Future's Guardian 02

Issue 02 2013


Following the events in Issue #1, Galatea Future learns that a special agent from the United Nations will be investigating the death of the hero-turned-villain “Foreclosure”. But he’s not the only one looking into the incident, as the self-described “traveler” Ronin Omega is also asking questions. How will this affect Galatea’s return to Millennium City as she starts working with other heroes? And speaking of other heroes, there’s one looking to make a statement. Find out who that hero is.

Transcript of Future's Guardian 02

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Issue 02 2013

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From another time and from another world, Galatea Future arrived in the world of the Champions to do the one thing she tried so desperately to avoid before… to live.

It’s not easy, though, when you’re over a thousand years old and suddenly you’re given a new life in more ways than one. Life is literally starting over again for her, and yet she is still doing what she does best: serving humanity as…

After being away for over a year, Galatea Future has returned to

Millennium City with a brand new look and a brand new civilian identity.

But her return has been marred by the mechanizations of a shadowy

organization that manipulated her to appear before she was ready,

and to take action that resulted in the death of a registered hero.

Although the police have cleared her of any wrongdoing, the

revelation that the villain was in fact a registered hero has moved

the case up to the highest authority on superhuman activity…

Future’s Guardian #02 is created using original characters in the Champions Online

Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. Copyright © 2013, Perfect World Entertainment, Inc.

This story is an independent not-for-profit derivative work of the Champions Online Game. All

original rights are reserved by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment Inc.. Cryptic

Studios is a trademark of Cryptic Studios, Inc. Perfect World Entertainment is a trademark of

Perfect World Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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Millennium City, Michigan, USA

Westside Area

My name is Cross.

MAJOR Xavier Cross of the United Nations Tribunal on International Law.

Right now I can either be your best friend or your worst enemy.

The choice Is up to you.

What’s going to happen is this:

I will ask you some questions and you will answer them.

Major Xavier Cross U.N.T.I.L. Senior Agent

If you answer truthfully, then I will be the best friend you will ever have in U.N.T.I.L., and that not only opens a lot of doors for you, but it also gets this whole matter wiped clean.

But if I find that you are lying to me…

… then I will be the WORST person that you will ever come to know in your entire life.

And, yes, I know that, for you, that is a LONG life!

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Millennium City

A day earlier…

Morning ‘Taya…

Is that maple syrup I smell?

I hope whatever it is, you saved some for…

Candace Sinclair Attorney-At-Law

… me.

Morning Can…

sorry to disappoint you on this…

… but I just finished putting my failed attempt at blueberry pancakes out of its misery.

I haven’t cooked anything in a few centuries, and I guess it shows.

Galatea Future Otherworld Guardian

Candace? You look flushed!

Are you okay?

Wow… I’m actually overwhelmed…

Not to mention a little jealous…

You really do live up to the name “Galatea”!


OH! Because I’m…

I’m sorry, I probably should have put a shirt on.

The penthouse of Athena Rose Fairmore

(a.k.a. Galatea Future)

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I finally got comfortable being in this huge condo all by myself, and you did say that the windows are all tinted so nobody would see me walking around in my underwear…

No, no, it’s okay!

Really! I mean, this is your home.

I… just haven’t seen you this… casual… before.

I mean, after we first met, you and I only talked through webcams and cellphones.

It’s a whole other thing to see you outside of your “hero” clothes.

Well, we’re not gods.

Well I’m not, as far as I know…

And we do put our pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else.

Okay, unless I’m hovering when I get dressed...

I get it! I get it.

Okay… whew! Anyway, back to business…

As soon as you called me yesterday, I’ve been on the phone with the U.N.T.I.L. offices.

(* Issue #1)


I mean, this whole thing with “Foreclosure” is just crazy!

He takes City Hall hostage and I’m the one being treated as the criminal for saving the day!*

I’ve handled enough cases against them to know that it’s nothing personal as far as they are concerned.

You should have been there with me after they pulled me out of Fort Lantern and they gave me their “We bomb at the crack of dawn, hell we’ll even bomb the crack of dawn” speech!*

You could’ve cut the testosterone there with a plastic knife.

(* In “The Lost Adventures of Galatea Future” #3, available through Battlerock Comics)

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They have all sorts of different divisions to handle different problems… including investigations involving superheroes.

Well, that’s their military, but that’s not the whole of U.N.T.I.L. and what they do.

In this case, though, they gave the investigation over to a rather hard-nosed senior agent named Cross.

I don’t even know what division he reports to… and I guess that sort of bothers me.

I’ve just about had enough of super-secret organizations.

Foreclosure claimed he worked for some un-named “group” that considers me a threat to the status quo… that ordered him to take people hostage just to lure me out in the open, and then to coax me to attack him just so he could die of slow poisoning.

And now you tell me that the investigator handling this is also from some super-secret group?

Look, I know it sounds a little crazy to have a secret organization dealing with another secret organization, but, come on… didn’t you have that in that other world you came from?

TOO many of them… all the way to the very end of time itself!

That’s why I know nothing good can come from them.

Says the thousand-year-old woman that has to lie about not being from two other universes.

Well, how about you put on your “Athena” clothes and wig and we go get some bagels and then map out our options with this Cross person?

Sounds good.

And I’ll treat, so you can’t count it as a billing expense.

I remember the last time you suggested we have a working breakfast.

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Just outside the Renaissance Center…

Hell of a view, isn’t it?

Yes. Yes it is.

It’s a very peaceful corner of the city.

You… wouldn’t happen to be a hero, would you?

Markman Gold “Agent to the Super-Legends”

Ronin Omega Cosmic traveler

Oh I’m just a humble traveler…

But you… you’re the famous Markman Gold, aren’t you?

Oh I wouldn’t call myself “Famous”… that’s something that I help my clients become.

But you… you ARE a hero, aren’t you?

I’m not important enough for someone like you.

I have a few questions for you… don’t worry, they’re pretty simple ones…

I pay my lawyers top dollar to make sure I don’t waste my time answering “simple questions” from police.

Oh, these aren’t the kinds of questions that involve lawyers…

For instance, when you stare out over the horizon like you just did, what’s the first thought in your mind?

If you’re with law enforcement then I’ll have to refer you to my attorneys.

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My first thought is how much money I’ll make today.

Now it’s my turn… how important is it for you to be recognized?

I’m really not concerned with it.

What color crayon would you first reach for?

Gold, of course!

Why are you asking me these questions?

I find I know a person more from asking about obscure things in their lives. They have no reason to lie about those little things.

For instance, did you ever have a pet when you were a child? A dog or a cat?

Yes, I had a dog named Rami.

How about money? I find it hard to believe you could be a traveler and not have need for money.

See, I just caught you in a lie. You never had a dog in India.

Thank you, Mister Gold. You just answered all of my questions.

Have a good day, Mister Gold.

Wait… that’s it?

What the hell was that all about?

They know enough to be able to find what they need from their surroundings.

Oh, and to answer your question, a true traveler doesn’t have to worry about money.

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Incoming Communication.

This is Galatea Future responding to page.

Ms. Future, your assistance is requested.

Later that day… Downtown

I am rotiart.

I am in the City Center area just north of the Renaissance Center entryway.

Who is requesting this assistance?

Turf war between the New Purple Gang and VIPER.

It could go city-wide if we don’t stop it here.

I’m told you’re the best at this. I hope I wasn’t misinformed.

What sort of trouble are you facing?

I’ve tangled with VIPER before; they could be a problem.

Okay, I’m on my way to your location.

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City Center - Minutes later…

You’re late.

And this is not Japan.

What do we have?

VIPER has a staging area in the alleyway.

Their plan is to hit the New Purple Gang here, then sweep right into the gang’s HQ in Westside.

Sounds a little weak.

They’d need a bigger space to carry out that kind of plan.

Even with the superior firepower, they’d still be badly outnumbered.

I didn’t bring you in for tactical advice.

We have a specific job to do, Ms. Future.

Mine is to find the staging area… yours is to break it up.

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It’s Galatea Future!

That’s it?


Rush her!

Don’t let her pick us off!

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What’s wrong?

Why did you stop?

You know, I normally don’t mind kicking bad guys…

I’ve kicked enough VIPER butts to know the difference between a staging area and a surveillance position, and these guys were only tracking the New Purple Gang, not getting ready to take them over.

But there’s a difference between kicking bad guys and kicking bad guys for no real reason.

I TOLD you that your job is to break up--

--Except there’s no “staging area” for me to break up!

I couldn’t help but also notice that you stayed behind when the fighting started.

My specialty is infiltration and surveillance, not in combat.

And don’t try to tell me that thing on your wrist is a cloaking device!

This guy had one on and I could see it in use!

By standing out here in the middle of the street?

By meeting me out in the middle of the street?

In costume, no less?

Okay, okay, fine, let’s take this away from the alleyway…

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Now… start talking.

About what?

How about who you really are? And don’t tell me that it’s “Rotiart”.

I don’t know what you are talking about.

Searching for possible spelling derivation.

Stand by…

No files exist for registered hero “ROTIART” or possible spelling derivation.

Really? Then watch this…

SOCRATES: Requesting full disclosure on registered hero “Rotiart”.


And expand to include spelling derivations.

Stand by…

Stand by…

No files exist for registered hero “R-O-T-I-A-R-T”.

Which part of the words “infiltration” and “Surveillance” did you not understand?

Switch to Plan B!

that same ultrasonic frequency that I picked up when I encountered Foreclosure two days ago!

And THAT is what I’ve been waiting for…

Normally I filter out such frequencies, especially here in the city.

But that doesn’t mean that I can’t hear them.

Especially when someone is using them to communicate.

I made the mistake of not paying attention to the messages getting to Foreclosure and allowed myself to get sucked into your boss’s game.

Not this time!

You’re going to tell me what he couldn’t about your mutual employer… and then we’re going to U.N.T.I.L. so you can tell them the same thing.

Do not delay! Switch to Plan B now!

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I will tell you this: I did know Foreclosure…

He was my friend, and you killed him!

And I’m going to make you suffer for that!

Ultra-high frequency.

That’s my real specialty.

Pinpoint-precision sound.


They still have a plan for you… something they were willing to have my friend die at your hands to fulfill.

And you’re going to do what they say… and then I’m going to have my revenge.

And you won’t see it coming.

I can shatter a diamond inside a china shop and not crack a single vase.

Right now I’m focusing on turning your brain into liquid.

But don’t worry; you won’t die. They won’t let me make it that easy on you.

*NN* I-if… you… think you can get to me like this… you’re wrong…

And… so… are they…

You can’t.. Ssssstop mmme… like… thththisss.

i-it’ssss beennnn tried… bbbbbeforrrrre…


Stand by for teleport.

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I said STOP!

I’ll destroy your brain! I mean it!

You… ccan’tt…

Yyyou’re underrrr orderrsss.

Disengage now!

That is an order!

All right… all right…


I’ve stopped.

But I’m not done with you, Ms. Future.

Not by a long-shot!

When you and I meet again, I won’t be hiding.

Stop now or we will stop you!

Extraction now.

And the next time we meet…

will be your last day alive!

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U.N.T.I.L. Headquarters

“Now that you’re here, I have a few questions for you…”

You can start by telling me why you’re getting into my investigation.

Well if you check your records, you’ll see that I have U.N.T.I.L. clearance.

And you have a file that has more redaction marks than the Kennedy assassination!

Yeah… funny thing that… there’s no record of who issued that clearance.

Maybe you haven’t gotten the memo… but the one thing I hate is a mystery player.

You may have U.N.T.I.L. clearance, but that doesn’t mean that you can just interject yourself into any case that you see fit.

Especially when that case is one that I am currently working on!

Right now all I can say is that you and I have the same ultimate goal: to get to the bottom of what is going on with Galatea Future.

I’m willing to share what I have if you’re willing to let me work with you on this.

I understand why you would be suspicious of someone like me.

I would probably feel just as upset about it if the roles were reversed, Major.

But if you want to get technical, I was working this before the City Hall incident, so this is actually my investigation.

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Fine. Let’s see what you have. Okay… just

give me a minute or two here.

I managed to figure out the password to Markman Gold’s database for his agency.

You mean to tell me that you broke into the Gold Standard Agency’s database?

I was able to correctly guess his password using a series of simple questions based on his life. Then I elicited two true responses and one provoked lie from him.

It’s a little easier than using codebreaker programs.

Legally I can’t use any of this stuff.

Unless we were going after Doctor Destroyer, right?

Or are you going to tell me that Security Council Resolution 996 was just theoretical?.

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Fair enough.

So what is it you’re sharing?

Well I first thought to search for “Foreclosure”.

But that was a dead-end.

So I looked for “Gang-Breaker”, his original hero name.

And THAT is what I discovered…

“Dismissed”? What does that mean?

Well for starters it means that he WAS a so-called “Client” of Markman Gold.

Was, but apparently not anymore.

Exactly. And his wasn’t the only entry with that status. There were several others like that…

And it’s apparently different from the clients that are disciplined, or are able to break away from the Agency.

This is Major Cross. I need a secure line to Director Jones on Monster Island.

Tell him it’s regarding Mycroft.

So now we know Gold is using the agency as a recruitment center for someone or some group.

And I think I may have an idea who that could be.

Ronin Omega, as of right now, you’re working with me on this matter.

Continue to pursue the investigation on your end, and report back to me on anything you find.

But leave talking with Galatea Future to me.

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Galatea? I’m here.

I heard what happened.

Are you okay?

And I can’t take anything to combat it.

But at least I put a shirt on before you got here!

Yeah… I just have a killer migraine from the encounter.

That’s not what bothers me right now.

What did that guy do to you? I thought you were invulnerable!

I don’t advertise it, but I can be hurt.

I can see and hear beyond the normal spectrum. I normally have to filter it out, but when I encountered Mister “Rotiart”, I began hearing that ultra-sonic signal like I did with Foreclosure.

Thankfully he wasn’t the first one to try that on me, so I knew what to do. But it still wrecks havoc on me.

Doctor Silverback said there’s no lasting damage, but it was still hard for me to concentrate to fly home.

But being able to hear those sounds also makes me vulnerable to them.

“Rotiart” was able to use that to try to liquefy my brain through those sounds.

There was no way for you to know that it was a trap.

Did I?

Before I showed up to meet him, I used my communicator to tie into the Socrates Network to look up his name.

That’s how I knew he wasn’t who he claimed to be.

“Rotiart”… backwards for “Traitor”.

And I still walked right into the trap, knowing that it was waiting for me.

Early Evening

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That just means you’re getting your head back in the game.

You knew something was off, so you knew enough to be aware that it was a trap.

‘Taya, how long has it been since you’ve taken on a real arch-villain?

When HAVEN’T I taken on an arch-villain?

There’s Alor, Libra, Lady Tesseract, the Fifth Lord Incarnation of Chuluthu…

You know… someone more on your level now… not a god or demi-god.

I was thinking of an Arch-villain like…Doctor Destroyer…

or like “King Spider” in your book series.

I guess I never really thought of it like that.

It’s been a really long time since I’ve taken on someone who wasn’t a god or a demi-god or saw themselves as one.

Well congratulations, you’ve apparently picked up an arch-villain that isn’t a god or demi-god.

You think you can handle anything because you’re still thinking that all of this is still not on your level.

Maybe that’s why whomever is behind “Foreclosure” and “Rotiart” are able to get to you like this.

Don’t take this the wrong way, ‘Taya… but earlier today you were telling me that you’re not a god.

But maybe part of the problem is that even though you’re not as powerful as you once were in that other universe, you still think of yourself as being in the same league as gods and demi-gods.

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Are you sure that you don’t have any superpowers, Can?

You know, super-philosophy? Super-mentor… -ism?


I wish! It would certainly bring more money into my law practice.

Well I guess if I’m going to think of myself in league with everyone else I’ll need some friends in high places.

Call up U.N.T.I.L. and arrange an interview with their agent.

Oh, and one more favor... Yes?


The sooner we get this whole mess with “Foreclosure” out of the way, the better for us both!

Could you get our dinner from the concierge desk?

I ordered Szechuan dinner for two and I left my “Athena” wig upstairs.

Money’s on the counter.

I take that back, you’re thinking more “mortal” already…

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Westside - Little Italy Section


They think they’re so tough because they’re willing to hurt the weak.

No… please… I really need this job…

Parasites that dress up in suits and ties and pretend to be “Dignified”.

I know what it’s like for them; trying to work for a living while waiting for “That moment”.

And then parasites like the New Purple Gang come along and they take what little these people need to survive.

How many women do they prey on?

How many dreams are they allowed to crush just because they can?

Not tonight.

Tonight they will not make their quota of misery!

Tonight the predators become the prey.

Tonight I take away their means of making a living off the weak.

What th..?

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Starlett Sword-wielding Vigilante

Oh! Ohmygod!

Thank you! Thank you so much!

Just doing what I can… just like you.

Be sure to tell the police what happened so these b@stards don’t come back when they get out of the hospital.

No, they’re not dead.

But they will have some permanent reminders of their crimes, thanks to my electro-blade.

This is just a drop in the bucket of the crime in this part of millennium City…

But it’s still a start.

And hopefully it'll get the attention of the right people.

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Back at the Warehouse…

Present time

“So do we have an understanding, Ms. Future?”


Did you know the man that called himself “Foreclosure” before the City Hall incident?

No. I only went on the information that the Millennium City police had available at the time.

Were you aware of any objects implanted in his body, such as the poison vials that killed him?

No, but I did pick up an ultra-sonic signal that I did not recognize as a form of communication until after the incident.

So he was getting directions from elsewhere.

He even admitted to it, but he wouldn’t say who.

He just said it was a group that considers me to be a threat to their status quo.

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Do you know of any group that would consider you to be a threat to them?

The only big groups that I know that I’ve pissed off during my time here are VIPER…

And U.N.T.I.L.

If you had known that Foreclosure had something implanted in him… is there anything that you would have done differently?

It seemed to me that he was determined to have that kind of outcome occur, no matter what I did or did not do.

I’m not a god, as a good friend recently reminded me, so I can’t really say if there was anything that I could’ve done differently.

I honestly don’t know.


Thank you.

That’s precisely the kind of answer I was looking for, Ms. Future.

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You… were?

I may have some other questions for you later on, but for right now I’m satisfied with what I’ve heard.

Foreclosure’s death will be deemed a “Suicide-by-Cape”. It’s not a hero-glamorous outcome, but it does clear you of any blame in his death since he manipulated you to his own end.

What about the group he worked for? They did send another operative against me yesterday to “reinforce the message”.

I suppose it would be pointless for me to say “let me handle it”.

I don’t see you as the kind of hero that just hands these things off to others.

So how about this: you keep me in the loop on any more “messages”, and I’ll do the same on my end.

Deal? I suppose I don’t have a choice, do I?

Okay. Deal.

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The Gold Standard Agency

You should have warned me that you were going to initiate a second encounter.

I would have--

--You would have done nothing.

Just like you have not yet capitalized on the sacrifice of Foreclosure.

I wasn’t given enough time to do that.

He wasn’t even dead a week and you sent in the second man.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

VARTECH does not operate on your schedule, Mister Gold.

You operate on OURS.

And your deadline is closing fast.

The next time we make contact, I expect to hear that you have approached Galatea Future and made your offer of assistance.

You are supposed to have all of the resources at your disposal. It is high time that you use them.

Acknowledge with just one word if you understand.


Now do it.

… Yes.


This is Markman gold.

Begin the campaign.

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I have my doubts about this, Major.

I understand, Director, but I don’t think we’ll have a better opportunity to get the ball rolling on this.

You remember the last time U.N.T.I.L. tried to expose this organization.

It cost us a good man and it almost cost our charter.

I’m not a fan of multi-staged projects, Major.

Too many variables and conditions. Resource allocations are a dreadful mess…

And I would normally be for the direct approach, but we really don’t have an alternative here.

You know how entrenched they are in government, especially here in the United States.

The two-stage approach is the only way to get the assets together without them realizing why they’re being assembled until we’re ready to take it to the next level.

Very well…

As of now, Project Mycroft is a go.

Identify the assets you’ll need and keep me updated on the progress.

Good luck.

Thank you Director.

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I’m Gloria Root just outside the Tailor shops of the Renaissance Center with some breaking news in the world of heroes and fashion!

Famed fashion designer Emilio Von Frere has issued an extremely rare series of criticisms regarding superhero designs of late.

Tailors here often treat Von Frere’s criticisms as one would a statement from the Vatican.

His first criticism concerned a relatively recent fashion trend here in Millennium city dubbed “Paragon Chic”, which often involves roman-style garb with patriotic symbols.

“Heroes in Millennium City do not need to look like they’re Romans trying to conquer some obscure New England community.” “We need to look ahead, not behind, and our heroes need to do the same.” “Leave words like ‘Incarnate’ and ‘Praetor’ in the history books where they belong.”

But it is his second criticism that has the hero fashion world stunned...

because for the first time in decades, Emilio Von Frere focused his criticism not on a fashion trend, but on a specific hero.

According to his statement, quote:

“Galatea Future’s new outfit is a horrendous jumble of wrong messages. From her two-toned hair down to her red boots, her new look emphasizes all the wrong things and hides the right ones. It’s clearly the work of an amateur desperately trying cover up the things she hates about herself.”

No word yet on Galatea Future’s response, but designers here say they are ready to help her improve her look when she’s ready.


Next Issue:

You Can’t beat Vox Populii!

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Of Gods, Heroes, And HumilityOf Gods, Heroes, And HumilityOf Gods, Heroes, And HumilityOf Gods, Heroes, And Humility It was William Shakespeare that once penned “Oh it is excellent to have a giant’s strength, but it is

tyrannous to use it as a giant.”

One of the things about certain mainstream comic heroes that appeal to the readers is not just their

superhuman abilities, but their humility.

A certain iconic hero could bend steel, have bullets bounce off his chest, fly faster than the speed of

light, move the planet itself, hear the cries of help thousands of miles away, change history by flying

at super-speeds around the world, erase memories with just a kiss, and yet still be humble and

compassionate. He stops bank robbers right after fishing kittens out of trees, stops world conquerors

right after finding a child’s lost puppy, and never accepts anything more than a “thank you” for all of

his hard work and sacrifice.

And he doesn’t complain about it, does he? Not a word. He doesn’t talk about how he hears people

crying for help all the time. He doesn’t talk about the lives that were lost because he was distracted

with some other crisis.

This is what makes our “iconic hero” so “iconic”. We see him as having the powers of a god, and yet

he doesn’t abuse those powers. He uses them in the ways that we would ideally expect someone to

use them.

With Galatea Future, we have sort of the opposite problem.

Here’s a woman with centuries of experience fighting evil and injustice. Not only does she possess

superpowers, but she became more and more powerful until she eventually became strong enough to

literally go toe-to-toe with gods.

And then she finds herself in the world of Champions Online deprived of many of those powers she

got used to wielding, and having to start fresh with the most basic of her abilities.

Sure she can physically adapt to the change. But what about mentally?

When we get older, one of the hardest things that we have to accept is the reality that we can’t do the

things we used to do when we were younger. We can’t run as fast or as far as we used to. We can’t

see or hear as well as we used to. We have to put in extra effort to keep in shape or keep our hair the

same color. But mentally we still think that we can carry on like we were in our prime.

It’s hard for us sometime to mentally accept that we’re not the same as we used to be.

Now picture that kind of dilemma with a superhuman like Galatea Future. Someone who physically

took on gods and demons and now has to mentally adjust to the new reality that she’s just not that

powerful anymore.

We all joke about wanting to have super-powers and what we would do if we had them. And what

would we really do with those powers? We’d use them for our own sake,

Words of wisdom from writer and creator David 2.

Continues on next page...

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of course!

We’d use super-strength to bully the guy that used to intimidate us, or to toss the SUV that’s

hogging two parking spaces. We’d use X-Ray vision to peek into the dressing rooms and peek at

our birthday presents and see if that receptionist really IS a natural blond. We’d fly around just

because it’s easier than driving and we wouldn’t have to worry about parking or insurance.

Ironic, isn’t it? We’d abuse those powers because we’re human. And yet it’s the humbleness and

humility that we don’t demonstrate ourselves that make someone else into a hero when put in the

same situation.

Something to think about.

Continued from previous page...

What is “Project Mycroft”, and how does it affect Galatea


What is this new “campaign” being waged against her by

Markman Gold? Galatea finds out the hard way when she goes

up against “Vox Populii”.

Plus, what is Starlett up to? Who’s “attention” is she trying to

attract? And will she succeed?

Find out in the next issue!

And now something new…

You may have noticed that our logo has been altered just a bit.

Well you can thank a fellow City of Comic Creators member by the name of Mark McCreadie, who was

surprised to find that I was continuing with my comics after the demise of “The City”. He enjoyed what I

was doing but said that the logos were just a bit off, so he came up with some suggestions.

I couldn’t find fault with his comment about the logo, especially since the material I was working with

when coming up with the series was rather small. You can always make a big image smaller, but you

can’t do the reverse without it looking like junk. So using his suggestions as inspiration, I came up with

the new logo that you see starting with this issue.

If you want to see his suggested images, you can visit the official Battlerock Comics website and check

the blog posts to see how his ideas inspired the finished product.

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