Futures Past the Beginning


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Transcript of Futures Past the Beginning

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Thank you to all of my family and friends that supported and helped me while this was being written. A very special thank you to Iulian Arsenie who is the artist that created the wonderful

cover. You are a brilliant artist my friend!!!

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Why I am Here

Copyright 2002

Sometimes I wonder,

What it’s all about,

Why I was sent here,

Instead of someplace else.

Then I look around myself,

With my eyes and heart,

I see why I am here,

Instead of someplace else.

There are people here, who need me

People who need to learn,

The true meaning of caring,

Of unconditional concern.

That is why I was sent here,

To show them the way,

That is why I was sent here,

To show them in every way,

To love and care for everyone,

Everyone, Every day.

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As I am writing this, my fear is turning into determination. I've been saying for a while now that there are changes coming in on the winds. These changes will not be good. Our com-munity is calling us to do more than our part. Our healers will be paramount as well as our

warriors and protectors. The changes have just started happening. There are many more yet to come.

The forces that are forming, are trying to put obstacles in the way of those that have the foresight. It is up to those with this knowledge to quickly work through the obstacles and

prepare themselves and others for the battle ahead.

My name is Rianon and this is my story.

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1The Oath

By the Powers That Be,

I will not kill,

But help instead,

By my own free will.

A struggle it will be,

Uphill and down,

But love will be with me,

As a lion with his crown.

The unicorn too will be there,

With her sword all aglow,

Standing… just watching,

Wishing that love would show.

This is my oath,

My message to all,

To my death,

I will not fall.

I'm still trying to understand everything up to now myself. Maybe if I start with snips of the past it will help.

First, back in the seventh and eighth grades, I started to notice that I was losing time. I had no control over this. I did not know what was going on. It got so bad by the eighth grade that I actually ended up getting sent to the princi-pal’s office for “day dreaming”. The ending up in the principal’s office happened once that year – at least as far as I

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can remember. Who knows how often I was day dreaming as I kept losing time.

Here’s what happened. I was sitting in a grouping of four desks during math class. We were working on pages individually and quietly. I remember looking up at the bookshelf. I thought it was just for a moment. The next thing I

knew, in front of the entire class, the teacher was calling my name. She told me to stop “daydreaming” and to go to the principal’s office. When I got to the office, the principle asked me why I was there. I told her what the teacher said, and

then told her what I believed happened. Being as understanding as she was, the principle told me to just keep my head down toward the desk all the time. By the time I was done there, it was time for my next class.

The next was high school. I started to go to the woods by my house, and sit on the bank of the dirty river, (yes it was contaminated). It is as if I was drawn to the water, not all the junk in it. I could feel its power, its purity that was mixed in with all that poison. It called to me. In my last year, I had this really good teacher, Ms. D. She took our class

on a trip and we never left our classroom. I know, I know, you are thinking that it’s not possible, but it is. I asked her af-ter class what she had us do. “It is a form of meditation”, she said. I started doing research, and by that summer, I had my losing time problem under control. The research taught me some things. It taught me how to take control and not just go into a trance, (mind control), how to release myself so that I could go into a trance, and basic meditation con-


After that was college. I wanted to take a year off from school and figure out what I wanted to do. My parents had other plans. I went to college. Some classes, I would go all the way to the end; others I ended up dropping. It was more the people I met than the classes that kept me there. Three awesome teachers brought out my creativity, Mrs. F.,

Mrs. D., and Mrs. M. I will always remember them. They all instilled creativity in their own ways. I won't get into what each of them taught though. Let's just say that they were and still are an inspiration for me, along with the one teacher

from high school.

Alright now that this part is done, maybe I can work with the recent past.

I could tell you about how I came to my belief system, but I'm sure you really don't want to hear about that. Let’s just say that many years of research led me to about three years ago.

About 3 years ago, I started learning about Paganism, and Wicca, in more earnest. This brought back my fasci-nation with the Healing Arts, a nature based system for healing physical, spiritual, and mental ailments. As I read more and more about healing herbs and stones, I started wondering if there were any other ways to heal that didn't include physical properties. I always knew that I could feel the strong emotions of others. It kind of freaked me out a bit, so I tried to block some of it. I started wondering if there was a way to use the empathic skills as a way to help heal, at

least, mental hurts. I know that it can help the empath understand what a person is feeling, so I figured that the em-path could use that to help heal. If you think about it, between empathy, herbs, stone, oils, and teas, you can heal

many things, or at least help to ease suffering and pain.

I read many books and web sites trying to learn about Paganism and Wicca. That is how I met my first mentor. At least, I consider her my first. She was a High Priestess. She was willing to answer most of my questions. We faded

apart and I continued reading as much as I could find.

Then my second mentor materialized out of someone I already knew. He has helped me learn many things, gifted me with books, oils, and knowledge. We still talk to this day, and always will, (if I can help it). As mentor and stu-

dent we are no more, although we are still good friends.

I know that I keep talking about me but, please understand that without this background, it will be hard to follow in later chapters. It is hard enough to write this, as it is, knowing, what I already know.

Through my friend and mentor, I’ve learned the most about spells; how to write them, words, intent, and the best time to cast. I’ve learned about casting a circle, and everything that goes on with that. I’ve learned about ritual

work. I’ve always believed that working with and for the greater good is the best way.

My memories are returning more and more with each aspect and technique that I relearn. I am the balance be-tween light and dark. I can use both at my will, in more ways than simple knots. I am the voice of reason, knowledge, love and vengeance. I am the essence of the ying and the yang. That is why I must have many teachers. Even those

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who claim not to be for me yet impart knowledge are still my teachers. I will not turn only to one side or the other, in that there is no balance. When I was told that, I am half and half, the person who said that was right. I am half light

and half dark, the daughter of both.

It is my belief that all magick is gray. It is the intent that is used when casting that makes it light, gray, or dark. The New Age practitioners, for the most part, believe in only the light. This is great time for times of peace. Not learn-ing about the other intents, though, can weaken the magick of the light. Love does play a major roll, as does hate and indifference. Without knowing all, one does not know how to deal with or handle situations when they arise, and they will arise. I’ve seen it

There are some out there, in our world, that won’t be able to handle this knowledge. These people will act and speak like they are crazy, possibly ending their own lives and maybe the lives of others as well. Some of these people will see themselves as self appointed prophets or saviors of the world, and each will claim that they have to do it all on their own. These people, you may note, are very self centered people who always need to have attention focused strictly on them. I don’t think there will be that many of them, comparatively speaking, but they are and will be there.

2There are changes coming in on the winds, and they are not good ones. I know I keep saying this. I will keep

saying it until the message is spread all across the lands.

We can see the start of it already, all the children that are being killed and all the children that are killing other children, all the despair that is happening because of this. The people have become greedy, and because of this many have become needy. It’s not like the story of “Robin Hood”, steal from the rich and give to the poor. It has become stealing from the poor and keep for you; steal from everyone and keep for yourself.

We can see changes in other ways too. Like the weather. Last year it started. The central Midwest United States had almost no snow and ended up with a drought during the summer. We see it happening again this year. The scientists call it Global Warming because that is what they see. It is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. It is one piece to a much larger puzzle.

There is a small group of people, which are starting to put the puzzle together. We see these pieces so far.

1) Weather/Climate changes

2) Destruction of lives

3) Destruction of the land

4) Greed

We don’t know how many pieces there are to this puzzle, or how many will have to appear before positive changes are able to take place on a massive front. What we do know, is that there will be more of the same, and even more disturbing changes to come.

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We see some of the things that probably will happen in the future if we remain on the course that we are on. People, for the most part, are afraid of change. Because of this, they will fight it and try to keep things the way that they are.

If this happens there will come a time when the economy will completely fall. Governments will be overthrown, oh wait, that has already started in some places. Our world’s resources will be become depleted to the point of almost no return. We say almost because it will take us until that point before we leave the earth alone to heal. There will be much more killing, maiming, and greed. We are already almost back in the medieval hierarchy just in a modern day setting.

What about the economy? I’ve already been saying for years now that we will end up back at the barter sys-tem. Many of us are already there because the cost of everything is so high. We do what we have to in order to sur-vive. I see people every day that go to work just to pay the bills, yet still can’t pay them because they are not able to earn enough money. I see many more that have lost everything, and are forced to live on the streets.

I just read this as a post and received permission to use it. ” We live in the most affluent country in the most affluent time in the history of humanity.... Consumerism did win. Now find a way to share it with all 7 billion people so they can be consumers and producers too. The crime isn’t that we are expected to work hard and buy things, it’s that there are people not afforded the opportunity for their hard work to allow them to buy things, like food.”

Therefore, I guess we can add the economy to the growing list of puzzle pieces.

Now we have,

1) Weather/Climate changes

2) Destruction of lives

3) Destruction of the land

4) Greed

5) Economy

I’m debating with myself on this next point. Do I want to go there? Do I need to go there? Well if I’m to be totally honest, I guess I have to.

I wasn’t sure, when our President was elected the first time, four years ago, if he had enough real world life ex-perience for what I knew was going to be some of the toughest times yet to come. I’m glad to say he has done the very best that he has been able to, especially considering that not all of the people, in the rest of the government that should be backing him, are. Instead, they want to keep throwing up obstacles and roadblocks. I guess it goes back to that afraid of change thing again.

We need change if things are to get better. If we, the common people, can see this, then why can those in power not see it? Well I just refuse to go there! I will say, though, that even though they say that they have our best in-terest at heart, they should take a real good look at their true motives.

Keep pushing on Mr. President! There is more riding on this than even we realize.

Ok, we talked about the past and recent past, maybe it is time to talk about the present. This is where it starts to get hard. There are things that I want to say, although I’m not really sure quite how to say them. You might think I’m crazy, if you don’t already, but at this point, it is too late to back down or out.

We can learn many things through meditations, visions, trances, and auto-writing, as well as other ways. For those that don’t know what these are maybe it is best to explain them first, at least how I define them.

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Meditation is when you purposefully clear your mind, relax your body, and become open to the messages that are waiting for you. It takes practice for most people because we are so busy every day. Everyone has the ability to do this, although it is easier for some more than others.

Trances are more sporadic. Many things like words, music, sights, or sounds can trigger them. They are more uncontrolled meditations.

Visions and Auto-Writing are a couple of things that can happen while in meditation or trance. With visions, you can see and maybe ever hear and feel the messages coming to you. They may be in the form of a representation, which means that you get to figure it out.

Auto-Writing is short for Automatic Writing. That is when you are in a meditation or trance and you physically write or draw during that time. I find that I often have to rewrite or redraw what has come through so I can actually read it. There are some I have that I still can’t figure out.

Ok, now that we are on the same page with the definitions, it should be safe to continue.

Changes are starting to happen. The media kept saying that 12-21-12 was the end of the world. In a way, they were right, not in the physical sense though. This is the start of a new era, a new time. This is the time to find new ways of doing things for those with the knowledge. It is a time of change for us, a time to learn new skills and hone the old skills that we already have.

Within the last year, for me, more and more things have started coming to the surface. More often than not, I would get this feeling that something wasn’t quite right. I couldn’t put my finger on it though. Others would say things, and

what they said didn’t make sense at the time. Lately it has been with music. I would get stuck on a particular song or songs, and have to play it or them over and over and over again until I understand the message. For me, this is when, after over 30 years, my sight and premonitions start to return. This is also the time that I hone my herbal first aid skills,

and expand my gifts.

There are many who already know to start this, others have a feeling but can’t quite put their finger in it yet, and there are still many more out there that have yet to awaken to what is going on.

This is not only my story to tell. I have only one part of the entire thing. There will be others adding to our story and we will try to make it seem as only one persons’ hand has written the whole thing. This is the only way that the en-

tire story can be unfold..

3The Here (Hear) and Now

As I sit here,

With tears in my eyes,

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The story still must be told.

Regardless of my outcome,

I will be strong,

So that others will not fall.

Truth be told,

I do not want it,

The ending I must face.

For the “Greater Good” I will,

Knowing the other fate.

For the collective soul I fight,

Earth and humanity to be one.

The lessons were taught long ago. No one listened then. Will you listen now?

There have been phrases floating on a certain social media website. They have meaning in their own right, yet they were taken out of context. They are “You don’t get something for nothing”, and “Freedom isn’t free”. These have

been sent around in support of our military during the latest war. The meaning and lessons from these phrases go deeper. For me personally, I get it. I know what fate has in store for me. This is not about me though. It is about the fu-

ture. The future of the earth, and of humanity, and what will happen if we stay on the course that we are on.

All religions will end up going underground, no music, no joy, no fun, nothing. There will end up being one reli-gion, only one, and that will be government sanctioned.

Government will not be like it is now. A core group of people that I will call The United Counsel of World Gov-ernment will control it. This governing body will encompass the entire earth, and, control everything. The time people wake up, the time they go to sleep. Where they live, what they eat, when they eat, how they dress. Everything, until

The Hope appears.

The Hope will be a group of people that slowly spreads the words of, just that, hope. Slowly, as word spreads, people of all religions, non-religions, belief systems, race, color, anyone and everyone will band together. Together

they will retake the earth, but I’m getting ahead of myself here. I need to get back to this chapter, The Here and Now, or as I just tried to write it, The Hear and Now.

There are reasons that things happen. We may not understand, but the reasons are still there. You may be able to bend destiny, but fate will remain steadfast and true. Others may try to convince you otherwise. I know this first

hand. There is a saying, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”. That is not quite true in this case. He is a friend; his path just became twisted over time. Now it is all he knows. I am still his friend, always will be. There

are just certain subjects I will not talk with him about anymore.

Sorry I got a bit sidetracked there. Ok back to The Hear and Now, I mean The Here and Now. I guess that I

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keep trying to use the listening form of the word for a reason. We need to hear what is going on as well as see, and feel. Looking through “rose colored glasses” will get us nowhere, except where we do not want to be.

We need to listen to the messages that we are receiving. We can already see and feel them, but without hear-ing them they won’t make any sense. They will only be pieces of a puzzle that no one can figure out. To hear, as well

as see and feel, this is the whole thing. Then and only then will we have the answers that we are looking for.

When I hear messages, I usually hear them through music. Old school rock normally. I will get “stuck” on a group and a song or songs from that group. These groups and songs almost become an obsession until I understand the meaning in the lyrics. Once I understand the message then I go on to the next one. It used to happen only occa-sionally, but lately, it has been happening more and more often. Now it is almost as soon as I’m done with one, an-

other starts. What’s really messed up is when one starts and before I’ve figured it out, another one or two start. I forgot where I was going with this… Oh right, hearing the messages.

So the point of this is… listening with your soul, feel with your heart, and see with your inner sight.

4It is not time for us……yet.

Society as a whole needs certain experiences in order to learn and grow. If we start now, taking back the earth, then society in general will not have the time it needs to see, hear, and feel the results of what they are doing. For us, it is time to prepare. It is time to hone our skills, train more healers, protectors, and yes even warriors. There will be a time, in the future, when all will be needed. In the mean time, healers and protectors, should help the earth and nature

the as best as possible.

Ok, once again I want to make sure that we all are on the same page as to what exactly I am talking about when I say healers, protectors, and warriors. Let’s start with healers.

Healers are the ones that, well, heal. They heal everything from physical, to spiritual, to soul problems. They heal people, animals, and nature, as well as the universe. No one healer can do it all. It takes many types of healers,

and many of each type.

Protectors protect the healers, people, animals, nature, earth, and the universe. As with healers, there are many types, and each type has many protectors.

Warriors fight for what is just, and for the greater good. There are the armed forces, as well as spiritual war-riors. Each branch plays a part in doing what is right. The spiritual warriors are just starting to show themselves.

Human, animal, spirit, nature, earth, and universe all have their rolls. When they are able to work in harmony, everything is good, peaceful, and full of light. It is when they do not work in harmony that problems happen.

We are not and have not been in harmony for some time now, and things are getting worse. This is bound to happen though so that better days can come.

Later in this book you will see how changes come about, in a general way of course. The future is not set is stone. We as a society in general make choices that affect everyone else as well as our world.

The Hear and Now, yes we are still here. By hear I hope you have figured out that I’m not necessarily talking

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about hearing with your ears, so many will take that the wrong way. The hearing I’m speaking of is that little voice in-side your head; that gut feeling that makes sure that what you are doing is right. It is this type of hearing that I am

speaking about in The Hear and Now.

5So many thoughts are in my head right now. What will we need? How many groups will we need? How many

groups within the groups will we need? How many people do we need in each group? What skills do these people need? How many with gifts? How many without gifts? There is a lot that is going to go into this. No one realizes how big this will be, not even me. What I do realize, is that this is possibly the biggest situation that we will ever face. That is why we need to prepare now for what will happen in the future. As of now, globally, we are no where ready to deal with what will happen. This is providing we, as a world society, stay on the path that we are on. As no one else with

information is coming forward to help write this, I am slowly being told what to write. I realize how frightening some of this is, to have this knowledge, and not feel able to share it for fear of being thought of as crazy. Ok I stand corrected.

One person has come forward with a little information.

He says that we have done this before. He even emailed me what, in general, was done and whom was needed. If/since, this has or tried to be done already, why must we do this again? Obviously some part of this did not work. Maybe that is why he only sent me a general outline. He says we need a group to fix each of the problems that we find. In each group we will need a seer for sight. The seers will see who, what and how the groups are doing. We will need healers of course, to heal. He does not say how many or the kinds though; we will need to figure that out. We will need travelers to move between time and space. This is so we can make sure that the problems are fixed correctly. We will need gatherers. These people will handle the powers of the healers and travelers.

We will also need the following groups. Protectors to watch over each sub group. These people will be directly responsible for the protection of these groups of people.Warriors to protect the group in general and also to counter any and all resistance the groups will encounter. Coordinators; These people will be the ones that direct the sub groups and larger groups to where they need to go, they will also direct them as to what needs to be done. There will also need to be central coordinators that will keep the focus of the entire group.

There will be a central group. This group will have coordinators, healers, seers, proctors, warriors, travelers, and gatherers. These people will be responsible for the “big picture”. It is from this group that all of the smaller and sub groups will know what to do, where to help, how much is needed, as well as what kind. This is not going to be easy, not by any means. It will probably even be dangerous at times. Nothing for the greater good ever comes easy. The deeper we get into this, people will start to drop. Whether they quit from fear, or they end up dead and crossed over, they will still be gone. I’m not saying this to scare anyone, it is the truth. I have to tell it like it is, or I should say, like it will be as of now. Each of us will need a strong will, strong belief, stamina, and be willing to learn more than we think we know. We will have to rely on each other and trust each other; our lives will depend on it.

Destiny, Fate, Goddess, God, Father in Heaven, Deities, Demi Gods and Goddesses, Buda, and all the other Gods that people believe in are saying the same thing. The Elements, Earth, and the Universe is saying it as well. What are they saying you might be asking? They are saying “GET READY! GET READY FOR THE FIGHT OF, AND FOR YOUR LIVES!” “Get prepared, learn everything you can. Healers, stock your medicines, and the tools of your trade, and expand your knowledge. Protectors and Warriors practice your skills and increase them.

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Learn new skills, weapons, ways of protecting and fighting. Seers, reach your sight far and then stretch it even farther, and get to where you can hold it for a long time. Learn to be able to choose where you want and need to see.

Gatherers, increase your skills in gathering, holding, and projecting where the energy needs to go. Travelers of time

and space, practice what you know and increase your skills. This is what they are saying.

6Ok, sorry about that, I really didn’t mean to get so intense there. It’s just that, well, so very much will be riding

on the Hopes actions. I guess it kind of goes along with how I’ve been reacting to my surroundings and others lately. It may also have something to do with the level 1 Reiki that I have been doing.

Reiki is a healing art. It starts with opening the chakras to let the chi flow. I guess I better explain that a bit. It is believed that we have seven main chakras in each of us that run along our spine. Starting at the bottom they are, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and Crown. Each one connects with us in different areas both physically and spiritually. This is at least a month long process and I’m three weeks into it.

Anyway, back to the story. Conferring with another, it has been confirmed that we need to be ready in one year from two weeks ago now,(that would make it the end of March beginning of April 2014), and in a message I received yesterday there will be something really major happening in about 2 years 7 months 3days time, as well. That would make it November 20, 2015, or close to it. I don’t know what this will be; I was just given the when. And so we are clear on the dates, today is April 18, 2013. I’m putting this in here for a couple of reasons.

1) So that when this is handed down to the future generations, they will know what we have done, and if we do not succeed, what they can do and improve it

2) That there is a written record to refer to when the time comes to see how accurate we truly are.

It’s been what, about 12 years since the last terror attack; The Twin Towers, Pentagon, and those brave passengers that stopped their plane. That was September 11, 2001. Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005. Now on April 15, 2013 the Boston Marathon, The fertilizer plant that exploded with the same force of an earthquake early this morning, (the 17th), just 20 miles north of Waco; In-between all the killings, the innocent children and adults that have lost so much.

It is hard to put into words the feelings of what happened yesterday during the attack on the Boston Marathon; the shock, fear, sadness, pain and outrage. It is also encouraging how everyone there pulled together to help one another regardless of who they were, and the immediate out pouring of loving, healing energy sent from so many people and so many places. This once again, shows that although we may disagree on many things, like any family, when it comes down to it, we will support and help one another as a family should.

The initial shock wears off, and the healing begins, everyone whose lives were not directly affected goes back to their daily lives. We still need to remember that this was not the first time, nor will it be the last, that something this devastating has/will happen. We need to show a united front. We need to stand together and put aside the petty fighting and arguing, no matter what belief system each holds. We we’ve done it in the past, and we did it yesterday. These are just two small examples of what we can do when we are united in a common cause.

I wish I could say that something like this will not happen again, but I can't. I believe it will get to a point when so many bad things happen that we will have no choice but to stay united. Eventually the lessons will be learned, but I worry about the cost that will have to be paid.

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Hmmm, maybe it is a stretch but I’m starting to see something here. I will start my log in the 1990's as to share what I see.

1)    March 24, 1989 - Spirit attack on Water using Earth causing Earth attack on Earth - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill -  (Prince William Sound, Alaska) - recovery on going

2)    Sept. 11, 2001 – Air attack on Earth and Spirit -  (Twin Towers)

3)    August 23, 2005 – August 30, 2005 - Wind and Water attack on Earth and Spirit - Hurricane Katrina

         (Mississippi, Louisiana, Bahamas, South Florida, More) Category 5 Hurricane (SSHS)

4)    April 20, 2010 – July 15, 2010 - Earth attack on Water - Deepwater Horizon oil spill (Gulf of Mexico)

5)    July 20, 2012, 12:38 am – 12:45 am - Spirit attack on Spirit - Movie Theater Shooting (Aurora, Colorado)

6)    October 22, 2012 – October 31, 2012 - Wind and Water attack on Earth and Spirit - Hurricane Sandy   (East coast of America) Category 3 Hurricane (SSHS)

7)    December 14, 2012 - Spirit attack on Spirit - Sand Hook Shooting -

8)    December 31, 2012 Water preventive strike on Earth unit - (Shell's Kulluk drilling rig) -

         water became to ruff and forced this rig to seek shelter and not allow earth to attack water at that site

9)      April 15, 2013 – Fire attack on Spirit - (Boston Marathon) - many where hurt but in the end Spirit won

10)    May 20, 2013 – Air attack on Earth and Spirit - (Oklahoma City)

That only leaves Water, Earth and Spirit. Unless they have happened already and I just haven’t figured it out yet.

There is a sadness that is being felt on most if not all of the planes of existence. There is something else happening besides the war on the Astral Plane. I’m not sure what it is, or if I’m even meant to know, but I feel it as if, as if it was happening directly to me. There is no balance at this time; this is becoming more and more obvious on the mundane plane as the war continues for balance on the astral plane.


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The time has now come for action. It was just 5 days ago that the healing ritual was done for the earth. Since then, the dark has been on the attack. I’ll start with the ritual in general, this is a good thing.

It was day time. They met in the parking lot then Kalin followed Rianon in his car to the woods. They talked, and then walked to the place where the ceremony would take place with Rianon in the lead. There was a man in “camo” with hounds and a rifle walking the area, but he posed no problem, he was one of the good guys.

It is now after the ceremony they are on their way back to their cars. She had known that they would need to replenish their energy, so she had brought juices and healthy snacks. “I worry about you, Rianon. You are a target now.”

“That is to be expected”, she replied.

“But you don’t have to be on the front line.”

“Yes I do Kalin.” She turns stops and looks at him. “Someone has to do it. This is why I’m here.”

Kalin questions Rianon. “Why you? Why does it have to be you? Generals direct from the back ground all the time. You can get others to do the work for you.”

“Kalin, generals are also out in the field…”

He interrupts. “Yes those are field generals and they are usually the first to go.”

“I know that”, she replies flatly.

Rianon turns as she starts to walk away and he grabs her and pulls her back against him wrapping his arms protectively around her shoulders. “I worry about you Rianon. It’s my job to protect you. How can I do that if you keep putting yourself in the way of danger?”

Rianon wraps her arms around Kalin’s as they are holding her, “You will do what you have to do Kalin, the same as I” He drops his arms and she starts walking away. He follows and they get back to where the cars are parked. They put away their gear and Rianon pulls out the drinks and snacks.

They sit on the hood of her car, eat, and drink. She pops a grape in her mouth then pops another into his, picks up the baggy of cheese and offers his some. “Purple Moon Cheese” she tells him.

“What is in it?” he asks.

“Cheddar cheese and port wine”, Rianon replies.

Kalin brings the cheese up to smell it. “Wow this smells really good!”

Rianon takes a piece and tries it. “Hmmm it is really good.” Rianon opens an apple juice and takes a drink, then turns on her portable speaker and selects a song off her phone to play. She gets lost in the song and sings along with it like she is alone. When the song ends Kalin states “You seem to have gotten lost in that song.”

“I usually do” and then plays another and promptly gets lost in that one too. Then Rianon throws a curve ball song next and takes Kalin off guard.

He gets this incredulous look on his face “Really, this song, I would have thought something along the lines of

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the other two, why this one?”

Rianon stops singing and turns her head to look at him, no longer even smiling. “Because this is WHO we are. This is WHAT we are.”

“I know ...”

“No, Kalin, this is what HAS to be done. It doesn’t matter what my, your, or anyone else’s personal thoughts are on this. This is what I was told to do, this is what gets done. Look, I know you’re worried, I am too. This is important, and yes it is scary.” Kalin and Rianon hug taking what comfort they can from each other.

“I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I don’t want anything to happen to you either Kalin.”

“But I’m not the target Rianon, you are.”

“As I have been before and will be again. It’s nothing new.”

“Maybe not for you, but for me…”

“You’ve been through this before, Kalin and you know it.”

Rianon takes a deep breath and very slowly lets it out. “Look I don’t want to argue any more Kalin.” She looks at her phone for the time. “I have to go and get my girl from school.”

“Maybe you should lay low for a few days Rianon. I’m worried about you.”

“I’ll try dear. It is not like I normally go looking for trouble.”

And so it begins the fight to save mankind and the earth.

8 So it has been about a month now since the ritual was done. We left it alone to do its thing, trusting that it would work. Kalin and I have been talking and texting since then. He even came over once and shared a bonfire with two of my girls and myself. There is chemistry between us that we cannot deny. Nothing has happened, but that has been from lack of time and privacy. There is also a connection between us regarding this as well. We just think about the other, the skin on skin contact, devouring each other, touching, kissing, more. We both react even when we are miles apart. This is what has been happening up until now.

Yesterday, I ended up with three chats open at the same time, as well as dealing with my girls and boys; the ones home and not. In the chats there was Rubio, Kia, and Nesh. I’ll start with Kia as this might be the easiest to understand. I had contacted Kia to find out how to help Nesh protect against a bad Dreamweaver. This is the conversation that followed, although many of the more personal things will be left out.

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“I’m trying to figure something out, maybe you could help?”

“What is it Rianon?”

“How a person of one belief system can help a person of another belief system protect against dark Dreamweaver’s. The second person being open minded.” We talk about this for a while. No I’m not giving anything away here. If you want to know you need to learn. After conversing on a number of topics, we came around to the topic of dragons, and I ended up relating what had just happened. I will jump toward the end of that conversation.

“You know, Kia, it’s always ‘fun’ when you find yourself in the woods with pockets full of quartz, obsidian, tiger eye, onyx, and citrine, in robe, spouting words not of this world. That’s what happened to me today! Wow the power the Dragons released! If not for the stones I would have been on my… It took hours to get rid of the residual. I’ve never had that reaction before. Then again, I’ve never had that much going through me before either.”

“Yes, though I have to watch out for... Why not share the residual; it can be turned into anything you need. Give it to the earth, the plants and wild life will flourish in a good way. Then again, you are dealing with a dark Dreamweaver.”

“It is more than just that, Kia; there is a murderer in the area as well. This person just killed two people and a possible third person in the town next to mine. One of the ones that are dead is an autistic child. He was just fourteen years old.”

“The dragon there is upset and looking for more help in dealing with those problems and more, Rianon”

“I know Kia, I already have the ritual set up and extra energy stored in crystals. I just need to get back to the woods with Kalin so we can do this.” So this is the main points with Kia.

Next is Nesh. He is of the mundane world, but through a page that he created, he helps the good energy flow. He is open minded when it come to others belief systems and a real all-around earth-bound Paladin. It is because of the good that he is being targeted by the dark Dreamweaver. The following may explain this better.

Nesh has brought two dreams to my attention. The first one he told me, “The dream implied that my project would break the world. How can I go through with the project knowing that it could do more damage than good?” The

second dream that Nesh brought to my attention is close to the first in comparison. “Had another dream that strongly implied that by going through with the project, I’ll be risking the world. This one went so far as the dream to grow dark, and when I reached that conclusion, things grew light. It was a lucid dream and I was completely coherent. …. I’m sure though it was outside my own imagination.”

The potential with Neshs’ page is tremendous. The impact that it is having for the good is huge. The attacks from the dark Dreamweaver just prove that what he is doing is the right thing to do. There are many with the light that is backing him. There are some that the mundane believe to be myths protecting him now as well. These dreams are examples of what the dark is trying to do and one of the means that they are trying to use.

Lastly is Rubio. I left him for last because he could be a book all on his own. He has a really good heart, although his methods may be a bit, shall I say, unorthodox. He gets the job done, though, and that is what counts. Rubio wants to do things his way and can be quite stubborn about it at times. Once you get passed that gruff exterior though, you find that he is a loyal friend and ally. So this is from last night.

“I found out that there are about thirty of us on the execution list. I already had to defend three. Then I heard about the list, you are on it and so are all of the high ranking people.” He goes on to report a number of things,

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including… “They put an entire squad on you. They have Titans, a couple of Demi Gods and thousands of other things. I’m the one that’s really catching it; have me as a kill on sight…” So once again it has escalated.

It is the next day now and I’ve had to tighten up my army. I was attacked two times today with my oldest girl in my car with me. One time was when going over train tracks that are a half a block long. Just as the front of the car was under the gate the gate started coming down, I slammed on the breaks, throw the car in reverse, saw the express train, hit the gas, and slammed on the breaks again. The second time was when we were driving down that very same bust street. And a car pulls right out in front of us and again I had to slam on the breaks or I would have rammed into that car. Nesh also had an attack today, by car. The fool tried to run him off the road but Nesh was able to counter it.

9What I’m writing now is not easy at all. It happened a few nights ago after I went to sleep. There is such a thing as astral to mundane attacks. Sometimes these attacks take the form of accidents, but this attack was more on a personal level; a violation. If you are sensitive to this, or under the age of 17, then I would strongly suggest that you skip this chapter. I still get cold and start shaking just thinking about this. It must be told though so that others know that this can and has happened.

 It was just like any other day; doing things on the mundane and the astral. It had been a long day yet again and I was tired. That night I got ready for bed, like I always do, then turned out the lights and laid down for sleep. Normally I read for about 30 to 60 minutes to quite my mind enough so that I can sleep. I should have known something was up when I could not read for even five minutes. I closed the book, put my glasses on the nightstand, rolled over and was instantly asleep; again, not normal. What happened, took a couple days to remember. Cronis had escaped his prison. I was not aware of this at the time nor was Rylin, Kia, Havlin, or even Damien, my son, who along with Cronus had captured and imprisoned him the last time.

         Cronis had one of his lackeys put a sleep spell on me; this is why I went to sleep so quickly. It was also meant to put me in a deep sleep. The spell did not fully work though. Yes it put me to sleep, but unknown to them I had a watcher spell of protection so that even if I didn’t remember right away that I would soon remember. A little while after the sleep spell took effect, this lackey went on the attack. He got help from a guard that Cronis had managed to plant in with my personal guards and entered my room. He rolled me over so that there was a pillow under my stomach and hips, then prepared himself.

           After he was ready, he slid his hand so that it covered my mouth just in case of any noise. He placed a knee between my legs to start and push them apart. Then, when they were far enough apart he got on the bed over my back. In one quick move, he entered and began his work. When he exited, I thought he was done but he just shifted position and entered again only this time a different place. He didn’t say anything; no words, not even grunts, total silence. The entire time I couldn’t move; it was as if I was paralyzed. I couldn’t cry, scream, anything. All I could do was lay there. It felt like hours went by. Finally, he seemed satisfied that his job was finished. He rolled off me and put himself back together. He must have been under orders not to leave me looking like that so he rolled me over and made everything look like normal. Then he left.

        When I woke up in the morning, I felt stiff and sore in places that I should not have. I tried to ignore it and go about my day as normal. Then, while I was out running errands, I felt something wet almost shoot out. I went and found a bathroom figuring that maybe I just needed to use it. So I get in there, sit down and when I look to see what happened, all I saw was a white chalky substance with a wetness under it. I did what I could until I got home. When I

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did get home, I changed. I text Kia and Kalin and let them know what I thought happened.

         Now my son Damien has been in town for a visit. It has been with his help that I have been able to remember everything. He consecrated his blades in dragons’ blood for me and I slept with then under my pillow for two nights. Once I remembered everything, I found the traitor that posed as one of my personal guards. He had tried to go into hiding with 19 of his buddies. They are all dead now. My personal guards are now under orders that there are to be no additions unless I personally give the ok and they have been warned that if something even remotely like this happens again that they will all pay the price. The one that ordered this in the first place is still out there.

10 Back in chapter four, I mentioned that there was something else going on besides the stuff in the astral. Just

tonight there are things that have been brought to my attention. There is up-rising starting worldwide. Many people in many countries are sick and tired of the way things are being done. This movement is spiraling larger and larger in these countries as the people start to take back control. I will be writing about a few them here. These are things that are happening worldwide yet many seem to be little known. I pity the government here when this starts in the US.

Starting in 2009, “The Church Act”, (The Congressional Hope for Uniform Recognition of Christian Heritage Act), was introduced to the US Congress by Rep. Louie Gohmert. He believed that for true religious freedom people should be allowed to choose between different Christian denominations, he had 14 supporters. The second year he brought this to Congress he had 28 supporters and the third time he only had 4 supporters. If the Congress women and men had not been voted out of office when they were, then my prediction would have already been true.

2011 the Canadian federal government was led by Stephen Harper. Among other bills, he introduced Bill C-45 overhaul. First accepted in 1882 the Navigable Waters Protection Act, (NWPA) was intended for actual navigation of the many waterways in the Canadian wilderness by putting serious barriers to industrial development such as pipelines. The overhaul of this bill in 2011 not only renamed this to Navigation Protection Act, but, the approval process for construction in and around waterways would only be required for the development around one of a wide list of waterways as determined by the minister of transportation. This affects the First People; the Aboriginals native to the land.

It is pretty sad when an entire military sides with the people of a country and demands that the President of that country step down, this is the case in Egypt. As of today, July 2, 2013 Egypt’s military has given the President a 48 hour Ultimatum. The General that is the head of the army issued the following.

"The armed forces warns everyone, if the demands of the people are not met within the ultimatum given, it will find it mandatory upon itself, in accordance to its historic and national responsibilities, and in respect to the demands of the great Egyptian people, to announce a road map and procedures, overseen by the military, that will include all groups, including the youth, who were and are still behind their blessed revolution."

Now this third one hits closer to home and may possibly link a site to a government agency in the US. I am working on the research now to see just how close to the truth I really am. Well my research has taken a twist and I found a link not to where I thought I would, but to another agency that according to public record stopped work in the 1990’s.

The first group I started looking into in earnest was the National Security Agency or NSA for short. Just a quick

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research brought up 10 different sites on the internet. The NSA has been around since at least World War II. At first it was called the Armed Forces Security Agency, or AFSA, and dealt mainly with the militarily. This started, from what I can tell, on May 20, 1949. It was sometime on or around June 13, 1952 that the name was changed to the National Security Agency or NSA and the duties expanded.

In more recent years, like around the last 20 or so, this agency has been using the air waves to collect data on many types of people. It was supposed to be used to counter terrorism among other important things, with citizens’ privacy and the constitutional right of the people being foremost. It is unfortunate, but, this agency, or some of those in it allegedly has taken some parts of private conversations out of context and these people end up on a terrorist list. Again I state that everything I am stating I have found legally and in the public domain.

What many people may not realize though is that from the late 1970s to sometime in the 1990s the NSA also assisted, if not conducted research on psychic abilities. It seems that it was under the “umbrella code name ‘Star Gate Project’’’ and was “on the books and authorized by Congress”. The claim is that this operation is no longer in effect today. It is claimed that the US government conducted trials at the Stanford Research Institute, or SRI, on what they called “remote viewing”. The seers that they were using either were untrained or very smart not to reveal much. Still it took almost twenty years before claims of funding were withdrawn.

Our government can be quite, interesting. A number of years ago there was a television program called “Stargate” that was based out of Cheyenne Mountain. In the show it was an old missile silo that was converted for the use of a gate that could transport people through space. A few years ago a movie was made that was named “The Men Who Stare at Goats”. This movie is about the militaries research and use of psyonics. In the movie it was called the “Jedi Project”. They separated the name from the project and made it seem like these things are not able to be real, when in reality, the Stargate Project was and I think still is a psyonics military project. Don’t take my word for it, do your own research and decide for yourselves. There is a place for this as well as a time, but they truly need to use this

for the right reason. Psyonics is not meant to be used as a weapon, although it can be and a very dangerous one at that. Psyonics is meant to be used primarily as a healing tool for humanity, the earth, and the universe. There are many out there that are already doing just this. Now the many have to be all that much more careful.

The US was not the only country to conduct research of this type; Russia, China and the Netherlands have as well that I could tell. In reality there is no telling how many countries have done research on this subject because it would take years to truly figure it out. Needless to say, if the three main “super power” countries have done research on this, then almost surely many other countries have as well.

This last site was brought to my attention a few months ago. There is a free sign up so I did. It works with the magnetic field of the earth to record and predict the weather. From what I can see they are working with only the low frequencies, V1-1.2. If this is all that it is used for then I don’t see a problem with it. This got me to thinking about what other organizations might be interested in this. I did a search on NASA and geomagnetism and I found that they also are doing research.

Geomagnetism at very low frequencies can be used to monitor patterns of the Earth’s magnetic fluctuations and better understand how weather affects this, is fine. If this is used to affect the magnetic pattern to cause weather changes or magnetic fluctuation changes of the Earth, the damage could be irreparable. I have not yet found evidence to this effect, but that is not to say it is or is not happening. I watch the weather worldwide and really wonder.

Remember this is a book of fiction that is based off of the global society of today. I needed to put this chapter in here so that we all have a general understanding what is going on.

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11There’s no going back, only moving forward. There is no use in mourning the past, it only brings you down,

doesn’t change a thing. Instead learn from it and become stronger. If you get knocked down for any reason, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, kick the butt of whatever / whoever did it and go on with your life. I’m done with the


The things these different governments and organizations are doing these days are insane! From not allowing people personal gardens all the way to chemical weapons, just insane! Then there are those that are playing with the forces of nature. Those people better watch out or nature will bite them right in the yes it will. There are those that are higher up in global society, which, in the opinion of many, should not be there.

This Assad Regime in Syria is a great example. That he set off of chemical weapons on his very own people, insane. Reminds many who read about this of Hitler and how many he killed in the concentration camps. Do we really need another Hitler on this already messed up world? Iran is trying to use threats against the USA’s White house so that we don’t put a stop to this. Even the United Nation, (U.N.), wants to get involved to stop this madness, but is being blocked by Russia and China. You would have thought, at least this lesson would have been learned already. Insane! Yes we need a balance in this world, now more than ever. How much good is it going to take to balance this bad? How much more bad will we let happen? Who will have the guts needed to get rid of this demon? There are a number of demons who have infiltrated global society, and more are showing up or being created all the time. I’m not a religious fanatic of any kind. I am just saying what I see, feel, and hear.

The fact that there are people not allowed to have their own attractive, well maintained gardens so that no matter what they have something to eat that is actually healthy, insane. So much of our food has been contaminated with pesticides, antibiotics, and / or genetically modified now it seems to me that these higher up in global society don’t want the majority of the global populace to live. This is my opinion of what I see, feel and hear.

Yes, I know, I’m ranting. Like I stated at the beginning of this chapter, I’m done with the games.

This is August 31, 2013. The sides are being chosen and the lines are being drawn. Those not choosing may very well end up going down in flames. On one side we see the United States, France, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Israel and Saudi Arabia are also watching Iran. On the other side are Syria, Russia, and China. Those neutral so far are Egypt, Jordan, Italy, and Britain. There are countries not yet heard from. I will include them as I get information. This could to end up big, as in global. I don’t think that this is the way that it was supposed to happen, but then again, when has the higher ups in our humanity ever truly listened to the Universal Law.

I was talking with Kia tonight on chat as well as Rubio. Like many other people we were discussing the recent events. What options the common people would have if given any type of forewarning. We figure that high rocky ground with caves would be the best bet in the beginning. This way, at least, the fires that would be raging from the impact from the bombs would be well below. Then, also, the gas would dissipate as it rose higher into the air as well. So now to locate these caves all around the globe, everyone should know where their safe places are, although we already know that not everyone will believe and therefore not even try to find this. After everything is clear and safe again, there will be areas in every country, every state, every county that will be starting points for rebuilding and learning the skills that will be needed to survive. All I can say about this is look for the living water; it will lead to help. Oh and homesteaders and survivalists already have some of the skills needed, as long as they are realistic in their approach.

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12Kias’ dream

There is a dream I have were the world is so covered with smoke and ash that it is dark both day and night. I fly over land that burns from within, volcanoes everywhere over flowing with lava. Every were I look all I see is dark land with lava rivers flowing over the surface. I can hear on the wind others hunting for pockets of life were food might be found and I am small enough I must make sure they do not get me. There is a cave high on the side of a mountain where I sleep it is too small for the others to enter so I can sleep in peace. The cave is deep into the earth and where I lay, it glows red and is oval shaped. I hunt as I can but I am always hungry with so little food around. Till I cannot take it any longer and I go curl up for a deep sleep I think I will never wake from.

But this is not to be time passes and the world above me changes in so many ways till the day I wake because I do not really fit in my cave. I manage to worm my way down the tunnel of my cave to the outside only to find a world of green. Such tall things now outside of my cave with centers of brown that connect them to the ground. This new world makes me want to turn and hide inside my cave but that cannot happen for the way I wormed my way free collapses the tunnel leading to my cave. I notice that the ground has different shades of green and different heights covering it.

There just in front of me the green rustles not knowing this land, I spread my wings and hiss a warning. This causes a head to appear from a deep green lump. I notice the lump is made of many small green things that look like scales. The head is covered with, what to me, seems to be supper fine long scales that where clumped together in the shape of larger scales. I am puzzled by the color for there is no red light from the lava. Here there is a silver nose that faded into black where the large scales started with two....well to supper flexible scales covered with shorter supper fine scales. I watch the head in the green lump wondering what it is doing. The head moves forward revealing a body covered in the supper fine scales. The thing snorts, tills its head and walks away.

Startled I reared back at the creatures’ odd behavior. I am so use to others trying to kill me, and this one walking away made me want to follow it. So not knowing why, I fold my wings up tight and follow this strange creature till we get to a cold blue lava flow. To surprise my surprise the creature walked into the blue lava without getting hurt. This strange blue lava, that did not hurt, flowed back and forth around the creature and it turned to look at me then for some strange reason it lapped at the blue lava as if to say it was not going to hurt me. I reached out and touched the blue lava. It was cold to the touch and when I pulled back I found the cold stuff hanging from my front talons.

I sniffed at my talons wondering what this stuff was and when I looked back up, I saw the creature walk out of the stuff a ways away with the stuff between us. I spread my wings and I tried to fly over the stuff but part way over my wings gave out and I belly slapped the blue stuff. Down I sunk till I touched the bottom under this cold stuff. Scared I reared up my head surfacing over this cold stuff I was in. The creature turned and looked at me, head tilted as if to ask what was I doing.

Then I saw her, a two legged one rising out of the stuff, but there was none of the stuff coming off of her. I do not know why I call this two legged one a female it just feels right. She waves me to come to her, although I’m not sure why I should, I do as she waves. She holds a hand out and I know her name as well as the creature that lead me here. It was a wolf named Hess.

I look around this new world and she helps me come to know what things are without me having to speak. Then I notice something picking at my sides. I tried to look but noticed that the cold stuff, I now know as water, had turned black. The black hard bits where floating across its surface, while the water turned black around me.I tilt my head trying to figure out what was going on. I lifted my front foot from the water, only to find white fur showing

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through the dark burnt scales, as they began to break up and float away from me.

It was Hess that found me way be for the elves came to make their new home there. The lady that stood there before me on the water looks at the wolf and then stretches her hand out over the water towards the far side where the water vanishes into the sky. I really want to explore the watery world I am standing in and with a backward glance to Hess and the Lady I dive under the water to see what I can find.

Time passes and there came a day when I felt the pull of land once more. As I approach the shore, there stands Hess, as if he was watching for me Once more his fur is sleek and smooth, now a silver white color to me. As I approach him, he steps into the water and says something I tilt my head trying to understand what he is saying. Then as he spoke I began to understand what he was saying.

What I did not know was I was shifting forms slowly looking more like Hess and his wolf shape. He bid me to follow him and as we moved through the forest I noticed that here was a place full of life just like the water was. It takes us a while to travel to where there is a large gathering of wolves and animals that seemed to be just enjoying the other creatures nearby. In time I fully shift into wolf form and then learn each different creature that had come to live with Hess' pack. I always seem to surprise Hess; for though I go hunting, it is just enough to stop the hunger pains not enough to fill me. Then one day, when we were looking out over a large plain, we see a strange round energy field form in the middle of the field and when it vanishes there stands something.

Over the years we watch this thing that was left, till it seems to give birth to a strange two legged being that did not look at all what I remembered of the lady. I could not help it, I had to go find out what those strange two legged ones were doing. Hess finds me crouching, watching the beings. As I am crouching, there is a smaller, younger form. Though my wings are still noticeable I fold against my back. I start to move from where I am; Hess stops me with a soft grow. He then he moves into the group there and comes darting back dragging something long and colorful. Hess is followed back to he were he had drug the long colorful thing to and dropped before bouncing off into the brush. One of the beings had followed Hess' path, just to find me.

This is how I came to live with the Elves.

13Stones in circle clear the ground, inside the circle, fires round,

Coal from fire, soil too; filter waters life for you, Bowls from hard wood you can make, to hold the water and food you make.

Now take the pulp left from the bowls and add that to your filter too, This helps the water be better for you.

Heat stones in fire to real red hot, with water drop them in the cooking pot. The excess fat you get from meat, burn it for light and yes some heat.

Wrap some moss around a twig; be careful that is not too big, Put it in the bowl of fat, light the end and that is that. Do this in the light of day, and by night you can play.

To make a little place to sleep, this is what you must keep. Sticks and branches, leaves and twigs, pile them up make a weave. Your sleeping mat to keep bugs out, cedar and oak go round about.

Leaves and grass to make it soft, dry not damp, so roust about. To build a fire you will need, dry kindling light as the breeze.

Now get yourself a stick to use, with one end down and back and forth.

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Between your hands the stick must be, for fire to start and you will see. Wisps of smoke come from the embers, gentle breath to catch and flame.

Little twigs to make it grow, it is hungry so feed is so. Careful does it, not to fast, for this way is sure to last.

Slowly feed it larger now, the sticks it needs and yes do vow. To feed it larger logs and see, how it wants them, needs them, see?

Tee-Pee logs above the flame give it air, don't be lame. Once it has the room to grow, sit back and watch the magic flow.

To make a trough or bowl or plate, use stone to grind the center out. Remember not to grind to deep, or you may want to sit and weep.

When that is done remember dear, pebbles help sand it smooth and clear.

This is how I remember the basics for surviving in the wilderness. Kia, Rubio and I were chatting about what is needed to survive in the wilderness/woods, when there are few if any modern day items. It saying above came from this discussion. This chapter and the next are the long drawn out results of this discussion.

The first thing you will need to do is find a flowing water supply. Still water holds things that can kill without major filtering. Now that you have found flowing water, follow it up stream. That means if you drop a leaf or bit of something in the stream you go in the other direction of the stuff you dropped in the water. Travel along the water until you come to a rock and gravel section of the stream. Now I know you want to drink your fill, but this is wrong, all you want to do on this first day is wash your mouth out. This gives your body a chance to get to know the new water supply you have found. Now that you have found this water supply, look around to see what is close in order to make a shelter. Now shelter can be found in caves or even made by hand

There is a method to what I suggest. By rinsing your mouth out the first day, the next day you can have three cups of water scattered throughout the day. By then you should have a basic filtering system in your camp and be able to drink water on the third day.

You want to walk a short circle around the area that you have selected as your camp so that you know what is there. There may be wild blackberries, walnuts or other food that is safe to eat. Remember, If you don’t know what it is, don’t eat it. I would not recommend even touching it bear handed until you can figure it out. This is the time that you also can look for sticks and branches to help make your shelter, as well as making sure the area is safe to be in. Remember, be careful, watch, and take your time.

The shelter, if in the forest, can be made out of a fallen tree. You need at least a waist high opening under the fallen tree trunk. The Native American style lean-to will also help survive the cold weather. Start at the highest part of the fallen tree, lean branches, standing them against the tree, leaving an opening at least the length of your leg on each side. Now when you place the sticks and branches from tallest to shortest along the fallen tree you will end up making a lean-to. Next use branches with leaves on them to make the next layer; remember to start at the bottom and stack them so that you layer the leaves up the sides of the lean-to, this will help keep both rain and wind out. Now you want to stand another layer of sticks and branches over your lean-to to help keep the leaves in place, just like the first layer. If you do luck out with a tarp or hides, place on top and spread it or them out. If you were able to do this, then you will need to stand another layer of sticks before you stack another layer of branches. If not, then you can just stack another layer of branches. This will help fight against the wind.

For those who find caves or other enclosed shelter, I would suggest you make sure it is free and clear of animals. If there are other people there, try to make friends and shelter together. There will be more safety in small groups than alone.

Fire, now this can be tricky. The first thing you want to do is make sure you have a safe place to build your fire this includes moving the leaves and other burnable things back and away from were you are building your fire. You

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might even have to scrape back the forest floor till you find dirt to build your fire on. Gather many large rocks to surround your fire pit this will do many things include help protect your fire from wind and allow you to build up the coals and ash for doing water purification. Once you have your fire pit you can build your fire.

The driest starter wood is the dead small branches in the trees without leaves on them. These branches break and snap easily. Remember to gather a lot of varying sizes so that as your fire grows you can add to it. The next thing is to build your fire nest using the fines and driest branches build up a nest of sticks. If you luck out with a lighter you can start the sticks on fire but remember you need to add sticks that burn fast and build up a red hot coal bed. To keep the coal bed going you will need to continually feed your fire till the fire can stay going for a few minutes and take sticks as large as your thumb. You can then place larger branches on your fire. If needed, you can blow on your fire until it is going nice and strong.

The fire at this time is needed simply for the fact that the coal, after cooling some of it will be part of your water purification system. A large bed of coals is to your benefit, for it gives you coals for the next day as well as those that you can pull out once the pit is cold to the touch, so you can use to purify the water. Now I am assuming you have two water containers with you. This could be a simple pair of cups, if no cups any kind of clean, hollowed out object will do, and socks. Why socks? Well in one sock you want to place cold coals that have no wood attached to them. The next thing you want to do is go back to your flowing water. Now you want to fill the other sock with sand then place the sand filled sock on top of the coal in the other sock. You can now fill one cup with water and while holding the filter sock over the other cup and pour the water through now the water might smell funny from your socks but this water you can drink three cup scatter throughout the day. Now if you want you can restart your fire and then take a small rock and get it really hot then drop the hot rock in the cup of water it will take a bit but you can boil water this way or from the side of the fire.

See if you can find soft bark that will peel off of the tree easily. Paper birch bark is one of the easiest barks to work with but you do need a cutting tool for you need to peel a large sheet of bark off of a tree. If there is standing dead tree this will help you out in several ways; one being that the standing dead tree when raining offers the driest wood around and two you do not have to hurt green trees for bark and wood.

You want to cut down the center of your birch tree the length of your arm, the depth will be till you come to a cork like inner bark. You can grab the cut edge of bark and carefully peal it off of the tree or log. If you take from a log you will have to scrape the cork like material off gently, so you do not damage your piece of bark. Now go back to the flowing water and using rock go ahead and sink the bark to the bottom of the steam. If there are small hole you have a basket, if there are no holes a bowl. The rock cooking can be done with to make real stone soup

Look along the steam to find thin willow branches. You will need one that is long enough to go in a circle at least twice. Gather several more willow branches. The bark right now is going to be removed in long thin strips and used to wrap the top of the birch bark that you gently curl up into a bowl. The corners will have to be folded triangle and whip stitched together with a thin branch. If there are no holes in the bark bowl it will hold water or other liquids. If there are holes then you just made a basket. If the bark bowl you made has no holes you can take your filter sock and run water through it to fill your new bowl now this bowl cannot be over fire but you can take several small rocks and heat them in the fire till hot and place the hot rocks in your bark bowls the rocks will heat the water in your bowl and if done right even boil the water now there will be a light oil like film on top of the water, this is ok, it is from the fire heated rocks now if you plan on doing this till you find a better way you can take your bark basket with holes in it to store your cooking rocks. The fun thing is now you know why we have stone soup yes people hide food and when they brought out their hot cooking rocks to the pot they also added some of the food they hid before the visitor came to town.

Alright, now that we have water, shelter, heat/fire and a way to cook, we need to have a more comfy bed now this will seem strange, but I suggest if it is available, to get a layer of cedar or oak branches for the bottom layer of you bed. This will cover the whole floor of your lean-to and will keep the bugs and many creepy crawlies away. Next you want to nice thick layer of pine branches; this will give you a springy base to your bed and help keep you dry. Then you want to gather grass. The grass will help pad you from the needles and if fresh will bring in a nice clean smell to

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camp. Now that we have a bed pad you can place any bedding you have down on it. I would recommend going along the outside of your lean-to and if you have it placing cedar or oak around the base; it will help keep the bugs and creepy crawlies away including snakes.

I’m going to end this here and get back to the actual story. There is plenty of information on the internet if you are really interested.

14We need food and with water we have fish. So let’s start with gathering long willow sticks; you will need about

50 green sticks each one needs to be stripped of bark that will be used in making the fish trap. You will need to twist two branches up into two rings big enough to set over your head then you need a ring that is large enough for both arms to go through. Next take the bark you pulled off the willow sticks and carefully wrap the sticks to the large ring

spaced about a finger width apart till you have the whole ring filled. Now take all of the ends, gather them together and tie them together using more bark strips. Take one small ring and slide it from the point down, on the outside of the

trap, until it just begins to move the sticks then use bark to tie each stick to the ring. This is the body of your fish trap.

Now to make the mouth of your trap, you will need to make a ring that is the same size as the widest ring of you trap and tie sticks to it that are about a quarter of the length of the trap body and are thin. Tie these sticks about a finger with apart. Then tie the small ring to each of the short thin sticks about a third of the way down. This will make a small cone. The ends need to all equally meet together so that fish can swim in. Take three pieces of bark and tie the small cone on top of the trap with the opening pointed into the trap.

To set the trap up you will need two good strong sticks free of bark that you can sick into the stream bed through the sides with the trap the trap opening facing the water flow so that fish can be pushed in by the water but not swim out. The trap needs to be fully under the water if possible and left to sit for several hours. If you are worried about the trap floating away you can tie the trap by a length of braided bark to the shore.

Come back several hours later and check on the trap if there is fish carefully pick the trap up and bring it to shore. Next remove 2 of the closing ties and collect your fish now you can take the fish back to camp and cook them if you want to clean the fish there on the shore, you can by cutting the stomach open start at the head and cut the belly open pull out the guts and anything that is loose inside now there is a chance of having a female full of eggs. The eggs are good for you and I would use the fish to carry the egg mass back to camp. Once you get your fire going you can take a good size stick and put a stick through the length of the fish then roast the fish over the fire. In a bark bowl you can add some filtered water and the fish eggs. Take several hot cooking rocks and bring the water and eggs to a boil. Boil for several minutes and then allow this to cool enough to drink / eat. Your fish can be cooked over the fire. The skin will be black, but that is ok it is the inside you want. When it feels firm to the touch go ahead and pull you fish from over the fire and check it. The fish will be white and flaky when ready to eat.

You may get tired of fish all the time so how about setting up a snare to catch small animals like rabbit. To make a snare you need to cut a piece of vine or thin not dry branch about the length of one arm. Then bend it in a small loop about an inch from one end.  Twist it until the loop is tight enough that it won’t come lose or your whole trap will be a failure, you could strip the bark and use it to tie it off tight. Next the other end of the vine or branch through the loop.  This will form the larger loop that will lock around your preys’ neck. Form another small loop at the other end of the vine just like you did in step 2.   Find a solid anchor point.  You can drive a branch into the ground for this or with a spring snare the bent branch will act as your anchor point. Place the snare. The slipknot part of the snare should be about the size of an average adult’s fist and the second small loop is for an anchor point so just big enough for that. It is suggested that you make six to twelve snares for a better chance of catching your food.

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After this is ready, you need to find animal tracks; in this case we will use rabbit but any small animal will work with this. Now find some strong smelling herbs or vegetation. Grab a handful of the leaves, crush them and then rub them in the slipknot part of the snare. Doing this will help to remove your sent and give you a better chance at catching something to eat. Try looking near the water not too far from camp. Look for small openings in the brush or bushes and for branches near the ground that have been moved aside. These are the best places to set your snares. Remember to check the snares every morning. Oh to be on the safe side, you will want to bring a strong branch with you in case you find an animal in a snare that is wounded but still alive, you will need to “club” it. I know it sounds nasty but, realistically, you need to eat. Your best bet is to gut the animal near the water, but save the brain before you get rid of the head. You will need it for the curing the hide. I know, I know, that is the nasty part. It has to be done though.

Now to skin a rabbit is simple you do need a tree with a good strong stick just above your head, once the rabbit is dead, cut the skin from around the pads next cut the skin from the back foot pad along the back of the leg up to the butt hole on both legs. Cut the skin free of the butt hole. Pull the skin back to the body and take a string loop over the branch and a skinless leg to each side. Make sure there are no lumps on the skin or meat. That most likely means the rabbit was sick and not good to eat. This will only be seen when skinning. Now pull the skin off of the rabbit you will get the skin inside out and will need to cut the mouth free along with the eyelids and ear holes. Once that is done you can put the meat in the cooking pole or on a bowl of water and cook it. Remember cooking in the water means using the hot stones and more attention. I would tell how to cure the pelt as well but I’m not getting any easy answers in my internet research. Now if you can get your hands on non-iodized salt you can always find a way to slightly stretch the pelt and put a thick coat of salt in it. It would need to stay in the sun and not get wet, peel and fat and membranes away as the dry. This way should take about two days. After it is dry and the remaining fat and membranes have been removed you will need to work the pelt by hand. Do this by rolling it like rolling up paper, holding it in both hands and while one hand is away from you the other hand is near you, now reverse, and reverse, and reverse. Do this and rolling it both directions, fur out and fun in. Ring it like a wet wash cloth as well, but be gentile doing this one, you don’t want to tear the pelt. If you collect enough of them you can make warm coverings for hands, feet and head for winter, maybe even a blanket.

Another way to get food from nature is to look to the trees. Fruit and nut trees can be found in most forests. With walnuts you will want to put then on the edge of your fire for them to roast to be edible. Just keep them there until the prickly shells crack open.

I’m going to end this here and get back to the actual story. There is plenty of information on the internet if

you are really interested.

15Ok, now that, that information is written, perhaps I can get on with the story. I realize that there are side-tracks

in here. I can only hope that the information in these side-tracks will one day be helpful. I’m taping Kia and Rubio for information here so that I make sure I get it right.

Well I haven’t spoken or chatted with Kalin for a few weeks now. Everyday life and the concrete jungle tend to take over at times. There is almost always something to do no matter what. Kia, Rubio and I do chat as often as possible, though it is mostly in the evenings. Even Damien has become busy with the everyday. With the way the economy is now, yes I know they keep saying it is getting better. There is still way to many people out of work, losing their homes, living on the streets, and going hungry for me to believe that. Oh I better be careful before I go on another rant.

I’ve been walking in the woods as much as I can until it gets to cold and the snow comes. I don’t mind walking in the snow and cold as long as I have the proper clothing and footwear. Even growing up with the cold and snow, I

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still don’t care for it much. Even more fun will be seeing if the snow shoes I found actually work! The trails I’ve been taking are more back trails. It is easy to get turned around yet so very fun to explore. The main trail leads all the way to the next state if walked correctly. In fact, when I was walking one of the semi back trails, I found a great example of a free-standing shelter. It is good to see one that is made so that it will be easier to make when the time comes.

There are many reasons I go for long walks in the woods. I like the peace that I find there, but more importantly, I go so see what resources are there. Of course there is wood and stuff for shelters and fires, but there is also food that grows wild in most woods, yes even city woods. By me, I find black berries, blue berries, walnuts, and a variety of other edibles, all growing wild. There are ways available to survive when all else fails, so much for not going on a rant.

My friend Alex called me a few nights ago. I use to hear from him only once a month, but lately he has been calling a bit more often. This call started out a bit different though….


Alex asked, “You summoned?”

“No, Alex, not that I’m aware of. Why?”

“Never mind, hey I’ve been having a progressive dream and you, me and your ex are in it”

“Excuse you?”

“I said, I’ve been having a progressive dream with you, me and you ex in it. You know a dream that you go a little farther into it each time that you have it.”

“Yes, Alex, I know what a progressive dream is. So due tell; what is it about?”

“You know how your ex thinks that he has all this power and that he can do so many things. In the dream, you and I are together. We each wave a hand at the same time and open a portal. We step through the portal and end up right in front of your ex at his place. Then, in unison mind you, we say, “Now that is how magik is done”. He starts trying getting to get all bent out of shape and I cut him off. I don’t remember everything that I said, but I do remember…”Would you like for your soul to be ripped from your body? Would you like for your body to be here and be a worthless piece of…?” I wave my hand and the next thing he knows is that he is trapped in a mirror. There two other details about this though. First, he is naked and second, the area behind the mirror is freezing cold. We turn around and reopen the portal, but before we step through it, we both give him one last look.”

I burst out laughing! “Oh, now that sounds like something that we would do, provided of course that he did deserve it. Do you remember what he was trying to do?”

“No I don’t Rianon.”

“Well maybe it is time to reinforce the protections then.”

“Maybe work a clarity spell as well to see if you can find out more on what he is planning or trying.”

“Yeah Alex, that is a good Idea. I think that I will.”

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Thank you for reading “Future’s Past The Beginning. This has been a long time in coming, though not all that long of a time for the writing. This is a short book even by my standards, but the next one will hopefully be longer.

Watch for book two in the Future’s Past series, “Future’s Past and It Continues”, the continuing fictional story of our global society today. Find out what Rianon discovers when she works the clarity spell. Will Kalin rejoin the group? What is happening on the “Other Worlds” of existence? Learn how to make your own set of Runes, and maybe even discover their meanings, and as always, the continuing saga of our global society of today.

Blessings from the Keep.