bility nnd duty in a world where they ■have cameS no place for themselves. “ For nino yearn I have boea ns one crying In-tliC wildorne!.* to women of wealth and leisure to givo over their pleasures nnil frivolMks nnd do some- thing to jnstlfv their existence; I have cried in vain. No reform over appealed to peoplo who havo all they want,” Mrs. Belmont snid. “ Now, don’t fonslruo my meaning as f (Continued on Pago 3oven.) THE ONLY ASSC S PA .Colder Weather la Outlook for Week ' FoderV Forecaol for Odmlng Svran , DayMtaows UnaetUed Oonditiona I Ar« Id Store , WASinNOTON, Sept. 22 <JP>— I Weather outlook for tho weok bo- I ginning Monday: Korlhern Rocky Mountain and j plateau region: Unsettled and raina at beginning; fair thereafter, Tem- q . pernturo bolow normal first half ** und normal thereafter. Pacific states: Genernlly fnir with • normal temperature except that occasional shnwcrn nro prob- nblo nlong the north coaat. B iflis I ACTIB!! - ' , ni Piracy Rampant In Canton Vi- ' clnlty; Trains, Ships Held !S Up; Ransoms Paid --------- tl I CANTON. Supf. 22 (i<P)--<Jrci>t diosiif- tc . iBfarlion provnilH In f.nittoii, dun to t!i<- • inrronniiig taxation an.l seir.iiri.' nnd sa'*' ' of temples and privati- jiropertyi nil of whicli in turn nro '•aused hy tho ai'Ut'* nood of fundi for miiUiiry purposcH. I Piracy is riinipant in this vipinily, A Standard’ Oil vossel M-Iiich wa.i firi'il • Oil nnd ho.lrl up .*it Ti'/i''-yn(';», JvnvtnjT’J j province, was roli’ased oniv aftor it hmi ir paid tlio ransom dfiiiH^tfnl bv the ban- oi dits. Anothor vcs-hoI nns born . on the Eaat river, nt'i’r SIiek-LiinK, iu I Kwang-Tiiag provinro. , Sun Yut-Soa, south China military S] J leader, is at’^tho East river front, where n p J:ia forces nre reported to be iiiitkin.-; ^■^ogrcss. In tho North river vicinity, {] P rftuditionK remain virtually unrhjingi-d. A trnin wns held ii;, nenr. Yueh-IIiia , Tieh-Lu, n station on ilu> Canlon llnn- kow, rnllwny,j»n^nh" pns^i>ngers were » taken prisoners, to lio helil for ran- [ Bsom. The h:iiidit» «l.«o took goods and t money from t 1u» trn'ii -Tml passeiiKer". • In Cnnton tho nttempt to tnke posses- 4 sion of n. Inrge temple tli'at ha<l been n 5 n»rfhnsed by private parties after its e f %nnflaoatlon was fnit-ftated by mor- t • cimnt volunteers. Those vojunteers e 8 who nre o<*niipying the temple ns tlieir i headquarters, forcibly j^evented thoTS r purebnser from taking possession. d 1 All restaurants here nro closed on 1 Dccount of the imposition of o 20 per i ccnt tnx OQ sales. r ___________ t IDAHO WEATHEE \ t 1 J 8 un<){iy: Unsettled; probnbly show-jt , m . - j. t . -IM ....................................... ...... s LATE ARRIV/ ;■ T f !---------- ~ r- 1- 0 'O'* f vir$S»s iB ( ir ^ \ ^ I ®n \ ^ W' ■y \ I 5S ^ 'W m nr- Twi' * \ 'i. /D t)e I Ml*- —* 1m he 4 rj(y, ,//^M i \ iL M l sl- cir \e- ll (IHTin.ilKwrtC^ as . I iOCIATED PRESS NEW. J.LS TWIN FALLA IDAHO, SUNDA' GOM iN ISTS DFp G fflM iySEEK iSSIilVOLT i ______ t: Brandler and Talmeyer Confi- J dent of Gaining Control in i: Home St^e and Seek Aid " Against Outside Forces j > .MOSCOW, 8 p|>t. 22 yP)—Tho acf. ^ mnn communist lenders, Heinrich | I Brandler and Horr 'nilmcyer, hnvo ar-| rived In Moscow nnd informed tho.H Russians that tho tlmo for n revolution' |J in Oermnny, is ripe. Thoy express fl thcmNclvcH rconfident of their nbillty j to obtain control within tho Oermnn; stato but need tho holp of tho Inter-! ; nntionni proletrlaf against outxido cap- Itnliatic enemies. The Oermnn communists nro so cer-; tnin of their ground, according lo Mr llerr Brondler's speech to .tho execu-' tivo eommittoo of tho-bolshevik trado, unioAs, that mnny obserx'crs hero feel i that tho poaro of Europe may bo said' to rest upon tho conforenees In Mos-J row in which tho Oermnns nro now ■ taking part. From this viewpoint tho .issuo revolves nround tho question (>^ wlicther tho Russinn enmmunists deem|th tlieir proletnriat "Mtnte sufficiently eh strong to overcome tho enpitalistle l;n forces of tho world combined against | a'; tUm ntid pTo\etaTlat Gcmnny. ' "Tl ennnot Lo iloulited thnt tho por-!‘^,' iod is beginning now when tho threat ' of.brenliing tho penco hangs over tho suviet_ Hocinlist federated republics,” ,’ says tho newspaper Pravda. | p , Prom tho roport of Herr'Brandlnr’s mi njipcch It seems obvious thnt tho Ocr-jth mnn communists doom tho Iron hot,’wi but tho guarded editorial commont ofv**' tho Prijvda gives no hint ns yet of whnt tho actual advleo or dcclsisn of " the Russian communists will be. i ESCAPE HURTS IN WREflK ;'j Mi'mbcrs of tho family of a raan tr named Iloffmnn, residing near /'Her, cNcaped prnclienlly uninjured /when c: the Ford car Iu which they rrtM trav- ii, , eling Saturday nfternoon on ^lo high- h1 wny near Curry’/ovortuniod In an un- w successful attempt to pnssf a hOrso- d drawn vehlclo nhond. Mr./and Mrs. Knffmnn nnd.thclr threo eMIdrenAvcro m ill till' cnr when tho accident occur- p, red. Examination of tho mcml>ers of u- tho fnmlly to dotormino tho extent of ri their injuries wns made nt tho scene g by’ n physician, of Waterloo, Iowa, ui {traveling by motor to tho Pai^Ific 2 i j const. ac VALS WILL NOT BE SEATED UN' THE CLOSE OF THE FIRST ACT i / r . Copyright,, YSPAPEk IN TWIN FA DAIL AY MOiENlSO, SEPTBMBEK 23, 1023. Bids Are Sought M for Battleships Twenty-on* Vaaaels of Navy Do- partmont, ' Ordered Scrapped tin- der Anas Treaty, Await Bayera __ NEW YOBK, Sop<. 22 M>)->-Ad-- fl« vertlsom6nts calling for bids for tho 21 battleships nnd cruisers, or- dered scrapped in compliauco with tho armament limitation troaty, nppented todny in Now York hows- papers. A t tho flrat sale, .October 25, six veasela will bo disjnied of —tho South Dakota and tho In- . dinna at Brooklyn navy ynrds, tho Montnna nt Maro Island. Cal., tho North Varolinu ut Norfolk, V’a., and ' Uio CoAelUitfiSlt> nnd, the Unltod 7- Htates urT ’hlladelphia. - nci ------------------------------------------------------- 1 sei P flTROL TO SEEK s LiSTMRSi Unknown Plight of Federal Ex- B jslorers Baffles Solution; May Send Out Planes KINGMAN, Arlz.. Sept. 22 W»)—A patrol will entor tho cnayou of tho I’clorndo river tomorrow to senrch for the government explorntion pnrty chnrting the Colorndo river, whose un- known plight has cnst a, wave of a'arm over Arizona touight. A boat inntUed hr liolonv;iug t« the United Mf.ifos Ki'iiloiticat Hiirvey wa.« seen floiiliiig down the river yesterday many miles from tho_ pnliit whero the Hurvey parly wns tlibiiglit to be. Members of the patrol will drive tn Peaeh Riirings, u distance of abotit 100 miles, and thero nttempt to launch their boat, esjieelally constructed to witlistnnd the perils of nnvlgntlon-In tho river, filieriff Mahoney wna ro- •iitesled todnv by Aetlng Governor B. E. McGillan'to form the patrol-ex- ' (x^ilinii. Informs Waiahingtoa The governor simultaneously sent to the wnr department nt Wnshington a telegram suggesting that an nlrplano be sent to fly over the cnnyon eoun- try nnd nttcmpt to locnto the party. Appri'hension of tho safety of the exploreriv. was expressed hero severul dnys ago when the river totvo to -flood stage ns the result of torrential ralmi which eau-ied floods in parts of north- ^ orn Arizonn. Zlteao.iears wero aug- mented by the report broucht to King- man last night by R. L. Dlmmlck, su- perintendent of tho Katherine mine, ivhieh Is an Isolated spot near *lho river, thnt a bont with the letters "U. S. G. 8 .” had floated down tho river upside down at n point approximntely c 200 milca-from wheri^tho pnrty now is schcdulod'To bc. ** jj - u MTIL AFTER n c ' ^rn |^ ; H f IH ° : • : i ' L ' ^ 3 ? |T / , n ' --------- MrWH/iTAW T rilllU tT ^ AJkSn'wewwTWfe , I02S, by tb« New Yo'k Trlbuse,* Ino., ALLS COUNTY Y NE MORE TROOPSTOBE SERV ICEIN OKLAH ISSERTS KLAN HELD Se CEREMONY IN ROOMS AT THE WHITE HOUSE iklfthonla M lnlrtir Clalim Hooded Or- OOV drr Bas 227 in Honae and 27 in ff unitod Statea Seixate 1; (MIARLl-iSTaN, W. Vn.. Sent. 22 W 1- -The Kn Khix Klnn held nu Initintion n the dinii’" room of tlio White Ifawse. ccording to a statement by the iNy. hwrt K. Newtnii of nl<lahoM)ii, rei> r\ gt< vnting the klnn iniperiiiT' i-oiinci), In ; ttai n address ,to a large niidience of Iq^ lauHnien nnd’otliers j.t JIurrii'iine Inst Ijq jRl't- ! hi: *'\Ve have 227 in (110 house of rep- thi esentatlves nnd 27 in the United cot ■tales avnnte,” the sneaker said, "nnd thi re held one initintien In tlio dining oom of the White Vou know ,hat that meant.'’ ________________ by t dtiv loj/s Sensational : J'! Story Falls Under »»» Officer’s Scrutiny ----- jinin C O E U nD ’ALEKi;, I.tata, Soivt. ■ ! =' 22 Relating n sensatloaal stnry of being attacked Iiy foreigners, p bi»rill<l 'Afld gagged ;<nd dnigged into tho woods whore he wns buried be- 1 neath a heavy log ind left to die, j 17-year-old Alex KiUs of Harrison, i 22 wns "reseued” by .Icjnity shcs^^s ) ui from Coeur d’Alene, responding to j nn emergeney call, recently. t According to the officers, it was I nil a jmt-up jnb. Cross examinn- | tlon of the '* victim, they s:ild, | pj ahowed tbat there were un forelgtiA 1 jirs nnd that tho lnd had bound and ; gngged himself, “ .just to see wliat ! govi ho could stir up.” ncti ^ HEmEm iiifF H ON GIN ura= ; 1 .1 Minnesota Representative Has Plan Designed to Assist «po Western Producers Imf latl WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (/P)—An In- Wc crcaso in tho tariff duly on whont as a «ti'‘ mcanti of nsslstlng wcstrrR producers of that con^odity was suggosted today bv Rcprosentntive Ander»on. republican.’ Minnesotn, wbo discussed the ngricul- leg! tural situation with President Coolidge nre nt the White ITouso. ,\(r. Anderson de- tak elined tn talk nJ>ont hia confercnre w l t h ^ t h e cxe<TH4ve, hnt snld ho would | j: W ^ is proposalrlTP^re the tariff com- • mission. - Ij The Minnesota rcjif^«^ntatlvc.'wUo wns chnirmnn of the remission of agricultiiml Inqury, ileclnrid tho r>res- 1 „, ent duty of .10 cents n bushel on w heat, «. is jibsorbed bv the dlffcrentinl in pricos ' ns between tho United Stntes nnd Ca4- nda nnd thnt nn inerense In duty would result In nn immedlnte advance In th o > ^ price in the Minneapolis mnrk#t——-"'""J ' Crop Bnormona. The T5nropean crop is cstlmtned nt |i | 1.227,«47,000 bushels, while thnt of * * Nnrtb Amerl'‘a Is plnced nt 1.2fl.^..'t.Tl,- 000 bushels, or nbont .108,100,000 bnsh- els more tbun the prc-i^.ir average yenr- Iv nroductlon for the fivo years, 1J>09-; 1013. 1 “ World wheat Kurplv nnd demand, hnve boen closelv balnneeil for two ynnrs.'' snld nn offi'‘i;>l of the ngricnf-' RC ti're department. ‘^Bnt just now the 1 \-oleht nwenra sUcbtk ni\ the supply j I side. Witli the present course of nrices. It Is riot strnntc that whent. producer* nro discouraged nor thnt they- nro elv -1 Inir enr to nnusnnl proposals which ^ nromlso nid. liowever. .men nre not, Fri Incking in the belt who rcniize thnt, the world wide rcndjnstment In wheat rth< »poms inevfinblo. The fnrslghtod men | roi nlrendy nre enrefullv gnurfng noxt ■0<1 yenr's production cos's nnd nre pro -1 pci rnrinf» to meet the eompctltlon nf th e , he; world’s cboa'M'r lnnd# nnd labor—orjC a else nre ^jrenarlng to grow aomethlng; ' olher thnn wheat. Diapaxity of Prices. 1 “ The matter that still Is the very OOi root of auch agrieulluml disturbances < ns exist Is the dlsmrity which pr<^ ml slata botween prices of things that the go farmera hnvo to sell and thoao they -thi mMt bay.” db FORMER NEWSBOY 0 REINSTATED IN 1 WASnXNGTON, Siyi. 22 yJV-MaJot th^ Orn L. Bnldlnger of Morion. Ohio, wns reinstated todny ob mlljtary nldo to ^ President Coolidgo <ind chief of tho m , White Hon"e pnliro. thereby ending ono of tho “ Insldo Inridcdls” which neeom- W nnnlod thn death nnd burial of Prcil- fu dent Hnrding. th Mn.lor Baldinger used to he n news- eit boy on the Mnrion Star, When Mra. a Hnrdlng nctod circulator for th«' th young and' atrugpllnjr publlihor, who bo later bocamo president of the United .Statea. When ’Mra. Hardlog eame to ati \ sws PBIOB FIVB OBNU EDALLEOINTO IHOMAKLANWAR Serious Charges Aired in C^ourt Governor Walton Ready to Ex- tend Scope of Martial Law; 12 Cases of Personal Vio- lence Bared in Inquiry TULSA. Okla., Sept 22 (/?>—A story of a tnercboat whipped xelth ttao loah OD IVSunday night follow- iog hla aelzoro by maaked men aa ho walked home from church wltb tats wife wae told in ft record of tho military commission of Tulsa county made public tonight ttaroogli tbo Affiodatod Press. Aa.sortioiis that couuty civil officors ignored iho idontlflcntluu of whippors l)V tliose who flufforcil woro honrd to- •lay b ^ the ««iUit!\ry court. The Anderson pasturo-**n tlio Jenks ro:l<l boi ween Tulsa and Broken Arrow »as mentiuiicd no the. sceno of mnny floggings. ■ . . When tho military commission ad- imirneil for dinner tonight, a total of Ilil east's of pemounl violence had boon I’arc-il sfiice Its Investigation bogna heri> Aiignst 1-1, following Governor J. P. Wnltnn's <lcclnration of martial law throughout tlio county. OIO.AHOMA OITY. OUa., Sept. 22 (>P)—MoblUratlon of additional • units of tbo Oklahoma national gtinrd wUl bo ordered sooo, Qov- omor J. o; Walton declared in an- nouncing that on extension of tbe scope of absolute martial law to BOTcral countloa of tbe etate la in proapect. “ We nro not getting what we wnnt out of sovoral counties/' declnred tho governor, osteUBlbly referring to tho nctlvities of. his agentd in Investigat- ing nets of mob violence in tho.ntate. “1 cannot say now when theso othor counties will bo occupied by tho InlU* tary; unless wc get antUfnctloiv sooo, It in suro to come.” Qovernor Wnlton declined to name tlic counties to which he referred and also would nnt sny how many troopa would bo cnilud to augment thoao now in service.- 1 On Duty Dating Pair t .n'o >iald, however, thnt more troopa would bo ordered to Oklnhomn City,for duty during stato fair week, which opened today. - Asked .doflnltely how he-intended to curry out hls nnuouncod Intention of Imprisoning nil mombers of tho logla- lature,who attempt to meet horo nort Wednesday in their scheduled oxtraor- dinnrv aession, Oovernor Wnlton do* clnrcd: . ' “ I will leavo that matter tb Adju- tan t Genernl Mnrkhani.” ' “ I would hate to thmw any'of these Icglslntors in jail, but If any arreata arc necessnry General Markham will tnko caro of It,” the governor addpd. I Beiieratea Oharge ' lie refused to divulge hia plana for \ proventing tho session, but r^‘lterated ihis chnrgo thut It would bo a “ moot- ing of a lawless mob» slnco 08 miUB>» bers (more than n mnjority of^the- houso) nre Ku Klux Klanamen.” "T/C^nnot allow the klan members of tho legislature to aaacmble aid call thomsolves the legislature of thla-atate and proceed to net ns sueh. If I per- f". {Continued pn i’ngo Sovcn.) Fitting Ceremony to Honor Memory i of Fighting Men ; Roses Wafted from Skies to I Mark Navy’s Grief for Vic- '• tlms of Honda Crash I SAN DrEOOO, Cal., Bopt. 22 tm— Fragraoco of roso petals wnftod from ' the sky, a wreath of flowera laid upon , tho sea—thcBo will bo aymbola tomor* ' row of tho navy'a grief for 23 onllat- ed men of destroyer aquadron 11 wbo I perished when their ahlpa craahed headlong Into the roeka off Honda, I Cal., September 8. ' The aix ships of tho 32nd dlvIaloB, Mast in line when tho squadrqn crnahed, will plny nn Important part in tbe eeromonlea, which it Is eatlnuted 10,- - 000 persons will attend. I Off ahore they will awing a two- mllo circle, trailing bloaaoms aa they go, until a wrcnth of flowers He npoa ■- tho deop, a tribute to the men who dlod. • ON MARION STAR T WHITE m U S E JOB ; th« WhUe Honae she funnd Majot BaV' , dingor In the nrmy and whito he became tochnleally chief of the White Houa^ police, ho really aeted aa an aide to > Mr*. Harding. > When Mnlor Baldlogor retnmed to • Waahington with th(^ late p r^ d en t's - funoral train he found hinuwlt out oC tho m ite House assignment. The in- • aide atory. was. tbnt Mra. Hardiag made . a perMna) appeal to tfr. Coolidge for V the- rolnatalement of *‘one of he» • • ) boys." 1 Anyway, Major Baldloger ww rela* ) atated today.

Transcript of · fWlF...

Page 1: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

fWlFHO . l iS .iElPE?


----~ I !League Appoints Legal Experts,

. to Fgrmulate Questions to < Test Authority for Action in Crises •G EN EV A . Sopt. 22 0*»> — P rom pt

proR W s In i t 9 sclf-nllottod taak of bo- p curliiR judicinl InterprotntJotiB o f tho I covcnniit o f tho Icagiio of n a tio n s wns f mmlo by tlic Icnf^o council ton ig lit ^ \?hon it appolatecl a commlttoo o f Io< j;nl cx|>ortfl' to formiilnto prorlflo ques- tionx which will In ter bo subm ittod oitiio r to tho pomwincnt court o f in* tc rnn tionn l justino n t Tho Iln^pic or some- other body o f cm inont ju ris ts .. T o iuK ht's is tho f i r s t s trp

grow ing out f t I t a ly ’s rcfusn l to roc- P oRwi7A' nn*\ nccopt tJ»c com pctcnry of tho IcaRiio of nations J n t h o ‘ Orcco-

^ Ita lln n d iflpu to .N sT ho& xperls dosiR- nntod incltido M/*B«»rth-Jnc<i^uemnfi o f Bcltiium, SoMor Botclltt o f Spain , Dr.A. D. Do la Prndcllo o f F ranco , Vit- to r ia ficialoa of I ta ly , M. A dachi of J a p a n , S ir Cecil P u rs t o f . O rent B rit- J" a in , nnd Dr. J . A. Vnn H am cl o f Ilol- jr lan d , director of lh e le ag u e ’s jud ic ia l burenu.

D 10COSS S e lm e sAmon;; tlio questions to bo coosidor- “

o d arc tlio kind cf ,disiuit«f» whic.h como williiii tlio pnrviow o f tho covo- 8

•'..r n a n t, tiic riglitu of s tn tfs to Noizo ter- q, r i to ry ns guaran tees and tho responsi- ,, b il i t ie i_ Q t s ta tes for po litical crimes ' cop»m ttfil w ithin the ir fron tie rs . I'

Domand Co-operatloo T liis expression of w hnt tlio" public ^

op in ion dt’m.mds found Its voico par- ^ ticu la rly today when soveral delegates . Tcpresenting Ind ia , South A fr ic a nnd '* Swodon. insisted upon tho g ra v ity o f ^ w orld conditions and dem anded thnC ^ th o governm ents o b c y 'th o now order o f th ings a s represented by tho league. ^

A dop t Ck>ld B u te ^Tho council took ano tho r s tep in t

th e movement tending to ach ieve tho i,, finan c ia l rehab ilita tion of Europe. I t n ncceptcd a report of a f inanc ia l com- I m itteo w hereby a now cu rrency on a s go ld basis would bo creatod in tho freo e ity o(jr>DMMC''-a°do.r tho eontrol o t % tho league. ‘Tno’ n o w jin it Js th e gnl- c den , w orth ons tw en ty -fifth o f ono v pound 0t<.'rllng, thuk m aking D anzig a 1i gold oasis surrounded b y tho paper p curroncy te rrito rie s fit Oorm any and

I P oland . DTwo M ain Problem s

Bespect tho league covonant an d sot- tlo tho ronnratlon problem quickly— theso aro tho tw o messages o f moment ■which go o u t to all governm ents and peoples from tbo loaguo. Thoy aro « contained in no form al reso lu tions and , backed by no form al voto tak in g , b u t th o y morgo clearly as tho »rill o f tho m a jo rity o f world delegates assembled i a Genova, I f p laodlts havo. any m ean­in g nnd en thusim tic ovations a n y sig- alficance.

jytitaia L o a r uB cfc rrin g to I ta ly 's repud ia tion of

th o leaguo nw thority In tlw G reek a f ­fa ir , th o ^ a h a r a j a h o f N av an g a r do­clarod w s conviction th a t tho leaguo ia p e rf /c tly com petent to in sis t on

Cceful sottlom ent of dispu tes arising ween mombora nnd ho iaaued tho w arn ing th a t i f any ono m em ber fa lls ■ to livo up to tho prinelplos of tho cov-

o n an t the lenguo fails to bo i ts truo ac lf and risks ruin.

Sees Opportunily For Women Voters

to Rule the WorldNational Chairman Despairs of

Urging Leisure Class to Cast Ballots

COLORADO S P nIN O S , Colo., Sopl. 22 OP)— Declaring th a t i t wan tlm o for women to tnko ovor world n ffa lra . M rs. O. n . P . B elm ont o f New Y ork, proii- d o n t o f tho j ja lio n a l W om ea’• p a r ty , In nn address toduy beforo tho w estern 21- vision o f the orgnnization,. d en lt t r a ­d itio n s and estnbliflhod o rders o solar pioxls blow.

“ P o t 20 £t'nturl«*R m en hava bcca ru n n in g tho w orld ,” M r« .'B clm ont do- olorod. " N o w i t is tlmo for womon to tnke over n ffn irs nnd as thoy very n en rly hold a balnnco ot po litical pow­e r a t , th is tim o-^ho day m ay n o t be • 0 fn r d is tan t JIS old pn rty lenders im- ag ino when there will be se t u p a wom­a n 's governm ent b y women, fo r womon, children nnd hum anity In g e n e ra l."

M rs. Belmont declared sho hns never vo tod and would not voto u n til she cnst her ba llo t as a mc-mber o f a wom­o n 's p a r tv a n d a s s e r te d 'th a t sho long s ln ro has despaired of m aking w hnt sh r described as “ women of leisure and lux-

c u r y ” ftwoken to n senw) o f responsi­b il i ty nnd duty in a world w here they

■ h av e cam eS no place for them selves. “ F o r nino yearn I have boea ns one

c ry in g In-tliC wildorne!.* to women of • w ea lth and leisure to givo over their

pleasures nnil frivolM ks nnd do some­th in g to jn s tlfv th e ir ex istence; I have c ried in vain . No reform over appealed to peoplo who havo all th ey w an t,” M rs. Belmont snid.

“ Now, d o n ’t fonslruo m y m eaning as

f (Continued on Pago 3oven .)


S PA.Colder Weather la

Outlook for Week' FoderV Forecaol fo r Odmlng Svran , D ayM taow s U naetU ed Oonditiona I Ar« Id S to re

, WASinNOTON, Sept. 22 <JP>—I W eather outlook for tho weok bo- I ginning M onday:

K orlhern Rocky M ountain and j plateau region: U nse ttled and raina

a t beginning; fa ir the rea fte r, Tem- q . pernturo bolow norm al f ir s t half **

und normal therea fte r.Pacific s ta te s : G enernlly fn ir

w ith • normal tem pera tu re except th a t occasional shnwcrn nro prob­nblo nlong th e no rth coaat.

B iflis IACTIB!!

- ' , ni

Piracy Rampant In Canton Vi- ' clnlty; Trains, Ships Held !S

• Up; Ransoms Paid “--------- tl

I CANTON. Supf. 22 (i<P)--<Jrci>t diosiif- tc . iBfarlion provnilH In f.nittoii, dun to t!i<-• inrronniiig taxation an.l seir.iiri.' nnd sa'*'' of temples and privati- jiropertyi nil of

whicli in tu rn nro '•aused hy tho ai'Ut'* nood of fundi fo r m iiU iiry purposcH.

I P iracy is riinipant in th is v ipinily , A■ S tan d a rd ’ Oil vossel M-Iiich wa.i firi'il• Oil nnd ho.lrl up .*it Ti'/i''-yn(';», JvnvtnjT’Jj province, was roli’ased on iv a f to r it hmi ir

paid tlio ransom dfiiiH^tfnl bv th e ban- oi dits. Anothor vcs-hoI nns born

. on the Eaat river, nt'i’r SIiek-LiinK, iu I Kwang-Tiiag provinro., Sun Yut-Soa, south China m ilitary S] J leader, is at’ tho E ast r iv e r fron t, where n p J :ia forces nre reported to be iiiitkin.-; ^■ ^ogrcss. In tho N orth river v icinity , {] P rftuditionK rem ain v irtu a lly unrhjingi-d.

A trnin wns held ii;, n en r. Yueh-IIiia ,■ Tieh-Lu, n s ta tio n on ilu> Canlon llnn-

kow, rn llw n y ,j» n ^ n h " pns^i>ngers were» taken prisoners, to lio helil fo r ran- [B som. The h:iiidit» «l.«o took goods andt money from t1u» trn 'ii -Tml passeiiKer".• In Cnnton tho n ttem p t to tnke posses-4 sion of n. Inrge tem ple tli'at ha<l been n5 n»rfhnsed by p riva te partie s a f te r its e f %nnflaoatlon was fn it-fta ted b y mor- t• cimnt volunteers. Those vojunteers e 8 who nre o<*niipying th e tem ple ns tlieiri headquarters, fo rcib ly j^ev en ted thoTS r purebnser from tak in g possession. d 1 All res tau ran ts here nro closed on 1

Dccount of th e im position of o 20 per i ccn t tnx OQ sales. r

___________ tID AHO W E A T H E E \

t 1J 8 un<){iy: U nse ttled ; probnbly show -jt, m . - j .

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______ t:

Brandler and Talmeyer Confi- Jdent of Gaining Control in i:Home St^e and Seek Aid " Against Outside Forces j >.MOSCOW, 8 p|>t. 22 yP)—Tho a c f .

mnn communist lenders, Heinrich |I B randler and H orr 'n ilm cyer, hnvo a r- | rived In Moscow nnd inform ed t h o . H

■ Russians th a t tho tlm o fo r n revolu tion ' | J in Oerm nny, is ripe . Thoy express fl thcmNclvcH rconfident o f th e ir nbillty j to obtain control w ith in tho Oermnn; stato b u t need tho holp o f tho Inter-!

; nntionni p ro le trla f aga inst outxido cap- Itnliatic enemies.

The Oermnn com m unists nro so cer-; tnin of th e ir g round, according lo Mr lle rr B rond le r's speech to .tho execu-' tivo eommittoo o f tho -bolshevik trado , unioAs, th a t mnny obserx'crs hero feel i th a t tho poaro o f Europe m ay bo s a id ' to rest upon tho conforenees In Mos-J row in which tho Oermnns nro now ■ tak ing pa rt. From th is view point tho

.issuo revolves nround tho question (> wlicther tho Russinn enmmunists d e e m |th tlieir p ro letnria t "Mtnte suffic ien tly eh strong to overcome tho enpitalistle l;n forces o f tho world combined against | a'; tU m ntid pTo\etaTlat G cm nny . '

" T l ennnot Lo iloulited th n t tho p o r-! ‘ ,' iod is beginning now when tho th rea t ' o f.b ren liing tho penco hangs over tho suviet_ Hocinlist fed era ted republics,” , ’ says tho new spaper P ravda . | p ,

Prom tho roport o f H e rr 'B ra n d ln r’s mi njipcch I t seems obvious th n t tho O cr-jth mnn communists doom tho Iron h o t,’ wi but tho guarded ed ito ria l commont ofv**' tho P rijvda gives no h in t ns ye t of whnt tho actual advleo or dcclsisn of " the R ussian com m unists w ill be. i

ESCAPE HURTS IN WREflK ;'jMi'mbcrs of tho fam ily o f a ra a n tr

named Iloffm nn, resid ing near /'H er,cNcaped prnclien lly un in jured /w h en c:the Ford car Iu w hich they rrtM trav- ii,

, eling S a tu rday nfternoon on ^ l o high- h1wny near C u rry ’/ovortuniod In an un- wsuccessful a ttem p t to pnssf a hOrso- d drawn vehlclo nhond. M r./an d Mrs.Knffmnn n n d .th c lr threo eMIdrenAvcro mill till' cnr when tho accident occur- p,red. Exam ination o f tho mcml>ers o f u-tho fnm lly to dotorm ino tho ex ten t o f ritheir in juries wns m ade n t tho scene gb y ’ n physician , o f W aterloo, Iowa, ui

{traveling by m otor to tho Pai^Ific 2ij const. ac


i / r

. C opy rig h t,,



Bids Are Sought M for Battleships

Tw enty-on* Vaaaels o f N av y Do­partm ont, ' O rdered Scrapped t i n ­der A n a s T rea ty , A w a it B ayera __

NEW YOBK, Sop<. 22 M>)->-Ad-- fl« vertlsom 6n ts calling fo r bids for tho 21 ba ttlesh ips nnd cruisers, o r­dered scrapped in compliauco w ith tho arm am ent lim itation troaty , nppented todny in Now Y ork how s- papers. A t tho f lra t sale, .October 25, six veasela w ill bo d is jn ied of — tho South D ako ta and tho In- . dinna a t B rooklyn navy ynrds, tho M ontnna n t M aro Island. Cal., tho N orth Varolinu u t Norfolk, V’a., and ' Uio CoAelUitfiSlt> nnd, th e Unltod 7- Htates u r T ’hlladelphia. -

‘ nci — ------------------------------------------------------- 1“ sei


Unknown Plight of Federal Ex- B jslorers Baffles Solution; May Send Out PlanesK INGM AN, A rlz.. Sept. 22 W»)—A

patrol will entor tho cnayou of tho I’clorndo river tomorrow to senrch for the governm ent explorntion pnrty chnrting the Colorndo river, whose un­known plight has cnst a, wave of a'arm over Arizona touight. A boat inntUed hr liolonv;iug t« the United Mf.ifos Ki'iiloiticat Hiirvey wa.« seen floiiliiig down th e river yesterday many miles from tho_ pnliit whero the Hurvey p a rly wns tlibiiglit to be.

Members of th e patro l will drive tn Peaeh Riirings, u d istance o f abotit 100 miles, and thero nttem pt to launch th e ir boat, esjieelally constructed to witlistnnd th e perils of nnvlgntlon-In tho river, filie riff M ahoney wna ro- •iitesled todnv by Aetlng Governor B.E. M c G illa n 'to form the p a tro l-ex - ' (x^ilinii.

Informs WaiahingtoaThe governor sim ultaneously sent to

the wnr departm ent n t W nshington a telegram suggesting tha t an nlrplano be sent to fly over the cnnyon eoun­t ry nnd nttcm pt to locnto the party .

Appri'hension o f tho safe ty o f the exploreriv. w as expressed hero severul dnys ago when th e river totvo to -flood stage ns th e resu lt o f to rren tial ralmi which eau-ied floods in parts of north- orn Arizonn. Z lte a o .ie a rs wero aug­m ented by the report broucht to K in g ­man la st n igh t by R. L. Dlmmlck, su­perin tenden t o f tho K atherine mine, ivhieh Is an Isolated spot near *lho river, thnt a bont w ith the le tte rs " U .S. G. 8 . ” had flo a ted down tho river upside down a t n point approxim ntely c 200 m ilca-from w heri^ tho pnrty now is schcdulod'To bc. ** jj

- u


• '

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--------- M rW H /iTA WT r i l l l U t T ^ AJkSn'wewwTWfe

, I02S, b y tb« N ew Y o 'k T rlbuse,* I n o . ,





iklfthonla M lnlrtir Clalim Hooded Or- OOV d rr Bas 227 in Honae and 27 in f f un itod Statea Seixate

— 1;(MIARLl-iSTaN, W . Vn.. Sent. 22 W 1-

-T he Kn K hix K lnn held nu Initintion n th e d in ii’" room o f tlio W hite Ifawse. ccording to a statem ent by the iN y. hwrt K. Newtnii o f nl<lahoM)ii, re i> r\ gt< vnting th e klnn iniperiiiT' i-oiinci), In ; ttai n address ,to a large niidience of Iq^ lauHnien n n d ’otliers j.t JIurrii'iine Inst Ijq jRl't- ! hi:

*'\V e have 227 in (110 house o f rep- thi esen ta tlves nnd 27 in the U nited cot ■tales avnnte ,” the sneaker said, " n n d thi re held one in itin tien In tlio din ing oom o f the W hite Vou know ,hat th a t m e a n t.'’

________________ by tdtiv

loj/s Sensational : J'! Story Falls Under »»»

Officer’s Scrutiny----- — jin in

C O E U n D ’A LEK i;, I .ta ta , Soivt. ■ ! = ' 22 R elating n sensatloaal stn ry o f be ing a ttacked Iiy foreigners, p bi»rill<l 'Afld gagged ;<nd dnigged in to tho w oods whore he wns buried be- 1 n ea th a heavy log ind left to d ie , j 17-year-old Alex K iU s o f H arrison, i 22 wns " re s e u e d ” b y .Icjnity shcs^^s ) u i from Coeur d ’Alene, responding to j nn em ergeney call, recently. t

A ccord ing to th e officers, it w as I nil a jm t-up jnb. Cross examinn- |

tlon o f th e '* victim , they s:ild, | p j ahowed tb a t there were un forelgtiA 1 jirs nnd th a t tho lnd had bound and ; gngged himself, “ .just to see w liat ! govi ho could s tir up .” nc ti


HEmEmiiifF H ON GIN ura=

— ; ■ 1 .1Minnesota Representative Has

Plan Designed to Assist «po

Western Producers■ Imf la tl

W ASHINGTON, Sept. 22 (/P)—An In- W c crcaso in tho ta r i f f duly on whont a s a «ti'‘ mcanti o f nsslstlng wcstrrR producers of th a t c o n ^ o d i ty was suggosted today bv Rcprosentn tive Ander»on. repub lican .’ M innesotn, wbo discussed the ngricul- leg! tu ra l s itua tion w ith President Coolidge nre nt th e W hite ITouso. ,\(r. Anderson de- ta k elined tn ta lk nJ>ont hia confercnre w lth ^ th e cxe<TH4ve, hnt snld ho would | j: W ^ i s proposalrlTP^re the ta r if f com- • mission. - I j

T he M innesota rcjif^«^ntatlvc.'wUo wns chnirm nn of th e r e m is s io n of ag ricu ltiim l Inqury, ileclnrid tho r>res- 1 „ , en t d u ty o f .10 cents n bushel on w h e a t , «. is jibsorbed b v the d lffcren tin l in pricos ' ns betw een tho U nited S tntes nnd Ca4- nda nnd th n t nn inerense In duty would resu lt In nn immedlnte advance In t h o > ^ price in th e M inneapolis mnrk#t——-" '" "J '

Crop Bnormona.T he T5nropean crop is cstlm tned n t | i |

1.227,«47,000 bushels, w hile th n t o f * * N nrtb A m erl'‘a Is plnced n t 1.2fl. ..'t.Tl,- 000 bushels, o r nbont .108,100,000 bnsh ­els m ore tb u n the prc-i^.ir average yenr- Iv nroductlon for th e fivo years, 1J>09-; 1013. 1

“ W orld w heat Kurplv nnd dem and, hnve boen closelv balnneeil fo r tw o ynnrs.' ' snld nn o ff i '‘i;>l o f the ngricnf-' RC ti 're departm en t. ‘^Bnt ju s t now the 1\-o leh t n w en ra sU c b tk ni\ the supply j I side. W itli the present course o f n rices .It Is riot s trn n tc th a t whent. producer* nro discouraged nor thnt they- nro e lv -1 Inir e n r to nnusnnl proposals w hich nromlso nid. liow ever. .men nre n o t, Fri Incking in the be lt who rcniize th n t , the world w ide rcndjnstm ent In w heat rth< »poms inevfinblo. The fnrslghtod men | roi n lrendy nre enrefullv gnurfng no x t ■ 0<1 y e n r 's production cos's nnd nre p ro -1 pci rnrinf» to meet th e eompctltlon n f t h e , he; w o rld ’s cboa'M'r lnnd# nnd labor— o r jC a else n re ^jrenarlng to grow aom eth lng ; ' o lher thnn wheat.

D iapaxity o f Prices. 1“ T he m a tte r th a t still Is the very OOi

roo t o f auch agrieu llum l d isturbances < ns ex is t Is the d lsm rity which pr<^ ml slata bo tw een prices of things th a t the go farm era hnvo to sell and thoao th e y -thi m M t b a y .” db


W ASnXNGTON, Siyi. 22 y JV -M aJo t th Orn L . Bnldlnger o f Morion. Ohio, wnsre in sta ted todny ob m lljtary nldo to ^P residen t Coolidgo <ind chief o f tho m , W hite H on"e pnliro. thereby ending onoo f tho “ Insldo In rid cd ls” which neeom- Wnnnlod thn death nnd burial o f P rc il- fudent H nrd ing . th

Mn.lor B aldinger used to he n news- eitboy on th e M nrion S tar, When Mra. aH nrdlng nctod n» circulator for th«' thyoung and ' atrugpllnjr publlihor, who bo la te r bocamo president o f the U nited

.S ta tea . W hen ’Mra. H ard log eam e to ati

\ ■



A ired in C^ourtGovernor Walton Ready to Ex­

tend Scope of Martial Law;12 Cases of Personal Vio­lence Bared in Inquiry

TULSA. Okla., S e p t 22 (/?>—A s to ry of a tnercboat w hipped xelth ttao loah OD IV Sunday n ig h t follow- io g h la aelzoro b y maaked m en aa h o w alked home from church w ltb tats w ife w ae told in ft reco rd o f th o m ilita ry commission o f T u lsa c o u n ty m ade public ton igh t ttaroogli tb o A ffiodatod Press.Aa.sortioiis th a t couuty civil o ffico rs

ignored iho idontlflcntluu o f w hippors l)V tliose who flufforcil woro honrd to- •lay b ^ the ««iUit!\ry court.

T h e A nderson pasturo-**n tlio J e n k s ro:l<l boi ween Tulsa and Broken A rrow » a s mentiuiicd no the. sceno o f m nny floggings. ■ • . • .

W hen tho m ilita ry commission ad- imirneil for dinner tonight, a to ta l o f Ilil east's o f pemounl violence h ad boon I’arc-il sfiice Its Investigation bogna heri> Aiignst 1-1, following G overnor J .P. W nltnn 's <lcclnration of m artia l law throughout tlio county.

OIO.AHOM A OITY. OUa., S ep t.2 2 (>P)—M oblUratlon o f ad d itio n a l • u n i ts o f tb o Oklahoma n a tio n a l gtinrd wUl bo ordered sooo, Qov- o m o r J . o ; W alton declared in an ­nouncing t h a t on extension o f tb e scope o f absolute m artia l la w to BOTcral countloa o f tb e e ta te la in proapect.“ W e nro not g e tting w hat w e w nnt

out o f sovoral c o u n tie s / ' declnred tho governor, osteUBlbly re fe rring to tho n c tlv itie s o f . h is agentd in In v estig a t­ing nets o f mob violence in th o .n ta te .“ 1 cannot say now when theso o tho r coun ties will bo occupied by th o InlU* ta r y ; unless w c ge t antUfnctloiv sooo,It in suro to com e.”

Q overnor W nlton declined to nam e tlic counties to which he re fe rred and also would n n t sny how m any troopa would bo cnilud to augm ent thoao now in service.-

1 On Duty Dating P airt .n 'o >iald, however, th n t more troopa

would bo ordered to Oklnhomn C ity ,fo r d u ty during sta to fa ir week, w hich opened today. -

A sked .dofln lte ly how h e -in ten d ed to cu rry out hls nnuouncod In ten tion of Im prisoning n il mombers o f tho logla- la tu re ,w h o a ttem p t to m eet horo n o r t W ednesday in th e ir scheduled oxtraor- d inn rv aession, Oovernor W nlton do* c lnrcd : • . '

“ I w ill leavo th a t m a tte r tb A d ju ­t a n t Genernl M nrkhani.”

' “ I would h a te to thm w a n y 'o f these Icg lsln tors in ja il, b u t If any a rreata arc necessnry General M arkham w ill tn k o caro o f I t ,” th e governor addpd.

I B e iie ra tea Oharge' l i e refused to divulge hia p lan a fo r \ p roven ting tho session, b u t r^‘lte ra te d ih is chnrgo th u t It would bo a “ moot­

in g of a law less mob» slnco 08 miUB>» b e rs (more than n m njority o f ^ t h e - houso) nre K u Klux K lanam en.”

"T /C ^ n n o t allow the k lan m em bers of tho leg isla ture to aaacmble a i d call thom solves th e leg isla ture of th la -a ta te and proceed to net ns sueh. I f I per-

f " . {Continued pn i ’ngo Sovcn.)

Fitting Ceremony to Honor Memory

i of Fighting Men; Roses Wafted from Skies to I Mark Navy’s Grief for Vic- '• tlms of Honda CrashI S A N DrEOOO, Cal., Bopt. 22 tm—

F rag raoco of roso petals w nftod from ' th e sky, a w reath o f flowera la id upon , tho sea—thcBo will bo aymbola tomor*' row o f tho n av y 'a g rie f fo r 23 onllat-

ed m en of destroyer aquadron 11 wbo I perished w hen th e ir ahlpa craahed h ead long In to th e roeka o f f H onda,

I C al., S eptem ber 8 .' T h e aix ships o f tho 32nd dlvIaloB, M ast in line w hen tho squadrqn crnahed,

w ill plny nn Im portan t p a r t in tb e eeromonlea, which i t Is e a tln u te d 10 ,-

- 00 0 persons w ill a ttend .I O ff ahore they w ill aw ing a tw o-

m llo circle, tra ilin g bloaaoms aa th e y go, u n til a w rcnth of flow ers He np o a •

■ - tho deop, a tr ib u te to th e m en who • d lod . •

ON MARION STAR T WHITE m U S E JOB; th « W hUe Honae she funnd M ajo t BaV ', d ingo r In th e nrmy and whito he becam e

tochnleally ch ie f o f th e W h ite Houa^ police, ho rea lly aeted aa a n a id e to

> Mr*. H ard ing .> W hen M nlor B aldlogor re tn m e d to• W aahington w ith th(^ la te p r ^ d e n t 's- funo ra l tra in he found h inuw lt o u t oC

tho m i t e House assignm ent. T h e in -• aide atory. w as. tb n t Mra. H a rd ia g m ade . a perM na) appeal to t f r . Coolidge fo rV the- ro lnatalem ent o f *‘one o f he» • • ) b o y s ."1 A nyw ay, M ajo r B ald loger w w rela*) a ta te d today.

Page 2: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to


Prohibition Worl<ere lo Gatti- er in Wasliington Next Montli to Lay Plans for Nation-

' Wide ConquestW 'A SinxO T O X , Hl'ht. 23 cnll

fo r a ra lly o f M.o .l.y forcos o f tlic rn rlon J n . flii[)porl o f the cittliipcntli ftiiicudim'Ht h n ' nfnt fiirtli liy hi> Foilcnil Ooiiiiril o f CliiirciH*n.-'‘ A R;on(l cltizchnli!]) nn»l palrlolU tn. coiiforoncr” was niiiiouiiccil to h , lipM •‘in WnnU- •. injfton, O ctober 1«. " i i nBJ» W ;/ " t o ■pur on thfldo who l)oliiRo% firoliitjiUonb u t Iinvi' Jodt Hcflvo j n f p r p d t . " ____

Tbe cnll w m oif'nE'd by 7.'5fi iiicn'iind women, incliiiHn;' liusinpim niVn, colioL'i! nnd uiilvcm lty hondfi. clor;;vnii'n, m<un- Itors o f cow tTUM* wnytirn, lifniJn of re- IJf'iouH a.sHociiitinu niul lontlerii o f woni- c n ’ii orf'iinirjitionn. lIpailiUK fJie lidf were tlie niim cs'T if Williiim .lenttlnK* Brynn nnd I'rnlilliUion (.'oiiiiiiiiiiilonGr Roy A. Hnyncfl.

Dnte» clionen for tlic rntiferciice jirc- ceilc liy It few <lnv!i tlie lim e fciifiitivc ly Rctocicd l)v I'rcHi<Ient Coolidijo for n ineeUnK o f tlio.i'overiior* on l:i\v en- foTcc^Hont. TJu' f.vll vvpiit out, linw over, before M r. C'ooIJ.Ik p 'h iilmm timl been nnnounced, and it wn* paid tliero

. wns no xlKnifieancfl to be uttacliod ta th e tim e o f tive jjnlherin>{.

Tho comniii"ions «'f Hie Kedernl Council o f Cliiircliofl—llione on tcini>er- anco nnd on connn ls (locnn of c.hurcJioM—;fipon«ore<I tho c/ill. which, it wn* nnnoiinced, wnn {"(.iiied “ in reroq- n itlo n o{ tho trcmocdouB p ro p a ^ n d a which Ifl bnlnf- enrried on to inilllfv th e elf^htconth nincndm cnt nnd the Vol> fltood act nnd to dU cred lt all luw .’ '

“ Rcnlizinc..’ ' nald n sta tem ent ixnuoi! by leaders In tho movcrrmat, “ thn t Jn- . a c tiv ity and npnthy hns reaultod In an ap paren t prrowth o f liquor nontimcnt nnd irt non-obBcrvaneu o f tho cnforco m ont net no t only by s ta te of^iclaU Bad bootleRgcra, b u t nlso by men ond ^ women who nro taw nbiilin(( in ovory o th e r way. Tho loadora stn to th n t thoy havo plnuncd tlio eopfcrcncc w ith tho Idon o f “ rcftovorinft tho moralo o f the m oral nad C hristian to rccs upon tho prohib ition iM ue.” ^

P lan s fo r tho confjrenc© contomplato **■ i t beinR open to “ nil c itlzcns w ithout- distinc tion ns to m co or conditions in to rested in tbo preyorvatlon o f tho eonstltu tlon o f ' tho U nited S ta tes and tho s tr ic t enforcem ent o f all laws, In- tt e ludlnt; thei elRhtconth umcnrtmcnl ant\ tho Volstead a c t .” I t will bo tho pur- fi poso to m&ko provisions for carry ing ft o u t w hatever p lans nro decided upou. ai


— « i( Thirteefn Men in Cliarge in "

Limelight as Investigation in Wrecl( Goes On

______ ' 1SAN" DIEGO. Sopt. ;»2 (.iPh-'Prnm atlc t

nvowni of, tho ir purpoHn to nld tho court, c thp pubjlc nr^d tb o n v y . t o pet n t the i| bottom o f c ircum stances snrronndint; I t h * dos'troyor d io a ite ro f f H ondftjO al, 1 Scplcm b«f 8, by tc sH fy ln g beftvr© c o u rt o f Inquiry whic’v haa nnmed tngfti n defendan ts In i ts Invcstication of the r w reck th a t cost 2.1 lives and seven ships, th rew 1.1 navnl offlcoM suddenly Into tho limeliRht a t to d 'i> 's session o f tho eourt. Tho annonneem ent canned such yi a transform ation in tbe situation con- , fro n lln ^ th a t ,.bO(ty th n t proccedinf's * w ere to rm innted ab n u itly and adjourn­m en t tfcVrn uMU M onday.

R enr Admirnl P ra tt , presidin;^ mem- * b o r o f th e court o f inquiry, chnraeter- f te d tho d e fe n d a n ts ’ o ffe r to te ll nl' th o y know under onth ns " w o r th y of tho best tn id itin n s o f th e nnvy ." L ieu­ten an t Commander Leslie Brntton, w h o s c ^ u ty It is a s ju d ce advoeato to p resen t the evidence w h h h ' may in- ▼olvo theso o ffice rs In eonrt m nrtial proeeediHRB. deeU red tl i r i f attU ude

^ w o rth y o f th e hlirhe’>t praise.TftUs o f D U torbuices

T he de fen d an ts’ o ffe r to te s tify camo durlnff a lull In tho^ procoeilinu’s jnst n f te r Chnrles Hoopc". a surveyor nnd eivU engineer, had finished testify ing th a t ho had observed serious disturb- Aoees on the mnRnetie needle durinc the period from Reptem ber (I fo 11. and be­iioved th is phennmennn mlRht have hnd some effec t on fho compass of thp Del- p h y ju s t before sho led her s ister ships on th e rocks.

W hile pens a t fhe i»ress tab le were po ised to catch, i f possible, the ci'^f of th« nex t' technical dlaeutsion, Cnplain

•T . T. Craven, counsel fo r Oapfnin E d­w ard W ntson. ch ie f o f tho dcstrover •qnadron , nnnounced th a t he wished to m ake a s ta tem en t fo r hi^ client.

T estiraony , B iffietU t.B ending from p en ^ led notes, ho de­

c la red in substnnce. fhn t the fnct Hint s l l o f tbo m ost hlfihly qualified wif- Bossrs •were defendan ts mndo It partic- ttlnTly Mfflc\3lt to brinfj beforo tho « ^ r t fho very testim ony which the ^ n r t wnn m ost de siro u s‘ to Jiear.

au eh a situ ta lo n not o»ily <>''• s tra c tin g tho inquiry , he pointed out, b n t wns endnnffcrine t.'io rig h ts o f sevI e ra l officers in th a t It barred them from cross e%aminii)]7 fhe^r fellow defend­an ts .

" C a p ta in W atson ,” ho continned, “ h as from th e bejfinnln(j o f th is in- vestlira tion , been an rio u s fo fnke the ■tand to explain m otives whieh prom pt­ed ecrtftln deeUloun on th e evening of S ep tem ber f i ."

Issaea obscured .Tho cnptain “ view ed w ith a n x ie ty ," I

bo sn id , 'th o Introduction o f technical |l

IWO t w in

- 1 r e f u g e .

.. ........................................... .

■ t r -

" ' j yp J i f f '

JTZi« p ic tu re a t th« le f t alw

I ^ . 'broAktf’ln tb e surface oeI . ' on th e ir fee^ according to m

The p icture <at th e r ig h t st I th e p o in t o f insan ity v&llB oth1 - ■, te s tim on /co lxK orh if; Ih c .very 1«8UC» K I ho desired to mako clear. ”

“ H e is desirous o f faklnft fnll nnd , complete responsib ility for hls uellons,’ '

C aptain C raven concluded, *‘niid wishes , in overy w ay to p reven t such responsl-

b ility being placed whcro it docs nol I belong., , 'W m Q lve T>otall«.I “ Therefore , Cnptnln Watson d f 'irc s■ to take tho stnnd 'an A w itn ess .'’ T I Im m cdintoly cownsd fo r other dc- j,; • feuiLints, an d in so'iio cases, tbe ile-; fendants them selves, were on tlicir feot

askluK th u t C aptnin '.Viitson’s tvqvwsl ^ bo rejjiirded fls the irs also.

Cnptain Wntson probnbly will jjo on the stan<l early M onday, It was nn-' tl nounced. w ith Lieiiton-int Commander jr Poniild T. H unfcr, cnptain of the Del- n

t phy, nex t, nnd I^ieutennnf T<;mrenoe .I niod^ielt. ^m iN 'i^tloit. cfficers o f ^ h e \^ ^

L ieu tenan t Bloileeft alrendy hnH been on the stnnd , b is teMlinnny ^Tn« in- ferrupfed whefT the eetirf deetarcd him j t

ft defendant. v■ • •* ■___• T<

\ TEXAfl o n . P IE L D H ITB T D ISA 8TB0U 8 m r p

C 'bnsrO A N A , Tex.i». Sept. '2Z U?)- 'Tho f if th o il fire in the Corslcann deep

t field sinee Its discovery occurred this/’, cveninjf w ben fieo o f undetermined or- p ijjln se t ablnr.0 tho oil tanks of the I B. L. Sm ith Oil company. At lenir^

10,000 b a rre ls o f oil arc estimated by ,®’ ^T>{<icUU to have been butnril. Work- n roon nonr tho tanks escnpcd injury by p runnln(;. T he fire continues to burn.

-------------------------- a:D New Source of Radium.0 P a rto n ltc , a new mdlum-beaidDK ^ ynlncml foond In th e Bvtclan Conico.

v a s described Id a n a d d re u by tho II■ Belgian P ro fesso r Shoef. who told of

■neceaa In e i tro c tin g radium from th e 1',, m ineral o t on A ntw erp laboratory. P

■ .................. — ....1' —

I- HI, 9 ■

1- I Stotem ctit of ih t‘I g • . •

Twin Falls Banl0 1

J I J’lC/.Y t'AhhR I ^p A t th e CloHC of liuaine.Hf

rl!• liesoi

a n d D iH c o u n ts .............5 f e to e k F e d e r a l K e s e r v e B j

n O v e n l r a f t i i *...................................B a n k B u i ld ir i} ; a n d F i x t u r

1 O t h e r - K c a l E s t a t e ..................E x p e n s e ______ ‘............. .W n r r a n t i i a n d S e c u r i t i e s . . ,

’t U . S . l i b e r t y l^ o n t ls . . ............C a s h a n d D u e f r o m R j in k


^ hiab ili

■| C a p i t a l . .........n S u r p l u s .........!• B I I I h P a y a b l e ............................I K c d iK c o u n ts!•' D e p o s i t « .........................................e




m m m -

abowB th e huge flsstures on o ne o f t lie m oocmxed througl^out ao&e. o f eax tt w rv lvoi* .shovfl a section of a colnnm o f re fo g ees l

n b e ra v e re forced to su ld d e b y th« g h a s tl

N A V Y ’S N E W D I R I G I B L E


l^ew est O U n t A ircraTt of Oonrersment I t o B e Flow n to St. Lonla K e x tU o n th

fo-i A ir B a e %

LA K EH U BST, N. J . , Sopt. M T hc nnvy d irig ib le Zr-1 a rr iv e d a t her Jiangnr n t C:'15 tonight n fto r m aking a successful flig h t to W ashington and re tu rn .

WASHINGTON, STspt. 22 W>>-Upon th e completion of tho tr ip to VTash- ington nnd r'btafrn from L akchurst of the ZR-1, R ear Adm iral W . A. M of­f e t t , chief o f naval av liition , announc-

^od thn t Socrotary Denby h ad au thor­ised sending tho dlrlglblo to S t. Lonis for tho alrp lano raccs c a tly nc* t j|)on th , “ passing o v e r-a s m nny in te r­vening eities ns practicable, going a n d ' TeturntnUi pro^'lde'd the t r ip docs not In te rfe re w ith fu rther tr ia ls now la , p ro g re ss ."

^ H B A E IN a POSTPONED.S T . PAUL, Sept. 2" OP)—H earing or.

th e tem porniy injunction n ffec ling shoi>', c r a f t orgnniratlons of tho G rea t N o rth -.’ ern company, schedulni to como up to- j

d ay . was postponed b j aRrccm cnt u n til (■fl special term o f fe<lcrnl court which opens next week, i t w>i-i nnnounced thi.'i; afternoon. ■ i

To Fill C rack InX Inoleum . j F in e ly . chopj)cd cnrk m ixed with

llquli) glue iR excellent as a filler for ;th e c rack to Unoleum. W hen It hns se t ;h n rd , rob down with em ery p a p e r and ^p a in t to m atch w ith linoleum. I

hv. C ouilition of |

™k& Trust Co..IjS , ID A H O

?.sn, S e p tem b e r 1 4 , 1 9 2 3

m tirc c s

................ ............ ',j$ 9 1 5 ,1 9 9 .5 2 ;B a n k . .......... 4 ,8 0 0 .0 0 ' '

9 ,5 2 2 .4 2 ■ ;u r e a . . . . .............. 6 6 ,3 ^ 5 .7 5.......................3 6 ,9 6 1 .7 3 :

6 ,1 6 3 .1 1s........................... . 5 7 ,1 6 7 .6 7 I.............................., 4 2 ,3 0 0 .0 0ikM.......................... 2 4 7 ,0 0 0 .7 0 . I

$ 1 ,3 ^ 5 ,5 0 0 .9 0


.$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 6 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 7 8 ,9 0 0 .0 0

....... ....................... 1 5 9 ,2 2 2 .1 0................................. 9 8 7 ,3 7 8 .8 0

$ 1 ,3 8 5 ,5 0 0 .9 0 I


a a ln h lgliw ays a t N ^ e i a , a sbort d la t« th<iuake, tbo t r a u m In placea h e t

ile a v ln g th e scene o f th e earthquake, m ot itUnesa o f tb e eartbanake , 3 ; ; ^ Is recon

T h e y /

i j ' _ •

We Have Ji Nun

The new anklet strap heel, the newest in fo

.The new’Trio three, e med with brown kid,



O M S C E N E 6 i

SEPTEMBER 23,1923.



1 *

i ' ^ I M

ano* fiem tbe center of the recent Japaoei dng so Ibat pa&ls-«tzicken Tlctin» '

>tbe4 i carry ing tbelx boMwi in th e tc anna, rd e d aa tb a g r n te c t dlaacter In tb e w o tl l

i r e H e r e


Y OU will seo a number of hand­

some styles in femi­nine footwear.

Jhe varied assort- ^ inents being offered a t onr store are the

^biggest representa- t iv e s of Fashion’s trend we have yet displayed.

U i l a d y s h o w s g o o d

t a s t e w h e n s h e s e ­lects h e r footw ear berfr— ^ fo r n e t only sty le do o ia shoea poBsaes, b u t com fort- > able constric tion an d long w earing ability.

Ouz prices are fa ir .

' ust Received Th nbers in SlipperI slipper, black suede, new Dotwear.

eyelet oxfords, golden bre , box heel. Come in and lo


iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^



■ s^flMSR

r ''

4 l ^ | n -

yaaeae eartbqoake. S im ilar m» were' nnab le t o ren ta ln

V -oa. U a n y w ere d r l r e n to rotl&'a h is to ry . *

= ^ = ------------ -


eNewI :

I B ' ' '

hreeNew"rs J

ew French toe and

brown suede, trim -' look them over.


Page 3: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

(.over Pl Gains In ISPECIAtS

In Yard Goods, Blankets, Etc.

J All Linen Crash Toweling

All llnon brown crash ton-cHng, n ‘U or bluo border; O O ^ npccial, tho ya rd ................m o C

All Wool SergeIlO-incli ull woul sorgo Ici a ll p an ted colors fo r fa ll niid win* tor w ear; a lictivy doublo warp alorm "crgo„ nt, Q Q « llio y w d .............................

Middy FlannelsWc oMor th is oxecllont- quality middy flimnol in rod, navy and Kelly (^eon; fiUl S4 inchos wido; u t, tho (P A A Q yn r|i\.^ ...'.- ............. ........

French SergetO-incIi ull wool Fronch nerRo tlio vi'ry fin e s t quality jfor tliosc


'■ 25c to 39cYou cnn find h p rC tb o widest (iHiinrtmcnt o f crotonnes a t '2 S e , 29c, 33c, Stli tho yard , prin ted iti ROOd dcaiKtu oa good cloths.

Bungalow Cretonnes •

Good fa s t., color 'crotoauos in m a«y p ro tty d c s i ^ s tha t will work up very- eatlsfaetorily, pricod, tho ^ 0 « ynrd ....... ..— ...................... I J / C

' Fancy OutingsFancy o u t in j j fH ? ' good woight in oithor Ught o r dark I O / * colors; tho yard _____— X * / C

Cotton ChalliesCotton choIlioB, full 86- Inchos wido U a flao iBrvicoa- I

fit.;_____ JLvi/.'

Scrims30-inc\ tw ta in scritnB in aoveral

__ 15cTurkish Towels '

A spccinl in Turkish toweIs,ju8t rocoived; «Uo 15r30,

, Jumbo Turhisff. Towels

Big- sii:o 22x44 and heavy; a raro barga in in a groat big

____ :..„49cRobe Cloth

A hwVJ* robo clotlf ia assortod dark patllh-ns; K O /» tho yard ' ---- --------- -------- w l ' i /

o a Clothl3c»t grado full 4-/oot Q C r t .oil cloth; tho y a rd .-.........O J C

MuslinsWo oro offoring fo r your choice 500 yniilR o l fino 3Glneh onoiff. whito mualin, which every houso- wlfo should take advan- -j - tngo o f ; - a t , tho ya rd ------

Quality Blankets at Lower Prices

Puro wool blanket*—Rich p laids In roso, p ink, blue, yellow, lav ­ender and tan ; .sizo 00x80; thoy are O n d o rs , a t tbo

nc iivy ilonWo wool wl<«d blntt* Icctit, betiUilfni plaida la blue, pink, yellow Siia*;:taa; foU slio , 00x80; Bilk bonilfl; g g g g

Wool fin ish plaid blanke'/t. Ip lize 60x80; theso como in rofinf<^

i T ^ k , bluo, tan and g ray plaldB,I bVsjikotB whleh you .will bo «ur-

! I ' Army Blankets $2.98, $3.65

nw ivy ;orray blankets in plalo groy or ikliakl, ident fo r camping or T^herover a b lanke t m uat

.stood trough w ear; priced «»eh a t

S2.98 AND $3.65 I Cottoa. -Blankets

Good heavy q u U ty in tan or g m y .vdlh A Q

j b o rd m , .tho .poir.____ v X * « f O

iDainty Apron \ Frockt

Tlicso renresont a spotiaf pur* chnso which brings -to y«u dain>- ty gingham aad percale apros' frockBt all siros and ■12 d iffe ro n ts ty le s; Ih opdco ■ v p C


'rices Are B u t e !

Lower Prices on Merchandise ' More an'd more people* are con . oash btiying and cash selling fi

v a l« ^ are the kind th a t we at Yotir dollar here is a one hundi tbe opporttinity here, reaches i

Ready fo r C W o n d e rfu l ^

^ O ur atoc and lacli a n d proT

B o th Pli a n d you moot yo

P r, / i

Theso a b read cl

- ^ lu r coUi

A Big Showing of Co , " > $14.95 to $24M' W ith in th o above pricos ono w ill tUu

concolvablo stylo and m ateri^il to solt elud ing volours, N orm ondjr cloths, B< a n d o tbo r handsome fab rics . They f u r and soIf-coUars as w oll a s s to n n ln offocta. A ll p rlcod-tbo. O oldon au lo

m eans d is tinc t and positlTO. sav ings.1

M anyF a ll and W inter Suits aro undonlablj

a l l th e Uttlo stylo de ta ils th a t charac

! $22*5C

! Beautiful Nevi ; $15.00 to

' You can fulfill th a t new dress dcsir t w ay—a t the modest p rico o f 122.50, » w om an mny woar w ith eom pleto .snl

s ty led o f pre tty m ateria ls, tho work cleverly designed, wUh th e trim m ing ia ls includo Canton Crepes, F la t Croj

“ S a tin s , F o lre t T>IU, T w ill SUam, aad ^ tid c tlvo ly good values.

O f courso wo bavo h igher p riced an m a tte r w hat prico you pay v j;o a ’ll go

cMisses’ and Chil

For Fall, Jus50 *• •5» W o’hnve juBt unpacked a sp lend id lai ° a ttra c tiv e W inter Coats. T lioy a re <; C f4 t women and comc in m any colots

B eau tifu l styles, woll ta ilo red an d n

$4.9S tod i

Infants Vests8 * n fa n ts ' Bcubcn vests In p a r t

Itt- wool, all wool or silk a tlJ wool—

49c>73c,98c ,•oIp Crib BlanketsfS

' I ' l t l k o r 2‘Juor a wool nap

Q t in M fi W ankwj' P“ ‘-

9 te rn s ; rflM' gScfcNO 9 & C

L a rg e r sires ai^-^llo

$1.49, . .ftt - -

L. D. s. Garii&jil^Medium ligh t weight,

Ay blenched, a t _____________U O O '

O . U edium w eight, ( g i m nbleached, a t _______,

n * a v y rib doublo bnck, b leached ^at- o r unbleaehod,

c H a-vy wool garments


liie Gceat in Every Ike ^ Quality is winning us new ommg to realizo that oar chain sto: furnish. US a real-snpremacy in va are proud to offer. You get quali idred cents dollar;. its /urohasing s its maximam height.

::h illy F a llD a : Stock o f W a r

Mck of Ooata t ^ 's c a M u la perhaps tixe las ic ludes Bcorea.of tandsom o models,, p o n n lttli rovidlng lower pricos th a t you can a f fo rd t

P lush and Oloth Coata aro well roprosontoi ou are sure to find , a stylo th a t is exactl] y ou r demands fo r a ttra c tlv o appearance a t

r a c t ic a l C lo t Extra Special atCoats are m ade of such popular and durab: c lo th and nea t m ix tures and m any o f thi


loats a t Plush <JO $19.501lnd moat evory I t would bo ha rd t o Imaloloct from , in- t lc a l coata th a n th eao (B oliv ia cloths. Those aro Salta pluahos,

y fea tu re both coa t ca rries a guaran teelin s embroidery heavy fya collars a n d ctiJe W ay, w hich suin or. u b ie . T h ey ares. r ig h t up to th e m inu te .

S tunn ing S iib ly sm art, ^ e yon 'w ill f in d a a unusual ra c te i lu tho sm arte s t types. P rice s ra n g e i

iO, $ 2 4 . 5 0 , $ 2 9 . 5

w Dresses at «« ) $29.50 Clsiro horo in the most eeodomlcal i.50. Wo aro soiling drosses any satisfaction . Thoy fljo correctly orkmaDship is o f tho good k in i^ lg rig h t up to tho m inuto. M ater- blench ropes. Satin Back Cantons, Crepe lonfTj ,ad othSr dcsliable fabrics, in dla- nicove

Womt th e n

and lowor priced drosses, b u t no a n d i get tho utm ost for th a t price. • porfoi * * th o Sl


ildren’s Coats 13/ Buro I

ist Receivedin si:

largo lo t o f misses’ and ch ild ren ’s c<l r<0 qulto as sm art as thoso featurocl >T8 and styles. Bites 4 to 14 yonnu1 mado of oxcolknt m aterials—


Women’s Outing Gowni

J u s t becauso I t ’s a f lanne le tte Boyi gown Is no sign l t '» ono o f thoso

m id-Victorian t lg h nock, loBg-

lloovo gormcnts. F a r ttom it. f h t f lanncM to gowns i& our as- binc sortm oni « f i styled ia m any now, pleaslflg' designs; in soft woven fabrics th a t tfakii them u^j*j

fisiifdhiB * *« try i i ig i i t i Vftn

Vrltei •itry iflOdJiHy i t ' -V W oi

$ i i ^ s i f e 4 9 , . ]-;

' l l a c ■ dovi

Cotton Batts t l !L ah^v’ bfltts, com fort size; somo I’lo iQ / s t e s stitched— ^

7iBe;>98c, $1.23 i.P a rt Wool l^atllW; ( g o f j n largo sizo / t J ^


i m p e t u s

e p a i l m e i i t' friends overy day.ore purchasing power, ^ ■’alne-glving.*;And our . I I f f l.lity here a t a price. I I l l l g power when given


Lys with a .rmCoats- T ;a rg est w e have evot shown ting a w ide range o f choice I to pay . .

vcrj- durtod In our prSfbot showing j,.,,.tly becoming and that«w iU a t a m oderate price.

th -0oa tsN i\»H xvciy

t $12.50 -Wool

iblo m ateria ls as polo clotb. them, Binartly trtmrood w ltli ^ c n ’s I

j;roy onl

du rab le;

Coats a ito $49.50 ,

oagluo moro dressy or prac-o f b eau tifu l block p lush. s trip e ;

«, w hich means th a t evory c-hisiio ieo; m any o f th e m -f ta tu ro .cuffs, o f coney, fitch opoe- ' “ tin g qro fu ll l^ e d and fasO oaod tlio auit

iits '^a l selection w hich oxprossos e a t

3 0 ‘

J n s t ft 1

iai Savings on ">»' Women’s and tL 'l.” 'hildren’s Fall ““ Hosiery and ‘ Underwear

njm ’i modium welRht fine «Wd w hite union siilts In : sleeve, anklo longlh or :h Bock, elbow Q Q ^

» ' ....................." O C .n e n 's modium w eight in

many w anted styles, long Boya* hishort, cu t righ t nnd f i t '

rectly, a t , tho ( g f 4 A heas u i t : ----------------. Btrlpo;

men’s s ilk and wool un- ' a t ___ ....i; long sleeve, olbowBleovo no steove, ankle or knee ;th ; a garm ent whioh is 5 lo please o t ( g o O O L t Bight; tho s u l t ^ ^ . O T ■

ises’ co tton fleeced unions ora- nni Bizes 4 to 10; fino bloach* ’ ro llon o f good quality a t * t ...... -

83c TO $1.23 -- -----uses’ silk ’and wool unions, ^ ' J ' lenutiful garm ent in elbow SVC and ankle length, n t

$1.49 TO $198. D en ton 's sleeping gar- : ; •■nts for childron ore priced *

98c TO $1.19 JT :lys’ heavy cotton hoBO In nil5C8; colors, vi;“ :R ^pedtWy ^6^3 ^^11168, th e p a ir ________ ^ U v

iBses’ ^fino ribbed hoso; -nek o r ' b row n; a b ig sellerid an exceptionalline; the pa ir_____ tUOC ' '

om en' fashioned mercerized llo hoso In b lack or eordo-

‘:v .:..........49 c Som en’s )^Vi^ th read silk iBo; a R O ^ w eight putfl read sU k; high spliced

doublo Mio*<l t o C niiVcifrSwl cot- r. nnd Jo u h lo hem tops;»ck, wWto', “n'l cor-

r : .“l....._.Sdc- •------- ■ S t



B e i i in d t h e

c f T l i i s Blli

le for the ‘‘H^avIf arm Underwear for M(comfortable underw ear a t pricos w hich will :es on qu a lity garm en ts such as Haynes, Iv

B Heavy Ootton Unions Wrigl $1,26

itlou ribbed uuions, mndo from fUio outilo'

irablu co tton yarnit; vory clas- wnrmth n ; insuring com fort <g-| O Cv W 'right’a

nr; tho su it ........... — *Boj

Mottled Unions $1.73niottlod co tto a un ions; a mod- B oys’ eoii s ia p n j iv n t in nu

t quality; tlio su it.— *. ^ tho suit...

3l Mixed Unions $2.48heavy wool mixod unions in—-^losirnblu

$2.48 "; tho su it............ — -t

irfiw^ vdm «4.Mheavy ’’unions w ith blu* silk union; th

an elegant gsiTmcnt of very rib which g ives thom perfect

(luulitiisi’ ■■'-■ S 2 ' B 8 t ------- ----------- --------- - wnrmlh 1

Men's|and Boy:Boys’ Mackinaws M<

littlo 'w arm er thnn a n ovcrcoal,doora mn

leh prolcirod b y m ost anybody; w ithout w oo l'in assorlod p la id s; priced tho leatl xUcr BiKoa ' g g tho wind

................. ................... . o r 'loathe

5B.r l . .y . up to $ 0 4 8

“ .................. . $5.{Boys' Sweaters

jood heavy w arm sw oaters. Thoy a maroon, browni and <PA 1

s ites SO to 34, a t ...... * Good qicloth in

tjoavy ropo-stflch a ll wool sw eat- der butt lautlful color com binations w ith lom s; 0

” 1 " ' ’” . . * 3 - 4 8

Well ma'Boys’ Jerseys riding p

jcrsoys, high^ nock in p la in col-

.v y or m aroon; ^ Q g g m ________________________ p a ir ....

ling C lothing

H You know

you do.

flo o i }Q0

soiling her usually


$24 JO, $29^0,$OTHSAfl A ¥

$if.50, $19.50,$

.-------- ;— -----1 ®A nticl

lia® «COMPANY I »

■ '■■■• J 5 I B . 0

SEPTEMBER 23,1923.

! R e c o r d i ‘

i s y S t a r e

ivies" AgainMen anfl Boys

- rw ill appoal t o th r i f ty shoppers;1, Ivanhoo or W rights.

r i g h t 's AU W o o l U n io n s .$4.48

!it’« heavy a ll w ool^unions; for utilour mun w ho w i^its plenty of th nnd sorvico: 4 Q .tit 'a ^ill wool; tho s u i t . . .

B o y s ’ P a l l a n d W in tL er

U c io c a •

’ cotton unions In good w eight ilnivtic rU»; well uvadc, m u colot;

...._.83c, 98c' lieiivy fleeced unions in a vorj- iiblu garm uut; a good soft f leec ing ' ll stays on tlio g arm en t; Q Q p 0 to 1(1; tho su it..............- . . I fl

’ iintbral MBdnm s tr ip e ; a ^ o i t Dg nnd long w cariu j; (g^ OO i; tho su it ____________ t P X . ^ O

’ wool mixoJ uo lona; mado from quality yarna aad very clostlc

0^)0 of tho b est Ior (g-i OK ilh and wear'; tho # u l t ^ - V “ ®

lys’ WearM e n ’s L e a t h e r V e s t a

utriversal, gnrm ost f o r tho out ot a man, becauao i t koops one worm out tho “ bundled u p " feeling : »-■ leather and leather sleovos break wind and keep oot th o cold; k a i t

or leather co llar; a lso k n it w rists sathor cu ffs ; heavy w eight loath- which w ear woll. In dnrk brown 's, which do not soil cosily—

5.98, $7.98, $9.98 $12.50

M e n ’s K h a k i P a n t s

I quality medium -weight khaki I in a da rk b u re l shade , suspen- buttons; be lt loops a n d cu ff bot*i; Oolden Rulo lirlco,

^ c e K n e e P a n t s

I mado heavy khok i (gO lg panl# a t .-------------

ra good w hipcord r id in g pants.I is a very serviceable numbtfr;

........$3.48 ■

g For Less !s S u i t s — M e n ’s O v e r c o a t s

e d t h e G o l d e n R n I e W a y

now tbo Ooldon Rulo W a y t J u s t shop if you don’t—a n d y o u ’ll buy here U 0.

TOO per coa t wool sn lta aro actually

; hero fo r $5.00 a n d 4l6.66 u n je rp rlee s y asked. H igh grade a a n ’s an d yoong

suits, which havo b een selected from I the w otld’B b#Bt ta i lo n . *n»e m odels, Bpcrbly designed and th e fab rlea are lontly groat to please you .

), $32M

), $22M0M e n ’s a n d V o a n g M e n ’s

O v e r o o a t s

n tie lpatlng our w u U in O vereoata haa~ ivod ns a lo t of m o n ey aad wUI n v e IU a lo t of m caey . ^ t la « r ra f ta a Li>^lders In a wide rao g ^ a f p a tte ra i fe r ' 'I tr M'lection; prlcod low a t ~

| i 7 . i s o , $ 2 i . 5 0 , ♦ a a . B o

• • ‘

Page 4: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to


Savings Means Success and'~jj Offers Chance to Tal<e Ad­vantage of Greater Oppor- __

, tunities, Babsbn SaysW ELLESLEY IIIL L 8 , M n..., B»pt.

2 2 .—Hblpinii biiainoss b.v (Mivinc money in stead of iniondlng i l mny nouml straoRO b u t tlm t is w hat Roger W. B;»b son, tho Btntli»ticiun. propoHCi* toiiny, in o Btntcmcnt on tho Jnvciitmcnt vnliu* o£ luivinc* npfouiitM.

“ W hy Ib i t th a t people iHf^TcnUnlc bctwoon mnny uceoiiii*(i nnd in"csttiK'nt* jifl more than I cnn .•oniprohond, ” "ny" I M r. Babnon. , “ A piiitrently men und £ women fcol th a t money which they have m }n lho bnnk J h ^ o I ‘ nivcHted.* They t l seem to th ink o f i t ua llDd-iip in biiKx J || in the vniill i<f tho bnnk. Tlio fnct is C th a t j»mt o" HOon nn yon >loj)osit n dollnr y in tho bnnk, th n t dollnr in lonned by llio bnnk to Rome nn.i to bnild n homo, o r to bny merphnndiBi*. hr i« uarJ fo r tho purchnso o f bnndn. Wlipn tlieno bomln nro bonRlit. the mon'-y Ih wlill iinod liy tho rnmpiiny iniininii tho luinds—i)'‘rbn{m for tlio (loveloi>in>{ of :i w ate r j>nwor or th e huylnK of rnilrond oqiilpmi'nt. or nomc o ther e(]nnUy i.sefnl piirpc^. Thorefiire. nmnoy dopufiitod in n b n n k U Jnvo.tfed JnHt an tru ly nn nny other monoy. Tlie mnin (lifl'or»iiPo in th n t it i i ' invoHtoil by nnmo ono w itb experi- cnro nnd tra in in c inn’rnti o f by nno who mny know littlo of finaaciul ninttorn.

BbOTv* AdvantaRos.“ Hank acconntn bave all the ndvan

tnRen o f tbe most a ttra c tiv e invent nicnts. Amonjr theno tiiuy be mentioned t h e following tliree: f l ) Bnnk necniuitn • nre nafe. Stntinticn wonld probaitlv Bhow th a t sm aller If'Knen cnmo from bnnk neooiinfd than from any o ther fiold o f invontinont. (2) Baak nccountfl nro

. v e r j ’ liquid—th a t in to ti/iy. w e ca’i finiekly Rot our inon(y af nny time. R Othor formn of invohtniont may bo |J ‘ pormnnonf ’ inventmnifn. M nny of them nrp HO pennnnent fhn t they eiinnof l>e PH»< liqtiirlnfed when deniri'd. (3) Bank nc- de cntinfn o ffe r n jjood . opportnn ity for W Bpccnlativo profit. Thin may neem a of ntr.'iuKo nfntomonl, b u t lot nn exntnine in U.

c n n TW ftnw VcTilurw '“ The renl opiuirtiinitien fo mnk** 23

money nrn fliroiich ohp.icon tluif come to ,'—tnko pnrtworHliipn, fo mnke npecini pni- W'

c.hnnen or fo do o ther tliincn which, if ®l nndertakon. ofton brinj; nncconn. One F* never ean tell when fheie opporfunitlen w ill conie, bnt they tio come fn onch o fj ,UB two or th ree lim on in the course j,on r liven. Thoy nlmonl nlwayn '''’'1"* '* fl ro rtn in am ount o f capital. Perhapfl new ponitinn o ffered monnn working lean than n livinjr w a jo —for .u I |i,nPerhnnn it meann fak ln c n yenr or more | fo r trave l or «fii<T>-. Tho man w ith a bank necount cnn finance the venture. | but th e mnn w ithout n bnnk necount ennncif. T herefore, I rav th n t n bnnk nreonnf o ffers nn opj»ortnnity fur npee* \dJVflve p ro fit ln’cnuno U putn one In r ponitlon to nmke n b ig p ro fit when fhe opportun ity come*. ' •

. SlioQld p b a n ^ e Cnstom. nRni" I onpeeinlly emphnnir.c fhe impor-

tnnee o f hnnk nccountn nf fhe prcnent l A l tim o beenune mnny people hnVo not inerenned th e ir liank nccountn material- ly nincc fho low pricen (if ten yenrn njjo. ,jy • F o r a fro n t mnny years prices ran nlonc Den' n eerta ln level nnd proplo j;ot info the tj,re linM t o f cn ri^ ln " nb'»ut no much In p ,j,j th o ir nnvinjjs neconn: n n d ' n certnin am onnt in the ir clieckini; nccounf. All two hnninenn men, from **10 Inrye mnnnfac- nnd turerfl to the hnnibtent rctniJern. felt ^ 0 3 th n t a b nnk 'nceoun t of a certnin nir.o wa* nbout whnt ho nhould enrry and he ban hebl the name iden up fo tho pres­e n t Ume. Yot, dnrintr tb(\ pnnt ten yenrn prieon hnve. incrcnnod from •in ffl* * 100 per cent or more, nceordlnp fo fhe _ “ eom m odity cotinidered. T nkinc into con- aldernfion nil faetorn ontoring info the eo«t o f livin.;, fhe o f fen years J? J n ro in wwrfh only about (10 cenin to- ^ day . An priren inerenne we nhonld in- ercnne our bnnk neeount* fo correnpond.W e Inke out incrcnnod {nniimnce todny on a biiildinc which wn^ liuilf ten yearn D(fo even thoujjh i t wnn then innurcd fo r nil it cost. The fae t in Ih a t the cost o f bu ild inp has pone np nnd it j Yto Imd a fire^wc would have to rebuild I a t mucb h lc l'e r prieon. Thereforo, we i Jntrare no l on the bn.'.is o f tho cont of te n yearn nRO b u t on tho bnnl* o f re* | j p lacem ent n« o f tofla.r. Tt nccmn fo mo j thak|nro nbotild follow tbo name principlo re f^ rd ln i; our bnnk necounta.

M oney W asted ^"O n o prcat trouble w ith buninens to-

E x t r a C hoicCrawfords and Elbertas are r operative Orchards, 7 miles i Fotmdry. Follow the s i{^ oc watch for tho packisg: shed, STEXPES, on the loft-h&nd si< low. Quality what ours has { b6'8t. Bring your oontainors a

T.' OH

*. Phones 565-Bl, 665 J 1-2, 66

________TW INFi

: a g c 6 u n tV E S T M E N T ™ ,^--------- ■ ■ — , cm___ _________________________________ _ FalJ


AN HOUR I J r--------- ;------------



'IlfOTED by L tau tanon t L . H . San­derson, U . 8 . M arine Oorpe, th e navy W rig h t airplane, w hich wlU be po rt o f th e f le e t represen ting th e navy In th e P u i l tm ln ta n u t lo i ia l olr raco i in S t. Louis on O ctober 1, 2 and S.

.m o d e on \i& ^ec«< l«nt^ tecord of 238 m iles an hour In a ' te s t f lig h t a t M lneola, Long IsU nd. The previous record o f 233.01 m iles an honr tros m ade b y S adi Lacoioto In P a ris on F eb ruary ID.

ny in fhe nnuiunt o f iiumey beinc wunf- d on thin(;n o f only fcmiHirary vnluo ud tb i' Mnivll i^TouoTUonute nmoMnt trhicb is belnft 'b a n k e d ’ fo r thingB of lore pcrmaneitf valuo. Thin In oao reii- bn w hy th e Ilabnonchnrt hna aRain n<> ndieally dociined, ntaudiai' toibiy nf Kl er een t bolow iiDrniiil compared to t)•er cen t nbove norniiil in February unt nn thlnf^n ( ^ t ne ttc r nround the irn t o f {lie yoar, iicoii'e a^ain got cnre- pnn, bnnk dopanitn fell o f f nnd the n fc ty vnlve be(;:in ro lot o ff ntouin. nercased bnnk balanren would help tn r l buHinesK np tow anl normal .Rain.’ '

:a y t o n b e a t s d e n t o nP T B IL L IA B D MATCH

KAN.'=IA8 (TlTY, Sonf. 22 (/P)^Tohn- ly Lnyton of Sf. LotiJn defeated T iff Jenton o f Knnnnn CUy Sn tb e national hreo-eunliion billinrd fournamenf here 'r id a y , 0 to .10 in 70 InninRs. Denton loldn f irs t pliwo w ith four w ins nnd w o lonaen. I ,«y ton ’K high nm wnn fl md D en to n 'n eijjht. I jay to n ’a nvcraRO ?as .8(37 and D en ton ’a .853. ,

W omen Denied Solace of Prayer.Iq Bomc p a rts o f ttie worid (bc vswa>

m nro not even allow ed to pray. Cer- :nln' H indu consrcRatloos deny tbelr A'omcn th is p rlrllcec , and among tbe ^Inus o f J a p a n women can pray only In very r a re cases a s th e deputies of J ie l r husboDds.


I A ny one d n lr ln g Inform ation re ­gard ing th e E n ig h ts o f th e E n K ln x please address Twin F a lls m a n . P . O. B ox 804, Twln.- F alls, Idaho . '

ce P e a c h e si ripe now, at.the old Co- } south and oast of the on tho gravel road and

i, flying the STABS AND \ side of the road. Prices

I always heen— the very } and savo 26c a bushel.r. OEO. mSLOP son .3HAS. E. SIMPSON.566 E-1-1 .


■ ■ I. ■ wear,r yolnma'XnOlefttej as Uanufactnr* loarkei ra Bnter Buying I-ists, Bat Prices j^Ioh •all to Keep Pace ,

TholOSTON. Sept. -3 -JP^-Tho Commer- jjgj,I B ulle tin today nava: hioTro''hero in mucb b e tte r tono in tho )1 m nrket as a ro in it o f tho reeooi 'InR, which bnn bi’cn of fn ir vol- ]uino e. M nnufaeturcrs Imvo eomo b ack ^aahoi n tho m urket aioiln, aome doubt- 3 I (0 keep informed b u t othora to ’,• wool nnd In fa ir (|uuntifiea. Mo­rn fo low Bcourc'df have moved rntK- Mie ffenorally, n n d .fu r th e r nnlcn o f wool , ’ tlio kn lffern nre rc|>ortod w ith p rice j .-®“ jh tly stronRor fo r U lnmbs nernlly nponklnR, however, prfeea m ot b e said to be Jiny hiRher. T trho oponinR o f fho A uatralinn aen*1 n t Sydney hns been auapieloua, w ith 1 lues pn r to fivo por cont nbovo 10 rn fen , and tho -o rtln e n t cb le f t , , •rntor, w ith Jap an fairly keen. Ahior-l . is buyiiiR flparinRly o f tho bent) oln.- London keeps fn lrly atoady b u t |? * ‘I th incrensed wUhdrnwula thiB wook. _* en ing pricea n t tho capo nro denr. “

W oolens in l^ ra a n d r 2 >{riie Roods m arket is niowly c lea rin R l . l f i - , B e tte r demand fo r fho lower priced • olen R oods is in ovidence, eapee.ia11y RE.

, Cj»Vi iii


\ j ^ > i V A C U l

N e v e r b e fo re h< o f fe r e d su c h a sp V acu u m C le a n e r a ' th e H O T P O IN T . ■ Itu 'g est a n d b ea t m i in A m e r ic a , a n d ha aa th e se rv ice guiu-i

O u r e n g in e e r it P O IN T , to e v e ry t r ig id re q u ire m e n ts

Complete V Cleaning.Ev

A fu ll a e t o f t P O IN T a t th e .low v a lu e a l l th e m o re y o u c a n g e t in to e'' tu r e eaaily .

I f y o u a r e look] a sp e c ia l lo w p rice ,

H o tp o in t Iro n E x te n

Owinjr lo Uie fact t l PUagon Clothes Baske 10 days longer, so that the onosual offer.

_ H o tp o in t Boi

^ . The regalar selling ] so you are making a sa' advantage of s p e ^ ea. month.

Come in and b» thumb rest and Basket with coil

p le c iIDAHO

PWIN FALLS, IDAHO, STiukP A Y MORNING, SEI8 o f the typo o f tw eeds a n d k n it s , whilo women’s .wear lin e s gen* - am y a ro in good jAnItlons. M en 's .

w orsteds, tho baekbono o f th e _ ^ u » . . . e , . i m u r . . u ,w .!)hair <> liMUted dem and w ltb dny n! >s s till quoted steady. opinio10 Com m ercial, B ulletin w il l pub-* Qons tbo following wooV qu q ta tio n s to-

•ow: .)m eatie: jllo nnd Pennsylvania /le cccs : De- n iju ft> unw ashed 53 to 5 4 e ; . f in e un- ^ jod 48 to 40c; ho lf blood eombipRB gm on.1-8 blood combinR 52 to S3e. othcri

rieecea L ifted . chnrgiebij?nn nnd New' York fleoeea; De. nntl t 5 «i\wfltibod 50 to Slc^ fin e Mnwnsb-- maltli 10 to 47c; h a lf blood unwnahed H:!3 c ; 3.8 blood tinvAataed S2 to 53c: i-flf )1ood, unwashed 48 to 47c. iseonsin, M issouri and avernRo New Innd: H a lf blood 51 to 52r; 3-8 d 40 to 47c; 1-4 blood 45 to 4flc. ^ ,o tt soured bnslB: Texad, fine 12-months 3 to 1.25; fino eight m onths 41.10 th e ir .15.A llfom ia; l^orthoru M.20 to 3.25; ' dlo county $1.15; aouthern t l to ■ ■ i

roRon—E aste rn No. 1 atnplo 41.28 .30; fino nnd fino modium combing ti to 1.27; oaBtem clo th ing t l . lQ -to ; valley No. 1 to 1.38.- ___



V M C L E A lla v e h o iu ew iv es o f th is te i p le n d id ly c o n s tru c te d av n t so lo w a p r ic e a s is now T h ie m a c h in e is m a d e b>

la n u fa c tu re ra o f e le c tr ic a l las th e ir g u a r a n te e b a c k o r a n te e o f th e Id a h o P o w ei in g d e p a r tm e n t h a s p u t t ^ t a n d i t h a s m e a su re d a in e v e ry w a y .

iVith Attachme ^eiylJiinginYouia t ta c h m e n ts c o m ea w ith

V p r ic e o f $ 4 8 .5 0 , w h ich e te m p tin g . W ith th e a e a av e ry c o m e r ra n d u n d e r fa

d n g fo r a G O O D V a c u u m e, in v e s tig a te th e H O T P O

I a n d P a ra g o n B ask e t ad e d 10 D ay s L o n g e rthat we stUl have on hand a good n ;ets,. we will continue the amiblnat tl still other housewivra may take

: I ro n a n d C lo th es Bai >th fo r O n ly $ 8 .5 0' prlc« of these two household artic aving of $1.75 on yotir purchase an sasy terms of $1^0 cash and the ba

ee the Hotpoint Iron with the pa ] heel stasd~-and the Paragon C Uapsible legs,

t r i c S h <► P O W E R C O M P A NO

8 0 A D B B B A T 8 O A N a Cen'. PAUL^ S e p t 22 (/P>—D ave Shade U nco l a lifom ia. a sp iran t fo r tho w o rld ’s ab re la tt jrw elght t i t le , b a tte re d Dago Jo e of S t. P au l fo r 10 rounds hero P ri-

n igh t and won th e decision, in tho ion ot m o s t 'o f n o nevfspaper m ni.I weighed 143 and Shado 140. J j l

Not tho U sual W ay.New York c ity m an recently com- Q .

^ n ilc lde t>ecauae h e w as unab le ^■dmprchcnd th e m echflnlsm of a n 'c o n imoWle. M ost p ecn lla r. All th e . . rs wo ever m w w ith th is fn lllng ged »1 an b oo r fo r th e ir services.then never h a rried on th e Job o f WHI

Ins a h a d m a tte r w orse. , Her®-- ------------------------ ' a ho

ittooes Ownera* N am es on Doga. H arlcw T ork haa a m an « » ^ g e d In milot b e ,s a y a . .ts g a in fa l occtipation, tires

appears In fhe c ity directonjr a s ttooer o f d og^ In q u iry rev eals th e

th a t many ow ners o f dogs h a v e . A fter nam es ta ttooed o n tb a dog’s akin. to 1

— PA-V

Holding Wantedfor Trucks (}Ii

—J ^ k o n e 801 . sa

fe i

ff V__________

C le a ir r i to r y b e e n ^ ^n d e f f ic ie n t € t S 11•f o f fe r e d o n £2 y one o f th e .1 a p p lia n c e s>f i t , a a w e ll f iT C o m p a n y . ^ ^: th e H O T - ' /d u p to ^ u r . /

mts for / ir Home |b th e H O T - II m ak ea th e |a t ta c h m e n ts fheavy fm m i- Ji

a C le a n e r a t K MNT t o d a x . . I

t S pecia l 1 * ^ ^ '

number of the I: ition offer for |i'! advantago of

iske t %

Idea is *10.25. Ei:-*.;-.!.nd are getting r^v’ 4lalance 51.00 a if


w ' M

iPTEMBER 23,1923.C ontrasting E n g llA C o u .. Im . . *■

[Qcolnshlre Is th e f la t te i t a n d W«it> e land th e m ost h illy Bni^ilab e o m ty .

LefsGo^'or^Ride!Come out and get acquainted with MotoreycUng—O U T D O O B S 'O U E A T E S T 8 P 0 B T O N W H B E L a

H ero’s a sport th a t ■won’t k n o ek . a holo in- your pockotbook. A narlay .D ov ldson w ill t ra v e l , 50 m iles fo r only a dollar—gas, bU, * t ire s a n d alL Oan yon b ea t t h a t f • “

A f te ry o u r f ir s t rido y o a ’ll w an t to know a ll about o n r easy PAY-AB.YOU-BIDB P L A N . I t ’s a dandy.

Gloystein Cyclery838 M ain Avo. 8., T w in F a lls


Page 5: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

/ - r u t «

, \CE AVUKVIKM* 'tWPk'T ViO» V MV%t \

L V 0>J>^ »AOV

■ l i ” %



--------- I s t

.- P i t t s b u r g h ’s S l im C h a n c e s A r e JJ

E l i m i n a t e d ; R e d s K e e p P a c e > i

h u t P r o s p e c t s P o o r

N E W YOItK, s .'p t. T-* OP)—Tim Ni-w Y o rk niniitu jnovnl n iiofi'J) ni>;ncr lli<’ ^‘ iniifht’tiijilicul rrr t : i in fy ” -in tho in2.1 N ntionni lonciip pctii'Jint rn ro to<lnv •wJica fhpy toni: tlu 'ir Jlilrd Hlrulcht Bnmo from Piftwlmrcli, ctlm iiintin;; w hn tovcr allin fliniict* rpinnini'd fo r flio

. PirntcK In flio ron'.fat :inil koopinc th p ir lonil o f ^ u r n til ii liuif painos over C in rinnn tl. ^ p

C inclnnnti kept pn>? w ilh the lend* « CM b.v wlnnioff from UrookljTi in . nn c x trn inning; tiiMic, but th o ir pronpcctM o f o v crtak in p thr* clinmpionn npponrod

_ fo rlo rn . The Qinntn now need to win “ o n ly tlvTco o t t l i t ir Tcmalning seven

pimcH to clinch tlio pcnnnnt, ovon if th o Tlofld .capture nil of tho ir rom nln inff, eevcn cnntcntn. In thn t ovcnt tho Me-j*** O rttw men wonhT fJni*h n t tho to p l>y 10 h ftlf ft Bfimo w ith tho fin a l Btnnilin^ a* hi follow s: til

W on. Loat. P e t, *,}O ln n ta ________ 1____ 05 58 .021

.» ....................T h e Pirntofi nre now n ine fu ll RamcB>

bohind the Qlnntd. Phonid th e y w in '■ • nil o f th e ir rcm nlnii'c Kftnie* nnd tho

CInntR lone nil o f th r i r iievcn, the A r it tsb u rR h clnn ntill wonld be ft hn^f a

(;anio bohind the chiinpionn. to

J--------------------------------------------1 n! P A C I F I C C O A S T L E A G U E | ”

S T A K D ra o o y TH B O IB B B q

W on. L o it . Pet.S nn PraneJnpo ............112 • 67 .R33

^ H ncrnm rnto ...............ICll t q .tiflSP o rtln n d .................... Ji.1 82 .R3SS e a ttle ............. ........... 8.7 fif> .4.S9Lon Aneelea ................ 84 fi.T .4(W ,]S ftlt I^ k o ............. .......flO Ofl AUft ,,

• O aklnnd .......................fil o s .44P ,j, V ornon ........ ................ 72 105 .402 „

F irn t fcnmo-. R . H . E.Lo« Ancolcii .......................... 4 10

S a lt L n k o ............. ...................... 3 0 0 j;B n ttcn c* —PonileMind Kcgo; l I '”C abe *’

A and Poters.'flccond imme: . Tl. II . E . ^

IjOK A ncelos ............................. 5 12 2e a l t L a k o ..... .............................. fl o 4 J",

Bnttorlcii—^booRlna .utd B yor; 8in(*lo- ton nnd Jonkina.

Rcoro: ■ R T 'H . E.S c a ttlo _______ __________ 0 4 1O aklnnd ............. ..................... 5 ' 10 1

Bfttterica—G ardner ttnd Y aryan ; Col- ^ woH nnd Bakor.

— — ^ fi A t Lpa AnRoIes—Portlftnd-Vornon ^

cam o postponed} rain. ,

Bcoroi B . ■ H . S =Son P rn n cJaco _____________ 10 11 ■ JS arram o n o t _____________ _ 7 13 3

B n tte rie^^H od(to , O eaty and lU tehio;* P o n n e r and 8chan(r. ‘

MARSTQN NEwlbLFCHAMPT tk M n u * from 3 m Sw M tM r in F i ­

n a l H ite l t o f B w ord L e n f tb « t ^ A m & tcar T oanuuaaat

• n X )6R \fO O R , CHIOAOO. Scpt. 22 — Settinff a roeord fo r lonjf f in a l

m a tc h c i In tho national nm tenr ffolfi ehnninionahin. Mnx M nflton o f Philn- do lphin, todny wdn th^^title from. J e ss ' B w ootater o f Now York, d e fo n d in s j nham plon, on tho thirty-oiRhth holo b r t w a id o f s teady jjolf and threo a t y ! m ica which ho Inld tho fo rm er cham- '• p ion on tbo laat four holes. {

S w c e tite r did n o t m aintain th e faa t paoo ho hsd held up to todny, nlthongh . he w as steady nnd teored 75 th is mom-

A —Inf, b u t ho alippcd foor a trokej over p n r on tho thirtl nine .md lot M araton !

. pe t a load o f tw o m> o t tho tw enty- a lx th holo a f te r hn Jnd k e r t tho Phll- adolphloA down or fqiinro fo r 24 h o lc i . ,

K. o f C. Founded In 1882.T h o Kn1|rt*i» nf rolnm hn*. a frn te r-

' Oft] a a d benevolent o rean lta tio o .to w b lcb m ale m«*m»)pra of th e K otnao C ath o lic chtarch are elljflble, w aa

^ form ded io 1&S2 In Hew H aveo . Ooqd. |

" t w i n :

/ "NTO u n 'Wt Ncfc%mt t> ' t M t ) TWKX w

W )'V ,« > /I0IAM4 \ -\ w v rt\ u w t nov o v itM - / ECO>^O^V\C^\.- \w

------------ - < 0^9\fX. ViKS^CA) w w 'sm XncHt

^ ^ r ' ^ '— j

a l l^’ S S P O I|. AMERICAN LEAGUE ' |j[ STAMDIKO OF T H E OLUBS |I W on. Lost. Pet.;Noi,v •»ork ...._............ m -IS .m)I Cloveland .................... 73 02 .541

' D etro it ......... - .......... ... T2 GS ..1 1 ; I’iI St. Louia ..................... on 00 .nO'i Cll

.iW aahinpton ................. 0 !) 71 .HO S t.C h ic a g o . ................... . (i3 7(] .-I 'i

I Phllndelphia .............. f.l TH .iai) nI Boaton ..................... r>~ 8.T .- 07 He


Gets Four Hits in Four TimesT' Up; Boston Takes Second Game; Chicago Takes Two

nOSTON, Sept. 22—Datiaa held Ho*- ton to two W ta .in llie firn t Rnmo of .

jto iiay 'a (loiible-h‘(*n'i‘'f. P e tro it wlnitinfr..*'*^ 10 to fl. Cobb mado two ainRlrs, n doii-*^''' hlo nnd a home rnn in hla f irs t fo iir| “ timea up. Hoilinnnn knocked tho h n l l i " ' hidh over the le f t field fence in the Inrt

...Innlns. The w.cond pnme wa* won bv 5” jB o afo n , 9 t o '? . - • - , t i |, F ira t pnme: H. II. E.

;i'D clrolt .......................... ,' 1.1. Boston ..................... ........ ........ 0 2 .1 ,^ ''

Bntterioa—Dauaa nnd Bft-ialer; P u lle r-1” ton nnd W nltera. i

Second cam e: R. II. E . ! ‘"I B o n o it ...................................... 7 10 5I DoSSn .................................. 0 12 :

Batteriea—Hollowny, Pranoia, W hite j hill nnd Woodall. U aw ler;' M urray,I" Quiiin nnd Picinich.

______flW IN S TWO OAMES.

P n iL A n R L P H IA . Kept. 22 M > )-a i i - '1 caRO took both cncla of n doubie-hender,I from the A tliletica hero todny, .T to 1 • nnd C lo 2. Facinfj excclletit pitcliinffl^* . tlie M nck men weri! unable to Rct atnrJ- ’ (d. In the firn t Rniro Cvencroa held .*“' them to fivo acnltered liiti, whilo in the I ' aecond gnmo Ted B lankenship nllowed

Imt two acrntch aincU?.I P ira t Rnmo: R. II. ft.J Chicago ...................................... n 10 n. I’hiladclphia ............ ................ 1 5 0

Batteriea— Ovcngros nnd S '-hn lk ;]^’ Rommel, Nnylor, Burns and Perkin:*. |

j Sccond gnrno: ‘ R. I t. K. 1^.[ Chicago .................................... 0 0 1

I’liiladelphia ................... ...... 2 2 2 .B a tte ries — Blanket-Miip nnd Crouac; •

W albcrg, Rommel, M eeker nnd PeriiinB.------------------ 01

i A dveralty and Friendship.[ Ifl adverse honra, tb e frlendablp ot . the good ib ln e s m ost; each prosper*

ous day com m nndi Us Crleads.—ED> rtpldcB. io

The Nows is read by tho permanent earaioi; classes. P:

• ■ ■ - - -------- -I\ — 3

» I

i TOM’Scj .


! BUT EASYWo havo on onr



A Bix-cour*o d inner fo r 7Ce, son

T O M ’ SPhone 238 fo r reservations V,





G U M P S ^ T H E E F I

I t W S / ' t o OtfT 'T'W.V. «v T U t \ C € f ^ C O M ^ * ^ti

** 'iO O O O S tM o w O F^X C e A.Ht> « V L \. W 0 \» ^

5 J L > VROM T H E M05V4


B T A inJIN O O F T H E OLTTBSWon. L ost. P e t.

Ncw Y o rk ______ __ flC M .CSC „C incinnati __ ______ fiS 50 .500P ittabu rgh ................. S2 (52 ..WO :Chicago 7n 03 . .52SS t. I x iu i s ....... ................ 74 03 ..'521Brooklyn ....... - ............ fiH 7.1 .4Sfl ]Philndclpliiu .............. 4(i 00 .338 (Boston 47 04 ' .333 f

iDSRElllflN ; mCEFOllLEIlD:

Take Wild Tenth Inning Vio- ■ tory from Brooklyn; Giants = Defeat Pittsburgh

CIMCTNrJATr, s ..p t. 22 1/P )-T l.c , Rocli* reiim lned in tho rnro fo r tho Nn- tional p ennan t by w inning in a wild fen th in n ing finish from B rooklyn to- ilii.v, fi to 7. The ficlnliig on both aide* wnn nigged , only fonr of tho 15 runa acored b e ing earnetl. A pparnntly bent* en in tho n in th intiing, tho Roda tied = ilRi wore- cm fon r h i t i - o f f D ickerm nn. a coatl.v e rro r by Olaon nnd ft pasa. Mc- Qiinld p itched the ten th inning fo r Cin- cinniiti nnd nllowed n run nn two hita, a walk nnd n wild throw by Kimmick. H enry p itched the Inst ha lf o f tho inning fnr Brooklyn ami filled tho bnaes on F o w le r '« «lnKle, fc^ndberg’s do«Wc nml nn in ten tional p?n». to niirna'. Pan-

I b e rt then lined to OlaAn fo r nn nnna [niated double plny. On nn a ttem p ted double atenl. nnrna w in cnnght botween

I firs t nnd aocond h n t the p lay w aa tran s . j ferred fn Fow liT who tried to g e t back ito th ird bnae, when Tnylor'a th row h it him nnd- cnronierl ao f:ir into le f l field

; th u l botjj mnnf*-a amr<‘d. M nnnger . j M oran uaed 10 plnyora to win th e game.Brooklyn .................................... 7 11 5C inrinnnli ............................... 8 14 .1

I B-ittorie»—Dickermnn, .H enry nnd ; Tnylor; B enton, Ilarria , M cQuaid and j Hnrgrave.

I G IA N T S TA K E T H IBD .! PITTSniTR O H , .Sept. 22 (iiP)—The I New York O lants mn.le i t th reo a tra igh t ! from -P ittabu rgh b.v w inning todny , 4 to ]3. I t wna th e ir laat nppearnneo o f tho fceason n t Forbea field. M orrison .was

, h it tim ely in tlio aocond, fo u rlh and • f if th innlnga when the G jnnls mado _ Iheir runa. B entley licld the p irn tea to

one- h it u n til the al^th in n ing when tw o runa w ere acored on two aueeeasivo hita. A trip io by Cuylor, Naahvllle re ­cru it, followed by Rnwlinga’ singlo, ac ­counted fo r tho th ird run in tbo nin th lan lng .'

Scoro: R. H. E.New Y o rk - ...... ........... ................ 4 12 0P ittsb u rg h ........... - ____ ____ 3 0 0

CAFEl Y D IN N E R S) TO BEATY TO EATnr a e n u to d ay :


—T O M 'S SPECIA L ervod from 12 noon to 8 p. m.

I C A F EW e servo f re sh E astern O ysters


F l C I E N C r E X P EM ou KHtnN. ' N , T w H o u m ^

!VC,H-\ \S I t lb v n - \ ■■ « VJtVD LIKE -TO S E E \ ' " O '

u s t - t v ^ I COW?>*.MSkM E SFftC V W C S N

XMWl 1 t o in WH I

N E W S l l— - ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ hat


One Person Found j . Who Is Capable of L ’hi

Whipping Dempsey3hftmplen o f tho W orld, A rriv ing a t •

Momo Oity, A dm its E o H ad Been Homo O lty .sA d m its H e H od Been ^

______ linoSALT LAKK, fiepT. l-j f/p)— hen

Drnipicy toilny nfli>.itli'<l ln 'fore ;i aoc crowd of .'jOflO pcojile lliut tlivro \v:i< .nin nne peraon in th is v.-cirlil who coiilrl 'acO lick him. I nil,

When the worl.l N ln-;ivywei” lit pi(i clinnijiiDn alcppiNl o f f the trn in hf c qni nislierl oviT (o Ik t nii<l thoher i i i t ( ( ^ s jiriiiH. H is iiiiitliiT aai.!, her " .I i ic 'k ,\( .i i nre sjiM my bc.v. i | i nsr<l to lick yon ,’ .-ind I i-an do 'no f il y e t ." ■ , fit.'

Tlic cliiunpioii'h eyea fillec] w ith I terira when lu> ndinitted, “ -Vifa, , Hn| niollicr, .von nlwnya i-;in.” • ona

Hntti'ries—Ik’n tley and Snyder, Ooiv-jBo! ly; Morrihon nml Sclm eide, 'S t. '

— : ' I 1C inC A G O W IN S. ' B«1

CniCA(50, Sept. CL W>)—a a re n c e j ^ntchell wna unnblc to hold a throe-!*nn lend which hin iiinlva gave him - ( ifte r overcoming C hicago’a • e;irly nd- [,(,{, .’untngo nnd wna d riven o ff th e mound gf n tho eighth inn ing , tho locals w inning q |(


“ I ’m s i t t

Ev e r sSnce iwhen a e tin

, oline pump. •‘Never bothered i

thought gasoline' for granted. Rig

. mpn ond mist " In my travels ove

particular and ne: habit—it was ea to keep it up.

“ This old car of mi from the first tan road or a sharp, \ days. There alwi or reserve power,

THE CONTnIb rk tU c vetroktDi new Me


R TZ ' O A " W W W

.v \-A « " r o u w OOT w . k i > u s t - w t e t u . N O U M in t

\)Stt> w w s csss- OT SIT But tMCT:

STO-VCS " t o M t .

>B»IN tS B /IAN \ ^

(11 ( J B■ I r ' ^

I &dLy, h

e firi<t game o f thn hcriea from Phila 'Iphiii, .'i to 3. A dam s' lionier w i th ’ ns on baae gave (.'hicago ita f ira t two iiiH. IMuludclpUlii pbiycd ii« uiiiiil Ittle, overci'iaiiig tli'' lead cliicfl.v be- j inno o f K ecn’a wildiu'''». J . (S.-or>-; • ■ - R. H. K. 1liilndeljdila ..............................3 7 1 21-10-liicngo ...................................... ."i M 2 J- <Bntlerie.H—M itchell. und Hen- 21, N lie; Keen nnd O ’FnrriOI. I <

........ NWE A LLY \V1N8 FO K ST. LOOTS. 20-lfl-

ST. L O lIia , Sept. C/P)—SI. l.<.ui,. • A .; lok th e fir«t ,;anio o f to day 'a doul.le- south 'a d e r with BoMton. -1 to 1 , but tli<’ dlvlsl 'COnd contest waa ealled a f te r l l i f ' Y. n th on Account o f darkneaa, w ith the #4000oro 1 to 1. In th e f irs t game n throe- ■ -------III ra lly In tlio cig'iitli brokt* up u i .(cliing duel betw een Siierdi-1 and Mar- , inrd. .\llhongh the v isito rs onlliit ;10 C.'irdiniila, Sherdel anrceede<l in '?eping their snfoties srattererl. j ^F irs t gnn;e: R. H. E . ;

sslon ......................................... 1 12 I I. Ixiuia .................................... t lft t t !B atteriea — Oeaeh^-er, M :iriiuaril, F il- j ngim nnJ O ’X eill; Slicrdel and Cli'iii'I... ■ - . ISt’ciind g!lnio; R. H. E.

naton ............... ......................... l ,s |:/ 'I /n ii« ..................................... 1 « I)B atteries — UarneH. Cooney and d

iiiitU; lluinea nm l vMemona. I

B e iu ty Recipe. ^Clieerfulness nnd con ten t n re great

lautltlora nnd n re fnm ous,prcscrT crs youthful looks. Depend upon It.— J

Ickcns. ^

REv^noNs < ^ most I inoterbtJn.

t i n ' p r e t t y -began looking a bit more carefol

me came t o p ^ up alongalda a ga

much about tnhote pump It w«» was Just gasoline and took the rt

Sjit there was where I made a coi the state I noticed one sign art thing I knew I had Cono ^ to get but, man! how madi ead

line took on a new leaie of Ufa lit nk-fUl of Conoco—« poor (tretdi winding grade notiiing the rays seems to be enoo^ extra U d , to pull us over tho rongh placea

N E N T A L O IL C O M P A N(A C d m te CwpMtlMO

lo < « o o n p M . B n . r f U f k f m d .Bn prxadoctifn C okn<So.m rcodD (,

U tah , s a d- .

& 0 ? i? 'c s c s 5 a i£ 4 x . w


SEPTEMBER 23,1923.

— . . . . . - ^ . 1 'A SVCC^iSS Vm b \MVtH H\»A- V

U t^ H e / ' •

r l i l l l ill :V 'iiiTi^iii -iS

lEAL ESTATE TRANSFERSSimlsbed by tbe T w in F alls T itle and

A bstract Oompany Satiirday, Soptem bor 22.

.T. C. BeattV to .1. A. Palm er. J2S00;:R 1-4. W 1-2 NW, f;i: NW NW SW MC-IB.J . C. BeattV to J . A. Pnlniu*<^E 1-4

I, NK 1-4 L'H IO.IH. f. C. Ik 'n ttv to -T. A. Palm er, ♦l.-JDO;

5W 1-4 28, 8 1-2 HV.’ 21, S 1-2 3E 0-lfi-lR.

A. E. Andoraon tn R. A. Reynolds 81; outh 70 fcut, block l.'i, Johnnnn' suh- ivlslon. . , V ‘ .

V. II. Decker to M nry i T '’Tvogdn, 4000; lol 2, block 7.1. Twin Falls.


UlC ^ a r e t t e s

2 A t M '

s OR m coN ccoIt a a n i tn i td ,

I J ' I

_ ‘I

s f t l H figai-

•;*n » ■, ereit com-*

gn inmocoeader





Page 6: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

'" jo d a y v s S p * ^ ^

HPSEy m fRiiyaiicflME..

Holds Honor Place in Parade , as Band Plays “When John­ny Comes Marching Home” ...jl

J — liowBALT LAKE, S q .t. 22 0P>—F iv e co»'

Jhoiisniicl "lioinR fo lk i” JnckD«mpHi'v. henvywolRht clininpinn o f fho •world when lie BlP)ipivl o ff tho tra in Jn liifl own cify ton ishf. A pnnuld wan fonned n t tlio depot -ind tlio rhnm pion *'■<*/ vim v sro rtod tliroiiKli tho biminoM see*Hon of flio i'i»y wlierc ticvoral thouBand lunt njiiro had c:itlii’roil to (»"f n KHmpno of thfl S alt Lake boy who hnd HnprcsMfuUy “ xil' defonded IiIh crom i a;{nin n<’iihiBt fho

. nu ll o f fho r .in ip a s .”Ocorp? Von Elm, tho HnU Luko "l«w

polfor, who made fiu oiivinblt' record n t tho nm nlouf incollnff a t V'lonsmoor, wns «*'>• on tho Bamo tra in nnd was liiiUod n« n fellow chnmpion. r>”nipfL‘y nnd Von P*» Elm wero infroditecd td th e erowd, al- old' thiOnRh JntTodtictlons w ere not ronlly ^ ^ noccsimrj'—DempBev as tho liea'Jy- clar weight chnmpion o f fho world nnd Von Kim ns fhe eomlnR Rolf klnjr. tho

When th e trn in liovj in Bijjht o f fhe tioi dopot the bank Btnic.^ up “ When John- call ny Comes MarehinK H on ip" and as tho b« riinmpinn camo out on tho steps o f th e nst tra in Hlie bnnd boRan the moro elns* thn *lcnl, “ HnlL th e CoHfiHctlng H ero .” nnt

In th e crowd of SOOO Dciiipioy spied bui h is mother beforo he pfepped o f f tho th r trn in . Disrcffnrdinjj oil com m itteos o f am •wolcomo lie riiBlied to her. I lls roo fnthor, who was nenrby, wob the ,.nex t -to person to p rce t th e chnmpion. T

Deinpcey will remnin hero several tici days and then go on to Ix)s AnRclen. ona


Ohurllo Tt»7 Xs B«cond in S ca tte rgon lostDoablea E v en t » t K a tlo n il Ooat«6t graa t Camp F arcy bes

--------- -------------------------- hinOAMP l»ERnV, Ohio. Sept. 22 (>?>)— ho

W ith n seoro o f 288 out o f n poBssblo Ran:JOO, L ieu tenan t L. B. '.lcncs of tho 24fh nndU. 8. In fan try , F o rt Ueniilnj?, Ga., Js «UiIcadiiifr ton iph t in ihe nationnl Indi- trolvldual f in e m atch In f'-e Nutionni lUflo canasBoclntion contM t* here. eroi

SerRcant B. « Betke, U nited a ta te s hnrm nrino corps, w ith u scoro of 273 out tho« f a poBsiblo 300, won the nntionol in- Individual pistol m atch over 304 com- loaipotitiors. to

In tho Bliotgun donblct,m atch , M njor IP . W. Fraser, eoast nrtillcry corpa. P o rt theUonroe. Vn.. was hii{h w ith 40 o u t o f ImvCO birds. Cliarlic E. Prny, W allace, If I

'-■■Idttho, w ns.seeond, ond Colonel M. J>. lan;Shiider. XT. S. onlnnjico dcparnnont, o fth ird . J


W ESTBURY. N. Y , Sept. 22 W>>—Tho schedule for rem;iinin|» niutches of -pi,, tho A m ericainopcn polo chnni]iinnBliip, touether w itli fhe dates Tor M onty g„, W cstburj* eup tournnm ent, hnn been ro- j-.,;, nrrnnged by fho polo a ifi'c ln tlon an flie ,1,, resu lt o f th e ponfiKinement durin); tho p a s t two days becaiiio nf rain.

Under the revised pr«>>.*r.itn mien f illc jj,„ play will be resumed Mondny w ith two mnfches, open befwoei» flie Anu’rlran Shelburne team nnd fh ir in d ln n Tiffors jj, nnd fhe o ther befwocn fhe Americnn FInminRO qu a rte t and fhe Brifiith nrmy.The nenii-finut m af-li will be played on j,,. October 3 and tho final O ftpljcr 0.


^ O F T H E V. C. IS AT STAKE CI.KVEa,ANT>. Sept. 22 (/P)—Sixteen gan

experts out o f a o f .'iO nr moro Hor cn tm n ts will ronfoBt fnr th e nationa. m n rhnmtiionship in th e n-itinnni horseshne ing pitch ing tnum am enf which will end tc. it hero tomorrow. Elim ination '■^intcsts tjip' hnvc been in progre^* four dnys. c

■ .------ o f :. FOOTBALL RESULTS '

_____ fheiColcate M. A lfred d.Bnfler .W, Hniiovor r>.U n io ,, <1. C l„ rk « .n 1: . ,H ask e ll IndiiMiH fls . K ansnH -C ifv U n i- " , ,

v e m itv 0 . ■Texnii A. and i f . Ram Houston

Normal 0. W lWlMi.fon. N, n .. H . Shelby Mmit., C. Californin V. AluninJ 0. '

------ ------------------ Si------------------------------------- — o

JUNERALS X— ■ rout

Mr*. A nn.i H rin ac .Funeral •ervirrH fur Mr'<. Annn i._i •

H ranac, %rif- of'V ict-.i H ranar, Hrumen di* trlrf ranchiiifin. wliose death oc- gp,j curred here F ridav ii’om intj, will lio held a t 3 o ’clock Suiid.iy afternoon nt gin,i tho P. J . Orossmnn i-h.ipel w ith Inter- w ont in the Twin F alls comotery. ’


^ ^yt h* b:


T W I N P A U L S ,


r i i n g ] ^ © ^ ®

Football Itself Is Answer to Critics *

---------- DEeturn of Grid Season Brings

Revival of Argument Pro and for

Oon as to Strenuous GameK vtry yenr, football, Uko every other

ip<rrt, is p u t on tho rack nnd a p e a t liow-l Roes up from a ll soctiona o i thio country th a t tho gamo ia too rough; < thn t U hns no plnco in tbo school cur* . . ripulum; th a t It takOH too much tlmo nnd a tten tion from studios, nnd over- nhadon-B such ae tiv ities ns declam atory ; work and debating ; th a t tho gomo is ; beinR • com m oplallsod, enorraouB lunounls o f monSy U apent fo r stdd* , . lums and coaches w bicb should bo / uHfd for itiiholnstic purpoBCB nnd w h a t « not. Theso criticism havo m erit, cor- tuinly, and the ir exponents bellevo . Hlnccrely th a t thoy nro rig h t and th a t fuotbnll nnd sports should bo aboliBh-‘ . eiJ. Somo of Ibom <lo n o t ro th a t fnr, but nil tho critlcB ngree th a t tho gnmo shonld bo forced back tin tho oldt-iino standing . i

But, on thfl o thor hnnd, those c ritl- . . elBms aro answcrnblo. Tho du ty of th e . aehool aystom, i t would bcojo, is to f i t . tho ypung mnn or womnn fo r the d u - l „ tie s of activo lifo in w hatever lino o r , cnlling ho or sho m ay chooso. Can i t . bo dono by classroom w ork nnd Bcbol-. , nstic tra in ing nlonef I s i t not truo th a t a certnin nmount- o f experience nnd tra in ing th a t Ib bo valuable to nny ’ buBlnoBs or profesRlonnl mnn is g a in e d , through contact w ith hlB fellow m an , . and m eeting Bltuntlona th a t tho clasa room and .books d id n o t onch him how ■to hnndlof

Now glvo sports th e ir dny" a»<l P W | ' i ticu larly football becnuBO It la aeafl-j enable. W h at does n youngster lo a rn , . on tho foo tban f le ld l Ho will loarn i , ‘ tho idealB of good sportBmanahip, I . which embody p lay ing tho gamo hard . b u t fnirly and squarely, boing nblo to i lose n hnrd-fought gnme w ith good ■ . , g race; ho w ill loarn to p u t fo rth h i" . - best e ffo rt nil tho tlmo ond to h im self in auch physical condition t h n t ; ^ J ho cnn play a t top spoed tho wholo game. Ho will lenrn to th in k quickly nnd accurntcly, to m eet unexpected nituntions w ithout hesita tion , self-con- g J trol, the m ost vnlunblo nssot nny mnn cnn hnve. H e wll^ lenrn to moot rrooked p lay ing or u n fa ir factkB w ith han l, snuaro p lay ing th a t w ill aoon p n t w e tho crooked plnycr a t a aiBndvnntnw . C In fac t It would seem th o t ho w ill * leam a g re a t hoat o f f a c t i tb n t tend to build charactor. , , „

B u t if a youngster is to derive all Ne fhene bcnefltfl from th e gnmo ho m ust j fro l.avo tho rig h t mnn for coach, ju s t aa w t If he Ib to loom tho nso o f tho E nglish | ton langnage he m ust h av e tho rig h t 8 o r t ,n n | o f a teacher.

P tofem ioual coaches', nro trn lned i" n’ong th n t Hno; thoy m ust know some- pro th in g besides, fo o tb a ll . . Thoy m ust thji know bov psvchology. T hey m ust bo ab le fo w in the tru s t and confldonco » nf th e bov* under them nnd to bold It.T he . n a tu ra l Impulio o f n youngsfot, t when he is a ttacked un fa irly In a ' enini'. Ih to re ta lin to w ith ‘ lie fl.vniu un ' * fa ir ln.’fic«; b u t if be hns bvii: ilfiMed J (l.'iv n f t i r dav .i*id h ad If lmpiL*ss-Ml ' upon him th a t fn ir p lnying i« »l'c «>'ly J lircn’Oilure to follow, be *viil come from thn t game with a c lear coni.-lrure. Ko has tnken n .Iong Bto|> in fhe building — o f chnracfer tiia t w ill be Invalunblo to him in In ter life. Iri every gnmo he will bo callcd upon to moot situations th n t ho never dream ed could nriso ai\d he is out thero nlono w ith no one to lell him w hat to du nnd he muBt ac t nnd not quickly upon h is own judg m ent. I f he makes a mifltnko the conch will tell hlni nbout i t n f tc r tho Rami', and tho next tim o snch- a s itu a ­tion arises ho will bo ab le to m eet It correcflv. l a n 't th a t valuable tm ln- in g f Mnny form er collcgo sfnrs hnvo fe.itifi-:d to tho value o f tho tra in ing thev reciived on the foo tball field.

Coaehes a rc tra in ed men and most of thorn devoto th e ir life to tho work n f conrliing. I l is truo th a t somo of lhem only th ink o f w inning gamea by liny means so th a t they may advance themselveB, b u t th n t clnas la in tho m inority and a conch i f he ia tho righ t lo rt is n valuable ad d itio n to any school teaching ataff.

WILLS BOUT IS POSTPONEDJo tto Betw een N egro Oojttender and

Sm ith, S e t fe r T huraday N ight, P u t O ff OQ A ccount o f In ju ry

N'KW YOBK, Sept. 22 OP>—A ten- round bont between H arry WHIk, ne'^rro leavyweiehf. and Hom er finii’h. o f Kal- imaroo, Mich., w liirh wns fo hnve beoti lield next Thnrsdny n ig h t, ha< been '>o«ti>oned until O rto lier ’I. Homer Smith injured his righf hnnd Intcf n lch t "•hen he knocked out flergeant Hnv Smith in tho eightii m nnd f t Kalama- too, Mich.


of shoo elcgnnce nnd com fort ifl to bo fonnd in tbo now stylod

high shoo rocently p u t in to stock • by us. I t represcnta the last

word in nil fltyles fo r • mon.Kvcty nitia who o w ns.a jw lr yrUl readily realizo tb e ir exceptional valuei.

$7M "

i/b;ilcetf B ? O N E Y ^s . I D A H O .


iiwanians Put in for Special Rules S a lt

rorthcoming Olash^Betwe^n Local Clubs Presents. New < o

Complications' JjgJ,'' ' ' - in ?

ncniand from the K iwnnis camj) for -i pecial rulea committoo woro insistont ia tu rday , Bcvcml s tn rs holdingi out o r cntch-as-eatch-can,' nnd others in- ^ isting on tho {narquis o f chokocherry. ?? ilnnnger IVank Stepiinn wired Judgo inndis for his decision nnd is aw aiting ^ m answer. Monnw|ille tlio Rotiirians- iro saw ing wood and say ing nothing. ? , ’lin t E vans was fo ieed to bo absent ** V rom tow n Saturday and le f t •writtc'^ ®j!?, nstructions for tho candidates to fol- V ow; tho result wns Ihat they hnvi*Joen lu BCRBion nea tly all day frylni;0 in te rp re t tho instructions. MoNt of pj\j hem gnvo np early m tho afternoon, ioclnrinR thn t Bnturdny nhould be ninlf holiday anyway. .Mannger Slophnu s n t n loHS OB to w hat to do w ith John Onls J a rre tt nnd Cn^l Lind. Both th row n ! In nean glovo in tho outfie ld , b n t F ra n k I bu B a fra id to -pat thom both out there it nnce fo r they would forget all nbouf p ;1 bnsobnll gnme, arguing tho respective nerila o f their cn^s.

Doe H nrstad hns o ffered h is services poni n replacing any molarB th n t aro lost jn <] M fho fray , bo tho K lw anlnns aro goin^ | nto baffle w ith a fonricBsncss th a t fore- t|gn tells sneeess.

Tt hns born suggostod th n t II. J . Tl Youngs might in fho nbsenco o f the eric keg o f tho old days, put an ico crenm ©st freorer on th ird fo r th e boys thn t-hnvo jnnil ivind enough to ge t th n t fn r. B ntley Llo» *ayB ho is rendy to take th e whole ,nor Rotary club to a c leaning ningle- Jehi ham lrf. Birc

The mnyor is r a r ia ’ t o .p la v , bnt T thinks i t best to seek logal ndvico be- tlof, foro entering tho contcst so hns sonch*Ihn ndvico of tbo c ity n ttn rnev whose nnd npinion will be delivered Mondnv. fonl

Doc McAteo is oxocptionally gbod n* ntuil erowninff tho um pt ni.d so fn r e ffo rts gev' nf tho Ix'trfon to soenro aff n rb itrn to r liave been unsuccesafnl. Bnc mav '•hange fho direction of hia e ffo rts to _ the b n ir before the gnmo nnd th e Ho- , tnrians will put n m in on tbo outside , i f tb e feneo to aavo tbo balls.

There is Btill aom« doubt nbout fh e l '5 '‘ la y of th e game, b n t i t Is practicallv "J"; UBured th a t tho gamo w ill be atnged F WedncBdny a t 4 : 3 0 . -------- *


(7est E n d Eleven to Open Season -wltta I auao A ga ln it W endeU; Prosp«cta fo r Season Swan B righ t

‘BU H L, Sept. 22.— (Special fo Tho Mows.)—Oonch Berry re tu rnqd todny ^ from th e distric t m eeting n t Jerom e . «-lth a heavy Bchedule fo r tho Buhl toom. E very dote b u t two nro taken * ind the locnl foam Ib w orking hard t<i iict in shopo fo r tho fira t game which Noi n scheduled for S ep fen b e r 2«. The irospeeffl for a w lnninc tenm nre brigh t :IiJb yea r w ith ii numlicr o f last y e n r ’s tj non back and p len ty o f new mnferinl if should be a liighiv succesnfiil sen- ion. The schedule U ?,* foUows;

Soptem ber — Buhl a t Wondell.Octobor Jerom e nl Buhl. IlnrOctober 12—Onoiliiig ;it Buhl. IngOctober 10, Buhl nt Shoshono.October 20—Oakley a t Bnhl. (?iNovember 2—Bnhl ;.t Burloy. rentNovember —Kiler ;it Btilil.November 10, Bubl u t Jerom e. —•<

I C l S & JPiotures only will be sho

M d c K NE7PN0TI

“THE MAN, OF MODiAnd his big Sensatio

I t iB only enca in abon t every tw o or along v h o can en te rta in and m ystli

W rite down th e question th a t worriMwben yoB come in. H e ’I

PIO TU BES . ^ g g


Kathyin Williams H

©J B“ M O R A L S ” H

M orals are w h a t yon have, repn- ta tio n is w h a t yonr neighbors H R

give you. W h


PA TH E N EW S [ 5 ^

The program ■will open in th e [,evening w ith th a p ie tn re^ a f te r [ * w h id i

Mao KNIQHT gwlIJ en to rta in yoo.


ASKS REOPEN LATESIt £ a k e r o o tb a u W arrio n Propoee j lUtematiVB DatcM ^or Sleeting Iu u M en on Iio ca l f ie ld I

uoach Evana o f tbo Twin Falls high tool iccclved. a tfl*o.-;ram from E ast f t p - {h n t Snlt L ako Saturday night B tat-, r th n t th e re w aa a poBsible-tCTflict y , da te s and a sk in g th a t Twin F a l ls ;

Id Noveml)cr 3 o r 4 open. A la te r j q ] cgnim s ta te d th n t the Colorado tr ip !E ost high vrould possibly bo chango-l {

d aaklng th a t bo th tho Octobcr und ■ B l ivomber d atea bo held open. Conch Strei ans w ired baok a tating thnt ho w ai fo u r Iding both d a te s nnd naked fo r nn in t rly rep ly confirm ing ono dato. E n i t co n t jh ia out fo r a game w ith Twin P alis tho d thero i» litt lo doubt thot tho da to tio a . 11 bo a rran g ed w ith in the noxt fe w , T l ya. I roac

-------------------------- I w ith


lly Two PetitionorB Disappointed • in Hopes fo r N atoraU zation aa. Bo- su it o f H earings in Oonrt H ere ^

— th o rFlvo ont o f seven peUtioncrs becnmo .turuUzed c itlrcn ^ of tb« UnUo<t ntes a t tho concluulon of henriugp i nducted boforo Ju d g e W. A. Babcock, d is tric t court herv Saturday by Del , Sullivan o f S a lt Lake, naturalixa

)n commissioner fo r the federal gov* ntiiont. ITho succesBfiil po tilioncrs wcro Prod-, ick W. M each, Tw in Fnlis. and Ern- " t S hearing o f Pilor, nntives of Eng- nd; Selwln W . -navldBon nnd E n iest owollyn F rnnham of Twin Falls, for- “ 1 nr rcBidents o f Canada, nnd EniU ... ihnnon o f T w in FnllB, a nntlve o f . . ifCdon. I .Tho potition o f H enry F ryer o f Cob- , oford WM diflmissed becaifto o# tho ! flquallficntion o f ono of his witncsBCB. • ^ id th n t o f Ous I>andho1m of F iler, wns *; j intlnued to p erm it n f hlB fu r th e r , udy o f tho esscnfialfl o f American ivernm cnt. I ^


The cnso o f Eur^'Vn P. Kellogg 'a in st M nry L. Kellogg, In which t i io l^ g ^ a ln t l f f sued fo r d c c rc c 'o f dlvorco, I afl dismissed P riJ i-y afternoon by fino idge Bobcock upon motion o f th e ,i|g],

_________________' l i s p

A ncient G as Attacks.G as o ttacka a s a means of ovcrcom* g nn cnomy a re recorded aa fa r bock I 160 B. a , w hen ja rs w ere flllcd Ith fcn thcrs w hich w ere set a ligh t, g^re le sm oke being blown wltb bellows cate ito (be face* o f th e foe. tho

___ _ - cn tiTw o MounU A ra ra t

One Blount A ra ra t of today is In rm cnla an d la n volcano of two cones, gpo] to h ighest being 17,200 feet above th e mon )u ; ano th e r Is In Surrey connty, ren< o r th C arolina, and la 8,000 feet high.

--------r_ _ oQ as to D estroy P esta ^o.n

Hipbly polBjmouA liydniryanlc a d d J’*'®! iH. w hieb h as provetl ofllclcnt In de- roying iicsls in buiiillnga, iias also eon found p ra r t i ra l fn r the deatruc- = nn of, woodcbuckfl and other damag- mm lg rodcntn lo th e ir liurrowtL

(lard tab les aud folding chairs fo> n t. Phone 40.'.


Il l O> * ? ! = ■ ' I 0 c 3 5 c

lown a t the Matinee ,

r i G H Tnsx

}ERN MYSTERY^*ional Fun Show

ir tliree yeara th a t a m Sn comes tlfy yoa aa M acE N IO H T T u i

» you a n d leave i t a t th « . door t’U answer, i t . ' ~ i

I1 /


Ui policy TO sceEFXEOSOON ,rman Political System Ner- Neigh /ous as Time Is Set for De- Exc ;idijig Great Problem Ag:lE L lN , fiopt. 22 Chaneollor JERieaemahn Ib to decide i n tho no x t News)- r days w hether to atriko h is colors fourth tho B uhr or u rge tho populace to *„i«v tinao th e ir pasBlvo ronlBtnnco to ° ,

Pranco-Bolglan forccs o f occupa-'1. mado :?he momentous decision ■will n o t bo cifltlon chod u n til the cabinot h a s conferred b tho prcm lcra of tho fodoratod l i; . to s and those reichstog lenders nua l - ' • id to Bpoak fo r tho p a r tie s m ak ing ^ th e presen t coalition. .P ro fe i

^ending such f in a l dcliboratiotiB th o . ^ P inccilor niao w ill cnnvaaa tho situa- n w ith tho ro lchstag doputica from «hooli I occupicd a rea and w ith offic ia ls, • uBtrialiflta ond labor loadora an- • irlzod to apenk fo r tho popnlation PJ tho R uhr ond R hineland. ' iB u r l^

O ntoom i I s V ita l !Jpon th e outcome of theao confer- 5 ^ ? ’# !oa, which w ill begin noxt Mon- ir, depends tho naturo o f tho cov- ‘ .Ai im en t'a declaration w hich Dr. I t 'CBcmnnn vrill communicate to tho chatag n e x t Wodnosdey. .fjillowM eanwhile offic ia l quartora m ako “ ^ogorlcal denial o f all rum ors con- •ning fresh reparation o ffo ra o r tho ipntch o f form al nofoa to F ranee 1 Belgium contaiaing proposals fo r ^ lin g o ff tbo pasBlve resUtance.\ t tho foreign offico I t w aa deelor- ^

th a t a • now reparation o ffe r wns posaible In tho ))ro8cnt a itn a tio n , i f f. J ’ ly for tho reaaoa that OormanV’s jpow l o f Juno 7 is s t i l l aw niting w idoration by tho cred ito r powers. '

' Ton«en«» P m m lH . ,N ot since the d ay s of W oim ar, -when ,fhedt 3 na tiona l assem bly was confronted {^ug th tho imroedinto necessity of ra ti- jM orl In/r tho VerBflllJeB peaeo trea ty , h a a ,> Oormnn political syatem re f le c te d ; p ;h tonae norvo’usneBS. T ho prevail-! r economic un rest caused ’ b y the lancIal chaos, unemployment nnd P . , docation o f food nupplies and prieea prov id ing an added and a vory aori- I ‘mcnaco to th e governm ent'a lm- , ading decision on the aueation of lin ta ln lng ordor scrapping passive | listance. -

E d itom Oive A id ! tn tWhllo th e newspapers frien d ly to th e , rosotnann governm ent s tr iv e to pla-}P'**|> te tho ir roadors by ave rrin g th n t |^ * " ”5 governm ent doca ao t “ purpose to i?» ‘ “ f to r in to an ■ uncondltlonni capU uln-1 n ” which would leave th e R uhr and ") Bhinuland At tho mercy of Franeo,) nationalist organs aro moro out- )kcn nnd pred ict thnt tho govern- « n t is nbout to mnko an ab ject sur- idor. ""J’

D iscom forting S itna tion S S t l i3cnnan nppraiscra of th o convorsa- hi» go na between- P rem ier P o incare nnd bonier Baldwin nfford th o few op- Stoc l is ts le f t In Berlin *lipKt com fort, pnrdeil

dom inant Impression being th a . Salladi


J o se p h Bl. Schenck ]

Norma Talmadge and TIN

“THE PROBATIF rom th e s to ry and scenario b

Seven-reel Prodac

O ' iI



an d others

Sco “ Tlio Probation W ife ,” the fimt i Powerful sto ry . Spk'nd

Comedy B pcclai, “ Brond C a s tin g ," two reol h is ju u ’nilo company in a

INTEENATIONAL NBWOrpheum O rdicstra Tht



slghboring Schools, with Few Exceptions, Refuse to Play Against Local ElevenJEROM E, Sept.- 22 (Spocial to Tho )ws)—Coaehea and officiala o f tbo urth intcracholaatic d is tric t m et hero ' ^ ^ lay to fix Bcbedulos fo r tbo com ing ^ ptball season. Bome changes w ere >do in the eonatitu tion of tbo a u o - >tlon and election of officerB resu lt-

aa follows: Preaidont, II. M. Broad- nt, B urley; vice president, M. U . in P n tton , B ubl; aecretary-treasoror,■ofeiBor De;iAe of Gooding.A potition waB presented lo tho <«.. noting a ta tin g th n t tho undersigned hools would n o t play Twin F a lls lo r 0 reason th a t Twin Falla waa aoHeit- g nthletea and aignod. b y 'th o coaches id principals o f th e following schools: ' irlfe', F ik r , B »hl. CaJWeford,' OaW ey, _ im beriy, W endell, Albion, H ager- R nn, Gooding, BUbs and ShOBheno.[te followinff schools w ere reproaonted : tho meotm g b n t d id no t a i » tb e ‘tition : R upert. Jerom e, PnuY and sllviow. A g rea t' deal o f discussion illowed thn presen ting of th is p e tl- on and a ff id av its w ere presented al- g lng th a t ce rta in ath letes hod been jproached b y Coach Evons endeavor- g to g e t them to como to Tw in slla. Thcac woro denied by C oaih -yr vans and Superin tendent M itchell.0 questloa of ellglW Uty of any play- ■t waa p resen ted nnd Twin F alls waa 3t ousted from the association an d $ duoB fo r tho yoar wero accepted, aport waa the only team in tb e dis- ic t tb a t sehedaled a gomo w ith T w in allfl and consequently fell under tb e , in, all o ther schools ro fa iin g to hedulo games w ith B upert. The var-ua team s compioted tho ir achcdales ;norlng Twin F a lls and Bupert.

----------Conch Evnns s ta ted th a t he waa a o t <le fo determ ine jiw t w hat tho s ta tu s

Tw in Falla wna in tho association j t th a t ho hnd several o ffers fo r imes besides th e -/offer from E a s t Igh Hnd th a t J.e. would a rran g e a - hodule <vit’i out>ide teama.

F IL B R PDLPZT TO B E FH iLED .tn tho absence oN the Bev. J . D. Gil- on, wbo Is a p n t |e n t iu St, L nke 'a hos- ta l, Boiso, whcro he rocontly under- ent a surgical operation, the p u lp it ' tho M ethodist church o f F ile r w ill ) flU td Sunday by lh v . Kev. C. E . Donl, waa nnnotmced S aturday e%'0nlng b y

r. E. L . W hite, d ia trie t Buporintcndcnt. <

ic P nria m eeting failod to accomplish • ly results th a t n ig h t contribute a n y nelioration of tho complieatioua con- • •fntlng Cliancellor Stresem ann and9 governmoot. •

Stock Reduction Snlc. CostB disro- . irded. Im prove yonr opportun ity . illaday H ordw aro Company.—adv.

i u u :-r


ick presen ts

1 Thomas Meighan

h m WIFE” ;10 b y K a th ry n S tn a r tOdQCtiOS


------------------------------------ — e - ]iBT.SIXA 8T0C K LEY n .O ItK N C E D 1L L IN 08 IIirN TLEY M rM ERTON ^ALKC B. I'R A N C E S ^

rut timo hero. Excellent enat. ili'ndidly actcd.i reol rio t, w ilh Joh n n y Jones and •a a radio romance

[BWS WEEKLYThe B est Show in Town

1 : • I— V

■ r

Page 7: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

l i i i m F 'fimPPiNElE OF EllRTtlIJMIE

Caught on Train Between'To­kio and Yol<ohama, Canadian Describes Action of Disas­trous Tremors,

■ VICTOBIA, n . c., Scpt. 22 OW—TIio Canadian P ac ific BtcatnBbip Emprcxs o f A lia , Bocon<l vcsRcI' to rencH cond- ncntnl A m erican ahorcH w ith aurv ivon of tlio Jnpancso cnrthquakc, docked hero today . AmonR tlio 401 pii**cn-

nboaTi\ Ihc ve»*c\ wcto 20 Tcfu- gcc* picked up a t Kobo, amonR them a num ber of AmcrieanB. includind C.O. Ctialkloy, Dr. Judson Daland, Hnr. old Prnncia nnd Qoorp;o W arren BIHb.

h. .W. M nitlsnd o t Toronto, mDnagor i s Japan for-tfao M an u fac tu rers ' L ifo

* InBuraneo company, who lost hia wlfo and elRht-year-old son In tho disaster,

* wa« ono o f tho passongors on tho Alio.

“ I wn* on tho t ra in betw een ToVio and Y okoham a," ]io said, " n n d was > w ithin flvo miles o f tho la tte r plaeo > when tho th in g hopponcd. Tho tra in #i w ai m oving alowly nnd tho f irs t crash _ w as, rt> Bovero th a t ovoryone thought anothor tr i |jn had sm ashed into tiB a t j_ fu ll speed. B u t tho f i r s t c n n h wa*. taJlowoi JoatflaWy b y a v io len t bump.

C ing and sw aying from aido to sido and * up and down.

“ Tli« x»llw»y rlgb t of v a y a t this point vaa vary vide, accom­modating six sets of trains. In An instant 1 u v the tracks tv ls t tnd san lm lik« SBsJce snd honsn fall BldevayB. c ro^ad fl&t i a« If b?0009 IrrMlstlblo walgbt. I u v s grM t tmnple g«t« cnpb. all in a

* f« v seconds. Jum ping from th a t ra in X r a n » f « v y a rd s to th e di m iddle ot th e tracJt^ b a t i t w as in

^ Imposalble to 1 ^ o ne’# f « t on m th e g t« o n d , .4 tf^ t v a e nndolatlng P> like th e w aves o f th e soa. G reat di cracks appeared in th e earth , and u: th e a ir w as th ic k w ith p la ste r oi d nst fro m th e v a i l s an* TOoh o f J'* fa llen houses."W hen tho f ir s t Jihock occurrcd ho

looked a t his w atch nnd noted the ? tim e na ono m iouto beforo noon. Tho ' sceond ono camo a t th ree m inutes post " tho hour. Prom th a t tlm o on fo r sov-

W em l days tlio ahocka continued inter. m ltton tly a t iuter%'aU of nlwut half an hour.

Mr. Thornley w as in tho Im perial ,, hotel, w hich w as n o t destroyedi nnd ,

’ escaped in jury. Ho s tayed two days - Sn ono o f tho c i ty ’s park s and th e n '.

, was tak en aboard an American dc- stroyer in the harbor. v

, A. C. M rPhcrson wan w alking lft thonative section w hen tho quako occur- red. n o 'd n ah cd fo r n <!oor«ray, which

* fo rtuna te ly rem ained standing, al- though tho rem ainder of tho houso

^ crashed down. Tto wna not injured. .p ■ Wm.l C. W. P u rlng ton , wifo o f an ^

. Americnn busincBS man, wna rcacucd a t Yokohama and tnken to Kobo, but refused to com,o to Am'orira u n til sho ^ learned tho f^tO' o f ber huabnnd nnd j tw o ehUdron, to pivBisengerB jon tho A sia. . C. M cNnught, an Kng. j lishm an, who w as asaoclatud with Mr. Purington, said th a t tho threo had un- « doulitcdly been killed, b u t tIint nil ef- ■

^ tortk to pcr«un<Jo Mr*. Puringffln to ‘ tak e pABsngc^n tho stcm nor wcro un- nvailing. 6ho rem ained in Kobe.

•L \r OUT o i r r e s .TOKfO, Scpt. «2 OPJ—.Inpim will -

, tnko ndvnntnKe of tU<- vlcfttuncc njti*\o "by the cnrthiiiinkr nnd finiiio^ to iny out t

^ improvrtl nnd modi’rn piti(*t, n"<*f>rdin!'\ to nn in terv iew pivj*!! th e . ANSorinti'd J

Prom hivre todny by F«iri*ic;ii M inister ‘ Iju in . H e said: '

, “ II is fo rtuna te for us th a t onr fo r­eign rolntiona arc in tho be^t possiblo j

^ fOjidUJoB, nnd WP !inv»‘ ii« .M-rioiis iw ie 1 beforo nn. “ l>ik('wlm’, v e spp nono in t tho fu tnre th n t w ill .loopnrdijie our rc- ' InUftw* nny fo>»r»rv.

“ II in mont an linf.iftory to mo on flMiimfng tho post of fo reign m in ifte r ( to nnnounro th n t no rhnngo in our t tested pledces nnd roUrjps Inid down s by my predecessor n t W nshington and Pnris is ndvisnbic o r contem plated. 1 i am hnppy to snv Ihn t our country ns n f wholo overwhelm ingly aupporta thoso r pollries nnd it I" uiy ]iurposo to con­tinue them nnd to mnko pertpn-

* nen t tho cVeni nn'lfTnlnndlnH wo ren'*K- 1 ® ed w ith tho prcnt 'veta both in onr r

relntlonR d irec tly w ith them individ- I • unily and In our cooperntion w ith thomeonectively where our in te re sts nto gen- icnil. . *

“ Although wc hnvi' been denlt w ith fsoverely, hnm nnity In g iv ing na nn un- «

• exnmpled dem onatrntion of its finer I qnalilie^ The atrlckcn a rea of .the i

• f 0«nlrv“’j9 receiving iifd nnd siippficM i from tho tw it o f forelga - countries soom unlim ited in (heir gen- i orosity. Tho whole nation is deeply

. tourhcd b y tho aym pnthy th n t eomea to ' ua from aurond. This dem onstration of '

1^[ kindiy humnn scn tlinont hni» impreased I us deeply and w ill have n long enduring o ffee t.”


(•Oontlnued from P ag e One)being th a t o f n wnninn opposed to m en.” Mrs. nelm ont conliiineiL “ t nni fnr men. i)ut for women and elill- dreu first. Men htivo forgotten us dur- ;

_ Ing tlio pnst but wo nre going to ro- I• member them and tn k t tliem righ t Up |

nnd oiiwnrd w ith u a ." IIn ndilitioD to Mn*. Belm ont o ther '

dUlingui.thi'tl women v isito rs from Other atfiti’s present w ere Alice I ’aijl, vice prenident o f tho Nutionnl Wom­a n ’s p n rty ; A n ita I'oMitzer of South Carolinn, JfJss Stio U 'hito o f Ti^nncs- see, Mrn. W illinm K en t o f California, nnd Mrs. Ilenrj- Kss, f '.n n e r president

• o f tin- Missouri Kcder.itioii o f W omen’s nadnnal organi/jilionH.

t w i n :■J FALLS DAILY-NEWS,'

Amer kan Blood Map lUBfS m R t

D cspito diplom atically wordod denials, circlcs th a t Prm co Qeorgo, youngest son ot A lexandra Curton, youngst daughter' o f F f i r s t w ifo, who waa U ias M ary Leitor, o w heat plunger. Lady A lexandra is 10. P SO, an d i t » said tho engagem ent w ill I m onths w ill olansc boforo tbo woddlng. Tl blood hod m arried into th e B ritish royal 1

1 ^ 0E d ited by Mrs. £ . B. W illiams

Tho Amorlcan W nr M others m et F r i - . nc day afternoon w ith Mra, J . C. Mooro Sc in Soutli P a rk . This being tho anDiuil Oi m eeting, oleetloa o f o ttiec rn v a a tho i S i principal p a r t o f the busineaa of th 'j.W day. Tliis resulted In tho ro-clectlon | A. by acclam ntion of all o f last y ca r 'a H. officers, hcnded by Mra. David Brown j t r na w ar m other. There wan a g rea t d e a l ' a t o f inform ntion in ri'gard to th e nn- nl

, tlovaJ c q n y cn th a u-J>j.?h wiJJ bo hold n t Knnsns City Septem ber 20 to Octo­ber .I. I t was decided to defe r th e M roport o f tho distrlct-convention which iP i wna hold n t M onntnin' Home until the nc n e t t m eeting. A social hour w ith re- cc freshm onta closed the nfternoon. ai

-------- htMra. W. F . Tike and Mrs. M. W. at

ICunVely cntertnlne^l j\t IvtWgo SM ht- ht day afternoon nt their home on T enth a

. nvenuo eaat. P riio for high acoro was tc won by M rs. L. Clos. constilation by di Mra. Zenna Smith nnd Mrs. lliehard i Wilaon o f S eattle , wns presented w ith | n p ie s t p rite . Autumn flowe'ra artia- m tienlly nrrnnged decorated tho rooms, et nnd refreahm enta were aerved n t th e i conclusion of the cnrd gnmec. On Mon- el dny nfternoon Mrs. K nnkely and Mra. T P ike w ill o n te rta ia w ith a kcnalHgtoH. ai The guest list fn r Snturdny inclndecl v Memlnmes R. P. Loenn, .1. A. W nlker, 0 T. E ^ u n t e r , Tl. O: losot. O. W. W ithnm ,' p. A. n . Colwell, Zcniis Sm ith, Chnrlea o: H nrt, A. J . Ponvey, ]{. A. Rend, M erlin m Batley, C. D. Thomns. C. E. Bnoth, W. I H. Grconhow, A. P. Pcnior, C. B. Clmn- bi = — ^ ,


(Continued from P age One)I ------------ ________ IL—5 _ _ 11e m itted aneh action It would almply h o t t tu rn ing th e power of tho stato govern-i

ment oyer to tho auper-govornm cnt, £ 1 whoso headquarters a re a t A tlan ta , y - On.,’ ’ Oovernor W nlton anid. ! t

Appeals for Sapport I SThe governor in a form al a ta tcm eat i

Isaued a n appeal to tho peoplo o f Ok­lahoma to asalat him financially to cs- 6

Q tabllsh nowspapors In Oklahoma C i ty j f >. “ nnd in o ther cities of tho s ta to ’ 't h n t t

will “ le t the peoplo know tho t ru th .” ,v n ’ Ifo charged th a t tho “ inviaihio gov- li r c rnm ont” w ith money coming from I r tho headquarters in A tlan ta h ad sub-; n aidlzed several Oklahoma new spapers.! I r| The cxccutivo explained th a t he tI would n o t a ttem pt to establish newa- I a papers in cities whero ex isting dailies 1 10 m ain tain “ open” nowa columns. j r I- AtUcks L e g l^ to r j i I- ^'AIIotL S tree t, representativo fn th o .- i- legi*lnturo from Oklahom a county, Is ' ir a high offic ia l of the Ku Klux K lnn ,” . j |. the exocutivo asserted. 11 n Asked If ho thought there wero a n y ; j i. members o f the k lan In the Oklahoma l j

na tiona l gnard tho governor citod an i h executive order issued b y form er O ov-*i ». ornor Robortaon in ttru c tin g nil mem-1 :r bers o f tho gnnrd to resign from ono I e o f the orgnnir.ntions; b u t declined to [I

answer, referring his questioners to ( n A d ju tan t G eneral Mnrkliam, who stood < I- near by . ;y “ r have no th ing to s a y except th a t ; 0 ovory m an in tbo w a rd will obey any i (f ordera th a t are given h im ,” asaertedII tho a d ju ta n t general,g ' ' ' <

Special prices on b lankets. Phone j»0S. ,


S ----------------- 1BEAD T U E l>Ali.v S«W H ,

E J. ^ ^ U M ^ A U Cnt CALI. 05-W FOB


Mingle with That of Royalty _________ ^

. * - v 'W W

»1b. the rum or porslsU in Londo* social ortho B ritish ra lo rs , 1« to m arry L a d y Foroign Seero ta ry ^ r l Curzon by hia o f Chicago, d augh ter o f the famoua

P rlnco Georgo w ill bo 2 l on Doccmber> bo nnnoancod then . I t is said six This would bo tho f i r s t tim e A m erican

ll fam ily.

Telepbono dOO

nei, ir . J . B enoit, L. W. Coleman, J . 'lT. Seavor, A. M. ^ u l r c a , F . T. M jirrnv, Geneva a LoitIb, F. F. McAtee, W. K. Nixon, 1* P . M orse, l u Clos, A sber B. W ilson, L eonard Sm ith, Jaek S hrout, T A. Roed, J . G. T horp, E vcreti Sweolev, n . o . M llncr, E rn es t W hite, A. W. Os- trom o f B uhl. R ichard Wilson o f S c ’

, a ttlo , M isa H elen R o b « t* and U lss B er­nice Babcock.

I Tho Pan-H ellenic cluh will meet on I M onday ovening a t *.ho home o f M isi ;Po lly Thomas, 120 Seventh ovenne north . T hia m ooting will he helii to compliment nil tenchera nnd others who are eligible to membeishi]). Inv ltn tions havo been Issued to those who bnve not attended Pan-IIellen lc but i f anvone ha* been ovctlooke.i thev will confer > ft favo r b y ca lling Mrs. M erlin Batley, tclopl^jno 4<0M, before noon on M on­dny,

I Tho Biisincsa nnd J’rofesnlonnl Woni- CT will hold th o ir regulnr weekly Innch- eon in tho elub rooma Tuesday n t noon.

I The W. C. T. U. m et Fridny in th • ehurch pa rlo rs o f tho Christfan c/iurch.

,Tho election o f o ffice rs wns held, nnd a ttangcm cn ts m ado (or tho stnto con- w n tio n to bo he ld I-OTO, beginning October 17. The progrnm was ili^-

■ penned w ith , hcenuao of the extra lengtli of tho buaiheas aesaion. D ainty refresh- m enta w cro served hy Mra. P^ah, Mr« Pock and Mra. M cCracken, during the aoelal hour.

I ' 'P € ‘r « s o B . A l JI Oome P rom H anseu—M r. and Mr». •W. 0 . V ictory from Hnnaen, aro now , liv ing n t J.146 P o p la r avenue.

i Movo to T w in F alts—Mr. nnd M rs. .S turgeon McCoy nnd aons, for mnny I y ears 'rea iden ta o f nan sen , havo moved . to Twin F a lla nnd aro located n t 027 i Elm atreet.

I A ttends M o th e r’s F oseral—W. n ..S tan ley re tu rn ed P riday from Spring- 1 field . M aaa., w hero bo waa called by

; tho ilIneafi<-aiMl death o f hia m other. ,who passed nw ay ju s t tw o hours bcfW .'

■ he rcnched home. *

•; H ere fo r B r ie f V is it—Ralph N.I Leighton, fo rm erly a ssistan t postmns.

I te r hero and cngngod now In extensive■ fnrm ing onorations In tho v ic in ity of I Eden, w ith Mra. Leighton - and tho

'•hlldren spen t S a tu rd ay hero v is iting I friends, ^

T akes P o s itio n K ete—E . P^ Law- I renep hai; movod w ith his fnmily from I iroIH ster to T w in Pntla to aecept cm-

ployment na n linem an fo r tho tele- ti phone com pany. Mr. Lawrence nnd I fnm ily occupy a resiJcnco a t 222Jack -■ • son Btrcot.

> T ake M airlag® licen see—M orrioge »,iicensea w ere iaaued S aturday a t th e

office o f the county recorder hero tn I Chnrles U . M cLnughUn and Rhoda

Moo B oling, b o th o f B urley, nnd E arJ I t K B ishop nnd C hriitlno Gibson, both ' o f Borger.

I« a v e f o r Ogdon—C. E. W right, nc- compnniod by M rs. W right nnd M r.

' and M rs. John A. B a rre tt, le f t Snt- ! u rdny ' b y m otor fo r Ogden, w here bo I will a tten d a m coting of tbe directors 1 " t th e f ln « o ( W. I t. W rlghl nn.l 8ot\a. and a b u y e rs ’ confercnct. Thov I expect to re tu rn Thuraday. ' |




----------- i

E a r l y 1

I I B I. n f i f j J

R l/F F NECK SWEAT h e c o ld w o n t h e r w i l l s o o n d

j io o t l - lo o k in K r u f f n e c k , s w e a t e t h e b o j s u sM ttlly A v ea r . W c h c

o r .s n o w r e a d y , w h i t e u n d b u f f , i n u d p , w a r i i j . a l l - w o o l s w e a to r j '

f i n d th iK lovT-— .......................


\V e h n d HO n in n y c a l l s y c H te r

^ r t t s t o m e r r t w h o r o u l d u o t g e t

M o n d a y t h a t w e h a v e d c c id e t

t i n u e t h e w ile o n e m o r e d a y . i

t h e l a s t d a y t h a t t h e r c n i a r k a b l

$ 5 .9 5 f o r a 4 2 - i ) le c e d i n n e r s e t

v a i l . I f y o u n i in s t h i s o n e y o u

i n n r k a l i l e v a l u e ......................................


S t n r t i n * ; -M cm day w e s h a l l (

s p o r t o .v fo n ls , S e l b y m a k e ,

w e l t .s . T h e v e r y n e w e .s t s u e d e

tU m s i u t h e i ie w c f i t F u l l c o lo

n r e s h o e y t h a t o r d i n a r i l y s e l l

T h o y a r e n o t c h e a p j -h o e s , s

b u t g o o d ah o o .s s o l d a t a v e r y

c o n s i d e r i n g q u a l i t y . A l l s ize .s .

d o w ........................................ .....................


W e o f f e r a g o o d a s . s o r t m e n t o l

a r e w o r t h m o r e m o n e y f o r t h (

o f $ 2 2 .5 0 . T h e r e a r e t h e lo i

m o d e l s a m o n g t h e m . E v e r y

v e r y R p e c ia l o f f e r i n g a t t h i s \ t o .soe t h e m . A n e a r l y s e le c '

t i a t i f i f a c t i o n .......................................

Time to SiWe offer specially ia the art Onr Art Department is replete

h e u s t i t o e e d

L t m O H C L O T H

iS4-inch lunch cloth stam ped w ith cicvcr design for easy em broidery. T h is ia A regular >1.05 ( P I O Q value. Special -------------

D R B S S K B . S O A R F

O f good quality W bito A rt Cloth. Choico o t basket, f lo ra l o r butter* / ly design to bo dono in col- Q Q / , ora. ia i4 5 ................. ................

DBESSEB SET3-pieco van ity dresser se t o f whito n r t cloth a sd basket flo ra l o r b u t­te rf ly design. Easy to w o rk . Very special_________


A t o tk a o s

W e e k

W o o l

" f o r :F o r M o n d a

H h ^ i na s s o r t m e n t :

v a l u e s t h a t

^ ^ 8 J | w H t n a n y m o n t

H H f r o m N e w 1

a n d s e r g e s

H H - s t y l e , s n a p

H H f r o c k s u s m

| H H ' $ 2 5 . 0 0 . T h <

H m B t h e m , s o c (

a n d h a v e t

g o o d s e l e c t

n \ _ ^ u d o w d i s p l a

B ____________ p n l y i ^ , ^ „ , .

iTERS NEW Fac„mn.i t ta t j , „ t j , ..e- er, ju s t like , ■, lavetw ocol. “PP'-oval. They

Good, well plaiil", "nine of •S. You will want to wear t .............$7.95 rn'ces nre reasoi

p t h e

rdny from ,it in until ed to con- .Monday i-s Cjm

‘t will pre- K 1 iniss a ..........$5.95

OF " H n

offer four Goody(*ar T TT 7T

le combinn- ^ h II 11 I ars. ThoHC n| j l ^1 for $S.50.sold cheap, You l l ^ i Jow p rk t, jjjeyjjyg Cushic I. See win- until you own a Han...........$5.95 Top is recognized as

acliieveinenta. Thia IGS OF tlie traveler to car

“Without a Wrinkle The above illustrat:

>f suits that Top comes banger, cuBhionmg sp

10 low price gamentairoiabelngc >..K tailored , xil&oat obUgaUoi f Suit is a ^tnte this and the ms price. Ask make a H art rtiou means ..........>$22.50

t a r t Your Xdepartment. Don't wait too Ion(

io with BO many good anggestions.

j i c m ^ i g E n f 3,

AET PACKAGESK IG IIT GOWN No. 337. Orchid . cross w eave ba tis te . E atJroJy » a 4 o and stam ped fo r ■ em broidery In eolora. A ll floss m r t n» /vineJudrd ................................

ST E P -IN CHELMIBE. A d c v o r .lo p . ’in to n ia trh tbo above gow n. P u U r "m ado o f orch id cross b a r baU sto. «All rioBS in- rt».f fmm, C

- ---- --------- --------- : d l . 7 5

BEIDGE SETXo. .TII, Consists o f 30-ineIi c lo th a nnil fou r 12-lneh napkins. B a llo t g irl .design w ith patches, y jo ss and p a tch c l . ' j / k tlin d u d cd __________ __ : . . . . 2 ) 1 * 4 U 8

3BI?TEMBER 23.1923.

p e c i a l ^

j 1 F r o c k s

• $ 1 6 .9 5 ,day selling we shall ' you one of the finest nts of extraordinary lat we have offered in )nths. Dresses direct M York. Poiret twills res. Dresses o f the ip and appearance of 3ually selling around There are ju s t 15 of

come early Monday 3 the advantage of a ection. See the win- ?lay. Sizes 16 to 38

.............. .'.....'.„...?16.95

' FALL SKIRTS .new skirts are hero for your

iey are skirts in the new wool of them plaited. You -will r them all “fall and winter, isonable..........^8.50 to $15.00

I ' - » £ s * S -

Kno wstion Top in a wardrobe trunk Sartmann. The raised Ctuhioa as one of Hartmann's greatest

hia important ieature 'tsablta carry garments immaculateljr

Itle to the End.of tht\ Trip.**Lradon shows hoy? the Hartmara aes down over each individual 5 space betwicn and preventing ng crushed one against the other* tlon, we shall be glad to deoxon- ; many other convenient featoret [artmann the ono standard by links are judged,

9.7S to $82.50

Ymas Giftslong to start yotir Xmas gifts. ^•ns. Ask Mrs. Lewis abontthem.

LUNCH CLOTH30-lnch lunch cloth o f ta n nocdlo- weave. Daisy bunehes and deaign worked in laxy Q-t daisy and French kaots..>

UBEAEY 8CABF18x5^-inch sea rf o f t h e \ a a aoodlo- wuave, Samo design a s abovo t o bo . worked in celesta. M ake a / T f eompleto sut — _ / O 0

PILLOWA vory attrae tlv# plUow of tlie snmo m ateria l an^d sam o utho liiaeh cloth and sca rf,S p i'c in I------------------/ 3 C

Page 8: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to


Iaau«d ev ery m o m ln g e x ee p t M o n to r

CntenKl'ft* clnB* mntl —A pril I. ISIS, n t th n pen tofflM a-. T w in Pvllli, IdAho. u n d e r th e a o t of M ftrch I ,

SU B SC R IPT IO N R A r a *

On" yeftt ..................................................*111?■ niorithli ....................................................... 3-5f■ jnonltia .................................................. *•“"1 monOt ...............................................................*0

OF AflSOCIAa;HD niE SH T h e . Aasoctfttcfl- P reM PxrJitBtve^v

•n lll ted to th o u»e fo r ren iib ltcatlnn of ' • ftll new s dlBpntchi'fl c ro d ltM to It. o r not

o d irn rlB e w d f i M In th in pnpor. iinil fclfo th f locsvV. now # put\U«li«<l hcretix. > All rlKhtu of • rep irtillm ilon of

• fll*patch<'B hiTPin iilfio r.'SPrved.Of) nicjina AiieoclAted P reM .

No rcHponBlhllliy I# nMMmrrt fo r th o caTo n t unfW>Uc»«d m tm uncrlp t* . p h o lo - p n t r a p h s or o th o r cnn trlh tited m A ttor. A r-

, HcIph M ilirnlttcd fo r puM lciUIon w ill bo nacd o r not n t ih ” illncrotlon o f th e w lS tof. n n d no tnnniiKcrlptn will b« rc tu rn M anIoM - npcoinpanlftd by neccaw iry poat-

____________ _

RASTRTlN H EI*U K Sl2NTA TtV EB QoorKO n. n.tvld Co., Inc.. 171 Mndlson

■ Nrw Yiirlt; A. R. Knatof. 1411 Bnrtroni nulldtns. Chlcflffo.

T ho N ew s 1" a m om bpf o f th o Aurtit of O Irctiludnnit. from w hom full

Inform nilon iih to cIrciiK itton m ny bo ob- •aIiipiI iiimn app llcn llon . D atn ilod Infor-

niipp1l<'(l lo m lly upon rcauoat.>

i ^ A D E D 8ID E W A I.K aA Xi’vv York onRiiieor makoa a hur-

(jontinn p}i1riil/ili!il to iiitcrcHt any enm- m iinily HlniKKlinj; w ith tho modorn E \ tr.Tffic jiroblt'ni.

Hi> would si't in tlin Nidi'wullts on M iin'ts, n*li\5n« th e p m e n t

BliU'wnlk apaco to tho Bjmco availnblo fo r v ^ ip h ’!!, Tlm t olinnRo ivoiilil vlr- tun lly (Iniihio tha Ktroct wliltli nnd ro- liovu w ill'd trn ffic npcordiiigly. A t till! Haiiio tinin i t tcoiiIiI mako foo t trnf- fil' Kiifor find |ilpn«antor.

Tho NiiK'»':tlk!i, nro:uI<?iI liko tlioao fam iliar in Itn linn pKIps. would nhd- tiT fhl' ]ipdi'»trinn from nun nn'il rnln.J t they ictTif ilouliJn d.'i-JcciI, aa tlia en­gineer iraRjji'Bts, w ith Iho Mppcr lovo'. carried iiprons n t n trcet JntorBertiona, ^ tlu'rt* ivonlil ni'VPc bo nny confusion o f foot mill vi’ljido tra ffic .

Tt woiiM cost money, to crowd tho siilowalka into tho huildinRa and aub* fltituto ntout pillnre fo r preaent wnlU fo r onc or two Btorlcfl nit nlonR tlio Btrcct. B ut i t miRht coat teas than nny other im provement auffie ion t to ta k e rnrn of tho enormoua t ra ff ic in- er<'nsc. Bua'inoM men ' m'lRht object . Btrongly tn Rivinp up ftny '^of their f ro n t BpiiPi*, nnd y o t ovcnUwlly Uioy , tniRht find tho now nrrntiRnmcnt to th e ir ndvantaRO.

I t would ponfcr a fnvor on tho whole country If aomo cournRooua city would try tho plan.


"Scnaon of miata nnd m dlow fru it- S fulness, ~

Cloao bonom friend of tho roaturinR s aun; E

CoDipirinR w ith him how to load and S bless 5

■\Villi fru it tho vine.-* lh a t round tho a thatch-MVoa run— B

“ W here nro tJk i bour* o f SprlnR t Ay, 3 w hi/o arc tlio y t S

T hink not o f them , thou haa t th y 5 mufilc, too .” —

So wroto ono pout. Sang nnothor: = "T lip m dnncholy dayB nro cnmc, tho =

eaddeat of the y o a r .” A th ird , w ith s a m atu rity beyond hia yeara, binda th e 5 ecflsona: " I f w inter cornea, ahnll aprlng £ bo fu r •behindf” ~

T o patentiv, au lunia i» iw p rftttic a l S season. For M other thero a ro school s booka to buy, f n i i t - t o can, ch ild ren ’s .S!l d o th in g to bo modo ready fo r tho lonjj g rind ; for F a ther, digRing in to buai- “ ncas n fte r tho fom parati\-e easo of sum­m er, scelnR to tho coal, ta k in g down scrocn doort'' and looking a f te r the m etal work, p reparing tho houao to to rcaist w in te r 's storms.

Childron, howovor, aro nk in to poets.- “ Oh, M othor, 1 ju s t love Iho falU “

D riv ing out into th e eountry sm elling (j,th« peaches and apples and fallenleaves, and s ta rtin g to-^ehoot and play-In g hido and aeck in tbe d u a k |" laysTwelve Oirl. ^

" I liko fall, too, b a t I Uko summerb e t t e r ," saya B ight Girl. “ I . l i k e to ^elim b tho trees and hide , w hen there taa re leaves on, to plny in tho w a te r and «p iek up nice IH tle shells. Oh, how ~~good U fed* , t3ie nlco warm aunshineon th e bcaeh, and going cam piag and qj

g e ttin g acquainted w ith f a n n s t” w]“ H nm ph!’ ' says 8 ix Boy. “ W hat " t

I like is w in ter. I s n ' t th e re ever ^ of

going to be any in o w t”O na thonght rnna nndem eath all

ih«M expteu looa. i iu ta tn n la th e tlm« l o r tak in g stock. O tber seaaons one ja k e s a s th e f come. I a A u tnm s one inoiB np, compares, th ln k a abon t th e ^ y e a r aa a whole. Iq

A U t of wisdom in jec ted in to th e re •toek-tak ing , an d th s wholo y e a r n n s ■moother, w ith more m arg in o f hap- ^ pincsa.

M aon iM ns QiBM NMtfad. w|T ho “MUe” Bible, w n tl le t t B ible t*

. fcDOWB, b u a macDifylDg g l a n In th e wt cover w ith w hlcb to re a d th e print* la* . •




~ 7 ~ r ’ T T S 5 ! T O i a r x C T o f ~• c c u « A M m iiH E « N P ier (y XOAU-TUTURt

, • 7 / 9 ' MANHOOD




I|M Q T8*flN 6*^«0|


- / - - - • ________________ ^Mn n in iM u iii» ii i in n ii» iii i i i» ii in » iiim ;

ll |i II BROWN I “ I MOUSE :I - ^I ^I cl5 I t

§ B y H E R B G I O ' Q X J IC K~ ^ — * w

.s n i i i i i i i i i i i i i im m iiii i im iiii i i i i i im iiii i mnMBoblg^.U«taOnp«»7) , bl

- ■ - ....... ‘ hi

(Continued.) 1H e reached over and posscw ed him- "

Mtli o f her hand. She palled It from ... b i n gently, b u t h e p a id no attenU on to th e tittle moaCQlar p ^ te a t , and ez> am lned th e han d critically . On th e b ack of the m iddle finger he pointed o u t a acar—a very t l n f acar. “

yoa rem em ber how yen g o t' ^ t h * t r ' he M ked. . -

B ecause i lm d o n g to tb a hand . tbel» ^ b ead a w ere very cloaa together aa > , abe Joined In tb e exam ination. ‘

•W by, I don’t b e lle re I do," aald j,*

••I do,” h e rep lied . •T7e—jo n and I ^ a n d M ary F o tay th e w tn p lay ing „ uom ble-peg, a n d y oa p o t yonr hand . on th e g n m Jo a t a* I th rew tb e k n ife gj —I t co t yoo, and le f t lh a t acar." ,

1 remexsber. n o w T - a t id ahe. "H ow aneh th lnga com e back ov er th a = memory. And dJd U leave a acar w ben I pnahed you tow ard tb e red-bot a tove tn th e achoolhotue o ne b llzuirdy day, Uke thla, ‘and y o a peeled tfae akin o tr y on r tvrlat w here I t a tm ck the a to re?”

*Xook a t It,” aald be, b aring hla long and bony w r i s t * ^ lg b t t h e n ) "

A nd they w are off o n tb e traU th a t leada b a ^ M o childhood, n e y bad ta lk ed long, u d I n t im a te , w hen th e ahadow i of th e early evening crept In to th e coraera e f th e room. Jennie recalled tb e tim e w ben th e tornado narrow ly mlaaed tb e acboolbooae. and frlg b ten ad everybody in achool nea tly to death.

“B varybody b n t yoa, Jim ," Jenn ie rem em bered. T o o looked o o t o f tbe w ^ d o w and told tb e teach e r th a t the tw ta te r w as going n o rtb o f oa, and w onld UU aomebody elae."

D i d i r aaked Jim .- “T w ,- n l t - JB iiiln_ ‘' i iia t i n I


3 M E O N E E N D O W A H E R O M E D A

,G E B R A V E R Y A M O N G S T A T E S R


r r


/ ^


r~ '

__ _____ f g i n ^n O N A L STA TESM EN N E V E S SEEM TO

Copyright, 1023,

t e a S e r aakvd us to kneel aud thoQlf ^o' Ood, yoa said, 'W hy shoold w e thnnk < Ood th a t Bomdiody d s a is blow ed s t a w a y r She wna greatly shockcd.” u j

“I don 't eco to thla -day,” J im aa* aerted . “w hnt .answ er there w as to co m y queatlon.” i

I n the gotherlDg darkneaa Jb n again r h took Jcnn le ’8 hand , ba t thla tim e ahe thi deprived him o f I t

B e w as trem b ling Uke a leaf. L et I t b e rem em bered in h ia fav o r tb a t ^ a waa tho only g trl’a ham^ |« d «T«r held.

"Toti cnn 't And nny more acara on it," ahe said soberly.

“L et me soo iiow much it hoa chnngetl alnce I a tuck th e knlfo In I t .- bcREcd Jim . roi

Jenu le lield i t up fo r InapecUon." I t 'a longer, and alendcrer. and

w hiter, and ev ea more beaoHfol,” aald hc, " thnn tho Uttle hand I c u t ; ‘“ I b u t It wna then th e m osl beaoUful i b a n d lo th e world to roo—and atlll la."

“1 m ast Uglit th e lampa,** aold th e coan ty auporintendcnt-elect. m U ier flaatered. I t- m uat ’ be confessed. ••Mnmraal W heco a r« a ll th e m a tc b e a r ' P*'

M ra. W oodruff an d U ra. Irw ln cam e In, and tbe lam pligh t rem inded JIm 'a m o th e r tb a t tho cow woa atlU to milk, ~ an d th a t th e chickens mlgbt need at'> tentloD. T h e W oodraff alelgb cam e ^ to th e door to ca rry them hom e; bot J im desired to brenat th e atorm. H e ™ fe l l ib n i tie needed th e conflict. M rs. *, Irw ln scolded him fo r hla fooUsbneaa, b u t ho atrode off Into the w hirling d r if t, th row ing back a good-by fo r ^ g en e ra l conaumption. and a pa the tic amUe to Jennie . ^

• "H e 'a aa odd aa D ick 's hatband.* aa ld Mrs. W oodruft, “tram ping off In a pmrm Uke th la." - ,

____________________ nu

~ . ~ ------------

A P P ]Sorted - Graded -

Capacity 3600 b Apples loaded

Bulk or


Warehouse Phone335 i

■* J___


A L T O - 2

IM E N 7 ' ? « .‘ Ort

' , ; the..—" V ' ‘ 1 ceni

•on.hi -------% FROM Ball\ THI

-W ■* ten:

^ ^ '' * thei l l OOUBAOE SEEM S TO BA.VB hooi . BOAST.__________________________________ I "oni

!ior^ n e


A»rt 00^ SCOUT ^ -7 = , • y<owLt>»OAS

MUCK«— . .

i : ,

• J ^




3, by the New York Tribune, Inc. T■ s t ;

•TOI yflO Une him u p r aaked the con» Ionet of Jennie. j

T ho young lndy s ta r te d nnd bloshed. naiiSho bnd forgotten aU abou t th e poU- thetloi of the situntlon. o f i

" I—I’m afra id 1 d idn 't, p ap a ," ahewnfcssed. C

“Tliose brown m ice 'o f Professor [>arbl8hlroV ' aald lhe colonel, “woreLhe devil and nil to ' controL** g


— roc IFacing T rial.

A distinct scnM tlon m n through Jio Woodruff school.’ b n t th e school- ~ m aster and & group of five b o y a 'an d tlireo girls engaged In a very onclaas- Iko conferenco Iu th e back o f the poora w ere aU unconscious o f I t The jeography classes hod recited.- and tlic InnRuoge work wns on. Those too sm all for these studies w ere play­ing a game under th e leadersh ip of lltinie Slinma, who had been prom ot­ed to th e position of weed-aeed mon­itor.

T ho game wna fo rfe its. B ach child iihd been encouraged to Bring aome lo rt o f weed from th e w in te r f ie ld s^ preferably ono th e seed o f w hlcb atUl clung to tho dried receptacle*—b at inyhow. n weed. I f any pupil bronght tn a speclmon th e nam e o f w hlcb he hiinself could n o l correctly give, he paid a forfeit. I f tr apeclm en waa brought In not found In th e aohool niblnel—whlch waa coming to con­tain a considerable collection—It was placed there, and th e taak a llo tted to the b est penman In th e school to write Its proper label. Ail th is cauaed ex- ;ltem ent. and not a little b n z z ~ h u t it ::en8ed when the county superintend- in i entered th e room.

F o r It waa a f le r th e flrat o f Janu- iry, nnd Jennie waa vislUng iho Wood- rufi achool.

L E S ^Sized - Packed

boxes per day d on cars boxed

:a v e r10. B U I L D I N a

House Phone1 648___________. ^


/ '

th e group in tb e back of th e room ' A C T F n t o n w ith Its conference, oblivious |'^ the e a tran ce of Superin tendent F in n ' in le . T h e ir w ork waa ra th e r ab- ■blng, belag no m ore no r lesa th a n to r 1 > coninllaUon of th e flgnres b f a cow laua o f th e d i s t r ic t Total‘A ltogether,* aald M aiy T a lc o t t Twei e h av e tn th e d is tr ic t one hundred goi d flfty-threo cowa.” ogoa*1 d on 't m ake I t t h a t ” aald B ay- .'pwer •nd Simma. *'l don’t get h o t a bun- Id a n d thirty-eight.'* 555)3’T h e trouble Is,” sold Newton Bron- B. “ lh a t M ary’s counting In tbo illoy herd o f Shorthom a." nrJpoa'.■Well, th ey 're cowa, a in 't t h t y r In- , , . r TOgated M ary. ? . „"Not for th is cenaas." said Bay-

"Why n o t r asked Mary. ’T h e y ’re “ '’‘'[ i '’ s p re ttie s t cows In life neighbor-

“Scotch Shorthom a." said Newton, nd ru n w ith t h d r cfllvea." motors,•Leave them out.” aald Jim . “nnd morrow, I w ont each one lo te ll In ° B language clasa. la Uiree hundred ‘‘'"Pa” >rds o r less, w hether t l ie ro ' nro ough cowa In the dj,<«trlct to Justify cJ'®orfi c o o pem tivo crcnmery. nnd give tlio ow n. you 'll nnd artic les In tho countoi rm paporji i f you look through th e tailmei rd ^ndex. Now, how nbout th e cen- triea. s In the ndJolnlBR diatrieta?*’"T h e re nn,' more thnn tw o hundred Ithln four nill«*s on tho roods lead-i*^® --w ost." Biiltl n hoy. oiiKtcni__ __________________________ ' ' • POIlfilU

{C ontlnueih^ ^•cxt Iaauo.) iports t --------- ♦i,5qo,

.E G A L A D V E R T I S E M E N T ? j ; ; f S'—'■'-r—--- ----- ----- ---—- j dtvidei

C harte r N o. 40. noctcdB oport o f th e OondlUon o f tho ,Hrrptr

B A N K o r KLMBEELY. ”\ t K im borly in tlu* .'J'nto o f Idnho, iL tlio cloao of buaiiioKH Sept.‘' l 1 , 10:2:1. ' '

K Ii»O U ftC K B .I/OiuiB and discotiiiti- ..... J.I.’ifi.noC.?.’ ‘Unn-I-

. -StorkH, IioiiiI h and war each griiiits .................................. fi.2SS.7.’i

S tock of. Fedoral Ru- ^obrBorvc Hunk ..................... 1,500.00

RaiikiiiR lifiuBP, furiiiltiro !a n d fixtiirea ................. lH .im .on

O th rr nvil .......... 1"^^Claims, jin lcm cn ti, d r .. .’ Tho

, CuBli on hnnd ................... :i,'.VJ0.U7 woro (Pi:t> from IciuIck .............. "l,H:i:i..'5r 3 poiniChecks am i d ra f ts on Ij^

o th e r banka ................... 1,3.11.44*1’ ,..Kipcnsi'H ill o f '

Duminga ....................... I,n75.m------------ - Pore

rotftl ................ ;.................„..$n7,0(W.4!t prove.L IA D IL H T F^. cent t<

, 'C ap ita l atoek paid in 35,00t3.T)O vancedfiuri.luB fluid ................... 15,000.0(1 i„,nra»

. Ind iv idual dopoBiU sub- ^ ., j» c t 1« ch w k ................ l.W,31(1.77. Savinga dopoaila ............ 1,250..SO' ^'’•'*5

Tinio certifientcB o f de- reaultcpoait .................... ........... 02,207.00 KJUiter

C nahicr'a ehocks .........., 3.C3S..'53

ro ln l M epmil., ............... .......»».™,1S3.0{] .Bill!* pavablo, including °

obligntions represent- lonns,in g money bo rrow ed__ 10,950.00

. Rediaeounts .... ..;............... o f mei^ bank '

Totnl ----------------------------- $417,000.40 week ’’ATE OP IDAHOD ohowo,

lonty o f Twin Palla)^ **1, W . n . Tum or, Cnchior of the^abovo .med bank , do aolcmiily awear th n t ® e above stn to incnt is true lo the bost pared my knowledge nnd belief.

W. H . TDRXEIt, Cashier. , C O R R E C T -A ttest: NIP

n , p . LARSEN, bonds C. T. BROWN, a , o-

D irectors.Subscribed nnd Bworn to hoforo me t ia lO th dny o f Soptembcr. 102.1.I c c r t i f y - t^ m NOT an o ffiocr o r di- ^ U rd ctor o f tbia bank . Fourtl

W . C. DICKEY, JR .,N otary Public. . . .


We Now Gliarg

l n 8 H(W e '.have installed the OONSTANl

BATTEBY O EA BO IN O — the m ost impor sav ing developm ent since th e beg inning i endorsed b y the m akers o f Exide B atteric b a tte ry m anofaetnrera in the w orld.

B a tte riea a re fo lly c h a r g ^ in oight is reeognlM d by th e ' leading engineers as of teehaxging batteries.

B y the C onstant P i^en tla l M etliod, I ually and n e t m ixed ind iscrim inately with n n fa ilb g ly takes exactly tb e am oan t o f e more or no less. The possibUity o f ovi

■ “ b o U ing" o r overheating is P 08IT IV B L '

The tim e o f local p la te aetlon Is <u m axim am to an eight-hoar m aximum, tl shedding o ( ac tive m ateria l from tho gr: b a tte ry ia fo lly charged the cu rren t is si prolongs b a tte ry life ,

Exide Battery >

‘" t r " Statio

iEPTEMBER 23,1923.JTIVE STOCKS ADVANCEn Tons DlBplayed I n S a to rd i^ ’a S a if Session; S a g a n , O ana a n d M o­tor U m ea fibow Gama

Potal -sales 281,800 shores, tw en ty industria ia ‘av eraged 8S.53;; gain , .4 a H igh , 3B23, 105.38; low,02. .rW enty railroads averaged 81.92; t gnin, .DO. H igh, 1023, 00.01; low,53.

t^EIW YORK, Sopt. 22 'cos'diaplnyed a firm to p e in to d a y 's ' let ha lf holiday sosslon o f tho mar t. Subaidenco o f recen t selling p re a - .'0 brought about ra th e r gonoral short .'oring, tho gains in tho uct\vo issues i>;lng over a wJdo lis t b u t tho bea» iiibltions of g roup a tren g th wcro modo

tho sugars, equip.-nents, cans and itors.Nows developmentri nppurently hnd llo effect ou securitioo vnlucR. Cahlo (patches, particu la rly thoso dealing th tho roparntions Kituntion. npponred cerfiii. Reports th a t fa it trade wna panding cniitioiialy liut stead ily wcro untoractcd by rum ors o f fu rtho r cur- ilment in tho s tc d and m otor intlus-Pa- ^

Bolls M o re U p . ^Rsvilft JHflvctl up w ilh th o induatrinls,0 boat inqu iry boincf no ted fo r tho Ktcrn riirricra. R iillim nro nud Ohio iifiiuied i u utoiidy ndvnni'e on ro- rts thn t AuRiiat vnniings will cxecod ,sq0,000 net., nH com parod wit;li a fic it o f nbout ^O.'iO.OOO hi •tho atinio m th last year. Enrly resum ption o f vidends oa the eoniipon stoek is or- ctcd by ■Wall ntrcot, in Hno w ith tho recto rs ' nnnouncoment onrlier in tho ar. B altim ore nii'l Ohio touehed 7-8, but alip|)i<d b(ii-k In te r to fil 1-2,

lero i t wna up. 1-2 on th e day. Cftuw- nn-Pacific, Now llnvcn nnd Rending eh gained nea rly ,n p o in ty

Tobacco ie iow ,Tobncco Stocks fnilcd to respond to e nnnouncement Hia». c isn rc ttu pro- ction was rnnuing :n; per cont nhiail J;ist ji'jir.

Tho only conapinnoim weak BpoM arc Goodrich preferred , which broko pointa nnd Commoreial 8<llvcnts A nn<l

which y id d ed 2 juid 3 3-4 reapoot- d y .

Exchanges lu ip to v e .Foreign cxehangca continued to im- ove. Demand storlln*- ndvnncod ono ' nt to $4.53 1-6, nnd F ren ch fanes nd- luced alightly to fl.Ol l-2c . M nrked iprovoment wnii sKown b y Spnnish •HctuB, which jum ped 31 pointa to :.85 conts. H igher p ricca fo r eUver suited in improvoiiiont in tho Fur fuitcrn rntes.

Olearinga H eavy .Tlio weekly clearing house statoincnt owed increases of $12,500,000 iu ons. diaeountB und luvcstm ents, and I,<145,000 in tim e deposits. The reserve : member banka in tho federa l reserve m k droppod to $19,247,000 below tho eok before 'w hile ne t «lcmand deposits lowed a ahrinkage of $13,030,000. Ag- regnte reserve to ti lc d ♦483,770,000 av ing a d efic it in rcaorvo of $0,354,- iO, a deeroose o f $17,544,030 ns com- trod w ith a weok ngo. .

O OTEBK U BN T BONDS.N EW YORK. Sept. 22 (/TO -Liberty

ftnds dosed;1-2B J............. .......... ................. ......4 09.20

irs t 4 l-4s __________V,__ _____ 03.3' 'Bcond 4 l-4s ___________ ____ il8.4hird 4 l - 4 s __________________ oa.S«ourth 4 1 -4 S ______ __ ________ 0 ^


r N E R S

ge Batteries

loursANT PO TEN TIA J. M ETH O D o fnportan t time, m oney a s d b a tte ry lag o f the b a tte ry sorvice. I t is Jteries — the o ldest a n d la rgest

ight hoars by tb is m ethod , whleh -s as tbo OMLT se ien tlfic m ethod

Bd, ba tte ries ore eharged Individ- w itb o ther batteriea . E aeh b a tte ry o f cu rren t w hieh i t re tin irea — no

overcharging, oxeesslve gassing, 7B L T eliminated,

a eu t down from a 48 o r 72-honr n , tbn* leanclng tho am oun t of e grid re ta in ing fram ea. W hen a is ootomaticaUy e u t dow n, whieh

& Ignition

ion ” i r ' ‘

Page 9: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

F iftee n Years A go in T w in Falls

Fro m K«WB F lW ^ p te m b e r 25, 1908 and ’l i•___________________ .H'ill ni

B. A. B^kCT ot Twill Full#, one of them ost oxpcricnccd and Hurecuful fnriri* *'Caror,crs o n the tlTict, hn* been travollnfr in Noblo";tb e middle w est for Bcvcral w*oVa in- >»’ spce ting ootod fa m in g acetlonn, nndw rite# Tho ' Nowa from CliicaRo th n t Ocorbe fin d s ^ t h l n g to equal tho Twin dencoFnllfl t r ^ t a s fn r nn ngrieulturnl ad- »'®ro jvan tag es go. Twin 3

. _______ I.c UrUT ho Three C?rcok stockmen nre b u y

Jng hny and gm ln libcrnlly In Twin F a lls nnd viieinity. John MaeHao pur*chnsed lOO ; tons of hay n t Buhl Insv Contcll.w eek for <5 per ton in tho stnck nml "•has also bought coDxIcUrablc Rrnin. An- S'**! drew Bogerson and Jnck Brntton nrc intow n for trrnin nnd huppliOB. ela

' whichA» ovent th n t is being looked for- .eess.

w ard to w ith -a great deni o'f Interestis th o -wetldJng oi Toaj. Thum b'.whlcb F ranwill tako plnco n t the rink n e i t Tuos- k iiip ,”dny erening. Tho iillrnction is pro- Mich.,fconted under tbo ausplccs o f tho lo s ' Bluo tAid o f tho Presbytcrliin church. The much j

S T O (fOR 30 DAYS (

are not offeri time in order 1

on every item in ou We_are listing:

A C l e a n - U p O n J

Lawn Mower

l ^ n . , 3-knlfo, tegu lar jO.75, .

. • 10-in., -t-knlfo, regular <17.C0,

16.ln., 5.knifo, regular *20.00,

Electric WashiiiLook a t thest

copper t.ub, regular >120.00, B p e c ^ -------------------------------------- -

On9 &UnQt«, copper tub , regular IlSS.OiSpocial ------------------------------------------------

Orystal, regular price $145.00,S p e c ia l------------------- :-------------- -------------

N ttlo n a l, hand power,S p e c ia l--------------- •--------------- ------------- —

Suction Fonnden,S p e c ia l--------- ---------- ------------------- ----------:

25% OFF ONT e n n i s R a c k e t s2 5 P e r C e n t O f f


8-bftll, regular *0.00, O Q ]S p e c ia l------------------------ -4-ball Profesilonal, O Qregular 1100. S p o c i a l i

1/3 Off On All Fi

s p e c i a i T e

p i n n e r W a r e i n S e t a

a t A t t r a c t i v e

P r i c e s..Basement


" ' TWINFi!r A L L S D A I L Y N E W S , - ^

owing children tnko the principol i ic U tts in th e ca s t: Bride, Gynoth Y oung; soon piJUI, J e ia M cKee; maid o f hunor, fe r opi ly Thotuns; best man, Edw nrd Bnb-!i; bridesnmUU, .Wbcrtlws B eno it O n ’

Iren e W arner; .n»hers, F rederick M urrnjt.n n d B obert Newion; flow er g irls, tho Cluc Costello n n d ' Grnce II lll; rlnR jioundrer, Audrcj- Bnker^ mlniHter, B urton Robins>lo"; fa th e r o f brldo, A lfred B urltn c e w t, t; mother' o f bride. Mnrjorio B nker. and 5

' ' \ tlvos Jl icorgo T. Sprngue is bu ild ing n resi- CO on Shoshono avenue- Tho plnns e prepared by Burton M orse, tlie in Fnlls n rchltcct. The houso will .iRUtvd nnd heated by c\/!ctTir.\ty am^ ren t w ill bo used ' for cooking.

■■ S.'in J iicsho W llllnms, Pern nnd Flnrcneo pio oftcllo nnd Voiiln Thomwi aro going tn Bunda)B a mnsqucrnile bnll In K. o f P. hnll TheSnturdny ^vening lo which 04 guests roundii0 been Invited. Tho girta a re mnk- Jnj» ,loelaborate prepnratlons for tho ovent Missch promises to bo conspicuous snc- ]„'• Chnr

“rank E. B entty , thn “ straw borrv Clirlig ,” is here from Three ^ ^ fv e rp , new It ■h., looking n ftc r h h p lan t fn rm on0 L akes nvenuo. Mr. D ca tty is very The* !h pleased w ith th* outlook nnd pro- enrninj

F O L L O \^

G K RONLY—BE6INNINiring an alibi ot any i ■ to make room for Fi >ur store.? a few items below t

All The FAMOl]P o s s e s s i n g F e a t i

A Perfect B6 i i « a r o T y q o , ■ w ith o u t r^lar $120.0Special. . ^

S q u a r e T > -p e , w i t h . w

57 00 r e g u l a r $ 1 2 5 .0

Li oo Special. . L4.00 1 Only HOWA

ing Machines ^ise prices

_____ $85.00$95.00

_______ $100.00 No l

_ _ _ _ _ _ $18.25 2 ;--------- ,__98c ,B.g;

1 ALlTALUMiiSBaseball Goods 2 5 Per Cent O f f


Pennsylvnnin Vacnum (P O “| Q g. Cup, reg. *3.2:i, special ea. vJ£l»±V G ray Kon-Skid, regular ( P ' | Q Q 1<

♦3.00, spocinl each............. *D L »V 0’ si

?’ish ing Tackle 5

R E D U C E D ~i


?WIN'FALLS, IDAH 0, SII th a t the Tw in F alls tra e t will produce the fincrtt <]uality o f win-

apples. - I

t Tuesdny, Septem ber IS, J . Me- ]rny o f Twin R ills county, b a d on SinceChicago m arket SSD hend of 71 ;

id inmbs whieh w ere sold, by Clay,inson und company for |5 .«5 por d o IS', tho top of tho irudo on rangers, j5 cen ts per ewt. higher th an na ,

I mndo on th a t day.------------------------- ^ H vnit,

ROCK CREEK■-------- All n

DCK OREEK— M i« A lberta Owen ^.ni beisitlng friondh * hcrie. nnd ’ exiiss Norn Donirosc came homo from Yho finJneln to , whero nho stnyed a cou- „j,y j^i

of weeks. Sho k i t fo r lio llU tcr provemilay night. - way. ,10 cnttlemen around hore ore busy »pcnt, tding up their ca ttlo th a t nro com- pnivlng down from theN iills.Iss Nellie Anderson Is now stnyiu)''m n Fnllfl. If ,j,inrles A bbott o f Jnrb idgo wns hore jjjj,-lee his children W ednesday. jniris Peterson w as transac ting busi- tj„na. i

In town Thursday. tl,Q ^n— .............. plenty

lefN ew s iM -eud h y tbo perm anent .in j^^loMCa. .EEAl


E D U (SG THliRSDAY/SE■ n a t u r e , e x c e p t t h e p '

^ a l l M e r c h a n d i s e , a n d

t o g i v e y o u s o m e i d e ;

QS MONARCH IVi t i i r e s Not O b ta in a b le !

Bakeri t ^ Y n tc r f r o n t . n I!) .0 0 , ■

$ 8 0 . 0 0i K 5 i ii ^ I

w a t e r f r o n t , M ^ l r l " I 1 >•00,

$ 8 5 . 0 r , i p ® i

V R D R A N G E , 6 H o l e

G A L V A N I Z E D ^


3-quart,1 .................................6 9 c e n t s M euntali

2 : ........ ............ 79-aents. 3 ................................8 9 c e n t s o-qunrt,

ElCIAI^nenvy 12-quarl : a lv a n iz e d p a i l . . . .3 9 c o n t s . Mountaii


F A R M Gl14-ft. Eoystono Tubular, regnfar $20.00,•pecial .........................— ...................... ------------ -

16-ft, Keystone Tubnlnr, regobxr #22.00,apeelal ------------ --- -------------- ---------------------

10-ft. Yankee, rego lar $12.50, speeial ................... .'................

« P U « 8 ------------ U rtMfl ru e a ___________ _____ lOe eaeb IIU U


D A Y H ^T W I N F A L L S



f E G A S O L I I IE T A X

N E T S H E A V Y R E T U R N S■ rcnderei

M aaror* S « ta n ta OTer 1160,000 bounty;a Oota* lo to E f f e c t l u t A pril; J i 'tm c f 1 Improve H l g h W '

SE, Sepl. 22 (A>)—Slnco going into srhoifilolast April I , the s ta te gnsolino w ill bo

f two ren ts po.* pnllon has netted luorrute *101,403-02, accordiJig to B. E. M. Robl , stnto .nud lto r o f public ne-*• who WI

money rcccivcd under the ta r f irs t de>c expended on fho Improvement Dintri ixtenfion o f th e s tn io 'h ighw nvn.Irst expenditure nndcr th is net of Importance jr i l l . be for tho im-ment o f tho ho rth nnd south high- hcntlo

ApproxlmatiUy |20,000 w ill bo th e Mci , nccording Jo W. .1. lln ll, In hn- lg the old p n r t o f th is road.

-----------^ ------ OticicSun, Moon and E a rth . w arm '

Ihc Hun w ere n hollow bnlt. and (mndourth nnd moon frould be placftd added.0 ccntcr In th e ir re la tiv e posi* ttECd.

the moon could continuo roundcnrtb Inside th e hud an d lenve _ y of room ‘o spare.

AD TH E D A IL Y N E W a '••■sll.

rO W D T O

C T io :EPT. 20; ENDING?lain fact that we w:1 in this ev^nt offer ;

3a of our Special Pric

MALLEABLE RI n A n y O t h e r R a n g e

j A Big Fuel^[ lle;;ulnr l\vpe, w'ith

TesorvoiiiJ Regular Price S

1 ExtraSpecial

e, 16” Oven, Special,

^ F R E E Z E R S

- t j M l-q t. V acuum F rees- ^(Kjjfl or, no e ra sk , Bpocial ■-

p . $^.98;»a____$1.00 _

____$2.98 ,J,::!!!!____ $4.49 ----- ‘

___$4.98 ^__ $6.29

W U to m n n oa i n ______________ special _


A T E S r ^ i_______$16.25 ~2^_______$18.00 -----......... $9.25

use Paints, Kalsomine, 10


R D V ^ Ri , I D A H O


iUNDAY MORNING, SEIIBBNDEB.TO A U T H O E lT IB a BA TB 8 a [BRIDGE, M’ais.. Sept. 2 2 .(/P)— vn A. SwojMi, o f Brockton, sur-jd Wodnesilny lo tho MiddlcHox BAN PR

nuthoritics to niiswer to tho In- oastboundn t returniHl by the grnnd ju ry in» hero Fhnrging him with hnving been -oDMr ant essory before und n fte r the faetm urder o f Mrs. Alleo M. W olf- r ^

o rf o f Bnst B rldgcwuter. He ^> nrrulgned In the sut>erior court on tbeso p•row nftem oon with Dr. WUIinm Tho chai>b o f B oston, whi) wnn nrrestcd on por, to nngo o f pcr/orm ing nn illegal oper- ra tes, and

“ 'I an tldpntc ,t-as ind icted for m urder in th c i ‘ ICKrec.r in A ttorney .\r th iir IC. Rending — ■ ; 10* intinintioii Indny ns to fu rtherii-s o f his offico lu Investlgii- !*• 1 f thu clfcumst.nni'cs surrounding Oynec<nding o f portions of Mrs. Wolf- P ra e tilo rf’s body iu two nult cuhcs iu Women,rrrlmiic river nt Tvnsboro. Oland, i

-------------------------- amlih-R], F o r th e Oilcloth. -

loth flhoutd bo wuflhed w U h ___wnUT, to whicli n llttio stnrch

' w ilh bolllnji w nter) bus been , ^, Soup Bbould on no account be ^

Tlianks, W EI

nknesa W ithout Judlolouanaaa. 222 EIf people who prido thcm selvas _ _ luu very frank a re often cm elly *


N S Ai SATLRDAY, OCTrish to reduce our sti you SWEEPING REI

ces during this sale.

LANGEe T o d a y ! M l J T

Saver ' J ™solid copper a I

ir Jl

$ 1 3 7 . 5 0 ^ ■ o i L S ' jBHOBT BX71

1 $97.50 —-----Three

I, $45.00 I ~ B um or --------

^ W A S H 1No. 8, m etallic bottoi

----------- ^ u lar $2.rS; BpociolNo. 0, m ctaiiic bottc la r »3.00, spocial ~ No. 8, Chompioil, cop regu la r 13.75, special

— ' No. 0, Champion, copregu la r $4,00, special


L a n i e ^ m ' r i . : "

^ = : I 1 $ 1 . 6 9 «

w h i t e e n a m iH a r m C l o c k a i>o f t . b e i

) P e r C e n t O f f H o a o , ap^

s P e r C e n t O f f o n a l l L a w n ________ A e e e a a o r i e a

S p e d a l P r i c e a o n a l l - (Just in time for the htinting i

^0 Oft Mouse Traps, -

KSr OUR^• I T '

V _ y V ^ « ^7-qt- EnCovered^

B e r j i r

^ t o r e ”

PTEMBER 23,1923. • O T JB ■ /

■■ "1 ' ' ,■ .SSSSOHBDUIiB l i lF T E S

O K OOAST sm sv rn Q

I PKAN6‘16oO, Sept. 82 ( /P )-n o und in toreoastal confcrfaeo meet* iro F riday doelared open ra te s oa ' and lum ber. T b is is equivalen t rm lttlng oach o f t h e ‘Bhipowner*I confprcnco to f ix his ovm rntes .'SO produetN.ehango waa m ade, ns regards cop^

0 moot recent reductions IA mil and a s regards lumber, to meot

pated com petition In tram p car*

L. LEHBBAOH, M. P . macologitt and SorgeoB. ractlcs United to Dlaeaaes of oen, defects o f tha ThTrotd id. and Surgezy. ' ZiOcat«d ia Ui'Blco Bnlldlns.

HELLO. B m .1ran t \ box o f 12-gaugo aholls,

0 shftt. How much! $1.15. inks, call again .W EBN EB’S B E F A IB SHOP 22 Secottd a t . n . Pbone 628.

Open Saturday Fvenlngs. -

X E;tober 20stock a t this EDUCTIONS


S T O V E S ,BX7BNBB r r P B

$9.98..... ....„S14.98 : ,______ $17.98

1 B O I L E R S ^

ottom , regu- . ^ * 1

c o p p o O o tto m , g 2

copper bottom ,

AT 19c PER GULIONP i p e F l u s h

s all wasto pipes. Regular

:!'■ .......42c 'fluah shoold b o In evsry

bom s

i e l w a r e----------------------------— 'best Moulded BubBer

..................... $ 6 . 0 0

t e n S p r a y s a n d

U G U l ^ ^Dg seasons

- , - 5 for 10c

S T € ) I ^ .

Enamel -Qamel T | ^ .

r ' .

Page 10: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to


- U— ev«rjr momln* except Monday

■ « > " ■ Bnterert M n w n d ciniui mtill mutt«*r —

April t. 1>I8, nl Iho poiitoffle« *•. Twin fktla. Idaho, under th« ao t of I.

. SUOSCRIPTtON RATSaOn# yeftf .................... ............................t month* .................................................3 .tS■ mnntha ................................................. l-“J1 nionth ........................................................W

MBJmBTl OP ABSOCIATBD n i E 8 H Th« . A«80elnted P r« « I- fTolimlvalV

OthPnrlBo orcOllod In Ihfn pnnor. Bnd aloa thp lo ca l, now# piihllahpn heroin.All rlshtu of • K-pjrtollMmon of Bpeelal fllRPatchcn herein urn n'ni'rvcd.

(/p) meanii A«ooclAt«d PrwB.

Ko renponBlhimy In njummed for tho c«r<» of uncollcltca mftnuocrtpUi, photo. rmphn or othoi/contrlbtited mattor. A r­ticle* mitimlltfd for publlciillon will bo onotl or not nt lh«i ilfncrotlon of th « ^ l> lor. nnd no mnniiiwrlplii will b*« returned inltiMS jvrrnmpnnSfMj l>y ncccwavry poat*

• ________ .BASTnnN nEI-llR.Sn:NTATIVI58

Georffo H. David Co.. In a , ITl Mndtaon •T.... Ni‘W Yf>rk; A. R. Kfifttor. K ll \ Hnrlford Dulldlnff, Chloieo.

Tho N«w« In ft momher of tho AuiJli Oiiri'iiu of Olmnliitlonn. from wliotn full Infiirmntlon un to circulation may ho ob* \ tnlned Jipon npplleatlnii. Detnlled Infor- \ mnlloii niiprll''<l locully upon rcquwit.

A M A D E b SIDEW AI.KS ^ A N<mv York onpiiiocr miikos a sur-

.......^csjjoii cn lriilatiy injpwut ony cum-numify KlniKKl'UR moiJorp EV;trn ffie prohlcm.

}to woiiM mil In tlin HiilownlkR on litininps s tffc ts, nd<lin;;. tho presen t aiiti'Wftlic spaco to flic npnco avaltnhio fo r vcliiplofi. T lm l chnnpe would vtr- tiiiilly ihiiiblc tlio fltrcot width and ro- Jicvt; wlioil trn ffic nRcordinfjly. A t tlic Pniiic time it wniilcT^ijKlttc foot trn f- fhr Kufcr and pIpuNiinlcr.'

Tli<< Kulow.-ilkii, nrrnded lilcn thoflo frfTnlii^ir in It.TlT?hi ritioB,.would nhol* tNr tho pnloslrinn from aun nnd rnln.I f they WITU doiihlo-dl'rki’d, .is tlio e n ­gineer siifJBCstfi, wiHi tho upper level <yjrr'iM nrroiiii a l s tree t IntomecrionB, tlifTO would nev fr bo nny confusion o f foot nml vi'liielo' trn ffic .

Tl would ooflt monoy, tn rrowd tho aidow.ilkff into“TJt_o buildinRO nnil aub- s titu to ntout pillani fo r prcxent walla lo r one or two atoHcs n \ nlonfj Iho Btrcot. n u t t t miRht coBl.Icnn than any other imjirovcniont a u f f i ^ n t to tnVo caro o! tho pnormouii trn ffic 5n- creoac. HuninoM inon m ight ob jcct . ■trongly to Rivlnfj up any of the ir fro n t upTlcp, nufl y e l ovenlunMy Iboy i;vipht find the now nrranRomont t o ih c lr ndvnntnRO. ’’

I t wp«ld ronft>T a favor, on tho wholo counlry If aomo courn;;couA c ity

■would try the plnn.

ATTTOTJN =“ Senson of miata nnd mellow fruit-^ =

fulucss,^ HClose .^osom friend o f tho m atiirinc '5

Bun; =Conspirin({ w ith him how to load and

i>lcsa"With fm it tho vines th n t round tho

thntch-M ve* run-—“ W hero aro tho aonRS o f J p r in g ! Ay,

— whens nio tlioy tT hink not o f thora, thou haat th y

music, to o ."8 0 wrote ono p o u t. San;; nnother: 5 “ The melancholy dnya nro come, tho

Baddent o f tho y o a r ." A th ird , w ith a m atu rity beyond his y'cara, binds tho Bcaaona: “ I f w inter comca, lAiall aprlng bo fnr b e h in d f"

To parents, autum n ia a practical aeason. Vor !y.olhcr thero nro achool Looks to buy, f n i i l to can, chiidron’a clothinf; to bc mado rc^dy for tho lOBf; ' g rind ; fo r F a ther, d igging into bu ri- ncas a f te r tho com parative caso ot aum- tner, seeing to the eoal, taliiDg down Bcroon doors nod looking ' a fte r th e m otal work, preparing tho hi^oso to reaiat w in te r 's stormB. l i t

ChlidfoB, howftYOT, un aVin to poets. “ Oh, Mothor. , I ju s t lovo tho 2*111 D riv ing out in to the country am ellios tiu th e peaehcs aad app le t and taU ea ] leavea, and s ta rtin g to school and play- hsi in g h ide and seek in tho d u sk i” sayB Tw elve GiiL *

" I like fQ)I, too, b a t I Uko summer | b e t te r ," eaya B ight Olrl. “ I like to ^ ii tU tab th e tTcea and h ide w h n lber« uxx Are Icavea on, to p lay in th e w ater and ^ pielT up ^nico JHtIo aholla. Oh, bo^ good St ^eelB^ th e n lco w arm Bunshlae on the b iach , and ^ i n g eam piig and g e ttin g Bcquaintod m th f a r ^ " wh

tay« S ix Boy. “ W hat «te I like ia w in ter. l a n 't thore ever ^ go ing to be any a n o w t"

O a« th o n g h t n m s oadem eath all . (he«e expreasiooa. A utam n U the tim e loc l o r tak in g Btoek. O ther aeuonB one ia k e a « they come. I n A ntam a -one fo m f np, compares, th inka about th e ^ y e a r S a a whole. Int

A ^ .U t o f v lsdom In jec ted Into th e t*c atoek-taking, and tho whole year n ina Mi Bnoether, w ith more margin, o f hap- ^ p l n ^ ■ »

• ^Magnlfylnp OImb wU

The Bible,, snulleft Bible twjkDOWQ. bim N mucDifylog glaaa In tbe wo cover with whlcb to read tba priat* * tBg.

e<0Bi ' TWINF



| - > -vr "y vWVgltAco-C e U lA « W A M e x W P i£

r / . ’ TO A U -l'U T W R S f Y / f ' XAXHOOP- -

M ^ j g g y c : .


' S 5EV EN T TT.T.ftj;> rTrE C A ^H O IB L Z)ABE£


{naT S<>’*IWG X •wbw _ —_


a i i in t t i i i i i i im n im » » m ii i i i i i i i i i i i in u L

Ip ^ j-sBROWN “M OUSE I : ________ _______ i- I " '

' = ch= It.

B y H E R B E R T Q U I C K |

i i f i i i i im i i i i i i in i i i i in in i i i i i i i i im im ii l l sL(0W7TlBMb7ltMB«bb».U«naiCM»«»7) . bc

____ “ hs

(Continued.) 1 \„He reached o re r a n d p o s a e s a ^ 'h lm - r

aelf o f h e r hand. p o lle d i t fro tn ,,l him geatly. b u t be paid n o atteoU on to th a i l t t le m tiaciilar p ro tea t, u d e ir ainlned th a bhnd erltlcaU y. O s th a back o f th e m iddio tm gor polntod ou t a acat^-ft Tery t l o j sca r .

"Do you rem em ber h o w yop g o t “ t h a t r . h e aaked.

Bacaoa* 31m d 'o ag to Qm h a n d . tbel» heada w ero re ry cloM to g e th o r aa ' f •ho jo ined In the .sxam lnatloo. .

-W hy. I don’t beU aro I d o ,- aald Bhe. . JJ

“I do,” ho ropUod. *TVe—y o n a n d I - - and U a ry F oray tha w er* p lay ing „ uxumble-pog. and yon p tit y o o r hand on th a g ra ta jo a t a s I th e knlfo .a —It ctlt yoD, and le f t lh a t aca r." . ,

*7 rem em ber, n o w r ga id abe. •‘How aneh th ing! com e b a ^ o r e r tb e j nemory* And did I t le a re a' acar tm

. wbeo I ptiabed yoo to w ard th * red-bot ■tore' In tb e ichoolbona* o a e hllxaardy day, Uke th la, and yoo peeled tfae akin off y o a r 'w rU t w bere I t a tru ck the • t o r e r _

*Look a t It," aa ld be, b a rin g bla loog^and bony w ria t " B ig h t th e re l"

And th ay w ere off on th e tr«U tb a t leada b ad e to cbUdbood. T b ey had talked long; and In tlm a ttiy . w ben tb e abadowa o f tb* ea rly ev e a in g crept in t* th e coraera e f tb e rooai. Jen n ie teeaUed th e tim e w tten th e terttado narrow ly miased th e acboolbooae. and f H ^ e n e d everybody In achool nea tly to death.

“Brerybody b n t yoo, J im ,” Jenn ie rem em bered. *Too looked o o t o f the wladow a n d told th e te a c h e r tb a t tbe tw ister w aa going no rth o f o s, and wonld klU somebody eUe.”

D i d i r aaked JUa.


I M E o n e e n d o w a H E R O M E D A

(3E p r a v e r y a m o n g S T A T E S N






Copyrlgbl, 102),

t e a S e r aalred us to kneel nuiTthaBK col Ood, yon said. *Why ahootd w e th n o k ' Ood tb a t somebody elBo Is blow ed gh a w a y r Sho wna g rea tly ahbckcd." tic

" I don’t seo to th la day ." JU a aa* Berted. “w hat an sw er th e re w aa to cdi tny qoeatlon.’*. •

In tbo gathering darkoeea J im a g a in Do took Jennie 's band, b u t tWa tlm o ah e thi deprived him of I t

E e w flV C elbW ng Uke n lea f. L e t It be n|laombere&s{n b is fa v o r th a t th la w<a the ooly PIN 's han d b a t e d • v a r bald.

^Ton can 't And any m oro Bcara on It." she Bald soberly.

•'Let w e Bce how much I t b a s changed alnce I a tuck th e k n ife In I t " begged Jim .

Jenn ie beld l l up fo r Inspection.'•It’s longer, and s len d e ren a n d

whiter, and . even a o n boao tlfu l,” j saIdv4ter>“thao tho l i t t l e hand 1 c a t ; but* It w as then th e m ost b e a u tifu l 1 hand B ^ h o world to mo—and atlll la." "1 m nst Ught th e lam ps,” so ld tb e county Bupoflntcndent-elect rn th e r f l u s t e r ^ It m ust be confessed. “idam m a J W horo a re a ll th e m a tc h e a r P*'

U ra. Woodruff ahd M rs. Irw ln com a in. and tb e iam p llgb t rem inded JU a’a m other tho t the, o o w s m atUl to m ilk , {“ and th a t th e chlckeaa m ight need at* ' tention. Tbe .W oodruff alelgb cam e ^ to th e door to carry tb em bom e; b o t J im d ea lred .to b re a s t th e atorm . H e ” , fe ll th a t he needed tho ooniuct. M rs. , Inv tn scolded him fo r b la fooUshne'as, b u t ba strode off Into th e w h irlin g I'" d r i f t throw ing back a good-by fo r general consumption, an d a p a th e tic am lle to Jennie.

••He’s aa odd a s D ick 's h a tb an d ," ®“, said Mrs. Woodruff, ‘'t ra m p in g ' off Ui ' a Btorm like thla.”

■ • nu

A P P ISorted - Graded -

Capacity 3500 b Apples loaded

Bulk or


Warehouse Phone 335



ALTO - w ei

>MEN7 aori

F ------------------------------------------------------ the"■ ^ ' ' ■ • 'I cen

. . **

/ / N J r **

Ll b —

^aon-------f f l Bal\B 1 TH»

' I t t - ■* J* I — ' ten

^ ^ — ------- 1----------- thelL OOUBAOE HV!V»w? TO B A Y S hoo

BOAST_______________________________ 1_______ "nn

IE^ • l= -o il c

_____________________" x , _


t A'N.THvriwotMwjl . lA»rf oov SCOUT

<—rra Iw e y i-o c o A S

^ a T T ? . . ‘ '1:

* J 1.




1, b y tho Now Y o ri T ribune , Inc . 1 ■ 6T.

•TOI yon liDb him up?*' naked^the coi L ionel o f Jennie , . ]

T ho young lndy s ta r te d npd blushed, nai ^ e h ad forgollcD a ll a b o o t th e poll- the ;Ics o f th e situation . o f

" I—r m -afra id I didn’t papa.^' she ronfcased.

^•Tliose brow n -mice o f P rofesaor D arblshlre’e." said th e colonoi, “wor* i ie dovU and n il to controL " £

--------- IbiC H A PTER X ]

— rocFacing T ria l.

A d is tin c t sensa tion r a n th rongh Jie W oodruff school, b u t th e achool* — n a s te r and a group o f flvo boys an d _ Jireo g irts engaged in a very unclass- iko contcrence in tho back of the :« o ^ w cro all unconscloos o f I t T he tM gnipby classes b ad rocltedH and Jio language work w os on. vThoao :oo emoll fo r theso stu d ie s w ero p lay , ng a gamo under th e leadersh ip of Ilnnie Simms, who b ad boen prom ot- :d to th e poaitlon o f w eed-aeed mon­itor.

T h e gnme w as fo rfeits. E ach child lad been encouraged to b r ia g some lo h of weed from th e w in te r fields-* preferably ono th e seed o f w hich s till :lung to th e dried re c e p ta c le « -^ u t m yhow. a weed. I f any pupU brongh t In a specim en tb e n am e o f w hich tae filmself could a o t co rrec tly ^ v e , he ?ald a fo r f e i t I f a apeclm en waa irough t In n o t found la th e sehool a b liie t—w hich w as com ing to coa*:aln a considerable coUectloa—It w as jiaced tbere , and th e ta sk a llo tted to lhe beet penm an in th e school to w rite its p roper label. All th is caused ex* ;ltem en t and n o t a l l ttlo b n z s » b u t It reased w hen tbe.^^county anperin tead- sat en tered th e room.

fo r It w as a f te r tb e flra t o f Janu* iry, aad Je n n ie w as v is iting tho Wood- -uff school.

L E S■ Sized - Packed'b o x e s p e r d a y

d o n c a r s

b o x e d

:a v e r10 . B u r L D m o

H o u s e P h o n e


I h * group In th * back ot t ^ room - A C T I » t on w ith Ita conference. /roUvlous |

th * M tra n c e o f S u p e ^ te n d e n t U n a nn le . T b e lr w o rk w as ra tb e r ab- H a l rblng, be ing n o n o r * no r leas tban to r0 com pilation o f th e figures o f a cow ' nsua o f the. d la tr ic t. '*‘A Jtogetber," sa ld ,.jr jM 7 ...T ilco tt,re bave in (be d is t r ic t one hundred ^ id fifty-three cow s.”" I d o n 't , m ake I t t h a t ” aald Bay- ond Simms. " I don’t g e t b n t a hun- _ ■ e d 'an d -tK rty -e lg h t" 7£>.c^'T h e tro u b le Is,” s a id JJewton Bron- n, ••that M ary’s counU ng. in thp aUey herd o f S b ortbon is .” ' n,i.n ii“Well, they ’re cow s, a in 't t h e y r in* rrogated M nry. ,"N ol fo r th is census,” sa id Hay- ' ond. ■ ‘ W f ‘"W hy n o t r n.Wcd Jln i7 . "T hey 're e p re ttie s t cowa in th e neighbor- Vh • ,0 {j r, • exhibi

“Scotch S hortho rns.’' sa id Newton, md n m w ith th e ir colves.""Leave them ou t." sa id Olm. “and morrow, I w ont each one to te ll In"'10 laaguflgo class, l a th reo hundred ords or less, w h e th e r 'th e re aro louglj cows In th e dj^strlct to ju stify ' ' ‘corl co-operative c rcnm ery . ond g ive tlie o*P«h

inson. y o u ’ll flnil artlcleii / n tho irm i»npcr8 i f you look t h ^ g h the 'nllnic ird imiex. Now, how about tho cen- 19 In thp ntlJolnlnK d is tric ts? ''“There a rc meire th n n tw o hundred Ithln foor.iH llvii o n th e roads tcad*i^^® ^

mill! n hny. „ ciiHter______________:_________________ Unntln

(Cootinuod in N ex t lasuu.) Miorla

L E G A L A D V E R T I S E M E N T S [“ J- V— —--------------------------------

O hnrtof N o. 49. ^ p o o tc .B oport o f tho OondlUon o f tho - iiro n t

BA N K OF KUTBEBLY.A t KiinJforly lu th e R‘nfO o f Idnho, I J , , *

tho closc o f >)usin^KH Sept. l l , )W.1.KESOUnCKS.

. Loans n;id <lIflco'iiitr -..... *.1."(l,(io0.7.‘;■. StockH,-^ bonds nn.l w;ir c a c h ,

Tuuts ........................... 8,SsS,7n. Stock of r o . im i l Re- « -v

serve Unnk ..................... 1,500.00- Biiiikinsr hcm.HP. fiin iitiiro I ,i

n iid flxtvircH .................. 10.17r..00 Odior rea l CHfiito ___ :i,l^l.l)ii o f Ins

- Claims, jiidwiieiitH, ote... 2,.’!M.(in Thr;C ii8h on hand ... ./. ........... • :t,n‘J0,i;7 wore7Tlu(> frrtsn UuuUh ............... iil,s;w.r<7 3 poir'.C h eck s fuid d r a f ts on ll{ wl

other banks ................... 1,231.44. Eipen«-H iu of

caruinRB ........................ l,r>75.r>l------------Jl Por

Totnl ----------- ------ ------------- $ll7,l)a0.4'» proveL i A n r h n r K s . te n t i

. Cnpitnl a tock p a id in 3S.OOO.TJO vnuccSurplus fund ........................ 15,000.00 t_ _ ,-

;. Ind iv idunl doposiU - sub- " " P ?Joct to chcck J T -------ir.a ,310.7;

I. a-ivings doposlt* ............. l^M.HOI. Timo ce rtif ic a te s o f de- result

posit ........ ............ ..........- 02,207.9fl i KnatcC ashier’s chccjts ......... .. 3.C.18..’>3

Total dcpoaitii ................ .......$250,493.00t. Bills paynblo, including i showi

obligntlona represen t- loana,ing monoy borrow ed 10,030.00

I. B ediacounts .....- ................ 91,533.4?, o f m(---------------- bank

Total ------------------------------ $417,060.49 wookfA T E O F ID A H O

ounty o f Tw in F n lla ) P*’®”I, W . IL T um or, C aehior o f tho abovo

nmed bank , do solem nly sw ear tha l ■ 10 abovo a ta to m en t is true to the host psrofl t m y knowlodgo .and belief.

, W . H . TO B X EB . Cashier.■ CORRECT—A tte s t: N I

n . V. LA B SEN , bond) 0 . T . BBOW N,- J J 2

Directors.Subacribod and sw orn to beforo me tJzT

lis 10th day of Sei'tcm bor. 1023.1 cc rtify I am NOT nn o fficer o r di- ThJji

jctor o f th is bank . FourlW . C. DICK EY , JR .,

N o ta ry PubUc. BE

CAROWWe Now Char£

In 8 HiW e bavo in sta lled tho OONSTAN

B A TTEBY O H A BG IK O — tho m ott impo saving dOTolopmont ainco th e beginning endorsed b y tho m akers o f Bxide B atter: ba tto ry m an u fac tu re rs in tho world.

B a tte riea a ro fu lly charged In eight is recognized b y th e load ing engineers a o f recharg ing b a tte r ie s .

B y th a C o n stan t P o ten tia l Method, nally sn d n o i m ix ed Indiserim iaately w it unfailing ly la k e s ex ac tly th e am onnt of moro or no less. The possibility o f 01

■ " b o i l l a g " o r o v erhea ting is P O S n x C ^

T be tim e o t loea l p la te action Is c< maximam to a n elght-hoor maximum,' 1 shedding o f a c tiv e m ateria l from tb e g b a tte ry is fu lly charged tho c u n o n t i t ] prolonga b a tte ry l ife .

Exide Battery



ln a T ona OlsplsTMl i a M tu d a y '*H a lf Boasion; ffng^m^ o a s s c a d Mo­to r U n e s Show OaiBs

T o tal sales 281,SOO shares.T w eaty Industria ls -avetaged,.'88'.53;It gain , .40. B lgh , 1023, 105.38; low,1.02.T w enty ra ilroads averaged 81.3d;- I t gain, .50. H igh, 1023, 00.51; low,».C3* • .

NDW Y OBK, Sopl. 22 (/W—S tock 'icos 'd isp layed a firm, tone In to d a y ’s l ie t ha lf ho liday aoaslon o f tho m ar }t. Subsidence of recen t aelling pres*[fo.brought abpu t ra th e r gonoral ahort tvcring, tho gains in tho active lasuce inf;ing over a wido lis t hi^t tho bcs^ chibitiooB o f g roup 5t r e n ^ h wcro nmdo )T tho sugora, equipments, cana jm d otors.N owt dovclopinout« nppntontly had

ttio e ffec t on sccurltiea values. Cable Ispatehes, p a rticu la rly tlioso dealing ith tlio roparatinns'fiU uation. appeared leorfiil. R eports th o t fall trade wna cpnnding cau tiously tiut stead ily wero m ntoructed b y rumora of fu rth e r cur- lUment in tho steol and motor Indua- •iea.

E a lla MOTO Up.R ails moved up wlMi tho industria ls,

10 b ost in q u iry bolixj no ted fo r tbo iHtern curriers. Rnllimoro nud Ohio ontlnucd i»H stendy ndvnncc o n ’ ro* urla th a t A ugust oaniJnBs will pxcocd 4,.'jq0,000 no^ as compared w ith n Oficit o f nbou t ^O.IO OOO hi tho .alinie lonth la s t year. E arly resum ption o f ividonda on tho .comigon stopk‘ ia ex- ootcd by W'all ntrcot, in lino w ith th e 3 ireo to ra ' nnnouncom ent earlier i n 'th o oar. B altim ore and Ohio touehed I 7-8, b u t BUppv>d bnok In^cr to 51 1-2,•hero i t waa up 1-2 on tho day. Cana- ian I'ac ific i Now Iluven and. R e a d i ^ l ^Bch gained nearly o point. "

' Tobacco Slow. *Tobacco stocks failed to respond to

iie announcem ent Uial c igaro tto pro- iictioa wasl rau u in g jvcr ccHt.wUvii.l f jx 'ur. / JTho only conspiniions weak spo'.n

•ore Goodrich preferred , which broke poin ts nnd Commorcial Solvents A and

I, w hich yielded 2 and 3 3-4 respect- /ely. \

E xchanges Im prove. 'Foroign exchanges continued to im-

rove.- Domand etorUni; advanced ono ' en t to $4.55 1-8, and French fanca ad* auced aligb tly to 0.01 l-2c. M arked mprovemont wnn shonn b y Spanish lesctas, w hich jum ped 31 poiula to 3.85 cents. I lig h o r prices fo r s ilver CBuIted Sn iuiproVomont in tho F u r iaatern ra tes.

O learlngs H eavy. 'T he w eekly clearinR house sta tcm eu t

howc(L Incroaaes o f $12,500,000 In * onna, 'discounts ond iiivvstmentB, nnd ^4,<M5,000 In tlm o deposits. Tho reserve * if m em ber ban k s in tho fedora! reserve lank dropped to $19,247,000 below tho rook before -while net domnnd deposits howcd a sh rlnkago of $13,03G,000. AR- jk fregate roaorvo to tilc d $483,770.QOO eavlng'Ti d e f ic it la reserve o f $0,35-1,- 100, a decrease o f $17,5^,030 aa com* larod w ith a w oek ago.

OOVBBNM ENT BONDS.N BW YORK, Sept. 22 M>)— L iberty

)Oi]ds dosed:I 1-2b --------- ............ ....... :----------- 4 90.2Gfira t 4 1-4b ......................... ............. DS.C ^Jecoad 4 l-4 s ............. .................. 98.4rh lrd 4 1 - 4 8 __________________ 08.2A-rourlh 4 l-4 s ________ _________08.4

B & A D T H E C L A S aiF lB D AI>H

VNeS I .

rge Batteries

HoursrA N T P O T B N T IA L M ETH O D ofim portant tim e; m oney and b a tte ry ling -of the b a tte ry sorvice. I t is itteries.— th e o ldest and. la rg est

e igh t hours b y th is m ethod, whleh irs AS tho O N L T Bclentlfle m ethod

lod, b a tte riea are, eharged Individ- ■ |K w ith o lher b a tte rie s . Each b a tte ry o f cu rren t w h ich i t requires — ao

>f overcharging, excosaive gassing,[ ^ [ ^ Y elim inated.

Is c u t down from a 48 o r 72-honr un,' thua reducing tho am ount of le g rid re ta in in g fram es. W hea a

i t aulom atieally cu t dowo, w hieh

' £ Ignition "

lion ” s r

Page 11: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

■ T W IN lI .---- • ■ ^ fau. FiftefeH Y ears A g o

in T w in Fallsfrom. Tnm* rU te Boptembor 26 ,1 0 0 8 and

• ' -— - ...................................HillB. A . Bftker of IV in FallB, on» o f the

most flxpericocod n ad wpccBaful fnrin- I'®''P or* on th e t ra c t, hM been trav o lln g ia No*

tbo m iddle w est' fo r several wccka In- epe^tlng no ted farm iiig w ctlone, andw rites Tho N owb from CliiraRO th a t ' 0he flnda nothing; to eqiial tho Tw in den F alls t r a c t a s f a r n>i ugrleuU um l ad-vantagca go^ W

■ I ho ITho T hr^e Cre«k stockmen aro buy-

injr hay » an d irrain libcrnlly Jn TwinPa lls nn<l yiclnU y. John MacTlao pur- L

p, chnsed ibOj tons o f liny a t liuh l Insvweek fo r 15 per ton <n tho s tack nnd K>'’'

. has also bought con»Idfrnblc (jrain. An- on I drow Bogerson ancl Juck B rn tten nro intown fo r jrrnin nnd bupptica. ^ng

-------- whiAn e v en t thn t ia being looked for- ccsi

wnrd to w ith -a {(ront dcnl o f in te re stin tho w edding Thumb w hich p

> rill tak o plnco a t th e rink n e x t Tuea- klniday evening . Tho n ltrac tlo a In pro- MlcRented under tho auspices o f tho I n d i e s ' BluAid o f . th o Prcsbytcrlun chureh. mu(

S T C XFOR 30 DAYS■ \^ E are not offe

► time in ordeion every item in c

We are listing

^ A C lean-U p On

Lawn Mowe

16-in., 3-knlfe, regular J0.75, d Bpocial ---------- u:------^

lO-ln., 4-knlfo, regular $17.50, ^ - | S pecial -------------------------------

IG-ia., 5-knifo, regular $20.00, (I»i ^ S p e c ia l____________ __________ w J

Electric Wash:Look a t tfu

• » * tio iu d , copper tub, reg u la r ♦120.0 ^ S p o c ia l ------------------------ ------------ -----

One M laat« , copper tub , reg u lar $1!S pecial ------------------------------------------

O ryit*!, regular p tlce tWSf.OO, Special .... " ' ' —......... — —

hand power,S p e c ia l ---------------------- ----------------------

Soction P onnden ,Spocial --------- ;------ -------------------------

K ' , __ :------ ^ ^ ^ ---25% OFF 0 ^

/Tennis Rackets Per Cent Off

CROQUET SETS’ g4_29W 4^011 P iofesrional, Q Q

reg u la r *8.00, Bpocial

1/3 OH On All 1

S P E C I A ii rDinner Ware in Setf

at Attractive Ptices

B a s e m e n t

r -

r FALLS d a i£ y n e w s , ^fouowi^ig thU drcn tnko lho prindpa^ d ie t part* in th e cast: BriUu. Uynoth Yonng; soon groom, Je ss M cKeo; m aid of honor, le r Polly Thomas; best nmn, Edwarrl Bab­cock; brldesmnlds, Albertino Benoit Oi nnd Ireoo W nrnor; unhers, Predoriek M ur Mill and Robert N ew ton; flower* girls, tUo Irene Costello nnd Grneo H ill; ring jwui benrer, Audrey B nker; m inister, Bnrton Rob Noble; fa th e r o f bride, A lfred BufUng cwt. ton ; m other of bride. M arjorie Bnker. und

tive Ocorgo P. Sprngue r* building a resi­

dence on Shoshono avenne. The plans w e ^ pyepnred by B urton Morse, the Twin Pnlls n rrh itect. T he hnuso will bo lighted, nnd hentcd by ol/>ctricity and cu rren t will be used fo r cooking.

BnnLesUe NVilUnms, Fern nnd Plorcnce plo

Oostcllo nnd Venfn Thomas aro go iag’to gynkIvo a mnsquerndo bnll in K. of l>. hall tion Snturdny evening to which 04 gueats jqqjhave been invited. Tho girta nro mnk- i„p ing elaborate prepnratlons fo r jtho eventwhich prom ises to bo a coasplcuoas tu4- <•ceas. ' ci

— ~r— to IP rn n k E. B entty , the “ jitrawborry Cl

k in g ,” iB*'her.e from Thre6 Rivorc, qom Mieh., looking n fte r hls p lan t f n r i on Bluo L akes avenue. Mr. B ea tty is w y much pleased w-ith the outlook and pn> ean

F O L L O l


fering an alibi of anj er to make room for 1 ! our a few items below

n A ll l y/*e FA M aP o isse ss ln g F e t

ers A Perfect"I Squaro T y p ^ withoiW . regular $121

r Special. .Square Type, with

_$7.00 ■S11.00 Special. .$14.00 1 Only HOW.

hiitl Machineshese pricea

___ $85.00$95.00

_________$100.00 N o

$18.25 ____________ 98c SP

N ALL ALUMIBttseball Goods ' 25 Per Cent Off

BICYCLE TIRESPennsylvanin Vacuum 1 ACup, reg. $3.25, speeial ea.Grny Non-Skid, regu la r (p - l A Q

s y $3.00, speclnl each_._........ ..«D X # H O

[ F ish ing Tackle il

r e d u c e d "

' H S A L L A



TWIN FALLS, IDAH O, ilets th a t tbo Tw in P a l is ' tra c t w ill gT^! >0 Q produeo tbo f ia e t t quality o f win*)r applcfl.

O n Tuesdny, Septem ber 1C, J . Me- T d ^ , lurrny o f T w in I ^ l s county, had on g |] 10 CUieago tca ik c t SSO hend of 71 ound lambs whieh were sold by Chiy. :obinson nnd company for $S.C5 por >i>-t., tho top o f tho und o orf rangura, nd 5 cen ts per cwt. highor than, nu , ivoB mado on th n t dny. ,

-------------------------- Hvai

ROCK CREEK-• --------- AlROCK ORBEK— .Miss A lberta Owen will

rv lB itin g friends here. nndM iss N orn Domrosc cumo home from ^ho

nn Jne ln to , wboro she stnyed a cou- ^nyIo of weeks. Sho lc it fo r UolliBter p^oyunday n igh t. ' way.The cnttlem on around horo aro busy ^pcn

}unding up th e ir cu ttle th a t are rom- prov lg down fm m the .hills.Miss N ellio-A nderaun is now stoying

1 T\vin PnllH. • .Chnrles A b b o tt o f Jnrb jdgo wn» here

J seo h is children WeSuftsday. “ In , Clirifl Pe te rson wn^ trnnsactiug busi-

OM in town T hursday. th e■ ‘ plen

Tho Ncvfs la TOttd h y tho pcrmanein n m ing classos. B]


® D UING THURSDAY, Sly iiatur^^^cept the Fall Merchandise, ar

V to give you some id

)US MONARCHm atu res N ot O b ta in a b le

; Bakero u t w d t c r f r o u t . ( .1 2 0 .0 0 , ■

. $80.00 ' ^ ^ ^t h • w a t e r f r o n t ,L 2 5 .0 0 ,

. $85.00 i p S i^ARD'RANGETe Hol


^ n l

3-qua!^o. 1 - ..................................6 9 c e n t s jroun

^o. 2^..............'......_T9 senfas 'o . 3 ................................. 8 9 c e n ta o-qun:

5 P E G I A T . . ^ I I e a v y 1 2 - q u a r t glqu" g a l v a n i z e d p a i l . . . .3 9 c e n t s Moun


F A R M G14-fL K eystono Tubular, regnf&r $"0.00apecial ............— ........... — —

16-ft. K eystone' Tubular, regular $S2.00 ^ s p e e i a l ------------------------- —-.

2 16-ft. Y ankee, regu la r $12JJ0,J s p o e i a l ------- ----------------------------------,------

'l o c m r t ____ :__ -----------L.7C u c b u150 P U e s -------------------- -— 10c oach I I


5 ) A Y H AT W I N F A ^ L L



N E T S H E A V Y R E T U R N S• ***— rcude

kho Meastcre B «tam a Over 9160,000 dount Unco G o lsc Into E ffo c t L u t A pril; WUl,lmprQ7» Hlgkwaya

. — ^ - . o f th 30IBE, Sepl. 22 C f^ S in c e going Into srhon 'oct lnst April 1, tho atnte gnsolino will I: o f two cents po; pnllon hns netted to ni(I s ta te $1(11,403.02, nccording to Ti. E, R< rfttf, Rtnte nuditoT o f puhUc nc-inta.\11 money received under the • tn r flratII be expontled on rho Improvement l>l» tl'ex ten sio n of th e stn to highwnyh. Knve 0 f ir s t cxpendituro under th is act oty importanco will bo for tho ^m - | }vomcnt o f the nnrth nnd south hVgh- i,,., ,y. Approxlinntely t20,000 wiU ^bo th e J jn t, ne'*ordlng to W. J . lln ll, in lm- ' jv ing the old pnrt o f th ls rond.

— — :------ -— onSun* Moon and E arth. warn

I f the RUn w ere a hollow bnll. a n d (mm 0 enrth nnd monn could bc placad adde

tho ccn te r In their relntlv© poal-- used ma. tho moon could continuo round 0 cnrih Inside lho sun and I c a to en ty of room *o Jipnrc.

E E iD T H E D A ILT HBW a! '


C T IOSEPT. 20; ENDIN! plain fact that w e j nd in this event ofl ei

dea of our Special Pr

MALLEABLE Ie I n A n y O th e r R a n f

^ A Big Fue|jK\ Ke};nlar T.vpo, witl


• Regular Price

ExtraSpecij)le, 16” Oven, Specie

FREEZERSf i n ( f ^ l-q t. Vacuum Pceez*

or, no- c raak , special

^ $3.98 ;ria__ _ $i.oo'__la rt, W hito f f O A Q j n t a l n ______________ A l l

___ J$4.49 —___$4.98

la rt, W hito ' ' f f i j ' O Aa n ta in ___________ O U # ^ i yla r t , ■Wbito f f A Q Q i in ta in ______________ © « 7 # « 7 0 special


iA T E S n°°: . $18.25 1

$18.00 — — -______ $9.25

House Paints, Kalsomine, 1(

r E V E R Y IT]

i R I O W A E. a , I D A H O


1 '

EPTEMBER 23,1923. .t7BBEN3>BB t ro A U T H O B m s a B A T B I

AMBRIDGE, lij'nwi.. Bept. 22 (/P)—A lvn A. Swope, o f Brockton, siir-

lerod Wodneatliiy to tho, M iddlesex SAN ] i ty au tnorltlen to nnswcf to tho In- OMtboui m cnt rc turn i'd b y the grnnd jury lag hort ! charg ing Mm with <h!vvlng been copper i necessory beforo nml n fte r th e fnet * * ho m unler o f M r^ Alice M. Wolf- j f ' ” indorf o f Kast Dridg«rwnter. Hi- “ ‘

bo nrruigncd in tho superior court ®n these iiorrow nftem oon with' Dr. Willinm Tho c lo b b of Boston, whi) wns nrrestcd on por, to inrgo o f i>crforming nn illegal oper- Tates, n n upon Mrs. W olfsHirndorf and „„*i-inn I Wll* Indicted fo r murder In the I . • J* "I degree. ” "*•lirtrin A ttornoy A rtlm r K. Rending ■- c MO intim ntion today na to fu rther v lties o f his offieo in inveffti(;:t- L1 o f tho cirrum stancea surrounding Oya

find ing of portions of Mr*. W olf- P n - (<nilorf’n bmiy in Iwo auit enHCs in VA)ne Merrimiio river n t Tvniiboro. Stand,

-------------------1------ Smith. For th e Oilcloth. * ■

illclAth Rhimlii be wnshcd with •m w nler. to whleli n Uttlo Htnrch tdo w ilh hnlllnK wnter) hns been . led. Sonp slioulil on no occciunt bc jg o ^ l *’• . Thnnl

W^rankness W ithout JudldouantM . 222ioint* people who pride themselTM bcl«iK vofy frank arc often cm elly•skj_______ _______________________ '■! !■■■

> O U R

iN : S A

iG SATURDAY, OCwish to reduce our r you SWEEPING HI

fices during this sale.

r a n g e ]g e T o d a y ! M J

j1 Saver JfM;h s o l i d c o p p e r w l

v o i r J2

e $137.50 OIL i8H O B T I

al $97.50 “ ----ThreoBurner ___________

al, $45.00’ Burnor

^ WASHNo. 8, m otailio bo

' ular $2.75, spociaL........................— No. 0, m otalli<fiK

lar $3.00, Bpocial • No. 8, Champion, «

Tcgular $3.75, spcc' — ' No. 0, Champion, '<

regular $100, spe<


Cold BlastLanterns S '” ;;,

.L WHITE ENAMAlarm Clocks so ft. i

20 Per Cent Off Hoae, .

?0 Per Cent Off on all Lau _________ Aeeeaaoriea

Special Prices on allJ a s t i n t i m e f o r t h e h n n t l n

0% Oft Mouse Traps,


I E C O . i sC o v e t e t

B e r l i j

j: ^ T O R E ”

nms '

r a SO H BD TT^- U i r i ’BD ’ 'ON OOA8T BUIPPLNO’

AN FRANCIS{X), Sept. 22 Tho Ibound intercoaatal eonfereneo meot- horo P rid n y declared open rntos o a

per nnd lumber. This Is equWalonfe pe rm itting ench of tho shipow ners tho confpreaoo to fix hts own ra te s . tbeso products.'ho ehango was made, as regards cop*, to m oot roeent rndnctiona in m il QB, a n d aa regards Ktmbor, to m eet iqipntcd eompotltion lu trump cnr-


ayaecologlat and Sttrgaon.P ra c tic a lim ited to Dtseasas e f

^ n o a .- '-d a fe c ts o f tb a Thyroid ta n ^ a n d Suzgeiy. Locat«d ia mith-R lc« Bnilding. ' >

' ■ ' -------- \

H SIX O , BILLI w an t 1 box of 12-gaugo ohells,

To. 0 shot. How muehf $1.16. rhnnks, c n ^ a g a lp .^

W S B N W S ^ I P A I B SHOP 222 Socond S t. B. Phono 028.

O pen SattirdAy' PT m lngs.„ V ...... —

L L ECTOBER 20■ fetock at this REDUCTIONS ,



____ _:... . $9.98

________ .$14.98 •


Stf BOILEJ^Si bottom , regu- f f l Q Ac i4 ^ ______________ tDl.oaiT '^o ttom , regu-

DO, coppor bottom, (g Q A Qs p c c in l__ _________on, copper bottom, f f O ^ A speeial __________


Pipe FlushranB all wasto pipes. Regular cents, special, 4 2 C

Ipe flnBh ahonld bo in avery homa

MELWARE't. best Moulded Bobber ), ap ec ia l........... $0,OQ

■awn Sprays ande s __________________________

all GUNSIting seasons

- - - 5 for 10c

J S T O R EIt. Enamor P a il. . . . 59c Enamel Tea Kettle. .79c [t. Enamel Diah fa n . 59cBXed AlnnniTmwisrlln K e t t l e ..............89o^ .-oce SauM 'in Set . . . . . . . . . . . 89c

Page 12: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

■ *bk . TWIN


Five Members of Idaho Branch, American. Leflion, Appointed to Assist in Planning ar- mory-Gym. at Moscow.

U N IV K R9ITY o r IDAHO, Mobcow, Sept. 22 .—Olio of tUo tim l to ­w nnl tlio croi-lioM of n nii>morinl nrm ory gyrtmiiBiiim nn tlic TIiiivrrHity of Idrilm cniiipii-* 'Van fiiUcti iit Hoiko roccntly w itti tlin ut>pt)infiMotit o f fivp nicinliors o f fill- 7<ln1io brnm ii «iD tlin Aniorirnn Lrpioti liy F'nnl HaviK. ctnto conimtuulrr. TUo commUtpc consists o f O. W. W ortli- wine, rliiiirmiiii: .f. U’linl A m cy of

.Cocnr c l^Ic iio ;. Ia V. I’a tc li o f PnV' ctfo : K. W Swpcloy i*f T«vin PnlU, nn-l

I John M onm o f Pocntello. TIiIh commit \^ tc « w ill wnrk wHb n connnUlco up

pointpi! Itv W. n . K,jf>!«iicK«, president o f till* T’iilv<-r-iltv A.Iiinit'ii ns.tnpiution, whicli is cnnnmfi'cl o f itoln 'rt D. Lci'per'' o f r><-winfqii, cliiiirninii, Cicori;o Ilnrtoii nn<) Pnnl PelcrHcn I'f Itliiim PjiUb; llo n ip r P iiv l.l, n . P , Alix and Dr. J . II. EittUoHHO <vf MO»<’OW.

A rnHoliitioii ('iidiirnlng tlio p ro jcct to cri'ct II liiiildinir To comnii’niornti' tlip iipfivitioH o f Idnlio ritlroiiH in fli>? world w nr wns iiii-'UiiiiioliHly (iiIoj>tcd by IliP AinorSciin l^cifti.n eonvontion of j Coonr d ’Alono Mio fir»t jmrt. o f Aapiint u Comploto I'uildiiiff linvo Inot I'opti workod oiiti hnt will lio do- g cidcil iipOTf jit ll nicoliiiff o f botll com- . miltooH tn Ijo hold in Oio nonr fu ture. I


AJflKojna SffnntOr CltM Bocont TnJIurP' of InWrajitional 'Errtjr to Function Proporly in Oroco-Itnlian Coao, ^

CIIICAfiO, Sopt. 22 Roniitor 0«- cnr lliidcnvood, AliilKtniu'n cnnAi- da li ' fo r tlip (loinopriitle profildcntial nom lnntion, in no lon«or n ulronjt _n<l-

, vocnto o f Hip Itfagiip of nationn, he is crcditod by tho Cli!o,i(;o Tribimo n» eayinff in nn Intcrvlow. ■ S

To tlio sonntor, onco nn oloqni'nt nd- t TOento o f fho lonffnc, who wns in Clii- o cnnR on hin way to NVnshinjrlon fro r i n

• a fisliinc v.ic.Tlion n t Kiiglo rivor, W is., C WAS n ttrib iitcd tho followini; stAto- t Incnt: ' t

• “ T nm no longer a p tronc n«\vomto t o f tho ]pii[^io of nutions. M y o rli'inn l f viowB nro woU known. Ilo w o ^ r , on niy t t r ip nlirond I th'^-tojiRHc* n t w ork. < Dovolopnionts thon nml suhsoqnoutly t hnvp clinnt^oil my nttitnilo. Tho fnil- c u rc o f tlip lenRiio to function in tho ( dispute ,bctwpcn I ta ly nnd Orccco lind «

. mVfr i to do w ith tho olinnffps,” iTho sonntor nlso Miiil ho did n o t

th in k fho longuo wouM bo a n Immo lu i tbo nppronchins prpsidontial campnifm <

“ Tho p resen t ndm inistrn tlon 's Inck j o f n dofin ito foreign policy nnd ita : fn ilu ro to noJiicvo nny notnblo nccom- , ^lishm cntB n t homo will iMmlsh tlio t e s t dem ocratic cnmpai(jn m ntprin l.” ttio scnntor wnn quoted on the cninpniRn i iu u c . '


Btat« Ouna W«rd«n B«port« Bimtiiiff a a d rtiOiing Farorabla In Sooth* I em Pnrt—Deer Se«n Ifear SootkU .

6PO K A X K , Sopt. '22 (>P)—Fish nnd gnmo nro on the inrronjio fii ntl ‘purtu o f Idn-i.) w ith tin- f-icontioii o f birds in tho northern pnrt o f tho stnto whicli Buffered tbroweh n vrot »pTinjiy. nc- cordin/r to R. K. Thomns, Tdnho stn to gnmo w nrden. who stonppd in flpoVnne o n hia wnv to tho wvstorn fish nn«I gnmo com m issioncm ’ ^ invention n t M is-

■—'■ouin, M ont., lnst wcok.Doer, o’k and mooso nro plentiful In

th e noiRhborhood o f Kooskltx, ho r e ­ported. C onditions .■’mong these b ig gnmo nnlmnlfl Imvo boon improved b y tho cstnblishm cnt o f n rtific in l lu It licka in th e sections nonr tho ir ch ief feeding (tTounds. A sho rt tiino njjo n com plainl th n t n.itctoj-os w « -• -icnniinp pcits in tho coun try nronnd Challnis waa report- td 'b y tho gnmo w arden ' b officc.

Produce Growers Adapt Novel Meam

For Saving CropsEU G E N E , Ore., f io p t 22

IV eed w ith tho prospoct o f hnv* in g huttdreda o f tonn o f tomato'oa, w ntenae lons, cant.ilonpes. pear* and pranoB to ro t on tbo vinea and tre««, th o smnll frn1l nnd t r u r t fanneT* o f D iU atd, DouRlas county, Oregon, ac ted prom ptly thla acnaoa a n d b n llt a amnll c ity f lank ing tho Pae ifio h ighw ay ton milea soath . ' •of B oaeburg which proved the ir •alva tlon .

A bou t SO b ig f n l t nnd vegetable tta a d a . w er« buU t and th e fnrrneTs

' p rtfdne tt, in a tead n f ro ttin g woro_ .aold a t ' a good p ro f it to th« h un-' d n d * o f - to o r lf ta wbo pasa n p nnd dow n th a paved . l i l ^ w a y a t th a t _

e re r jr .d ay . ^

nS*p£!S!e tonsil n tK O« 1 ^ K m e m e n b«vB • l u r f J * to bnt­t e r B e l r b re e d to b ecen fe t l e r t f a too mieh loaf.


Syrian Girl Wfts Si

' f l I R p^ <’| p


■ ■ . B a ; ? p e i n . e . i £ . i ^

1 Barpenck Knrivniij, n H-ycnr-o!d Syr and brought to Amcricn, wnn aoid into aln aunt, M rs. Oaonah Bodrosoln, i t was db brought ia Chicago by hor unclc, vsiio «o

STODENIfflOPS::1 H ■PEIIII,.’ --------- tl

Various Sororities at State Uni- verslty to Compete for High- ^

I er Records. Ii, ______ tl> U NIVERSITY OP IDAHO, Moscow. ”

Sept. 2 -.—Scholftstic compotitiuti jimoni’ '* . tlio w om en’s RTOujw ou tli« \fulvctsUy - o f Idnho cnmpus promises tn bo nnmii :i n lly a trong during tho coming ycnr, witll ,, Omcgn Phi Alphn lo ro rity , winner of ° I- tho ElisabetU KiiMc.r L inillcy cup for ®

two sucrossivo yonri. e triv iug to mnin- 0 tn ln tlici iilRiiost nv irnuo fo r tiu ' th ijd * tl Kiipcossivo ycnr, wliich w ill give It p er- ' y mnnont iwsscssion of th e trophy, I’hi '' t. OnnMnn T>oltn frn to rn ljj^ lu iv ln g won y tho Burton It. F rcnc 'tlcup fo r three sue- ” 1- oonsivc yonrs, bi*comcs owner o f it. Gou- * lO gTOMmnn P rench .nnnnuncps tb n t lie will ‘ d o ffe r nnotlior cup fo l>c nwnrded on siin- "

iln r competition.•t Knppii. A lpha Thctn hold tho Elisnlioth j u K idiler L indloy cup fo r two sncri'sslve n yonrs beforo Oniogn Plii Alphn stopped i 'f fo 'th e -lend. Omega f b l Alphn v.iU

soon be insfnlicd .is th e TTniversity '’• o f Idnho chnptcr o f Pl Detn Phi. i>c Avorftgos fo r the w om en's group^for *’ tho second sem ester o f lnst ycnr n rc .' :« Omogtt Ph i Alphn, f>.173; Knppn Alphn *

Thetn. r,.on7- a n m m n -m -p o tn . 4 .00S: ' K nppa Knppft OniDnin 4,Sfi3; Chi Bcln ‘ Epallon (no t eligiMe fo r competition on J

p nccount o f recent orgnnirjition) 4.8-IS: • ^ ll> e U a Onmmn, 4.R24j Aiphn Delta (not i

{oligiblo for competition on account of V Inaufficlont tiumbcc«i 4.0^1.“ *[ A verages fo r m en’" groups nro Knppn

D oltn (n o t eligible for competition on'. nccount o f reccnt or,:nnlzation) 4.0CD;

P h i Onmmn Doltn. 4.02J); Sigiiin Alphn Epulion, 4.3R4; P h i \ lp h n P s i. 4.3^2;

,, Pfll D elta Thctn, 4.:;12; Sigmn Xii, 4.204; K nppa Sigma, 4.281; Elwctas, 4.242; B e ta Thetn P i, 4.220.

Computation is bnavil 'on n possible ' J averngo ofHl.OOO, Ihe avorngo for fhe

en tire un iversity w na+.374.

„ • O rigin «f Creata.0. Tho C arlana orfi cred ited a s being lg th o orig inators of c rests. lilchard I,y Of England woro a crest on b is helmett , l ik e a plum tj o f fcatliers. In th e Fit- ijT teen th ct*ntury the c rest was described

Aa a &eure on a rnronct.

UnbaHrable.Don't t ry to fool th e w o rld ; It has

h a d a g re a t deal m ore experience tbati you'^ie had .—B *atoa B vcalhg Tran* ic rlp t.

W hat is useless to yoo m ay bo valu- >8 ab le to others—ndvcrtlae i t in the

elasalO ed M lamn»._ |


Zf yon wast a home, ahadj shrabliery, with good gaxd

. /om itnre-^thla Ib\FOUR ROOMS—MODI

$ljSOO takes it—few i" If iBterosted address W.0


Sold M o Slavery


% > | H

r J I

"• ■' ■ ■ ■ - ' •

- iJyrlan giri, o rphaned b y tJio I^'orld W arslavery to ono mnn a f to r ano th e r by her «<dlscloaod in habcns corpus proceedings „sought to rcflcuo h e r . • tl

— — -------------- — - tl

T O M B S T O N E S F O R C A N IN E S "

Spolcftno B o asts Of B o s tla g p lacaW lia re ' O nly 'D ogs Are B urled—Ono o f Two l a the T T n it^ S ta te s .

S I’OJCAXK, Sojtf. 2l' OP)— Dog ccmo- to ry of Spokano, nnid to b e ono nf the Iwo ill tho t 'n itc d B tutes, lins Ijoen liV existeiico fo r a yonr, a n d Is growing. Till' tonth o f “ in a n 'i most fn ith fu l fricitilit" hnH heen f«fd n t re s t there w ith n l i t t le white toiubstono to mnrk tho grnvo nnd to express in a mcosure tho g ra tltud« of nffcctlontvto owntra wlio niwnya hud mndo know n th o ir truat in deeds, undon lood iiHke by a li'cron- tu res, instond 6f hum nn words.

Tho uiinsuni ccmotor;’ lien n short d is­tan ce north o f tho rU y ou nn n<*re )aM out and cleared by M rs. C hris S tcltz. ow ner of nenrby kenne ls. Tho nctc U clonr of trpe«, nnd w liito stones mark tho enlrnuco wny nnd fho boundaries.

I “ Homo B u ie ," p riro w inning A ire­dale o f .dog shows from San Frnneisco fo Seattle, nnd prld« of b is ow ner. Nor- mnn McConnoll, is t lio .In tc s t to cinim fho cem etery nn his liiin l re s tin g pluco. “ Homo R u le r” wns to hnvo bocn ahown n t tho Spoknno Infor;»t;ifo fa ir roccntly b u t on nccounl of In ju ry to hla eiir ho wns loft nil alone n t tho S te ltz homo. F ire ycstroycd lUo Houio Mliilo tho

’ peoplo wero nway an d “ H omo, R u ler” d id n ’t hnvo n Rhost o f a ahow. IT# buriied to dCntli in hi-j crnfe.

C om panionship., Oh. It Is plensnnt. nti It In m re . to

[ find tUc sam e nrm lin k ed In yours a t . fb rty which n t thirteen helped I t tu rn . ov e r Iho O lccro dn Am lcltln . o r some

I ta le of a n tiq u e friendship , w hich tho young h eart even th en w aa 'b u m ln g to

j M tlc lpa te .—ChftTie* l-flmb.

f ’ = ' ' ~ ~ ----------

, R A IL R O A D T I M E T A B L E

B istb o u sd‘ No. M 6 ---------------- D epart 7iS<l a . m.' No. 84 ___________D e p a rtS :iO p .m .

b a s tb o n n dNo. 8 3 ___________ D ep a rt 1 :00 p. OL

} N o .1 1 5 - '.....................P o p a r t4 :2 0 p .m . ,


N0.S39 ___________ D o p a r tl :1 0 p .m .N orthboond

N o . 3 4 0 ___________A rriv e 4 :a 5 p .m .

U A H i M A K E-U FNo. 150 a t 7 s. m.

' No. 83 a t 12 m.No. 163 a t 4 p. m.No. 84 a t fi p. m.B ogenon braoeh a t IS m.

T he forogolsg m ail n a k e -n p is opetalW e a a d e ffec tiv o n a d e r or* d inary conditionB; i f a g rea t am ount o f m ail should be dropped a t about th o regular elosiag tim e It

'* would be im pou lb le to d i s ^ t e b the ' m all on th e preeise honr.

;AL BARGAIN! IF DESIREDd j lawn, frait trees, berries, xden is, and |4 0 0 worth of (b j o q t opportonlty.


? hundred will handle1. H. B., oare Nowa office.


MacKNIGHT pH y p n o t i s t „

At the IDAHOT hero at© very fow men on lou r in

vaudovillo who, can fiirnlsh an evening ’a .e a tc rto jn m o n t . b y th'jinsch’W t M ac- ■K n ig h t la ono o f them. He is n hypno- ^ t ls t o f unusual ab ility , ho perfonnaquickly nnd domonstraiea concIiMivcly whis w eird powor. H is work ^ dcn n an I TVtho k ind th a t w ill en terta in and myat- eoIfy any nudlcnco. ' ' ai

. m

' I

T he ev en in g 's {icoij^iiit ^Pon w ith ff pic.turoH. M ay McAvoy wll! bfl ^ o n in f nn fldaptution o f tho i.ovcl, “ T h 'i lit*."- E n is o f M urcus O rdcyne,” w rUlctl Viy IP Willinm J . Ix>ck<>. A Mermnid comedy K nnd tho PiUho Nows fo which hna bcon S nddoil n short reoi, “ Tokio, tho Mng* g n if i ro n t ,” which will givo sconon uround Toklo beforo tno rcccnt dlsniitcr. T his progrnm w ill bo u i tho Idaho Mon. d/i,v Hi»d Tuead/iy.

Balloons.T h e little w h lstl\p s balloons being

aolll on tho s tre e ts o r given nw ay with pu rch n sia o f cnndy give two grent tb r ll ls to tho £OUng folks—once when th ey expand grandly ond onco when th ey burst.




You’ll' . f l

ar p H E R E ’S

so much Fine qualii you longer makes friei


IF IT i&

I d a h o H e■ U r .T O ip A T B




*------ ' ' PnrtlH oua* T ake ■

L ib e rty o f s ta t in g oooU dgc's P oU cr I t w on V ita l r s B a e T ^ , ^ ^ no t

' ■ ' ■ , ^abiiW A Sm N G T O N .'Sept. 2 2 OPi—Preth form

lo n t Coolidgo cnnnot bo reaponslble fo r doaii rspiewion* o f hi* eupiwaed view * whieb min* nny bo g iven public ity b y b i* eallcrs, I t coroi

s ta ted officially todny a t tho tram rtliito House. Nor c m I io u n d e rtak e to a tatt :orroct o r enlarge on them f o r i f he Jid ho probably could f ind tlm o fo r R] i t t l e olao. ‘

I t Vrus ozplnlnod th n t v is ito rs ca ll to a y boforo tho , oxecuiivo th c lr view?)n anbjecta in which they nro Intoreat- DL 3d and th a f n a tu ra lly fho p rosidon t de . B I liros to ob tain a il tho In fonna tion th a t wl u n y bo hejpful.

fioojo caHont a t th e executivo officca imvo undcrl&kcn to sta to tho po'sltlon of tho preaidont on such fiiioations ns fho


^ I t Bound)g Everythli

K JJghtfttfdg ‘ so dino n

B ' D ih iie s flfifV ed» Price per < V.<

I TBE PERRL1 IS “THE BETTER PId< ssg s3 sssese^^

V -

IllffllKtlil \ \ ^

sh i 193J H « t S c h i f f a ^ M u i

hear a lo t i ine woolens md tailoringS'a good reason for u 1 about fine quality ii ity saves your mont r wear and better \ jnds for us when we f

iH Schttffner & Mai Jlothes have nothing

but quality





tranaportatioa problem ,. A m erican par- ficlpatlon in a world eotirt, nn ex tra Mssioa of . congress and tb e LABkor*Pnrt®:^ Biflpplag plan.. W lrlfTM pcrt-to ra ilroad conBolldatlon i t was sta ted th a t tho p residen t had not eonsidorod th e particu la rs o f th a t ^abject. I t w as added th a t beforo form lag any matuito' opinion ho would , doairo to eonauU VUh C hairm an Cum- m las o f th e senato In to rtta to commcrce committee, ono o f tho au thors o f the tranaporlatjon a c t and w ith th e inter* sta ti^^ram orco commiFsloa. '


.OIBL8 A2n> BOTBDid Daddy g o t you tb a t COLUU- BIA BIOYCLBT Tho finost-grado ' whcol la tbe m arket.

WEBMBB’S BBPAIB BHOP ■222 BeconO, B t XL Phon« 628.

opea Batnrday Evezdngs.


lunda good, nnd i t w ill bo good. •8 -'^ • 'thh jg tha t gooj to round o u t a de- g

fo l d lanor will 1)0 served to n ig h t~ g

om 6 to 8 P. M. Ifl.O O 1 ^




about *.s . g

us tallting ^in clothes. tney; gives• style. I t e sell it

a r r »tg


{TORE, Ltd. •FAooREaeive '


F c l o t h e s '• — ------------------------— — l . y

Page 13: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to

* . TWIN

t h e M A B K E T S• _ • ’ ------- i

apparent scarcity is c- cause o f price raise i^ -------- ----------------------------A

B ip o rta o f Shor|«n»d Oom ProdocU on t’ Boost Pricea nad W hnt Follow* Sw im M gU t AOnace R

(nirCAOO, Sept. 22 M>)— BomcUibK ® of n crop icarcH y which dovdopca in tho corn, m arket today hoisted Soptom- C

ber a n d Jfo y §rccord fo r tho soasou nnd brouRht about

^ on up tu rn in tho whont m arket. W lieat H closed firm n t^ - 4 to ^-4c not navnifcij. with Dceombor $1.03 to 1.03 1-8, and n M/,y #3.09 6 -8 . Com finished 1 .1-8 'to 2 fi up, oftts a t 8-8 to M e g ain , and \\xo. viBlons unchnnged to fjve cents lowcrT

Although ftt f ir s t tlio w heat m nrket o showed n downward tendency w ith in- cm..e<l « tl» n s on tlif pnrt o( ,o ,„ . „ miaslon houses, corn wna actively Indemnnd from th e beginninK nml soot)Unined su ffic ien t roou)entnm to turn

* ' whent price* up fp-ndo. Beforo tho daywa« h n lf over a gonrrnl rush to buy

k com wn» in p rogrJsi nnd reports iit , hand indicnted th n t roccnt frost nnd tho exccsslve rain# o f into hnd dono ] much moro serious daninRO to eorn than j hiid been horotoforo Rcnomliy Relieved.Corn producing rofiions in Ohio, In- dinnn, Illinois and Iowa na well fts por- Unn« o f M innesotn nnd Wisconsin were . snid fo hnvo been Jnlured lo au extent * fu r beyond w hat wi's supR0?.ed.

Wfird o f 'co rn moulding in tho fiolda, g ■ tiolnbly n t tho vnrloue Ulinoia iwinW, ‘

added to bulUah sentim ent regarding j ' ! both corn nnd whont and dosing prices •. for ench eercnl were a t v irtually the

* dny 's to p level. In th e flu rry nbout corn dnmago, tho fac t was nlmost ig- .

, nored th ftt betw een four nnd fivo mil- J lion bushesl o f nil grnin were exppctod "

* nt W innipeg fo r Mofldnv’s m arket.Advnoee in th e prlc« of corn was on

December, a now crop dd lv ery . nnxlety, ® ^- however, abou t acarcity of im mediate

supplies wnfl'evidoaccd by tho action of- ^. Septem ber. Oata wcro dull but sympa-

thi*ed w ith eom and whont. .Steadinesa o f hog values kep t pro­

visions freo from any dccided change.— ‘ Pl

TWIN FAUS MARKETS------------- -------------------------------------------- -- In ll c

TheM prieea are obtained daUy ! witliR a t 4 o ’elodc Jo th e afteraoon a sd ings

are in tended to cover only tbe at* nonecrogo o f price*. Wliero certa in o f gdealers fo r abort periods o ffer m ore held than th e o n e ted 'p r ico no e ffo r t la made to inclode aneh quotntiona.Quotationa a re offered merely aa a , *guide to p ro d s e m and (hoold a o t ^ bo aecopted aa reflecting o z treu esof e ith e r h igh o r low prices. o f d

- -SOiSC_____ iu tl

W itlXL M ARKETS. k*"'!'P a id to Producers. oh

‘ Tbe T w ia Palla m arkets ycstorday ’.»ero a s followa: ' J'roiii

I LlTAStOCK. lO.SOrieaVy h o g s --------------------------- 5c to Oj Ingamedinm hogs ................................... — OHe 4 50Light, 175 to 2S5 p o u u d s_______tS.25J o w s ______________ __ 13.50 to 4.00■•teora__________________14.00 to *5.00Veal o a lv e s .........................*5.00 to *7.00 OWM n tte n ____________ ____*0.00 to *7.00 celpOL a m b * ............ ------------------- *3.00 to 9.00 .fu lly

Foirls. bu lkPry* ---------------------------------- -------14c to 8.

Ji; iir,'V oons a n c k . ---------- --------------------08= " • J . *

B u tte rfa t, c re a m a ry ..... .......................47cSw eet cream ,' s t a t io n ____________ 486B u tte r fn t /s ta t io n ................ .............. 44cCountry b u t te r ----------------- -------- 40eE ggs (sh ippers) / . ------------------------ 22e <Eggs, local sto tcs ---------------------- 25e highei

W heat and H ay . yen rliW h e a t --------------------------------------- *1.30 ateors.U falfa, f i r s t cu ttin g in s ta c k ------*8.00 »on f

B ran , t o o ----------------------------------*23.00 “ " 7Btock food, c w t . ------------------------- *1.35 "Stock food, t o n ------ ----------------- *20.0Q " o-

Sngar. W holesale.Cnno ............................................... ... *10.89B o o t ____________ :--------------------- *10.78

Bsans.M ontana w h ites ...------------*5.00 to *5.10

Potatoes. ^P o ta toes .— /t . - . - . . . . S5c to OOj w e e k ’s

BB T A IL Z ^ lO S a to 12.8V egrtaalaa, *.-;.50

Potatoea, 12 ponnda f o r --------------2C-e 13.2 3 .W aterm elon ................... ............ 1 l-2oOanfftloupoa .... lOc to 15oSummer squash lOe to ISe ‘Com, d o u n .............. ........16e S T . JBeets, bunch ___________________ — 05e —RccoiHead le ttu ce , Im p. ---------------------l3 c top *8.iJroon poppera, p o n n d -------------------l.'IcromaCoes, lb. 2cj b u sh e l________tl.OOrum ipa, b u n c h _____---------------------- 05c J® ^Egg p lan t, eaeh __________________ lOo 10-25; <Wew cabbage,, pound ... ............. 05o feeders


C H IE F OF THE R R E < = ^ ) ' d e p a r t m e n t 15 & 0 J N C r T 0 \ S TAKE U S T O d i n e )


< ‘'-aoUIlowcr, m n n d ____ ... ___ 15cI ^nuanh, p o u n d ---------------------- ------- - 0 3 ? \* Mutvk nu 'lons .................. 5c un il 10c .3 Celery, b u n c h -------------------------------40c

r n u t .Ornpes, pound ................................... Ol!e

; Crnbnpplea, pound .... ....................... .. oic• I ’cnchcB, pound ....................... ............. c

.Spplcs, jionnd .................. .............. .1 0 2 ? „X Plums, pound - ........................................ O.*;?

S traw berries, 2 for _________________ sHc ,Rod rospherrloa l!jc, 2 f o r ...................2rt.\Lemons, d o r c n ......................... 50c to .COc

. Oranges, dozen ................. .. 40c to GO-Qananns, pouud ............ ............. .......... iSc hi

' D alr?. •>“Creamcrj* b u lto r .................................. riry. -■Bnhl.rhri'flo ........................................... "iOc \\iWiscoiiHln ch rcao ........

M oat and r isU . „„Hams ---------------------------------------20c n,Bacon .......... ............... ............... 2 6 t tn 30c , ^

■Snlmon ____ ____________ ___ ___ 3 iicH alibut ............................ ............. .......... 30 ,

OABH QUOTa TIOHS. ^CHICAGO, Sept. 0P>—W hcut— No.

2 h/ird «1.0.'5.Corn—No. 2 mixed to'H S l-2 c ; No.

2 yd low »8 3-4 lo SUc.OiitH—N'o, 2 w hite to 4-lr; Xo. 3

whito 30 1-2 to 41 1 Itye—No. 2 , 00 l-2r,Barley—.Ifl fo iJir. J '"T iniothy Need—O./jO to 8.Clover HCoil—^Jfl to :;i.Pork—Nniiitniil. ,UiTd—RH.h—.*8.75 to 10.

POTATOES AKD PEODUOE.ClIIOAGO, Sept. 22 (/P)—Potiitoes— £

W ciik ; reui'ip ta 134 cu rs; to ta l 15. 8, (jr, shipm ents lOrj.'j; Wisconnln and M iano- p;,,- Holn Hn<-lc(.d nnd bulk round- w hites U. sop 8. No. 1 v»<l pnrtly grndeil *1.2.') to l..'5.'> cw t;. poorly graded and im m uturo do, *1.10 to 1.20 cw t.; MiuticsQtiv u nd N orth ijyi Dnkotn Harked nnd bnlk su>)d tund und I4od R iver Ohio» pnrtly. g rnded ♦ , to 1.2.') cw t.j poorly graded fioM front- yen cd *1 to 1.10 cw t.; t.]aho sucked Hur- ' ula U. S. No. 1 2.05 cwt. ’ fee,

B u tte r—Lowor; rn*nmery e ttrn n i-pg, 45 l-Sc; stnndards 4o''.; e x tra (irstH- 44 ticu fo 4.Tc; f irs ts 41 i-2 :o 42 l-2cj seconds VO lt> 40 1.2c.

Eggs — Unehnngod, receip ts 12,39 ' j.' inses.

Pou ltry—Alive, unchanged.

huslPO ETLA N D U V ESTO O K v - eitnt

PORTLAND, Ore., bept. 22 (/P)—C at- frel; !(?—No receip ts nnd no snles; nil ugal InsBcs Qominnlly stendv; fo r tho w eek 'Tl ill elassen o f cnttle cloicd nhout stendy suga f l t l i prev ious week. CjunUty wf o ffe r- irrcf ngs niOfltJy roronioa tu medidcrt w^fh -cove lono g rnd ing nbove gnod; a few load*- gp^jt f good 1000 to 1250 pound grass s te e rs OQgii eb i *7 to 7.7.'*; bulk of o th e r dcHlritblo Wall inds IS.50 to 6.75; best lig h t w eight tobc en i calvcs renched *10,50; others m ost- },jg|| ^ M to a . M fiHogs—F o r »«sek 25 to 00c lower; bulk

f desirable r to ^ lo I'JO pound nvoragt*D;50 -to 10; a fow choico lot* eArly i tho WDck *J0.35 to 10.50; w eigh tie r n„,i IndH #8.50 to 0. BtilcsSheep—nil classes held nbout s te n d y Jatp,]

i r tho w eek; b est viiUcy Ininhiv hc to •ought *10.75; others m ostly ?10 | to ( ).50; culls >7 to ft.Su; bu lk of o ffe r- ga common to mcdlinii selling *3.50 toso. 1 5

______ o f FOMAHA U ra S T O O K . /'«"<

OM AUA, 8oi>t. 22 (fl>)-Il0R» — Ro.Ip ts 4000; actlvo; m nrkct nvernged liy stendy ; lig h t bu tcbors senrco; ilk 200 to 300 pound butchcrs *8.10

8.40; to p *8.40; packing grndes rgely *7,75 to 7.».’5; .•<ver«go co*t F r i- I t y *7.90; w eight 27C. th a tC attle—B ccelp ts 200; eom pntcd w ith tb© I (Ck ngO: F ed steera nnd yenrlings, ts thi « k c r s nnd feeders 25 to 50c low er; bull's las atccrs atcndy to w eak; grass cows apart dvhe lfo rs 2.'; to 40r low er; ta n n e rs log f d cu tte rs strong; bulls 25 to 35c 'h e r ; closing bulk- Fed steers nnd Mou irllngn *8.75 to . 10,50; w e e k 's to p The ors *11.40; grass steers *5.75 to 7.50; called » fo r w eek *3.50; grass cows nnd on Ini fo rs *3.40 to 5; tanners *2.2.’> to lated 0; bolognn bulls t*3.75 to 4 ; lig h t H un tl ll* *8.75 to 11.75; ito rkcrs nnd feed-

*5.50 to 7.CO; w eek 's top feeders

Ihccp—R eceipts 4.')0U; all d irec t; com- _ cd w ith w oek ngo: F u t Inm bs 25 to Bible.

low er; s?>cep- SOc low er; feed ing b s m ostly 2.^c lower; cloning bulks:

w estern Inmbs'J to 13.75;. ■=--------^k's lop *13.7.7;-n iilvo lam bs *12.3.'?12.85; ligh t nud h&ndy w e igh t e v e s 10 to llj feeding Inmbs *12.50 to 5 ; feed ing ewea 33 to 5.50. ^ 537J3

ST. JO S E P H LtVEBTOCK. , 7 ^r . JO S E P H , Mo., Sept, 22 W «>-IIogs 4-yonr-i ecolpta 5500; sto idy to 5c h igher; berly.*8 .00 b u lk o f sni^^ *8.2» to 8 .55 . --------i t t le —Reaelpts 109; nom inal; steer*0 12.25; cows an.l h e ife rs *3.25 to " "p o it 5j calvcs *5 to IC'.fiO;-stockors an d R^odo ors *4.50 to 8. M. S to


. S TIGWIV/AD mnEOiATELV A L lH l ( ^ ^ L O O > £ .N £ .0 r e d WAOOM A.WAJTS


Sheep—Hcceipts (100; nil d irect; nom- - i innl; Inmbs *12.50 to M .75; ewes *.*! .'>i)' to c.r,o.

CHXCAOO LIVEBTOOK.CHICAGO. Si-pt. 22 C4>)—nof{,_i{p.

Cdlpta 40flO; unevon; iiiOHt Bales Steady n t Kriil;iy’s avernge; ft-w desirnble IjMl.t ftteudy to lOe lower; wi-j^dity butolu-rrf Hteiidy to htroiig; bulk b<‘tte r grudcn 18.’. ( ) to 210 pound average.i *S..SO to ;;.90; _ top *8.00; deslrublo i.iO to 300 pound a , bu tchers moRtly *S.C5 t i 8.70; paekWiK bowa largely ^ 7.50 to 7.::,; killiti;; pljja SO 25 to .’iOn h igher; few desiral.K- strong = weight #7 to 7.75; e itim uted hoMovc: CUOO; heavy w eight hoj;s *S.25 to

;i.ic<lium $8.5.*> to 8.00; li^.|,t ?S to ]light light *7.00 to S.OO; pncking sow« 2— Fitiooth $7.r>o to 8; packing sows rough > $7.25 to 7.,’)5; sluught.'r pigs *(1.«5 to 1

Cattle— Recuipts lOdO; compared w ith I woi week ugo; M atured beef stee rs excejit- ~ T Inj; s tric tly choicc ofriiriiiBs larsely .'iOc lower; spots considerably m ore; yenr- — lingH largely «5 lo low er; i-loHiiip tru.lo very ujjpven, n l decJino; top m.i- — tured ateers *13; beat yeurliiigs *12.50; '' western grusaers ste.i-ly (0 w enk; «hi- stock li t t le chanced: eanners and eul- ters and bulls stfong; vchUt s 50c hljjh- V er; stockers nnd feoderi* steady , to 2 .)c 1;“ '' lower; w eek 's bulk jiriccs follow: Fef* 111 beef Rtcern to 11.2S; w estern gniKS- ers *7 to 8 ; bu tcher iow« and hrlfem wor M.40 to 8.50; ennners nnd cutters *2.K5 '11 ; to 3.50; vonlors *12.75 to 13.50; atoek- W LTH und feeders *fl to 7.50.. bllo

Bhrei>—Hecelpts 5000; receipt* prnr- W lically all (H reft; no early sales; eom- A lared with wee]<ngo; F n t lamba mostly >0(! lowec; f a t ^ e p niid feeder lamb^ ’oneraHy 25c lower; aomo .’50c down; doslnj; top western lam bs *11.50; nu- — ives *14.25; w eek’s bulk prices; Fnl vciitern htithn fo M.-f.l; nativei' ’T®®^ia.45 tb 14; cull u u tiv es *9.50 to 10; ‘ ‘“‘® •eiirling w ethers #9.5H to 11 ; wethern ;H.25 to 8.75; fn t ewea *5.50 to (].75r —^ eeder lambs *1.1,25 to 13 .75 ;-wcck'H „e‘ t eceipts, 10 market-*, In rgest fo r prac- su it ically two years. [# 03.-

' SamiSUOAB. B b ^

NEW YORK, Seiit. :?2 t ^ - A Bolidn J Ai Doling p revailed in tho local raw BOX, i ugar m nrkct toduy nnd ns no fresh usiness was reported prices were un- liangcd a t 5 5-8c fo r Oubns cost an.i rcifiht, ctiuni to ^7.41' f o r cenfrif- tlonagnl. ------T here wns a fn ir trado in tho rnw

igar fu tures m nrket nnd priccs wero regular. N ear montho w ere steady on i p,,' ivoring, owing to the streng th in th e 71J, >ot m arket, bu t lu ter positions weVi- you isicr under scatter,«d liquidation by ut 'nil street nnd eomtnission hotises, Oc- ^ h t b er nnd November five p o in ts ' AM gher, whilo Inter deliveries were two ' * fivo pain ts lower. C losing: Octobi’r.

;.50; December, *4.81; Mnrch, *.3.8H; 8A ny, *3.98. count Tho m arke t for refinod was f[ujot id unchanRcd ns mort o f the refiners les offices wero cloned. F ine Rrnnn- led is rjuotrd from tS.75 io $/?,{»». . R efined future* were n tim in^. w ith

-------------------- — - •“ prdfei

T he D ark Agea. to°selTho period dnting from th e Invasion handl-

Fm nco by Clovla. In 4.'^. to th e soo E scen t on Ita ly , (n 1458, by C hnrics Bogor I I o f F ranco Is commonly called th e ft- m. irk ogt>8. Lcnmlnfc and a r ts were glecteil. T h e RennlSBance followed, •"‘r r r

WA before

F lre Losa V lsualUed. 1342 .rt haa been graphically calculated ---------i t th e tim b e r destroyed annually in - i United S ta tes by proventable flre< th e equivalent of enough Igmber to Ud flfe-room bongalowa 60 feet a r t on both atdea o f a a trc e t reach- r from Ntw York to Chicago, and ru

lount Vernon Once “ Epsewasson." b / ^ / * ?he orijrlnal nnme o f th e (•sinte 65 1 Q, led S lounr V emon wns Epsewnsson.Indlnn wonl. whlrh wna soon trans- niBhini ;d Into Itn Knirllsb eQuIrafeat, rooa. s ating Creek. - ^ try ch

- “ Phono

The Modernized Bible, feir York wbuU n modernized ■ le. (ine. we suppose, tlm t will « ke Jt easy fo r th e rich to en te r v 1 ven.—G reenville P ied m o n t g" ~ . •— Box I

FOB 8 A 1 B -U V M T O 0 K— - ‘ _ uVVTtt5R SALE—Two ewes, Qucrnsei porl

nnd yearilng heifera, PhonV

Jjt 8A I.B— itcglstcrcd H am psirr ^ lamba, ew e lambs, yearlings an>l

ir-old ewes. 1 1- J miles south Kim - r ; -------r. Oron Dolen. 6 P E R I

■ tem onJ OB a A L E - r o n L T B r . S C c

)R SALB—Thoroughbred R. C. lo Island Red cookerola. Mrs. c . jLo>«»a < Hono, K im borly, Idaho, < jiam s.

IW t h e E v s m s a b y t h

T YOU ME, J ^<< - c r ^ T e u T 1 MUST L f \n t E Y o F F ON IMPORTANT5 / / C s ^ B u i i N E s i y


S, TWIN f a l l s , id a h 0

flUtONE CENT P E R WOBA d v e r t i s e m e n t s u n d e r t h i s h e a d ;

50 f a r d e v i s e d o f b r i n g i n g t h e n e i


KOY wanted fo r ge-.ornl work. Kn- Hire The I’opjiy. 5O1

W A N T E I>-niH fo r genern l houao- •ork. PIk.uo 523It5. . P.

ANTED—-flirl for general mnid •ork. Apply Doyd hospital. .

COOK W ANTKD— . tnh C onstractioi. ' xncHi. Phone 20J3. K im berly . P.' iW ANTED—Girl fo r gonur.-il honso-

ork. 200 E ighth nveniiu north. WANTED— w i'h no chlblrcn lo llu

elp In kitchen on ranch. Ju h n su n ;— T_______________ ___________ fc tWOMEN w:inted fo p ick bouuh. Free

UK leiiv«is Liii,l Oar.iRj n t 7 u. m. l-'ilor '~i. iM-<l Company,

WANTE1>—Olri fo r general house- ork. Piirmuiient position . Good- ^agea. Phono 288.____________________ of i

WANTED—Two f ira t clnss automo- llo mechniucs. AnM teurs need nol ^ >ply. L ing A utonirbllo Co.AN«\V|-:it THJS Ai>— I 'l l tell vou >w to perm anently rid y o u rse lf '.o f k Hi ta rrh , huy fever, l .a te s t discoverv. - n inl Heck, P ittsbu rgh Bldg., St. Puui. inn. can

____ ______ _ g rc iwomim w anted .. S a la ry *75 or r

)okJy fu ll time, nn hour ap a rt Tw}ne, aolllng gunruntfed hosiery ti. “ m- mror. Cottons, henthers, silks. Guar. ,.nteed M ills, N orristow n. P a ._________.MAKE *100.00 a w^>lc by selling big- pric at c lothing values in w orld. A ll wool Proi It o r overcont ta ilo red to mensure men 3..TO. IJh c ra l 'com m ission. A pply son mson B uilt Clothos, 25 A nderson ig .. Cincinnati, Ohio. |

IN T E L L IG E N T i^ERSON. eJtlic ' p , :, m ay earn *100 »o *200 m onth ly cor ,,1,.^ ponding spnpcra; *15 to *2-’. okl^ in sparo tim o; oxporienco un essary ; no oanvnM ing; sub jec t. :gcsted. Send fo r pn rticu lnrs. Na oal P ress Bureau, B uffa lo , N. Y. tH.

• ----- fo r 1:

. W A N t’ED.Men fo work in 'Iw in .F a lls Sugar

'.'irfary. Fi.rtor%- wiH s ta r t October Lh. Send in applic.ition a t once If ou wish a pnsitifii, b u t ho on h a rd t fa rto ry on -lav o f opening '{ 7 ° '’' hetlicr yo'i "eitd iipplication or not. 7,?'®' MALGAMATED SUGAR COM.A>.'Y. KO

— nJshc

Al.-ia.M EN W ITH C A Ita o r rlRs for n try w ork sclliug und eolleefingi = = : >ng fnrm ers In th e Snnko riv e r vnl- ,

la rgest firm of its k in d In the U . ' .V.; 40 years in business; good s a la ry ' AP

expenses paid w eekly to producers. **jJC work is steady tho y e a r nround, avcni

1 ndvnncement. L 'xpcricnced men .. - ’erred, bnt if you v.ill w ork wo teachfreo o f chnrge. We bav o noth lug ___L

lell you and you need no m oney t o , dio thia job. i \ ) r full in fo rm atiou I E. W. Creed, Reed H otel, form erly " tvT erson Annex, botw eoa 10 and 12 ’• " * ° p-

aiT U A SlO M b WAMTBD = =

ANTED—By high hdiool boy , work •__ ^ro and a fte r school and S aturduv. FOI ; Addison c o s t._____ ’ 135 N

ijOSX ' "i%>l----------- . .. COUpO.

5ST—Sock o f clover seed northcost ■ lty. Loavo word n t N o w s^ • ;

FO B aA L » —rU E JO T U B B ] 'y Q j

idU E S T prico p«id fo r fu rn tlu re Prugs. Call 310._________________ nvcaui>U SALE— Ivory w icker buby b u g - ' tl excellent condition.' P hono 1210.Socond avonuo y o s t._____________ This I)R S A L E -^ 'o m |^ te household fur- mgs, indudli^g ii.uhognny d in ing Owner

su ite , ivory bedroom, su ite , tapes- —__achairs and davenport, ru^s, etc. j .0 1270. 1503 Poplar stroo t.______ | ______

mo Comfort f in g o w ith esorvolr, good condition „.*40.0J c H oosier kitclii-u rnb in c t.. 2.';.00 riy ncw wasliing m aehlne.. 8.50 _l ... - 8-14 H o t Blnat hea te r .... 7.50 GE|{ springs and n iattress 40.00 guns,

rs lu ffcd chnlse loungo .... 20.00 p . . , rs tu ffed tniw atry d a v c n ' Minnct

J io b s i E i r 'K W l t N i i m “ ‘ . W ES EXCII-VNGE. J iln o y

----------- »>o»pJtam o n b y TFo T S a S b u s :

— —---- _________________ ____ quick *i CEN T LOANS under rcBcr%’c s>-s ee ry at n c ity or farm p roperty . Rcscrvv ttnnai j i t Company, C liff B uild ing , Bali tables.■City, U tah.______________ ' a l l c ^aM LOANli—7 per • c c n t net rig h t at -c lo sed quickly. le t s c h & Will where.



PK E A R C ^ ^ T O Gl


im'mnamArmui. itiiiiMT*


mmR D P E R I N S E R T I O N —

a r e a l w a y s a l i v e a n d a c t i v e , a n d

e e d o f a d v e r t i s e r s t o t h e a t t e n t i o n


0 8 i? f ruck^ Phon- ,- ______ niu.

FOK potato snrks see K. D. Kdloirj; • "~Ua • 0 . Box 154, Phono n.-:nn,________ __ f ^ ty o n 8 A L E - A now tenor banjo. lienp. Phone l.-.i» evcuiiiiM. tioimI'O lt S . \U .;_ S „ .„ ,

> r K'lillon on-s;ile, y:,lladav lliirdwari. Wi'• ■ bora

MUNAltCIl range.t un.l Howard heal- •" a t greu tly redncerl prices.- Sull.ulav WA unlwnre Co. ____________ •1H)U SALh.—A ir Uhlnuwaro sold U, O tto

-------------------------- ______________ _ in g ft-OR bA LE - nic-yd(t», t r r v r ; i„ Jo h n

CO# and Mcessorles, W em erV B- '•onsii^ir Shop. -Ji-fr BecoLd S t. E —^FUie~BALl!, o r wiii ,ot out ou shnn- farm .ii.preusjs we bred milk goats, hoav. b e s t ,

lik s tra in , p . q . r,ox 754. Phon- W insl

Jx jit 8AL1-;—Tliree iciiiils, iliroo wag-1 ». threo se ts o f hii.-ness, *500. Soil I'nrate. Am leavini; country He,. lott a t WashliiKton Lurn. ‘ 1- »

n o 'r WaTE^II hoaxer, ijoofl couditlo ,- q X'' a ’t bo b ea t for residence, garage, etc ' i!ftt bargain for Fcrd or cash. Call

12 : 9 , C ity Tower Greenhouse. °_____________________ F o n

I’A tW K lN G AGI NTB—Our $:il 50 COc 0 'vonl tailored fo-ordcr su its nml- 537J14.

t'rcoats nro *20.00 cheaper thnn stt^o FOHces. Commission paid In advance, pears.Btected territo ry . Uoautlful nssorl- foundr n t 0x9 sw atches fiee . J , B.L, Dept, flOn, 831 Adams St.. Chlrago.


'’OR R E N T ^ t\irn ish e d fron t rooni; Crawfc> garngo; 445 .SU th avenuo eaat. Phone V R R EN t —i'lirniahcd room, h o t I ~ F o i t ;er hoat. 345 Sovcnth avonuo eaat. i^ * v o r■ no 922J. baakoti'o i i RKNT—T hree lun ilah o il rooms J'X)li light housekeeping. 312 Seventh avo B rin g 1 east. Phone 095 \V. I >y. l.«

OR R EN T—:t-room turo lahed apar W ater* It. Reasooablc. Buogalow. A v i'OR tb atreot and S ^ o n d ave. eaat. B rin g 1 V>R HENT—a lx room modornly im- “ p o “n k-cd hou{ic; garage. Located nt 144 la n d Bl onth avenuo cast. Innuiro E A .I “ F O R

_______________________ e o n t. pOR RHNT—Two and threo room fur- bushol. i«l apartm ent, jfodern , olectrir West ol Ifc, *tcam heat. - '-I F if th avenue “ P o lT . Phono 537J3. «)co; H. Smith. fo rd ni

ro K B E N T - O M n m H r a ^ ' u u n iS VAHT.MENT8 n t'lu 'C o lo n ia l."0LI8E fo r re n t; mod<Tn," .WI ThinI iue west.______JR RENT—li room nouso ono block *"I high school. I’hono fi35J.

T O T B A M * ^ ‘ o ^ a^ !

3 T I tA D E -J \,u r .-J-year-old maro. rade for big, serviceable, sound " ^ inga. a in ipson Bros.. Hnnsen. Idoho JO H N


)R SALE— Good S tudebakrr hackN inth avonue north, bW e b t .n r B A i.H -U .0 ,1 Dodgo liro lh f f ,P. .Mngel A utom tbilo Co.


>R SALE—3 room houso, modernpavod atreo t. E ruulrc . 458 8iittl- —ue. cast. ' * BIaAOKIi ACRES iTTigatc-1 la n a fo r sau ’ado fo r land in Twin Falla v ieinitv ^ .Vis a No. 1 atock n n c h . Cuta 800 J f '

?6 tona o f hay. Joina forest re “ ochl I. Como and acd if. <40 por sere - >r. W. E. R c jbu rn . Lake. Jdobo.

m i b c e l l a m b o u s . t w i n_________ ______ _ Shop.------------------- --------------------------------- p a ired

T A X I pricos,7-Paaaong-r Sedan. ------- ----

Phone 84. - . . . !WINDOW

URIBII buys, se lh und ren ts shot- -

It high te s t Je rsey m ilk Call I02J. M cN IO H Btonna Dairy. A.‘ J . Yonng, Prop. — O n rl WA.NT YOU to t n l o « r i jo In tbi

r Bus, a rouad tho loop o r to tho

« N E 8 S O PPO ttl'U N X Ty — F or *ale; Com plete eQtUpment fo r gro. ioq^ J »tore. scalea, raab reglater. W iT i l l o r tu caah reg is te r c red it fUe, cotmtatB. —

.- shelrlns. co f/ee fflilL n e a t Prlcod rig h t, to g ive you the

sta rt, I f going to O ontact Or «l*e-U nited Stores, T w la P u ia t b l s f th t

' t h e


SSPTEMBER 23,1923.

~ AND WORTH ITI wl constitute the best mean. glLgf residents of Soitfh trffh.

In tc rn n ' In««en. "I‘ ‘ -"br. P l,o„o

Eden, I d a h o . J”' L-

2 niilc Bomb Shoj,!/ you rself.^C athro .- " tre e t b ridge.

■1- r iio n o ow JS . '"‘’ ■

o ne S2(U4, ( . p . Poara.

‘t o r 's cornor. ^ fro a

your own c o M o S ^ ^ / ^?ound. 0 . J J'ntJ. °I E lk n b o tl, . t l ”;."* ' M n rri.

iH P is_____ _ P R 0 F E S S 1 0 N A L

_____ ATTO EK CTa! ~

achlnorv A ^taan -T ay lo ilone 1202 . - ’siO-STu*^ M achine Oc.■------- --l_ !± L 2 .t) fetcond- nv# m^ ~ 8 H 0 E ^ £ ^ ^ ^ --------------


-------------------------------------- -

Thought t e r th« Day^8 fo r th e

.V ***^°*‘ a«alnat^ th a t la. fo r hla.


r : j C H £ C j ^ g i

*• -c s i - : -------_ I


Page 14: · fWlF iElPE? HO. liS. BlCSAGTONi’ uPicoy«|:----~ I ! League Appoints Legal Experts,. to


Arrival of Newcomers fb Twin jj' Falls and Shipment of Crops to Marl<et Cause Big Increase FIN in Business

A rrival of. m any iicwcomern to Twin F un t I'uUh !iml KcnRonnl miivcmont of crops M< to m nrkct linn rc»alto<l ttiiii fa ll in hoavy tlT infrp.T"0 in tho volumn of buninou linn- dloil by the Ori’Ron Slinrt L ino frclRht . Kli offic''*’ liorp. aoronlliiK 'to iitntcmont o f , D. K. SiiHivim, Short l.ino ngent licro, annoiiPflHC tl«o tnUUtlda ,o f ith ro f mon to tbo iitnff o f froiKht offico cnitilovcB. iinil tlio fnrt tlin t bPRlnninR ‘•‘’' ' ‘•‘j IlilH wiTk loenl froiulit o ffiro" will bo open from 7 o 'clock u. m. iin til 7 oVlock p. m.. fo r tbo convonienrc* o f pntrons, CBpf.‘iril]y Hhippori* c f perlBlinblo pro- *" dncf*. "

'•TToii«i(«holi1 KOOils hnvo boon coininir inf<. T 'vin Fnllrt n t tho rulo o f throo t o . ' . - ^ fivo KliipniPntR Jn ily .ill Ibln m o n tb ."

fHillivnn “ iniUcntlnjr,Btnnlinl inprcnuo in tim population o f .Twin Piilln nml vininilv.

Business Growing Dnily. ] f ”“ niiKinp?" n t flic frciifht officcH

p irkin-r lip ovory dnv. Wo bavo rccont- "* ly ii'lrtcil Hiroo mofi fo tlio fprco, lioRiiininjr fho flrn t o f fho wook, w ill “ koop tin ' offi'-CH o|)on from 7 o ’clock j n. ni. until 7 o 'c lork p. m. to-m ovo tho cror> w itboiit <iolny to shippoM. '

“ A friill •trnin. cmjponod o f onrlot «bli>”H>iit lonvoft Twill Fnllfl dnlly n t 8 o ’. lnrk p. m. to linndlo pcrlslinb lo : * produofH,” .

Three W o o ta 'flh ip m o n ta :. I o f flio Short L ino • frolRhi ‘

offiooH for llio firs t throo weeks o fii< ‘'*'' Sojitomlior nhow "firlondn forw nrdcd . from Twin Fnlln ns follown:

Mor-'lirnidiMt. .'■.7; flo'ir, -IO; P otn too^,, I'o « .71: n 'xi’o.s, .I; tiood. fl; ponltry, 2; nhccp,.2: ponphofl, 20; niiKiir l.T; wheat, M ; A flf i'-o, l l oi:i:«, ^ 1 f.jrnitiiro, 1; licnnn, [ Asoi 17: vitioiriif, H; boj;*, I?; ontn. 1.

{'iirlniidfi ri’ooivod ilurinR th e m)«nc with iporiod ;iro nhown nn follows; '■'•ftl

MorobnndiMo, fifi; ronl. 74; limo rock, I f l l 21; whont, .'jO; l-'iiibor, 7; oH, 17; flour, Twii 1; liVrini, 7; miNrolhuicoim rifi. . M

— I I — tliroi

t TREND OF MARKETS 1| roni.I - ---------------------------------------- ^ Twii(TMilfocl fltnton Dopartmont of Afcrl- .Inm

onUnro m nrkot news scrvlee.) Itoid C A I.n w E L L , flept. 21—T otnl cnrlol borjj

Bbipmcnts of potnfoen for tho U nited t Stnt.jfc Thursdny -numbered 1144. ns n p

compnrod w ith 924 oii tbo snmo dnfe Inst ycnr. Idnbo slilpmonts fotnied. !iO ear*, divided nmong (listriots nn fol­lows: rnldwoH-Nnmpn, Ifl; Idaho F a lK 20: Bnrloy-Bubl, 21. Tnu

llanliiiBS wcro ilRht In tho Cnldwell si d lsfrio t, b u t inp.renslnR in e.istcrn oi Idnbo. W ire inquiry wns lig h t; do- mnnd lim ited; m nrkot steady. Cnsh to s- Rrmvera sacked Rurals U. fl. No. 1, lintr m oA ly RO cen ts ; loaded on cars A.'i tb» cen ts. C/irloads f. o. b .-tra c k , aaekcd of t Jlurnls TI. 8. Nn. 1 , 'm ostly 00 cents. Twl F o r shipm ent to California, re-sncked kno n t c-nr door on aocount of a lfa lfa .woo- (<,i v il quaran tine in Callfornln, demand owo Rood; R urals $1.10? (loms $1.40. Cnr- nhul loads, f. 0. b . usual tcrmn, R urals 05 bull cen ts to $1. ■ Rea

F rid ay m om lnR’s m arkets rciw rtod to b y wiro ineludod: lens

K ansns C ity—No Idnho quotntlon. N Supplies llbornl; demand and move- nblc m en t alow; m arke l weak. On trnek the 82 enrs; 1 Idaho arrived . bo.l

D enver—No Idnho quotation. Sup- ' T p iles liberal; demand nnd m ovement Twi R iodernte; m arke t 'lluU and U ttle post ch n n c fl'in prices. On tra c k 20 ears; wn» 38 Idnho nrrived. trn r

ChlcoRO—Idftho snckod R um is U. 8 . won Ko. 1 . 12 to t2.15. Suppllos liberal: Call demnnd nnd movement slow ; m arkot w eak : prices low er; buyers endeavUr- P inR to force m arket atlll lowor. On reai trnck 354 oars; R Tdaho arrived .

F o rt W orth—Idaho Rurnls, vcn tlla t- —ti cd cars, TT. 8 . No. 1, $2.15 to #2.2S. BupnMca libera l;' demand nnd movo- D m ent m<Hlerate: m arket steady . On will track 3 ears; 9 Idaho arrived . dny

Lettuce ■— day,Sbipm ents. SoptemlxT 18; California rec t

7, Colorado 9, New York 18, Wyom- J . 1 Intr 1.

ChlcaRO m nrket, Boptembcr 19: 1 p r a r CnUfomla, 19 Colorado nrrived. —tcSupplies m oderate: demand pood for ___eood «toclt; m arket firm . Colorado c ra tes Iceberg «S.r.O to «2.75; few »3. (

Onlona ,Shipm ents. Beptember 18: California i

23, Illinois 7, Ind iana 24, Iow;i 3, M as­sachusetts 14, MiehlRnn 2, N ew Jersey

T T N e w York 41, Ohio I , W ashington 1, •WUfonsln S. T otal 133. 1

ChicBRO m arket W ednesday: 25 cars , o n 'tm r k : m arkijt steady. W ashlnRton 100 pound sacks yellows, $3 to *3.25: i CaU fom ia 100 pound sacks w hite vari- j e ties, $3.75 to 14.25; A uatraiian Browns *3.60 to $3-75.

Apples 'Spokane shipping’ p o in t infnrm ntion '

T uesday: Bales on contract fo r futuro d e livery ; v e ry fow sales repo tted ; t ■Wenateheo va lley Bones, fnney wjr® 1 to ve ry larRe, #1.40| Jona tlians. C t irrade, 10«per een t S tier, 00 ccnts to ] ♦1; Y akim a va lley Jonathans, 0 R rado i 10 p e r eont 6 tie r, 90 eents De-lie io iu e x tra fan ey medinm to T a r ^$2 to $2.25.

K ew 'T o r k n a rk e t W odneseday: H a rk e t slig h tly weaker. Californixk O raveasto ios, fan cy small to modimn,I2J50 to $2.75.

W A B R ^ OAIX.B«Bk C reek H ighw ay D istric t. W ar

t a n t Call K o tlce: I i»ill p a y all out- 'fetaniUoR w arran ts nRnlnst t jie Bock C reek H lRhway D istrict, up to and io- ] elndioff No. 75, upon presen tation . •

H E N R Y HANSEN, Treas. J Boek .Creek, Idaho . — • |

Stfdor O, F k M b u u i, teacUer o f TloUn a n d u x ^ e a e . S63 B er«nth »Tanii«j i


Mmon Tract Seed III Crop Brings $4800 J[J

A field of 40 aercs of Orimm a l­fa lfa grown tb is soason on tho T.J . Douglas farm near H aggard t on the Balmon Rlvor tra c t yielded a crop of anp/oxim ntely 400 bushols o f seed, i t waa learned .Saturday when thrcshinR of p io crop was n 3 p cum|)lofed. Bale of tbo crop has » betfn contrnctod n t the ?ate of $12 n bushel, i t was soid, brlnglnR tho c# Rrosa roturn to $4800, or $120 per acre.

-------------------------- Th'


______ 'Iny, ^tm oral Services A rranged fo r O. P . Mobiirg, W bo W aa P rom lnenU ylden- „u„,e t lf le d w ith Development o f B tate tions

• ------- aboulFinal fributu wJil be paid >it funcrnl term

’rviooH Sundny nftornt’On, fo tlio nicni- ry o f 0 . P. Mobor(,% ‘41, plonot-r Idaho } lininR mnn nnd fiirii-or, wlic wan dis- »vcrod Uoud in hin boil F /idiiy niurnin)' ' t hin auburbnn lioiiie nonr Twin I’nlls,•here ho linij ronldctl for nbout iiino

Tho nervires will bo held n t 1:;10 ’c-loi-!( itl till- i». Uroii«ni:in olini>ol * “ oro, and will bc canductcd by the Ru'v.’. L . Cook, ncflnR piihlor o f fho C hris- / iou cliurcli. F r io iid .4 a n d nelR hbora • ' 111 a erv e ns p n llb eari'ro . B u r ia l w ill

e itl th e T w in I 'n lK cen io to ry . ®U cn lh o f M r. .M nlo rc rcmovon a c iti-

i-n n f Id.'ili(> w lio wj;« id o iififk 'd w itll J’'*'"’' H i-arly d ay dovo lopm cnt In fho f ie ld s | P ' f n iln luR n n d uRrloiu tiiro , A n n tlv o cif ] 'Wi'don, M r. M iibori; i.niiie to A iu u rlc t t th e :»Ko o f ‘JU vi'iir-t, onyunluR in bu!'- ’’ iioH. firHt in Kiins:m <Jifv. in 1.S7:: b - T’/ ' ’"* .'u'lit to IJDiildor. Ciilf.ra<!o, w h ere hi? nn- :aHL-d in n ihm iR a n d biipiiHcd lien fo r " P " '’ . ra ilrm id iiu d o r ru ry tln u -llo n a t th n t im o. T lireo yoiirn in te r h e w o n t to 'orlln iiiiff w h cro ho t-niraKotl in tJiy lim ber biininesH. ‘"R

CoiiiliiR to Id ab o in I .* ; ', M r. M oberp I'Vult-n f tir Hi-vt'Tul yourft u l P 'd u b o , be i'nm iiij; owiii’ r o f o n o .s ix th i?|. P i-ro«t ia fho holdiiiL'H o f th e I ’ionocr ilin ln i; c o m p aa y tliero . l.ii fe r, iu ISSO, le oiitublinliod tli'o f.-imily lioiiic on » I _ uiif]i ut CotioniYiinil hhihit ooiui/y. I 1°“ U lo r a b r lo f porlu-l <>f n -s id o n re a l I U o iin . W ash in g to n , whoro bo w ns ' ilo iitifio d w ith fa rm in i;, ho ro lu rn ed i I'lfh hi!i fam ily to Idnho, boi-nmiiiR » | . o f t lo r o f tlio Halinoii r iv o r p ro je c t in , i l l l . T w o vo a rn I iii .t lu ' ri'i iiovod to . •w in -F a lls .

Mr. MoIjitr i»,>iiirvlvo4 bv bis widow, liroo si>nn nnd Ihroe dauRhtorn. Tho onn nro Cliarlon ,, R., Fredori.-k _ nnd ■ oorRO MoherR, fho •'.•rnud HOn boinj; c onldent of Wnlln Walln. Iho otiiern of . 'w in Falln. Tho •)lniy;litcr.i nro Mr.-.. ! limes Ilrokor o f Moiitniia, Mrn. Wiilto.- : ® • {eld of Filer, and Mrn. Anton Aim- - J lorjj of Twin K<iHn. becli



P ransactlon Involv ing E stim ated Con- Salt sidoratlon o f $r>O,O00 Olves Shoep Row and Z,aad to HolUster Ooncem A uri

______ VoRlS-ito fo J . A. Pn'm or nad 8on of IIol < - J

istor, prominent Ida’io nlippp men, of b<* romnindor o f tbo property Intoronfn Ker« >f tho firm of .I..C. Ho.itty and Soan'W J^rni Pwin Pnlln county bocnme pulili.- tJkla <iio»vloil':e Hatardiiv. property inolnd- 'd in flio tranHnrfinii oomprisos 3(in0 O***" ‘WOH, 21 liorson. fldd ncri's o f Rra*inir ihuls, 1000 tonn nf imy toRofhor w ith \ luildlnirn nnd fnrm Ofjuipment. Tlio W' Reaffy .liomo Vtaco oast o f Hollister, Is prici lo be bold by the piirflinsers undereano. ------

No defin ite informnllon wns nvnil- ible ns to fho cnnslderafion RlveiNfor the property, but it w,is undemfond fo l)C.ln excess o f f.'iO.OM.

The renldopre of J . (?. B entty nonr rw in Falls, was nold snmo monthn nRo, possession bolnR Riven this month. It ivas announced In connection Avlth tbnt trnn sae tlo n -th a t Mr. nnd M rs. Bcnttv would jo in th e ir son, Harold B efatv, in Callfornln.

P icture frnrolDR d o ie neatly. Price* reasooable.

A. n . VIN CEN T '•OMPANY.—adT.

Dr. Evans, tbo optician from Boise,B-Ill bo n t tho Perrlno holol next ^ton- la y afternoon, Sept. 21 nnd remain nil lay , Soptem bor. 2.’>. i f it Rlnnsp* cor­rectly ond a tten d each cnso ono year.J. T. Evans.—adv.

Piano toning.. Pbons Lugan’e, 109 - a d r

G e t Y o n r F m i u c e N O WBot Make Sura tbat i f • >


W e i r F a m a c e a a iT e c o a l b e* c a t ia o A e p a t e n t e d ca r faare to r - a c t in g f i r e p o t^ t im a l ld w K a a e a o rd jn a x i ly w a i l e d c l i i ^ e r a a 'a m o k a m m a o o tW«ir faraaeM ar*- f t f f ^ l i k a a b c C . N e ^ i a ^ i w ■bW odoa. j i r t « t H irh a i5 % a n

O nfiM iy •»««• u d (bomm U a t Is

IbtC M /

B r i z e e M e t a l W o r k sS27 8«coad A m B. Pbona 10. i*—



— — Ooapid Disposition Is IVIade of t<» Motions and Demurrers -p,., Scheduled for Hearing mpo.

— — AmoriTho num ber of m o tlo i^ a n d demur- C*’"®!* •s in ponding, su its sot for bearing. "

tho prosont torm of d is tric t court re wnn reduced hy 10 or more 9 ® tu r - L „ ^ . y, w ithout presen tation of any atto r- jl y s ’ arRuments, other d isposition bo-i J mndo o f tho questions raised. A r - |— - j m ents had been scheduled on C l mo- j os or dem urrers out o f a to ta l o f ' _ out 00 on tho calendar w hen tho a •m opened F riday . jj[n the cane o f Karl J . Ahern aga inst <Tntln' 5 Idaho Central Rallrond oompany. jjj i-oh-inR A hern ’s claim fo r $25,000 jjrown r englneerlnR nnd o lhor s c rr lc c s .jo ry • iderod, a dom ur/er wnn w ithdraw n

counsel for tho eomnnny, wbo wcro owed fiO d a y s 'in wlHch to filo a n lm tif i i Bwer to tho com plaint. .n'ciitBV alidity of queations raiaed by n m urrcr in tho enso of tho M urtaugh I iRation d la trie t nRnlnst tho Bnnk (,f 'tb ’< .\fiirfniiRh nnd E. W. P o rte r, Idnho ,i(.fpni

(nmlaalonor o f finance, w as ndm ittod minimi counsol fo r tho d is tric t, who will (},,, „

C-.,an amended com plaint. I a th is ne. elolm In nssOrted by tho d is tric t p rior righ t fo r.reco v e i^ of Itn funds (y

posited in thfl defunct M ortaugh ^k. iuiml>'Upon motion and application of tho view osecutinR a tto rn ey 'n offlco, JudRO y ibcock ordnrefl o f charges pvenii •ainst Monroo Ilyder, accused of ns- f,f ,j, u lt w ith in ten t to commit a sfatu- jnplij<- ry offonar. Tho prosecutlnR nftor- PhHh ly declared in an a ffid av it su p p o rt- ,R tbo m otion th n t ono of tbo w l t - 'p / \ s | lases upon whom tbo atnto would rcly ••Ulw proseeutinR tho nction seem ed.likely provo re luc tan t to te s tify . iTw ln

D atea M urder T ria ls jAt>tbo opening o f thb afternooo ses-. oa tho eou rt reeelvod d e fe n d a n ts '" PO ens of uot g u ilty in tho cases o f Tho elvin Dlackburn,® chnrRcd w ltb f ir s t fho 1 Rroo m urder o f hia w ife; Romulo Le- Shrin DS, chnrROd. w ith f ir s t doRroe m urder here

A ndreas OrtcRa, nnd o f Jo o Mnr- nrt Tl 107. and A nton F ie rro , chnrgcd w ith Iv M nisting Jin officer. In tho cnso of borlni nrtinor. nnd F ierro , decision on ques- Cer ons riUsed b y a dem urrer to tho in- to w. rm ation w aa .taken untler ndviaem ent wnn j r tho court untU M onday. . with T rial- In tho caso of B lackburn waa tho tl t fo r Octobor 1, tho da to on which one o 0 ju ry has boen ordered to report to kind 0 court fo r aorvlcc. T rial In tho ease Vin ' Lomos, sot for tbo sam e dny, w ill ovoni !Rln Im m ediately. followinR tho con- .Tech. uslon of tho B lackburn trinl.

-------------------------- • WhAT T H ^ O T E L S Linss)

P E H 1 U N ? ) -L . R . ’{ 'la rk a n d w ife , t i t L a k e : O uy E d m o n d s . B n i»o; .1. _ n w ley , H allovT A . V. W illln n in , I /o n ' F nRolos; J . J . F lo o d . C liir a c o ; F ro d H . ! ■ n p t. n ia o k fo o f ; .7. I.'. D o W itt, C hl-nR O : I

J . A n dom on , B a lt L n k o ; M r . a n d j rn . H .""Ix P a iiR b u rn , .JnrM >ii'o: K. M. ' erR, BuV lpy.;_ I lo n rv F in k e . F r e d ; Y rn iie l, B u lil; Jo h n Ij. R tn n ffo r , P ic h o r , j k la .; S. K . 'S f n f f o r . (’olunibttH . K an - s ; W . C. H al(‘, OoorRO R'ishoH , P i c h o r , w%f k in .; J . H . .BlornqnlM t.. W . K. H n rn e ;:, I K l 'a t t l e ; L . W . B :ith iiiik , F i le r . 1

M onarch RanROs n t ex tra sp e c ia l: ^ •iees fo r 30 days. Bnllnday Hnnlwnro >.-~-adv.

Y o u ’l l

I enjoy wearinn e w “John ! Pumps and O

They reflect i cepted fashi< Fall foot to

In the windo week.

B a r b e r Sh“ M o d e l

Next to Orphoum


*ges Recognition Q|| of Citizen’s Duties r»man Speaker for National LL Committee Calls for More In- erest in Politics Wllli

lea fo r reco g n itio n ' o f Individualonsib illtlcs o f citlut-nsblp under the M l *rican form o f governm ent wns cm-»izod b y S ira Thorn ton I* Brown of .Conin , M insouri, f ie ld director o f the Immoio cratie n a tio n a l crm m ittoe, in nn nlnoresj S a tu rd a y cvoninR before an nwarc.onco o f abou t CO persons in the Bap- Fallsbungalow . ‘ . •j'; ,S a tu r

;oiMi w ere tn k o n a\ th is mectlnR fo L. Joi fo rm ation horo of n s tudy club ’Corwomen voters, M rs. Jam ea D. Whoi- covorbolng clectod tem porary eholrnmn. roadlooting w ill bo cnUod noxt woek, i t h a lf iannounced, to comploto. tho orgnn- noutb

lon and ou tlin o itb proRram. p lan tI the c.ourso o f hor rem arks, Mrs, Con A*n dlscusacd Am oricnn political hls- extcn

from the stnTJdpa'nt o f tho dom- awari t ic p a rtv , roforrinR to the nctlvi- Bid o f Jofferaon in connection w ith tho in tb firn tion o f lh o flrnt fon amend- sterdj tn of Ibo conntIfiitU.n nnd offnrtn of tors, {Bon tow nrd cxtonnlon o f the frnn- of np 0, nrninlnR tho lecinlntive proRriim road bo f ln tt W'ilnon .'idmlnintrntioii nnd Uno c 'ndlnR nnnumption of rftHrond if!f- Lakcf iHtmtlon by tbo p?vprnm ont durlni' Cor w nr period.--------------------------------------c o n tr ho spenker w ns IntroducPd by R J. derst< •b, clinirninn o f th e democrntlfl coun- trnct< oinmittpe. ArrnnRoments have been they !o to pe rm it M m . Brown to v isit a weatl ibcr o f pointa o f scenic in te ro stjin d Mr. r nurroundlnR farm country durlni; and (; v isit bere. Rho will loavo .Suudav non linR^'for Pocntello , concliidinR a four brldg ;bo nnrthw rn tp rn ntafon which will fbrou udo ntopn in Tdnho nt Boiso, Twin tra c t H nnd Poehtello.------------------------------ Brotli

---------------------— BrothNVENE WITH SHRINERS______ road-

In r«U» I« EopnBimlM by D«»jn. loa a t T rl-8 tttt« Ceremonial Session Cold In PocatoU o ,

O OATKU.O. S ep t. I’S.— CRpecial f.>N owh. 1—T w iu F alls deleirafliia nt tri-stnfo oprpnionlal o f Mvstlc .i.„

inern o f Tdnho. \Vv;.mln'r nnd 1,’tnh.I? todny incltid rd C. N. B oatty , Slu- i r . Taylor, .Tnmos >JcMillnn, Burton Morso. n ia liie TInnks. F . K. Chnm- - 1?, Inin. T . J. L loyd , l l . R .Y J r a n y ^ crpmoainl Kosnion al M erid«l park. which tho nftcrnoon wns dcvofod. r;jQi>| ( prcoedod b.v n ntreot pnrndo, h approxim ately 12'M> Shriners from tb re i^dA tes in 'lin e . The parade was ^ o f the most e ln b o rije events of i t i ~ -

II evor held in Idaho. ^ ■■ 'initlntr Rhrltiere wero Ruents thisnini; n t a ba ll r Ivl'u In the Idnho K. hall.

>'bnf !■ iisnless to >'»'u tiiay be vnlu 0 to othorn— advertise It in tho isiflod columnn.

■ire InsuranceTon Got the BEST for

LESS Money

lOBERTS REALTY GO.Tite T«eadlng m irarance Agency i

P H O N E 563

ng t h e Kelly”


; the ac- ions 1 n oggery.

ow thia


tloe Co.>1"a Theatre



day— fall ol

liam Harl<ins and W. L.Dhnson to Construct Nine an.'! liies of New Highway i•ntraets fo r tho construction In the LODGIedlnto fu tu ro o f approximately

miles o f gravolod highway wero T w in P irded b y \ diroetors o f tho Tw in btts, t) h ighw ay d is tric t a t a m eeting T e a r i rdny to WiUlam H arkins and W.ohnson. - Officeinfracts aw arded to Mr. H ark ins elected ir constn ie tion o f sovcn mllos o f coiineil,

ex ten d in g oast from a point ono- cvonlnRmilo w est o f BorRor, and onomUo stollatioi

ll from tho w a te r purification n t a me<t south o f Twin Falls. o fficersinstruction o f on«r mllo of highw ay McElwalnding south from Knull wns motz, Bjrdwl to M r. Jobnson. Lechlolfids fo r construction of Rravel roads laco, finbo v ic in ity of irollintor and Am- nn, reeoilam wcro rejected by tTio dlrec* scftrotar;I an w ero proposals for RrnvollnR a n ^ , wpproxlm atcly threo miles o f graded ^

ex teud lng aouth from tho hiph BOTScanal ou tho rond nouth from Bluo mi,, p

ea boulevard in T w ln ’ struc tion of tho roada for which „,n,in frrncts woro lo t Saturdoy, i t is un- pi,n|po *tood, w ill begin a s soon na tho con- ^tors havo finished work on wbicb .........

nro n o w ' onRnged, providingther conditions porm lt. PIfll r. H a rk in s is complotlnR grading grave ling of portions of the Addl-

nvcnuo road to tjio iranaongo, whioh in to be Rrnvded ^ughout sender provisions of a con* ” t la te ly aw ardod to OoodnlRlit 222 ;liers o f Kimborly. Ooodntght , • , ;herH, biRliway d istrlet offleinls s boon advised, are hrluRlng in ™'-T!l-buildlng m nchinery from fho ----------lO o f Ih c ir W conl operations inada, and aro propnm ig to b o g in g nk. under the ir contract hero w ithin ' 'n o x t few d a y s . ’ D lo

T. Johnson ^s complotinR R rn d ln gI p.irf o f tho notr Jiighnny under n , itruction north f ro m Ketehum in Wood r iv o r region.

------------ ------------- SVi lbOHAPBa. 4Va lb

K nnlo. Concord nnd W hite Nlau’ara • CVa Ih 'Hts pound plekopi a t the fnrm, 1-2 Low' south SliOHhoii'* stroot hridjM- - , IR coiitnlner. D. Catliro. Phlii;.' A. I 11.—ndv. V


O n H

y o u r V

t o e s’ &rrri|UimT»

T h e f e l l o w w h oahead these days is t th e sm art, a lert appe

H e is ready w h e n beckons. He has the rigl the job calls for personali

Kuppenh<GOOD CL01

have he lped m a n y in their forward march, right for young-fallows—r

Single and double inodels. Stripes, cF plain colors. All i

$ 4 r $45

T h e h o u s e o f K u p p « n h « i m


BPTEMBER23,1923.ireury Falla to

Still-Lower LevelsT em perature’s dPcUno to lower irels ■ was recordi'd S a tu rday a t 0 Rovernment w nalbor observor'a\ .aUon here. H igh m ark fo r th e 'ml ly was, shown n t 69 dcgroea, a ,11 of aix points .Hiulcr the maxl- um o f tho preceding doy, nnd lowu rocordod n%'**l/ a declino jg f____reo degrees.W eather contlnuod 'fa lr.

DGE Ta nameT fficers

n Palla Connell. E n li^ ta of Oolnm- u , to Choose Leaden for Comln* ear a t Next Meeting

fflcers fo r th e comlnir year wUl be ted n t n meetin»r of Twin FnUs lell, Knlffhts o f Dtlnmbus, T>iesday ilnR next. In Odd Fellows hnll. In- ation oeremonipn will tnko place meptlnR tw o weeks Intpr. P resen t

cors of tho connoi! include T. M. llwftln, grnnd knifflijt M. A. Tho*T., Sr., deputy Rriniil knlf*htt M ark fjlolfer, lecturlnR kntRlit; G. O. Wnl- , financial secrp tnry ; Owon Buchnn- reeordlntf secro tnry ; llnoli McOiiiro, otary and treasurer. W nlter Buch- a, warden.

OTS* SUITS AT EU>BIDGB'B.!io F.ldrldRO Clotliln'r Co. hns n fino rtm ont o f b o y ’s two pant sunn, nl!0 from Oregon Cll.v woolens. Y our •CO ♦ir>.00.—adv.


A F E W L E F T30x3^4, price 58-CO

Werner'S "Repair Shop222 Second St. E. Phony p28.

' Open Saturday Bvonlngn-

Prices ‘ ^'i lb. Blanket, all wool_____ 13-00'a lb. Blanket, oU wool_____ M.90

lb. Blanket, aU wooL------- W.90Low Sent Mean* Lower Price*

I. H. Vincent Company ^p tre u T n jB S

£07-209 Shoahone St. Sooth, ---------- ^

= = = = = 8 ^ - 1

■ o a Jm vI ^

WI-1V.11— J

i d ’s f o r g i n g *s the chap w ith pearance.

in o p p o rtu n ity r i g h t o f W E W w h e n

l a l i t y a n ^ p V p . '

leimer ^OTHES

ly y o u n g m enh. They’re styled i—priced right, too. ®

jle breasted , checks and dl^zes.

) $50

Sfcutlera i m e r f o o d c l o t h e a

B U H L '—